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Introduction to ASP.

NET Core : Getting Started Exp Time(hrs) 2 Total Hrs

.NET Core History
.NET vs. .NET Framework
.NET Standard Library
Action Results
Communication among Model, View and Controller

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 5 1.5

Evolution of ASP.NET Core
What is ASP.NET Core?
ASP.NET Core 5 Architecture
ASP.NET Core Application Anatomy
ASP.NET Core Application Bootstrapping
ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core Request Processing
Routing in ASP.NET Core5

ASP.NET Core Fundamentals 2

Razor View Engine
Razor Syntax
Routing - Convention Routing and Attribute Routing
Html Helpers
Tag Helpers
ViewData, ViewBag, Session, QueryString and Cookies

ASP.NET Core Forms and Validation 2.5

ASP.NET Core Forms
Weakly Typed and Strongly Typed Forms
Model Binding
Handling Forms Post
Forms Validations - Server Side and Client Side
Custom Validations

Working with Data Using Entity Framework Core 1.5

Introduction to ORM
Introduction to EF Core
EF Core Data Modeling
Creating Entities and Database
EF Core Migrations
Performing CRUD Operations

ASP.NET Core Advanced Concepts 3

Built-In Middleware and Custom Middleware
ASP.NET Core Pipeline
ASP.NET Core Filters
Creating Custom Filters
Dependency Injection (DI)
Implementing DI in ASP.NET Core
Built-In Container Service
ASP.NET Core Environments
Exceptions Handling and Logging

Building Modern Web API with ASP.NET Core 1.5

REST Architecture
Http Methods
Web API2 vs. ASP.NET Core Web API
Creating ASP.NET Core Web API
Web API CRUD Operations
Introduction to Angular Exp Time(hrs) 2.5
Introduction to Angular
Angular History
Angular1.x vs. Angular2+
Development Tools
Angular CLI
Creating Project for Angular v5, v6, v9
Angular App structure
Angular with Visual Studio
Angular Building Blocks

Angular Fundamentals 3
Data Binding
Custom Directives
Custom Pipes
Router Links and Route Parameters
Nested Routes and Lazy Loading

Angular Components 2.5

Angular Components
Components Inheritance
Nested Components
Component Lifecycle Hooks
Content Projection
Shadow DOM
View Encapsulation

Angular Forms and Validation 2

Introduction to Angular Forms
Forms and Form Controls State
Template Driven Form
Model Driven (Reactive) Form
Angular Form Validations
Template Driven vs React Form
Custom Form Validations

Angular Advanced Concepts 1.5

Introduction to ReactiveX
Understanding Angular2 Services
Introduction to Zone.js
Observable and Observer
Observable Operators
Observable vs. Promises
Dependency Injection
Change Detection Strategies

Angular Unit Testing 2

Tools and Technologies
Writing First Test Case
Isolated Testing
Integration Testing
Code Coverage

Angular App Optimization Techniques 1

Introduction to App Optimization
Looking into Bundle
Lazy Loading
Removing Shared Module
Specifying Budgets

Angular NgRx: Getting Started 2

Introduction to NgRx
When to use NgRx
NgRx Packages
NgRx Store, Reducer and Selectors
NgRx Effects
NgRx DevTools
Total Hrs 16.5
Introduction to Microservices Architecture Exp Time(hrs) 1
Introduction to Microservices
Microservices Principles
Monolithic vs. SOA vs. Microservices
Characteristics of Microservices Architecture
When to use Microservices Architecture
Advantages of Microservices
Challenges of Microservices
Microservices Development Tools/Frameworks
API Management: API Gateways

Building Microservices With ASP.NET Core 2

Monolithic App to Microservices
Microservices API Gateways for .NET
Need of API Gateway
Setting Up Development Environment
Building A Simple Microservice
Introduction to Ocelot API Gateway
Integrating Ocelot API Gateway
Testing Microservice Using Postman

Microservices: Communication Patterns 1.5

Communication Patterns
Synchronous Pattern
Asynchronous Patterns
Message Brokers: Rabbit MQ

Microservices: Database Patterns 2

Introduction to Database Patterns
CQRS Pattern: Command Service
CQRS Pattern: Query Service
Understanding Saga Pattern
Types of Saga Pattern
Implementing Saga Pattern Using MassTransit

Microservices: Deployment Patterns and AKS 1.5

Deployment Patterns
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Accessing AKS Cluster
AKS Deployment Using CLI
Accessing AKS Application
Twelve Factor App

Microservices: Cross-Cutting Concern and Observality Patterns 2

Cross Cutting Concern Patterns
Externalized Configuration
Service Discovery
Circuit Breaker Pattern
Observability Patterns
Microservices Logging, Tracing and Monitoring
Total Hrs 10
SOLID : Software Design Principles Exp Time(hrs) 2 Total Hrs 11
Software Design Principles
SOLID Principles
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
Open Closed Principle (OCP)
Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

Creational Design Patterns 3

What is Gang of Design Pattern?
Creational Design Patterns
Singleton Pattern
Prototype Pattern
Factory Method Pattern
Abstract Factory pattern
Builder Pattern

Structural Design Patterns 3

Adapter Design pattern
Bridge Design pattern
Composite Design pattern
Facade Design pattern
Flyweight Design pattern
Proxy Design pattern
Decorator Design pattern

Behavioural Design Patterns 3

Behavioural Design Patterns
Chain of Responsibility
Template Method
Introduction to Microsoft Azure : Getting Started Exp Time(hrs) 1.5
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud Computing Offerings
Azure Platform and History
Azure Services
Configuring Visual Studio
Azure Global Infrastructure
Resource Group

Creating and Managing Virtual Machines 2.5

Virtual Machines Architecture
Creating Virtual Machines
Deploying Code on VM
Scaling Virtual Machines
Fault Domain and Update Domain
Creating Highly Available VM

Implementing and Managing Azure Storage 2

Storage Account and Services
Creating a Storage Account
Creating and Managing Blobs
Hosting Static Website
Creating and Managing Table Storage
Creating and Managing Queue Storage
Azure CDN

Understanding and Managing Azure SQL Database 2

Introduction to Azure SQL Database
Database Deployment Models
Azure SQL Database Server
Creating and Managing Single Database
Purchasing Models: DTU and vCore
Azure SQL Database Tools
Database Migration Using DMA
Creating and Managing Elastic Pool
Creating Managed Instance

Creating and Managing Azure Web App 2.5

Introduction to App Services
App Services Plans and Pricing
Introduction to Web App
Creating a Web App
Code Deployment Using Visual Studio
Code Deployment Using FTP
App Service Editors
Deployment Slots
App Service Scaling
App Service Plans
Application Settings
Custom Domain

Understanding and Managing Azure CosmosDB 3

Introduction to Cosmos DB
Understanding Cosmos DB Database Engine
Resource Model and API Projection
Cosmos DB Partitioning
Cosmos DB vs. Other Databases
Document DB
Cosmos DB Consistency Level
Database Scaling
Document DB SQL Queries
Creating Procedure and Functions

Serverless Computing with Azure Functions 2

Introduction to Serverless Architecture
Traditional Hosting vs. Serverless Hosting
Functional Programming
Azure Functions
Uses of Azure Functions
Azure Function Plans and Pricing
Azure Function Triggers and Bindings
Creating and Deploying Azure Functions
Durable Function

Understanding & Managing Azure Active Directory 2

Introduction to Azure AD
Azure AD Tiers
Windows Server AD vs. Azure AD
Authentication Using Azure AD
Authentication Scenarios
Introduction to Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph API For Azure AD
Azure Ad Reports

Building CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps and Web App 2

Introduction to Azure Pipeline
Understanding CI/CD
Steps to configure Azure Pipeline
Azure Pipeline Structure
Creating and Configure DevOps Project
Creating Build Pipeline
Enable Continuous Integration
Building Release Pipeline
Total Hrs 19.5

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