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GED10 Task List

The goal of

2 Theory. The discussions will center on the

applications and the theoretical treatment of the
subject is deliberately evaded. Those who may be
interested to know more about the topics may read

the reference materials given in the textbook.

The topics are grouped into three lessons: Graph

Modelling, Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs and
their applications to Weighted Graphs, and Graph

matics Coloring.

Keep track of your progress in this lesson by

in the
checking the number corresponding to each task.

FIRST QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10

_____ 1. Watch the introductory video (Module 3 Topic 3 Introduction)

_____ 2. Watch the YouTube videoclip about Konigsberg Problem.

_____ 3. Read/Watch Module 3 Topic 3 Lesson 1 Modelling with Graphs

_____ 4. Work out HW 10 Items #1.

_____ 5. Read/Watch Module 3 Topic 3 Lesson 2 Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs

and Weighted Graphs.

_____ 6. Work out HW 10 Items #2 and #3.

_____ 7. Read/Watch Module 3 Topic 3 Lesson 3 Graph Coloring and Applications

_____ 8. Work out HW 10 Items #4 and #5.

_____ 9. Submit HW 10.

_____ 10. Submit WGN 10.

Lesson 1. Modelling with Graphs


A. Give a brief definition of the following:

1. Graph

2. Degree of a vertex
FIRST QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10

3. Isomorphic graphs

B. Give 4 types of graphs and give a brief description (you may describe in
words or just draw a sample graph).

HW 10 Item #1 (No. 4, pp. 194-195, MMW Textbook)

Lesson 2. Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs, Weighted Graphs


A. Define the following:

1. Walk

2. Path, Trail

3. Cycle, Circuit
FIRST QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10

B. What is Eulerian Graph?

C. What is Hamiltonian Graph?

D. Describe how to solve the Konigsberg Problem.

HW 10 Items #2 and #3 (No. 2, p. 204, No. 3, p. 216)

Lesson 3. Graph Coloring


A. Give a summary of the Greedy Algorithm.

FIRST QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10

B. Give a summary of the Edge-Picking Algorithm.

C. What is a graph coloring, and how is it applied?

Answer HW 10 Items #4 and #5 (No. 1, p. 225, No. 3, p.226)

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