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Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings

While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the chat window and type one of following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
1000 gold robin hood
1000 wood lumberjack
1000 stone rock on
1000 food cheese steak jimmy's
Instant victory i r winner
Instant loss resign
Fast building aegis
Full map marco
Kill indicated opponent torpedo[number]
Kill all opponents black death
No shadows polo
Control animals natural wonders
VDML i love the monkey head
Cobra car how do you turn this on
Saboteur to smithereens
Commit suicide wimpywimpywimpy
 Cheat Codes (alternate)
While playing the game, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
Fast construction [Ctrl] + Q
Build immutable structure [Ctrl] + P
Alternate resource menu [Ctrl] + T
View ending sequence [Ctrl] + C
 Cheat Codes (command line)
Start the game with one of the following command line parameters to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Command Line Parameter
800 x 600 screen resolution 800
1024 x 768 screen resolution 1024
1280 x 1024 screen resolution 1280
Auto save game autompsave
Standard mouse pointer NormalMouse
Fix display problems with some video cards Mfill
Fix SoundBlaster AWE freezes Msync
Disable all terrain sounds NoTerrainSound
Disable all music NoMusic
Disable all sounds except during FMV sequences NoSound
No pre-game FMV sequences NoStartup
 Cheat Codes (Japanese version)
While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the chat window and type one of following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
1000 gold coinage
1000 wood woodstock
1000 stone quarry
1000 food pepperoni pizza
Instant building steroids
Full map reveal map
Control animals gaia
No fog of war no fog


 Cheats for Age Of Empires
Press the ENTER key during game and type in the following codes:
Effect Code


Effect Code

1000 gold COINAGE

1000 stone quarry

1000 wood woodstock

a trooper from the future with a lazer instead of a Nuke. Photon Man

absolutely awesome laser soldier appears at your town center! E=MC2 TROOPER

Accelerates your Chariot Archers upsidflintmobile

All enemy units die. DIEDIEDIE

automatic win home run

Big Car like BIG MOMMA, only with inverted colors BIGDADDY

buildings and units are created instantly steroids

fires half-dressed villagers from catapults JACKBENIMBLE

Gives you control over nature (but lose control over your own civilization) gaia

Gives you the same thing as the "pow" cheat, only the baby is much stronger. POWER UNLIMITED

Kill player x. KILLX

Priests are much faster and much stronger HOYOHOYO

Removes fog of war NO FOG

reveals the map Reveal map

St. Francis unit that resembles priest, but can call lightning when close enough to opponent convert this!

strengthens all your catapults BIG BERTHA

Summons a baby on a tricycle with a musket pow

Summons a robot stormbilly

transforms villagers into medusas medusa

Turn gazelles, lions, elephants, and alligators into animal kings grantlinkspence

Turns a Bowman into a Composite Bowman which turns into a tree when not moving dark rain

Turns all birds to dragons King Arthur

Turns Horse Archers into Black Riders black rider

Upgrade your Catapult Tiremes/Juggernauts into Flying Dutchmen which can go on land flying dutchman

white sports car with rocket launcher BIG MOMMA

You lose the game hari kari

you resign resign

Your ballista and helepolis get 99 range icbm

Your catapults throw villagers, cows, etc. jack be nimble


Cheat mode
Press [Enter] during game play then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
1000 food cheese steak jimmy's
1000 gold robin hood
1000 stone rock on
1000 wood lumberjack
Cobra car how do you turn this on
Control nature natural wonders
Destroy all opponents black death
Fast building1 aegis
Flying dogs woof woof
Full map marco
Instant loss resign
Instant victory i r winner
Kill Opponent 1 torpedo1
Kill Opponent 2 torpedo2
Kill Opponent 3 torpedo3
Kill Opponent 4 torpedo4
Kill Opponent 5 torpedo5
Kill Opponent 6 torpedo6
Kill Opponent 7 torpedo7
Kill Opponent 8 torpedo8
No fog of war polo
Saboteur unit to smithereens
Suicide wimpywimpywimpy
Tall, fast moving, useless villager i love the monkey head
Furoius The Monkey Boy appears at original town
furious the monkey boy
It has 9 HP, 99 attack, 99 pierce armor,
and kills anything (including buildings) in three hits

1. This will also affect your opponents.


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