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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Changing, is a constant thing that we are all experiencing nowadays. In

the field of agriculture, changes is evident new technologies were developed, one

of which is the production of organic fertilizer through the utilization of farm

waste. Straw mushroom forms like an umbrella; its production continues for a

period of 2-3 weeks, when the production stops, the straw can be composted to

form manure. This is very good in taste and valued for its excellent aroma. The

Straw Mushroom have more benefits like Magnesium, Potassium, and

phosphorous. There were also abundance of cheap substrates from agro wastes

and high demand, which will be profitable to the mushroom growers. Straw

mushrooms were also good source of macronutrients that promote plant growth.

There are different types of mushrooms created by different forms, sizes,

appearances and different purposes. Other mushrooms can be poisonous like

Angel Wing, fly agaric, Deadly Dapperling, Podostroma Cornu-damae.


There are mushroom growers in Sultan Kudarat particularly in Isulan,

Sultan Kudarat because there is plantation of oil palm wherein empty fruit bunch

could be used as mushroom substrates after harvesting.

During marketing, there are unsold mushroom which could not be

marketed the following day because it is perishable.

This unsold mushroom will be tried if it has fertilizer affect to eggplant,

hence this study.

Objectives of the study

The general objective of the study is to determine the effect of spoiled

mushroom concoction as liquid fertilizer to eggplant.

Specifically, it aim to:

1. determine the yield performance of eggplant in terms of length of fruits,

number of branches, number of fruits and weight of fruits; and

2. determine the economics of eggplant production applied with spoiled

mushroom concoction as liquid fertilizer.

Significance of the Study

This research study developed the spoiled straw mushroom as liquid

fertilizer to determine the growth performance of eggplant and this study aims to

develop an alternative liquid fertilizer to improve the production of eggplant.

Scope and limitation of the Study

The study was limited only on the spoiled straw mushroom concoction as

a liquid fertilizer to eggplant in different level and time of concoction.

Time and Place of the Study

The study was conducted at Barangay Poblacion, Bagumbayan, Sultan

Kudarat from December 2019 to March 2020 with the duration of 120 days.

Definition of Terms

The terms below are defined to clearly clarify the manner they are referred

to and used as operational terms in the discussion of the data.

Mushroom is a fungal growth that typically takes the form of a domed cap on

stalk often with gills on the underside of the cap.

Concoction is a mixture of various ingredients or elements.

Eggplant is the large egg- shaped fruit of an old world plant eaten as a

vegetable. Its skin is typically dark purple, but the skin of certain cultivated

varieties is white or yellow.

Phosphorous is the second most likely nutrient to be deficient in the soil for

good corn yields.

Magnesium is a chemical element represented in combination with other

elements and plays a biological role in the humans and plants. For plants,

magnesium is a micronutrient that is required by plants to produced


Potassium is an essential plant nutrient and is required in large amounts for

proper growth and reproduction of plants. Is considered second only to

nitrogen, when it comes to nutrients needed by plants, and is commonly

considered as the quality nutrients.

Organic Fertilizer a fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter.

Chapter II

This chapter discusses the review of related literature and information

which is relevance to support the study entitled “Spoiled straw mushroom

concoction as a liquid fertilizer to eggplant applied at different level and time of


Eggplant (Solanum melongena), also known as aubergine or brinjal, is a

cultivated crop with a mysterious but well-documented past. Eggplant is a

member of the Solanaceae family, which includes its American

cousin’s potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers).

But unlike the American Solanaceae domesticates, eggplant is believed to

have been domesticated in the Old World, likely India, China, Thailand, Burma or

someplace else in southeast Asia. Today there are approximately 15-20 different

varieties of eggplant. Two new UPLB eggplant F1 hybrids, 'Sikat' (NSIC 2015 Eg

05H) and 'Sulit' (NSIC 2015 Eg06H) were developed and approved for national

commercial cultivation by the Bureau of Plant Industry-National Seed Industry

Council (NSIC) in 2015. The eggplant F1 hybrids were evaluated in 15 field trials

across 6 sites in the Philippines under the National Cooperative Testing for

Vegetable during CY 2011-2014. 'Sikat' and 'Sulit' demonstrated significantly

higher than or comparable yield potential (total and marketable yield) with the

commercial hybrid check in 14/15 trials for at least one cropping season.

Marketable yield advantage of 'Sikat' and 'Sulit' over the check variety ranged

from 32.35-133.05% and 7.47-55.99%, respectively. Morphologically, 'Sikat' has

erect to prostate growth habit and plant height at initial harvest of 46-96 cm.

Fruits are medium size in length (15-22 cm), 3.32-4.37 cm in diameter, purple

and cylindrical with rounded apex. 'Sulit' has comparable plant height (43-92 cm)

and growth habit to 'Sikat'. Fruits of 'Sulit' are longer (19-28 cm) than 'Sikat',

2.96-3.90 cm in diameter, purple and cylindrical with protruded fruit apex. Both

hybrids were observed to have comparable field reactions to natural infestation of

eggplant arthropod pests and field infection by bacterial wilt and fruit rot.


The mushroom industry in the Philippines has exacerbated since 1995,

and the lowest production volume was 355 metric tons (MT) in 2009. Most of the

mushrooms consumed were imported from the different

Countries of South East Asia like China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia,

Korea and Japan. Growing mushrooms in the Philippines is economically

feasible due to low- production cost, abundance of cheap substrates from agro

wastes and high demand, which will be profitable to the mushroom growers.

There are ten varieties of edible and medicinal mushrooms grown in the

Philippines such as Paddy straw mushroom, Oyster mushroom, Shiitake

mushroom, Button mushroom, Ear fungi mushroom, Milky mushroom, Yellowish

oyster mushroom, Reishi mushroom, Lion`s mane mushroom, and  King tuber

oyster mushroom (

Mushrooms have very high nutritional value being rich in proteins,

vitamins and minerals. The body of the mushroom stores nutrients and other

essential compounds, and when enough material is stored and the conditions are

right they start to fruit - produce mushrooms (Zhong and Tang 2004).

Mushroom Production

20.4 Crop Production

Mushrooms are cultivated on organic substrates, naturally suitable for

agricultural crops. One of the challenges with spent Agaricus mushroom

substrate and growth of plants is the soluble salt content of fresh spent substrate

may be excessive and affect plant growth. Chong and Rinker (1994a,b)

determined from container plantings with trickle irrigation that the salts leach

rapidly with no effect on the deciduous plant growth. Spent Agaricus compost

leachate (Jarecki 2005, 2012) can be used to supplement the nutrient

requirements of plants(


The vitamin D in mushrooms has also been shown to inhibit the growth

of cancer cells by contributing to the regulation of the cell growth cycle. Placing

freshly cut mushrooms in the sun significantly increases their vitamin D content.

The folate in mushrooms plays an important role in DNA synthesis and repair,

thus preventing the formation of cancer cells from mutations in the DNA. 2

Additionally, an intake of 3 grams of beta-glucans per day can lower

blood cholesterol levels by 5 percent. The stem of the shiitake mushrooms is a

particularly good source of beta-glucans. (Griffiths 2016.)

Nutritional Profile of Mushrooms

Mushrooms are naturally low in sodium, fat, cholesterol, and calories and

have often been referred to as "functional foods." Besides providing

basic nutrition, they help prevent chronic disease due to the presence of

antioxidants and beneficial dietary fibers such as chitin and beta-glucans


The Nutritional Content of Mushrooms

Cultivated mushrooms are a highly nutritious food that can be grown on

biological wastes, agricultural wastes or agro-industrial wastes (Sánchez 2010;

Atila 2017). Researchers have reported variations in the nutritional content of

mushrooms cultivated on different substrates. When comparing the effects of

different agro-wastes on the nutritional composition of oyster mushrooms

and Pleurotus cystidiosus,formulas with 100% sugar bagasse and 100% corncob

showed higher values of protein, fiber, ash and mineral content .

Liquid Fertilizer
China Microbial Mushroom Roborant Mushroom compost is produced

from chopped straw, poultry manure, gypsum and water. After the Mushrooms

have been harvested, the spent compost can be used in organic farming to

improve soil water infiltration, water holding capacity, permeability and aeration.

Spent mushroom compost contains a lot of salt and unstable organic material, so

it should be aged for about two years before applying. This allows for leaching of

organic solutes and decomposition of organic matter. Spent mushroom compost

contains about 1-2% nitrogen, 0.2% phosphorus and 1.3% potassium. After

being aged for 18 months, phosphorus and nitrogen do not change, but

potassium can decrease (Ibrahim Uzun Akdeniz, 2004).

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework that was used in this study is the input-

process- output model where in a series of boxes are connected. The first step

shows the problems that occured in the industry, second is how it was conducted

to gather data and then the last was the clarification, solution and conclusion on

the problem.


High cost Process of Mushroom
of fertilizer making Liquid Increase
mushroom fertilizer. production of
Unutilized liquid fertilizer. farmers.
spoiled Improve
mushroom Data gathering growth of Utilization of
concoction analysis and eggplant. spoiled
interpretation. mushroom.

Gain more

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Chapter III


The materials that were used in conducting this study are the following:

Shovel, eggplant seeds, liquid spoiled mushroom, ball pen, placard, pail, rake,

and pickaxe, calculator, measuring cup, bottle, camera, tape measure, record

book, ruler and scissor cellophane.


Experimental Design and Treatments

A 3x3 Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used in

the study. Treatment ia replicated three times with ten sample eggplants per

treatment. The treatments are as follows.

Factor A Different Number of Days

A1 - 5 days concoction

A2 - 10 days concoction

A3 - 15 days concoction

Factor B Different Level.

B1 - 75% water + 25% concoction

B2 - 50% water + 50% concoction

B3 - 25% water + 75% concoction

Seed Variety

Kaneko seed variety was used in the study and was purchased at

agricultural supply in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat.

Seedbed Preparation

The measurement of seedbed is 2x2 feet; sandy soil was used for

seedbed preparation.

Experimental Area Preparation

The area should be cleaned. The soil was pulverized. The experimental

plots will be prepared based on experimental lay-out ready for transplanting.


Prepare the seedlings for transplanting 30 days after sowing. Proper care

of seedlings must be observed to avoid damage of the roots and leaves.

Transplanting will be done late in the afternoon to avoid wilting during


Preparation of Spoiled Mushroom Concoction

Soak the spoiled straw mushroom in the water base on treatments apply

the concoction after 5, 10 and 15 days as liquid fertilizer to eggplant.

Application of Liquid Fertilizer

The application of liquid fertilizer to eggplant will be one week after

transplanting using the different of concoction.

Insect Pest Control

Spraying will be applied if there are insects present in the area.


Watering of plants will be done daily especially there is no rain.

Weed Control

Maintain hand weeding to prevent the presence of grass at the area if

weeds left unchecked, may compete with other plants for nutrients, space, water

and soil, their growth must be restricted.

Ratio of Concoction

As liquid fertilizer the ratio of concoction is 1liter of mushroom concoction

mixed with per 2liters of water.


This was done by picking or removing the matured fruits using hand. The

harvested fruits were weighed using the weighing scale after picking it. This

procedure will be used from the start of harvest up to the last harvest. Harvesting

eggplant should occur when the inner flesh is cream colored; fruits are firm and

before seeds are visible. Learning when to harvest eggplants may require cutting

into the fruit to check the color of the flesh and the size of the seeds, skin color

and size of the fruit will also determine when the eggplant harvest should begin.

When we learned that it is time to harvest an eggplant, less cutting into the fruit is

necessary. You can determine when to begin the harvesting of eggplant by just

looking at the fruit.

Block 1

A2B3 A1B2 A3B3

A3B1 A2B1 A1B1

A2B2 A1B3 A3B2

Block 2

A3B2 A3B3 A2B1

A1B3 A2B3 A2B1

A2B2 A1B2 A3B2

Block 3
A1B2 A1B3 A2B1
A2B2 A3B1 A3B3

A1B1 A2B3 A3B2

Figure 2. The Experimental Lay-out of the Study


Factor A (Different Level) Factor B (Different Time of Concoction)

A1 – 5 days concoction B1 – 75% water + 25% concoction

A2 – 10 days concoction B2 – 50% water + 50% concoction

A3 – 15 days concoction B3 – 25% water + 75% concoction

Data to be Gathered

Length of Fruits (cm) was determined by measuring the final length of

the fruits from five sample plants per treatments.

Number of Branches (pcs) all branches was counted during the

termination of the study from five sample plants per treatment.

Number of Fruits (pcs) all fruits was counted during harvesting from ten

sample plants per treatment.

Weight of Fruits (kg) total weight of fruits was scaled after harvesting per


Cost and Return Analysis the income of eggplant fruits will be

determined by subtracting the cost from the total sales of eggplants.

a. Net Profit = sales- all expenses

b. Return on Investment = Net income X 100

Owner’s Equity

Statistical Analysis

Data to be gathered was analyzed using the Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) in a 3x3 Factorial using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD).

Test on significant differences per treatment means was subjected to Least

Significant Differences (LSD).


A. Journals

ATILA 2017. Cultivated mushrooms are a highly nutritious food that can be
grown on biological wastes, agricultural wastes or agro-industrial wastes.

DOĞANLAR, SAMI 2014. High resolution map of eggplant (Solanum

melongena) reveals extensive chromosome rearrangement in
domesticated members of the Solanaceae."

GRIFFITHS 2016. The vitamin D in mushrooms has also been shown to inhibit
the growth of cancer cells by contributing to the regulation of the cell
growth cycle. Placing freshly cut mushrooms in the sun
significantly increases their vitamin D content.

IBRAHIM UZUN AKDENIZ, 2004. China Microbial Mushroom Roborant.

Mushroom compost is produced from chopped straw, poultry manure,
gypsum and water.

JARECKI, 2012. Mushrooms are cultivated on organic substrates, naturally

suitable for agricultural crops. The literature abounds on the various crops
evaluated. Only a sampling is noted here.

ZHONG AND TANG 2004. Mushrooms have very high nutritional value
being rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

B. Website



Appendix 1. Dummy Table on the Study Spoiled Straw Mushroom Concoction as
Liquid Fertilizer to Eggplant Applied at Different Levels and Time of
Concoction in terms of Length of Fruits, Poblacion, Bagumbayan,
Sultan Kudarat, 2019.


Factor A Factor B I II III Total Mean

A1 B1




A2 B1




A3 B1




Grand total


Source of Variance df MS SS Fc F-tab

5% 1%


Appendix 2. Budgetary Requirements of the Study Entitled Spoiled Straw
Mushroom Concoction as Liquid Fertilizer to Eggplant Applied at
Different Levels and Time of Concoction”. Poblacion,
Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat.


I. Maintenance and Operation Expenses (MOE)

1. Transportation 210.00

2. Supplies and Materials

a. Koneko seed 70.00

3. Typing / encoding services

a. Outline 1,500.00

b. Manuscript 3,000.00

4. Others (Contingency) 1,000.00

Sub-total for MOE

GRAND TOTAL 5,780.00




A Thesis Outline Submitted to the Faculty of Sultan Kudarat State

UniversityCollege of Agribusiness,Bagumbayan,SultanKudarat
In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements
For the degree




Chapter Title Page

Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
Background of the Study 1
Objectives of the Study 2
Significant of the Study 2
Scope and Limitation of the Study 2
Time and Place of Study 3
Definition of Terms 4
Mushroom 6
Mushroom Production 7
Crop Profile of Mushroom 8
Nutritional Profile of Mushroom 8
Liquid Fertilizer 8
Conceptual Framework 10
Materials 12
Experimental Design and Treatments 12
Seed Variety 13
Seed Preparation 13
Experimental Area Preparation 13
Transplanting 13
Preparation of Spoiled Mushroom Concoction 13
Application of Liquid Fertilizer 13
Insect Pest Control 14
Watering 14
Weed Control 14
Ratio of Concoction 14
Harvesting 14
Experimental Lay-out of Study 15
Data to be Gathered 16
Statistical Analysis 16




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