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Nama : Dwiki Praditya Romansyah


Kekas : LT,-2B

Hello everyone, how are you? Are you all right? Keep your health during this pandemic because
along with the increasing cases of the Omicron variant of the corona virus, I pray that you are always
healthy. Today I will present the topic of my daily activities. Before that I will introduce myself first.
My name is Dwiki Praditya Romansyah, I am from class LT-2B, I am a 3rd semester student at the
Semarang State Polytechnic.

Every day . I started the morning by getting up at 5 am I did the Fajr prayer and then I recited the
Koran until 6 am. After reading the Koran I usually lay down playing on my cellphone until the time
showed 8 am.

Next I cleaned the bed and continued with a morning shower and breakfast with the dishes that my
mother had prepared, which were the best dishes because they were made with love.

: After breakfast, I sometimes help my mother with the housework. Usually I start cleaning the house
from sweeping the house first because I think sweeping is the easiest thing to do. Next I helped wash
the dishes and dry the clothes that my mother had washafter everything was done I went out for
fresh air while looking at the people around and after walking I went to the mini market to buy
various kinds of snacks and after that I went home

Then I pray midday, have lunch, and get ready for online classes. Classes start at 2 and usually end
before Asr time. Then I do the Asr prayer and rest until half past 5. After the break I take a bath in
the afternoon, if there is no activity I usually do the assignments given by the lecturer and if not I fill
my time by sitting with my family.

The Maghrib call to prayer sounded, I rushed to the mosque to pray in congregation. After returning
from the mosque I recite the Koran while waiting for Isha time. And return to the mosque for the
evening prayer. After Isha, it will be followed by dinner if there is a side dish on the table, otherwise I
will go out of the house to buy dinner. My favorite dinner is fried rice. After eating i go to my room

Spend time playing mobile phones or laptops watching comedy, culinary content, or playing online
games with friends to refresh the mind so that you are not tired and refreshed after a day.

Unconsciously, it was already 10 o’clock at night, and it was time to sleep at night. Before going to
bed I don’t forget to clean my face. After cleansing my face I go to sleep at night. That’s what I do
when I’m at my house. Thank you for your attention, that’s all from me, sorry if there are mistakes,
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb
If I don’t play on my smartphone after Isha prayers, I usually hang out with friends at the angkringan
or coffee shops, telling stories, joking and laughing or just doing the tasks that have been given by
the lecturer and of course the deadline is near and of course not ignoring health protocols while
maintaining distance and wear a mask and wash hands

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