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A. Expressions of Asking for Directions

 Could you help me? I would like to go to ...
(Bisakah kamu membantu saya? Saya ingin pergi ke ...)
 Could you tell me the way to ...?
(Bisakah kamu beritahukan kepada saya jalan ke ...?)
 Excuse me, I am looking for ...
(Permisi, saya sedang mencari ...)
 Pardon me. What is the direction to ...
(Permisi. Kemana arah ke ...)
 How do I go to ...?
(Bagaimana saya pergi ke ...?)
 Please tell me the way to ...
(Tolong beritahu saya jalan ke ...)
 Can you give me the direction to ...?
(Bisakah kamu memberitahu saya petunjuk arah ke ...?)
 What is the way to ...?
(Kemana arah ke ...?)
 Do you know the direction to ...?
(Apakah kamu tahu arah ke ...?)

B. Expressions of Giving Directions

 Go staright ahead.
(Jalan lurus)

 Go up ... for ... blocks

(Naik ... untuk ... blok)

 Go down ... for ... blocks

(Turun ... untuk ... blok)
 You go along to ...
(Kamu pergi saja ikuti jalan ini ke ...)

 Turn right then at T-intersection turn left

(Belok kanan kemudian di simpang tiga belok kiri)

 The book store is next to the coffee shop

(Toko buku berada di samping kedai kopi)

 Turn left at the traffic light and the hospital is in the middle of police station
and post office.
(Belok kiri di lampu merah dan rumah sakit berada di antara kantor polisi dan
kantor pos)

 The ICU is next to the nurse station.

(Ruang rawat khusus berada di sebelah ruang jaga perawat)

 The security post is in the opposite of the stairs.

(Kantor satpam berada di sebrang tangga)

C. Vocabularies

Vocabularies Arti
Right Kanan
Left Kiri
Between Di antara
Beside Di samping
Behind Di belakang
Next to Di samping (tidak ada jarak)
Close to Di dekat
Opposite Di sebrang (berlawanan/berhadapan)
In front of Di depan
Intersection Persimpangan
T-Intersection Simpang tiga (Bentuk persimpangannya seperti
huruf T)
Y-Intersection Simpang tiga (Bentuk persimpangannya seperti
huruf Y)
Cross –Intersection Simpang empat
Roundabout Bundaran
U-Turn Putar balik
Sidewalk Trotoar
Turn left Belok kiri
Turn right Belok kanan
Go staight ahead Terus jalan/Jalan lurus
Go past Lewati
Cross Sebrang
At the corner of Di sudut

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