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ENGLISH LEVEL: B1 December 2021

Teacher: Total:


1. Rewriting. You must use the word in bold to rewrite the sentence with a similar meaning. /10
1. When I was at school, I hardly ever ate chickpeas.
I___________________________________ when I was at school.

2. The shopping is most often done by mum.

Mum__________________________________ the shopping.

3. I’m really excited about the Christmas holidays.

I_____________________________________ the Christmas holidays.

4. When I was a ten-year-old, I watched a lot of cartoons.


5. I was hungry because I hadn’t eaten anything all day.


6. Please phone me later.

7. The reason I’m tired is that I didn’t sleep well.
_________________________________________I’m tired.

8. When you arrive in Paris, phone me.

Phone me_________________________________________________________.

9. John is a teacher. His father is a famous writer.


10. I arrived a bit late to the interview because I missed the bus.

2. Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences. /5
1. Do you know Rocco’s date of birth? No, I’ll ask / I'm asking / I'm going to ask him later.
2. It's a beautiful day. Will we go / Shall we go / Are we going to the beach?
3. What will you do / shall you do / are you doing next weekend?
4. I failed my driving test but I'm going to / I will / I shall take it again in July.
5. Are they going to / will they / shall they invite Sarah to the wedding?

3. Error correction. Correct the sentences that are wrong and tick (√) the correct ones. /10
1. I’m so thirsty. I’m needing some water.

2. Say hello to Mary.

3. I’m knowing a lot of new people here at the uni.

4. Where from do they come?

5. Jane, that lives next door, is getting married in March.

6. When did you last say a white lie?

7. I’m having lunch at the Majestic tomorrow at 2pm.

8. When I finally got to the airport, the plane already left.

9. At what age you used to watch cartoons?

10. I watched TV when suddenly the phone rang.

5. Fill in the gap with a suitable phrasal verb. The preposition has been given to you. /10
1. It’s been a long time since I saw my best friend, so we’re meeting today and we’ll ______ up over
2. We’re ______ off on our trip to Portugal at 7 a.m. tomorrow.
3. I missed the bus so I ________ up having to catch a taxi which cost me a fortune!
4. Don’t lend Mary any more money, she never ________ you back!
5. We were in the shop for hours. Grace ________ on at least ten dresses!

4. Match the people with the adjectives in the box. There are three extra adjectives. /5

unsociable dishonest insensitive impolite impatient easy going

disorganised confident.

1. Robert would be quite happy to make a speech in front of 1000 people. _________

2. Jane knows I don't want to talk about Tom, but she keeps asking about him. _________

3. Sam's always missing meetings because he doesn't write them in his diary. _________

4. Mat hates having to wait for other people, he just wants to get on with things. _________

5. Gloria doesn't like parties; she'd rather stay at home and read a book. _________


Dealing with online trolls

It's always best to avoid trolls, both the ugly creatures in fairy stories and the equally ugly (on the
inside at least) kind who spread their nasty comments by using a computer keyboard. If you look at the
comments section of any online newspaper, you will find the second type at work, leaving shocking
and unpleasant messages on all sorts of subjects.
As a Society, we value free speech and of course there's a thin line between strong disagreement and
messages that are completely unacceptable. But basically, if someone’s main goal is to spread hate
and lies, upset or embarrass someone, or even to scare them, then that person is a troll.
Unfortunately, if you use social media, you are sure to have personal experience of trolling sooner or
later. Trolls need victims and they will find them in any online space where people communicate in
If (or when) you meet one, remember that the ability to make you react is like food to a troll, so don't
feed them! Trolls are not reasonable people. They don't actually want a sensible discussion so there's
no point at all in trying to have one. It may be tempting to insult or threaten the troll, but they will like
this, it is playing their game, and they are more likely to continue with it than to stop. They are only
trying to upset you and if you don't give them a response, they have failed.
Also remember that the troll is the one with the problem not you. It's obvious that nobody who hides
behind a keyboard to write things they would never dare say face to face can be a happy and secure
person. In fact, newspaper reports of people who've been taken to court for threatening or racist
trolling almost always seemed to describe sad and lonely lives. Trolls make us furious, but sympathy
would probably be a more appropriate emotion. (325 words)

Decide if the following statements are True or False. If false, correct them.
1. Our modern trolls based their identity on the ones in fairy tales. T/F

2. Trolls enjoy being opinionated and aim to alarm and/or disgust other readers. T/F

3. Trolling is banned in public communication as it is not covered by ‘free speech’ rights. T/F

4. The more you use social media, the more likely you are to come across trolling. T/F

5. Feeding a troll is basically responding to their comments. T/F


6. If you want to beat a troll at his game, respond using smart, well-researched information. T/F

7. Trolls are, in short, people who are not brave enough to state their comments in person. T/F

8. Trolls taken to court, never lose their cases, as they have a constitutional right to freedom of speech. T/F

9. Trolls often come from wealthy families that have spoilt them beyond repair. T/F

10. The author strongly suggests we should sympathise with trolls and hear them out. T/F


1. Sam asks Tom when he last wrote a letter. What does Tom reply?
a) He can't remember.
b) It was when he was about 6.
c) It was about six years ago.

2. How does Sam mainly communicate with her friends?

a) With her phone.
b) Online.
c) With her phone and online.

3. According to Sophie, how many teenagers write letters these days?

a) 18%.
b) 10%.
c) 14%.

4. Tom is surprised that…

a) so many young people currently write letters.
b) young people currently write letters.
c) so few young people currently write letters.

5. Sophie says that when people write to their friends, they tell them…
a) what has happened in their lives recently.
b) what they think about things.
c) what has happened in their lives and what they think about things.

Listen again and fill in the gaps with a missing word from the listening.

6. We comment on each other’s ____________ and so on.

7. I think we should ____________ people to write more.

8. In a ____________ week, letter writing is relaxing.

9. I want to tell you my news and ____________ my thoughts with you.

10. Letter writing is good for ____________.

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