Discovery of The Oldest Bilaterian From The Ediacaran of South Australia

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Discovery of the oldest bilaterian from the Ediacaran

of South Australia
Scott D. Evansa,1,2, Ian V. Hughesb, James G. Gehlingc, and Mary L. Drosera
Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521; bSection of Ecology, Behavior and Evolution, Division of Biological Sciences,
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093; and cDepartment of Palaeontology, South Australia Museum, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia

Edited by Neil H. Shubin, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved February 17, 2020 (received for review January 21, 2020)

Analysis of modern animals and Ediacaran trace fossils predicts Member consists of shallow marine sandstone event beds 50 to
that the oldest bilaterians were simple and small. Such organisms 500 m below a basal Cambrian disconformity (17). At the National
would be difficult to recognize in the fossil record, but should have Heritage Nilpena site, the excavation and reconstruction of 37-m-
been part of the Ediacara Biota, the earliest preserved macro- scale fossiliferous bed surfaces reveals in situ communities of the
scopic, complex animal communities. Here, we describe Ikaria Ediacara Biota (18). At Nilpena, and sections within the Flinders
wariootia gen. et sp. nov. from the Ediacara Member, South Australia, Ranges, Helminthoidichnites occurs more than 100 m below the
a small, simple organism with anterior/posterior differentiation.
first appearance of Kimberella (19, 20). There are currently no
We find that the size and morphology of Ikaria match predictions
radiometric dates to constrain the absolute age of the Ediacara
for the progenitor of the trace fossil Helminthoidichnites—indica-
tive of mobility and sediment displacement. In the Ediacara Member, Member; however, significant overlap of taxa with well-established
Helminthoidichnites occurs stratigraphically below classic Ediacara deposits from the White Sea region of Russia indicates that these
body fossils. Together, these suggest that Ikaria represents one of are likely between 560 and 551 million years old (21–24). A similar
the oldest total group bilaterians identified from South Australia, pattern of leveed, horizontal trace fossils (although in this case

with little deviation from the characters predicted for their last com- assigned to the ichnogenus Archaeonassa) occurring strati-
mon ancestor. Further, these trace fossils persist into the Phanerozoic, graphically below classic White Sea assemblage body fossils in

providing a critical link between Ediacaran and Cambrian animals. Russia (9, 23) may corroborate the early appearance of trace
fossils in South Australia.
bilaterian | Ediacaran | Ediacara Biota | phylogenetics | trace fossil


T he first macroscopic animal fossils are recognized within the Here, we report the discovery of the new genus, new species

soft-bodied Ediacara Biota (1, 2). Among these are candi- Ikaria wariootia, the interpreted progenitor of Helminthoidichn-
date poriferans (3), cnidarians (4), and ctenophores (5). Rare ites. We have identified 108 Ikaria on a single bed surface (1T-A)
Ediacaran taxa have been interpreted as putative bilaterians, and 19 from float at multiple localities, preserved in negative
namely, Kimberella (6, 7). However, small furrowed trace fossils hyporelief on the base of sandstone beds (Fig. 1). Ikaria is found
are generally accepted as definitive evidence for total group in fine-grained sandstones in two facies representing deposition
bilaterians in the Ediacaran (8–10). The size and morphology of in relatively shallow marine environments between fair-weather
these trace fossils suggest that they were produced by millimeter- and storm-wave base (14, 17, 25).
scale organisms that would be difficult to recognize in the fossil
record (11). Significance
Helminthoidichnites are horizontal trace fossils found in Edia-
caran and Phanerozoic deposits globally (12, 13). Helminthoi-
The transition from simple, microscopic forms to the abundance
dichnites is a curvilinear burrow that can be preserved on both
of complex animal life that exists today is recorded within soft-
bed tops as well as bottoms and occurs most commonly on the
bodied fossils of the Ediacara Biota (571 to 539 Ma). Perhaps
base of thin (submillimeter to millimeter scale) discontinuous
most critically is the first appearance of bilaterians—animals
sand bodies, or shims (8, 14). The preservation of Helminthoi-
with two openings and a through-gut—during this interval.
dichnites in negative relief flanked by positive levees on bed
Current understanding of the fossil record limits definitive evi-
bottoms indicates that the progenitor moved under thin sand
dence for Ediacaran bilaterians to trace fossils and enigmatic
bodies following deposition and burial, displacing sediment (8,
body fossils. Here, we describe the fossil Ikaria wariootia, one of
9, 11, 14). Observed relationships between intersecting Hel-
the oldest bilaterians identified from South Australia. This or-
minthoidichnites indicates the ability of the progenitor to move ganism is consistent with predictions based on modern animal
vertically, albeit on millimeter scales (11). Rare Helminthoidichnites phylogenetics that the last ancestor of all bilaterians was simple
penetrating body fossils of macroscopic taxa may represent the and small and represents a rare link between the Ediacaran and
oldest evidence of scavenging (11). the subsequent record of animal life.
In modern environments, Helminthoidichnites-type structures
can be produced by a variety of bilaterians (9, 11). A likely pro- Author contributions: S.D.E., J.G.G., and M.L.D. designed research; S.D.E., I.V.H., and M.L.D.
genitor for Ediacaran Helminthoidichnites has yet to be identified, performed research; S.D.E., I.V.H., J.G.G., and M.L.D. analyzed data; and S.D.E., I.V.H.,
although it has been suggested that these were produced by simple J.G.G., and M.L.D. wrote the paper.
“worm-like animals” (9). Critically, based on the nature of sedi- The authors declare no competing interest.
ment displacement by a horizontally burrowing organism, it would This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
have been small, with a maximum diameter less than that observed
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Published under the PNAS license.

for Helminthoidichnites. Such behavior necessitates anterior–pos- 1
Present address: Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
terior differentiation, as well as a coelom, consistent with bilaterian- DC 20560.
grade tissue organization (8, 9, 11, 15). 2
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:
Helminthoidichnites are preserved abundantly within the This article contains supporting information online at
Ediacara Member, Rawnsley Quartzite in the Flinders Ranges doi:10.1073/pnas.2001045117/-/DCSupplemental.
and surrounding regions of South Australia (16). The Ediacara PNAS Latest Articles | 1 of 6


Fig. 1. Type specimen of I. wariootia from Nilpena, including (A) photograph; and (B–D) 3D laser scans. Notice distinct bilateral symmetry (wider end
identified by white star in C and deeper end by black star in D). P57685. (Scale bars, 1 mm.)

Systematic Description While the morphology of Ikaria is very simple, it is consistent

Ikaria wariootia gen. et sp. nov. across specimens and is unambiguously distinct from other
structures. The consistent shape and length-to-width ratio are
Etymology. The generic name is after the word “Ikara,” which is the not what is observed for rip-up clasts of organic mats, which are
Adnyamathanha name for Wilpena Pound, and means “meeting irregular (14). Although mat rip-ups are found within the
place” in the Adnyamathanha language. Ikara is the major land- Ediacara Member, they do not occur in the same lithologies and
mark in view from Nilpena, and the fossil has been named to facies as Ikaria (14, 25), which represent deposition in a lower-
acknowledge the original custodians of the land; species are energy environment. Furthermore, rip-up clasts have a different
named for Warioota Creek, which runs from the Flinders Ranges biostratinomic and diagenetic history than Ikaria and all other
to Nilpena Station. body fossils (14). The outer margin of Ikaria is sharp, and they
are preserved with considerable relief, distinct from the sur-
Holotype. P57685 (Fig. 1; South Australia Museum). rounding matrix and organic mat textures (Fig. 2). This is con-
sistent with other nonsessile taxa from the Ediacara Member
Paratype. P57686 (Fig. 2A; South Australia Museum). (27), suggesting that Ikaria represents the body fossil of a free-
living organism.
Field Paratypes. 1T-A bed 001 to 007 (Fig. 2 B–J; Nilpena). Ikaria can be easily differentiated from other taxa preserved on
the same bed surface and of similar size and scale (SI Appendix,
Horizon and Locality. Ediacara Member, Rawnsley Quartzite at Fig. S3). Thus, it is unlikely a juvenile form of a previously de-
the National Heritage Nilpena field site and Bathtub Creek. scribed taxon. The lack of larger specimens with comparable
morphology suggests that maximum size is ∼7 mm. The recogni-
Diagnosis. Irregular millimeter-scale ovoid preserved in negative tion of other taxa on the same surface preserved at the same scale
hyporelief. The major axis length averages 2.3 times the minor and with similarly well-defined outer margins distinct from the
axis. There is distinct asymmetry along the major axis with one organic mat corroborates the biologic, body-fossil origin of Ikaria.
end wider and more broadly curved (white star in Figs. 1C and 2 Specimens of Ikaria are found in association with Helmin-
D–F, G, and J). In profile, the broader end is preserved in more thoidichnites, albeit rarely (Fig. 2A). The range of Ikaria widths
significant negative relief and with a steeper curvature (black star plots entirely within those measured for Helminthoidichnites with
in Figs. 1D and 2 H and I). Rare specimens are bent about the the maximum size of body fossils not exceeding that of trace
long axis (Fig. 2 F and J) and/or exhibit potential evidence of fossils (SI Appendix, Fig. S4). Further, the Anderson–Darling test
modularity, with two to five body divisions (Fig. 2 D and E). indicates that size-frequency distributions are not significantly
different (P value 0.448). This, combined with clear anterior–
Description. I. wariootia are well-defined elongate ovals, fusiform posterior differentiation, suggests that Ikaria is the only known
in shape (Figs. 1 and 2). Three-dimensional (3D) laser scans contemporaneous body fossil with the suite of characters pre-
demonstrate clear anterior/posterior differentiation, with one dicted for the progenitor of Helminthoidichnites.
end distinctly smaller and more tightly curved. Length of the Discussion
major axis ranges from 1.9 to 6.7 mm and the minor axis from 1.1
In general, it is rare to have trace fossils and the organisms that
to 2.4 mm. Preserved depth ranges from 0.6 to 1.6 mm. There is a produced them preserved together, particularly with respect to mo-
consistent linear relationship between total length and total bile metazoans. This can be attributed to both the different preser-
width (SI Appendix, Fig. S1A). The relationships between total vational pathways between body and trace fossils and the ability of
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length and depth (SI Appendix, Fig. S1B) as well as width and the animal to move away from the area where it left evidence of
depth (SI Appendix, Fig. S2) are irregular. Depth is always less activity (28, 29). In certain cases, the morphological characteristics of
than width, suggesting that fossils of Ikaria are compressed. This body fossils from the same deposits can be used to reliably determine
confirms previous interpretations that the preserved depth of the progenitors of particular trace fossils (e.g., ref. 30).
specimens from the Ediacara Member is strongly influenced by Body fossils in the Ediacara Member, including Ikaria, are well
taphonomic processes (e.g., ref. 26). preserved on the bottoms of centimeter-scale sandstone beds

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Fig. 2. Photographs (A and B) and 3D laser scans (C–J) of I. wariootia. (A) Specimen (white arrow) associated with Helminthoidchnites. (B–E) Associated
specimens; black boxes in B and C are the same specimen shown in close up in negative hyporelief (D) and inverted (E). (F and J) Bent specimens. (G and H) N
bedding plane (G) and profile (H) of the same specimen. (I) Profile demonstrating variable relief. Notice correlation between broader, wider end (white stars)
in the bedding-pane view and more significant relief end (black stars) in the profile. (A) P57686. (B–E) 1T-A 001 to 003. (F ) 1T-A 004. (G and H) 1T-A 005. (I)
1T-A 006. (J) 1T-A 007. (Scale bars, 1 mm.)

Evans et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 3 of 6

with early mineralization of overlying sand casting the tops of
these organisms following burial (8, 14, 16). Although counter-
parts are identified in rare cases on bed tops, these are poorly
preserved and at a resolution that is unlikely to produce identi-
fiable features at the same scale as Ikaria. In contrast, Helmin-
thoidichnites is found on both bed tops and bottoms, but most
commonly on the base of millimeter-thick shims, where well
preserved body fossils are rare (8, 14). Negative hyporelief
preservation indicates that Helminthoidichnites formed after the
deposition of overlying sand, with the organism that produced it
capable of moving into and out of thin layers of sand (11). This
predicts that we should only find Helminthoidichnites and its
progenitor on the same bed bottom in rare instances when it died
while burrowing underneath thin sand bodies. Given the simple
morphology and preservation of both body and trace fossil in
negative relief, even if Ikaria was preserved at the end of a trail, it
is unlikely that it would be possible to confidently identify as
distinct from that trace. We interpret the surprising discovery of
Helminthoidichnites with nearby Ikaria (Fig. 2A) as the result of
vertical movement from the bedding plane in the region between
the end of its trace fossil and its final resting place. While this
scenario was likely exceedingly rare, it may represent the only
situation in which it would be possible to distinguish associated
body and trace fossils and further corroborates interpretations of
Ikaria as the progenitor of Helminthoidichnites. Fig. 3. Reconstruction of Ikaria in life position forming a Helminthoidichnites-
We propose that Ikaria is the trace maker of Helminthoi- type trail.
dichnites and potentially the oldest, definitive bilaterian, at least
as represented in the fossil record of South Australia. Kimberella,
the only other taxon from the Ediacara Member that is consis- Polarity of relief and curvature characterize anterior/posterior
tently reconstructed as a bilaterian, occurs significantly higher differentiation in Ikaria (Fig. 3), supported by directed move-
stratigraphically than the earliest appearance of Helminthoi- ment in trace fossils. Preservation of v-shaped transverse ridges
dichnites (6, 7, 19, 20). Similarities between taxonomic assem- within Helminthoidichnites suggests peristaltic mobility (ref. 11;
blages have been consistently cited as evidence that White Sea Fig. 2A). Ikaria morphology implies a potentially modular body
assemblage fossils from the Ediacara Member, including Kim- construction, which would have aided in muscular organization
berella, are conservatively 560 to 551 Ma (21–24). The strati- required for peristalsis (40). Sediment displacement and scav-
graphic position of Helminthoidichnites suggests that the first enging reveal that Ikaria likely had a coelom, mouth, anus, and
appearance of Ikaria was likely within this age range or possibly through-gut (11, 15, 40), although these are unlikely to be
earlier. Burrows initially interpreted to be from much older reproduced in the fossil record. Preferential preservation of
Ediacaran rocks in Uruguay have uncertain age constraints (31, Helminthoidichnites under thin sand bodies indicates that Ikaria
32). Trace fossils from Brazil, representing the activity of sought out these environments, possibly due to increased oxygen
meiofaunal bilaterians, occur 30 to 40 m above a tuff dated at availability (11, 14, 20). Ultimately, as the depth of overlying sand
555 Ma and in close association with Cloudina, indicating that increases, oxygenated environments give way to sulfidic, in-
they are likely younger than Ikaria (10, 24). A recently described hospitable settings due to decomposition of organic matter, sup-
segmented bilaterian from South China, associated with trace ported by the restriction of Helminthoidichnites to beds <15 mm
fossils, is interpreted to be younger, larger, and more complex thick (11, 14, 20). Ikaria was likely able to detect organic matter
than Ikaria (33). buried in well-oxygenated environments as well as potentially toxic
The ability to move and produce recognizable trace fossils is conditions, suggesting rudimentary sensory abilities. Combined,
not unique to bilaterians. Complex body and trace fossils from these features suggest that, despite the simple morphology that can
older Ediacaran deposits were probably produced by muscular be directly observed in fossil specimens of Ikaria, this organism was
eumetazoans interpreted to be cnidarians (34). Dickinsonia, and remarkably complex, compared with contemporaneous Ediacara
similar Ediacara Biota fossils, likely do not represent crown- Biota taxa.
group bilaterians, but were mobile and left trace fossils (35, Molecular phylogenetic analysis of modern metazoans dem-
36). Modern protists generate simple burrows, but are typically onstrates that developmental programing is highly conserved
smaller than Ikaria (37, 38). Laboratory experiments demon- between disparate groups. Initially, this led to hypotheses that
strate that mobile foraminifera form burrows in clay and silt; the last common ancestor (LCA) of bilaterians (animals with two
however, they do not produce burrows in fine-grained or coarser openings and a through-gut) was relatively complex, containing
sand (37). Large testate amoeba in deep-sea environments are many of the features common to a variety of such groups, in-
associated with horizontal trails similar to those observed in the cluding eyes, segmentation, appendages, and a heart (41–43).
Ediacaran, but these are surficial and represent movement by Expansion of this analysis to nonbilaterian animals and their
rolling (38). Flatworms are mobile, but do not burrow below the closest single-celled ancestors instead indicates that components
sediment–water interface and rarely leave trace fossils (39). of these conserved developmental pathways have deep ancestry
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Among these examples, expression on bed bottoms with furrows (see ref. 44 for discussion). Combined with recent evidence for a
is unique to Helminthoidichnites and suggests mobility associated sister-group relationship between Xenacoelamorpha and Bilateria,
with significant displacement of medium sand grains. This is this suggests that the bilaterian LCA was a simple, small, mobile
consistent with reconstructions of Ikaria containing musculature organism with anterior/posterior differentiation and limited
and a coelom (15, 40). Combined with the relative size of body sensory abilities (44–49). Remarkably, these predictions agree
and trace fossils, these characteristics are unique to bilaterians. closely with the characters identified here for Ikaria.

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Recognition of the totality of traits in Ikaria is reliant on both Specimens of Ikaria and Helminthoidichnites were documented through
body and associated trace fossils. Given the simple morphology digital photography, using a Pentax K-50 digital single-lens reflex, and latex
of Ikaria, it is unlikely that we would be able to confidently assign molds. Helminthoidichnites width was measured by using digital calipers
directly on fossil specimens. Detailed morphological investigation was made
it to the Bilateria, or even Metazoa, without this relationship.
possible by 3D laser scans, collected by using the HDI Compact C506 3D laser
This is consistent with hypotheses that the apparent gap between
scanner. The accuracy of this scan system is reported to 12 μm. Scans were
molecular clock predictions for the early divergence of bilaterians processed by using the FlexScan3D software. Measurements were conducted
and their later appearance in the fossil record is the result of their on 3D scans by using the FlexScan3D software. Screenshots of these scans are
predicted simple morphology (44, 49). Thus, similar prephylum, presented in Figs. 1 and 2.
total group bilaterians may be found elsewhere in the Precambrian We used the Anderson–Darling test to statistically compare the size fre-
fossil record; Ikaria provides a search image for the future iden- quency distributions of Helminthoidichnites and Ikaria using the freely
tification of such forms. available PAST software ( For this analy-
The stratigraphic position of Helminthoidichnites suggests that sis, we compared the average widths of 606 individual Helminthoidichnites
Ikaria is the oldest total group bilaterian from the fossil record of with the maximum widths of 112 Ikaria from Nilpena (Dataset S1). This
South Australia. Ikaria represents a rare example in early animal analysis produced a statistically significant P value (>0.05) of 0.448, in-
evolution where phylogenetic predictions correspond directly dicating that we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the two samples are
with the fossil record. Further, the global distribution and rec- taken from populations with equal distributions.
ognition of Helminthoidichnites in Cambrian strata (12, 13) is
Data Availability Statement. All data discussed in this paper are available in
distinct from the overwhelming majority of the Ediacara Biota.
Dataset S1.
While Ikaria is not necessarily responsible for the production of
all examples of Helminthoidichnites, it is likely that Ikaria and/or ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This work was supported by NASA Exobiology Pro-
related taxa are rare fossil animals that existed across the gram Grant NNX14AJ86G (to M.L.D.) and NASA Earth and Space Science
Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary. Fellowship Program Grant NNXPLANET17F-0124 (to S.D.E.). S.D.E. and M.L.D.
were supported by the NASA Astrobiology Institute under Cooperative
Materials and Methods Agreement NNA15BB03A, issued through the Science Mission Directorate.

We thank R. and J. Fargher for access to the National Heritage Nilpena
Fossil specimens from the National Heritage fossil site at Nilpena remain in
Ediacara fossil site on their property, acknowledging that this land lies
the field due to occurrence on large (square-meter to square-decameter within the Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands. Fieldwork was facilitated

scale) bedding planes (18). These specimens are identified by bed and field by M. A. Binnie, M. Droser, R. Droser, M. Dzaugis, M. E. Dzaugis, P. Dzaugis,
numbers (e.g., 1T-A 001). Float specimens from Nilpena are collected and M. Ellis, C. Hall, E. Hughes, C. Peddie, J. Perry, D. Rice, R. Surprenant, and
housed at the South Australia Museum in Adelaide and identified by L. Tarhan. We thank D. Erwin and J. Irving for helpful discussion regarding
P numbers. this manuscript. S. Wasif created Fig. 3.


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