VT Gatekeeper Steps 291020 0947

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Gatekeeper - Steps


Monitor ticket queue for Production and Non-Production tickets

Understand the question/problem raised by the user
Understand the priority of the request
Understand the impact of the request
Classify the ticket as per the application

For Future:

Categorize the ticket on the component level and identify the area of issue. On the basis of this, direct the assignee in the correct direction with
high-level next steps.

Steps to follow:

1. Monitor ticket queue for Production and Non-Production tickets constantly:

a. Production tickets queue:

b. Non-Production tickets queue:

2. When a ticket arrives:

a. Find out the application affected
b. Understand the question/problem raised
c. Understand the priority and impact
d. Classify the ticket accordingly: Brand, Form, Type, Priority, Impact, BusinessUnit, Application

e. Add relevant tags to the ticket: example:

f. Identify if the ticket belongs to another group: if so, escalate accordingly.
g. Assignment of Non-production Tickets:
h. - All tickets that are raised by users doing UAT: go to QA
- all tickets raised by PIC for a non-prod environment for issues which are still in the implementation phase (no UAT phase) go
to support test&integtration group
- If ticket raised by users for a country where QA testing is not done
In this case, the ticket will go to support
(we can suggest the PIC in an internal note that before users start testing, they should request to QA to do a full test So then the users will know what is
working and what is not working Link for PIC contacts : Team organization - Key contacts per country)
i. If the ticket has high or urgent priority, the reply is needed in a shorter time then triage can be done.
j. For low and Normal priority tickets, Identify if it can be solved in first-time reply. If so, proceed to inform a solution to the user
and resolve the ticket.

For example, for access to Non-Prod environment ask the user to provide mandatory info (Stated in https://projectcyclon
e.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VT/pages/1223360609/Automation+-+Access+Control) in the first response.

For informational tickets, please make sure you cc operations@viooh.com before updating or closing the ticket so that the whole
team receives an update of the same.

a. Identify if there is any information missing that will be required for investigation

2. If the ticket cannot be resolved in first-time reply:

a. add the first-time reply: customised according to each ticket
b. add preliminary checks performed regarding the question/problem and next steps to follow in internal note
c. assign the ticket to an agent according to priority: Critical tickets to team leads / Other priorities to agents



i. When assigning Non-Critical tickets to agents, the gatekeeper should review the existing queue of the agents to
distribute tickets properly(As per shift of the agent and agent assigned to that application(Exceptions to be decided by
ii. Notify assignment in slack channel #coreappsupport with the following information:

Ticket Number: XXXX

Assigned to: @'Agent Name'

Problem: describe the issue and steps to follow

Priority: XXXX


In the case of any confusion in understanding the issue, team members working on the application listed in ticket or application which is
most appropriate should be contacted and accordingly, the response should be given.
Gatekeeper will be responsible to monitor and provide the response on the Slack channels when @support is tagged.
Appropriate pre-defined Macro in Zendesk for the gatekeeping should be used as per the reported issue.

4. When the handover of gatekeeping it's happening, the agent leaving the gatekeeping needs to notify the new gatekeeper via slack
channel #coreappsupport and it should wait until the new agent in charge acknowledges. For the small break, inform in the channel which
needs to be acknowledged by someone from the team.

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