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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College of Natural and Social Sciences

MBA (Industrial Management)

Advanced Human Resources Management (MBAD6112)

Assignment on
The recruitment and selection process, and procedures of
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Submitted to: - Afwork G. (PhD)

Submitted by: - Mr. Arkbom Hailu (GSR 034/13)

June 2021
The recruitment and selection process, and procedures of AASTU

Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Human Resource Recruitment and Selection Process .................................................................. 3
2. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University ................................................................................. 4
2.1 Vision, Mission, and Core Values .................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Attributes of the Vision and Mission Statements ......................................................................... 6
2.3 Institutional Philosophy ................................................................................................................ 6
3. Structural/Managerial Hierarchy of the University .............................................................................. 6
3.1 Organization ................................................................................................................................ 10
4. Staff Development, Recruitment and Selection process, and procedures ......................................... 11
3.1 Recruitment and Selection process, and procedures for academic wing .................................. 12
3.2 Recruitment and Selection process, and procedures for administrative wing........................... 15
5. Reference ............................................................................................................................................ 16

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The recruitment and selection process, and procedures of AASTU

1. Introduction

In this paper we will try to see the requirement and selection process of Addis Ababa Science and
Technology University human resources. The university was established in 2011 with special
mission that the government give it with Adam Science and Technology University in the area of
Science and Technology.

1.1 Human Resource Recruitment and Selection Process

As of those three pillars, finance, asset and capital for the achievements of any organization or
profit-making institution. Human resource is one of the invaluable assets that cannot be replaced
by any of the value that the company might have. Proper recruitment and selection process for this
invaluable asset is one of the big steps for the success of any company or institution. The process
of recruitment and selection process must be conducted in transparence and accountable way so
that the best person for that particular area will be obtained unless and otherwise the gap to
accomplish the vision and mission of that organization will start to fail at this point.

The success of any organization is highly depending on the commitment, dedication and diligence
of its worker which should be selected based on the direction of vision and mission of that
company. Hence, they will strive for the strong accomplishment of that vision and mission. In
most of the developing country including Ethiopia, the process of recruitment and selection
process is not free from any unfair, sideway and family-based judgment, and this will create a
meaning full negative effect on the normal daily activity of the organization. This day any
competent graduate employee won’t get any job unless he/she has some relative with position that
can facilitate or influence the process of recruitment and selection process. All in all, this improper
way of recruitment and selection process have created a negative taught and suppressed the
positive value of the society and push the young generation to not depend on their effort and
strength rather forced them to relay on the strength of their family and extended families who
might know someone in the government officials.

To mitigate all the problem that are stated above any organization or institute whether it is profit
sicker or not must have a guidance or strong rules on the recruitment and selection of employees
from the market which should be free from any bias statement or gaps that can benefit someone
unfairly. To do this all the stake holder of the institute must involve in the formulation of the

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guideline and a big share must be given to the HR department. The guidelines must be under the
general umbrella of the country recruitment and selection policy or regulation. If the paper work
that can regulate the process of these recruitment and selection is set and if the HR office follow
this process and procedure of selection properly then the company or institute will get all the
highest qualified personnel for the job that the company need to do.

2. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University is established in accordance with Article 49(3)
of Higher Education Proclamation No. 650/2009 of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
and then transformed to be a new Science and Technology University in accordance with the
Council of Ministers Regulation No.314/2014; [1]
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU) is one of the two public science and
technology universities in Ethiopia established in 2011 through the Council of Ministers
Regulation No 2016/2011. [2]
WHEREAS, AASTU‟s vision is to become an internationally recognized and respected Hub of
Science and Technology with strong national commitment and significant continental repute;
WHEREAS, the University aspires to be an agent of change and development, a catalyst for
progress in science and technology, addressing the immediate and long-term demand of national
economy, innovative research and education; [1]
The infographic in Figure 1 shows the university’s change of accountability and key milestones
over the last nine years. [2]

Fig 2.1 infographic of AASTU over the last 9 years [2].

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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University is located in Addis Ababa City Administration,
Akaki Kality Sub city, between Woreda 1 & 9 on 250 Hectares of land. [2]

Figure 2.2 AASTU's location on Google map

2.1 Vision, Mission, and Core Values

To be internationally recognized Ethiopian Hub of Science and Technology with strong national
commitment and significant continental impact by 2030. [1]

1. Delivering world-class education and training in strategically prioritized science and
technology disciplines based on national economic demand. [1]

2. Conducting problem-solving applied research to support the productivity and competitiveness

of industries.

3. Serving as a center for knowledge & technological adaptation, innovation & transfer.

4. Building the technical and managerial capabilities of industries.

5. Building a national hub of science & technology.

Core Values

1. Professionalism
2. Excellence

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3. Academic freedom
4. Integrity
5. Commitment & Collaboration
6. Transparency & Accountability
7. Inclusiveness
8. Innovation

2.2 Attributes of the Vision and Mission Statements

1. Teaching and Learning: Accredited Programs, Graduate employability, Entrepreneurs,

Staff and student exchange, Graduate on time (GoT).
2. Research and Technology Transfer: Publication per capita, Quality of publication, Citation,
Research grants secured, Technology transfer.
3. Centers of Excellence: Cutting edge industry solution, Patents, Commercialized products,
Start-ups, Spin-off companies, Certified laboratories, Industrial income, Value creation,
4. University Ranking

2.3 Institutional Philosophy

Frontier in Science, Technology & Innovation: Going to the extreme limit of achievement in
science, technology, and innovation.

Always Strive for Quality and Excellence: Going the extra mile, empowering oneself and being
University for Industry

3. Structural/Managerial Hierarchy of the University

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University is organized into five academic colleges in
engineering and applied sciences & set up eight specialized centers of excellence for research,
innovation and technology transfer. Currently there are 13 undergraduate, 35 MSc and 36 PhD
programs. [2]

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President University President

Vice Presidents Academic Administrative Affair Institutional Dev’t and Research and Technology
Business Transfer

College Natural and Applied Biological and Electrical and Architecture

Social Science Science Chemical Eng. Mechanical and Civil Eng.

Center of Artificial Bio- High- Construction Nano- Mining Sustainable Nuclear

Intelligence Technology Performance Quality and Technology Exploration Energy Energy
Excellence and and Bio- Computing Technology and Technology Technology
Robotics Processing and Big Data Processing

Fig 2.3 Managerial Hierarchy of AASTU

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Each office, staring from the president office have got different director under it, to facilitate the
task of those offices. Under the president office there are ten different offices, and those are
president’s Special Advisor, President Office, Public and International Relation, Planning and
Budget, Legal Affair, Internal Audit, Institutional change and good governance, Ethics and Anti-
Corruption, Gender and HIV/ AIDS and Institutional Quality Assurance. All these ten offices are
under the office of the president. Their delegation is to the president and he/she is the one who will
manage the activity of those offices.

The president is also the one who will nominate and assign all those four vice- presidents
(Academic, Research and Technology Transfer, Administrative affairs and Institutional
development and Businesses). He has all the right to assign or fair those who has these position
based on the performance they made. All this Vice – president’s also do have different directors
and offices under them.

Office of Academic Vice president has six offices under it. Office of graduate program,
Undergraduate program, Continuing Education Program (CEP), Staff Development Center,
Libraries Service Directorate and Registrar. All these offices are almost related with the teaching
learning process from undergraduate to graduating class, including continuous educational
program. This office is also the one who will manage the registrar process under the registration
office, the libraries service and staff development issues.

Office of Administrative affairs under the vice president hierarchy manages eight offices. Student
Affairs Directorate, Human Resource Management, Finance Management, Procurement and
Property Management, Technical and General Service, Facility Management, Compound Security,
Compound Sanitation and Beauty. All this office are responsible to maintain the activity of the
university regarding to finance, procurements and property management, Student and Staff
facility, all university maintenances, beauty and security issue has been handling under this vice
president offices.

Office of Research and Technology Transfer, Vice president office has five office under it.
Research Director who is responsible to manage all the researches that are undertaking in the
university, Technology Transfer Directorate who is accountable for all the activity which is related
with technological work that need to be transferred to the industry as well as to the community in
general, Community Service Directorate, this office is the one who will manage any work which

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is related with community work, which is one of the pillar activity of the university staff members
next to academic and research work, University Industry Linkage (UIL) in which this office is
responsible to manage the link between the university and industries in general, Center of
Excellences which are eight in number and are strive to undertake a very deep research by engaging
those scholars in the university and all PhD students who are working their research in the campus.

The last one under the Vice president hierarchy is Institutional Development and Businesses.
Under this office there are four offices, Enterprise Director which is expected to manage the future
enterprise activity that the university is planning to have, Construction office which manage all
the construction activity in the university. It manages the quality and the work as per the standard
in the design specification. This office is now currently managed huge building construction in the
university, staring from the research center building, auditorium, commercial complex building
and huge administrative building. The third office under this vice president office is the ICT
Directorate which are responsible for all ICT facilities in the university, like SIMS (Student
Information Management System), IFMIS (The Integrated Financial Management Information
System), Institutional Email. Online Exam when new students are enrolling the university and so

All the offices Under the president office as well as the Vice president office demands various type
of employees and their recruitment, selection process and procedure are depending on the type of
Job they need to undertake. Like for instant for ICT directorate under the Institutional development
and business will not go by the same procedure like that of the procurement and property
management employee, although the initial announcement and screening criterial might have a
similar characteristics but process and procedure of evaluation is definitely have different

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3.1 Organization

Under each college there are many UG, and PG programs. The college are the higher office for
each department and they have a close relation with UG director and PG director Under the
Academic Vice president. Those college are the higher office in which each department can
forward their issues and received an ordered. [2]

Table 3.1 College, Department and Programs in the University

College of College of Biological College of Electrical College of Applied College of

Architecture and and Chemical and Mechanical Sciences Natural and
Civil Engineer Engineering Engineering Social Sciences
Departments Departments Departments Departments
1. Architecture 1. Biotechnology 1.Electrical and Computer 1. Food Science and
2. Civil Eng. 2. Chemical Eng. Eng. Applied Nutrition
3. Mining Eng. 3. Environmental Eng. 2. Electromechanical Eng. 2. Geology
3. Mechanical Eng. 3. Industrial
4. Software Eng. Chemistry
Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs
3 UG programs 3 UG programs 4 UG programs 3 UG programs
7 Msc programs 7 Msc programs 10 Msc programs 9 Msc programs 2 Msc programs
6 PhD programs 8 PhD programs 10 PhD programs 12 PhD programs
13 Undergraduate Programs 35 Msc Programs 36 PhD Programs

In addition to this, under the administration of Research and Technology Transfer office, there are
eight center of excellence that are mentioned on Figure 2.3. Currently the construction of the
centers of excellence and integrated central lab which include the technical infrastructure
(laboratories and studios), and support infrastructure (offices, communal space, seminar and
conference rooms) is underway at a cost of about 4.3 billion ETB, which is expected to be
completed in the mid-2021. In the meantime, AASTU is procuring full-fledged research equipment
for the CoEs. The complete high-tech laboratories and centers, which contains state-of-the-art
equipment for each CoEs are expected to be functional by 2022.

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In its commitment to be a national hub of science and technology, the University has geared all
research and innovation activities towards these CoEs while making it mandatory that every
academic staff and post graduate student get engaged his/her research in the CoEs. [2]

Figure 3.1 Overall 3D View and Site Layout of the CoEs and Central Lab [2]

4. Staff Development, Recruitment and Selection process, and procedures

In its academic staff capacity building effort, about 140 (39.3%) of the academic staff are PhD
holders while the remaining 60.7% are MSc holders.

Fig 3.2 Staff Profile as of June 2020

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More than 200 staff are currently pursuing their PhD study locally and abroad. Figure 3.2 & 3.3
show the staff and student profiles as of June 2020. This data will show us how the university is
strived to achieve its staff academic rank to the highest level, as much as possible. Having this data
in almost four and five year we expect the university academic staff profile to be PhD for more
than 80 % of its total academic staff. This will put the university among those universities which
are engaged in intense research work.

Fig 3.3 Staff and Student Data as June 2020

As we can see from Figure 3.3 the number of staffs with PhD rank have been increasing from time
to time, as a result the number of Scopus indexed publication is also increase. This give us a clear
message that the university is on the path of doing more research on different area in the university
with is one of the big tasks of the university. The number of students who have been graduated
has been also one of the figures which we can see from the above figure.

3.1 Recruitment and Selection process, and procedures for academic wing

The recruitment and selection process and procedure of AASTU are similar like the rest of other
university. Here in the university, there are two wings, the administrative and academic wing. For
recruitment and selection process and procedure all the governmental rule will apply here in the

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university. But one of a peculiar rule that the university is using for academic recruitment is if
some one who has Msc to be a part of the university he or she must have at least 3.25 CGPA for
UG program and 3.5 for PG program but this rule will not work if the recruited is a PhD holder.
For Academic Research Assistance the criteria will be set by the department and the requirement
will be accepted by the college, announcement will be floated on different magazine for

The selection process and procedure will be done under college for the academic rank below PhD
but for PhD the process will undertake by Academic Vice president. According to senet legislation
Article 31. Offices under the Vice-President for academic affairs (VPAA) 31.1. The Office of the
Vice-President for academic affairs shall lead the teaching-learning activity of the University
through various offices organized under it. And on article 32, Director for Academic Staff Affairs,
which will be nominated by Academic Vice president and appointed by the president, his or her
duties and responsibilities are stated on article 32.4 which is as follow. [1]

32.4.1. Follows up and ensures that the academic staff recruitment is in accordance with
the rules and regulation of the University;

32.4.2. Supervises, controls and directs the human resource management (HRM) unit
personnel to ensure the proper handling of the academic staff files and data;

32.4.3. Coordinates and monitors short-term and long-term training which is prepared for
the academic staff members in-house or outside the University;

32.4.4. Handles scholarship matters of the academic staff in accordance with the existing
staff development guideline;

32.4.5. Prepares strategic staff development plans and monitors its implementation;

32.4.6. Advises and supports the Vice-President for Academic Affairs on matters of
academic staff affairs of the University;

32.4.7. Checks and facilitates monthly salary payment of academic staffs, overloads, part-
time and other extra load payments;

32.4.8. Arrange academic staff members‟ promotion cases;

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32.4.9. Facilitates new fulltime and part-time academic staff appointments for the colleges
and divisions;

32.4.10. Prepares administrative reviews and manages records on candidates eligible for
review or leave;

32.4.11. coordinates appointments made to foreign national faculty ensuring compliance

with government and visa requirements;

32.4.12. Serves as administrative liaison in Academic Staff Affairs Office and organizes
appeals and grievance process;

32.4.13. Prepares projection plan for the recruitment of academic staff in rank based on the
demands of the colleges and divisions.

32.4.14. Coordinate’s induction activities for the newly employed academic staff members.

32.4.15. Accomplishes other relevant tasks assigned to him by the Vice President for
Academic affairs. [1]

According to the rule stated above article 32.4.(1,2,5,13 and 14) are closely related with HRM for
the academic wing, therefore this office is the one who will manage all the HR demand and the
process and procedure of the selection of academic staffs will be managed by this office. This
office will give the duty and responsibility for the body under its command and will follow the
process of the recruitment is undergo in a transparent way.

As we stated above for academic rank below PhD the screening, selection process and procedure
is undertaken under the college level, and the process will be facilitated by the department. In the
presence of the college evaluator as well the process for evaluation will be undertaken and the
office of Director for staff affair will give its consent before the final recruitment is done. For
Academic rank of PhD and above the process of screening will be done in the college and the
process and procedure of selection will be done under the office of Academic Vice president. The
final agreement will be done in the office of HR director under administrative affair Vice president

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3.2 Recruitment and Selection process, and procedures for administrative wing

The recruitment process is similar with that of academic wing, here the process for the demand
could be raised from any office and based on the demand the higher office will forward the demand
to the HR director office, the HR director office will float the demand on the air. The applicant
with the qualified job specification and description will be evaluated and those who score higher
mark will be qualified for the job. The process here will follow all the rule and regulation of the
civil servant. The process for this wind is not stated on the senate legislation since on that book
only an academic issue is addressed. The promotion, change of position from lower to upper will
be done according to the civil service rules and regulation.

The university out sources some tasks for outside agents, like for instant the guarding work for the
university and cleaning work for all the building in the university has been done by an agent, this
minimizes the hassle work for the university. The only thing the university will do is supervising
the activity whether all the work is done according to the agreement.

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5. Reference

1. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University Senate Legislation, Final Version, July 2017

2. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University 10-Year Strategic Plan,2020-2030

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