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Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

study journal

“Tell me what it is you seek—I will show you the

way. Lay your fears by my feet—I will dispel them.
Name what afflicts you—I can heal it. Whatsoever
you need, I shall provide. Here is your refuge; here
you will find sanctuary.” – Spirit Keeper’s Tarot


Beneficent in command and word was Isis, the goddess of

magical spells.

The company of gods rejoiced at the coming of Horus, the son

of Osiris, the triumphant, whose heart was steadfast, son of Isis,
heir of Osiris.

Khepri, creator of the gods, you are seated upon your throne,
illuminating your mother Nut.

Bull of Amentet, Thoth, the king of eternity, you are with me.

My hair is the hair of Nut, goddess of the sky. My face is the

face of Aten, disk of the sun. My eyes are the eyes of Hathor,
goddess of joy. My ears are the ears of Wepwawet, god of war.

May the Eye of Horus protect me, keep me in safety, and may
my adversaries fall down headlong before me.

—Egyptian Book of the Dead

ANGEL WHO RECORDS, whose Hand seals upon the Book of
Remembrance, who bears witness to All to enumerate every
deed, since Creation, from the beginning of the world to this
day, from my cradle to my grave, I invoke you to read to me,
to show me, to transcribe upon my heart, to place upon the
mantle of my mind the pages of the Book I petition for. Let it
be the Truth. Let that Truth, come what may, ever be used to
work the Highest Good. And so may it be.


Weekly Rituals..................................................................................... 4
Monday: Day of the Moon .............................................................. 5
Tuesday: Day of Mars ................................................................... 15
Wednesday: Day of Mercury ......................................................... 22
Thursday: Day of Jupiter ............................................................... 27
Friday: Day of Venus..................................................................... 34
Saturday: Day of Saturn................................................................. 39
Sunday: Day of the Sun ................................................................. 45
Spreads and Methods for Readings ................................................... 49
Log of Daily Card Draws .................................................................. 83
Log of Tarot Readings ..................................................................... 118
Correspondence Tables .................................................................... 218
Notes ................................................................................................ 262

The Spirit Keeper’s Tarot is an homage to our higher angels, the active
choice to embody our higher angels, and to reveal the interactive
relationship of heaven, earth, and humanity.

Weekly Rituals

The most important personal practices that amplify your divinatory

abilities with the tarot don’t involve a deck of cards at all. Your
foundation determines how powerful your readings are.

Maintaining a healthy mindset and a healthy relationship with the

Divine is how you can best optimize working with the cards and with
divination. A healthy relationship with Divinity begins in rather
mundane places: a healthy relationship with your body and a
harmonious coexistence with the world and living beings around you.
That’s what these weekly rituals are about.

When it comes to your fortunes, good and bad, everything is

interconnected. Your physical health is related to your emotional
wellbeing. Your emotional wellbeing is related to the level of harmony
between you and your environment. Your relationship with yourself is
affected by your relationship with others and your relationship with
nature. The most profound veneration of the Divine is to treat healthy
habits, feeling your feelings, interactions with other people and the
world around you as sacred acts.

There is a great deal of unseen energy in your environment right now

that is affecting your health, wealth, and forunes. That unseen energy
can have an impact on your access to financial opportunities. Your
financial health is connected to your fitness and nutrition, which has a
direct impact on your physical health.

These weekly rituals help you to more evenly distribute your attention
to all areas of your mind, body, and spirit. What’s important is not the
mechanics of the rituals themselves, and no, it does not actually matter
how often you do the rituals, though the more routine they become, the
stronger you’re fortifying your spiritual foundation.

Life gets busy and particular stresses take over, occupying all of our
attention to the point where we neglect everything else that was good.
These weekly rituals are about rectifying that tendency to neglect.
Although I specified the frequency to “weekly,” the reality is going to
vary from person to person. Cultivate such self-awareness that you are
able to specify the frequency for yourself, but don’t take shortcuts or
skip ritual practices just because you’re feeling lazy.

Monday: Day of the Moon

Prophecy, Intuition, Inner World

Tarot Forecast for the Week

I like to do weekly forecasts with the tarot on Mondays. This is in part
due to Monday’s association with the moon from the astrological
Sacred Seven, but it’s also for practical reasons. It gives me a frame of
reference for what to anticipate that week, where to show greater
caution and how to be more preventative, and also, at the end of the
week, I can reflect back on Monday’s divinatory forecast and by
comparing what actually happened to what was forecast, build up my
knowledge and experience with tarot card interpretation.

The “Spreads and Methods for Readings” section of this tarot journal
will offer many different suggestions. Experiment with some of them
from week to week and also try out your own custom reading methods.

Interpret this exercise loosely. It doesn’t need to be an extravagantly

orchestrated divination session. Perhaps you pull a few cards to help
anchor your focus this week, or ascribe affirmations to the card draws
and used those affirmations to keep you centered. Or take this
opportunity to test-drive new tarot spreads and reading methods.
Consistent, tempered use of a particular tarot deck can also help you
become acclimated and bond with it.

To me, the forecast reading is like checking what the meteorologist has
to say about the coming week’s weather forecast. I find it helpful,
educational even, but I don’t let it dictate my life. If anything, a simple
yet thoughtful weekly forecast tarot reading is one of the best ways to
learn tarot.

10 Minutes of Meditation
Monday meditations help set the tone for your week ahead. In just 10
minutes, you are taking full control over your mind and inner world,
and preparing yourself for tackling the outer world. For those who
aren’t used to meditation, start with just 10 minutes, but make your 10
minutes count: quality over quantity of time.

In Eastern metaphysics, there are three main recognized types of

meditation: focused meditation (samatha), insight or wisdom
meditation (vipassana), and beneficent or compassion meditation
(metta). Commit to just one type of these three meditations for the full
duration of five to six months, and don’t switch it up or become
inconsistent. Why commit to just one for such a prolonged period of
time, instead of dabbling and experimenting with multiple types of
meditation? These types of practices take time to optimize their
effectiveness on you.

Meditation is not about instant changes to the surface. It’s about

cultivating deep, enduring changes from within that eventually will be
visible at the surface level. Nothing miraculous is going to happen after
the first Monday you try 10 minutes of meditation.

The different types of meditative practice have different specific

purposes and while in the long-term, achieve the same end goal of
transcendence, in the short-term will have dramatically different effects
on your daily life, especially if you’re using meditation for mundane
purposes rather than esoteric. So consider which form of meditation
you want to commit to and stick with it for at least five to six months.
You need to give a meditative practice at minimum half a year of
consistency before you’ll start to see transformative results.

Focused Meditation [Samatha]

Focused meditation typically involves the repeated recitation of a

mantra or dharani. In contemporary times and to those who want to
keep it non-religious, you can work with an affirmation.

From a practical standpoint, dedicating 10 minutes to repeating an

affirmation relating to your goals or ambitions will help you stay

focused on your priorities. Writing a book? Conceive of your own
affirmation, such as “Creativity flows through me unblocked and I will
finish my novel by year’s end.” If you’re budget-conscious because you
are trying to increase your financial security, perhaps dedicate this time
every Monday to repetition of an affirmation such as, “I do not impulse-
buy and I clear all channels for prosperity to flow my way.”

This is a method of programming yourself for success and high

achievement. Every thought that crosses your mind is encoded into a
neuron. When you repeat that same thought, your mind will re-encode
that same pathway, driving it deeper and deeper, carving it into your
mind in a more permanent way. The more you repeat the same thought,
the quicker your mind falls into that encoded pathway. When that
thought is negative or self-destructive, that’s the encoded pathway your
mind will get trapped in, in a loop, unable to dig itself back out of.
When that thought is empowering, it strengthens you.

In both esoteric Buddhism and esoteric Taoism, focused meditation is

used to change and calibrate your personal vibration so it resonates at
the same frequency as Divinity, or a particular emanation of Divinity.
Vibrating at the same frequency as a particular emanation of Divinity
means your petitions to that Divinity are more likely to manifest, will
be more powerful. For example, if your patron divinity is Kuan Yin,
then dedicated and routine focused meditation with a Kuan Yin mantra
strengthens your connection to the pillar of spiritual power that Kuan
Yin represents. When you petition Kuan Yin in ritual to help you
manifest a particular outcome, your petitions will become consistently
effective, or at least so goes the metaphysical theory. In Asian
traditions, which originate from the Indus Valley, mantras are typically
recitations of a divinity’s name. The more you encode a pathway in
your mind that is an invocation of that divnity by name, the more
attuned your Self is to that Divinity.

By that logic, you can work with the mind encoding method with
pantheons beyond Buddhism. Borrow the concept of focused
meditation and adapt it to your specific religious beliefs, repeating an
invocation of your patron divinity by name.

If at present you are single-mindedly focused on achieving one

particular objective, then absolutely maximize this focused meditation

time every week to repeat a mantra that affirms your objective.
Visualize your objective or aspiration coming true, what that would
look like to you as an actual event, and as you visualize that, repeat the
same mantra for ten consecutive minutes, minimum.

Oftentimes prayer beads, or mala, are used to help you keep count of
your recitations. When you see practitioners meditate while thumbing
mala prayer beads, they are most likely engaged in focused meditation,
or samatha.

If you are using mala prayer beads for focused meditation, you are
using the beads for their intended purpose, and that is not cultural
appropriation. There is no exclusivity to mala prayer beads. They can
be wrapped around your wrist and worn as a daily reminder of your
values or to keep the mantra recitations invoking your patron divinity
close by. As for wearing mala beads around your neck, my
understanding has always been that only spiritual teachers or actual
monks and nuns wear the mala around their necks.

Insight and Wisdom Meditation [Vipassana]

The purpose of insight meditation is to tame the inner beast and achieve
self-awareness. Vipassana meditation is said to help improve physical
health, especially for those suffering from chronic pain, or to help with
mental health, giving you control and management over stress, anxiety,
and depression.

The advanced objective of insight meditation is to empty your mind of

all thought and become impervious to external distractions or what we
like to call “monkey mind,” where fleeting thoughts keep you scattered
and weakened. Vipassana meditation reins in all that scattered energy
and brings it under your full control.

At the beginner level, especially if you’ve never done Vipassana

meditation before, sitting in stillness with an emptied mind is a
challenge, so instead of attempting to sit for ten minutes trying to
achieve the impossible, take it one step at a time: start with just focused
breathing. Focus on your breath. Dedicate all ten minutes to thinking
about nothing more than how you are inhaling the air and then exhaling
the air. That’s it.

To start insight meditation, picture soft, gently blinking light at a point
between the brows (your third eye). Try to empty your mind and just
focus on the light. When your mind wanders, catch it. I visualize
tossing out a net, trapping the thought, and reeling back in, and as it
reels back in toward me, it gently disintegrates into nothingness. As
you are reeling the thought back, say to yourself, I let go of this thought,
I am letting go of this thought. Then Will it to disintegrate.

If you start to feel pain or aches, start by directing the full of your
attention to that area of physical pain, observe it, truly feel the fullness
of it, and then once again, visualize tossing out a net to trap the pain
and reel it in toward you. As you reel it in, you’re drawing it away from
that physical area, and that area lessens in pain. The pain is reduced. As
you reel it in, say to yourself, I let go of this pain, I am letting go of this

If it is an emotional pain, such as feeling guilt, regret, grief, or self-

loathing, instead of running from it or trying to mask that pain, turn the
full of your attention to your feeling, but do so with an innocent
objectivity. Be observant and intuitive. Where, regionallyyou’re your
physical body to you feel that emotional pain? Is it being held in your
stomach? In your throat? Is it tightening near the temples of your head?
In your knees? Your knuckles? Locate it. Re-focuse your visualization
and then see that pain reveal its appearance: an opaque, viscous orb.

Then visualize yourself tossing out a net toward that opaque, viscous
orb, and reel in that pain. See your guilt or grief or self-loathing now
trapped in your netting. Reel in the trapped orb and as you do so,
command to yourself, I let go of this pain, I am letting go of this pain,
and visualize the opaque, viscous orb disintegrating. Before the net
reaches you, the orb is gone. Then resume focus on your breathing, the
minutiae of inhaling and exhaling.

Sometimes these resident pains are old, and very strong. They’re
persistent and won’t disintegrate upon first call. Do not change your
temperament. Do not grow impatient or anxious. I find that smiling to
myself and being amused at its persistence helps. Repeat the
visualization exercise. If within the same meditation session that pain
keeps reappearing and won’t go away, after the third try, smile and be

amused at the persistence of this pain, and say to it, “You’re not as
strong as you think. You fight me, because you are afraid of my power.
I will return and come for you again.” Then conclude that meditation
session for the day. If the pain comes again during the next meditation
session, repeat this practice persistently, patiently, lovingly.

When there are distractions you cannot control, like sudden sounds
from outside or beyond, turn your attention to that for just a fleeting
moment, acknowledge that your thoughts have fluttered and scattered
because of that distraction, and then reel in your thoughts with a net,
acknowledging, I let go of this distraction, I am letting go of this

If I may include my opinion (an opinion that parrots the shi fu, or the
zen masters I’ve studied under growing up), a beginner who has never
meditated before should start with focused meditation, not insight or
wisdom meditation.

Focused meditation produces more immediately gratifying results, in

the sense that it yields observable benefit to your mundane life. For
occultists, focused meditation with a mantra that connects you to your
patron divinity helps you cultivate a much stronger foundational
connection with that patron divinity.

In focused meditation, you are training your mind. In insight or wisdom

meditation, you are liberating your mind, but in letting go of your
control over it, your shadow thoughts and suffering can become more
pronounced, because there is nothing to distract you from their

That said, I do not believe there is any danger to beginning with insight
meditation—this is the form of meditation I started with as a small
child. However, its effectiveness and your success at insight meditation
is amplified if you’ve already mastered focused meditation. That’s why
it may be more prudent to treat it as an intermediate practice.

Compassion Meditation [Metta/Maitri]

I recently learned that there are differing and rather conflicting

perspectives on metta (maitri) meditation. Growing up, I was taught
that metta meditation is the most advanced, and therefore not just any
lay individual can practice effective metta meditation. However, in
Western Buddhist practices, metta meditation seems to be quite
common and highly encouraged, even for total meditation beginners.

In a nutshell, metta meditation is a form of self-sacrifice. You send out

your personal energy with the intention that it will touch others who
need it the most and bring benefits to others. Your intention is to say, I
have a surplus of power and vitality, so I would like to give this power
and vitality to others, so that they may be enriched with added power
and vitality.

I refer to it as a form of self-sacrifice because I think that most quickly

conveys the point of metta meditation: you are giving of yourself to
others; you are putting the interests and needs of others before your
own—that is a prerequisite of effective metta meditation. For some
further context, the name Maitreya (the bodhisattva and Messianic
Buddha featured in The Hierophant card) is rooted in maitri (metta).
There is a strong interplay between the archetype of the messiah as
savior, salvation, and self-sacrifice.

Western practices of metta meditation have described it as, essentially,

thinking happy thoughts about others, or wishing well to those you
might otherwise not feel motivated to wish well to. I’m going to be a
fundamentalist here and say I don’t think that cuts it as metta
meditation. That’s probably still a form of samatha or focused
meditation, where the mantra you’re repeating to yourself is about
trying to be a better human being, preparing yourself so that you can
feel more called to engage in compassionate acts.

I believe that compassion has to be an act. Metta meditation is

compassion because it is premised on the belief that you are releasing
personal energy that could otherwise benefit you to give to others, in
the hopes that it benefits others who might not possess sufficient
personal power or vitality. It’s akin to possessing one hundred dollars
and choosing to give away fifty dollars to another. Here, instead of

dollars, it’s personal vitality, or qi energy. That is why metta meditation
is an act and not just “thinking happy thoughts about others.”

Entry Date Notes

Entry Date Notes

Entry Date Notes

Tuesday: Day of Mars
Ambition, Courage, Vitality, Conquest

Tuesday’s planetary connection to Mars means it’s a great day to set

aside for checking in with your goal-setting and ambitions. Tuesday is
also the day for strength training and dedicating some time to
cultivating stronger personal power, or vitality.

Weekly Status Update on the Pursuit of Your

Check in with the goals you’ve set for the year, or the month, or what
your most immediate aspirations are right now.

Have you been procrastinating and therefore have nothing new to report
to yourself since the week before? Have you made significant strides
in the last seven days? Have you come into new insights and therefore
need to pivot and recalibrate your original aspirations? Take time to
write out a weekly status update to yourself.

If you’ve done nothing all of last week to advance your goals because
you’ve been a lazy sloth, then acknowledge this to yourself in your
Tuesday self check-in. Eventually you’ll get so tired of reporting the
same thing you’ll take at least one baby step in the right direction just
so you can change your report and say to yourself that you’ve done
something toward arriving at your goal. And that is exactly what you’re
aiming for.

We know that feedback is important for learning and growing. So you

have to give yourself feedback. Not only does it keep you on track and
help you to stay motivated, but most important of all, it’s how you listen
to yourself. Checking in with your progress is how you listen to your
body and to your spirit. If you haven’t been making any progress on the
goals you’ve set for yourself, there is a very good underlying reason for

that. And if you check in with yourself, you can hear what that
underlying reason might be and give yourself the chance to address it.

For example, you realize you haven’t been hitting any of the reasonable
goals you’ve been setting for yourself, and when you check in, you
notice that it’s because lately, you have been a lot more fatigued than
usual. Now you have the opportunity to reflect on that fatigue. Could it
be a lacking of certain nutrients, vitamins, or minerals? Maybe it’s time
to audit your diet (by diet, I don’t mean weight loss; I mean the food
you’re eating). Is it stress created by certain interpersonal
relationships? Maybe you need to carve out some time to focus on that
relationship and think about what you might need to do to address the
problems head on, so that it no longer hinders you on this subconscious
level that is in turn having a detrimental impact on your life.

Checking in with your goals isn’t just about enhancing personal

performance. The more important purpose here is detecting imbalances
and catching problems early on, before they worsen.

One Waking Hour of Total Silence

For those who are familiar with the four directives of the magus (to
know, to dare, to will, and to keep silent), I attribute “to keep silent”
with the fixed zodiac sign Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars. So I
consider the Day of Mars (the planetary ruler of Scorpio) to be a fitting
day for honoring that directive. The esoteric implications of silence is
manifold and most of it is figurative, but here we’re going to take it
quite literally.

Commit to at least one waking hour every Tuesday for total silence. At
the very least, commit to no speaking or communicating to others for
one hour. In the digital age, that also means no checking e-mails or
social media communications and no social interactions whatsoever for
one hour. Devote that hour to solitude.

Then, do your best to also minimize noise or miscellaneous distractions

around you so that your environment is as silent or calming as
practicable. At the very least, refrain from listening to music or the
news; refrain from visual distractions like the television. Do not listen

to music, do not have motion pictures playing around you that could
distract you, and be as solitary as possible.

I tend to do this early in the morning so I am the only one in the house
awake, before the hour of sunrise. Alternatively, do this late at night,
after everyone in the house has gone to sleep. Take this time to tinker
with divinatory tools, open yourself up as a channel and practice
automatic writing, cook, clean and tidy up your personal space,
exercise, go for a walk, or meditate. Something I’ve really enjoyed
doing—don’t laugh, okay?—is reading illustrated children’s books. Or
if that’s a little too cutesie for you, beautifully illustrated coffee table
books. Perhaps you’ll find it productive to read entries and passages
from the Book of Maps and take your time visually exploring the art.

In the beginning, you may want to set a timer with a gentle alert sound
when time is up. That way you can keep track of the hour. If you’ve
never practiced silence before, then you do want to approach it with
some discipline. The exact amount of time for practicing silence isn’t
that significant. So long as you acclimate to the practice, there’s no
need to time yourself. When you want to practice silence, you devote
the next block of time to it and proceed. It goes on for as long as it
happens to go on for—an hour, less than that, or two hours, three.
Nevertheless, in the beginning, to establish the habit and cultivate
discipline, keep track of that full hour. Then ease up on this self-
imposed rule and let the period of silence be natural and organic.

Practicing literal silence all but forces you to pay closer attention to the
subtle palpitations of your world. When I say “silence,” I mean all
forms of speech and personal expression. Instead of trying to
communicate who you are to the world, take this period of silence to
let the world communicate to you who it is and what is actually going
on. Over time and with practice, profound revelations and psychic
events happen to you during these periods of silence, because you are
listening to the world around you, and once it realizes you’re truly
listening, it will begin to talk back.

15 Minutes of Vitality Strengthening

Here, I put down 15 minutes so as not to intimidate you, but this is
supposed to be physical activity, some kind of workout for fitness and

health, so really you should be doing a whole lot more than 15 minutes
per week. That’s not me telling you what to do; that’s very, very smart
health and fitness experts telling us what we all should be doing.

If you already have a weekly workout routine that goes well beyond 15
minutes on a Tuesday, then stick with your regular workout routine and
adjust it so you definitely work out on Tuesdays, to optimize the
energies for the Day of Mars. In other words, schedule at least one of
your weekly workouts on Tuesdays.

If, however, you’re quite sedentary, then this is an opportunity to make

an easy yet significant change to your lifestyle. Start with the baby step
of committing to 15 minutes of fitness activity just once per week.
Commit to 15 minutes of aerobic activity. Anaerobic exercise is also
great, if you prefer that. (Just so we’re all clear, health experts
recommend that you do both.)

This vitality strengthening task for every Tuesday can be accomplished

by acquiring a 15-minute workout video and just following the workout
video every Tuesday. Qigong is another great option for completing the
vitality strengthening task. It can be as simple as taking 5 minutes to
pay attention to each part of the body, head to toe, doing isolated
stretches, then 10 minutes of jumping jacks or running in place,
something that gets your heart pumping and blood flowing, and then 5
minutes of cool-down, back to stretches and devoting gratitude to each
part of the body.

Disabilities will not exempt you from this task, though you may want
to consult a treating physician about what your viable alternatives are.
There are modifications you can do, fitness routines that are intended
to be more accessible, and strength training exercises that have been
developed and tailored specially to your condition. Concentrated
breathing exercises or forms of energy healing, like doing reiki on
yourself, or mentally working with your chakras counts for this vitality
strengthening task, if that is the best extent of physical activity that’s
safe for you. Close your eyes and with astral or psychic sight, visualize
the glowing vitality of qi energy flowing through you, and intentionally
trigger it to flow with greater velocity. No sudden movements or
dramatic changes! Slowly and patiently accelerate the flow of that
visualized qi through all the channels of your body, head to toe, and

once fast, see it as glimmering Light, and then 15 minutes later,
gradually and gently slow it back down to regular rate.

The goal with vitality strengthening is to learn how to develop control

over the circulation and flow of qi, or life force in your body. When
you leave your vitality dormant for too long, which is what happens
when you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it’s much harder to activate that
vitality when you need it the most. A routine practice of vitality
strengthening (aka fitness) isn’t just important for everyday health, but
it’s also important to the metaphysical practitioner.

Entry Date Notes

Entry Date Notes

Entry Date Notes

Wednesday: Day of Mercury
Commerce, Mind, Voice, Intellect, Reason

Wednesdays, we focus on your mind and the marketplace of ideas.

Using Your Voice Beneficently

When I say voice here, I mean the power of your communications.
Offering sincere, kind words to someone is a simple way to use your
voice beneficently. Coming to someone’s defense is using your voice
beneficently. Informing or educating another (but being mindful that
you’re not giving unsolicited advice, patronizing another, or imposing
your view onto someone else) also accomplishes this weekly
aspiration. Freely share your intellectual property.

Use your words and ideas (your ideas are part of your voice when you
execute those ideas) to create positive change in the world around you.
Every Wednesday, take some time to think about how you have been
utilizing the gift of voice to make your world a better place.

We all are prone to the bad habit of wanting to voice our criticism, our
pain, to point out what’s wrong, and to express negativity, and then
when things are sincerely great, we forget to voice that positivity. We
neglect to point out what’s right. This weekly ritual is about changing
that bad habit.

Yet take care that this practice is not about narrowing your world view
to rose-tinted glasses. This practice is about balance and rectification.
It’s about taking a moment to offset all the negativity we inadvertently
pour out into the world. It’s not about being willfully ignorant to that
world’s suffering.

There is a self-beneficial aspect to using your voice positively. Doing

so empowers you to see your world positively, to cultivate a more
optimistic outlook. When you train yourself to consistently see the

beauty around you, to vocalize, express, communicate, proclaim,
praise, and share your admiration and your gratitude for that beauty,
you are in turn training yourself to be, well, happy. No, seriously.

15 Minutes of Mental Strengthening

Tuesdays are for physical strengthening; Wednesdays are for mental

Gratitude practice is a common form of mental strengthening. This is

counting your blessings. What are you grateful for? What in your life
do you have that brings you joy? Identify and name that which brings
you joy. Who are the people that fill your heart with love? Remind
yourself of all the ways the world around you and the resources you
have access to have enriched your life.

Have you ever experienced a broken bone? And today, none of your
bones are broken? Learn how to experience genuine gratitude for that.
Have you ever experienced poverty and now you’re able to pay your
bills? Express a genuine gratitude for your improved circumstances,
even if you’re still not where you idealize yourself to be financially.
Have you ever experienced true loneliness and now there is someone
in your life who loves you? Express a genuine gratitude for that love.

How do you practice gratitude for 15 minutes? I use this time to

daydream, in a way. I like to look out the window at beautiful
landscape, or close my eyes and listen to calming music, and as I do so,
my thoughts are lifted by the goodness in my life, and then my thoughts
stay there, in goodness, for the duration of 15 minutes.

For those who like to journal, keep a gratitude journal and write in it
for 15 uninterrupted minutes every Wednesday. First, remember the
suffering of the past and acknowledge it. Second, express pride in
having overcome that suffering. Third, give thanks to your improved
circumstances. Be sincere and reflect on every single person or event,
including yourself, that contributed to your improved circumstances.
No matter how small their contribution, acknowledge it. If you are
religious, then definitely express gratitude to the Divinity you venerate.

Writing out a list of your positive beliefs in a journal is another form of
mental strength training. I combine this exercise with affirmation work.
I write out, in no particular order or organization, all my positive beliefs
about myself, my capabilities, and what I will accomplish. I believe I
will earn one million dollars before I turn 30… I believe I am a talented
singer… I believe that I possess the power to summon spirits… I believe
I will master astrology in the next year… I believe that I always land
on my feet…

The only condition to your list of positive beliefs is that you genuinely
believe in it. This is not a list of wishes. This is a list of beliefs. You
must sincerely and beyond any doubt believe the statements you are
writing. If it is not one of your core beliefs just yet, and it’s something
you’re still working on believing about yourself, then do not write it
down during this exercise.

Instead, note to yourself what your wishful thoughts are, which you do
not yet sincerely believe about yourself, and work on yourself in such
a way until those wishful thoughts do become sincere core beliefs. And
then once they are sincere core beliefs, that’s when you write them out.

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Thursday: Day of Jupiter
Prosperity, Popularity, Fate and Fortune

The Day of Jupiter is for cultivating strategies that will enhance your
fortunes. Thursdays are for contemplating that fine balance between
fate and free will, and what you need to do to tip the scales in your
personal favor.

Weekly Status Update on Your Fortunes

Transform your willpower into force that will turn the Wheel of
Fortune in your favor. Thursday is the day you dedicate time to
strategizing more social recognition for the work that you do and for
your talents, and also how you can optimize the work that you do and
your talents to reap financial abundance.

Every Thursday, take time to reflect on what proactive measures you

have taken in the last seven days to advance your status or your
financial security or both.

If you run your own small business, then Thursday should be the day
every week that you allot time for strategizing on how to raise your
business platform, improve your branding and marketing, or
brainstorm ways to expand your business and increase sales income.
Thursday is also the day you check in and self-audit the progress of
your business or financial health.

If you are an independent artist or writer, then dedicate Thursday to

checking in with yourself on the progress of your career. Are you
getting the recognition proportionate to your talent? Are you getting
enough social exposure so that your creativity can flourish even more?

Artists and writers are notorious for focusing too much on the work and
neglecting to seek out exposure for that work. Your art and creativity
are not beautifying the world to its full capability if you do not give that

art its due exposure. You have to position yourself to be at the right
place at the right time to get that exposure.

While you can leave it to serendipity, you can also be the magus and
control the flow of energy—create opportunities of serendipity for
yourself, by harnessing the powers of the magi. “What’s meant to be
will be” is certainly one philosophy of life, but it is not the philosophy
of the magus.

I appreciate that in spirituality circles, a popular mantra is just that—

“what’s meant to be will be,” but here’s my opinion: that’s a cop-out.

This is different from expressing that idea in the past tense, after the
fact. I do often say to myself, “what happened was meant to be;
ultimately, it was all for the best.”

Before we get there, though, in the future tense and present tense, I
never allow myself to think that way. I hold myself accountable for
what happens to me and I do everything within my willpower and
physical power to achieve my goals.

So on Thursdays, I take the time to list out and review what I’ve
proactively done that week to make things happen. The first part of this
task for me is a bit of a listing out of bragging rights—I write out what
I’m proud of having done. The second part is to acknowledge what I
have left to accomplish—I write out what still needs to be done.

Weekly Prosperity Ritual

Your weekly prosperity ritual does not need to be an elaborate
performance of ceremonial magic. It should be slightly more
intentional and formalized than your ordinary state of mind or state of
conduct, and perhaps it may involve a few changes to your
environment, like burning incense, or lighting a beautiful candle and
taking a moment to gaze at the flame. Maybe you anoint yourself with
a sacred blended oil first, or wipe down your work space with a
prosperity-infused spray. Maybe you carve out time to tidy up your
work space and as you do so, intentionally pray or recite affirmations
to invite prosperity into that freshly cleaned out space. Maybe it’s

tending to the plants you’re growing that correspond metaphysically to
blessings of good fortune and prosperity.

Here, though, there is a very, very important element to crafting

prosperity rituals: you. Or more specifically, your creativity. Loosely
take inspiration from others, from traditions, etc., but ultimately, what
you do for your prosperity rituals needs to be specific, customized,
personal, and probably irrationally eclectic. Part of the ritual is to
design your own and then have it bear fruition for you.

When you get into the mental space of having to study different
correspondences for stones, crystals, and herbs, or research different
spells, incantations, mantras, and methodologies for prosperity rituals
to then custom-design one that’s entirely unique and innovative, you
are also in turn getting acclimated with the motions of earning money.

I consider ritual design as a form of training myself to get into the

necessary head space for reaping actual, measurable prosperity.

Here’s the thing. You know why those 10-steps-to-get-rich-quick

tutorials never work? Because there’s no absolute guaranteed one size
fits all formula for wealth building. We each have a unique path of
potential. You have to know yourself first. You have to optimize your
gifts and your strengths. You need to be innovative in your own unique
way. Don’t take me on my word—look for yourself.

Every single person who has made it to the top of the game has, in some
way, done it on their own terms. They did something different, and it’s
that difference that made them stand out.

And if you really got to know them? You’d learn that this difference
that made them great was once upon a time a difference that made them
feel ostracized, left out, and weird. That one thing about you that makes
you weird is exactly the secret ingredient to your wealth potential. And
because it’s so weird, there’s no way for me or anyone to spell out for
you how to manifest wealth, because there’s no way we can understand
that weirdness. You need to understand it for yourself and then lean
into it until it blooms.

That’s why I will not give any detailed instruction on prosperity rituals
and instead, urge you to scour far and wide for inspiration and then be
conscientious about not copying anybody else. You must, must, must
craft your own prosperity rituals, based on diligent investigation, study,
and analysis. Doing this in a weird way is how you inspire yourself to
see and finally value what is weird in you. Once you learn how to
appreciate what’s weird about you, you are finally on the path to
tapping your wealth potential.

Unlike the weekly meditation on Monday, which I insisted to be the

same type of meditation every week for a prolonged period of time, like
five to six months, your weekly prosperity rituals should be diverse and
creative. Explore different traditions, what symbols are considered
lucky or for bringing in financial abundance per other cultures that are
not your own, and commit each week to going beyond your comfort
zone. What you’re doing here is training yourself to be creative and
think outside the box when it comes to achieving prosperity. If you can
do that with ritual magic, then eventually you will succeed at applying
this kind of mindset to wealth-building.

The process you undergo to explore different ways of crafting

prosperity spells will have a positive subconscious impact on the way
you explore different strategies for money-making.

When your mind is routinely working through metaphysical

correspondences for wealth and abundance, you’re naturally going to
attract energies conducive for wealth and abundance.

Exploring different cultures and traditions of money magic induces you

to think beyond what’s familiar to you when it comes to finances. As
you develop your creativity and ingenuity for money magic, you
develop your creativity and ingenuity for money-making.

In the same way you realize a certain kitchen staple that you’ve always
overlooked is in fact symbolic of prosperity to certain cultures, you in
turn will discover all the nooks and crannies in your present life that
are opportunities for income that you’ve been overlooking.

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Friday: Day of Venus
Beauty, Attraction, Relationships, Pleasure

Doing the Work and Defeating Inertia

Of the four directives of the magus—to know, to dare, to will, and to
keep silent—I attribute the fixed sign Taurus with the directive “to do.”
The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, and so on the Day of Venus, we
shall dedicate time to considering that directive.

Friday is the day you reflect back on the week that just passed by and
identify one moment in which you defeated inertia, and defeated the
temptation to procrastinate. Fridays are the day you reflect on the past
week, recounting every moment you fought against passivity, apathy,
idleness, or sloth to act, to do, and to be proactive. Friday is the day you
are your own motivation coach, and when you give yourself a pep talk
for defeating inertia.

Act of Self-Care
While there are many differing approaches to what constitutes self-
care, I’ll offer my approach: an act of self-care is an act of indulging in
and enjoying the beauty of life, of being pleasured, of receiving
pleasure. Do you receive pleasure from acquiring fine art? Indulge in a
few extra hours of sleep, or a spa treatment, or invest in delicious food,
framed as a sacred act of honoring your body.

Every Friday, commit to yourself to receive pleasure. That can be as

simple as taking the time to be entertained by your favorite thoughtless
television show or movie. It can be the enjoyment of an extravagantly
prepared meal. Or perhaps it is the acquisition of something beautiful,
something that pleases you.

What is healthy and spiritual vs. what is unhealthy and materialistic is

a matter of how it enriches or depletes you. For example, if you buy an
expensive luxury item to fill some emotional void in you, or to try and
keep up with the Joneses, then that’s probably unhealthy and
materialistic. If you buy that same expensive luxury item sincerely
reframed as detachment from miserly money attitudes, as an expression

of how you are worthy, and an appreciation for the unique artistry,
creative genius, and hard work of the artisans who produced such a
luxury item, then I see that as healthy and spiritual. Physical pleasure
is sacred when it is an expression of an agape love for life.

Self-care is also surrounding yourself with love, whether that is self-

love or spending quality time with those you genuinely love. Fill your
Fridays with Love.

I would also like to offer this condition: enriching self-care means you
need to be fully present during the receiving of pleasure. Meet the act
with gratitude and responsiveness. Do not take the moment for granted
or allow negative distractions while you’re enjoying that moment of
pleasure. You don’t want to dilute the potency of that pleasure with
worry, stress, or negative thoughts. Let pleasure fill you fully.

Why time your commitment of self-care to Fridays, the Day of Venus?

The planetary spirit of Venus is most empowered on Fridays and timing
self-care to Fridays will give the benefits of those acts an added boost
of enrichment.

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Saturday: Day of Saturn
Discipline, Protection, Cleansing, Wisdom

Let the Day of Saturn be a day of preservation.

Dedicated Time to Study or Practice

Of the four directives of the magus—to know, to dare, to will, and to
keep silent—I attribute the fixed sign Aquarius with the directive “to
know.” The ruling planet of Aquarius (in traditional astrology, not
modern) is Saturn, and so on the Day of Saturn, we shall dedicate time
to considering that directive.

This is continuing education in all its manifestations and aspects. The

fundamental purpose here is to reinforce what you know. I keep a copy
of Eliphas Levi’s Transcendental Magic out on my study desk and take
time each Saturday to reread a chapter from it. Reading nonfiction in
general is a great way to keep up with the directive “to know.”

When I read or engage in book study on Tuesdays to keep silent, the

purpose and intention I set is inner cultivation. When I repeat the same
act on Saturday, nothing about the physical motions changes, but my
purpose is different. On Saturdays, I read or engage in book study to
know—the purpose and intention I set is to deepen my anchor in this
life and contextualize my understanding of the world.

Forms of ritual practice on Saturdays also reinforce and preserve

wisdom. Pathworking, astral journeying, or guided visual meditations,
especially with the tarot, are optimized on the Day of Saturn.

15 Minutes of Grounding or Shielding

The typical chaos of life can nudge you off balance by week’s end, so
every Saturday, take some time to bring yourself back to balance.

Grounding is a ritualistic practice of bringing to equilibrium you and
your environment. When your energy is depleted, you siphon energy
from the natural earth around you to restore your own. Grounding is
also taking a moment to acknowledge your environment and put
yourself in harmony with it. When you are in harmony with the
environment around you, your personal powers are amplified. When
you are not in harmony with the environment, much of your personal
energy is unconsciously weakened from the conflict.

Saturday can also be a time for shielding, to re-fortify your personal

and psychic defense systems. Here, I’m including the many forms of
personal energy healing to be applicable when I say “grounding or
shielding” on the Day of Saturn.

The recitation from the Book of the Dead that appears on the back of
your SKT deck box is one I like to use for shielding. Kuan Yin’s
Protection mantra, an excerpt from the Lotus Sutra, found after the Key
17: The Healer entry in your Book of Maps is also powerful for both
grounding and shielding. Light a candle or incense, sit alone
somewhere calm and quiet, and then read the Protection invocation to
yourself. The Prayer to Anubis after the Key 18: The Necromancer
entry is another great one to use, especially if it resonates more
powerful for you than the Lotus Sutra invocation to Kuan Yin. There’s
also the Zoroastrian Prayer from the Hymn to the Guardian Angels after
the The Mason (Three of Orbs) card entry and right before The
Archangels. This one is a little longer, but one sincere full reading of it
yields powerfully psychic effects.

Some books on my personal library shelves that are good resources for
shielding, grounding, and energy healing practices are as follows:

Bennett, Robin Rose. Healing Magic: A Green Witch Guide to

Conscious Living. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books,
Dominguez, Jr., Ivo. Keys to Perception: A Practical Guide to Psychic
Development. Newport, Massachusetts: Weiser Books, 2017.
Matthews, Caitlin. Psychic Shield: The Personal Handbook of Psychic
Protection. Berkeley, California: Ulysses Press, 2006.

Moore, Barbara. Modern Guide to Energy Clearing. Woodbury,
Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications, 2018.
Robertson, Leeza. Tarot Healer: Using the Cards to Deepen Your
Chakra Healing Work. Woodbury, Minnesota, Llewellyn
Publications, 2020.
Wallace, Amy and Bill Henkin. The Psychic Healing Book. Berkeley,
California: North Atlantic Books, 2004.
Welch, Michelle. The Magic of Connection: Stop Cutting Cords &
Learn to Transform Negative Energy to Live an Empowered
Life. Woodbury, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications, 2021.

Detoxifying Yourself (Personal Cleansing)

Modern medicine has debunked the notion of detox in terms of any
holistic practice of internally cleansing your body. I side with science.

However, the “detox” that I’m referring to here is spiritual, meaning

practices that, at the very least, psychologically facilitate a sense of
freeing yourself from negativity that stain your sense of wellbeing.

Aura cleansing, for instance, is one form of personal cleansing. Soaking

in an Epsom salt bath with either purifying incense or scented candles
nearby also achieves the effect of washing away the week’s anxieties
and troubles. Lay Buddhists will go vegan for a short period of time as
a form of personal cleansing and detoxifying your qi energy. There are
also practices in qi gong that detoxify the spirit body, or modalities of
energy self-healing. One I was taught by a Zen master as a child was to
rub my palms together with all my strength to generate concentrated
heat, then place my energy-heated palms over my closed eyes while
inhaling. Then let out a hard, thorough exhale, pushing out all toxins in
your body through the breath. Repeat a dozen times to completely
detoxify your qi life force.

When you can, go out into nature by a natural body of water, such as a
lake, river, stream, or beach. Rinse your hands and feet in the water as
a form of ritual purification, and then recite a prayer or devotional to
Divinity by the name and manifestation that you connect to Divinity
with. That simple act is a powerful form of personal cleansing.

Decluttering your personal space is also a way of cultivating discipline.
My opinion only: decluttering is important. I think when you visibly
make space in the environment around you for clear thought and clear,
unhindered mobility, then you are only setting yourself up for success.
When qi flow in your environment is constantly being hampered by
obstacles of physical clutter, your energy remains stagnant. That makes
growth and advancement very hard.

That said, decluttering is not the same as a minimalist aesthetic. When

I say declutter, I mean that every item in your home is positioned where
it is with purpose. There is a coherent organization to the arrangements.
It’s not there because you’re too lazy to put it away; rather, that item is
there for an intelligible reason. You can still have lots of stuff visibly
everywhere, but all that stuff is artfully and intentionally placed.

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Sunday: Day of the Sun
Power, Individual Will, Outer World

Dare to Be Present
Of the four directives of the magus—to know, to dare, to will, and to
keep silent—I attribute the fixed sign Leo with the directive “to dare.”
The rulership over Leo is the Sun, and so on the Day of the Sun, we
shall dedicate time to considering that directive.

Sunday is a great day for worship, a day when you acknowledge the
glory, the mystery, the beauty, and the power of the natural world
around you. Sunday is for looking up from your naval-gazing and
honoring the Divinity in the Everyday. Honor the Divinity in the
material world that has been created, the world that sustains your life
and makes available to you the resources you need to achieve your
Great Work.
Then commit to single resolution for the week ahead. What will you
dare yourself to achieve in the coming week?

Reflections on the Week’s Tarot Forecast

Finally, return to the tarot reading forecast from Monday and reflect on
its significance, given what transpired over the week.

A routine practice of revisiting my tarot readings and connecting it to

events that later passed helps to deepen my knowledge and
understanding of card meanings. It also begins to establish the precise
ways I connect to a certain deck. I start to pick up on that deck’s
patterns and how that particular deck communicates information to me.
You begin to wean yourself off textbook meanings or relying on author
intentions to start forming a more personalized relationship with your
cards. The stronger that personal bond, the better your tarot readings

Through these weekly reflections, you’ll also begin building your own
encyclopedia of card meanings for the SKT, which might very well
diverge from my original intentions as the deck creator.

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Spreads and Methods for Readings

“Tell us what it is you seek—We will show you the

way. Lay your fears by our feet—We will dispel
them. Name what afflicts you—We can heal it.
Whatsoever you need, we provide. Here is your
refuge; here you will find sanctuary.”
– Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

The Initiate’s Tarot Reading 50

The Seeker’s Tarot Reading 52
The Keeper’s Tarot Reading 55
The Keeper’s Daily Card Draw 60
The Seven Angels 61
Goal Achievement Spread 63
An Akashic Records Reading 66
Revealing a Spirit Presence 77
Getting Advice from the Spirit Realm 80
“Should I?” Decision-Making Spread 82

The Initiate’s Tarot Reading

Set Key 0: The Initiate down on the table in front of you. This
is going to act as an energetic anchor for your reading. Hold the deck
in both hands. Feeling reverence and love toward all divine and sentient
beings, recite the following:

ANGEL WHO RECORDS, whose Hand seals

upon the Book of Remembrance, who bears
witness to All to enumerate every deed, since
Creation, from the beginning of the world to
this day, from my cradle to my grave, I
invoke you to read to me, to show me, to
transcribe upon my heart, to place upon the
mantle of my mind the pages of the Book I
petition for. Let it be the Truth. Let that
Truth, come what may, ever be used to work
the Highest Good. And so may it be.
If you have a specific question you would like answered,
present that question to the cards. If not, simply hold as a thought in
your mind:

“Please reveal to me what it is I most need

to see right now.”

Then shuffle the cards. As you shuffle, repeat recitations of your

inquiry. When you intuit that you’re ready, draw a single card from the
Take a moment to be silent and still. Listen with your inner ear.
Listen to your thoughts. What do you hear? Note which detail or
symbol on the card pulls at your attention the most.
Free-write in a stream of consciousness style into one of the
entries for the “Log of Tarot Readings” to record your impressions.
Then locate the card title in the Glossary at the back of this
journal and read the entry for your card. Also read the entry in the Book
of Maps. Take a moment to be silent and still, to meditate on how the
written passages might apply to you. Consider what impressions you
are left with after reading the passages.
When you feel ready to close the reading session and return to
your ordinary state of consciousness and awareness, recite the
following as a personal practice of gratitude:

HOLY GUARDIAN ANGEL, ever you are by

my side, to light and guard, to love and guide.
Hear my thanks for all that you provide.

Start with single card divination readings and as you feel more
comfortable with the cards, expand on the process and find tarot
spreads to work with.

The Seeker’s Tarot Reading

Select Key 0: The Seeker as your significator card. Place the

card face down at the top of your deck. Place one hand below, in
support of the deck and one hand above, covering the deck. Recite the
invocation to the Angel Who Records instructed from the Initiate’s
Reading. If you have a specific question to be answered, hold that
question in your mind as you proceed to shuffle. Otherwise, feel
yourself open and receptive to whatever divinatory insights are
intended to come through for you.

Card Pile 4 Card Pile 2 Card Pile 3 Card Pile 1

Place the deck face down on the table in the position of Card
Pile 1. Next, cut the deck in half, placing one half of the deck in Card
Pile 2, so that the cards should be about equally distributed between
Card Piles 1 and 2.
Return to Card Pile 1 and cut that pile in half, so approximately
one quarter of the cards are now transferred over to Card Pile 3. Do the
same to Card Pile 2, taking about half of that pile and transferring over
the remainder one quarter of the total cards to Card Pile 4.
Starting from 1, turn the pile over and look for Key 0: The
Seeker. The card pile among the four that you locate The Seeker card
is the area of life for you to focus on or the general themes pertinent to
the question at hand. See the table on the subsequent page for reference.
Pile 1 is the physical plane; Pile 3 is the emotional and spiritual;
Pile 2 is social and intellectual; Pile 4 is the material plane, and the
realm of production. Taking just that quarter card pile in your hands,
set The Seeker card down on the table. Shuffle that quarter card pile.

Card Specific General

Pile Question Reading

1 Creation and your ingenuity Focus on work, career, or

are the factors that bring the inception of a new
advancement. undertaking.

2 Acquiring more knowledge Focus on social relations,

or further research is needed higher education, a legal
before you proceed. or political matter, or
your reputation.

3 Charisma and your personal Focus on personal

connections are what will relations, love, family,
advance the matter. spirituality; focus on
emotional fulfillment.

4 Capital or access to Focus on finances,

resources is the main factor property, assets, debts,
at play in the matter. business, or economic

As you shuffle that quarter card pile, recite the following: Show
me what is in my mind. Then pull a card (Card 1) and set it down next
to Key 0. Shuffle again and recite: Show me what is in my heart. Pull a
second card (Card 2). Shuffle again and recite: Show me what it is I
must do to ensure the outcome that will most fulfill me. Pull the third
and final card (Card 3).

Card Pile 4 Card Pile 2 Card Pile 3 Card Pile 1

Card 1 reflects back your thoughts and mental factors that

clarify your self-awareness. Turn to the page in this book with the card
meaning entry for your Card 1. Read the entry and consider how it
applies to you. Add your own interpretation and perspective.
Card 2 reflects back your feelings, the state of your emotions,
and what you’re holding in your heart. As with Card 1, turn to the page
in this book with the card meaning entry for Card 2. Consider both the
written entry and your own interpretation.
Card 3 is real world active advice from Spirit on how to
proceed, what immediate action to take next. The astrological,
elemental, or numerological correspondences of Card 3 can also
foretell timing for the matter at hand. Consult this book for the card
meaning. Read the entry and consider it alongside your own
perspective of the card’s message.
Record your reading results and impressions in the “Log of
Tarot Readings.”

The Keeper’s Tarot Reading

Select Key 0: The Keeper as your significator card. Next,
extract the four Shields (tarot Queens) from your deck and place them
in the four directions around The Keeper card to form a cross.
The suit for each Shield corresponds with an element (Fire,
Water, Air, and Earth). Above, below, and to either side of your
significator indicate directionality.
Which Shield should be placed along which direction is a
determination to be made by you alone. Will you be following the
correspondences of a specific mystery tradition, such as the Golden
Dawn? Will you be working with the directionality from Jewish
mysticism, or Persian/Islamic mysticism? Also consider which
hemisphere of the world you are located in. Your geography can affect
how you attribute the four elements to the four directions.
Once the arrangement is set, clasp your hands in prayer and read
the Shielding Recitation.
I burn bright. The seat of my power is strong.
Glory becomes me. No matter what unkindness is
directed at me, my heart is full. I show mercy.
My love is my strength. I give and I receive
Great Compassion. My voice is the power of Good
I am connected to the Akasha. I am connected
to the Anima Mundi. I see what is not seen. I hear
what is not heard. I feel what is not felt. I sense what
is not present. I awaken the Light within.
A crown of Light protects me. A crown of Light
empowers me. This is the Light of the Holy Spirit.
This is the Light of the Holy Guardians.

A crown of light shields my head. The armor
of Light encases my body. The Light of the Light
defends every attack, diverts the malevolent.
My shield is impenetrable to all who dissuade
my Highest Good. My shield is impenetrable to all
that weakens my essence. My shield is impenetrable
to all that weakens my love. My shield is
impenetrable to all that weakens the purpose of my
By the power of the Holy Trinity—my fire
within is burning; the winds of my will carry me far;
I am grounded to the earth. The Heaven above sends
me Love.
Pick up your deck of cards, leaving the arrangement of the cross
on the tabletop.
Shuffle your cards and as you do so, recite:
Spirits of the Light, Spirits of the Sun, Spirits
of the Moon, Spirits who Illuminate the Dark: I call
upon you. I call forth the One who hears my cries,
who feels my present pain, who knows the conflicts
in my heart. I call forth the One.
Pull a card and set it atop Key 0: The Keeper, your significator.
This is the spirit who has come forth to listen to you and to converse
with you.
Here, it can help to read the entry for that card from this little
white book or the deck’s companion book, The Book of Maps to gain a
better sense of who this spirit is and the spirit’s purpose. Based on the
spirit who has appeared to you, formulate any question you want to ask
the spirit, addressing that spirit by title as it appears across the top
caption of the card.

Shuffle the deck and draw a card for the spirit’s response. Place
it on top of any of the four Shields you’re intuitively pulled to set that
drawn card down upon.
There is no right or wrong way; only what feels right to you and
what feels wrong.
Continue to ask a question, shuffle, and draw a card to place
over one of the Shields, up to four questions whereby four drawn cards
cover the Shields. You do not need to ask up to four questions and can
stop any time, even if not all the Shields are covered by a card.
However, do not ask more than four questions.
When you are ready to close the reading, leave Key 0: The
Keeper card on the table while returning the rest of the cards into a
single pile. Seek out the Archangel of Healing (Angel Who Salves and
Purifies) and Key 17: The Healer cards from the deck and place one on
either side of your significator. Follow your intuition for which card to
place on which side of you.
Communion with Spirit is an opportunity to apply spiritual
healing salve to your soul fragments and to maintain spiritual health.
Place the fingertips of your left hand on the card you’ve placed to the
left and your right fingertips on the card you’ve placed to the right.
Then recite the prayer for healing below. You can place a paperweight
on this booklet to keep the page open as you read from the page.


What had been drained from my body, may the
Holy Light hereby restore. What had been empty
inside me, may the Holy Light fill with Curing,
Invigorating Love. Mend my fractures. Purify my
impurities. Soothe the disturbances of my spirit. And
so may it be.

When you feel ready to close the reading session, recite the
following as a personal practice of gratitude:

HOLY GUARDIAN ANGEL, ever you are by my

side, to light and guard, to love and guide. Hear my
thanks for all that you provide.

The Keeper’s Reading uses visualization techniques to
strengthen your connection to the deeper regions of your mind and
memory, tapping in to unconscious knowledge. The metaphor of
talking to a spirit helps pierce through the veil of our conscious state
and dig deeper within.

The Keeper’s Daily Card Draw

This is a simple daily card draw, but one that is more

spirituality-minded. Shuffle the 80 cards and as you do so, recite:
Spirits of the Light, Spirits of the Sun, Spirits
of the Moon, Spirits who Illuminate the Dark: I call
upon you. I call forth the One who is my companion
this day, who will illuminate the way, who guides me
as both my sword and my shield, and whose invisible
hand ___. I call forth the One.
Pull a card. Record your reading results in the “Log of Daily
Card Draws.” Also, reference the corresponding affirmation for your
card draw, which can be found in the Glossary of Card Meanings at the
back of this journal.

For example, if you pulled the Six of Chalices, locate its entry
in the Glossary and consider the affirmation: “My past does not
determine my future. My present and who I choose to be are what

The Seven Angels

This divinatory reading will reveal the seven angels that ___.
The divination method will apply card counting. Use all 80 cards.
Begin by reading the below message from the Spirit your deck
is imbued with. This is its commitment, vow, and soul purpose:
“Tell me what it is you seek—I will show you the
way. Lay your fears by my feet—I will dispel them.
Name what afflicts you—I can heal it. Whatsoever
you need, I shall provide. Here is your refuge; here you
will find sanctuary.”
As you shuffle your cards, repeat the following until you intuit
that the divinatory reading should begin:
Holy Light and Spirit of many names and
many faces: I call forth the seven angels who have
been watching me, the seven voices delivering to me
the prophecy that empowers me to my highest good.
So may the mystery of the seven stars be unveiled,
and so may it be.
Turn the entire deck over, face up, so you’re looking at what
had been the bottom-most card in the pile. This is the first of the seven
angels, or seven voices that speak your present day truth.
Set it down. Note the numeral association in the bottom left
corner of the card. Solid horizontal lines indicate 5 while dots indicate
1. For example, if the bottom left corner shows one horizontal solid line

(5) and two dots (+2), then the numerical correspondence for that card
is 7 (5 + 2). If there are 3 dots, then the number is 3, etc.


= 10

= 12

The next card over is count 1. Count the number of cards per
that numeral association. In the example of 7, I’ll count the card after
that face-up card as 1, then count to 7. The 7th card is the next angelic
voice coming through.
Note the numeral association in the bottom left corner of this
second card. If, for example, 2 bars are shown, then the numerical value
is 10, because each bar is 5, and 5 + 5 = 10.
The next card over is count 1. Count the number of cards per
that second numeral association to arrive at the third angelic voice, and
set it with the first two.
Note the bottom left corner again. For example, if there are 2
bars and 2 dots, then the numerical value is 12, because each bar is 5 (5
+ 5 = 10) and each dot is 1 for a subtotal of 2 (then 10 + 2 = 12).
Continue the counting divination method until you’ve drawn
seven cards. These seven cards identify your divine council. In other
words, these are the seven metaphysical energies most influential over
your life at this time, both blessings and also the obstacles that you need
to overcome to advance on and achieve the fulfillment you seek.

Goal Achievement Spread
To supplement an outline delineating your priorities and
strategy for achieving a particular goal, consult the cards to help you
complete the planning.
Start by holding the deck in both your hands. No significator
card is necessary for this reading procedure, though make sure only one
of the Key 0s is in the mix. As you’re holding the deck, steady your
breath and calm both your mind and body. Think about the goal you
want to achieve. Consider where you are now and where it is you want
to be. Really take your time for a few moments to meditate on that goal
and define it as clearly as you can among your thoughts.
Then proceed to shuffle the deck. Continue focusing on your
clearly defined goal for a few moments longer. Then present the
question to the cards:
How do I achieve my goal? Give me insight
into the method to adopt.
Repeat the question a number of times that corresponds with
numerology that is significant to you. For example, three for fruition
and manifestation, or six to connect deeply into the soul and psychic
realms, or seven for knowledge and wisdm, etc. Shuffle the cards while
you repeat the question.

Card Pile 1 Card Pile 2 Card Pile 3

Then pull Card 1.

Repeat the steps again for Card 2, this time presenting the
inquiry as follows:
What do I need to overcome? What are my
main obstacles?
Repeat the steps a third time for Card 3 and present the final
inquiry as follows:
What do I need to focus on to ensure success?
Counsel me on setting priorities.
Consider Card 1 in your assessment of a strategic plan to
implement for achieving your goal. How are you going to manage yoru
time and resources to ensure success? Integrate the message of Card 1
into that plan.
Card 2 helps to highlight your main challenges, weaknesses,
and what it is that could potentially hold you back or be an obstruction.
These are the limitations to eradicate.
Card 3 will advise you on how to begin setting a plan into
action. What are your immediate next steps after this reading? How do
you launch your strategic plan and through the launch, what needs to
be your focal point so that you hit your bull’s eye? Consider all the
implications and facets of Card 3 that lend advice on the matter.
If you pull a card from the Major Arcana, consider which
Septenary that Key is from. Read the opening paragraphs for that
section on what Keys from that Septenary generally indicate, then read
the card meaning section for that Key. Note the glyph in the top left
corner of the card. Consult the “Glyph Correspondences of the Major
Arcana Keys” per the Golden Dawn attributions at the back of this book
and assess whether very specific omens are being delivered to you
through those corresponding keywords.
If one of the three cards is the Key 0 you’re using in the deck,
consider which tradition of interpreting the classic Fool card that
specific version of Key 0 denotes. The Initiate expresses the Green
Man, suggesting a figurative spring season or renewal onto a fresh path
and the beginning steps of a journey toward attainment or prosperity. It
can suggest that a resurrection has taken place and now you’re starting

anew. The Seeker is the Great Fairy Fool, the personification of our
quest for the magical panacea, the comprehensive and divine solution
to our problems. The Keeper is the Holy Ghost and your quest for your
personal Holy Grail. What you seek is even deeper anad more profound
than you consciously realize.
If you pull an Ace, be sure to read the preceding passages about
Aces in the deck and the four alchemical stages to achieving your
magnum opus. What alchemical stage does the Ace you pull signify?
How might that relate to your inquiry?
If you pull a a card from the Realm of Twos, Threes, or any
from the Seven Lower Realms, consider the numerological significance
of that Realm. E.g., Drawing the Six of Chalices, or a card from the
Realm of Sixes, could denote a spiritual life lessons and the need to
focus on balancing polarities, or aesthetics. Also, consult the keywords
table at the back of this book titled “Force Majeure Per the 36
Decanates in the Pips” based on the attributions of MacGregor Mathers.
Find the keyword corresponding with your pip card. What does it evoke
to you? What thoughts, sentiments, and ideas does it trigger? Formulate
an action plan around that keyword.
If you pull a court card, start by reading about that realm, e.g.,
what do Shield cards (the tarot Queens of the deck) generally indicate
when the card you’ve pulled is The Scarlet Shield. Then read the card’s
corresponding entry. Also, note the Sefirah correspondence for the
court. The Heralds (Pages) correspond with Malkuth; Shining Ones
(Knights) with Tiferet; Shields (Queens) with Binah; and Archangels
(Kings) with Chokhmah. Consult the correspondence tables in this
journal to assess whether the Sefirah indications round out the
divinatory messages that the court card is delivering to you.

An Akashic Records Reading
At least once through, follow the script as instructed for a personal Akashic
Records reading. Then modify what didn’t work for you and tailoring the
outline of the process into one that’s wholly your own.

Begin with the deck face down on your tabletop. Keep both feet planted firmly
but comfortably on the floor. Sit up with your back straight, shoulders back,
feeling a string at the top of your head pulling you skyward, taut. Rest your
hands on the tabletop with the deck in between, palms up, similar to the open
palms pictured in Key 0: The Seeker.
Invocation Prayer. Recite the following invocation:

Angel Who Records, whose Hand seals upon

the Book of Remembrance, who bears
witness to All to enumerate every deed, since
Creation, from the beginning of the world to
this day, from my cradle to my grave, I
invoke you to read to me, to show me, to
transcribe upon my heart, to place upon the
mantle of my mind the pages of the Book I
petition for. Let it be the Truth. Let that
Truth, come what may, ever be used to work
the Highest Good. And so may it be.

Three Closest Spirits. Shuffle the cards as you ordinarily would and recite:

I ask to know and acknowledge the spirits

most present and influential over my life at
the moment.
Repeat the request as a recitation as many times as you feel it necessary, until
you feel the inquiry has been imprinted into the cards you’ve been shuffling.

Then pull three cards.

Further Insights from the Three Spirits. To the spirit present through the
first card, recite its title as noted in the top caption, incorporated into the below
inquiry, and shuffle the cards:

[Spirit’s title], I acknowledge you and I seek

your counsel. Please send me the message I
most need to hear from you, a message that
empowers me in the ways I seek to be
empowered, and gives to me the insight that
I need to achieve my highest good.
If, for instance, I pulled Key 2: The Priestess, then in the place of “[Spirit’s
title],” I would say “Priestess, I acknowledge you and I seek your counsel…”
Then pull another card and place it close to that first spirit card, overlapping
it slightly. Continue with the same inquiry for the second and third spirit

If you have specific questions for any of the three spirit guardians present,
address that spirit guardian by its title and then present your question while
you shuffle the cards.

Then pull a card for the reading and place it close to and overlapping the card
of the spirit guardian you addressed. If you have no specific inquiries for any
of the three present spirit guardians, continue with the reading.
Past Life Karmic Influences on the Present. Set those cards aside. Shuffle
the remaining deck and recite:

Angel Who Records, whose Hand seals upon

the Book of Remembrance, reveal to me my
reflection from another life. Why am I the
way I am today? Why am I where I am
Repeat the request as many times as you feel necessary and then pull three
cards. The three cards you pull will reveal a narrative relating to a past life
that was the causation of why you are the way you are today, and why you
are where you are today.

Ancestral Records: Forefathers. Set those cards aside. Shuffle the remaining
deck and recite:

Angel Who Records, whose Hand seals upon

the Book of Remembrance, take me to the
archives of my ancestors. I seek a revelation
from their pages. I seek to hear from my
forefathers. Please deliver to me a message
and insight from my legacy’s founding
Pull three cards. Sometimes the three are interpreted cohesively as a narrative;
other times they represent three distinct messages being transmitted to you.

Ancestral Records: Foremothers. Set those cards aside. Shuffle the
remaining deck and recite:

At the archives of my ancestors, I seek to

hear from my foremothers. Please deliver to
me a message and insight from my legacy’s
founding mothers.
Again, pull three cards.

Life Path Archetypes. Set those three cards aside as well and continue
shuffling the deck. Recite:

Angel Who Records, whose Hand seals upon

the Book of Remembrance, reveal to me the
primary archetypes and roles I embody in
this life path.
Again, repeat the request as many times as you feel necessary, then pull three
cards. The titles of the cards reveal to you the key facets of who you are in
terms of the roles you occupy in your world. These can change if you’ve
directed your willpower to create significant changes in your life or in your
character, so Akashic check-ins every few years can be useful.

Greatest Gifts. Set those three cards aside and continue shuffling the deck.

Angel Who Records, whose Hand seals upon the

Book of Remembrance, reveal to me the greatest
gifts the Holy Ones and the Fates have endowed
me with.
Pull three cards.

Make sure to take time and sit with these insights. I would write down the
reading results and journal in a reflective manner on the reading at a later
time. Take up to a month if not longer, dedicating concentrated time to
reflecting on these gifts and what the Records have revealed through the
cards. Write down for yourself concrete ways you’ve observed those gifts
manifesting. Reflect on how you can better cultivate and nurture those gifts
going forward.
Greatest Challenges. Set those three cards aside and continue shuffling the
deck. Recite:

Angel Who Records, whose Hand seals upon the

Book of Remembrance, reveal to me the greatest
challenges I face in this incarnation, along my life

path. What are the crucial obstacles that I must
overcome to achieve my greatest success?
Pull three cards. Again, you may want to ruminate on the resulting reading
over an extended period of time, rather than attempt to interpret it fully in the
immediate moment. Deeper, more impactful insights are likely to arise later
on in time, after you’ve given the reading an opportunity to sit in your
conscious mind and marinate with reasoning, memory, and creative thought.

Meaning of Life. Set those cards aside and continue shuffling the deck.

By the Graces of the Angel who Records, I

call out to the masters, the light beings, and
the wise ones. Deliver to me three insights
through which I may ponder and thus
understand the meaning of my life.
Repeat the request as many times as you feel necessary and then pull three
cards. Note the results.

Who Are You? Set the cards aside and continue shuffling the deck. Recite:

By the Graces of the Angel who Records, I

call out to the masters, the light beings, and

the wise ones. Deliver to me three insights
through which I may ponder and thus
understand: who am I? See into my soul
imprint and reveal to me what you see.
Repeat the request as many times as you feel necessary and then pull three
cards. Note the results.

Path to Greatness. Set the cards aside and continue shuffling the deck. Recite:

By the Graces of the Angel who Records, I seek to

achieve the full heights of my personal greatness. I
seek to be extraordinary and to leave behind an
exceptional legacy. I ask that you reveal to me
insights and instructions that if I follow and honor,
will lead me to consummation of my personal best,
so that I might enjoy an extraordinary life.
Repeat the request as many times as you feel necessary and then pull three
cards. Note the results.

Balance of the Anima and Animus. Per analytical psychology, we each

possess an unconscious inner masculine and inner feminine, and often
imbalances of that internal yin and yang are what cause imbalances in our

physical and mental health. Through the guides you interact with in the
Akashic Records, you can gain a neutral and objective “third party” insight
into the balance of your own anima and animus, which can help you self-
audit. Set the previously read cards aside and shuffle the remaining deck.

Recite the subsequent inquiry.

I call out to the masters, the light beings, and the wise
ones. In the first response, ascertain and reveal to me
whether my inner masculine and inner feminine are
in balanced harmony. In the second response, reveal
to me what I most need to know about my anima and
animus so that I may achieve optimal personal
health. In the third and final response, show me what
I do not see, tell me what I do not know about the
gender of my inner psyche.
Pull three cards. The first card you draw answers your inquiry proposed as the
“first response.” The second relates to the “second response” and the third
card answers what you requested for the “third and final response.”

Specific Questions. At this stage of the session, present any specific

questions you may have. As noted in the previous section on Accessing
the Akashic Records, proceed as a question and answer series. Before
commencing this stage, recite:

I call out to the masters, the light beings, and the wise
ones. I come humbly before you with my most
pressing queries. I seek your guidance, your
knowledge and wisdom.

Then ask your first specific question, such as a question relating to your
business or employment, or a relationship you are having trouble
understanding. Ask about the trajectory or progress of important personal
projects. Inquire further about your spiritual path. Ask about psychic
development. Ask about the esoteric or metaphysical practices and studies
that best suit your constitution. There are no limitations on what to ask, other
than limitations you self-impose. The subsequent listing are sample queries
and how to phrase them optimally for presenting to the Records.

▪ Begin by stating your predicament or conflict. Then request, “I would

like to know more” or “Please give me insight into the matter I have
presented before you.” You might also consider phrasing the request
as what you most need to know in order to succeed or to achieve the
outcome you’d like to achieve.
▪ In a matter where you are struggling to choose between two different
paths or options, state your predicament, the two sides, then request,
“What is the best course of action for me to take?”
▪ “What can I do today, tomorrow, and in my immediate future to
ensure that I am in harmonious, perfected alignment with my soul’s
▪ Asking “why” can be profoundly insightful and productive. Phrase
your inquiry as a “why” question.
▪ Asking “how” can also present you with practical measures you can
take for problem solving. I’ve personally found that with the Spirit
Keeper’s Tarot, the “how” tends to indicate metaphysical measures I
can take, or what I call “mind over matter” solutions. Perhaps due to
the deeply intricate Hermetic encoding of the deck, answers from
your Spirit Keeper cards are more likely to indicate how you can
mentally change the physical manifestations of your reality.
Sometimes the cards presented are the identities of spirit guides that
can assist you on your quest.
▪ Asking what needs to change so that you can achieve your goals is a
great way to pinpoint specific measures and action plans.
▪ If you’re in search of a teacher or mentor, you might present the query
to the Records. First, state your intention, such as, “I seek a teacher
to enlighten and endow me with the knowledge of…” and state what
it is you seek to master. Then the query, “Reveal to me a sign so that
I might recognize my teacher when that teacher comes along my
▪ “Reveal to me what I am not seeing about…” then proceed to ask
about a particular relationship that has been giving you grief or about
your professional track.
▪ “How can I best serve my financial security?” Or in the alternative, if
you’re contemplating a particular endeavor and want to know
whether it will be financially productive for you, ask, “Does it serve
my financial security to proceed with…” and state the course of
action you’re contemplating.
▪ “What am I neglecting about myself that I need to be more attentive
to?” can help shed insight for self-awareness.
It is probably best if you formulate your specific questions and write
them down in advance, before you start the session and open the
Records. That way you’re not struggling to craft your queries while the
Records are open.

Although theoretically there is no indelible law that limits the number of

questions you can present in a session, be moderate and always seek
temperance. A good number for reference might be six specific questions.
In any one open session, after the general inquiries, which are the
scripted inquiries outlined in this section, ask up to six additional specific
When you are done, collect all the cards into a single pile again and
restore it to the same position the deck was in before you opened the
Records. Shuffle the cards one last time, set it down, then clasp your
hands in prayer.
Close your eyes. Visualize a vibrant, exquisite rose between your
fingertips. Raise your prayer hands upward above your crown, then open
your palms, releasing the rose upward and envision it floating upward
into the heavens, into a luminescent White Light above you.
Clasp your hands in prayer again and recite:

I hereby close the Records, conclude this conference,

and in gratitude, emanate loving-kindness from my
heart out to the universe, and may that light touch
those who need that loving-kindness now and lift

their hearts, clarify their minds, and direct them to
their highest good. And so may it be.
Close your eyes and visualize that luminescent White Light descend
down from above you, from where you had offered your psychic rose in
gratitude for access to the Records. The White Light envelops the whole
of your body and as it ripples through every fiber of your being, it
purifies, cleanses, and soothes.

Then recite the following:

What had been drained from my body, may the

Holy Light hereby restore. What had been empty
inside me, may the Holy Light now fill with
Curing and Invigorating Love. Mend my
fractures. Purify my impurities. Soothe the
disturbances of my spirit. And so may it be.
Closing the Records reading by either this method or the one instructed
in the earlier section will be effective, so choose the one that resonates
with you.
You can keep this text open as reference during the Akashic Records
reading, though when your attention shifts from reading the lines of text
to the divinatory reading, take extra time to make sure your focus fully
shifts and transitions over from activated consciousness (which you
needed to read the text and understand the instructions) to that
heightened and altered state of psychic openness and receptivity.

Revealing a Spirit Presence
When you are intuiting that there is a spirit presence close by and you want
to identify that presence, a measured and more cautious way of doing so is
through your Holy Guardian Angel.

The theory behind using your Spirit Keeper deck in such a manner is you’re
asking the angels to look on your behalf, and then report back to you who is
there. You’re not psychically looking yourself, in that manner of speaking.
It’s not a direct psychic witness. You’re relying on beneficent immortals to
look for you.

To start, sift through the deck for either Key 0: The Keeper or one of the Keys
in the deck that you feel strongly bonded to, where that Key feels like and
presents as your Holy Guardian Angel, or at least an aspirational aspect of
your higher self.

Place The Keeper card or the Key you’ve chosen at the top of the deck, cards
facing up, at you. Recite:

I call forth the presence and protection of my Holy

Guardian Angel.” Repeat the recitation multiple times.
Each recitation strengthens and amplifies the connective
force you’re summoning.
When you intuit that connection to be sufficiently strong, proceed.
Take The Keeper or your chosen card from the top of the deck and place it
anywhere, at random, into the body of the deck. Then turn the deck over, card
backs facing up, and shuffle. As you shuffle, recite:

Holy Guardian Angel, reveal to me the spirit presence that

I can sense is close by.
Set down the first card in what will be a three-card reading.

Interpret this first card as your Angel describing to you the character profile
of the spirit presence. From your first impression of the card, you’ll get an
immediate sense of whether there is a positive or negative intention coming
from that spirit.
Take the remaining deck and shuffle. As you shuffle, recite:

Holy Guardian Angel, please ask the spirit and relay back
to me why that spirit presence is here.
Then pull a second card.

The second card might offer a back story, or begin to foretell possible events
to come that have instigated the spirit to be present, in anticipation of those
events, or it explains the relationship between that spirit presence and you.

In terms of bringing in tarot interpretation techniques, read the second card in
conjunction with what was revealed in the first card instead of attempting to
read either of the cards in isolation.

For the third and final card, take the deck in your hands, shuffle, and recite:

Holy Guardian Angel, I seek your insight on what I am to

do about this spirit presence.
Then draw the third card.

The third card is a response directly from the Angel, as part of the
conversation you’re now having.

In my own personal reading experiences, this third card is often the one that
stumps me, often appearing cryptic, and so it does take some further
contemplation and patient assessment to fully understand the message of that
third card.

Nevertheless, as a diagnostics tool to help identify a spirit presence, I’ve

found this particular deck, Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, and the process outlined
here, to not only be highly effective, but in terms of potential negative
ramifications of such work, safer than using a spirit talking board.

Getting Advice from the Spirit Realm

While the title of this reading method might imply a mystical approach to the
tarot, this method is quite practical, and helps you gain your bearings in any
life circumstance where you’re seeking guidance.

Begin by setting aside the two Key 0s, The Initiate and The Seeker. Shuffle
The Keeper into your deck. Doing so unlocks your deck’s access to the spirit
realm, activating access to a different state of consciousness. Recite the
following invocation as you shuffle your cards. It’s okay to keep this journal
open and read from the below:

Angel Who Records, whose Hand seals upon

the Book of Remembrance, who bears
witness to All to enumerate every deed, since
Creation, from the beginning of the world to
this day, from my cradle to my grave, I
invoke you to read to me, to show me, to
transcribe upon my heart, to place upon the
mantle of my mind the pages of the Book I
petition for. Let it be the Truth. Let that
Truth, come what may, ever be used to work
the Highest Good. And so may it be.

Fan the cards out across your reading table, taking your time, keeping a slow
and steady pace as the cards are fanned into an arc. As you do so, recite the
following, filling in the blank line with the specific subject matter or topic
you want to inquire about:

I petition for guidance on ___________________.

For example, “my career path,” or “any prospective romance with [insert
name],” or you can keep it open-ended, such as “the best course of action to
take from here.”

Then from the fan of cards, select a card at random and place it in the position
of Card 1.

Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4

Card 1 represents a spirit energy that personifies the character of the energies
most influential on the matter you’re asking about.

Take a moment of contemplation or meditation to connect with Card 1.

Formulate the next question silently in your mind or if it’s more helpful to
you, then speak your question out loud.

Card 2 is about asking this spirit energy for advice on how you can achieve
what it is you most want to achieve right now. As I hover my palm over the
fan of cards, I’ll close my eyes (only because that helps me to focus and thus
concentrate on sensing the magnetism between my hand and the cards) and
ask the following:

Show me the way: show me how I can

achieve ______________________________.

As before, I fill in the blank line above with my specific inquiry. Select a card
and place it into the position of Card 2.

Card 3 is an oracle message. As I shuffle the deck prior to pulling Card 3, I

imagine myself speaking directly to the spirit of Card 1 and say, “I am
listening. Tell me what I most need to know.”

Card 4 is optional. For those who practice forms of vision work and astral
journeying, pull a fourth and final card intending it to be the Key and the Gate
to enter for further exploratory work. As you go to pull your Card 4, intend
for the spirits to be showing you to the gateway.

The world depicted in Card 4 is the world for you to journey into through your
imagination, creativity, and by utilizing visualization techniques.

To supplement this reading with an I Ching divination, I assign Card 2 as the

lower trigram and Card 3 as the upper trigram.

“Should I?” Decision-Making Spread

Though tarot readers are generally advised to rephrase “Should I” questions,
sometimes, that is exactly the type of reading we’re looking for, not because
we want to surrender our personal power—we’re still going to be the one
making the decision for ourselves in the end—but because it reenacts the
comfort and safety we felt from a nurturing parent who had the authority and
the wisdom to give us thoughtful counsel.

Card 1: The outcome or Card 2: The outcome or

consequence if YES, you consequence if NO, you do not
proceed as you’ve asked. proceed as you’ve asked.

To start, present an inquiry to the cards beginning with the words, “Should
I…?” For example, the question presented is, “Should I pursue a real estate
broker’s license?” Card 1 will reveal the outcome in your life path or

consequences (positive or negative) if yes, you pursue a real estate broker’s
license. Meanwhile Card 2 will reveal the outcome in your life path or
consequence if no, you do not pursue a real estate broker’s license. Say that
for Card 1, the card drawn is the Nine of Orbs: The Eminence and for Card 2,
result is the Six of Swords: The Ferryman. First, read the cards as you would
in a tarot reading for the straight answer. Here, The Eminence compared to
The Ferryman suggests it would be more favorable to, yes, pursue the broker’s

Next assign Card 1 to the lower trigram and Card 2 to the upper trigram.
Locate their trigram correspondences in the reference charts herein. Then
determine the resulting hexagram. In the example provided, the Nine of Orbs
is Earth for the lower trigram and the Six of Swords is Lake for the upper
trigram: Lake over Earth, resulting in Hexagram 45: Assembly. The
supplemental I Ching reading is the Voice of Spirit giving overall holistic
counsel on the matter you’ve inquired about, in addition to the “yes-no”

Log of Daily Card Draws

Log daily card draws in this section. These can be single card draws, two-card
readings plus the addition of the I Ching hexagram result, or at most, a three-
card simple reading.

On lazy days, just pull two cards, take a moment to study the imagery, and
then either in the Little White Booklet or the Book of Maps, copy a few quick
notes about the card meaning into the “Interpretation Notes” block. Even such
a quick and minimal exercise helps you to acclimate with the cards. It will
build your familiarity with the tarot.

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

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Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Date of Reading Card(s) Drawin Interpretation Notes

Log of Tarot Readings

Date of Reading: Time of Reading:

Shuffle and pull a single card:

What is the first symbol you’re drawn to?

Do not consult any sources: What does that symbol represent, to you?
Identify the personal and individual significance of that symbol, to you.

Affirm that what that symbol represents to you as an individual is an essential

part of the message this tarot Key is conveying to you. Now close your eyes
for a full minute. Try to see with your third eye, in between your brows, in
the darkness of closed lids, and also try to hear with your psychic ears for
sounds or voices speaking within. Log what comes through.

Look up the tarot Key’s card meaning in the Glossary section at the back of
this journal. Below, write down any points that leap out at you as a Directive
from Divinity, as if the words on the page are speaking to you, telling you
what you must do next, or soon.

Consult the Book of Maps. Write down one key insight it provides you, which
resonates or is provoking you to think further about its significance to you.

Write down the other cards this tarot Key is related to astrologically and/or
numerologically. Freewrite below how the card meanings for these related
cards supplement your preliminary card draw.


Date of Reading: Time of Reading:

Cradle your deck in both open palms and take a moment to think about where
you are on your life path. Proceed to shuffle your deck and as you do so, close
your eyes and visualize a luminescent white light at the crown of your head.
The light forms a beam that you send out forward in front of you, and the
beam of light circles and spirals around you like the light atop a lighthouse.
Keep shuffling.

Focus and concentrate your thought on the concept of your own divine higher
genius and what your next great achievement will look like, in terms of
applying that higher genius. Recite aloud:

“I call upon the Archangel closest to me

now. I invoke you so that you might reveal
yourself to me. Upon such revelation, I will
then know how best to serve my higher
Set the deck face down on your reading table. Beginning at the top, with the
first face-down card, turn it over. Then draw the second card and turn it over.
Continue turning over the cards from the face-down pile until you draw an
Archangel card.

You can easily spot the Archangel cards by the magic square positioned at the
center of the foreground.

The Archangel you’ve drawn reveals your innate gifts and attributes that are
most empowered at this time, throughout this present chapter of your life path.
Wield these gifts and assert these attributes toward high achievement and
personal greatness.
Title of Your Guiding Archangel:

Note the lower caption description of your Archangel:

Note what areas of life and what attributes you correspond with the element
of the suit your Archangel reigns over:

If in drawing the cards, your sense was that your Archangel appeared quite
soon, early on in the drawing of cards, then that which represents your divine
higher genius is closer to fruition than you may realize. Your Archangel is
close by your side.
If, however, your sense was that it took a while before your Archangel
appeared, then you may be willfully ignorant to a condition or blockage in
your life that may hinder achievement. You haven’t been clearing the psychic
channels for invocation of your Archangel, or this particular and immediately
relevant aspect of your higher genius. Thus, you’ll want to think about how
you can clear that channel and be more receptive to angelic invocation.
Accordingly, write down any notes or impressions of the process of revealing
that first Archangel card:

If the Archangel of Glory or Archangel Commander (Fire and Air

respectively, the active elements) appears, the power to channel is assertive,
summoned from within you and then projected outward, to influence the
world around you, beyond you.
If the Archangel of Healing or Archangel of Mysteries (Water and Earth
respectively, the passive elements) appears, the power to channel is receptive,
activating the powers of attraction. Draw from the forces around you and pull
them to you, to nourish your world.
Take at least five minutes of patient, careful reflection and thought to assess
why this particular Archangel has appeared to you and what this appearance
means. What exactly are you being called to achieve? Called to direct your
attention and focus on?
Slowly and patiently, free-write what comes to you in response to those

Set three goals for yourself, which will facilitate the greater achievement that
your Archangel is calling you toward. These three goals are three baby steps,
mundane and practical, that will build the foundation for the greater
Goal #1:

Goal #2:

Goal #3:

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Significator (optional):

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Reading Interpretation & Notes:

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Correspondence Tables
For the Four Elements and Spirit Keeper’s Tarot


Astral Body Soul Mind Physical Body

Spirit Soul Astral Body Physical Body

(Paul Foster (Paul Foster Case) (Paul Foster (Paul Foster
Case) Case) Case)

SCEPTER in each CHALICE in each SWORD in each ORB in each

Realm Realm Realm Realm

Archangel (King) Shield (Queen) Shining One Stronghold

(Knight) (Page)

Key 4: The Key 7: The Key 11: The Key 15: The
Emperor Chariot Chancellor Demon
(Cardinal, Aries) (Cardinal, Cancer) (Cardinal, Libra) (Cardinal,

Key 8: The Force Key 13: The Key 17: The Key 5: The
(Fixed, Leo) Reaper Healer Hierophant
(Fixed, Scorpio) (Fixed, Aquarius) (Fixed, Taurus)

Key 14: The Key 18: The Key 6: The Key 9: The
Angel Necromancer Lovers Erudite
(Mutable, (Mutable, Pisces) (Mutable, (Mutable, Virgo)
Sagittarius) Gemini)

Ceylon Myrrh Lemongrass Cassia Cinnamon


Angelica Root Chamomile Witch Hazel Apple Blossom


Glyph Major Arcanum Conventional Indications Golden Dawn Astrological

Balancing, rejuvenating; Element: Air
0 – The Seeker
Rationalize Planetary: Uranus
Acumen, strength of mind and
☿ 1 – The Magus
Planetary: Mercury

☽ 2 – The Priestess Intuitive knowledge Planetary: Moon

♀ 3 – The Empress Attracting the auspicious Planetary: Venus

The warrior king; leading the
 4 – The Emperor
Zodiac: Aries

Steer of heaven; builder of

 5 – The Hierophant
Zodiac: Taurus

The great twins: agilility,

 6 – The Lovers
Zodiac: Gemini

 7 – The Chariot Spiritual protection Zodiac: Cancer

 8 – The Force Radiance; glory, grace, honor Zodiac: Leo

 9 – The Erudite Learned, perceptive; to enlighten Zodiac: Virgo

Success factor; metrics of luck;
♃ 10 – Wheel of Life
Planetary: Jupiter

 11 – The Chancellor The Middle Path; impartiality Zodiac: Libra

Receiving; The Idealist receives Element: Water
12 – The Outlaw
blame Planetary: Neptune
Unlocking mysteries;
 13 – The Reaper
Zodiac: Scorpio

The sage; the polymath;

 14 – The Angel
Zodiac: Sagittarius

 15 – The Demon Power of influence; vainglory Zodiac: Capricorn

♂ 16 – The Tower What is at stake in the fight Planetary: Mars

 17 – The Healer The humanitarian, the missionary Zodiac: Aquarius

18 – The The martyr, the messiah; vision
 Necromancer quest
Zodiac: Pisces

☉ 19 – The Warrior Public glory, validation Planetary: Sun

Emitting; The Creator comes Element: Fire
20 – Apocalypse
forth Planetary: Pluto

♄ 21 – New World
Attaining a wise perspective Planetary: Saturn

Reconciliation and synthesis of Golden Dawn, Paul Foster Case, and Hermetic Qabalist texts.

Hebrew Golden
Element Major Arcanum Pitch Color Wave
Letter Dawn
0 – The Keeper Aleph E Pale Yellow Air
1 – The Magus Beth E Bold Yellow Mercury
2 – The Priestess Gimmel G sharp Blue Moon
3 – The Empress Daleth F sharp Emerald Venus
4 – The Emperor Heh C Scarlet Red Aries
5 – The Hierophant Vav C sharp Red-Orange Taurus
6 – The Lovers Zain D Orange Gemini
7 – The Chariot Cheth D sharp Amber Cancer
8 – The Force Teth E Lime Leo
9 – The Erudite Yod F Chartreuse Virgo
10 – Wheel of Life Kaph A sharp Violet Jupiter
11 – The Chancellor Lamed F sharp Emerald Libra
12 – The Outlaw Mem G sharp Dark Blue Water
13 – The Reaper Nun G Blue-Green Scorpio
14 – The Angel Samekh G sharp Blue Sagittarius
15 – The Demon Ayin A Blue-Violet Capricorn

16 – The Tower Peh C Scarlet Red Mars

17 – The Healer Tzaddi A sharp Violet Aquarius
18 – The Necromancer Qoph B Magenta Pisces
19 – The Warrior Resh D Orange Sun
20 – Apocalypse Shin C Carnelian Fire
21 – New World Order Tav (rest note) Indigo Saturn

Golden Dawn derives its 12 zodiac attributions and 3 elemental attributions from the Sepher Yetzirah
but revised the 7 planetary attributions to follow their own theosophical system of planetary


Modern Hebrew Phoenician

Major Arcanum Sefirot Path
Astrology Letter Alphabet
0 – The Keeper Keter to Chokhmah ♅ ‫א‬
1 – The Magus Keter to Binah ☿ ‫ב‬
2 – The Priestess Keter to Tiferet ☽ ‫ג‬
3 – The Empress Chokhmah to Binah ♀ ‫ד‬
4 – The Emperor Chokhmah to Tiferet  ‫ה‬
5 – The Hierophant Chokhmah to Chesad  ‫ו‬
6 – The Lovers Binah to Tiferet  ‫ז‬
7 – The Chariot Binah to Gevurah  ‫ח‬
8 – The Force Chesad to Gevurah  ‫ט‬
9 – The Erudite Chesad to Tiferet  ‫י‬
10 – Wheel of Life Chesad to Netzach ♃ ‫כ‬
11 – The Chancellor Gevurah to Tiferet  ‫ל‬
12 – The Outlaw Gevurah to Hod ♆ ‫מ‬
13 – The Reaper Tiferet to Netzach  ‫נ‬
14 – The Angel Tiferet to Yesod  ‫ס‬
15 – The Demon Tiferet to Hod  ‫ע‬
16 – The Tower Netzach to Hod ♂ ‫פ‬
17 – The Healer Netzach to Yesod  ‫צ‬
18 – The Necromancer Netzach to Malkuth  ‫ק‬
19 – The Warrior Hod to Yesod ☉ ‫ר‬
20 – Apocalypse Hod to Malkuth ‫ש‬
21 – New World Order Yesod to Malkuth ♄ ‫ת‬


Timing (Seasons & Path of

Glyph Major Arcanum Gifts of the Magi
the Sun)
Astral travel; vision
0 – The Seeker The next full moon
☿ 1 – The Magus Alchemical science

☽ 2 – The Priestess Prophetic dreams

♀ 3 – The Empress Power of conjure

March 21 – April 19; March Martial and military
 4 – The Emperor
equinox arts
 5 – The Hierophant April 20 – May 20
 6 – The Lovers May 21 – June 20 Pathworking
June 21 – July 22; June Past life and ancestor
 7 – The Chariot
solstice work
 8 – The Force July 23 – August 22 Animal communication
Edification; arcane
 9 – The Erudite August 23 – September 22
♃ 10 – Wheel of Life Political prowess
11 – The September 23 – October 22;
 Chancellor Sept. equinox

The next quarter moon

12 – The Outlaw Scrying; divination
(waxing or waning)
 13 – The Reaper October 23 – November 21 Shamanic journeying
 14 – The Angel November 22 – December 21 Ritual purification
December 22 – January 19;
 15 – The Demon
Dec. solstice

♂ 16 – The Tower Power to defeat

 17 – The Healer January 20 – February 18 Medicine; astrology

18 – The Necromancy,
 Necromancer
February 19 – March 20
☉ 19 – The Warrior Glory and eminence
20 – Apocalypse The next new moon Evocation; palmistry

♄ 21 – New World
Great Work achieved

Reconciliation and synthesis of Hermetic, Theosophical, and Mary K. Greer texts.

Personality Soul Theosophical Attribute

Major Arcanum
Number Number Septenary Manifested
0 – The Keeper 22 4 ------- Inaugurate
1 – The Magus 1 1 Self Focus, Mastery
2 – The Priestess 2 2 Soul Esoteric Knowledge
3 – The Empress 3 3 Will Creativity, Mettā
4 – The Emperor 4 4 Desire Temporal Power
5 – The Hierophant 5 5 Force Spiritual Power
6 – The Lovers 6 6 Astral Passion
7 – The Chariot 7 7 Material Creating Change
8 – The Force 8 8 Self Audacity, Bravura
9 – The Erudite 9 9 Soul Wisdom, Guidance
10 – Wheel of Life 10 1 Will Consequence, Karma
11 – The Chancellor 11 2 Desire Truth, Veracity
12 – The Outlaw 12 3 Force Mindfulness
13 – The Reaper 13 4 Astral Transmutation
14 – The Angel 14 5 Material Equanimity
15 – The Demon 15 6 Self Rapture
16 – The Tower 16 7 Soul Demolish, Oust
17 – The Healer 17 8 Will Healing, Mending
18 – The Necromancer 18 9 Desire Revealing
19 – The Warrior 19 1 Force Heroic Acts
20 – Apocalypse 20 2 Astral Epiphany, Announce
21 – New World Order 21 3 Material Divine Androgyne

According to Greer, the Personality Number is the first theosophical reduction of the sum of
your birth month, birth day, and birth year, down to 1 through 22. If single digit, that is also
your Soul Number. If the Personality Number is double digit, reduce to single digit 1 through
9, and that is your Soul Number. Ex. For someone born March 18, 1988, the Personality
Number is 11 (Justice) and the Soul Number is 2 (High Priestess). The Personality Number is
your innate character, disposition, persona, and temperament. It’s your psyche. The Soul
Number sheds light on your life purpose, the Great Work destined by your soul, and how best
you personally contribute to the greater good.

Reconciliation and synthesis of texts by Comte C. de Saint-Germain,
Paul Christian, J. Augustus Knapp, and Manly P. Hall

Spirit’s Journey
Major Arcanum Stone C. C. de Saint-Germain
0 – The Keeper Azurite The Crocodile Foolishness
1 – The Magus Fire Opal The Magus Divinity in Man
2 – The Priestess Selenite Gate of the Sanctuary Creative Power
3 – The Empress Jade Isis-Urania Desire, Restlessness
4 – The Emperor Ruby The Cubic Stone Power to Control
5 – The
Bronzite Master of the Arcanes Highest Intellect
6 – The Lovers Apatite The Two Ways Love
7 – The Chariot Pearl Chariot of Osiris Freedom by Knowledge

8 – The Force Carnelian The Tamed Lion Cycle of Judgment *

9 – The Erudite Bloodstone The Veiled Lamp Conquest of Emotions
10 – Wheel of Life Sapphire The Sphinx Destiny Turning
11 – The Chancellor Emerald Balance and the Sword Will Power *
12 – The Outlaw Fluorite The Sacrifice A Probationary Cycle
13 – The Reaper Shungite The Reaping Skeleton Passage to Rebirth
14 – The Angel Amethyst The Two Urns Ability to Harmonize
15 – The Demon Obsidian Typhon / The Serpent Evil Conditions
16 – The Tower Garnet Thunderstruck Tower Unexpected Happening
17 – The Healer Aquamarine Star of the Magi Gift of the Spirit (Hope)
18 – The Necromancer Moonstone Twilight Bringing into Form
19 – The Warrior Amber Dazzling Light Expanded Consciousness
20 – Apocalypse Malachite Rising of the Dead Higher Consciousness
21 – New World Order Lapis Lazuli Crown of the Magi Cosmic Consciousness

* “Cycle of Judgment” corresponds with Justice as Key 8 and “Will Power” corresponds with
Strength as Key 11. European Theosophists noted that the trump sequence (per the Tarot de
Marseille structure) charts the spirit’s journey descending into matter and then finally
transcending matter (“The Progress of the Soul through Matter”). In particular, Keys 11, 12,
and 13 recapitulate the material obstacles to the spiritual ascent.

Reconciliation and synthesis of Golden Dawn, Paul Foster Case, and Hermetic Qabalist texts.

Minor Arcanum Astrology (Trad.) Sefirah Western Alchemy

Ascendant / Keter Sacred Fire:

Ace of Scepters
Spring Equinox Sulfur

Chokhmah Separation +
Two of Scepters Mars in Aries

Three of Binah Coagulation +

Sun in Aries
Scepters Calcination

Chesad Conjunction +
Four of Scepters Venus in Aries

Gevurah Calcination +
Five of Scepters Saturn in Leo

Tiferet Dissolution +
Six of Scepters Jupiter in Leo

Seven of Netzach Separation +

Mars in Leo
Scepters Fermentation

Eight of Hod Fermentation +

Mercury in Sagittarius
Scepters Calcination

Yesod Distillation +
Nine of Scepters Moon in Sagittarius

Malkuth Double Calcination

Ten of Scepters Saturn in Sagittarius

Page of Scepters Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Malkuth Earth in Fire

Knight of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Tiferet

Air in Fire

Queen of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Binah

Water in Fire

King of Scepters Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Chokhmah Fire in Fire

Seasonal correspondence for Ace based on Cardinal Fire (Aries), March.

Stage of the Magnum Opus: Citrinitas (Awakening)

Reconciliation and synthesis of Golden Dawn, Paul Foster Case, and Hermetic Qabalist texts.

Minor Arcanum Astrology (Trad.) Sefirah Western Alchemy

Imum Coeli / Keter Holy Water:

Ace of Chalices
Summer Solstice Water

Chokhmah Conjunction +
Two of Chalices Venus in Cancer

Three of Binah Fermentation +

Mercury in Cancer
Chalices Dissolution

Chesad Distillation +
Four of Chalices Moon in Cancer

Gevurah Double Separation

Five of Chalices Mars in Scorpio

Tiferet Coagulation +
Six of Chalices Sun in Scorpio

Seven of Netzach Conjunction +

Venus in Scorpio
Chalices Separation

Eight of Hod Calcination +

Saturn in Pisces
Chalices Coagulation

Yesod Dissolution +
Nine of Chalices Jupiter in Pisces

Malkuth Separation +
Ten of Chalices Mars in Pisces

Cancer, Scorpio, Malkuth

Page of Chalices Earth in Water

Knight of Cancer, Scorpio, Tiferet

Air in Water
Chalices Pisces

Queen of Cancer, Scorpio, Binah

Water in Water
Chalices Pisces

Cancer, Scorpio, Chokhmah

King of Chalices Fire in Water

Seasonal correspondence for Ace based on Cardinal Water (Cancer), June.

Stage of the Magnum Opus: Albedo (Purification)

Reconciliation and synthesis of Golden Dawn, Paul Foster Case, and Hermetic Qabalist texts.

Minor Arcanum Astrology (Trad.) Sefirah Western Alchemy

Descendant / Keter Sword of the Spirit:

Ace of Swords
Autumnal Equinox Mercury

Chokhmah Double Distillation

Two of Swords Moon in Libra

Binah Calcination +
Three of Swords Saturn in Libra

Chesad Dissolution +
Four of Swords Jupiter in Libra

Gevurah Conjunction +
Five of Swords Venus in Aquarius

Mercury in Tiferet Fermentation +

Six of Swords
Aquarius Coagulation

Netzach Distillation +
Seven of Swords Moon in Aquarius

Hod Dissolution +
Eight of Swords Jupiter in Gemini

Yesod Separation +
Nine of Swords Mars in Gemini

Malkuth Double Coagulation

Ten of Swords Sun in Gemini

Gemini, Libra, Malkuth

Page of Swords Earth in Air

Knight of Gemini, Libra, Tiferet

Air in Air
Swords Aquarius

Queen of Gemini, Libra, Binah

Water in Air
Swords Aquarius

Gemini, Libra, Chokhmah

King of Swords Fire in Air

Seasonal correspondence for Ace based on Cardinal Air (Libra), September.

Stage of the Magnum Opus: Rubedo (Actualization)

Reconciliation and synthesis of Golden Dawn, Paul Foster Case, and Hermetic Qabalist texts.

Minor Arcanum Astrology (Trad.) Sefirah Western Alchemy

Midheaven / Keter Bread of Life:

Ace of Orbs
Winter Solstice Salt

Jupiter in Chokhmah Dissolution +

Two of Orbs
Capricorn Fermentation

Binah Separation +
Three of Orbs Mars in Capricorn

Chesad Coagulation +
Four of Orbs Sun in Capricorn

Gevurah Fermentation +
Five of Orbs Mercury in Taurus

Tiferet Distillation +
Six of Orbs Moon in Taurus

Netzach Calcination +
Seven of Orbs Saturn in Taurus

Hod Coagulation +
Eight of Orbs Sun in Virgo

Yesod Conjunction +
Nine of Orbs Venus in Virgo

Malkuth Fermentation +
Ten of Orbs Mercury in Virgo

Taurus, Virgo, Malkuth

Page of Orbs Earth in Earth

Taurus, Virgo, Tiferet

Knight of Orbs Air in Earth

Taurus, Virgo, Binah

Queen of Orbs Water in Earth

Taurus, Virgo, Chokhmah

King of Orbs Fire in Earth

Seasonal correspondence for Ace based on Cardinal Earth (Capricorn), December.

Stage of the Magnum Opus: Nigredo (Darkening)


Based on the attributions published by MacGregor Mathers.

Minor Arcanum Force Majeure Minor Arcanum Force Majeure

Two of Scepters Dominion Two of Swords Peace Restored
Three of Established Three of Swords Sorrow
Scepters Strength
Four of Scepters Perfected Work Four of Swords Rest from Strife
Five of Scepters Strife Five of Swords Defeat
Six of Scepters Victory Six of Swords Earned Success
Seven of Valor Seven of Swords Unstable Effort
Eight of Scepters Swiftness Eight of Swords Shortened Force
Nine of Scepters Great Strength Nine of Swords Despair &
Ten of Scepters Oppression Ten of Swords Ruin
Two of Chalices Love Two of Orbs Harmonious
Three of Abundance Three of Orbs Material Works
Four of Chalices Blended Pleasure Four of Orbs Earthly Power
Five of Chalices Loss in Pleasure Five of Orbs Material Trouble
Six of Chalices Pleasure Six of Orbs Material Success
Seven of Illusory Success Seven of Orbs Success
Chalices Unfulfilled
Eight of Chalices Abandoned Eight of Orbs Prudence
Nine of Chalices Material Nine of Orbs Material Gain
Ten of Chalices Perpetual Success Ten of Orbs Wealth



Based on the attributions of Christine Payne-Towler.

Minor Arcanum Dignified Ill-Dignified

Ace of Scepters Vehuaiah (VHU) Jeliel (YLY)
Two of Scepters Sitael (SIT) Elemiah (OLM)
Three of Scepters Mahasiah (MHSh) Lelahel (LLH)
Four of Scepters Haziel (HZI) Aladiah (ALD)
Five of Scepters Lauviah (LAV) Hahaiah (HHO)
Six of Scepters Achaiah (AKA) Cahetel (KHTh)
Seven of Scepters Hariel (HRI) Hakamiah (HQM)
Eight of Scepters Laviah (LAV) Caliel (KLI)
Nine of Scepters Yezalel (IZL) Mebahel (MBH)
Ace of Chalices Leuviah (LVV) Pahaliah (PHL)
Two of Chalices Nelchael (NLK) Yeiayel (YYY)
Three of Chalices Melahel (MLH) Haheuiah (ChHV)
Four of Chalices Yeratel (YRTh) Seheiah (ShAH)
Five of Chalices Reiyel (RYY) Omael (AUM)
Six of Chalices Mith-haiah (NThH) Haaiah (HAA)
Seven of Chalices Yehuiah (YChV) Lehahiah (LHCh)
Eight of Chalices Chavakiah (KVQ) Menadel (MND)
Nine of Chalices Lecabel (LKB) Vasariah (VShR)



Based on the attributions of Christine Payne-Towler.

Minor Arcanum Dignified Ill-Dignified

Ace of Swords Aniel (ANI) Haamiah (ChOM)
Two of Swords Rahael (RHO) Yeiazel (YYZ)
Three of Swords Hahahel (HHH) Mikael (MIK)
Four of Swords Sehaliah (SAL) Ariel (ORI)
Five of Swords Asaliah (OShL) Mihael (MIH)
Six of Swords Veuliah (VVL) Yelahiah (YLH)
Seven of Swords Hahasiah (HChSh) Imamiah (OMM)
Eight of Swords Nanael (NNA) Nithael (NITh)
Nine of Swords Vehuel (VHV) Daniel (DNY)
Ace of Orbs Mebahiah (MBH) Poyel (PVI)
Two of Orbs Nemamiah (NMM) Yeialel (YYL)
Three of Orbs Harahel (HRCh) Mitzrael (MTzR)
Four of Orbs Anauel (ONV) Mehiel (MChl)
Five of Orbs Damabiah (DMB) Manakel (MNQ)
Six of Orbs Umabel (VMB) Iah-hel (IHH)
Seven of Orbs Rochel (RAH) Jabamiah (IBM)
Eight of Orbs Haiyael (HYY) Mumiah (MVM)
Nine of Orbs Eyael (AIO) Habuhiah (ChBV)


In a reading, if several of the same numerical key shows up (e.g., three Fives from
the Minors in a spread, you repeatedly pull the Shields or tarot Queens consecutively
over the course of multiple readings, or you consistently pull cards all corresponding
to one sefirah, like Threes and Shields appearing together in a reading, or Sixes and
the Shining Ones appearing in groups), consider the sefirah correspondence and
whether the indications here offer a cohesive overarching message.

Or if you pull a single card, such as The Nocturne, Two of Orbs, supplement your
reading of the card with consideration of its sefirah correspondence. In the example
of the Two of Orbs, after considering your interpretation of the card, you might look
to the correspondences for Chokhmah to better grasp the underlying theme or
energetic roots of the reading results.

Keter THE CROWN. Keter represents completion of the

Great Work. It is access to the most potent source of
ACES personal power. Keter is a superconsciousness, a place
of pure, healing White Light and emanation of the
Divine. Prognostication of attainment. This is Divine

Chokhmah WISDOM. Chokhmah is the force of moment toward

understanding the Divine God. It is the active,
TWOS conscious quest toward attainment. Chokhmah is one
ARCHANGELS transcended step beyond knowledge. It blends
compassion with knowledge for wisdom, for
application of knowledge in a way that will be
harmonious with all. Communion with Divinity has

Binah UNDERSTANDING. Binah is the force of creation

and destruction of matter. It is empowerment and
THREES acquisition of the most powerful forms of knowledge.
SHIELDS Binah is attainment of esoteric and occult knowledge.
Consciousness of empowerment. Prophecy of sorrow;
prophecy of wonder.

Chesad MERCY. Chesad represents virtue, justice,

benevolence, and a receptive intelligence. It is the
FOURS remuneration given for positively accrued karma.
Chesad is associated with wealth, good luck, and

Gevurah STRENGTH. Gevurah is the power to create change.
It represents an active intelligence. Gevurah embodies
FIVES a warrior consciousness. It is having the courage to
take action. It is a source of motivation, perspiration,
and the inner drive or push to action. This is the vision
of Power.

Tiferet BEAUTY. Tiferet is heart-centered consciousness,

and the quest for harmony, balance, and equilibrium.
SIXES Tiferet is an elevated consciousness of beauty and
SHINING ONES magnificence. It is the residence of ascended masters,
and therefore a consciousness of spiritual teaching. To
gain access to those teachings of ascended masters,
devote yourself to service. This is also the Mystery of
the Messiah.

Netzach VICTORY. Netzach is a consciousness of selflessness,

optimism, and faith. It relates to emotional
SEVENS connections. It is a collective consciousness, an
awareness that we are all One. This is the realm of
fairies and sprites, where there is much creativity,
thriving arts, and innocence.

Hod GLORY. Hod is the consciousness of analytical

reasoning. It is about cogent communication and
EIGHTS transmission of knowledge. Here is where
intellectualism and ideas thrive. It is a consciousness
of brainstorming and sharing ideas. There is robust
exchange of information here. There is a
consciousness of investigation, of unraveling
deception to find truths.

Yesod THE FOUNDATION. Yesod represents dream

consciousness, or the imaginative world within the
NINES mind. It is where physical reality and visionary reality
fold into one another. Yesod is a level of
subconsciousness. Here, ideas and knowledge are on
the verge of taking form. Yesod is related to the cycle
of changes that run the course in the natural world. It
is about the seasons, the cycle of life, and access to the
nonlinear continuum of space-time. Yesod is the

source from where magic begins to take form toward


the concentration of the four elements that created our
TENS world—Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Malkuth is the
HERALDS consciousness of living. Malkuth is the first
consciousness of the initiate. It is the state of the
newcomer. It is where you begin to realize how much
knowledge there is for you to still acquire. Malkuth is
the foundational study of the physical world so that
you can ready yourself for understanding of the
metaphysical. This is the point of first intuitive
perception of the Holy Guardian Angel.


When a number 1 through 9 repeats itself or is in a position of prominence in a tarot reading,

consult this chart for further information about what the numerology of your reading might
be conveying.

Individuality; autonomy; agency; unity. Beginnings; new start;

1 new venture; focus on only one aspect or a single issue and from
The Leader there you can develop your plan or concept, but start small; every
Keys 1, 10, 19 journey begins with a single step. You’re about to take that first
Aces, Tens step. The number one is all about willpower and preparing your
Heralds mental faculties to exercise or manifest that willpower. This is
the number of unbound potential. Life Path Primordial
Archetypes: The Magus; The Warrior

Balance; cooperation; needing to be part of a team and not just

2 fly solo. The number two in tarot also corresponds with the need
The Minister to make decisions, to act decisively. Two is the number of
Keys 2, 11, 20 choice. In determining how you will choose, think about your
Twos personal relationships and your spheres of social influence.
Archangels Think about who you love and what that person might have to
do with the matter at hand. Think about love or relationship
building. Think about your connections with others and how
those connections can help you in your endeavors.
Life Path Primordial Archetypes: The Priestess; The Chancellor

Fruition; developmental phase toward personal greatness.
3 You’ve got the concept, but now it’s time to implement and
The Creator execute. Enough thinking, more doing. This is the next step after
Keys 3, 12, 21 conception. You are in the gestation phase. Time to use your
Threes assets and resources to bring your concept or goal to fruition.
Shields The number three pushes you toward manifestation. Lean in to
your own originality and transcend old canons.
Life Path Primordial Archetypes: The Empress; The Outlaw

Reign and rule. Order, symmetry. In modern terminology, that’s

4 planning. How will you be ruling over your own dominion? You
The Builder thought you had all the details of your plan worked out, and so
Keys 4, 13 you moved forward, but now you realize a couple of issues are
Fours still unresolved. Take a breather and do a little bit more planning.
Work out the kinks and then continue. Don’t be deterred,
though! You’re fine. It’s just about a little bit more work on the
foundation before you go forward. The number four compels
you to think about the way you reign over your personal domain.
Life Path Primordial Archetypes: The Emperor; The Reaper

Some uncertainty going on. Hanging in the balance and it’s not
5 clear which way you’re going to swing. This is also the number
The Seeker of adventure. It’s about taking risks because that’s how you
expand your personal horizon. There is a pioneering or
Keys 5, 14, entrepreneurial spirit within you and it’s time to let that spirit out
Fives into the open. You are at the half-way mark. Think about the
checks and balances in your life and how that factors into your
decision-making. That is how you advance past the uncertainty.
Life Path Primordial Archetypes: The Hierophant; The Angel

Harmony of heaven, earth, and man. A need to return to the god

6 principle. Harmony of body, mind, and spirit. This is the number
The Nurturer of harmony with the trinity. Success is not just material gain and
Sacred Number of
the Soul social accomplishment. To be truly successful, you must be
attuned to your own spirituality and your own spirit. Six is also
Keys 6, 15
the number of connection with the Divine and with the spirit
Shining Ones world around you. Think about that spiritual plane and what
messages you need to receive from “the beyond.” This is the
number of psychic ability and intuition.
Life Path Primordial Archetypes: The Lovers; The Demon

Knowledge and wisdom. This is the number of the philosopher-

7 sage. Think about what you know. (Also think about what you
The don’t know, and let your own humility guide you toward finding
Philosopher the answer.) Think about how to implement what you know to
Sacred Number of
the Divine Law help you get ahead. You know more than you consciously realize

and right now, it’s about mining your own Self for that
Keys 7, 16
information. This is also a reminder to exercise wisdom in your
endeavor. Be wise. Be world-weary. Also, access your intellect.
The solution to the problem is in your mind. The resolution will
relate to intellectualism, knowledge, scholarship, and of course,
Life Path Primordial Archetypes: The Chariot; The Tower

You are so close to achieving your goal! This is the construction

8 phase, when you are near completion but still need more material
The support. Think about how best to use the resources you have as
Manifestor investments to gain more. Pay attention to your own assets and
Mysteries financial security. How do you use what you have but also save
enough for the future going forward? How do you maintain the
Keys 8, 17
balance between risk and loss? The resolution is in how you
manage and how you use what you have, and I’m talking about
the material, not mental. This is the universal order.
Life Path Primordial Archetypes: The Force; The Healer

Spiritual ascension. You’re in a pretty good place in your life

9 right now; I hope you realize that. If you want more, then you
The Exalted must give more. Think about how you can give back to the world
Keys 9, 18 at large. Think about humanitarian endeavors. Think about your
Nines karma and how to improve karmic merits to ensure spiritual
ascension. This is the number of inner cultivation.
Life Path Primordial Archetypes: The Erudite; The


The Sacred Seven Planetary Correspondences

Sun Heart, circulatory system; cardiovascular system; spine, and

respiratory system; male organs; face, eyes, and head area; Third eye

Moon Digestive system, lymphatic system; sixth sense and pineal gland;
female organs; crown, top of head; Crown chakra

Mercury Brain, central nervous system, thyroids, the five physical senses,
hands; lymphatic system; neck area; Throat chakra

Venus Throat, kidneys, pancreas; urinary system; metabolism; also, ovaries

and reproductive system; immune system; upper center of body;
Heart chakra

Mars Adrenal glands; muscular system; immune system; gut and center of
body; Solar plexus chakra

Jupiter Pituitary gland; liver; thighs; lower center of body; Sacral chakra

Saturn Integumentary system (skin, hair, nails; exocrine glands); teeth;

skeletal system; lower part of body; Root chakra

Twelve Zodiac Signs Correspondences

Aries Head, brain, face, eyes; Libra Lumbar, kidneys, skin;

vision; solar plexus skin conditions; heart
chakra chakra
Spiritual Practices: Spiritual Practices:
Yoga, martial arts, vision Music or sound therapy,
therapy or visual training, massage therapy, aura
psychic training clearing; art therapy

Taurus Throat, neck, thyroid; Scorpio Reproductive organs,
heart chakra; throat bowels; solar plexus
chakra chakra
Spiritual Practices: Spiritual Practices:
Fasting or ritual feasting; Ceremonial magic; tantric
grounding, closeness to practices; shamanism;
nature; hand mudras dream yoga; dreamwork

Gemini Nervous system, lungs, Sagittarius Liver, sciatic nerve, lower

arms, shoulders; throat back, spine, thighs, hips;
chakra sacral chakra
Spiritual Practices: Spiritual Practices: Spiritual
Mindfulness meditation, retreat; world travel;
channeling, fellowship; journaling; a pilgrimage;
signing or mantra sacred vows

Cancer Chest, heart, hands; crown Capricorn Calves, legs, knees, joints,
chakra bones, skeleton; root
Spiritual Practices: chakra
Poetry, past life Spiritual Practices:
exploration, solitude; Connecting to animal
purification ritual totems; tulpa summoning;
tai chi; martial arts

Leo Upper back, heart, spine; Aquarius Circulatory system, blood,

third eye chakra ankles, calves; root chakra
Spiritual Practices: Spiritual Practices:
Dance, art therapy, tai chi, Mindful meditation,
outdoor group activities; affirmation work, energy
ritual use of mandalas healing; charity work

Virgo Stomach, digestive Pisces Feet, toes, lymphatic

system; throat chakra system; immune system;
Spiritual Practices: sacral chakra; crown
Qi gong, energy healing, chakra
aromatherapy, Spiritual Practices:
thaumaturgy; intensive Purification ritual, mantra
study of sacred texts recitation, shielding; acts
of mercy and forgiveness

Medical Astrology: Elemental Correspondences


Cardiovascular Endocrine Respiratory Skeletal

Blood circulation, Pineal gland, Ventilation of Bones, cartilage;
transport of pituitary, thyroid, the body; gas supporting
nutrients, amino adrenal, exchange; structure; calcium
acids, electrolytes, pancreas, testis sinuses; nose; and phosphate
hormones; health or ovary; neural pharynx; levels; nutrient
of red blood cells; control; glucose larynx; levels in protein,
homeostasis; iron level; mood, trachea; lungs; magnesium,
intake, folic acid, stress; sensory diaphragm; fluorite, or
vitamin B12 perception breathing potassium

Muscular Urinary Nervous Integumentary

Muscles, posture, Kidneys, ureters, Brain; spinal Skin; sweat
movement, bladder, urethra; cord; nervous glands; pores;
physical strength, waste regulation; tissue; neurons; epidermis, dermis,
body heat; chronic metabolites; signal function and hypodermis;
pain; inflammation internal toxins; between the hair and nails;
of muscle tissue; check nutrient cells; nutrient Vitamin D levels;
muscle weakness; levels of levels for collagen levels;
nutrient levels for potassium, omega-3, disease or injury to
protein, niacin, or sodium, or choline, the skin; check
B vitamins phosphorous vitamins E & K fatty acids intake;
zinc, biotin

Reproductive Reproductive Lymphatic Digestive

(Male). Sex (Female). Immune Gastrointestinal
organs; hormones, Menstrual issues, system; lymph tract; tongue,
virility, sexual sex organs; nodes; thoracic salivary glands;
reproduction fertility; duct or thymus; pancreas; liver;
functions; hormones; check spleen; lymph gallbladder;
genitalia; iron levels; folic fluid; check digestive issues;
coenzyme Q10, acid and calcium vitamins C and mouth and teeth
folate, zinc, or B E intake
vitamin levels



Days or Months or Weeks or Years or
Short-Term In Gestation Peaking Soon Long-Term
Spring Summer Fall Winter
New Moon Waxing Moon Full Moon Waning Moon


Two of Scepters Mar. 21 – Mar. 30 Mars in Aries 0° - 10°
Three of Scepters Mar. 31 – Apr. 10 Sun in Aries 11° - 20°
Four of Scepters Apr. 11 – Apr. 20 Venus in Aries 21° - 30°
Five of Scepters Jul. 21 – Aug. 1 Saturn in Leo 0° - 10°
Six of Scepters Aug. 2 – Aug. 10 Jupiter in Leo 11° - 20°
Seven of Scepters Aug. 11 – Aug. 22 Mars in Leo 21° - 30°
Eight of Scepters Nov. 23 – Dec. 2 Mercury in Sagittarius 0° - 10°
Nine of Scepters Dec. 3 – Dec. 12 Moon in Sagittarius 11° - 20°
Ten of Scepters Dec. 13 – Dec. 20 Saturn in Sagittarius 21° - 30°
Two of Chalices Jun. 21 – Jul. 1 Venus in Cancer 0° - 10°
Three of Chalices Jul. 2 – Jul. 12 Mercury in Cancer 11° - 20°
Four of Chalices Jul. 13 – Jul. 20 Moon in Cancer 21° - 30°
Five of Chalices Oct. 23 – Nov. 1 Mars in Scorpio 0° - 10°
Six of Chalices Nov. 2 – Nov. 11 Sun in Scorpio 11° - 20°
Seven of Chalices Nov. 12 – Nov. 22 Venus in Scorpio 21° - 30°
Eight of Chalices Feb. 19 – Feb. 28 Saturn in Pisces 0° - 10°
Nine of Chalices Mar. 1 – Mar. 10 Jupiter in Pisces 11° - 20°
Ten of Chalices Mar. 11 – Mar. 20 Mars in Pisces 21° - 30°
Two of Swords Sep. 23 – Oct. 2 Moon in Libra 0° - 10°
Three of Swords Oct. 3 – Oct. 12 Saturn in Libra 11° - 20°
Four of Swords Oct. 13 – Oct. 22 Jupiter in Libra 21° - 30°
Five of Swords Jan. 20 – Jan. 29 Venus in Aquarius 0° - 10°
Six of Swords Jan. 31– Feb. 8 Mercury in Aquarius 11° - 20°
Seven of Swords Feb. 9 – Feb. 18 Moon in Aquarius 21° - 30°

Eight of Swords May 21 – May 30 Jupiter in Gemini 0° - 10°
Nine of Swords Jun. 1 – Jun. 10 Mars in Gemini 11° - 20°
Ten of Swords Jun. 11 – Jun. 20 Sun in Gemini 21° - 30°
Two of Orbs Dec. 21 – Dec. 30 Jupiter in Capricorn 0° - 10°
Three of Orbs Dec. 31 – Jan. 9 Mars in Capricorn 11° - 20°
Four of Orbs Jan. 10 – Jan. 19 Sun in Capricorn 21° - 30°
Five of Orbs Apr. 21 – Apr. 30 Mercury in Taurus 0° - 10°
Six of Orbs May 1 – May 10 Moon in Taurus 11° - 20°
Seven of Orbs May 11 – May 20 Saturn in Taurus 21° - 30°
Eight of Orbs Aug. 23 – Sep. 1 Sun in Virgo 0° - 10°
Nine of Orbs Sept. 2 – Sep. 11 Venus in Virgo 11° - 20°
Ten of Orbs Sep. 12 – Sep. 22 Mercury in Virgo 21° - 30°


Major Arcanum Hebrew Phoenician Primary Force(s); Path Color; Esoteric Title
Letter Alphabet Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom (W. Wescott)
0: Seeker Scintillating; The Spiritual Self & Supreme
‫א‬ Ox Mysteries (Activating); Bright Pale Yellow;
Alef The Spirit of the Aether
1: Magus Transparency; The Spiritual Self &
‫ב‬ House Supreme Mysteries (Formative); Yellow;
Bet Theme of Life and Death; The Magus of
2: Priestess Uniting; Blue; Theme of Peace and War;
‫ג‬ Camel Princess of the Silver Star
3: Empress Illuminating; The Spiritual Self & Supreme
‫ד‬ Door Mysteries (Balancing); Emerald Green;
Dalet Theme of Wisdom and Folly; Daughter of
the Mighty Ones
4: Emperor Constituting; Scarlet; Sun of the Morning,
‫ה‬ Window Chief Among the Mighty
5: Hierophant Triumphal; Red-Orange; The Magus of the
‫ו‬ Nail Eternal
6: Lovers Disposing; Orange; Children of the Voice;
‫ז‬ Sword Oracle of the Mighty Gods

Major Arcanum Hebrew Phoenician Primary Force(s); Path Color; Esoteric Title
Letter Alphabet Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom (W. Wescott)
7: Chariot Influence; Red-Orange; Child of the
‫ח‬ Courtyard Powers of the Waters; Lord of the Triumph
Chet of Light
8: Force Activities ; The Higher Self & Greater
‫ט‬ Snake Mysteries (Balancing); Yellow-Green;
Tet Daughter of the Flaming Sword
9: Erudite Will; The Higher Self & Greater Mysteries
‫י‬ Hand (Activating); Yellow-Green; The Prophet
Yod of the Eternal; Magus of the Voice of
10: Wheel Conciliation; Violet; Theme of Riches and
of Life
‫כ‬ Fist Poverty; Lord of the Forces of Life
11: Chancellor Faithful; The Higher Self & Greater
‫ל‬ Goad Mysteries (Formative); Emerald Green;
Lamed Daughter of the Lords of Truth; Ruler of
the Balance
12: Outlaw Stable; Deep Blue; Sacred Water; The
‫מ‬ Water Spirit of the Mighty Waters
13: Reaper Imaginative; Green-Blue; Movement; The
‫נ‬ Fish Child of the Great Transformers; Lord of
Nun the Gate of Death
14: Angel Probation; Blue; Daughter of the
‫ס‬ Peg Reconcilers, Bringer Forth of Life
15: Demon Renovating; Indigo; Mirth; The Lord of the
‫ע‬ Eye Gates of Matter; Child of the Forces of
Ayin Time
16: Tower Exciting; The Personality & Lesser
‫פ‬ Mouth Mysteries (Balancing); Scarlet; Theme of
Pay Grace and Indignation; The Lord of the
Hosts of the Mighty
17: Healer Natural; The Personality & Lesser
‫צ‬ Hook Mysteries (Formative); Violet;
Tsade Imagination; The Daughter of the
Firmament; Dweller Between the Waters
18: Corporeal; Crimson; Sleep; The Ruler of
‫ק‬ Ear Flux and Reflux, Child of the Sons of the
Qof Mighty

Major Arcanum Hebrew Phoenician Primary Force(s); Path Color; Esoteric Title
Letter Alphabet Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom (W. Wescott)
19: Warrior Collecting; The Personality & Lesser
‫ר‬ Head Mysteries (Activating); Orange; Theme of
Resh Fertility-Barrenness; The Lord of the Fire
of the World
20: Perpetual; Glowing Orange Scarlet; The
‫ש‬ Tooth Primal Fire; The Spirit of the Primal Fire
21: New Administrative; Indigo; Theme of Power
World Order
‫ת‬ Cross and Servitude; The Great One of the Night
Tav of Time



Incidentally, the 22 Major Arcana keys also correspond with the 22

Gan-Zhi (or Stems and Branches) in Chinese metaphysics. The Gan-
Zhi are subdivided into 10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches,
which form an ancient ordinal system of gematria and isosephy.

These 22 pictograms also represent the oldest writing system in

documented Chinese history. Today, they’re radicals, or the graphical
roots within Chinese characters, form the basis of the Traditional
Chinese writing system. You’ll also find the 22 Gan-Zhi in various
forms of Eastern astrology, Taoist ritual magic, sigil-crafting, and
divination methods.

The Gan-Zhi system dates back to 1200 B.C. during the Shang
Dynasty. The 10 heavenly stems correspond with the 10 days of the
week in the imperial Chinese calendar while the 12 earthly branches
corresponded with a zodiac system designed specifically around orbital
observations of the planet Jupiter. (Jupiter has an orbital cycle of about
12 years, meaning it takes the planet 12 years to pass through the 12
zodiac signs. The Chinese zodiac is designated by 12 animals.)

In other words, the heavenly stems and earthly branches together form
a correspondence system between numbers, ideographs (letters), and
astrology (the metaphysical measure of space-time).


Major Arcanum Heavenly Stem Earthly Branch

0: Seeker

1: Magus

2: Priestess

3: Empress

4: Emperor

5: Hierophant

6: Lovers

7: Chariot

8: Force

9: Erudite

10: Wheel of Life

11: Chancellor


12: Outlaw

13: Reaper

14: Angel

15: Demon

16: Tower

17: Healer

18: Necromancer

19: Warrior

20: Apocalypse

21: New World Order



Phul Key 1: The Magus

Moon Key 8: The Force
Monday Key 15: The Demon
Cancer Lower Realm: Four

▪ Cures disease, with primary dominion over the top half of the physical
body (head, chest, arms, etc.)
▪ Commands the spirits of the waters
▪ Can help clarify or elucidate your dreams; Oversees divination
▪ Rules 7 of the 196 cosmological provinces in the universe
▪ Keys 1, 8, and 15 are the Keys to the Self, unlocking revelations about
who you are, that you aren’t fully aware of at this time.
▪ Key 1: Work with Phul through The Magus to better understand your
inner self. The inexperienced magus will want to begin work with Phul,
because this is the spirit who will help you to better understand your
birthright, for better and for worse.
▪ Key 8: Communion with Phul through The Force is how you attain
mastery over your inner Beast and how to fully actualize your core
strengths in magic. This facet of Phul restores physical health and vitality.
▪ Key 15: No one goes to heaven before learning the ways of the Devil—
work with Phul through The Demon to expose light on your inner

Phaleg Key 2: The
Mars Priestess
Tuesday Key 9: The Erudite
Aries (d), Key 16: The
Scorpio (n) Tower
Lower Realm:
▪ Can help you to win battles and wars; can teach you military strategy
▪ Can help you prevail in competitions or examinations
▪ Helps to broker peace when petitioned
▪ Can endow one with glory and victory
▪ Rules 35 of the 196 cosmological provinces in the universe
▪ Keys 2, 9, and 16 are the Keys to the Soul, unlocking revelations about
your soul and your soul’s journey.
▪ Key 2: Phaleg as The Priestess is the lesser known facet of the spirit,
presenting its watery essence through its rulership over the water sign
Scorpio. This is the facet of Phaleg that is ingenious, perceptive, and
visionary. The Priestess gives insight into your soul’s journey.
▪ Key 9: Phaleg as The Erudite is a military strategist and sharp counselor.
The Erudite is the force that will help you prevail in examinations or
when you need strong measures to ensure success in studies.
▪ Key 16: Work with Phaleg through The Tower to dispense punishment
in the name of justice. The Tower aspect of Phaleg can destroy that which
is unhealthy, harmful, detrimental, or malignant.

Ophiel Key 3: The Empress
Mercury Key 10: Wheel of Life
Wednesday Key 17: The Healer
Gemini (d), Lower Realm: Six
Virgo (n)

▪ Teaches the liberal arts (fine arts, literature, philosophy, religious study,
social sciences, jurisprudence, mathematics, and the natural sciences)
▪ Can reveal the method for converting quicksilver to the philosopher’s
stone (the necessary catalyst for turning lead into gold) or the elixir of
▪ Oversees commerce, trade, and travel
▪ Rules 14 of the 196 cosmological provinces in the universe
▪ Keys 3, 10, and 17 are the Keys to your Will
▪ Key 3: This facet of Ophiel will endow you with fruition and achievement
of academic or professional goals, especially in the humanities; also great
for prosperity magic, improving business, trade, commerce, or
▪ Key 10: Work with Ophiel through the Wheel of Life to modify or adjust
your destiny or karma. This facet of Ophiel can also connect you to any
point of your life line, past, present, and future.
▪ Key 17: Work with Ophiel through The Healer for mastery over a
particular area of metaphysical study (astrology, divination, the healing
arts, etc.). The Healer also brings revelations about your life purpose or
soul purpose.

Bethor Key 4: The Emperor
Jupiter Key 11: The Chancellor
Thursday Key 18: The
Sagittarius (d), Necromancer
Pisces (n) Lower Realm: Seven
▪ Mediates between spirits of the skies and humans
▪ Teaches the sacred arts, healing arts, and sacred geometry
▪ Cures disease, with primary dominion over the bottom half of the
physical body (feet, legs, up to the waist, etc.)
▪ Facilitates miracle working
▪ Can help sway politics or legal matters
▪ Rules 42 of the 196 cosmological provinces in the universe
▪ Keys 4, 11, and 18 are the Keys to your Desire
▪ Key 4: This is the facet of Bethor that endows you with temporal power,
which can bring control over your environment and personal sovereignty.
Bethor as The Emperor will help in political and legal matters.
▪ Key 11: The Chancellor is the magus as a lawgiver (as noted in the Sixth
and Seventh Books of Moses), and Bethor, through The Chancellor,
empowers the magus to be a lawgiver. With its Air correspondence, Key
11 is Bethor as mediator between you and the spirits of the skies.
▪ Key 18: This is the facet of Bethor that can produce water from rock (a
metaphor for making possible the impossible), transmute, transform, and
amplify, and is the force of miracle works.

Hagith Key 5: The
Venus Hierophant
Friday Key 12: The Outlaw
Libra (d), Key 19: The
Taurus (n) Warrior
Lower Realm: Eight
▪ Commands the transmutation of metals and minerals
▪ Can endow you with beauty, charisma, attractiveness, glamour, splendor
▪ Answers prayers or petitions in matters of the heart, of marriage, romance,
sex, and love; Can help facilitate harmony or emotional balance
▪ Can endow you with wealth, fertility, or pleasure
▪ Rules 21 of the 196 cosmological provinces in the universe
▪ Keys 5, 12, and 19 are the Keys to your Force
▪ Key 5: With the Taurean influence from Key 5, this facet of Hagith can
transform other people’s perception of you, and endow you with emanations
of beauty and charisma. Hagith as The Hierophant confers spiritual authority
to you.
▪ Key 12: The Outlaw is the facet of Hagith that can help to reveal the meaning
and purpose of your suffering and your pain. Through revelation of meaning,
The Outlaw helps to restore emotional or spiritual balance.
▪ Key 19: The Warrior is imbued with the forces of metals and minerals, and
Hagith as The Outlaw brings success, wealth, celebrity, and splendor.
▪ For matters of the heart, love, marriage, or romance, work with Key 5 or Key

Aratron Key 6: The Lovers
Saturn Key 13: The
Saturday Reaper
Aquarius (d), Key 20:
Capricorn (n) Apocalypse
Lower Realm: Nine
▪ Teaches alchemy, magic, physics, and metaphysics
▪ Empowers animal spirits; can give life and power to servitors or tulpas
▪ Mediates between chthonic spirits and humans
▪ Facilitates invisibility and cloaking
▪ Makes the barren fruitful again; can also endow one with longevity
▪ Rules 49 of the 196 cosmological provinces in the universe
▪ Keys 6, 13, and 20 are the Keys to the Astral Plane
▪ Key 6: Aratron through The Lovers enlivens animal spirits, helps in
relations with familiars or animal guides, and empowers servitors (such
powers arise from the specific imagery here in the SKT deck). Key 6 with
Gemini influences is also a powerful card for teaching arts and sciences.
▪ Key 13: Aratron through The Reaper is a psychopomp, or guide in your
underworld and shamanic journeying. Aratron through The Reaper
facilitates cloaking.
▪ Key 20: Overseeing the Last Judgment and giving prophecies or
apocalyptic visions to those God ordains to receive them are the tasks of
Aratron. Alchemized with intentions toward making the barren fruitful
again, Key 20 can restore, rejuvenate, fertilize, or help to reclaim.

Och Key 7: The Chariot
Sun Key 14: The Angel
Sunday Key 21: New World
Leo Order
Lower Realm: Ten
▪ Can endow you with physical health and increase your vitality; oversees
the sciences and craft of physicians, alchemists, and magi
▪ Can endow you with material prosperity
▪ Can endow you with wisdom and greater intelligence or comprehension
▪ Patron to leaders among men and the kings among us
▪ Rules 28 of the 196 cosmological provinces in the universe
▪ Keys 7, 14, and 21 are the Keys to the Material Plane
▪ Key 7: Och through the facet of The Chariot leads, gives direction and
insight to leaders, and increases the productivity of your intellect. This is
the facet of Och that drives achievement and attainment.
▪ Key 14: The Angel is the facet of Och that endows you with wisdom and
understanding, enhancing your perception. This is also the facet of Och
that facilitates mastery over the medical sciences, alchemy, and the
sciences of the magi.
▪ Key 21: The New World Order is the true power of Och. Och is endowed
by The Holy One with the power to establish new worlds, macrocosmic
or microcosmic. This is a powerful key for establishing longevity of
dominion and sustaining plenitude.

Table of Planetary Hours

Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun


1 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

2 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

3 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
4 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
5 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
6 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
7 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
8 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
9 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
10 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
11 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
12 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

13 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

14 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

15 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
16 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
17 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
18 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
19 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
20 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
21 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
22 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
23 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
24 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

Note: Hour 1 of each day marks sunrise. Hour 13 marks sunset.

Names of the Planetary Spirits
Comparing the Babylonian pantheon, the Arbatel and the Seventh Book of Moses

Babylonian Arbatel’s Seventh Book

Pantheon Olympic Spirits of Moses
Moon Suen Phul Yhaij
Mars Nergal Phaleg Emol
Mercury Nabu Ophiel Yloij
Jupiter Marduk Bethor Ofel
Venus Ishtar Hagith Awel
Saturn Ninurta Aratron Sazlij
Sun Samas Och Wrjch

Anointing Perfume Recipes for the Seven Olympic Spirits

Phul, Lord of the Moon Bethor, Lord of Jupiter

Mandrake, salammoniac (a rare Sandalwood, agrimony, chives,
mineral), gentian flower, valerian, black henbane (stinking
and sulfur, mixed with the blood of nightshade), mixed with fox blood
a black cat and the brains of a magpie

Phaleg, Lord of Mars Hagith, Lord of Venus

Head of a frog, bovine blood (cow, Musk mixed with juniper berries,
ox, bison, or bull), white poppy the woody stalk of an aloe plant,
grain, chamomile, and camphor, dried red roses, dried elder leaves,
mixed into a paste with the blood mixed with pigeon blood
of a virgin child

Ophiel, Lord of Mercury Aratron, Lord of Saturn

Seed of an ash tree, the woody stalk Saffron, elder, and pine blended in
from an aloe plant, skullcap leaves, musk, to form a paste
mandrake, the ends of a quill pen

Och, Lord of the Sun

Black pepper grounds, wild parsnip (hogsbane), sulfur, mixed with the
blood of a bat and the brains of a black cat.

From the Secret Grimoire of Turiel


Moon Jupiter
Selenite, pearls, sea shells, palm, Green jasper, basil, bugloss plants,
hyssop, rosemary, olive tree, chaste nutmeg, dracaena spike plant,
trees, chasteberry, evergreen shrubs mints, mastic tears (tree resin),
(mastic trees), the whites of eggs, violets, henbane, poplar, oak,
animal fat, marcasite, menstrual chestnut, beech, hazel, pear, apple,
blood, tortoise shells, crab shells, plum, ash, dogtree, corn, barley,
oyster shells, cockles, camphor, wheat, raisins, licorice, sugar
bay, myrtle, white poppy almonds, rhubarb, agarwood, ash,
clear, white stones

Mars Venus
Iron, brass, sulfur, garlic, hellebore Carnelian, coral, vervain (verbena),
plants, euphorbium resin, radish, violets, valerian, maidenhair fern,
laurel, wolfsbane, stems with thyme, ambergris, musk,
prickles or thorns, nettles, onions, sandalwood, coriander, pears, figs,
leeks, mustard seed, dogwood pomegranates, rose, myrtle

Mercury Saturn
Gemstones with diverse colors Onyx, dark jaspers, dark
(e.g., picture jasper, calligraphy chalcedony, daffodil, dragonwort,
jasper, tiger eye, unakite, etc.), cumin, benzoin, mandrake, opium,
hazel, five-leaf grasses, marjoram, seeds that have never been sown,
parsley, painted ferns, yellow leaves from trees that have never
archangel leaves, yellow born fruit, figs, pine, cypress
loosestrife, phlox

Gold, glittering things, chrysolite, heliotrope flowers, hyacinth, marigold,
peony, mint, saffron, amber, balsam, cherry, honey, wood of aloe, cloves,
cinnamon, calamus, pepper, frankincense, marjoram, nightshade

From of Occult Philosophy (1531) by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

“The Septenary of Talismans”
Eliphas Levi, The Ritual of Transcendent Magic (1854)
“The septenary is the sacred number in all theogonies and in all symbols, because
it is composed of the triad and the tetrad [the trinity within the quarternary]. The
number seven represents magical power in all its fullness; it is the Sanctum
Regnum mentioned in the Keys of Solomon. . . The virtue of the septenary is
absolute in magic, for the number is decisive in all things.” (Levi)

Day of Week Magical Sacrament Anointing

Planet Operations & Vestments Perfumes
Kabbalistic spirit & Archangel

Monday Works of Baptism. White sandal,

Moon divination and camphor, amber,
mystery White, embroidered with aloes, and
Globe divided silver; pearls, crystals, and pulverized seed
by two
Gabriel selenite; avoid wearing of cucumber;
black; only metal to be mugwort,
worn is silver moonwort

Tuesday Works of Reconciliation Absinthe

Mars vengeance, (Confession). (wormwood,
wrath, and anise, and
Dragon biting chastisement Vestments should be the fennel) and rue
the hilt of a
color of flames, rust, or (ruta
Samael blood; belts and bracelets graveolens) or
[Barachiel] of steel; no rods (wands) herb-of-grace
may be used; only dagger
and sword; amethyst

Wednesday Works of skill, Confirmation. Benzoin, mace,

Mercury science, and storax; narcissus,
eloquence Vestment should be green, lily, herb
Hermetic or multi-colored mercury,
caduceus and
Eaphael fumitory,
marjoram; agates

Thursday Works of The Eucharist. Ambergris,

Jupiter ambition and balm, grain of
intrigue Vestment should be paradise, mace,
Blazing scarlet; brass; rings of saffron; oak,
pentagram in
Zadkiel emerald or sapphire poplar, fig,
the talons or
beak of an eagle
[Sealtiel] pomegranate

Day of Week Magical Sacrament Anointing
Planet Operations & Vestments Perfumes
Kabbalistic spirit & Archangel

Friday Works of love Marriage. Rose and green

Venus and mercy vines; violets,
Vestment should be sky roses, myrtle,
A lingam Anael blue; ornaments of olive; turquoise,
[Uriel] polished copper lapis lazuli,
beryl; swan’s

Saturday Works of Anointing the sick. Scammony

Saturn malediction (convolvulus
and death Vestment must be black or scammonia);
A lame or aged brown. alum (aluminum
man; serpent
Oriphiel potassium
curled around a
(Phanuel) sulfate); sulfur;
[Jehudiel] onyx, ash,

Sunday Works of light Holy orders. Laurel,

Sun and riches heliotrope,
Magical operations sunflowers;
Serpent with Michael performed only midnight cinnamon,
head of a lion
to 8 am or 3 pm to 10 pm. saffron, red
Wear purple vestments; sandal
gold jewelry.

“The Hebrews termed the seven great archangels, giving them the names of
Michael, Gabriel, Eaphael, Anael, Samael, Zadkiel, and Oriphiel (Phanuel). The
Christian Gnostics named [them Michael, Gabriel, Eaphael,] and the four last
Uriel, Barachiel, Sealtiel, and Jehudiel.” (Levi)

Seven Sacred Seven Sacred Seven Sacred

Creatures of the Creatures of the Seas Creatures of the
Air Lands
Swan Seal Lion
Owl Catfish Cat
Vulture Pike Wolf
Dove Mullet He - Goat
Stork Chub Monkey
Eagle Dolphin Stag
Pewit (Lapwing) Sepia (Cuttlefish) Mole

Elemental Correspondences from Paul Foster Case

Tarot Pips and Elemental Correspondences from Paul Foster Case

From Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Of Occult Philosophy (Book II) (1531)


From Chapter XLIV of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Of Occult Philosophy, Book I


Sun Saffron, amber, musk, agarwood, balsam, cherry laurel, cloves,

myrrh, frankincense, mastic plant resin, storax balsam, ambergris;
“balanite stone” (balanites aegyptiaca wood) or ruby (ruby for
boldness, courage, good fortunes in wars and contentions,
dispelling disease, expelling evil)

Moon White poppy, frankincense, camphor, myrtle leaves, bay leaves

Mercury Mastic plant resin, frankincense, cloves, agate stones, cinnamon,

lemon peel; image of a rod with a coiled serpent confers
knowledge, eloquence, diligence, good will, wit and memory,
success in commerce or merchandising, financial gains, and
harmonious business alliances.

Venus Musk, amber, agarwood, red rose, red coral, potentilla plant,
violets; lapis lazuli stone charmed at the hour of Venus

Mars Euphorbia, bdellium resin, hellebore flowers, lodestone, sulfur,

sandalwood, cypress, balsam, agarwood; diamond

Jupiter Ash, agarwood, storax balsam, benzoin, lapis lazuli stone, nutmeg,
clove; “clear or white stones”

Saturn Black poppy, nightshade, mandrake root, lodestone, myrrh,

pepperwort, frankincense

I Ching: 64 Hexagrams
Upper Trigram

Lower Trigram Heaven Lake Fire Thunder

1 43 14 34
Creative Power Decisive Action Accolades Great Power

10 58 38 54
Caution Mirth Polarizing Marrying

13 49 30 55
Fellowship Revolution Attachment Opulence

25 17 21 51
Innocence Inspiring Others Bite Through Sharp Turn

44 28 50 32
Improper Meeting Great Force Cauldron Endurance

6 47 64 40
Conflict Iron Hand Climax Deliverance

33 31 56 62
Retreat Attraction The Wanderer The Details

12 45 35 16
Plateau Assembly Advancement Enthusiasm

I Ching: 64 Hexagrams
Upper Trigram

Wind Water Mountain Earth Lower Trigram

9 5 26 11
Gentle Wind Patience Limitation Harmony

61 60 41 19
Faith Within Boundaries Debilitation Spring is

37 63 22 36
Family After the Ending Beauty and Grace Darken the Light

42 3 27 24
Burgeoning Initial Challenge Nourishment Recharge

57 48 18 46
Gentle Force Fountainhead Decay Push Upward

59 29 4 7
Make Waves The Abyss Inexperience The Army

53 39 52 15
Steadfast Impasse Quiet Heart Modesty

20 8 23 2
Critique Alliances Partition Supportive Power



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