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Unit 1 | Soil Properties and Classifications

Determination of Soil Parameters/Coefficients/Constants

1. Complete the table for sieve analysis. Note: The sieves must be arranged from
biggest to smallest opening. The pan is on the last row of the table. Calculate the %
finer or % passing using the formula presented in the learning packet.
2. To evaluate the soil parameters/coefficients/coefficients, two methods can be used:
(1) graphical solution, and (2) using scientific calculator technique.
3. Graphical Solution. Graph the data derived from the table for sieve analysis. This
graph is called the particle size distribution curve. The horizontal axis which is in semi-
logarithmic scale represents the grain diameter. On the other hand, the vertical axis
which is in linear scale represents the % finer or % passing.
a. To determine the grain size diameter at a certain value of % finer, begin at the
% finer under consideration (i.e. 10% to evaluate D10, 60% to evaluate D60,
and so on), then, construct a horizontal line up to the point that this line
intersects the curve. From this point on the curve, drop a vertical line and read
the value on the horizontal axis.
b. To determine the % finer or % passing at a certain grain diameter, start at the
grain diameter under consideration, then, draw a vertical line and let it intersect
the curve. From this point, construct a horizontal line and read the value on the
vertical axis.
4. Using Scientific Calculator Technique. This approach can only be used for some
calculator models like Casio FX 991ES Plus and FX 570. Follow this command: Mode
> 3 (STAT) > 4. Note: Turn off the frequency. You shall see this setup.
a. Using the data from the table for sieve analysis, choose two (2) paired values.
Input the grain diameter on the X-column, and its corresponding % finer on the
Y-column. Note: For the Y-column, exclude the % symbol, just the numerical
values. Consider the table below to understand the process.

b. To determine the grain size diameter at a certain value of % finer, focus on the
% finer column. Choose two (2) % finer values in the table for sieve analysis
in which the desired % finer lies between them. For example, consider 10% (to
evaluate D10). The % finer values in which 10% lies are 15.83% and 4.36%.
Input these values together with their corresponding openings/grain diameters
on the interface.
1 0.150 15.83
2 0.075 4.36

CE Review 2: Hydraulics & Geotechnical Engineering

J.P. Rontos
Press AC. Input this format (excluding the brackets): [% finer under
consideration][x̂]. For example, 10x̂ (or read as the value x when y is 10). Note:
10 is the % finer under consideration. To input x̂, follow this command: Shift >
1 (STAT) > 5 (Reg) > 4 (x̂). The resulting value of 10x̂, which is 0.1055 mm, is
the grain diameter at 10% finer or is called the effective diameter.
c. To determine the % finer or % passing at a certain grain diameter, the process
is the same with the previous one, however, focus now on the grain
diameter/opening column. Select two (2) openings in the table for sieve
analysis in which the desired grain diameter lies between them. Input them,
together with their corresponding % finer values in the interface. Press AC.
Input this format (excluding the brackets): [grain diameter under
consideration][ŷ]. To input ŷ, follow this command: Shift > 1 (STAT) > 5 (Reg)
> 5 (ŷ).

For calculator model like CANON F789SGA. Follow this command: Mode > 3 (STAT)
> 4 (Log). Note: Turn off the frequency. You shall see this setup.
a. Using the data from the table for sieve analysis, choose two (2) paired values.
Input the grain diameter on the X-column, and its corresponding % finer on the
Y-column. Note: For the Y-column, exclude the % symbol, just the numerical
values. Consider the table below to understand the process.

b. To determine the grain size diameter at a certain value of % finer, focus on the
% finer column. Choose two (2) % finer values in the table for sieve analysis
in which the desired % finer lies between them. For example, consider 10% (to
evaluate D10). The % finer values in which 10% lies are 15.83% and 4.36%.
Input these values together with their corresponding openings/grain diameters
on the interface.
1 0.150 15.83
2 0.075 4.36
Press CA. Input this format (excluding the brackets): [% finer under
consideration][x̂]. For example, 10x̂ (or read as the value x when y is 10). Note:
10 is the % finer under consideration. To input x̂, follow this command: Shift >
Apps > 8 (Reg) > 4 (x̂). The resulting value of 10x̂, which is 0.1055 mm, is the
grain diameter at 10% finer or is called the effective diameter.
c. To determine the % finer or % passing at a certain grain diameter, the process
is the same with the previous one, however, focus now on the grain
diameter/opening column. Select two (2) openings in the table for sieve
analysis in which the desired grain diameter lies between them. Input them,
together with their corresponding % finer values in the interface. Press CA.

CE Review 2: Hydraulics & Geotechnical Engineering

J.P. Rontos
Input this format (excluding the brackets): [grain diameter under
consideration][ŷ]. To input ŷ, follow this command: Shift > Apps > 8 (Reg) > 5
5. Using either the graphical solution or the scientific calculator technique, evaluate the
required soil parameters/coefficients/constants in the problem. Refer to the formulas
presented in the learning packet.

Soil Classification
1. Memorize the different ranges of values (i.e. upper and lower
boundaries/sizes/diameters) of each particle size per organization as presented in
the learning packet. Take note that in licensure exam, these values are not provided.
2. Arrange the particle sizes from largest to smallest. Trivia: The particle size larger than
gravel is called boulder; smaller than clay is called colloid; and in between gravel and
boulder is called cobble. Construct a web, one for the upper boundary and the other
one for the lower boundary of each particle size. Write against these webs the given
upper and lower size for each particle size according to what organizational standard
is required. For the illustration below, the AASHTO standard is used.
76.2 mm
2.00 mm
0.075 mm
0.002 mm
< 0.002 mm
3. From the table for sieve analysis, determine the corresponding % finer value for each
boundary, if available. If the % finer value is not available in the distribution, perform
either Step 3 or Step 4c in the process of determining the soil
parameters/coefficients/constants. Note: If the % finer value of the upper boundary of
the largest particle size in the distribution is not available, use the % finer value of the
grain diameter as the upper boundary, provided that it lies between the given upper
and lower boundaries of that largest particle size.
76.2 mm - 80% 76.2 mm - not available
Gravel Gravel 4.75 mm - 80% largest
2.00 mm - 10% 2.00 mm - 10%
Sand Sand
0.075 mm - 6% 0.075 mm - 6%
Silt Silt
0.002 mm - 3% 0.002 mm - 3%
Clay Clay
< 0.002 mm - 1% < 0.002 mm - 1%
4. The percent per particle size (i.e. % gravel, % sand, % silt, % clay) can be calculated
by evaluating the difference in % finer values of the upper and lower boundaries per
particle size. Note: If the % finer value of the lower boundary of a particle size is not
available, it cannot be separated from the particle size/s smaller than it. The sum of
the percentages per particle size must be equal to 100%.

CE Review 2: Hydraulics & Geotechnical Engineering

J.P. Rontos
Soil Properties
1. Memorize all the formulas for soil properties. If memorization does not work, learn
how to derive each formula. The process is presented in the learning packet.
2. The formulas were derived using the weight-volume relationships. The weight of the
soil mass includes the weights of the soil solid and water. The volume of the soil
mass, on the other hand, is composed of the volume of the soil solid and voids (i.e.
water and air).
3. Know the difference between soil mass and soil solid.
4. Know the different conditions of soil, that is, zero, dry, moist and saturated.
Understanding these conditions will help you choose the appropriate formula for unit
5. Understand all soil properties, their definitions.
6. Read and understand the problem. If possible, write down all the given data as well
as the required data in the problem before presenting your solution.
7. Use consistent units in your solution to avoid errors.
8. Learn how to manipulate formulas by incorporating or supplying in other formulas.
Not all problems are direct substitutions.

CE Review 2: Hydraulics & Geotechnical Engineering

J.P. Rontos

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