Bahan Ajar Repot Text KLS 9

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Monday,7th January 2022



Definition Of Recount Text

   What is Report text 
A report text is used to give facts clearly about a topic without
unnecessary information or opinion.
Report text adalah teks laporan yang digunakan untuk memberikan fakta
secara jelas tentang suatu topik tanpa informasi atau opini yang tidak
Generic Structure Of Report Text
A report text usually consists of three main sturctures.
☞ Title
The title usually tells the readers about the topic of the report.
Judul berfungsi memberi tahu pembaca tentang report apa yang
sedang diinformasikan.
☞ General Classification
This part gives information or the definition about the subject of
the report. A report begins with a general statement. It tells the
readers what the report is going to be about.
Bagian yang memberikan informasi atau definisi tentang subjek dari
report reks. Sebuah report teks diawali dengan pernyataan umum
yang menginformasikan pembaca tentang apa yang sedang disajikan
dalam teks.
☞ Description
This part gives important facts or features (parts, qualities,
habits/behaviours) about the subject.
Bagian memberikan fakta atau ciri-ciri tentang subjek report.
·        A report may have subheadings which tell the readers what each
paragraph or group of paragraphs is about. Dalam sebuah report
teks terakadang ada subjudul yang memberitahukan para pembaca
tentang apa setiap paragrafnya atau setiap subkelompoknya.
·        Photographs and diagrams can make the report understandable
and interesting.  Gambar dan diagram bisa membuat sebuah report
teks (teks laporan) lebih dimengerti dan menarik.
Captions help readers to relate photographs and diagrams to the text. Caption
(judul yang berada dibawah gambar) membantu pembaca untuk
menghubungkan gambar dan diagram ke dalam teks.

Contoh Generic Structure Of Report Text


General Classification A train is made up of railroad cars, hooked

together and pulled by a locomotive. Locomotives
are sometimes called engines. The types of
locomotive engines most used today are diesel-
electric. Engines that burn diesel fuel drive
generators that make electricity. Powerful electric
motors turn the wheels of a diesel-electric
locomotive. There are two types of train, freight
and passenger trains.

Description A freight train can have as many as 200 cars

hooked together. There are special railroad cars
for different kinds of freight. The boxcar has four
sides, a floor and a roof. It carries radios, television
sets and boxes of cereal. Refrigerator cars work
like your home refrigerator. They are boxcars that
are cool inside. Refrigerator cars carry meat, fruit,
frozen dinners and other food that must be kept
cold. The hopper car is open on the top. Hopper
cars carry coal, sand, gravel, and ore (rocks that
contain metals). A flatcar has no top or sides. It has
a floor on wheels. Flat cars carry lumber, steel
beams, huge pieces of machinery, and other big
items. Lifting machines called cranes load cargo
onto flat cars. Special flatcars carry cars, boats,
and trucks.
Passenger trains have seats in rows along each
side. They are made for long trips. They have seats
that can be made into beds at night. Trains that
carry passengers over long distances have special
baggage cars to carry suitcases. They have dining
cars where people can sit down and eat.

Language Feature of Report Text

·        Present tense (if the subject is still present)
·        Past tense (if the subject is extinct, e.g. dinosaurs, dodo)
·        Passive voice
Contoh Report Text
Contoh Report Text Singkat Dengan Terjemahannya.
The word robot comes from the Czech word Robota which means labour
or work. A robot is known as a machine that does the work of a human
Robots are usually used to do repetitive work which requires high
precision. For instance, robots are used to produce cars. Later, robots
may also perform surgical operations on humans. A computer could
direct the procedure with excellent precision. Meanwhile, human
surgeons could control the progress by monitoring the operation on a
large video screen.

Soon, robots may also do household chores, such as sweeping and

mopping. Robots may also be designed to do dangerous jobs like cleaning
the site of a nuclear accident.

Kata robot berasal dari bahasa Czech kata Robota yang artinya tenaga kerja atau
kerja. Robot dikenal sebagai mesin yang melakukan pekerjaan manusia.

Robot biasanya digunakan untuk melakukan pekerjaan berulang yang membutuhkan

ketelitian tinggi. Misalnya, robot digunakan untuk memproduksi mobil. Nantinya, robot
juga dapat melakukan operasi pembedahan pada manusia. Komputer dapat
mengarahkan prosedur dengan presisi yang sangat baik. Sementara itu, ahli bedah
manusia dapat mengontrol kemajuan dengan memantau operasi di layar video besar.

Segera, robot juga dapat melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga, seperti menyapu dan
mengepel. Robot juga dapat dirancang untuk melakukan pekerjaan berbahaya seperti
membersihkan lokasi kecelakaan nuklir.

Contoh Report Text Tentang Hewan dan Terjemahannya

Grasshoppers are insects. People also call them short-horned
grasshopper because they do not have any nose. We can find about
10,000 different species in many different parts of the world.
Like most insects, they lay eggs. Once the eggs hatch, they change
into nymphs. They look like little adults, but don't have any wings and
reproductive organs. The outer layer of their body will get harder when
they grow older. Grasshoppers' colours are mostly green, brown, or olive-
A grasshopper's body is covered by a hard exoskeleton. It consists of
the head, thorax, and abdomen. Grasshoppers have a series of holes
located along the side of the body. They are called spiracles. Spiracles
help grasshoppers to breathe.
Grasshoppers are able to hop, walk, and fly. They hop with their long
hind legs. They use their short front legs to grasp their prey and to walk.
When grasshoppers rub their back legs together, they will make noise.
Grasshoppers eat plants. In the ecosystem, their predators include
birds, insects, and reptiles. Grasshoppers' eggs are also eaten by some

Belalang adalah serangga. Orang juga menyebut mereka belalang tanduk pendek
karena tidak memiliki hidung. Kita dapat menemukan sekitar 10.000 spesies berbeda di
berbagai belahan dunia.

Seperti kebanyakan serangga, mereka bertelur. Setelah telur menetas, mereka

berubah menjadi nimfa. Mereka terlihat seperti orang dewasa kecil, tetapi tidak memiliki
sayap dan organ reproduksi. Lapisan luar tubuh mereka akan semakin keras saat
mereka bertambah tua. Warna belalang kebanyakan hijau, coklat, atau hijau zaitun.

Tubuh belalang ditutupi oleh kerangka luar yang keras. Terdiri dari kepala, dada, dan
perut. Belalang memiliki sederet lubang yang terletak di sepanjang sisi tubuh. Mereka
disebut spirakel. Spirakel membantu belalang bernafas.

Belalang bisa melompat, berjalan, dan terbang. Mereka melompat dengan kaki
belakangnya yang panjang. Mereka menggunakan kaki depan yang pendek untuk
menangkap mangsanya dan berjalan. Saat belalang menggosok kaki belakangnya,
mereka akan membuat suara.

Belalang memakan tumbuhan. Dalam ekosistem, predatornya termasuk burung,

serangga, dan reptil. Telur belalang juga dimakan oleh beberapa lalat.

Contoh Report Text Tentang Tempat

Landmark is a recognizable natural or artificial feature used for
navigation. This feature usually stands out from its near environment and
is often visible from long distances. In modern use, the term “landmark”
can also be applied to smaller structures or features becoming local or
national symbols.
Landmarks are usually classified into both natural landmarks and
man-made landmarks. Natural landmarks can be characteristic features,
such as mountains or plateaus. Examples of natural landmarks are Table
Mountain in South Africa, Uluru in Australia, and Mount Fuji in Japan.
Trees might also serve as local landmarks. Some landmark trees may be
nicknamed, examples being Queen’s Oak, Hanging Oak or Centennial
In modern sense, landmarks are usually referred to monuments or
distinctive buildings, used as the symbol of a certain area such as the
Statue of Liberty in New York City, Eiffel tower in Paris, Big Ben in
London, etc.
Church spires and mosque’s minarets are often very tall and visible from
many miles around. Thus, these various buildings often serve as man-
made landmarks.

Landmark adalah fitur alami atau buatan yang dapat dikenali yang digunakan untuk
navigasi. Fitur ini biasanya menonjol dari lingkungan dekatnya dan sering terlihat dari
jarak jauh. Dalam penggunaan modern, istilah "tengara" juga dapat diterapkan pada
bangunan atau fitur yang lebih kecil yang menjadi simbol lokal atau nasional.

Landmark biasanya diklasifikasikan menjadi landmark alam dan landmark buatan

manusia. Landmark alam dapat berupa ciri khas, seperti pegunungan atau dataran
tinggi. Contoh landmark alam adalah Gunung Meja di Afrika Selatan, Uluru di Australia,
dan Gunung Fuji di Jepang. Pohon mungkin juga berfungsi sebagai landmark lokal.
Beberapa pohon tengara dapat diberi julukan, contohnya adalah Queen's Oak, Hanging
Oak atau Centennial Tree.

Dalam pengertian modern, landmark biasanya disebut monumen atau bangunan khas,
digunakan sebagai lambang suatu daerah tertentu seperti Patung Liberty di New York
City, menara Eiffel di Paris, Big Ben di London, dll.

Menara gereja dan menara masjid seringkali sangat tinggi dan terlihat dari jarak bermil-
mil. Karenanya, berbagai bangunan ini sering dijadikan landmark buatan manusia.

Contoh Report Text Tentang Hewan (about panda)

Panda or also known as “Giant Panda” or “Panda Bear” is a species of bear
originated from Central China. The most distinguishable things from
them are the black and white patterns of the body and alo the black fur
encircling their eyes. They consume bamboo as their main diet but they
also eat other grasses, wild tubers, birds, rodents, honey, eggs, fish,
oranges and banana occassionally.
Panda have two legs and two hands. Although they can stand on two
feet, but most of the time they are just like any other bears who walked
on both hands and legs. They have five fingers and a thumb on their
paws. The thumb is a modified bone that help them to hold bamboo while
eating. The fur around their belly is white while the fur around their
chest, hands, legs and ears are black.
An adult panda can reach the size of 1,2 to 1,9 m long from nose to
tail. The tail is about 10 to 15 cm long. The body height of an adult panda
can reach 60 to 90 cm and their body weight can reach 160 kg. They can
live up to 20 years in the wild and about 30 years in captivity. They are a
solitary animal who has a defined territory. They communicate to each
other by making sound and through scent marking.
Panda atau yang juga dikenal dengan sebutan “Panda Raksasa” atau
“Beruang Panda” adalah salah satu jenis beruang yang berasal dari
Tiongkok Tengah. Hal yang paling membedakan dari mereka adalah pola
hitam dan putih pada tubuh dan hanya bulu hitam yang melingkari mata
mereka. Mereka mengkonsumsi bambu sebagai makanan utama mereka
tetapi mereka juga makan rumput lain, umbi-umbian liar, burung, tikus,
madu, telur, ikan, jeruk dan pisang sesekali.
Panda memiliki dua kaki dan dua tangan. Meskipun mereka dapat
berdiri dengan dua kaki, tetapi sebagian besar waktu mereka sama
seperti beruang lainnya yang berjalan dengan kedua tangan dan kaki.
Mereka memiliki lima jari dan satu ibu jari di kaki mereka. Ibu jari adalah
tulang modifikasi yang membantu mereka memegang bambu saat makan.
Bulu di sekitar perut mereka berwarna putih sedangkan bulu di sekitar
dada, tangan, kaki dan telinga berwarna hitam.
Seekor panda dewasa bisa mencapai ukuran 1,2 hingga 1,9 m dari
hidung hingga ekor. Ekornya panjangnya sekitar 10 sampai 15 cm. Tinggi
badan panda dewasa bisa mencapai 60 hingga 90 cm dan berat badannya
bisa mencapai 160 kg. Mereka dapat hidup hingga 20 tahun di alam liar
dan sekitar 30 tahun di penangkaran. Mereka adalah hewan soliter yang
memiliki wilayah tertentu. Mereka berkomunikasi satu sama lain dengan
membuat suara dan melalui penandaan aroma.
Istilah-istilah Asing
Greco - European (groupe d'États contre la corruption, GRECO) adalah
Kelompok Negara Menentang Korupsi, badan pengawas antikorupsi Dewan
Eropa dengan Kantor Pusatnya di Strasbourg, didirikan, pada tahun 1999,
sebagai Perjanjian Parsial yang diperluas oleh 17 Negara Anggota Dewan
Eropa. GRECO, yang juga terbuka untuk negara non-Eropa, saat ini memiliki
50 anggota. Wikipedia (Inggris)

Report Text adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu atau benda-benda secara

umum, contohnya berbagai benda atau fenomena alam, buatan dan sosial yang ada
atau terjadi di lingkungan kita. Teks report mengupas suatu hasil pengamatan,
penelaahan, penelitian, observasi, atau study tentang benda atau binatang, orang atau

Report Text hampir sama dengan Descriptive Text yang membedakan adalah objek

yang diceritakan berbentuk jamak, sedangkan objek yang diceritakan pada Descriptive
Text berbentuk tunggal. 

Generic Structure Report Text adalah :

1. General classification (Klasifikasi umum) : pengantar tentang sesuatu atau fenomena
yang akan dibahas.
2. Description (Deskripsi) : menerangkan sesuatu atau fenomena yang dibahas, meliputi
bagian-bagian, kualitas dan perilaku.

Ciri-ciri Report Text adalah :

1. Menggunakan pola kalimat Simple Present Tense
2. Menggunakan kata benda umum (general nouns)
3. Menggunakan kata kerja yang saling berhubungan (relating verbs)
4. Terdiri dari sebuah objek ditambah objek tentang alam lainnya.

Contoh Report Text :

Elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal which it
has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long
white tusks and above all, elephant has a long nose, the trunk. An elephant is commonly
seen in a zoo, it is hard to find in its natural habitat.

The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature. This trunk has various usages. The elephant
draws up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body like a shower bath.
The elephant's trunk also lifts leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves
the elephant as long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet an
elephant can move very quickly.

The elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength
makes an elephant a very useful servant to man. Elephant can be trained to serve in
various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight. An elephant is
really a smart animal.

Contoh Soal Report Text Kelas 9 SMP – Report Text Multiple Choice
Choose the correct answer.

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4.

Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means
that unlike fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no
bones at all.

Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous
systems for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They are
made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through them.

Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light
is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe
jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow to scare
away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.

Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh
water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They
live in warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South

1. Which one creates jellyfish's light?

     A. White blood
     B. Nervous system
     C. Chemical reaction
     D. Salt water

2. Which one is TRUE about the jellyfish based on the text?

     A. They belong to invertebrate animals
     B. They have heads like other animals
     C. Their brain helps them find the food
     D. They cannot live in fresh water

3. What is the text about?

     A. Jellyfish
     B. Kinds of all fish
     C. All invertebrate animal
     D. Some kinds of sea animals

4. “Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light.” (paragraph 3)
The word “glow” in the sentence means …
     A. Move
     B. Produce
     C. Appear
     D. Shine
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 1 sampai 4.
1. Seperti dinyatakan kalimat ke-2 paragraf 2 “The light is made by a
chemical reaction inside the jellyfish”. Dari kalimat tersebut diperoleh
informasi bahwa yang menimbulkan cahaya pada ubur-ubur adalah
rekasi kimia Chemical reaction dalam tuhuh ubur-ubur itu.
Jawaban: C

2. Perhatikan pilihan berikut:

- Opsi (A) They belong to invertebrate animals (ubur-ubur, termasuk
binatang invertebrata). Hal ini sesuai dengan informasi kalimat ke-2
paragraf 1: “They are invertebrate animals”.
- Opsi (B) bertentangan dengan informasi kalimat ke-5 paragraf 1, yakni
sebenarnya ubur-ubur tidak memiliki kepala.
- Opsi (C) bententangan dengan informasi kalimat ke-6 paragraf 1, yakni
ubur-ubur kenyataannya tidak memiiki otak.
- Opsi (D) bertentangan dengan informasi kalimat pertama paragraf 4,
yakni ubur-ubur justru tinggal di air asin.
Jadi, pernyataan yang benar sesuai dengan teks adalah They belong to
invertebrate animals.
Jawaban: A

3. Teks menjelaskan tentang ubur-ubur Jellyfish, dengan:

- ciri fisik pada paragraf 1 dan 2,
- keunikannya pada paragraf 3, dan
- habitatnya pada paragraph 4.
Jawaban: A

4. Kata bergaris bawah "glow" yang memiiki arti (bersinar atau

bercahaya), bersinonim dengan kata "shine". Kata pada pilihan lain
memiliki arti:
- move = bergerak,
- produce = menghasilkan,
- appear = muncul.
Sinonim glow yang tepat adalah Shine.
Jawaban: D

The following text is for questions 5 to 9

The word robot comes from the Czech word Robota which means labour
or work. A robot is known as a machine that does the work of a human
Robots are usually used to do repetitive work which requires high
precision. For instance, robots are used to produce cars. Later, robots
may also perform surgical operations on humans. A computer could
direct the procedure with excellent precision. Meanwhile, human
surgeons could control the progress by monitoring the operation on a
large video screen.
Soon, robots may also do household chores, such as sweeping and
mopping. Robots may also be designed to do dangerous jobs like cleaning
the site of a nuclear accident.
5. What is the word robot derived from?
A.     Egyptian.
B.     Russian.
C.     Czech.
D.     Greek.
6. What is a robot usually used for?
A.     To make the workers work less and have more time to rest.
B.     To do repetitive tasks which require precision.
C.     To perform special acts imitating human beings.
D.     To give orders to the workers.
7. What would a human being do when a robot does a surgical operation?
A.     He could ask the robot to report the progress.
B.     He could check the progress of the operation.
C.     He could be one of the volunteers.
D.     He could stand beside the robot.
9. What is an example of a dangerous job that can be done by a robot?
A.     Manufacturing cars and other vehicles.
B.     Cleaning the site of a nuclear accident.
C.     Helping people work on a farm.
D.     Controlling the traffic.

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 and 13

The peach is known as a species of Prunus. It is a kind of edible juicy
fruit. It is native to China. The peach tree grows to 4-10 m tall. It is a
deciduous tree so it will fall its leaves in certain seasons. It belongs to
the subfamily Prunoideae of the family Rosaceae.

The leaves are 7-16 em long and 2-3 em broad. The flowers are produced
in early spring before the leaves. They are solitary or paired with about
2,5-3 cm in diameter. The color of the flower is pink.

Peach fruit is very nice. Its aroma smells good. The color of the flesh is
yellow or white. The skin of the peach is smooth or velvety. The flesh is
soft and juicy. It is delicious. It is a little bit harder when it is unripe.
Inside the flesh, there is a large single seed. The seed is oval in shape.
Its color is red-brown. Its length is about 1,3-2 cm. A wood–like husk
surrounds this seed.

Most people know peaches as 'persicas'. It is related to the belief that

peaches were native to Persia (now Iran). The modern botanical
consensus is that they originate in China, and were introduced to Persia
and the Mediterranean region along the Silk Road before Christian

10. Which part of the peach fruit contains water?

     A. The flesh
     B. The husk
     C. The seed
     D. The skin

11. What is the purpose of the third paragraph?

     A. To describe a peach tree
     B. To describe the peach fruit
     C. To describe the taste of peach fruit
     D. To describe the smell of a peach tree

12. From the text we know that ....

     A. Peaches come from Persia
     B. Peaches do not originate in Persia
     C. China imported peaches from Persia
     D. The modern botanical consensus decided the name of the fruit

13. "It is a little bit harder when it is unripe". (paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to the ... of the peaches.
     A. Flesh
     B. Seed
     C. Skin
     D. Tree
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 10 sampai 13.
10. Coba perhatikan kalimat "The flesh is soft and juicy" Kata "juicy"
memiliki arti berair. Jadi, bagian dari buah persik yang berair adalah
daging buahnya The flesh.
Jawaban: A

11. Paragraf tiga mendeskripsikan buah persik tersebut secara

keseluruhan. Pilihan yang tepat adalah To describe the peach fruit.
Jawaban: B

12. Dari teks tersebut dapat kita ambil informasi bahwa buah persik
tidak berasal dari Persia melainkan China. Pilihan yang tepat
adalah Peaches do not originate in Persia.
Jawaban: B

13. Kata "it" tersebut merupakan kata ganti dari daging buah (flesh) dari
kalimat sebelumnya. Jadi, kata it mengacu pada Flesh.
Jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer questions number 14 to 17.

An animal nursery is a kind of job. People who work as animal nursery
workers work in zoos, kennels, animal shelters, and circuses. They are
responsible for feeding, watering, cleaning, bathing and exercising
animals. They care for animals' health by disinfecting them and keeping
their cage clean. They keep records of treatments that the animals have
received from the veterinarian, an animal doctor.

Animal nursery workers have serious responsibilities and functions.

They provide care for newborns and young animals, prepare their food,
transport them to feeding areas, and deliver food and water to them. The
food they prepare is different for each species of animals they care for.
They fill nursing bottles which have been sterilized with the appropriate
feeding formula. They also take care of orphaned animals. They observe
newborn animals and check for signs of disease or abnormality. They
may perform physical exam on the young animals occasionally, taking
their temperatures, pulse rate and blood pressure. They are also in
charge of cleaning and preparing comfortable sleeping areas for
animals, removing waste, cleaning and disinfecting them. They also
make sure all cages and enclosures are safe.

14. What is the text about?

     A. The animals being cared by animal nursery workers
     B. The job description of animal nursery workers
     C. A dangerous job of animal nursery workers
     D. The work place of animal nursery workers

15. The food that the animal nursery workers prepared depends on ....
     A. The physical condition of the animals
     B. The emotional condition of the animals
     C. The species of the animals
     D. The age of the animals

16. "They keep records of treatments that the animals ...... (paragraph 1, line 4)
The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to ....
     A. Make
     B. Write
     C. Listen
     D. Watch

17. What is the purpose of the writer to write the text above?
     A. To entertain the readers with the animal nursery workers' story
     B. To explain the hobbies of the animal nursery workers
     C. To explain how to be an animal nursery workers
     D. To describe the job of animal nursery workers

Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 14 sampai 17.
14. Teks di atas membahas mengenai sebuah pekerjaan sebagai
perawat binatang. Pilihan yang tepat adalah The job description of
animal nursery workers.
Jawaban: B

15. Pada teks tersebut dapat kita ambil informasi mengenai jenis
makanan yang disiapkan para perawat binatang yang disesuaikan
dengan spesies binatang itu sendiri. Pilihan yang tepat adalah The
species of the animals.
Jawaban: C
16. Frasa "keep record" memiliki makna "mencatat". Maka pilihan
jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah Write.
Jawaban: B

17. Tujuan penulis membuat teks tersebut adalah untuk memberikan

gambaran mengenai sebuah pekerjaan sebagai perawat binatang.
Pilihan yang tepat adalah To describe the job of animal nursery workers.
Jawaban: D

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