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GRDESTACK LEARNING Pvt. Ltd.Windsor IT Park, A-1, Sector-125, Noida, UP, Ph.

: 0120-4979780 1

PAPER DATE: 24 February 2021 (SHIFT-1)

1. A body falls down from 100oC to 90oC in 20 minutes, it will cool down from
110oC to 100oC in
A. 20 min
B. less than 20 min
C. more than 20 min
D. 30 min
Ans. B
2. Relation between R and F of convex mirror
A. F = R
B. F = 1.5 R
C. F = R
D. F = 3R
Ans. C
Sol. Basic formula for spherical mirror
F = R/2
3. Two similar capacitors first connected in series and then in parallel. Ratio of
equivalent capacitance series to parallel.
A. 1 : 4
B. 4 : 1
C. 2 : 1
D. 1 : 2
Ans. A

4. Relation between young’s, bulk and modulus of rigidity.
9 3 1
Ans. = +
y  B

5. Current in a wire is 20t3 + 15t2 calculate the charge passing through it in 15

Ans. 270,000 C

6. Two planets are revolving with T1 = 1hr and T2 = 8hr. Then the relation of their
angular velocities.
Ans. 8 : 1
Sol. T =

T1 w2
T2 w2

7. An object of mass M oscillating with amplitude ‘A’ mass ‘m’ is added at mean
position. Find new amplitude of oscillation

M A W = ( m + M) A’ w’

k k
MA = (m + M) A'
M m+M

Ans. A' = A
9. In a double star system. Find the time period.

r2 r3
A. R = 2 B. R = 2
g (m1 + m2 ) G (m1 + m2 )

r3 r3
C. R = 2 D. R = 2
G (m1 + m2 ) Gm1

Gm1 m2  m1r 
Sol. = m2  
r2  m1 + m2 

G (m1 + m2 )

2 r3
Ans. R = = 2
 G (m1 + m2 )

10. Find current through 2 resistor.

Ans. I = 5/2 = 2.5 A

11. Find the minimum for F that should be applied to the block of mass m = 0.5 kg,
so that the block stays in equilibrium with the rough vertical wall having
friction coefficient  = 0.2 .
A. 20 N
B. 50 N
C. 25 N
D. None of these
Ans. C
12. Find field at center of cube of sid a.
D. None of these
Ans. A

Four particles, each of mass M, move along a circle of radius R, under the
action of their mutual gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle is

A. B. 2 2

GM GM  2 2 + 1 
C. (2 2 + 1) D.  
R R  4 

14. A cyclic process is show n in the figure as given be below

15. Energy of proton, on increasing the wavelength
A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Remain constant
D. None
A practice of mass m moving with a velocity of 9 m/s collides moving with
another identical practice. Two particle makes same angle 30° with the initial
direction of motion of particle after collision.
Find ratio of find velocities of two particles.


Sol. linear motion along yaxis

Mv1 sin30°‫ –܄‬mv2 sin30° = .
V1 = v0032
17. Statement 1: Two particle have same linear momentum, wavelength of the
both particles will same.

Statement 2: If wavelength of particle increase, then energy and linear
momentum also increases.
A. Both are correct B. Only 1 is correct
C. Only 2 is correct D. Both are wrong
18. A horizontal spring block system (mass m2 spring constant k) is oscillating on a
smooth surface with amplitude A. If at the mean position an identical block is
kept on it so that they move together after what is the new amplitude?

A. A B.
C. D.
2 2 2
19. Match the following
List – I List – II
A. ISO baric (i) T = constant
B. ISO choric (ii) Q = 0
C. Adiabatic (iii) V – Constant
D. Isothermal (iv) P = Constant


1. Why α–helix is helical in shape:

A. H – bonding
B. Disulphide ink
C. Covalent bond
D. Dipole induced dipole
Ans. A
2. What is the co-ordination no. of b.c.c. ?
A. 4 B. 6
C. 8 D. 12
Ans. C
3. Non-Existence of PbI4 is due to
A. Small will of Pb4+ ions and large size of I–
B. Highly oxidising power of Pb4+ ion
C. Highly reducing power of I–
D. Both B and C
Ans. D
4. An ore of Tin containing FeCrO4 concentrated by
A. Froth flotation
B. Electrostatic method
C. Gravity separation
D. Magnetic separation
Ans. D

5. What is the slope of Freundlich adsorption isotherm ?

x 1
Ans. = kpn where represent slope and the value of n = 1 to infinity
m n

6. Which of the following vitamin’s deficiency causes sterility in males?
A. Vit. A B. Vit. B
C. Vit E D. Vit K
Ans. C
7. Anaerobic respiration causes:
A. Global warming
B. Acid Rain
C. Green house effect
D. None of these
Ans. A

8. What are the major components of gun metal:

Ans. Copper 88%

9. For which of the following ores leaching is done by cyanide:

A. Zn B. Ag2S
C. PbS D. None of these
Ans. B

10. Conversion of cyclobutene to butadiene follows first order kinetics. How much time
will it take for 40% completion (value of k = 3.33 × 10 –5)
Ans. 1.52 × 104

11. Arrange Mg, P, Al, Si, S in decreasing order of ionization enthalpy

Ans. P > S > Si > Mg > Al

12. Equilibrium const. for a given reaction is 100, at temp. 300 K & p = 1 atm then value
of G at this temp and pressure is –xR ?
Find the value of x

Ans. ‘x’ = 1381.8 J / mole

13. Which of the following pairs are isostructural

A. SO24− & CrO24− B. NH3 & NO2−

C. BF3 & BrF3 D. None

Ans. A

14. The rate of effusion doesn’t depend upon

A. The area of cross-section of orifice
B. No. of molecules per unit volume
C. Avg. molecular speed
D. Size of molecules
Ans. D
15. Observation of Rhumann’s purple is a confirmatory test for the presence of
A. Starch B. Reducing sugar
C. Cupric ion D. Protein
Ans. D
16. 2.5g of a compound (M.W.= 80) is regd. To form an aqueous solution of volume 250 ml
The molarity of solution is:

Ans. 0.125 M
17. What is the product formed in the reaction?



What is A and B.



cosx − sinx  cosx + sinx 

1.  8 − sin2x
= asin−1 
 6
 , then (a, b) is

 sinx + cosx 
Ans. sin  + C a = 1; b = 3
 3 

 n  1 
2. lim tan   tan−1  2 
 r =1  r + r + 1 

1  (r + 1) − r 
Tr = tan−1 = tan−1  
1 + r(r + 1)  1 + r(r + r) 
= tan−1 (r + 1) − tan−1 r

lim S =  tans = 1
n→ 4
Ans. 1

3. Find the area bounded between y2  9x and x2 + y2 ≤ 36

Ans. 24 − 3 3

4. If p, q, > 0, p + q = 2 and p4 + q4 = 272, then p and q are roots of

Ans. x2 - 2x + 16 = 0

5. The diameter of a circle x2 + y2 - 2x - 6y + 6 = 0 is chord of another circle having centre

(2, 1). Find the radius of other circle.
Ans. radius = 3

6. A dice is rolled in times. If probability of occurence of even number 3 times is equal to

probability of occurence of odd number 2 times. Find the probability getting odd
number odd times.

sin t dt
7. Find lim 
X →0


8. If Z + α |Z - 1| + 2i = 0, then find the sum of maximum and minimum values of α. (α 

Ans. 0

9. Tangent to the curve x = a(θ - sin θ), y = a(1 + cosθ) at the point θ =(2k + 1) π; k  I are
parallel to
A. y = x B. y = -x
C. y = 0 D. x = 0
Ans. C

10. If a,b,c are given and c is coplanar to a and b , a  c = 7 , b  c = 0 , a = −ˆi + ˆj + k,


ˆ then 2|a + b + c|2 is

b = 2iˆ + k,
Ans. 115

z − 1 ei
11. If the imaginary part of the expersion + is zero. Then locus of z is.
ei z − 1
Ans. Locus of z is circle with centre (1, 0) and radius = 1

1 0 0 
12. If A = 0 1 1  and 6A-1 = A2 + Ca + dI. Then C + d is
0 −2 4 

Ans. 5

a a
13.  −a
|x| + |x − 2|= 22 then find 
x + [x]

Ans. 9

x +cos4 x +........ )log2 2sinx 
14. If e(cos is a root of t2 - 9t + 8 = 0. Find where 0 < x <
sinx 3 cosx 2

4x3 − 3x2
15. If f(x) = − 2sinx + (2x − 1)cosx, then f(x) is
1  1 
A. decreases in  ,   B. increases in  ,  
2  2 
 1  1
C. decreases in  −,  D. increases in  −, 
 2  2
Ans. B

16. Common tangent to the curve y2 = 2x - 3 and x2 = 4y lies parallel to the line with slope
Ans. 1

17. Two towers are a separated by 150 m. The height of one tower is 3 times the height
of the second tower. Standing midway between the 2 towers, when a man looks at
the tip of the towers, he finds the angle of elevation o the towers to be
complementary find the height of the smallest tower.

Ans. 25 3

18. The population p(t) at time t of a certain mouse spacies satisfies the differential
equation = 0.5p (t) − 450. If p(0) = 850, then the time at which the population
between zero is
A. ln 18 B. 2 ln 18
C. ln 9 D. ln18
Ans. ln18

19. The distane of the poinnt (1,1,9) from the point of intersection of the line (x - 3) = (y -
4) / 2 = (z - 5) /2 and plane x + y + z = 17

A. 2 19 B. 38

C. 19 2 D. 38
Ans. D

20. Which of the following is toutology

A. B → [A  (A → B)] B. A  (A  B)
C. A  (A  B) D. [A  (A → B)]  B
Ans. B

a7 a
21. a1, a2........a10 are in G.P., = 25 . Find 10 .
a5 a8

Ans. 25

22. The solution of the differential equation

xdy – ydx = x 2 + y 2 dx is

23. A man moves in a straight line whose arithmetic mean of reciporcal of intercepts on
axes is . There are 3 marbles at the points A(1, 1), B(2, 2), C(4, 4). Then which of the
marbles lie on its path
A. A B. B
C. C D. D
Ans. B


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