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It is better to read a book than see a film version of

the book.
A lof of people prefer watching a film more than reading the
same story in a book. Both forms of entertainment have their
advantages and disadvantages.
Watching movies can save a lot of time, but reading books
could take a long time depending on the speed of reading. For
those who can’t read fast, they would prefer watching movies.
A movie will take about two hours, but reading a book could
take more than two weeks for some readers. Watching the
movie can give them a better picture about the story because it
is visual and is within a shorter period of time so the audience
can remember the story easier. That’s why people who like new
and fresh things will prefer watching movies.
On the other books give more details to the readers and usually
reveal more characters that are not shown in the movies. Books
can attract the reader to continue reading and give some
prolonged suspenses so that the reader will be hooked or
tempted to finish the book to find out the truth. Reading books
can improve the reader’s writing and reading skills, but
watching movies brings nothing else but entertainment.

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