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Food and Bioprocess Technology (2021) 14:1028–1054


Drying of Selected Major Spices: Characteristics and Influencing

Parameters, Drying Technologies, Quality Retention and Energy
Saving, and Mathematical Models
Prasanta Majumder 1 & Abhijit Sinha 1 & Rajat Gupta 1 & Shyam S. Sablani 2

Received: 23 November 2020 / Accepted: 13 April 2021 / Published online: 23 April 2021
# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021

Demand for value-added spices all year round has warranted suitable post-harvest processing, since most are non-perennial by
nature and perishable owing to enzymatic or maillard reactions and pathogenic microbial contamination. Drying involves the
minimization of biologically active water up to the safe water activity level and increases the shelf life. An optimized drying
technique is needed to be chosen critically because one particular drying condition suitable for a group of spices may be
detrimental for others. Therefore, the current review emphasizes the permissible ranges of influencing operating parameters,
comparative effects of several drying technologies on drying characteristics, and quality attributes of spices. The paper also
provided an up-to-date technological advancement in novel hybrid and staged drying to alleviate the shortcomings of a solo
drying technique. As drying is an energy-intensive process, pre-drying treatments and intermittent phenomena have also been
explored for energy saving with better quality retention. The paper also highlights the significance of thin layer modeling for
predicting the moisture transport phenomena during drying.

Keywords Drying characteristics . Hybrid drying . Quality of spices . Pretreatment . Intermittent drying

Introduction leads to higher export potential in many countries

(Netherland, China, India, Spain, etc.) (Sehrawat & Nema,
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) de- 2018). Garlic is one of the most important crops of Asian
scribed the term spices as vegetable products or mixtures countries (China, India, Republic of Korea, etc.), which hold
thereof that enrich the flavoring and sensory attributes of cui- an 89.4% share in the Global market (mainly European and
sines (ISO, 1995). Secondary metabolites of spices act as di- Gulf countries) (FAOSTAT, 2019). Meanwhile, spices are
etary supplements to boost immunity and fight off various characterized by delicate internal structure and highly perish-
ailments (Jessica Elizabeth et al., 2015). Although 109 spices able, which needs an effectual way of preservation to prolong
are produced all over the world, based on economic impor- shelf life and value-addition (Majumdar, 2004).
tance, ginger, turmeric, chili, black pepper, and cardamom are Drying at the control environment is the usual post-harvest
termed as major spices, which contributes about 75–95% preservation technique for agro-produce, which occurs by the
share to spice trade industry (Chhetri et al., 2015). Onion is simultaneous actions of the vaporization of the surface mois-
one of the seven major agricultural crops produced worldwide ture and migration of interior moisture (Dinçer & Zamfirescu,
and valued by virtue of tangy and delectable flavor, which 2016). Spices are dried by various conventional thermal and
non-thermal technologies. Direct solar or open sun drying
(OS) is the most favored in tropical regions since antiquity
* Abhijit Sinha for its simplicity and zero cost involvement. However, it relies on weather conditions, and the product is susceptible to con-
tamination, and drying parameters are often difficult to con-
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of
trol. Indirect solar drying and greenhouse drying (GH) can be
Technology Mizoram, Aizawl 796012, India used to overcome the limitations of OS. Other than solar en-
Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Washington State
ergy, biomass and geothermal energy are also used as alterna-
University, Pullman, WA, USA tive heat sources for supplying the drying medium (Ananno
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1029

et al., 2020; Janjai et al., 2011). Fluidized bed drying (FBD) is

considered a useful product handling method compare to con-
vective tray drying (free/forced) and hot air oven (HA) due to
better mixing of product with drying air and uniform distribu-
tion of drying medium throughout the samples. Other conven-
tional technologies generally applied for spice drying are di-
electric heating (radiofrequency and microwave), electromag-
netic heating like infrared (IR), far-infrared (FIR), etc., which
are based on radiation heat transfer and penetrate inside the
product, and results in faster removal of internal moisture
(Kudra & Mujumdar, 2009; Majumdar, 2004). There are,
however, some drawbacks with the thermal drying technolo-
gies, as they tend to alter thermo-labile compounds and phys-
ical properties (case hardening, shrinkage, microstructure,
etc.) of spices (Yanyang et al., 2004). To alleviate such diffi-
culties of thermal drying for heat-sensitive spices, demand for Fig. 1 Quality loss mechanisms in foods (Delgado & de Lima, 2016;
non-thermal technologies integrated with conventional tech- Rahman, 2007)
niques in a hybrid or staged manner are uprising. Non-thermal
drying technologies (ultrasound, vacuum, dehumidified air Various research works have been dedicated to reviewing
drying, pulsed electric field, etc.) can operate at sublethal tem- the drying characteristics and quality analyses of different
peratures. The usage of fossil fuel and excessive heat loss from products such as agricultural crops (Onwude, Hashim, &
the dryer exhaust leads to exergy loss and environmental de- Chen, 2016a), aquatic products (Zhang et al., 2017), fruits
terioration, which are much demanding to refine the energy and vegetables (Omolola et al., 2015; Onwude et al., 2017;
source and management (Delgado & de Lima, 2016). Sablani, 2006), leaves (Babu et al., 2018), exotic tropical fruits
Prior to drying operation, the important point is to prede- (Fernandes et al., 2011), and herbs (Chua et al., 2019). No
termine the desired level of quality factors, which vary accord- single drying technique is justifiable to be used for all types
ing to storage duration (perennial flour, instant soup ingredi- of products because of unlike properties such as moisture
ents, convenience food, etc.) and target end-users (infant, se- content (MC), bulk density, microstructure, particle-size dis-
nior citizen, animal, etc.). Spices are mostly marketed in the tribution, hygroscopicity, and bioactive compounds
form of perennial flour and consumed by all age groups. The (Kowalski, 2007). Understanding the governing mechanisms
attributes generally considered to ascertain the quality of of drying for a particular group of products is very important
spices include chemical (phenols, terpenoids, vitamins), phys- in designing and adopting a relevant drying system. Yet so far
icochemical (antioxidant capacity, water activity, there is no collective information on the relative effect of
rehydratability and shrinkage), biological (antimicrobial activ- various process parameters, conventional, and novel technol-
ity), and sensory (color, aroma, flavor, and texture) character- ogies (hybrid/staged, pretreatment, intermittency) in the dry-
istics. The disparity in the quality of food products is ensued ing of spices. Hence, this present review paper covers the
by various physicochemical, mechanical, and microbiological research findings on drying of selected major spices on the
mechanisms, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Due to the heat and mois- following aspects: comparative effect of various conventional
ture sensitivity of spices, quality deterioration is mostly pro- and novel technologies and process parameters on drying
moted by prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures and characteristics and quality of spices, the role of pretreatment
humid climatic conditions during drying. Drying is a highly and intermittency on quality retention and reduction of active
energy-intensive process, which consumes 12–15% of indus- drying time, and thin-layer modeling for drying of spices.
trial energy. Reducing energy consumption by 1–2% could
gain 10–15% more profit in a small-scale industry like food
processing (Beedie, 1995). Intermittent phenomena can be an
up-and-coming approach, where the tempering period is in- Drying Characteristics and Influencing
troduced to reduce the energy consumption, overheating, and Parameters
internal moisture redistribution in the products (Kudra, 2004).
Mass transfer during drying is generally resisted by the cell Drying characteristics of any product can be defined by mois-
membrane in the product, which can be permeabilized by ture ratio (MR), moisture extraction rate, effective moisture
pretreatment (George et al., 2017). Pretreatment also helps in diffusion (Deff), and activation energy. The ideal characteristic
better quality retention in some spices by inhibiting undesir- drying curve consists of a linear constant rate period, which
able chemical reactions. extends up to critical moisture content and follows by an
1030 Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054

exponential falling rate period up to the equilibrium moisture heat and mass transfer rate than other techniques because the
content (Prakash & Kumar, 2017). Most of the spices are electromagnetic wave causes molecular oscillation and
structured by a multi-layer semi-permeable membrane, generates heat at the inner core, which vaporizes the polar
through which only moisture can pass. While drying, moisture liquid inside the hygroscopic spices. This enhances the
concentration gradient occurred at the different layers, which moisture mobility towards the surface due to vapor pressure
facilitates the interstitial moisture to migrate to the surface gradient. An et al. (2016) reported that to get the desired mois-
through the cell wall membrane or tortuous capillary voids ture content, MW consumed only 2.7 kWh/g H2O energy in
(Asiah et al., 2017). In general, free (unbound) moisture evap- 1.8 h, while freeze drying (FD) consumed 33.7 kWh/g H2O in
oration is influenced by the temperature, flow rate, and rela- 44.5 h respectively. It was also found that HA and IR
tive humidity (RH) of the drying medium, and sample size consumed a moderate level of energy as 3.3 kWh/g H2O
irrespective of the drying techniques. and 12.23 kWh/g H2O, respectively. Huang et al. (2011) also
reported that FD (−80°C) consumed 14 h to get the desired
Conventional Solo Drying Applications to Major moisture content, while HA at 80°C and 70°C consumed only
Spices 2 h and 4 h, respectively. Integration of biomass furnace with
solar dryer reduces the drying time significantly (up to 50%)
The drying characteristics of selected major spices viz. rhi- compared to the solo solar dryer and makes the solar dryer
zomes (ginger, turmeric), fruits (pepper, chili), and bulbs (gar- reliable even at off-sunshine hours (Prasad & Vijay, 2005).
lic, onion) affected by different solo conventional drying tech-
niques and process parameters are discussed below and salient Turmeric
outcomes are presented in Table 1.
Curcuma longa, the yellow tuberous root, is referred to as
Ginger turmeric, which possesses unique medicative values (Joe
et al., 2004). Turmeric contains 83–87% (wb) moisture con-
The spice ginger is derived from the rhizomes of Zingiber tent, which is reduced up to 11% (wb) in flour for shelf sta-
officinale (Roscoe) and generally traded as dried powder or bility as per the Bureau of Indian Standards. Drying of tur-
other value-added products. The fresh rhizome contains 85– meric is mostly performed after curing at a temperature of 80–
90% MC in wet basis (wb), which to be reduced up to 8–10% 100°C. It was opined that the constant rate period was
(wb) for value-addition (Peter, 2012). Drying of ginger takes completely absent in the drying of turmeric while the falling
place mostly in the falling rate period owing to unsaturated rate period prevailed. Deff was found to enhance with raising
surface moistness in sliced ginger. Though the flow rate of air drying air temperature and reducing RH. Higher drying air
accelerates the drying rate, it turned into ineffective at a higher temperature led to an intensification of drying rate as com-
temperature (Parlak, 2014; Thorat et al., 2010). Thorat et al. pared to air velocity (Singh, Arora, & Kumar, 2010a). It is
(2010) obtained the activation energy of sliced ginger as noteworthy to mention that activation energy signifies the
35.675 kJ/mol through the Arrhenius correlation of average energy required to start off the moisture diffusion from the
effective moisture diffusivity related to the absolute drying air interior of the samples. For instance, MW has the ability to
temperature. George et al. (2017) stated that with raising the reduce activation energy compared to other techniques ascribe
temperature from 55 to 85°C in forced convective tray drying to the volumetric heat transfer in succession to increased mois-
(FCTD), Deff of ginger was elevated from 2.03 × 10−9 to 4.87 ture diffusivity (Surendhar et al., 2018). Lakshmi et al. (2018)
× 10−9 m2s−1. Nevertheless, hot air drying at higher tempera- observed that indirect solar tray drying (STD) of turmeric
ture caused severe fractures of parenchyma cells containing shorten the drying period by 60% compared to OS. It was also
starch grains and formed a denser structure in ginger rhi- inferred that the integration of energy storage increased the
zomes, which reduces the moisture mobility at a later stage overall efficiency of the dryer by 12%. Use of black PVC
of drying. sheet in OS is the simplest way to enhance the drying rate
Heat pump drying (HP) increases the Deff due to lower RH due to an increase in solar radiation absorption capacity
of drying air compared to other techniques (Phoungchandang (Pradeep et al., 2016).
& Saentaweesuk, 2011). It was noted that for the constant air
temperature (40°C), with reducing the RH from 26.5 to Garlic
16.7%, the Deff was increased by 21.8%. Hawlader et al.
(2006) reported that the inert atmospheric (N2, CO2) heat Garlic (Allium sativum) belongs to the Alliaceae family, the
pump had a considerable effect on the drying rate due to demand of which has grown for flavorful bulbs and folk med-
greater heat transfer capacity of N2 and CO2 than normal air, icine (Aware & Thorat, 2011). Due to higher moisture content
which is caused by the higher specific heat and density of N2 in fresh garlic (70% wb), it often sprouts and degraded the
and CO2 respectively. Microwave drying (MW) had higher nutritional attributes. Hence, dehydration of garlic up to 6–
Table 1 Effect of conventional and novel drying techniques on drying characteristics of spices

Spices Drying Initial to final Process parameters Findings References

techniques MC (wb) and
sample size

Ginger IR, MW, FD, HA - to 10.7%, IR power: 675 W, MW energy density: 5 W/g until 50% MC followed by 1 W/g, - Drying time required in the order of FD An et al. (2016)
Cylindrical: freezing temperature: −40°C for 12 h, sublimation temperature 25°C at 20 Pa > HA > IR > MW
4×34 mm (abs), hot air temperature: 60°C - Energy consumed in the order of FD
> IR > HA > MW
HP (air, N2, CO2) - Temperature: 45°C, RH 10%, velocity: 0.7 m/s - Drying took place in falling rate period Hawlader et al.
Thickness: 3 mm - Faster drying rate observed in the order of N2 (2006)
> CO2 > air HP
FCTD, HP, 82.6 to 12% Temperature: 40–60°C, velocity: 0.5 m/s - HP shortened the drying time by 20% Phoungchandang
FC-HPD Thickness: 2 mm compared to FCTD and
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054

- Drying time reduced by 59.32% in FC- HPD Saentaweesuk

FBD 89 to 5% Temperature: 40- 70 °C, RH: 4–15%, velocity: 3–5 m/s - Most of the drying took place under the falling Parlak (2014)
Thickness: 2 mm rate
- Air velocity turned ineffective at 70°C
MWFBD, FCTD 90 to 7.4% MW power: 0.6–1.8 W/g - MWFBD reduced the drying time by 4–12 Lv et al. (2016)
Thickness: 5 mm hot air temperature: 75°C, velocity: 1 m/s times than FCTD
- The energy consumption efficiency dropped in
the final stage
Turmeric STD 48 to 6.5% Temperature: 42.2–82.8°C - Constant drying rate was completely absent Karthikeyan and
- - Drying rate increased with increasing Murugavelh
temperature (2018)
MW 84.75 to 5–10% MW power: 270, 450, 720, and 900 W - Moisture diffusivity increased with Surendhar et al.
- microwave power (2018)
- Activation energy reduced in MW compared
to other techniques
FCTD 63.5 to 10% Temperature: 45–65°C, - The temperature had a larger effect on the Singh, Arora, and
- velocity: 1–3 m/s moisture extraction rate than air velocity Kumar (2010a)
OS, STD 73.4 to 8.5%, Temperature: 48°C, - Mixed- mode STD exhibited faster drying Lakshmi et al.
Cylindrical: RH: 22% with increased efficiency (2018)
30 × 5 mm
Garlic FBD, IR, DHA, 65 to 5.6%, Temperature: 40–60°C, RH: 35–45% (3–5% in HP), IR power: 3–3.6 kW - Drying rate escalated significantly with rising Aware and Thorat
VD, FD, Thickness: air temperature, infrared intensity and (2011)
FCTD 1, 2 mm reduced sample thickness.
FCTD 67 to 4.7% Temperature: 50–70°C, velocity: 0.1–1.7 m/s - Drying mostly took place in first falling rate Prachayawarakorn
- period et al. (2006)
FCTD, VD, N2 67.8 to - Temperature: 40–105°C - Drying rate increased with decreasing sample Rahman et al.
Thickness vacuum pressure: 80 kPa thickness (2009)
2–10 mm - VD and N2 atmosphere reduced the drying rate
FCTD, FD - Temperature: 40- 60°C, velocity: 2 m/s, sublimation: 20–60°C - Drying rate significantly increased with Ratti et al. (2007)
Thickness: 3 mm temperature up to 50°C
Table 1 (continued)

Spices Drying Initial to final Process parameters Findings References

techniques MC (wb) and
sample size

- Sliced sample had greater moisture extraction

rate than whole cloves
IR 70 to 6% (wb) IR intensity: 0.075–0.3 W/cm2 - Drying rate escalated with rising infrared Younis et al.
Thickness: 2.5 velocity: 0.75 and 1.25 m/s power and reducing air velocity (2018)
mm - Moisture diffusivity decreased with
decreasing moisture content
MWFBD - Temperature: 40 and 60°C, - Convective heat and mass transfer coefficient Abbasi Souraki
MW power: 2.13 and 3.75 W/g and moisture extraction rate increased and Mowla
USCTD 67 to 9% Temperature: 50–70°C, velocity: 2.5 m/s, - USCTD reduced the drying time up to 50% Tao et al. (2018)
Thickness: 2.8 US intensities: 216.8, 902.7, 1513.5 W/m2 than CTD
mm - Ultrasound effect on moisture diffusivity
attenuated at higher temperature
Onion FCTD 90 to 10%, Temperature: 50–70°C. - Drying rate increased with air temperature Olalusi (2014)
Thickness: 2 mm velocity: 0.9 m/s - Most of the drying occurred under the falling
rate period
LPSSD, FCTD, - to 7% Temperature: 60–80°C, - VD had higher drying rate followed by Sehrawat and
VD Thickness: 3 mm Pressure: 10 kPa (abs) LPSSD and FCTD Nema (2018)
- High temperature LPSSD depicted significant
effect on drying rate
FD, FCTD, 90 to 6% Temperature: 45°C, MW power: 3.3 W/g, - FD consumed double time than that of FCTD Wang et al. (2018)
MWFD Size: 20 × 20 × freezing temperature: −20°C, sublimation: 45°C, pressure: 50 Pa - MWFD reduced the energy consumption and
2 mm drying time compared to solo FD
DHA (zeolite, - Temperature: 40–70°C - Zeolite was more effective in moisture Djaeni and
activated Thickness: 1 mm removal followed by silica gel and activated Perdanianti
carbon, silica carbon (2019)
IRCTD 88.4 to 5.6% IR intensity: 26.5–44.2 kW/m2 - Drying rate escalated with rising infrared Pathare and
Thickness: 6 mm temperature: 35–45°C, intensity, air temperature and with decreasing Sharma (2006)
velocity: 1–1.5 m/s velocity
Chili and STD 75 to 83% Temperature: 45–65°C (Oven), 31–45°C (STD), - Drying rate increased with temperature and air Castillo- Téllez
pepper - velocity: 0.7–2.6 m/s velocity while sample mass had little effect et al. (2016)
on drying rate
FCTD 74.4 to 10% Temperatures: 60–80°C, velocity: 1.5 m/s - Drying time reduced with increasing Yang et al. (2018)
- temperature
MWCTD 80 to 10% Temperature: 55–65°C, velocity: 1.5 m/s, - MWCTD reduced the drying time by Soysal et al. (2009)
- MW power: 597.2 W and 697.87 W 10.4–19.6 times than solo FCTD
MWIR, MW, 0.91×10−3 to Temperature: 55°C, velocity: 1.2 m/s, MW power: 100 W MWIR the energy consumption by 69% and Kowalski and
FCTD 0.023−0.037 8.3% compared to solo FCTD and MW Mierzwa (2011)
× respectively
10−4 kg/kg
USHA 92.4% to - Temperature: 70°C - USHA shortened the drying time by 18–23% Schössler et al.
US intensity: 24 kHz than solo HA (2012)
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1033

DHA dehumidified air drying, FBD fluidized bed drying, FC- HPD forced convective heat pump stage drying, FCTD forced convective tray drying, FD freeze drying, FIRMVD far infrared microwave

microwave drying, MWCTD microwave convective tray drying, MWFBD microwave fluidized bed drying, MWFD microwave freeze drying, MWIR microwave infrared drying, OS open sun drying, STD
- USCTD reduced the drying time by 32- 62% Cárcel et al. (2018)

vacuum drying, GH greenhouse drying, HA hot air oven drying, HP heat pump drying, IR infrared drying, IRCTD infrared convective tray drying, LPSSD low- pressure superheated steam drying, MW
7% (wb) moisture content is imperative to retarding spoilage

Saengrayap et al.
References and increasing market value. Dehydrated garlic flakes and
powder have emerged as a food additive and convenience

As observed from Table 1, drying of garlic generally con-
ducted within the temperature range of 40–75°C and mostly

- FIRMVD reduced the drying time up to ~50%

- Drying mostly occurred in second falling rate
period, which was accelerated by ultrasound

- Effect of ultrasound reduced at temperature

reducing absolute pressure and increasing

occurred under the first falling rate period. It was found that

- Drying time significantly reduced with

the moisture removal of garlic was intensified with an increase
in temperature and other power intensity (MW, IR), due to an
increase in drying coefficient, lag factor, moisture diffusivity,
and mass transfer coefficient. Pseudo critical moisture content
far- infrared power of garlic reduced with increasing air temperature and velocity;
i.e., longer linear drying rate was observed at the higher tem-
than solo FCTD

exceeding 50°C

than solo MVD

perature (Prachayawarakorn et al., 2006). Low-oxygen drying
had no positive impact on drying rate due to reduced circula-
tion of moisture carrying medium, i.e., air (Rahman et al.,

2009). It was reported that nitrogen atmosphere drying had a

significant reduction in moisture diffusion and mass transfer
coefficient. FD induces a dry film, which retard the heat and
moisture transmission in the sample with progressing drying
Temperature: 30–70°C, velocity: 1 m/s, ultrasound power and intensity: 20.5

time (Aware & Thorat, 2011). It was also noted that the
highest moisture diffusivity (9.88 × 10−9 m2s−1) of garlic
solar tray drying, USCTD ultrasound convective tray drying, USHA ultrasound hot air oven drying, VD vacuum drying
far- infrared power: 100–300 W, vacuum pressure: 21.33–34.66 kPa

was obtained in heat pump drying compared to other



Handling of fresh onion (Allium cepa) is cumbersome as

about 25–30% are reported to be damaged in storage due to
higher moisture content (86–90% wb). Dehydration is one of
the significant ways of value addition for onion and getting
focus by the international market in the form of flakes,
minced, rings, kibbles, powder, and oil. For making the
MW power: 100–300 W,
KW/m3 and 21.7 kHz

ready-to-use functional food ingredients, the onion should be

dried up to 4–6% (wb) (Peter, 2012).
Process parameters

As observed in the literature, the drying of onion mostly

took place under the falling rate period within 50 to 80°C
drying air temperature. As usual, the moisture extraction rate
of onion was highly influenced by temperature and RH of the
drying medium. The higher flow rate of air reduced the sur-
face temperature of onion as well as water vapor pressure and
Sample: 30 × 30
Sample: 10 ×10
MC (wb) and
Initial to final

consequence the reduced drying rate and consumed higher

sample size

85.5% to –
× 5 mm

× 5 mm
92 to 16%

specific energy (Pathare & Sharma, 2006). A similar result

was observed by Olalusi (2014) that amplified air velocity
reduced the drying rate in forced convective solar tray dryer

due to the lower heat capacity of air at higher velocity. Wang

et al. (2018) found that to get the desired moisture content in
Table 1 (continued)

dried onion, FD consumed 31% more energy compared to


FCTD. The infiltration of infrared waves into the product

triggers the water particles to oscillate, which lessen the ener-
gy to transport the water from the porous structure to the outer

layer and enhance the drying rate. Higher specific heat of

superheated steam made them useful for moisture extraction
1034 Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054

at low pressure superheated steam drying (LPSSD) (Sehrawat FD is comparatively slower and energy-consuming technique.
& Nema, 2018). It was found that LPSSD depicted lower It is imperative to highlight that dehumidification of drying air
drying rate at the early stage, which might be due to steam is an important aspect in the effective removal of moisture
condensation in contact of the cold surface of the product. The even at lower air temperature.
dryer integrated with waste heat recirculation can significantly Homogenous drying is the key factor for bulk product qual-
improve the thermodynamic efficiency by preheating the dry- ity and is very challenging. Conventional solo drying tech-
ing air. However, Mortezapour et al. (2017) observed that niques cause a greater nutritional loss in spices due to non-
drying time was increased by 10% as the RH increased from uniform drying and longer duration. Such dryers also exhibit
7 to 17% during recirculation of the drying air. lower thermodynamic performance. The main disadvantage in
solo convective tray drying is the drastic reduction in moisture
Chili and pepper removal rate during the falling rate period. If the hot air supply
is continued over the unsaturated surface, internal moisture
Chili (Capsicum annuum/Capsicum frutescens) and pepper does not get sufficient time to migrate, and case hardening
(Piper nigrum/Piper longum/Piper guineense) are the only will occur. Therefore, shortening the falling rate period is rec-
genera which contain capsaicinoids and often used as savory ommended for quality dried spices with reduced energy con-
food additives and colorant (Wahyuni et al., 2013). It is note- sumption (Lv et al., 2016). Due to the uneven distribution of
worthy that drying of chili increases its value by providing electromagnetic fields, MW causes local scorching and un-
intense color and other quality attributes. The optimum mois- even drying (Drouzas & Schubert, 1996). At the early stage
ture content of dried chili and pepper is 10–11% (wb), at of drying, higher microwave energy is absorbed by a large
which shelf stability can be retained (Peter, 2012). Drying of number of dipole molecules existing at the moist outer layer.
chili and pepper mainly occurred under the second falling rate The absorbed microwave power is transformed into heat and
period and stimuli accelerated by air temperature and other expedite the heating of the product surface (McLoughlin et al.,
power intensity (Yang et al., 2018). Cárcel et al. (2018) re- 2003). The aforementioned problems of conventional solo
ported that raising the temperature by 40°C reduced the drying drying can be alleviated by the integration of advanced tech-
time of chili by 88.5%. By dropping the pressure inside the nologies viz. ultrasound, radiofrequency, pulse wave, and FIR
dryer, the boiling point of water could be reduced below
100°C that intensify the evaporation of surface moisture Need for Novel Hybrid and Staged Drying
(Saengrayap et al., 2014). Forced convective solar tray dryer Technologies
exhibited faster drying as compared to OS, which undergoes
fluctuation in air temperature (Castillo-Téllez et al., 2016). Hybrid and staged drying systems are gaining popularity now-
Increasing the drying time reduces the exergy efficiency and adays and can be the best practice for effective drying with
improvement potential of the drying system, which results in efficient energy usage and retention of quality of the products.
the reduction of exergetic sustainability index (Akpinar, Every drying technique has individual advantages and limita-
2019). Kowalski and Mierzwa (2011) observed that for drying tions. So, combining two or more techniques in a hybrid man-
of red bell pepper (up to 0.023−0.037×10−4 kg/kg wet basis), ner is a novel approach to enhance the overall performance by
FCTD (55°C, 1.2 m/s) consumed 3.55 kWh energy while the synergistic effect (Raso & Barbosa-Cánovas, 2003). In
MW (power 100 W) consumed only 1.2 kWh, respectively. staged drying, products are dried by one technique for a cer-
The specific energy consumption increases with the increase tain period followed by another, which may or may not be
in air velocity at constant heat supply (Nasiroglu & repeated cyclically as well. Alternatively, more than two tech-
Kocabiyik, 2007). niques may also be applied simultaneously in an optimized
In light of the above discussion, it is inferred that drying of manner. The effect of novel hybrid and staged drying technol-
spice rhizomes and bulbs is principally governed by the inter- ogies on spices are discussed below and presented briefly in
nal moisture diffusion during the falling rate period. At the Table 1.
initial stage of the falling period, liquid diffusion of moisture Application of convective tray drying followed by apply-
is dominating, followed by vapor diffusion with further prog- ing microwave energy in a staged manner (MWCTD) can
ress. A usual trend of increased drying rate was observed at easily evaporate the surface moisture, which will reduce the
higher energy input for all kinds of spices owing to rise in activity of water dipoles and reduce the chances of surface
vapor pressure within the product. The minimum temperature burning (Figiel et al., 2010). Soysal et al. (2009) found that
required for effective drying of any spices is recommended at MWCTD of red pepper reduced the drying time by 10–20
40°C. On the other hand, further research works are required times than solo convective tray drying. The integration of
to understand the influence of air velocity on drying charac- microwave energy with FD (MWFD) has the potential to
teristics. Among various conventional solo drying techniques, overcome the shortcomings of solo FD such as higher energy
MW is comparatively faster and economically cheaper, while consumption (Wang et al., 2018). It was reported that the
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1035

drying time of onion was reduced by 39.29% as compared to tray drying (USCTD) of garlic improved the drying rate by
solo FD. It was found that solo FD consumed 8.95×105 kJ/kg increasing the effective diffusion coefficient and surface mois-
energy, while MWFD consumed only 7.17×105 kJ/kg. FBD is ture transfer.
a highly energy-intensive process and having difficulties in From the above discussion, it is observed that drying of
fluidizing wet samples, which can be overcome by integrating spices in a hybrid or staged manner exhibited, in general,
HA or MW with FBD (Abbasi Souraki & Mowla, 2008). positive effects as regard drying time, energy consumption,
Radiofrequency wave, when combined with convective and physicochemical quality retention. Shorter penetration
tray dryer (RFCTD), an additional driving force for effective and non-uniform heating make it difficult for the use of MW
moisture removal, is enforced due to the internal heat genera- and IR on an industrial scale. Radiofrequency energy is
tion even at lower drying temperature (Madhava Naidu et al., endowed with such advantages as longer wavelength and
2016). It was noted that effective moisture diffusivity of dill deeper penetration. However, uncontrolled and non-uniform
greens was enhanced from 5.26 × 10−9 m2s−1 (in solo CTD) to heating is still challenging in the application of radiofrequency
6.05 × 10−9 m2s−1 (in RFCTD). Meetha et al. (2016) exam- technology (Zhou & Wang, 2018). Hence, it is recommended
ined the effect of pulsed microwave energy (0.5–1.445 kW) to use radiofrequency with conventional hot air, vacuum, or
assisted hot air drying (45°C) of nutmeg mace (Myristica heat pump in a hybrid manner (Hay et al., 2019).
fragrans). Pulsed microwave facilitated the loosening of Electrohydrodynamic drying is another emerging non-
bound moisture of mace and subsequently enhanced its re- thermal drying technique, which can be a viable alternative
moval by hot air. Integration of far infrared along with micro- to conventional drying of heat-sensitive spices (Martynenko
wave vacuum (FIRMVD) dryer accelerated the drying rate as et al., 2019). It is worth exploring to investigate the effects of
compared to a solo microwave vacuum dryer because FIR novel hybrid and staged drying on energy utilization and qual-
generated additional thermal energy and caused a larger ther- ity retention of all spices.
mal gradient (Supmoon & Noomhorm, 2013). Saengrayap
et al. (2014) reported that FIRMVD of chili reduced the drying
time up to 87% depending upon vacuum pressure, microwave Effect of Different Drying Technologies
power, and infrared power. Shorter duration and faster on the Quality of Spices
moisture transfer could restrict the structural collapse and
form a more porous structure in dried Chili, which improved The quality and acceptability of spices to the end-users are
the quality as regards reducing hardness and shrinkage, and characterized by the concentration of secondary metabolites,
increasing rehydration ability. Kowalski and Mierzwa (2011) mainly terpenes, alkaloids, and phenols. Essential oil, oleores-
observed that microwave energy when combined with the in, and organoleptic compounds extracted from spices have
infrared power (MWIR), it can reduce the energy consump- higher market potential as a food ingredient and antioxidant.
tion by 8.3% in drying of red bell pepper. The unique sensory characteristics (aroma and flavor) viz.
Moisture diffusion during the second falling rate drying of pungent (ginger, onion, garlic), bitter (turmeric), hot (chili
hygroscopic spices (onion, garlic, pepper, etc.) depends upon and pepper), spicy (ginger, turmeric), and sulfury (onion, gar-
the internal pore formation and solid-liquid interface (Peter, lic) enriches the value of spices. These are due to the presence
2012; Balasubramanian et al., 2016). Integrating ultrasonic of flavonoids and volatile oil containing terpenoids and their
waves with the conventional drying methods increase the cel- oxygenated derivatives. These compounds are highly prone to
lular moisture diffusion due to the sponge (successive com- heat, light, oxygen, and moisture. Drying is considered to be
pression and expansion) behavior of ultrasound. Sonic turbu- the value addition process, ascribed to increasing shelf life
lence generates an intense micro-stirring or cavitation, which with yielding of the strong flavor, pungency, and colorant in
reduces the boundary layer thickness at the gas-solid interface dried spices. Indeed, the quality attributes may alter or deteri-
and changes the microstructure (Tao & Sun, 2014). Schössler orate by undesirable chemical reactions under non-conductive
et al. (2012) reported that ultrasound-assisted hot air oven drying conditions. The influence of drying on the quality at-
drying (USHA) of red bell pepper escalated the effective tributes of spices is discussed below and presented in Table 2.
moisture diffusivity by around 60% in the second falling rate
period. Ultrasonic waves also reduce the viscosity of water Chemical Characteristics
and cause rarefactions of products, therefore accelerate inter-
nal moisture transport (Cárcel et al., 2018). The relative sig- Phenols
nificance of ultrasound on drying performance is most pre-
dominant at moderate drying air temperature (50°C) since Phenols are the group of biologically active non-volatile func-
similar findings can be achieved when the drying temperature tional compounds derived from plants. Phenolic constituents,
is increased by just 20°C without the application of ultra- including flavonoids, are allied with the fragrance and pun-
sound. Tao et al. (2018) inferred that ultrasound convective gency of spices. These also act as a protective antioxidant and
Table 2 Effect of drying on quality attributes of spices

Spices Drying techniques Findings References

Ginger FCTD - Dried ginger exhibited higher TPC (20–23%), antioxidant activities and color attributes within 60–80°C Thuwapanichayanan et al. (2014)
HA - 6- , 8- , and 10- gingerol increased by 1.5- 3 times in dried ginger Lv et al. (2016)
FCTD - With increasing the temperature from 55 to 85°C, content of 6-gingerol as well as oleoresin yield reduced by 53.98% George et al. (2017)
and 57.31% respectively
HA, FD - Drying temperature exceeding 70°C resulted in a lower yield of terpenes and 6- gingerol Huang et al. (2011)
OS, GH, HA - With increasing temperature, essential oil reduced due to decomposition/evaporation, Ghasemzadeh et al. (2018)
while antioxidant and antimicrobial activities increased due to higher shogaol content.
FC- HPD - FC- HPD staged drying exhibited higher color, rehydratability (16.26%), and 6- gingerol (6%) content Phoungchandang and
Saentaweesuk (2011)
HA, FD, OS - Drying of ginger increased TPC and antioxidant activities in the order of OS<FD<HA (50- 60°C) Chumroenphat et al. (2011)
HP (air, N2, CO2), FD, VD - 6- gingerol retained by the order of VD > CO2 heat pump > N2 heat pump > FD > air HP Hawlader et al. (2006)
HA, ID, FD, MW - FD and IR exhibited better output in content of gingerol, phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant activities An et al. (2016)
- MW followed by HA negatively correlated with all the attributes
HA, DHA (silica gel), MW - MW (up to 700 W) and silica gel drying retained better terpene concentration Huang et al. (2012)
Turmeric MW - With increasing microwave power redness increased while curcumin content reduced Surendhar et al. (2018)
- Porous structure formed in dried sample and pore size increased with increasing microwave power
MVD - Increased curcuminoids concentration, TPC, antioxidant activities and color intensity after drying Hirun et al. (2014)
OS - Lightness increased with drying time while yellowness and redness reduced Sharma et al. (2018)
- Curcumin content reduced in the dried sample
FCTD - Volatile oil reduced while antioxidant activities increased after drying Kutti Gounder and
Lingamallu (2012)
OS - Turmeric oil, oleoresin and antioxidant activities reduced after drying Singh, Kapoor, et al. (2010b)
OS, STD - TPC, TFC, antioxidant activities and natural color highly degraded in OS followed by STD Lakshmi et al. (2018)
Garlic FCTD, FD, FBD, IR, VD, HP, HP-FBD, - FD, HP, HP- FBD, HA- FBD, and VD (40°C) of thicker sample retained higher content of allicin, Aware and Thorat (2011)
HA- FBD protein and natural color, while drying at high- temperature FCTD and infrared power degraded all the attributes
HA, MWV- HA, FD - MWV- HA and FD exhibited better pungency, color, shrinkage, rehydratability, and softer structure Cui et al. (2003)
FCTD, FD - Allicin potential reduced with increasing drying temperature Ratti et al. (2007)
- FD at 20°C exhibited 14% more allicin content than fresh garlic
FCTD, VD, N2 - Allicin content could be better retained within 50°C temperature in FCTD Rahman et al. (2009)
- Low- oxygen drying (VD and N2) had no impact on allicin retention
FCTD - With increasing temperature shrinkage and volatile oil content reduced, Prachayawarakorn et al. (2006)
while pore size, degree of porosity, and degree of browning increased
USCTD, FD - USCTD exhibited higher content of thiosulfinates, TPC, and antioxidant activities, Tao et al. (2018)
while FD exhibited richest content of organosulfur compounds and bright white color
Onion LPSSD, VD, HA - Better retention of thiosulphinate, TPC, antioxidant activities, color, Sehrawat and Nema (2018)
and rehydratability in the order of LPSSD > VD > HA
- High temperature and prolong drying time prompted quality degradation
FCTD - TPC, TFC and antioxidant activities significantly increased after drying up to 70°C Celia Roman et al. (2019)
- Rehydration ratio slightly increased with increasing temperature up to 70°C
HA, FD - Extractability of onion oil increased after drying, nevertheless, Gao et al. (2018)
the compounds of fresh onion were decomposed
- HA retained higher content of sulfocompounds than FD
HA, FD, MWFD - HA had higher antioxidant activities, however deteriorated the total color to some extent Wang et al. (2018)
- FD obtained higher extraction rate of flavonoids and lower color change higher
- MWFD increased brightness and antioxidant activities
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1037

inhibit the oxidation of lipids and proteins of the cell mem-

Bianchi and Lo Scalzo (2018)

brane (Oteiza et al., 2005).
The strong pungency of ginger is caused by non-volatile

Saengrayap et al. (2014)

Toontom et al. (2012)
phenols, predominately gingerols (6-, 8-, and 10-gingerol)

Sharma et al. (2015)

Cárcel et al. (2018)

Yang et al. (2018)
followed by shogaols and zingerone. Total phenolic content
(TPC) of ginger increased after drying, owing to the release of

bound phenolic amalgams by the destruction of cellular tis-

sues (Lv et al., 2016; Thuwapanichayanan et al., 2014).
However, drying at a higher temperature (>70°C) decomposes
- Surface color pigments decayed by 30–60% after drying and heat sensitivity of pigments were in the order of lightness

the active compound 6-gingerol into shogaol and zingerone

by thermal cracking of β-hydroxyl keto functional group pres-
ent in gingerol (George et al., 2017). Huang et al. (2011)
found that HA at 80°C lead to a higher transformation rate
(12.73%) of 6-gingerol to 6-shogaol and zingerone, while
- The average retentions of L, a, and b parameters were about 84%, 67%, and 88%, respectively

intermediate HA (40–70°C) and FD transformed only 3.5–

- Integration of far infrared with microwave vacuum obtained better quality as regards color,

5.5%. Ghasemzadeh et al. (2018) reported that longer drying

at excessive temperature (>150°C) significantly reduced the
- Capsaicin content and hotness increased after drying irrespective of drying method
- Ultrasound had no significant effect on TPC, vitamin- C, and antioxidant activities

shogaol content due to degradation and polymerization. An

- GH increased the overall acceptability in terms of higher TPC, vitamin- C, flavor,

et al. (2016) observed that MW greatly reduced the TPC

(~30%) and decomposed 6-gingerol into 6-shogaol owing to
- Non enzymatic browning increased with increasing drying temperature

rapid intense heating. FD yields the highest extraction as well

as TPC due to the snapping of the cellular structure induced by
the formation of ice crystals within it. It was also reported that
IR of ginger exhibited a 7.6% increase in total flavonoid con-
- Higher phytochemicals content retained at 50°C FCTD

tent (TFC) compared to fresh samples by breaking down of

- FD retained higher volatile concentration than FCTD

covalent bonds and liberation of flavonoids, carotene, tannin,

- FD retained better color and vitamin- C content

flavoprotein, etc. Heat pump drying with inert gas (N2, CO2)
has the ability to retain more 6-gingerol than atmospheric air
rehydratability, shrinkage, and texture

(Hawlader et al., 2006). It was ascribed that CO2 can generate

an acidic environment in contact with moisture, which helps
and sugar as compared to HA

to reform gingerol by condensation of zingerone and alde-

hydes. It was reported that oxidation of gingerol in atmospher-
< redness < yellowness

ic air heat pump drying reduced the 6-gingerol concentration

by about 45% than that in an inert environment.
Curcuminoids (curcumin, demethoxy curcumin, bis-
demethoxy curcumin, 5′-methoxycurcumin,

dihydrocurcumin, cyclocurcumin) are the principal constitu-

ent in turmeric, which are attributed to its medicinal and other
biological activities (Maheshwari et al., 2006). Turmeric pow-
der should have ≥2% curcumin to meet the quality standard as
per Bureau of Indian Standards (IS 3576., 2010). Drying up to
100°C has no significant effect on curcuminoid concentration;
however, it is highly prone to the moisture content of turmeric
and RH of drying air. Gan et al. (2016) reported that with
reducing 20% RH, curcumin content increased by about
Drying techniques

21%. TPC in turmeric correlates with the inactivation of poly-


phenol oxidase (PPO), which is thermally unstable after 60°C.



Table 2 (continued)

Nevertheless, non-enzymatic oxidation of polyphenol at


≥100°C sharply reduced the TPC (Hirun et al., 2014;

Prathapan et al., 2009). Lakshmi et al. (2018) observed the
negative impact of thermal drying (50°C) on TPC and TFC in
Chili and

black turmeric (Curcuma caesia). Turmerone, curlone, and

turmerol are the principal volatile oil compounds responsible
1038 Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054

for aroma in turmeric (IS 3576., 2010). Kutti Gounder and (responsible for a sweet flavor and caramel) respectively, after
Lingamallu (2012) reported that volatile oil of dried turmeric drying. Although the content of sulfocompounds reduced after
reduced significantly, which may be due to the destruction of hot air drying, the onion oil obtained was more stable and
oil cell during the grating of the rhizome, and consequently, let contained highly concentrated functional compounds. The
out the oil at high temperature during drying. low temperature in FD inactivated the enzymes responsible
The characteristic flavor and pungency of garlic are asso- for chemical reactions and thus resulted in a lower content of
ciated with pyruvate and thiosulfinates, 60–80% of which is sulfocompounds. To some extent, a contradictory result was
constituted by allicin (diallyl thiosulfinates). It is a reactive observed by Celia Roman et al. (2019) as TPC of Angaco
and thermo-labile substance that decomposed readily once it INTA onion increased twice after drying (up to 70°C); the
is formed after fragmentation (Han et al., 1995). Aware and possible reason was the breakdown of cellular tissues during
Thorat (2011) investigated that hot air and IR at a higher drying that prompted the release of bound phenols. Sample
temperature (60°C) and infrared power (3.6 kW) exhibited shape has a notable impact on the phytonutrients of dried
severe destruction of allicin, while FD of thicker sample onion (Cecchi et al., 2020). It was reported that onion flakes
retained higher allicin content (97.2%). It was attributed that contain greater flavonoid contents (3.56 mg g−1) compared to
a thicker sample reduces the expelling of alliinase and onion rings (2.04 mg g−1), and the number of volatile com-
preserves the alliinase activity. The study reported by Cui pounds was also three times higher in onion flakes than rings.
et al. (2003) revealed that FD and microwave vacuum-hot The pungency of chili and pepper is characterized by the
air (45°C) staged drying (MWV-HA) can retain 97.8% and concentration of capsaicinoids, 90% of which contributed by
88.8% pyruvate, whereas solo hot air drying (60–65°C) can capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin (Bianchi & Lo Scalzo, 2018).
retain only 54%. Ratti et al. (2007) reported that the tempera- Thermal drying of chili caused cell disruption and resulted in
ture greater than 50°C had a significant reduction in allicin improved capsaicin content compared to fresh one due to
potential and structural collapse. Higher exposed areas greatly higher extraction ability (Schweiggert et al., 2006). Bianchi
influenced the release of alliinase, which reacted with the and Lo Scalzo (2018) reported that FCTD (50°C) of pepper
alliin in contact with water and formed unstable allicin. had better retention of capsaicinoids than the freeze-dried
Thus, allicin potential reduced in thin samples compared to sample. It was also found that drying at 50°C exhibited a
thicker ones. Moreover, a thicker sample is subjected to lower higher Scoville heat unit (23,621) compared to FD (15,898).
structural damage, which helps to preserve more allicin It is imperative to highlight that HA at higher temperatures
(Rahman et al., 2009). It was also reported that low oxygen reduces the volatile compounds such as 2-isobutyl-3-
drying (vacuum, N2 atmosphere) had a negative impact on methoxypyrazine, which is a characteristic volatile compound
allicin content due to prolong drying time. In contradiction, of green pepper.
allicin content in dried garlic sometimes increases at a higher
temperature, which is due to the decomposition of allyl-S- Terpenes
cysteine sulfoxide to thiosulfinates at a higher temperature
(Fennema, 1996). Integration of ultrasound with hot air drying Terpene is the major component of essential oil, and it con-
(USHA) enriches the quality of garlic by reducing the drying tains the largest group of secondary metabolites. The terpe-
time (Tao et al., 2018). It was found that USHA at 60°C noids have expansive industrial applications as natural savors
temperature and 902.7 Wm−2 ultrasound intensity possessed and scents, pharmaceuticals, insecticides, and anti-microbial
higher TPC, organosulfur compounds, and thiosulfinates (up agents. The terpene compounds of ginger, responsible for fra-
to 21.6%) compared to solo hot air drying. grant flavor, include zingiberene, β-bisabolene, α-farnesene,
The pungent principle of onion is evaluated by the concen- β-phellandrene, camphene, β-sesquiphellandrene, geranial,
tration of thiosulphinate and pyruvic acid, which tend to de- and α-curcumene. Ginger oil is classically defined by a rich
grade at high temperatures during drying (Mitra et al., 2012). content of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, including zingiberene,
Sehrawat and Nema (2018) reported that LPSSD at 70°C ar-curcumene, β-bisabolene, and β-sesquiphellandrene. An
retained better TPC (90%) and thiosulphinate content (77%) et al. (2016) observed that ginger drying with hot moist air
in dried onion, whereas vacuum drying (VD) retained TPC at elevated temperature decomposed the volatile compounds
and thiosulphinate up to 84% and 65%, respectively, and HA and degraded the sesquiterpenes into monoterpenes. It also
(60-80°C) retained only up to 74% and 54%, respectively. It formed many esters like propanoic acid, 2-methyl-3,7-dimeth-
was ascribed that the absence of oxygen in LPSSD inhibited yl-2,6-octadienyl ester, and bornyl acetate by esterification of
the oxidation and non-enzymatic reaction of TPC and alcohols. It was also reported that when the drying tempera-
thiosulphinate compounds. Gao et al. (2018) reported that ture of ginger exceeded 70°C, gelatinization of starch started
the principal volatile compounds of onion, dipropyl disulfide and fractured the parenchyma cell (as shown in Fig. 2), which
and dispropyl trisulfide (responsible for strong flavor), were eventually reduced the volatile oil extraction (Huang et al.,
thermally decomposed into dimethyl sulfides and thiophenes 2011). Huang et al. (2012) found that MW followed by
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1039

Fig. 2 Micrograph of dried ginger: a freeze drying; b hot air drying at 80 °C (Huang et al., 2011)

dehumidified air drying (DHA) using silica gel exhibited bet- carbonyl, and other reactive compounds (Gregory III, 2008).
ter retention of major terpene compounds (zingiberene, β- Shortening of exposure time can preserve better content of
bisabolene, α-curcumene, and β-sesquiphellandrene), howev- vitamin-C even at an elevated drying temperature (Cárcel
er, reduced the geranial and camphene content. It was also et al., 2018). Bianchi and Lo Scalzo (2018) inferred that FD
observed that dried ginger had a lower concentration of α- had better retention of vitamin-C and E in hot pepper.
pinene, β-pinene, limonene, and β-phellandrene, compared Convective drying (>60°C) reduced the tocopherol content
to fresh ginger. by more than 50%. It is also found that due to the presence
Turmerone and ar-turmerone are considered to be the ma- in seed, γ-tocopherol had higher retention compared to α-
jor ketonic sesquiterpenes that are accountable for the aroma tocopherol which is generally contained in the flesh and skin
of turmeric. As well, α-phellandrene, sabinene, cineol, borne- of the pepper. Compared to FD, convective drying reduced the
ol, p-cymene, β-sesquiphellandrene, and sesquiterpene are vitamin-C content by 12–45.6%. The consequence was anal-
also present in turmeric oil. Kutti Gounder and Lingamallu ogous with the findings of Toontom et al. (2012) which con-
(2012) reported that ar-turmerone was increased by 25% in veys that FD can retain 98% vitamin-C in dried chili.
dried turmeric, while α- and β-turmerone reduced significant-
ly. The low boiling point and high volatility resulted in the
decaying of monoterpenes compounds during drying. Singh,
Influence on Physicochemical and Biological
Kapoor, et al. (2010b) reported that α-santalene and ar-
curcumene increased after drying, while α- and β-turmerone
Antioxidant Activity
reduced by oxidation/polymerization, which may be attributed
to the absence of aromatic ring and existence of two conjugat-
Antioxidant activity measures the inhibition ability of oxida-
ed double bonds. Thermal drying of chili and pepper leads to
tion in food products and is linearly proportional to the TPC
the decomposition of natural volatile compounds, which are
(Chumroenphat et al., 2011). Spices get considerable attention
responsible for fruity, flowery, green mint, and spicy odor
as pharmacological supplements to defend against reactive O2
notes (Bianchi & Lo Scalzo, 2018). It was reported that hot
and N2 species of biological molecules (Kutti Gounder &
air drying (50–64°C) of pepper reduced the concentration of
Lingamallu, 2012). 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH),
major terpenoids in dried pepper viz. linalool, α-copaene and
ferric-reducing ability power (FRAP), 2,2′-Azino-bis (3-
γ-himachalene, α-ionone, and cis, trans-nerolidol.
ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), and cupric
ion reducing capacity (CUPRIC) are found to be used as an-
Vitamins tioxidant parameters for agro produce due to the reliability and
adequacy (Ghasemzadeh et al., 2018).
The nutritional value of spices is enriched by different vita- 6-Shogaol, the strongest antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
mins present in the spices (for turmeric: vitamin-A, C, E, K, and anti-cancer constituent, is generally absent in fresh ginger
riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate; for chili and pepper: vi- but formed at high-temperature thermal processing (Bhattarai
tamin-C, E; for onion: vitamin-A, C, E; for garlic: pyridoxine, et al., 2001). Hence, the thermal drying of ginger is sometimes
vitamin-C) (Peter, 2012). Tocopherol and ascorbic acid are the recommended to enhance its curative effect by the formation
natural antioxidants present in spices (Balasubramanian et al., of shogaol (Hawlader et al., 2006). Ghasemzadeh et al. (2018)
2016). Vitamin-C is highly prone to oxidation in contact with stated that HA (150°C) dried ginger exhibited a lower effec-
heat and light and decomposes into L-dehydroascorbic acid, tive concentration (IC50) based on DPPH, which signifies that
1040 Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054

the extract has the ability to scavenge a corresponding number the moisture sorption isotherm. Understanding this relation-
of free radicals at a lesser concentration. Antioxidant activities ship is important to describe the changes in physical behavior,
of turmeric depend upon the presence of abundant curcumi- the occurrence of chemical reactions, and the growth of mi-
noids and other major constituents of oleoresin and turmeric crobial pathogens in food products at different levels of water
oil (α- turmerone, ar-turmerone, curcumene, santalene, sitos- activity and moisture content (Labuza & Altunakar, 2008).
terol, etc.) (Singh, Kapoor, et al., 2010b). Dried turmeric pow- Moisture sorption isotherms define the ability to hold the
der showed larger antioxidant activities compared to fresh one moisture by a solid substance at steady-state conditions, and it
due to the higher concentration of ar-turmerone in turmeric oil is illustrated by the variation of equilibrium moisture content
(Kutti Gounder & Lingamallu, 2012). In contrast, Singh, as a function of the RH of the process environment at a certain
Kapoor, et al. (2010b) and Lakshmi et al. (2018) observed temperature. Moisture sorption by foods relies on chemical
lower antioxidant activities in dried turmeric which might be composition and physical structure. It can be used to predict
due to the significant loss of α- and β-turmerone by oxidation the reactions of quality degradation at a particular temperature,
and polymerization. and moisture content (Iglesias & Chirife, 1982). For
Antioxidant activities in onion are attributable to contain- predicting the moisture sorption behavior, various kinetic, em-
ing polyphenols, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid (Sehrawat & pirical, and semi-empirical models are used for different bio-
Nema, 2018). Flavonols and anthocyanins are the main sub- logical materials. Sorption isotherm is divided into two ways
classes of flavonoids present in onions and responsible for adsorption and desorption. Drying is reasonably related to
protective antioxidant activities (Wang et al., 2018). The poly- desorption isotherm, which is determined by keeping a wet
phenol of onion decreased with the escalating temperature and product at the equivalent RH and estimating the loss in weight.
drying time. Hence, it was inferred that LPSSD (having lower The model with the least value of mean relative deviation
drying temperature and time) exhibited better antioxidant ac- modulus and % RMSE and maximum value of the coefficient
tivities (relative inhibition) in dried onion compared to VD of determination is regarded as the best-fitted model (Al-
and HA. Wang et al. (2018) found that hot air drying has Muhtaseb et al., 2002). Monolayer moisture content is usually
higher antioxidant capacities and this was attributed to the considered the minimum value at which food and agricultural
formation of oxidation-resistant substances like glucose. product storage stability can be assured, but most of the
Celia Roman et al. (2019) also reported that antioxidant activ- models are devoid of this. Hence, Guggenheim-Anderson-de
ities of Angaco INTA onion significantly increased after dry- Boer (GAB) and Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) models are
ing (up to 70°C) owing to the development of new compounds the most widely accepted isotherm models, applicable to
by maillard reaction/caramelization. Antioxidant activities of 0<aw<0.99 and 0.05<aw<0.45, respectively (Basu et al.,
chili and pepper are characterized by the presence of 2006).
capsaicin, which is generally increased after drying. Arslan Water activity is influenced by air temperature or other
and Özcan (2011) reported that HA at high temperature power intensity and sample thickness irrespective of drying
(70°C) and high microwave power (700 W) significantly in- techniques. Aware and Thorat (2011) reported that IR, follow-
creased the antioxidant activities of red bell pepper. ed by HA, had a greater impact on reducing water activity
compared to other techniques. In order to arrest the non-
enzymatic browning reaction and microbial contaminations,
Water Activity water activity should be kept below 0.4 (Perera, 2005). Rising
in microwave power from 2400 to 4000 W for a shorter drying
Water activity (aw) contributes to shelf life in regard to the period (10 min) has negligible impact on the water activity of
chemical and biochemical reactions, and cellular and biolog- turmeric; however, drying for a longer time (30 min) signifi-
ical matrices in foods (Chirife & Fontana, 2008). Balancing cantly reduced the water activity to as low as 0.19 (Hirun
water activity within the prescribed limit is crucial to inhibit et al., 2014).
the spoilage due to the microbial attack and to maintain quality
parameters such as appearance, aroma, flavor, texture, and
microstructure (Sablani et al., 2007). It is the ratio of the partial Rehydratability
vapor pressure of moist product (p) to the saturated vapor
pressure over distilled water (p0) at a definite temperature, The rehydratability of dried spices is a vital aspect, which
and it is equivalent to the equilibrium relative humidity signifies the restoration of raw material properties in contact
(ERH) of the product as follows (Scott, 1957). with water for making them useful in ready-to-eat organic
aw ¼ p=p0 ¼ ERH=100 ð1Þ meals and instant soup. There are several factors upon which
the rehydration kinetics depend, among which porosity and
Under isothermal conditions, this equilibrium relationship capillaries are predominant followed by soluble solids, tem-
with the deterioration rate of the product is represented using perature, and pH of soaking water, trapped air bubbles, and
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1041

cavities near the surface (Karathanos, 1993; Weerts et al., ingress of water molecules during rehydration (Barresi
2003). et al., 2009).
MW significantly increased the rehydratability com-
pared to infrared and VD due to the larger heat generation
and subsequent higher vapor pressure inside the product Shrinkage Behavior
which results in rapid moisture transfer and prevents the
structural collapse (Saengrayap et al., 2014). It was report- Due to the variation in moisture concentration, pressure, and
ed that the rehydratability of red chili increased with in- temperature gradient during drying, contractile stresses are
creasing microwave (100–300 W) and infrared (100–300 induced in the product. This causes microstructural strain
W) power. It is also found that during VD at lower pres- and deforms the regular structure in dried products by shrink-
sure, rehydratability is higher which is due to the larger ing. Due to the presence of heterogeneous structure and higher
vapor pressure generation inside the product. The larger moisture content, spices undergo non-uniform and larger vol-
vapor pressure generation causes a reaction force, which ume shrinkage, which in turn causes surface cracking in many
prevents the structural collapse during drying and enhances cases.
the ability to reabsorb water during rehydration (Krokida & The shrinkage behavior of dried products depends upon
Maroulis, 2001). Internal steam generation during LPSSD products’ structural rigidity, mechanical properties, mois-
creates a porous structure in dried onion, which eventually ture extraction rate, initial moisture content, drying process
enhances the rehydratability (Sehrawat & Nema, 2018). It parameters, etc. (Mahiuddin et al., 2018). However, the
is also reported that rigid and collapsed structures obtained influence of process parameters on shrinkage of different
in the Infrared and hot air drying hindered the water spices is not similar, as reported in the literature. Variation
absorption during rehydration. Cui et al. (2003) argued that of shrinkage ratio of turmeric finger with temperature and
freeze and MWV-HA (45°C) dried garlic had higher velocity of drying air in convective tray dryer is plotted in
rehydratability compared to solo high-temperature hot Fig. 3, by obtaining data from Singh, Arora, and Kumar
air-drying (60–65°C). However, Abasi et al. (2009) and (2010a). It was found that increasing the temperature (45–
Celia Roman et al. (2019) reported in convective tray dryer 65°C) and velocity (1–3 ms−1) of air decreased the shrink-
the rehydratability of onion increased when the tempera- age ratio, indicating the increase in the shrinkage of tur-
ture was increased from 60 to 80°C, due to the formation of meric. Abasi et al. (2009) found a similar trend that an
porous and cellular structure. increase in air temperature (60–90°C) and drying time
With the increase of temperature of rehydration water, (30–360 min) lead to an increase in the shrinkage of onion
the absorption ability of the product increases; however, in dried in a convective tray dryer. This is because the drying
boiling water, solid leaching may occur for some products temperature was greater than the glass transition tempera-
(Gaware et al., 2010). On the other hand, higher drying ture of the products that produced rubbery state behavior.
temperature and microwave power create a very hard sur- Consequently, more shrinking occurred due to the higher
face with a packed internal structure, which can inhibit the mobility of the solid matrix (Joardder et al., 2017).
Shrinkage rate of sliced spices (e.g., onion, garlic) reduced
at the later stage of drying due to the increase in glass
transition temperature with reducing moisture content.
This glassy state leads to a reduction in shrinkage due to
the high viscosity as well as low mobility of food compo-
nents (Sappati et al., 2017). Prachayawarakorn et al. (2006)
opined that shrinkage of sliced garlic was reduced dramat-
ically with a reduction in the moisture-content due to the
increased surface rigidity. It is also noticed that raising the
temperature from 50 to 70°C in convective tray drying
reduced the shrinkage of garlic due to the rigid crust for-
mation at the outer surface. During thermal drying, cell
collapse propagated from the outer surface to the center
of the products due to the penetration of thermal stress
from the surface towards the center (Joardder et al.,
2015). As a result, most of the fruits and vegetables under-
go a large anisotropic shrinkage when they are subjected to
Fig. 3 Influence of process parameters on shrinkage ratio of turmeric simultaneous heat and mass transfer processes during dry-
(Singh, Arora, & Kumar, 2010a) ing (Khan et al., 2016; Mahiuddin et al., 2018).
1042 Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054

Influence on Sensory Characteristics of higher oxygen and moisture content in HA triggered the
maillard reaction and increased yellowness. It is noteworthy to
Color Appearance mention here that the brightness of garlic decreased signifi-
cantly with increasing the temperature from 50 to 70°C in
Color or hue is an imperative visual feature of food, and also FCTD (Prachayawarakorn et al., 2006).
makes a plea for consumer enchantment. No matter how nu- The color of the onion is mainly characterized by lightness,
tritive and safe the food is, color is an index of freshness and and it is desirable to have lower yellowness and browning
wholesomeness. Deterioration of color indicates a chemical index (Sehrawat & Nema, 2018). It was also opined that at
reaction (enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning) in food high-temperature HA drying, the lightness of onion decreased,
(deMan et al., 2018). In food colorimetry, the most widely and the product turned into yellowish color; alternatively,
used method for the determination of color is Hunter color LPSSD retained better lightness as well as total color. Hot
space (L ∗ a ∗ b) where L indicates lightness, a is redness, air drying had 2.5–3 times more degradation of total color
 b ispyellowness.
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 Diminishing the total color deviation than LPSSD due to the oxidation and thermal degradation of
ΔE ¼ ðΔLÞ þ ðΔaÞ 2 þ ðΔbÞ 2 Þ is considered as a key pigments. Oxidation reaction causes a reduction in the light-
concern to the stakeholders to retain the natural color in dried ness and total color of onion in hot air drying (45°C), com-
products (Prathapan et al., 2009). The color of spices is mainly pared to FD (Wang et al., 2018).
contributed by the polyphenols and other bioactive com- The quality and market value of red chili are primarily
pounds such as curcuminoids (turmeric), carotenoids (chili determined by its brighter appearance with higher redness,
and pepper), etc. (Balasubramanian et al., 2016). moderate yellowness, and other natural pigments. Redness is
Thuwapanichayanan et al. (2014) inferred that dried ginger obtained by the presence of carotenoids (capsanthin,
was brighter than the fresh one; however, higher temperature capsorubin, etc.), whereas the yellow and orange color is ren-
degraded the total color. This is caused by the stimulation of dered by α-and β-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, and b-
an enzymatic browning reaction in the presence of oxygen. cryptoxanthin (Ergüneş & Tarhan, 2006; Topuz & Ozdemir,
Redness and yellowness generally increase with increasing 2007). Thermal drying for a longer time deteriorates the color
drying air temperature owing to non-enzymatic browning exponentially by isomerization and oxidation of carotenoids
(Djendoubi Mrad et al., 2012). High-temperature drying tends and generation of browning pigment by the reaction of reduc-
to caramelize the sugars present in the spices and exhibit dark ing sugar and amino acids present in the pericarp (Pugliese
color (Peter, 2012). et al., 2013; Rhim & Hong, 2011). Bianchi and Lo Scalzo
Drying of turmeric above 70°C inactivates the browning (2018) opined that browning of pepper escalated with raising
enzymes polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD). the temperature in convective tray drying. It is also found that
At this stage, while the PPO and POD were denatured, sub- after high-temperature drying, retention of yellow fraction ca-
strates of reaction (e.g., curcuminoids) were activated, rotenoid was lower than light and red fraction carotenoid;
resulting in maximum retention of color without browning however, in FD, all color attributes were better retained.
(Prathapan et al., 2009). Similarly, Sharma et al. (2018) also
found that browning of turmeric decreased with the progres- Texture
sion of drying time due to inactivation of PPO, which other-
wise oxidizes the curcuminoids. Lakshmi et al. (2018) report- The texture of solid food is characterized by five primary
ed that OS of black turmeric had 74% more deviation from parameters (viz. hardness, cohesiveness, viscosity, elasticity,
natural color than the mixed-mode solar dryer. It was also and adhesiveness) and evaluated by the consumer during mas-
found that brightness in dried turmeric was reduced; however, tication. Hardness is generally measured as puncture force
redness was increased due to the loss of camphor content. (force necessary to attain a given deformation), an indication
Abano et al. (2011) observed that brightness and redness of case hardening during drying (Supmoon & Noomhorm,
increased significantly in dried garlic compared to undried 2013). Hardness characteristics are divided into three attri-
ones, which was attributed to the maillard reaction. butes, viz. soft, firm, and hard. As most of the spices are
However, this positive trend of better color retention is limited invariably used in powdered form, a softer texture (softening
to low-temperature drying of garlic, e.g., DHA (heat of tissues) is recommended (deMan et al., 2018).
pump/desiccant) and FD. Aware and Thorat (2011) found that In vacuum-freeze drying, starch grains (for ginger) are rel-
during high-temperature HA and IR, the total color of garlic atively well preserved (compared to high-temperature HA
was found to be degraded when the temperature was more drying) due to the sublimation moisture removal along with
than 50°C and infrared power was more than 3 kW, respec- the effect of vacuum; thus, the samples have comparatively
tively. An analogous finding was incurred by Cui et al. (2003) complete cell structure and less-dense texture (An et al.,
that solo hot air (60–65°C) drying of garlic severely degraded 2016). In the context of microwave-vacuum drying, the soft-
the total color than FD and MWV-HA. However, the presence ness of the product (e.g., turmeric) is retained considerably
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1043

due to the formation of a more significant internal porous texture (Leeratanarak et al., 2006). Pretreatment can be done
structure compared to the other techniques. During micro- either chemically by application of various chemical agents or
wave vacuum drying, the generation of internal heat vaporizes physically by various thermal (hot water blanching, steam
the unbound water, which causes a vapor pressure gradient blanching, microwave, ohmic heat, etc.) or by nonthermal
between the inner and outer layers of the products. (pulsed electric field, freezing, ultrasonic, high pressure, etc.)
Simultaneously, an additional pressure difference is also ob- stresses (Deng et al., 2017). The impact of various pre-drying
served with the application of vacuum, causing an expansion treatments on moisture removal kinetics and quality charac-
of the internal structure (Giri & Prasad, 2007; Surendhar et al., teristics of ginger, turmeric, garlic, onion, chili, and pepper are
2018). Abano et al. (2011) observed that the hardness of garlic shown in Table 3 and discussed below:
dried in a hot air dryer was increased significantly (7–13
times) due to the destruction of the porous structure. A similar Chemical Pretreatment
outcome was drawn by Cui et al. (2003) that hot air drying
(60–65°C) collapsed the porous structure, and produced a Immersing in chemical additive (e.g., caustic soda, fatty acid
tough texture in dried garlic compared to FD and MWV- esters) emulsion dissolves the hydrophobic waxy layer (con-
HA. Borah et al. (2015) found that integrated solar biomass sists of oleanonic acid) or breakdown the intracellular bonding
drying produced softer ginger and turmeric slices compared to and consequently increases the moisture diffusion rate.
open sun, HA, and FBD due to the controlled and uniform Dipping pretreatment yields a more compact structure, thus
drying. increases rehydration ability. It also increases the brightness
From the above discussion, it can be inferred that convec- by inhibiting the browning enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO)
tive tray drying at elevated temperature is undesirable due to (Bingol et al., 2012; Doymaz & Altıner, 2012). Deshmukh
the degradation of quality attributes either by destruction at et al. (2013) observed that pretreatment of ginger with alkaline
high temperature or chemical conversion process. To some ethyl oleate and potassium carbonate solution shortened the
extent, other drying methods like VD, IR, and FD were able drying time by 10–17.5% and improved the effective moisture
to retain a higher number of bio-active compounds, phenols, diffusivity and rehydration capacity (as per drying air temper-
terpenes, antioxidants, etc. The low-temperature drying with ature), which is due to the removal of waxy layer and in-
dehumidified air can be a trade-off between conventional hot- creased skin permeability.
air dryers and other high-end dryers since it can yield products Acid treatment (e.g., ascorbic acid, citric acid) improves
of satisfactory quality. The OS exhibited the highest color antioxidant properties, pigment strength, texture softening,
degradation in any product by oxidation and decomposition and inactivate browning enzymes of vegetables and spices.
of pigment due to longer retention of the exposed surface to Thuwapanichayanan et al. (2014) reported a higher TPC and
the environment. antioxidant activities of ascorbic acid dipped ginger due to the
inactivation of browning enzymes (PPO). Ascorbic acid is
generally mixed with citric acid at optimum proportion be-
Methods for Better Quality Retention cause it has an inadequate ability to penetrate the cellular
and Reduced Drying Time matrix (Doymaz, 2010). Abano et al. (2011) stated that the
treatment of garlic in citric acid reduced the hardness by about
The general awareness in the scenario of the global energy 45% compared to the untreated sample. Kamal et al. (2019)
crisis is to reduce its consumption in an effective way. investigated the effect of chemical treatment (blanching in
Quality retention of heat sensible spices is also a serious con- acetic acid followed by soaking in Na2S2O5+CaCl2) on green
cern. Pretreatment of products prior to drying and application and red chili before drying in HA (60°C). It was found that the
of intermittent phenomena in drying is the significant means moisture removal rate was increased in pretreated chili due to
of diminishing the energy consumption by enhancing the the structure softening. The pretreated samples retained higher
moisture extraction rate and shortening the active drying time. β-carotene, polyphenolic, and pungent compounds due to the
The quality of spices can also be retained in a better way inactivation of enzymes and binding with reducing sugar by
without additional capital investment (Kumar et al., 2014). acetic acid and Na2S2O5. The pretreated green chili exhibited
a higher greenness due to higher retention of chlorophyll.
Pretreatment Methods The pretreatment in sulfite solution (sulfitation) with potas-
sium metabisulfite (KMS) and others is known to inhibit the
Pretreatment can improve the nutritional quality and physical non-enzymatic browning by inactivating the PPO through the
appearance of dried agro-products by inhibiting various unde- reaction between sulfite ions and quinines (Deng et al., 2017).
sirable chemical reactions and inactivating the browning en- Sharma et al. (2015) reported that KMS treatment of sweet
zymes (polyphenols, PPO, POD, etc.). Suitable treatments bell-pepper before hot air drying (58°C) retained the higher
produce case softening while drying, which improves the content of ascorbic acid, color, and softness. Abano et al.
Table 3 Effect of pretreatment methods on drying characteristics and quality of spices

Spices Pretreatment methods Drying Findings References

Ginger Blanching in hot water (95°C) for 2 min FCTD - No significant effect on drying rate Thuwapanichayanan
- TPC and brightness reduced whereas antioxidant activity and redness slightly increased et al. (2014)
Ascorbic acid solution 0.1% (w/v) for 2 min FCTD - No significant effect on drying rate
- TPC, antioxidant potential, brightness, and total color improved
Blanching in hot water (70°C) for 5,15, and 30 min. FCTD - 6- gingerol content significantly reduced with increasing blanching time Gan et al. (2016)
High pressure (100–400 MPa) for 10 min at 25°C FCTD - Drying rate and internal moisture diffusivity increased with increasing pressure George et al. (2017)
- Extraction of 6- gingerol and oleoresin increased significantly
- Hardness reduced
Osmotic dehydration with Sucrose 20% (w/v), FCTD - Osmosonication followed by ultrasound and osmotic dehydration increased TPC, TFC, inactivation Osae et al. (2019)
Ultrasound (frequency 33 kHz and power 600 W), of enzymes (PPO and POD), phytochemical constituents (gingerol and their derivatives), antioxidant
and Osmosonication at 30°C for 30 min activities (DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, CUPRIC)
- Color altered slight negatively and ultrasound retained the better color
Alkaline ethyl oleate solution (2% EO + 5% K2CO3) FCTD - Drying time reduced Deshmukh et al.
at room temperature for 1 min - Rehydratability improved (2013)
Turmeric Blanching in boiling water for 4 min and subsequent FCTD - Increased effective moisture diffusivity as well as drying rate Blasco et al. (2006)
cooling in water (15°C) for 3 min - Impact of blanching on drying rate was minimum at the higher temperature
Boiling at 100°C for 45 min MW - Brightness, yellowness and curcumin content reduced Surendhar et al.
Curing/boiling for 1 h followed by shade drying for I FCTD - Drying rate increased Kutti Gounder and
week - Higher yield of volatile oil and antioxidant activities Lingamallu (2012)
Blanching in hot water (70°C) for 5, 15, and 30 min FCTD- Moisture removal rate increased in blanched sample for shorter blanching time. Gan et al. (2016)
- Curcumin retention increased by 32% at 15 min blanching
Garlic EDTA (0.75%), citric acid (0.5%), KMS (0.5%) for HA - Increased the drying rate, allicin content, and obtained better color Abano et al. (2011)
10 min and distilled water (untreated) - Texture softening occurred
Ultrasound (35 kHz for 30 min at 30°C) FCTD, - Drying time was reduced by 12–20% Bozkir et al. (2018)
MW - Rehydratability was increased
Onion Osmotic dehydration with NaCl 10%, 15% (w/w) for FCTD - Moisture diffusion coefficient increased NaCl concentration. Baroni and
60 min at 22°C with sample to liquid ratio 1:10 - Pre- treated sample exhibited more natural coloration Hubinger (1998)
- Activation energy reduced by about 33% in pretreated sample.
Ultrasound (20 kHz and amplitude: 24.4–61 μm), HA, - Ultrasound (up to 3 min) and blanching for 1 min retained higher TPC, Ren et al. (2017)
blanching (70°C) for 1–5 min FD TFC, antioxidant activities, and quercetins
- Natural color degraded greatly in ultrasound followed by blanching
Chili and Osmotic (10% Salt + 50% sucrose), chili: solution- HA, - Moisture diffusivity increased and drying time reduced Zhao et al. (2013)
pepper 1:10 MW - Obtained better color and vitamin- C content
Cold plasma (air at atmospheric pressure) for 15–60 s FCTD - Optimum treatment time (30 s) exhibited higher drying rate and red pigment Zhang et al. (2018)
- Antioxidant activities increased with increasing treatment time
2% acetic acid (2 min at 100°C) followed by solution HA - Drying rate increased Kamal et al. (2019)
(0.3% Na2S2O5 + 1% CaCl2) for 10 min - Retention of chlorophyll, β- carotene, TPC, and green color increased
PEF strength 1.0–2.5 kV/cm for 1–4 s using 30 μs HA - Moisture diffusivity and surface yellowness increased Won et al. (2015)
pulse width at pulse frequency of 100 Hz. - Drying time reduced with increasing pretreatment duration.
- Surface strain reduced significantly
HA, - Higher drying rate obtained in blanching followed by dipping in KMS (0.2%) + CA (0.5 %) Sharma et al. (2015)
GH - KMS treatment retained higher content of ascorbic acid, color, and texture
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1045

- High- intensity electric field pulse and blanching exhibited higher heat and mass transfer coefficient as Ade-Omowaye et al.
(2011) compared the influence of KMS, citric acid, and eth-

Wang et al. (2016)

ylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) treatment on sliced gar-
lic before drying in a convective tray dryer (45–55°C). All the

pretreatment methods increased the drying rate, surface color,
and softness of dried garlic. EDTA-treated garlic produced
15–23% less ash-content, compared to untreated samples be-
cause it acts as a strong chelating agent. Both the EDTA and
citric acid are oxygen scavenger or antioxidants synergists
since they eradicate metal ions that catalyze the oxidation
(Fennema, 1996). KMS treatment increased the ash content
greatly due to the formation of sulfates. Sulfite residue after
treatment discourages the sulfitation treatment due to food
hazards (Taylor et al., 1986).
Osmotic treatment with the hypertonic solution (salt, su-
crose, sugar, glycerol, and other electrolytes) causes mem-
brane permeabilization of the cell wall and facilitates partial
and higher antioxidant activities except hot water blanching

water removal from the products. The greater osmotic pres-

well as reduced drying time compared to other treatments.

sure of hypertonic solutions reduces the water activity, which

acts as an added driving strength for the water removal
(Rahman & Lamb, 1991). It also inhibits the oxidation brow-
ning, structural collapse, and inactivates the enzymes during
- Blanching caused the destruction of nutrients
- Better retention of red pigment, vitamin- C,

the drying process (Torreggiani, 1993). Baroni and Hubinger

(1998) reported that the treatment of onion with 10% NaCl
solution escalated the effective diffusion coefficient by dou-
ble. However, with further increased NaCl concentration, the
effective diffusion coefficient reduced because of easy pene-
tration of NaCl into the tissues due to its lower molecular
- Drying rate increased

weight. Mixing of sucrose (50%) with salt (10%) increased

the drying rate of chili with better retention of color and
vitamin-C because sucrose created a layer that protects the
oxidation of vitamin-C (Zhao et al., 2013).
Drying Findings

Physical Pretreatment
Blanching (hot water 80–90°C, microwave, infrared FCTD


Hot water blanching (generally at 70 to 100°C) of agro-

products arrests the quality degradation by destroying patho-
Boiling water blanching (3 min), KMS (0.20–0.35 %),
citric acid (0.25–0.60 %), and (KMS + CA) for 5

genic microorganisms, inactivating browning enzymes, or

and high-humidity hot air impingement) for 1–3

(5% NaOH and 5% HCl for 25- 35 min), high

Boiling water blanching (100°C for 3 min), skin

discharging the air from the intercellular matrix. Internal mois-

ture migration is accelerated by microstructural changes, the
permeability of the cell membranes, segregation of the waxy
and high-intensity electric field pulse

layer, and delicate fissure formation at the outer surface

(Guida et al., 2013; Xiao et al., 2017). As reported in the
literature, turmeric was mostly pretreated by hot/boiling water
blanching, which increased the drying rate; however, quality
Pretreatment methods

decreased in many cases. Sharma et al. (2015) also reported

that boiling water blanching accelerated the drying rate of
sweet bell pepper and also reduced the acidity. However,

Table 3 (continued)

high-temperature blanching for a prolonged period signifi-



cantly reduces the TPC of spices as only 2-min blanching of

ginger at 95°C, reduced the TPC by 25%
(Thuwapanichayanan et al., 2014). Gan et al. (2016) reported

that blanching at 70°C for 30 min reduced the 6-gingerol

content by 77% and destroyed the pigment, which negatively
1046 Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054

Fig. 4 Microstructure of ginger: a untreated; b high pressure (400 MPa) treated for 10 min (the arrow indicates cell membrane permeabilization) (George
et al., 2017)

affects the lightness and yellowness of ginger. It is also no- softening of tissues, which results in membrane perme-
ticed that with the increase of drying air temperature, the in- abilization with irregular cellular matrix, as shown in Fig. 4.
fluence of blanching pretreatment becomes insignificant. George et al. (2017) found that the compressive force required
High humidity hot air impingement blanching (HHAIB) is to penetrate the pretreated (at 400 MPa) dried ginger was
an advanced technology to overcome the limitations in hot reduced by 37%, compared to that of the samples without
water blanching and superheated steam blanching such as loss pretreatment.
of water-soluble nutrients, undesirable texture, and decay of Pulsed electric field (PEF) pretreatment influences the di-
phenolic compounds. It enhances the heat transfer rate due to electric breakdown and permeabilization of the membrane of
the thinner thermal boundary layer (Bai et al., 2013). Wang biological tissues, which intensifies the uniform mass trans-
et al. (2016) noted the effect of various blanching pretreat- fer from the interior of the products (Ade-Omowaye et al.,
ments viz. hot water (80-90°C), microwave, infrared, and 2001). Won et al. (2015) reported that moisture diffusivity of
HHAIB on red bell pepper before drying in air impingement red pepper in HA (45°C) increased from 2.42×10 −10
dryer (60°C and 10 ms−1). All blanching treatments increased (untreated) to 3.71×10−10 m2s−1 in PEF treated sample.
the drying rate, antioxidant activities, and retention of red With increasing the treatment time from 1 to 4 s, drying time
pigment, and vitamin-C except hot water blanching, which was reduced by around 18%. Yellow carotenoids (zeaxan-
could retain only 62.66% and 27.29% of red pigment and thin, β-carotene, and β-cryptoxanthin) are sensitive to high
vitamin-C respectively. Retention of red pigment and temperature; therefore, non-thermal treatment with PEF and
vitamin-C was decreased with increasing treatment time from shorter drying time increased the yellowness and extractable
1 to 3 min and microwave power from 650 to 900W. yield of color in red pepper. PEF treatment also exhibited a
However, the inactivation of PPO and POD increased with uniform color appearance with higher brightness and re-
the increasing treatment time and power intensity. The ultra- duced surface strain.
structure analysis of the cell wall indicated that hot water Residual chemical additives and thermal degradation in
blanching and HHAIB disrupted the plastids and thylakoids chemical and thermal treatment trigger food safety and
which are responsible for the reduction in qualities of red nutrient-loss in spices. This shortcoming can be mitigated by
pepper. applying non-thermal treatment like plasma, which also can
High-pressure pretreatment causes cell membrane perme- inhibit microbial contamination (Moreau et al., 2008). Zhang
abilization, which accelerated the moisture diffusion rate et al. (2018) investigated the effect of cold plasma (air at
(George et al., 2017). It was found that high pressure (400 atmospheric pressure) treatment on chili before drying in a
MPa) pretreatment of ginger increased the moisture diffusivity hot air impingement dryer (70°C and 6 ms−1). The drying rate
from 2.03×10−9 to 6.09×10−9 m2s−1, which helped to shorten was increased significantly due to the formation of micro-
the drying time by half. It is also reported that 6-gingerol holes at the surface by electrons and ions present in the plasma
content and yield of oleoresin increased by 34.05% and jet. However, at higher treatment time (>30 s), moisture ex-
28.29%, respectively. High pressure accelerated the perme- traction was hindered due to crust formation and cell wall
ation of extraction solute into the porous structure, which in- disruption as well as microstructural breakdown. Plasma treat-
creases the extraction yield of bioactive compounds (Xi et al., ment also increased the red pigment by cell wall oxidation;
2009). The untreated sample exhibited a more organized cell however, higher treatment time (>30 s) degraded the bioactive
structure, whereas the high-pressure treatment caused pigments.
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1047

Ultrasound is a promising non-thermal pretreatment tech- pepper. The physical treatments with high pressure, ultra-
nique, which leads to an upsurge moisture transfer and a sound, pulsed electric field, and HHAIB are promising solu-
higher yield of phytochemicals by forming microspores in tions to alleviate the severe problems in chemical treatments
the product structure. Ren et al. (2017) reported that ultra- such as loss of nutrients, color, and chemical residue. To ame-
sound and blanching treatment of onion before hot air drying liorate the application of physical and hybrid pretreatment for
and FD increased the TPC, TFC, antioxidant activities, and heat-sensitive spices, more fundamental research works are
quercetin. However, prolonged exposure in ultrasound treat- needed.
ment (>3 min) and blanching (>1 min) significantly reduced
the TPC and antioxidant activities due to the leaching of sol- Intermittent Drying
uble bioactive compounds in the treatment solution through
the microspores. It is also inferred that oxidation and thermal High temperature and prolonged exposure during drying ac-
degradation in the presence of an open atmosphere during celerate the destructive reaction rate and worsen the food qual-
prolonged treatment reduced the phenols and total color. A ity due to heat stress (Joardder et al., 2017). Drying with var-
similar trend of decreasing the color (lightness) of garlic was iable operating conditions (temperature, relative humidity, ve-
attributed in ultrasound pretreatment (35 kHz for 30min) be- locity, pressure, and energy input) in either a cyclical or step-
fore convective tray and MW (Bozkir et al., 2018). However, wise manner is characterized by intermittent phenomena. The
the drying rate and rehydration ability of garlic were increased duration when the heat supply is maintained is called the
by 13.82–19.30% and 6.68–21.3% respectively. Combined heating or active period, while the period during which the
ultrasonic-osmotic treatment (Osmosonication) increased the heat supply is varied or completely stopped is called the tem-
effectiveness by synergic effects of disorganized cell structure pering period. The aim is effective energy usage, to allow heat
with osmotic pressure gradient (Bevilacqua et al., 2018). Osae and moisture redistribution, and to refrain from unlike or ex-
et al. (2019) investigated the effect of ultrasound, osmotic, and cessive heating.
osmosonication treatment on ginger before dying in a convec- The effects of intermittency on dried spice quality and en-
tive tray dryer. Compared to ultrasound and osmotic pretreat- ergy consumption are summarized in Table 4. Continuous
ment, osmosonication had a greater impact on increasing the supply of microwave power deteriorates the quality owing to
retention of TPC, TFC, inactivation of enzymes (POD, PPO), the disparity in temperature and moisture diffusion, which can
phytochemical constituents (gingerol and their derivatives), be terminated by using the microwave in a pulsed or intermit-
antioxidant activities. It is also found that osmosonication tent way with convective drying (IMCTD) (Soysal et al.,
had greater loss of lightness and total color compared to other 2009). It is reasonable to observe that IMCTD inhibits the
treatments due to maillard reaction and pigment degradation. non-enzymatic browning of dried pepper and improved
It is observed from the above discussion that blanching is other qualities as regards color, texture, and aroma.
the most used conventional pretreatment method. It increased Takougnadi et al. (2017) reported that intermittent drying of
the drying rate and antioxidants activities in most of the spices. onion was 12.7% more energy-efficient than a continuous
However, it had a negative influence on the phenolic content process with better retention of vitamin-C (53.84%), fat
and brightness of ginger, turmeric, onion, garlic, chili, and (166.04%), and protein (2.50%). However, the required

Table 4 Effect of intermittent drying on drying characteristics and quality of spices

Drying Intermittent conditions Spices Findings References

IMCTD PR: 1-4 Red -Active drying time reduced with increasing pulse Soysal et al. (2009)
pepper ratio
-Superior quality as regards color,
texture and sensory attributes
IMCTD Temperature: 65°C (2 h) → 55°C (5 h) → 45 °C Onion -More energy efficient Takougnadi et al.
(up to EMC) -Better retention of vitamin-C, fat, and protein (2017)
IMCTD PR: 2 (up to 50% wb) → 4 (up to final MC) Ginger -Significant reduction in energy consumption and An et al. (2016)
drying time
-Yield higher extraction, TPC, TFC,
and antioxidant activities
-Volatile concentration significantly reduced
V-MWFBD MW power 2.0/0.4 W/g (varied with reducing MC) Ginger -Reduced energy consumption with optimum Lv et al. (2016)
drying time
-Local browning avoided

IMCTD intermittent microwave convective tray drying, V-MWFBD variable microwave fluidized bed drying
1048 Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054

drying time was increased by 30 min. Esturk (2012) and Tham for mathematically envisaging the drying kinetics of most of
et al. (2017) found a prolonged constant-rate period for sage the spices. However, the selection of the best fit model is
leaves and roselle in IMCTD and intermittent heat pump-solar critical and depends upon several factors like process param-
greenhouse dryer, respectively, due to sufficient time gap for eters, product characteristics, and dryer type. As thin-layer
moisture and temperature redistribution within the products. modeling is not considered as primary objectives of the cur-
An et al. (2016) found that IMCTD of ginger exhibited higher rent work, it is not discussed elaborately.
gingerol than a continuous MW or convective drying. The
controlled temperature in IMCTD at the later stage of drying
decreased the decomposition of 6-gingerol and preserved Concluding Remarks and Future Scopes
higher TFC. During IMCTD, microwave energy stimulates
the liberation of volatile compounds and gets evaporated by A comprehensive overview is reported on drying characteris-
hot air, which results in lower volatile concentrations. It is also tics and quality attributes of selected major spices (ginger,
reported that IMCTD is 2.7–90.4% energy-efficient compared turmeric, onion, garlic, chili, and pepper) based on globally
to continuous convective, IR, and FD. Varying the microwave acknowledged market potential, exclusive culinary and
power with reducing moisture content in microwave-fluidized medicative values. It is aimed to explore the research trend
bed drying (V-MWFBD) of ginger reduced the energy con- towards increasing the performance of the drying system,
sumption with better essential oil (8- and 10-gingerol) and retaining product quality, and minimizing the energy intensity
color (Lv et al., 2016). and carbon footprint by using innovative approaches; for in-
stance, hybridization of drying system, pretreatment, intermit-
tent drying, renewable energy intervention, and waste heat
Thin Layer Modeling for Drying of Spices recovery. Based on the extensive study of literature, the fol-
lowing major conclusions have been drawn:
Modeling of drying kinetics based on the theoretical, semi-
theoretical, or empirical relationship is very important to pre- & Drying of most of the spices is principally governed by
dict the moisture extraction behavior from an industrial per- internal moisture diffusion and is consistent with the mo-
spective. Before scale-up and fabrication of an industrial dry- lecular mobility theory. Due to high moisture content in
ing system, it is necessary to identify the reliable drying tech- selected major spices, product temperature stays well be-
nique with optimizing process parameters, which would be low air temperature for a considerable fraction of drying
able to meet the desired output (Babu et al., 2018). A thin time. Therefore, in order to evaluate the drying kinetics of
layer is defined as a layer of wet product with definite thick- these spices, moisture diffusion coefficient is to be corre-
ness (up to 20 cm or three layer of samples), at which all the lated with the characteristic product temperature instead of
products samples are assumed to be exposed to the drying air temperature to have more realistic consequences of
medium (mostly air) under uniform drying conditions (e.g., Arrhenius activation energy. The drying rate is mainly
temperature and relative humidity of the drying air), which accelerated by increasing heat input; however, permissible
facilitates uniform distribution of drying medium throughout upper drying air temperature of ginger (60–70°C), turmer-
the product (Erbay & Icier, 2010; Onwude, Hashim, Janius, ic (60–100°C), garlic (50°C), onion (60–70°C), and chili
et al., 2016b). However, Kucuk et al. (2014) reported that the and pepper (50–60°C) are restricted to retain the quality.
thickness of a thin layer can be increased provided there is an So, drying rate could be enhanced alternatively by
increase in the flow rate of drying air and also if the simulta- dehumidifying the drying air and reducing sample thick-
neous heat and mass transfers of the material are in thermo- ness. However, air velocity has a negligible positive effect
dynamic equilibrium with the drying air. Thin-layer modeling on drying rate.
is based on Fick’s second law of diffusion and Newton’s law & Increasing the efficiency and decreasing the active drying
of cooling (Prakash & Kumar, 2017). The appropriate model time and quality deterioration has the potential to make a
is generally decided on the basis of a peak value of the coef- drying technology more reliable. FBD and MW are rapid
ficient of determination (R2) and the least value of chi-square drying processes in solo mode compare to VD, DHA, and
(χ2), standard error of estimate, root-mean-square error, and FD, due to uniform fluid-solid mixing, and internal heat
the summed square of residuals as compared to the experi- and vapor generation respectively. However, initial fluid-
mental data. For a model to provide a satisfactory result, the ization of spice flakes is difficult owing to surface wetness
value of R2 (coefficient of determination) should be greater or stickiness, and microwave energy tends to cause local
than 0.97 (Özbek & Dadali, 2007; Shinde et al., 2013). Hence, scorching of products. FD can be recommended for higher
care must be taken to choose a model that fits the experimental quality retention of heat sensible spices; however, FD and
data most accurately for the drying conditions prevalent in the FBD are the higher energy consuming techniques. Solo
chosen dryer. Page model is the simplest and relevant model FCTD is more popular in industries due to simplicity,
Food Bioprocess Technol (2021) 14:1028–1054 1049

however, it reduces moisture removal rate during falling & Modeling of microstructure, porosity, and establishing the
rate period, which results in severe quality deterioration. relationship for predicting the physicochemical changes
Hybridization of two or more conventional solo drying during drying of structurally heterogeneous spices is miss-
technologies or integration of novel approaches (e.g., ra- ing in the literature.
diofrequency, electrohydrodynamic, ultrasound) in a si- & Application of novel physicochemical and non-thermal
multaneous or subsequent manner is recommended to at- pretreatment and intermittent phenomena in the drying
tenuate the shortcomings in a solo technique. of spices is very limited in the literature.
& Principle phenolic and flavonoid compounds of maximum & Renewable energy intervention and waste heat recovery in
spices can be retained up to 60–70°C (100°C for turmeric) drying systems are needed to be explored in industrial-
temperature. However, the antioxidant activities increased scale towards environmental sustainability and reducing
at high temperatures due to the thermochemical conver- the carbon tax.
sion of phenols. The color attributes of some spices (e.g.,
ginger, turmeric, chili) increased after thermal drying up to
a certain temperature. Abbreviations abs, absolute; DHA, dehumidified air drying; Deff, effec-
tive moisture diffusivity; EMC, equilibrium moisture content; FBD, flu-
& Air temperature and drying time have a positive effect on
idized bed drying; FC-HPD, forced convective-heat pump stage drying;
reducing water activity and desorption kinetics. GAB FCTD, forced convective tray drying; FD, freeze drying; FIR, far-infrared
model is the best-fitted model for predicting the desorption drying; FIRMVD, far-infrared microwave vacuum drying; GH, green-
kinetics of spices. Drying at higher temperatures increases house drying; h, hour; HA, hot air oven drying; HA-FBD, hot air-
fluidized bed stage drying; HP, heat pump drying; HP-FBD, heat
the shrinkage and hardness, thus reduces the rehydration pump-fluidized bed stage drying; IMCTD, intermittent microwave con-
ability due to case hardening and structural collapse. vective tray drying; IR, infrared drying; IRCTD, infrared convective tray
& Ultrasound, osmosonication, and high humidity hot air drying; LPSSD, low-pressure superheated steam drying; MC, moisture
impingement blanching are the promising pretreatment content; min, minute; MR, moisture ratio; MW, microwave drying;
MWCTD, microwave convective tray drying; MWFBD, microwave flu-
methods to alleviate the difficulties in typical chemical
idized bed drying; MWFD, microwave freeze drying; MWIR, microwave
or blanching treatment. Although boiling or pressure infrared drying; MWVD, microwave vacuum dryer; MWV-HA, micro-
cooking for a longer time increases the drying rate of wave vacuum-hot air stage drying; OS, open sun drying; PPO,
ginger, turmeric, etc., it is not recommended due to a sig- polyphenoloxidase; POD, peroxidase; PR, pulse ratio; RH, relative hu-
midity; s, second; STD, solar tray drying; TFC, total flavonoid content;
nificant reduction in phenols, curcumin, color, and TPC, total phenolic content; USCTD, ultrasound convective tray drying;
oleoresin. USHA, ultrasound hot air oven drying; VD, vacuum drying; VFD, vac-
& Intermittent drying shortens the duration of active drying uum freeze drying; V-MWFBD, variable microwave fluidized bed dry-
by incorporating the tempering period, which reduces the ing; wb, wet basis; w/v, weight per volume
energy consumption and quality deterioration caused by
overheating and local browning. Declarations
& Mixed-mode drying (solar air heating with simultaneous
Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests.
greenhouse effect in the drying chamber), solar-biomass
dryer integrated with an energy storage system, and waste
heat recovery from exhaust drying air increase the system
& Page model is the simplest and relevant model for mathe- Abano, E. E., Ma, H., & Qu, W. (2011). Effects of pretreatment on the
matically predicting the drying kinetics of most of the drying characteristics and chemical composition of garlic slices in a
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Abasi, S., Mousavi, S., Mohebi, M., & Kiani, S. (2009). Effect of time
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valuable minor spices (leaves, fruits, seeds, etc.). electrical field pulse pre-treatment on dehydration characteris-
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