2005 Carbon Dioxide - New Uses For An Old Refrigerant

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International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 1140–1148

Carbon dioxide—new uses for an old refrigerant
Andy Pearson*
Star Refrigeration Ltd, G46 8JW, Glasgow, UK
Received 5 September 2005; received in revised form 12 September 2005; accepted 13 September 2005
Available online 2 November 2005


Carbon dioxide has been used as a refrigerant in vapour compression systems of many types for over 130 years, but it is only
in the last decade that inventive minds and modern techniques have found new ways to exploit the uniquely beneficial properties
of this remarkable substance. This paper traces the development of the old carbon dioxide systems, considers the technical,
commercial and social reasons for their slow development and subsequent decline and examines the recent renaissance across a
surprisingly broad range of applications, from trans-critical car air conditioners to low temperature industrial freezer plants. The
paper then concentrates on industrial refrigeration systems, which were the basis of early developments in the period 1865–
1885, but which have been somewhat overlooked in the current renaissance. The paper concludes with a review of possible
future developments, indicating the areas of research and product development required to maximise the potential of the
only non-toxic, non-flammable, non-ozone-depleting, non-global-warming refrigerant available for Rankine cycle vapour
compression systems in the 21st century.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Refrigeration; Air conditioning; History; Review; CO2; Technology; Recommendation; Research

Dioxyde de carbone: nouvelles utilisations d’un vieux frigorigène

Mots clés : Froid ; Conditionnement d’air ; Historique ; Enquête ; CO2 ; Technologie ; Recommandation ; Recherche

1. Introduction and evaporation temperature limit of 0 8C place severe

restrictions on its use and make it fundamentally unsuited to
There are five substances generally recognised as smaller air conditioning systems and industrial cooling and
‘natural refrigerants’ in modern refrigeration. Air is used freezing applications. Ammonia, carbon dioxide and
in a variety of gas cycles, with no change of phase, and can hydrocarbons have a broader range of application, and are
achieve reasonably low temperatures, but the low theo- used in much more conventional systems. Despite a
retical efficiency of the Brayton cycle and the difficulty of generally excellent safety record there is a strict limit on
getting close to that ideal have limited its use. Water vapour the allowable charge of hydrocarbon systems, which makes
has been used with large centrifugal and axial turbines in them unsuitable for use in large water chillers and industrial
open systems but the low pressures, large swept volumes systems unless relevant safety standards can be applied. In
many ways ammonia is ideal for large industrial systems
where its mild flammability, pungent smell and low
* Tel.: C44 141 638 7916; fax: C44 141 638 8111. threshold limit value do not present problems. It is, however,
E-mail address: apearson@star-ref.co.uk. clearly unsuited to domestic, automotive and small
0140-7007/$35.00 q 2005 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
A. Pearson / International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 1140–1148 1141

commercial refrigeration and heat pump systems. This 450 mm stroke. Harrison’s 1857 machine, described in
leaves carbon dioxide as the only natural refrigerant to find British Patent number 2362 had a 380 mm bore and a
favour across the broad spectrum of automotive, domestic, 770 mm stroke.
commercial and industrial refrigeration and air-conditioning
systems (Pettersen [11]).
3. Diverse developments of rival technologies

2. Historical perspective—early steps Faraday’s interest in artificial cooling went back to 1824
when he demonstrated a form of absorption cooling using
The first steps towards modern carbon dioxide refriger- ammonia and silver nitrate in a sealed U-tube. He used this
ation systems were taken in the 18th century by two Scots arrangement to demonstrate the liquefaction of several
physicians, Dr William Cullen and Dr James Black. Cullen, common gases. Absorption systems using aqua-ammonia
who practiced medicine in Glasgow, was also professor of were further developed by Ferdinand Carre in the 1850s and
medicine at Glasgow University and, in 1748 established the immediately found widespread success in block ice making.
department of Chemistry in the university. He is credited In 1867 (the year after the civil war ended) there were three
with the discovery of latent heat through his experiments artificial ice plants in San Antonio, out of five in Texas and
with water in 1755, and also observed that the boiling point only eight in total in North America. Harrison attempted to
of water could be reduced by lowering the pressure below be first to ship beef from Australia to England on the sailing
atmospheric. This led to experiments with various other ship Norfolk in 1873. Believing that mechanical equipment
volatile fluids, such as sulphuric ether, although in these would not be acceptable on board ship, Harrison’s system
early systems the fluid was exhausted to atmosphere, not used a stock of ice and salt to chill brine, which was trickled
recirculated. Black was one of Cullen’s medical pupils, and over pre-frozen meat wrapped in heavy waterproof canvas
succeeded him as professor of chemistry at Glasgow in sacking. This early marine venture failed, apparently
1755. Black’s experiments heating ‘magnesia alba’ (mag- because leaks from the brine circulation system contami-
nesium carbonate) led him to the discovery of carbon nated the cargo during the voyage. Harrison might have
dioxide, which he called ‘fixed air’. Further experiments been more successful if he had trusted his equipment; in
proved that this unusual gas was involved in many familiar 1876 Charles Tellier of France equipped an old British ship,
processes, including burning and breathing. Black correctly the Eboe, with three methyl ether compressors for the first
predicted that ‘fixed air’ would be present in small quantities transatlantic shipment of refrigerated meat. Renamed
in the atmosphere, although it was many years until the level ‘Frigorifique’ by Tellier, she sailed from Rouen to Buenos
of 0.03% was confirmed. Neither Cullen nor Black was Aires in 105 days with a small cargo of cattle and sheep
primarily interested in thermodynamics or refrigeration, and carcases, and returned with 25 ton of chilled beef. The
their ideas were not developed for nearly a century. following year Ferdinand Carre equipped the SS Paraguay
(Thévenot [13]). with a marine version of his absorption machine, for the
Oliver Evans of Delaware proposed a closed cycle for shipment of 150 ton of frozen beef from Marseilles to
refrigeration in 1805, although no such systems existed at Buenos Aires and returned to France with a further 80 ton,
that time, and this innovation did not progress until Evans’s all reportedly ‘edible’ when unloaded in Le Havre [13].
friend Jacob Perkins was granted British Patent number Carre’s method of brine chilling was initially popular for
6662 in 1834 in London for his ethyl ether machine. Perkins, ice-making installations on shore, and was the basis of
who was 68 by then, did not exploit his patent, and vapour Thomas Mort and Eugene Nicolle’s first proposals for the
compression did not progress until Alexander Twining, a shipment of meat to England from Darling Harbour, Sydney
professor at Yale, patented another ethyl ether-based system in the 1870s. However, although Nicolle had constructed
in the USA in 1850. Twining made several efforts to several successful absorption ice plants for warehouses in
commercialise his system, including an ice plant installed in the Sydney area, he fitted the SS Northam with an air cycle
1856 in Cleveland producing 2000 lb (909 kg) in 20 h, but system in 1876, after permission to use ammonia on board
he did not achieve long term success. At the same time, was refused. Unfortunately, owing to problems during the
James Harrison in Australia developed an ethyl ether based commissioning of the system, the Northam sailed for
vapour compression ice machine, probably in complete England without a cargo, and although the plant worked
ignorance of the work of Perkins and Twining. Harrison satisfactorily throughout the voyage, no meat was carried.
brought his system to London in 1856 to patent and develop Further misfortune followed, when the Northam was lost at
it, and gave several successful demonstrations to notable sea during the return voyage in 1877.
scientists of the day, including Michael Faraday and John Other practitioners also favoured the air cycle, which had
Tyndall (Gosney [1]). Although these early systems may been proposed in 1820 by Richard Trevithick, an employee
appear to be novelties, they were certainly not trivial. of J&E Hall in their pre-refrigeration era (Miller [8]), but
Twining’s Cleveland plant is said to have had a double which was not demonstrated in a commercial machine until
acting compressor with a 210 mm diameter piston and 25 years later. Dr John Gorrie, a Florida physician,
1142 A. Pearson / International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 1140–1148

constructed his ice plant using an air compressor in 1844, 4. System rationalisation—the dominance of vapour
prompted by the lack of ice for treatment of malaria patients compression
in his infirmary. Alexander Kirk, a Scottish oil engineer,
developed a much more effective air-cycle machine in 1862. A common trait of all types of early refrigeration
Unlike Gorrie’s ice maker, Kirk used a closed cycle based equipment was that the concepts outstripped the manufac-
on Rev Robert Stirling’s heat engine, and it is reported that turing capability of the day, and therefore progress was
the first machine ran continuously for ten years! Joseph erratic, because each new development was dependent upon
Coleman, one of Kirk’s colleagues, further developed this parallel innovation in related fields. For example, various
Stirling cycle machine, and in the mid 1870s corresponded compressors were proposed from 1820 onwards, but could
with Lord Kelvin of Glasgow University. Kelvin introduced not be commercialised until machining capability had
Coleman to Henry and James Bell, butchers in Glasgow. advanced sufficiently and suitable prime movers were
Together they developed the Bell–Coleman air cycle to suit available. Although the machines he developed in Australia
marine transport, and patented it in 1877. In 1879 they seemed to work well, James Harrison was severely critical
equipped the SS Circassian for the trans-atlantic run and the of the standards of workmanship at that time. Early vapour
SS Strathleven for the first successful shipment of frozen compression systems used a variety of naturally occurring
meat from Australia to England. These set the pattern for compounds, including ether, ammonia, carbon dioxide and
marine refrigeration systems for the next decade, although sulphur dioxide. Each had its own advantages and draw-
backs, and consequently rose and fell in popularity as
both ships were stripped of their refrigeration plant after
technical development opened up new possibilities.
only one voyage.
In vapour compression, ethyl ether systems were the first
Paul Giffard in France and Franz Windhausen [14] in
to be proposed, as early as 1834, perhaps because ether was
Germany produced refinements of the Gorrie air cycle
readily manufactured, already in use as a solvent and easy to
design in the 1870s and licenced their technology to
work with as it is liquid at room temperature and
companies on both sides of the Atlantic. J&E Hall of
atmospheric pressure. As ether is highly flammable and
Dartford, and Alfred Haslam of Derby took licences for air
required to operate below atmospheric pressure to create ice,
machines during the late 1870s and supplied the marine
these systems were never sufficiently safe or reliable to
market from 1881 onwards. With a licence from Giffard in achieve commercial success, although James Harrison
1878, J&E Hall’s young owner, 20 year old Everard Hesketh constructed the first marine system in 1855 in Australia
started a 10 year air compressor development programme and persevered with ether until his death in 1893.
which turned the company from a ‘languishing, out-of-date’ Carbon dioxide was the next to make a breakthrough,
engineering workshop into a leader in industrial refriger- through the work of Thaddeus Lowe in Texas. Lowe was a
ation technology. The Haslam Foundry and Engineering self-taught scientist with a passion for aeronautics, and was
Company also started their air compressor programme in responsible for founding the Union Army’s Observation
1878, and equipped their first meat carrier, SS Orient in Corps in 1861. Lowe’s compressor was developed in 1860
1881, followed by the sailing ship Mataura the following for filling military observation balloons with hydrogen, and
year. Fig. 1 shows a time-line of some refrigeration he served as an observer for the Unionists throughout the
developments. It is evident that, in the period 1845–1885, American Civil War. His compressor was adapted for CO2
there were eight major developments in the choice of in 1866 and then used for the manufacture of artificial ice.
refrigerant or system, but from 1885 to 1925 there were Lowe was some 20 years ahead of other developers of
none. The 40 years of continual effort must have been carbon dioxide systems, and it has therefore been suggested
prompted, fundamentally, by a deep-seated dissatisfaction that his systems made ‘dry-ice’ in an open system. However,
with the ‘state-of-the-art’. there is no doubt that his British Patent, number 952, of 1867
(Newton [9]) discloses a closed vapour compression cycle,
with compressor, condenser and evaporator. In 1869 he was
narrowly defeated by Henry Howard in the race to be the
first to ship frozen beef, by sea, from Texas to New Orleans,
supposedly because Lowe’s custom built refrigerated cargo
ship, the William Tabor, was too large to dock in New
Orleans harbour (Woolrich [15]). Unlike ether, carbon
dioxide was non-flammable, and essentially non-toxic, but
for a closed vapour compression cycle it required extremely
high pressures—much higher than those used in the steam
boiler plant of the day. This perhaps was the cause of the 20
year delay, letting ammonia and sulphur dioxide systems
become established first. Throughout the 1860s ammonia
Fig. 1. Timeline of refrigeration development. had been used in absorption systems, but in 1872, the first
A. Pearson / International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 1140–1148 1143

ammonia compressor was developed by David Boyle in improved by Everard Hesketh of J&E Hall who developed a
Texas, closely followed by Prof Carl von Linde’s machine compound compressor to improve efficiency of carbon
in Germany in 1876. In 1874 Raoul Pictet produced a dioxide systems in 1889. Over the next 6 years Halls
system in Switzerland based on a sulphur dioxide installed over 400 such systems, mainly on ships, although a
compressor, and a few years later, in 1878, methyl chloride few were for dockside cold stores. Space requirements were
systems were also developed. obviously important on ships, but less so on land; and the
Thus the five main refrigerants of the 19th century, ether, same could be said for safety. A plant explosion or a major
carbon dioxide, ammonia, sulphur dioxide and methyl leak of toxic gas could cause a ship to go down with all
chloride were introduced over a 25 years period and vied hands. Although there were several disasters on shore with
with each other and with alternative technologies to ammonia plant, most notably the fire in the Columbian
dominate the market. It is evident that ease of use was a exhibit at the World’s Fair in Chicago in 1893, which caused
prime factor in system selection, followed to a lesser extent 17 deaths, owners and designers of plant were rather more
by reliability, space required, installation cost, efficiency relaxed about safety. Thus land and marine designs
and safety. All the systems in use were to some extent diverged. Ammonia compressors were typically larger, but
hazardous, either because the refrigerant was highly being a lower pressure design could be built quite cheaply.
flammable (various ethers, naphtha, chemogene, methyl They were generally reliable, and were kept substantially
chloride), or noxious (ethers, ammonia, sulphur dioxide) or leak-tight, owing to the nasty smell of ammonia. Carbon
required high-pressure equipment (carbon dioxide). dioxide compressors were much smaller, but of a heavy
Development tended to progress where there was a strong construction to contain the pressures of 50 or 60 bar
commercial demand for refrigeration, and the local balance required. In some cases pressures were even higher,
of selection factors meant that different systems gained permitting supercritical operation. Usually the high pressure
popularity in different markets. Absorption was popular in was limited to a heavy walled cylinder, and the crankcase
early ice plant because it was simple and relatively easy to was open, with shaft seals on the piston rod, rather than the
construct, requiring no compressor and no prime mover— modern, sealed crankcase designs The driver, still usually a
usually a steam engine in the nineteenth century. It lost steam engine, was much larger than the compressor.
popularity because it was unreliable, possibly because
systems were relatively large and because they operated
intermittently, not continuously. Air cycle, like absorption, 5. Impediments to progress
was relatively simple and found favour for early marine
installations because the plant was relatively compact. In It took about a century for refrigeration to progress from
systems based on Gorrie’s design there was no need for a a laboratory curiosity of no commercial value to the basis of
complex and messy brine system as the air could be used in a fledgling industry, and a further 50 years to grow this new
open systems, drawing from the hold, compressing, cooling industry into a thriving market. The slow progress is simply
and expanding back into the refrigerated space. The explained by a complete lack of appreciation of the
disadvantage of snow forming in the suction was to an commercial possibilities for artificial cooling. However,
extent overcome by using suction superheaters and even when the new technology clearly and easily met a
improved valve designs. Ether was first choice in vapour need, there were still barriers to be overcome. John Gorrie
compression because it exists as a liquid at room was a well-respected figure in his local community and had
temperature, but this means that to chill brine or produce been mayor of his hometown, Apalachicola, in 1836. When
ice the suction pressure is sub-atmospheric. This required he built his artificial ice maker in 1844 he was afraid of
relatively large compressors and led to unreliability, adverse comment from the local church leaders, so he did
including the risk of explosions. not publish his remarkable feat. Writing under the pen-name
By the 1880s the capacity required of installations on ‘Jenner’ he predicted in the local press that it might be
land made efficiency a more important factor in system possible to make ice in such a manner. The New York Globe
selection. Air cycles required 8–10 times the coal required duly reported that ‘there is a crank, down in Apalachicola,
of an ammonia plant, and absorption systems required 60% Florida, that thinks he can make ice by his machine as good
more fuel. In addition, most systems were cooled by river as God Almighty.’ Dr Gorrie did not attempt to
water, and the absorption system was reckoned to require commercialise his invention until 1851 when his US patent
two and a half to three times more water than an ammonia was published (Thévenot [13]).
compression plant. Ammonia was still not preferred at sea, Patents could also act as impediments to progress, as
because the noxious smell posed a major hazard in the event competitors tried to establish themselves in new markets.
of a leak below decks. For small systems air continued to be J&E Hall and the Haslam company were both embroiled in
used, and carbon dioxide compressors improved sufficiently legal actions instigated by Bell and Coleman over a patented
to make them the preferred choice for larger systems. Franz method of removing moisture from suction gas in air
Windhausen patented an improved carbon dioxide com- compressors. The dispute was only resolved when Haslam
pressor in 1886 and this design was licensed and further purchased the patent rights from Bell and Coleman, and
1144 A. Pearson / International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 1140–1148

Everard Hesketh of Halls designed an alternative moisture 6. The decline and fall of carbon dioxide
separator (Miller [8]). Both the technical and the
commercial considerations in this type of dispute must Carbon dioxide gained favour as a refrigerant for the
have acted as a major distraction from the development and marine market in the 1880s because it was substantially
testing of these new systems. Much innovative engineering more efficient than the open-circuit air cycle systems used
may have been ‘wasted’ in circumventing existing patent up until then, and it was also more reliable. Raydt’s 1884
restrictions rather than developing new concepts. British Patent (number 15,475 in the name of H Lake [5])
Lack of commercial ability may also have restricted and Windhausen’s of 1886 (number 2864 [14]) list several
progress in artificial cooling, as many of the innovators were advantages of ‘liquid carbonic acid’, including being
unschooled mechanics from a rural background or pro- ‘already much cheaper than nearly all chemicals used as
fessionals from medicine, academia, publishing, and even yet in ice-machines’, and being ‘a much more intense
theology. Dr Gorrie was unfortunate because when he vehicle of cold than the gases heretofore used’. It was also
finally agreed to develop his icemaker, his principal backer, stated that ‘cold, of almost any low degree, can be
a Boston businessman died within a few months. The project produced’, and ‘in case of leakage, no more or less
never recovered, and Gorrie himself died a few years later in unpleasant gases which are deleterious to health enter the
1855. It is notable that David Boyle, producer of the first work-room’. Contemporary accounts of the trials of these
ammonia compressor only produced 20 compressors a year early carbon dioxide systems report ‘unparalleled’ quality
and went out of business after 10 years. The company levels for cargoes, together with coal consumption only one-
formed by Prof Linde 4 years after Boyle’s produced over fifth that required for an equivalent size of air cycle
750 compressors for breweries alone in the first 15 years of machine. Open air systems relied on fans to circulate air
its existence (Hård [2]), and it is still a major player in the around the hold and this could lead to warm spots within the
refrigeration and process gas markets worldwide nearly 130 cargo, but the carbon dioxide system used brine grids on the
years later. However, for every success, including Frick, walls to provide exceptionally even temperatures through-
out. Although more expensive to construct, the system was
Vilter, York, Sabroe, Halls and Sulzer, there were many
cheaper to run, and quickly dominated the marine market.
more who failed to survive.
However, this ascendancy was restricted to marine systems,
Lack of appropriate machines, materials and manufac-
where ammonia was generally not acceptable. For land-
turing techniques was another brake on progress. In some
based systems an ammonia plant for brine chilling or ice
cases, developments in related fields such as the construc-
making could be constructed more cheaply but run more
tion of steam engines and internal combustion engines
efficiently. Prime movers were usually steam engines, so
provided the technical insight required to move refrigeration
low efficiency translated into high coal consumption, which
technology forwards. Thaddeus Lowe seems to have been
was immediately evident to plant owners. At this time heat
successful in manufacturing ice with a closed cycle carbon
rejection was usually to sea water or river water, so in
dioxide circuit in 1867, but he neither developed the system
temperate climates like Britain and the northern parts of the
further, nor licensed his technology to others, perhaps USA it was possible to run carbon dioxide systems sub-
because the pressures required were too great for the critical in a traditional Rankine cycle. Water usage,
available machinery. Fifteen years later carbon dioxide was however, was as apparent as coal usage, and the introduction
‘rediscovered’ by Raydt (1881), Linde (1882) and Wind- of atmospheric condensers by the De La Vergne company
hausen (1886). The development work of J&E Hall, using a and L Sterne&Company in the 1880s was quickly followed
Windhausen machine as the basis, finally established carbon by many other ammonia installers. This development, a
dioxide as a viable technology from 1887 onwards. large, open-air pipe grid sprayed with water, acted as a
Sometimes new techniques had to be developed for the natural circulation evaporative condenser. It greatly reduced
burgeoning refrigeration industry, for example the electric water consumption and allowed plants to be built further
welding of brine pipes, which was pioneered by J&E Hall in away from river or lake water. Condensing temperatures
1890 for their carbon dioxide installation on SS Highland tended to be a bit higher, and either ruled out carbon dioxide
Chief. completely, or made it much less efficient, as the latent heat
Lack of scientific data must also have been a handicap. available close to the critical point reduced significantly.
Given the lack of understanding of thermodynamics and the Ships continued to use carbon dioxide because it was safer,
lack of physical information, it is remarkable that any and provided the sea water temperature was below 20 8C it
progress at all was made. This is a tribute to the powers of was reasonably effective, but even proponents of the carbon
observation and meticulous experimental practices of these dioxide systems had to introduce ammonia plant to their
early pioneers, who designed and constructed working product range. By 1910 J&E Hall had been established as
systems without any hard information on refrigerant the pre-eminent marine refrigeration builder in the world for
properties. The full thermo-physical properties of carbon 20 years, but felt compelled to introduce a range of ammonia
dioxide were not in fact issued until Rudolf Plank’s tables compressors to satisfy the home market for cold storage,
were published in 1929. brewing, ice making and skating rinks.
A. Pearson / International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 1140–1148 1145

As the 20th century progressed and manufacturing appear that, in Tellier’s time, cascade systems were deemed
standards improved, ammonia’s safety record also began to be too complex, and plants were not required to operate at
to improve. Pressure relief valves for ammonia plant were the low temperatures now demanded of industrial freezers.
introduced in the New York city safety code in 1915, and By the 1930s when Kitzmiller designed Frick’s ‘split-stage’
other authorities quickly followed suit. Improved welding, system, the lower temperatures were necessary, but most
the use of electric motors instead of steam engines and the operators seemed to be willing to accept the hazards
introduction of smaller, faster running compressors all made associated with running a large ammonia plant, so there was
ammonia more feasible for carbon dioxide’s traditional core no need to go to the extra expense of installing a cascade
market on board ship. Several innovations attempted to stem heat exchanger.
the tide. The Haslam company patented a novel economiser Neither Haslam’s economiser, nor Frick’s cascade was
system for carbon dioxide reciprocating compressors in able to reverse the movement away from carbon dioxide in
1923 [3] in an attempt to match the efficiency of ammonia industrial systems. Even at sea, ammonia plant was
systems as condensing temperatures tended towards the preferred for its higher efficiency under tropical conditions.
critical point (Fig. 2). From 1930 until the 1950s industrial refrigeration did not
In 1932 the Frick Company, in response to ongoing really see any startling developments. The major thrust of
safety concerns about large ammonia charges, started refrigeration research was the proliferation of refrigerators
installing a hybrid system which used carbon dioxide for for the domestic and light commercial market. New
the low temperature stage, with a much smaller ammonia synthetic refrigerants—the chlorofluorocarbons—had been
plant providing the necessary refrigeration to condense the produced as a result of a specific, market-driven research
carbon dioxide at moderate temperatures and pressures [4]. program led by General Motors and DuPont. The major
What Frick called the ‘split-stage’ system, shown in Fig. 3 battle for technical supremacy was between GM’s vapour
was identical in principle to the modern carbon dioxide/ compression refrigerators and Electrolux’s absorption
ammonia cascade systems which have been reported over systems, and the weight of research funding behind GM’s
the last 10 years or so. Even in 1932, however, this concept program won the day conclusively. Having produced the
was already 65 years old, having been first proposed by fluids, it was then necessary to develop suitable compres-
Tellier in 1867 [12], as a method of casting calcium sors, condensers, controls and evaporators to exploit CFC’s
carbonate replicas of lifesized marble statues. It would potential to the full. Small hermetic compressors for

Fig. 2. Haslam’s Patent liquid pre-cooler.

1146 A. Pearson / International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 1140–1148

Fig. 3. Frick’s ‘split-stage’ ammonia/carbon dioxide system.

refrigerators and air-conditioners provided the means to cheap electricity had shifted the emphasis in plant design
achieve this, and once they were established the focus well away from efficiency by this time, and it could be
returned to the industrial sector. First R12, then R22, then argued that it has not yet returned.
R502 were introduced to industrial systems over the period
from 1950 to 1970, almost completely supplanting carbon
dioxide in the marine market, and seriously threatening 7. Reappraisal
ammonia in the land market. Here was a family of chemicals
able to provide the efficiency and flexibility of ammonia The rapid decline of CFC systems in the late 20th
with the safety and reliability of carbon dioxide. In parallel, century has resulted in a tremendous increase in refriger-
new compressors running at previously unknown speeds of ation research, as ‘new’ alternatives are sought. This search
up to 600, 800 and even 1000 rpm were developed, making has included a return to some old techniques including
plants smaller, lighter, cheaper and easier to maintain— ammonia and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide was identified
although not necessarily more efficient. The proliferation of as a practicable option for various refrigeration cycles in

Fig. 4. Presentations about CO2 at IIR conferences and congresses.

A. Pearson / International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 1140–1148 1147

several areas almost simultaneously. In 1990 Prof Gustav investigation of trans-critical systems, heat exchanger
Lorentzen published a patent application for a trans-critical design and oil separator design. Related topics have
carbon dioxide system for automotive air-conditioning [6]. included the physiology of carbon dioxide and the effects
In 1991 Dr Forbes Pearson submitted patents in Britain, of water in CO2 systems. These presentations have been
France, Germany and the USA on the use of carbon dioxide extremely useful in generating a rapid field development,
as a volatile secondary refrigerant, including a novel hot gas but they have been of a pragmatic, practical nature, and in
defrost system [10]. At much the same time, Stal AB general they have not been written up for presentation in a
developed the use of carbon dioxide as a volatile secondary more formal academic context. During this time several
refrigerant in supermarket systems for the Swedish market, industrial carbon dioxide systems have been commissioned,
and the Liquid Carbonic Corporation published patents in and site visits have been conducted for c-dig by members.
Spain and the USA covering a configuration similar to the These have included a visit to a Swiss ice rink in Bern,
Frick ‘split-stage’ system of 1932, applied to spiral freezers. converted by W Wettstein AG from ammonia to carbon
This seems like a rapid rediscovery, but most of the research dioxide, a visit to the coffee freeze drying plant installed by
effort applied to this topic to date has in fact been in the Star Refrigeration for Nestle at Hayes, and visits to various
commercial, air conditioning, automotive and heat pump Dutch installations by York and Bort de Graaf. Meetings
markets. Until recently, the industrial sector, which was the have also been held at the laboratories of DTI in Aarhus,
only market for carbon dioxide systems in the 19th century, Denmark, TNO in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, TU-
has been somewhat neglected. In 1994 Prof Lorentzen Dresden and ACRC in Urbana-Champaign. At the same
inaugurated the series of IIR conferences which now bear time, other companies, mainly also in Europe, have also
his name, on ‘New Applications of Natural Working Fluids been applying carbon dioxide to industrial systems. These
in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning’. Fig. 4 shows the experiences have shown carbon dioxide to be eminently
number of CO2 papers presented at these conferences and at suited to the requirements of modern industrial systems,
the IIR’s Congresses since then. The figures above each whether used as the low temperature fluid in a cascade
column are the percentage of the total number of papers at system, as an evaporating secondary refrigerant or as the
that conference that were related to carbon dioxide. refrigerant in a transcritical plant.
Lorentzen’s address to the first conference was also
summarised in an article in the International Journal of
Refrigeration [7] which covered all major sectors of the 8. Future possibilities
refrigeration market.
It can be seen that, within the Gustav Lorentzen The limiting factor for most carbon dioxide systems is
conferences from 1994 to 2004 the number of papers on currently pressure. This does not appear to be a long-term
carbon dioxide in one form or another has risen from six to impediment, and compressors, pumps, valves and controls
50, and the proportion of the total conference has risen from are already on the market suited to operation at 40 bar g.
7 to 48%. Likewise at the Congress in the Hague in 1995 This is sufficient for cascade operation with an intermediate
there was only one paper on carbon dioxide out of four temperature of about 0 8C, but it is not quite high enough to
hundred, but in Sydney in 1999 there were 16 (3.5%). In enable an effective hot gas defrost to be engineered. The key
Washington, DC in 2003 there were 31 papers (7.2%). development required in the near future for industrial
However, although this increase is dramatic, it has been systems is therefore compressors capable of operation at
concentrated on the commercial and air conditioning 50 bar g. for cascades, or 100 bar g. for trans-critical
markets. From all these conferences there are only 10 systems. The latter have not yet been applied to industrial
papers specifically on industrial topics out of nearly 200 on applications, but this may follow, provided compressors are
carbon dioxide. available, and appropriate control devices can be devised.
In response to this lack of development in the industrial These systems will be particularly appropriate where there
field a group of European contractors, end-users, academics is a need for high-grade heat recovery. The use of
and manufacturers formed an ‘interest group’—a forum for economised circuits will also gain importance as cascade
the exchange of ideas, experiences and needs. The carbon system intermediate pressures increase since the percentage
dioxide interest group (c-dig) met for the first time in benefit of economising increases as the critical temperature
Switzerland in July 2000 with nine organisations rep- is approached. These developments in the industrial field
resented. Initially the group was structured to avoid need not only apply to very large systems. As compressor
commercial conflict, but it quickly became apparent that development continues and smaller machines become
information should be disseminated as widely as possible to available, it will be possible to engineer packaged cascade
encourage installations in as many countries and market plant comprising a semihermetic carbon dioxide compressor
segments as possible. To date the group has met on 12 of, say 50 kW capacity with a suitable ammonia or propane
occasions, and is now structured on more formal lines. compressor, perhaps also semihermetic, using brazed plate,
Topics investigated have included the testing of compres- plate and shell or microchannel heat exchangers to give a
sors and lubricants, evaluation of cascade performance, low charge, virtually leak-proof, compact installation using
1148 A. Pearson / International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2005) 1140–1148

only ‘natural’ refrigerants. The system could be arranged to References

provide reverse cycle defrosting of low temperature CO2
evaporators, making it eminently suitable for small freezers [1] W. Gosney, James Harrison and the birth of mechanical
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should be at least as good as for economised single-stage [2] M. Hård, Machines are frozen spirit, Campus Verlag,
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this size, and capital cost will depend primarily on the unit [3] A.S. Haslam, Improvements in compression refrigerating
cost of the components. This, in turn, will be primarily apparatus, British Patent No. 165929; 1921.
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9. Conclusion
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[7] G. Lorentzen, Revival of carbon dioxide as a refrigerant, Int J
Carbon dioxide system development was driven in the
Refrigeration 17 (1994) 292–300.
19th century by the shortcomings of the alternatives; air [8] H. Miller, Halls of Dartford 1785–1985, Hutchinson Benham,
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lack of knowledge, lack of commercial awareness, lack of [9] W. Newton, Refrigerating, British Patent No. 952, London;
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brine for the ice-maker. In the 21st century it is no longer Refrigeration Centenary conference, Inst Ref London; 1999.
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However, many of the drivers for development—short- 277–279.
comings in the alternatives—have come to the fore again. [13] R. Thévenot, A History of Refrigeration, IIF/IIR, Paris; 1979.
This time round, manufacturing is easily able to cope with [14] F. Windhausen, Improvements in apparatus for refrigerating
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[15] W.R. Woolrich, The men who created cold: a history of
backed by appropriate international codes and legislation
refrigeration, Exposition Press, New York, 1967.
will help to make carbon dioxide a preferred choice for
industrial systems in the near future.

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