Drug Study Format Oxytocin

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Contraindications Effects

Generic Name: Classifications Indications:  Rash, itching or Caution should be used in  Monitor frequency,
Oxytocin  Oxytocic Postpartum: To produce hives on the skin. patients with coronary duration, strength of
 Hormone uterine contractions during  Swelling of the disease and hypertension due contractions.
the third stage of labor and face, lips, tongue, to the effect of causing  Monitor for signs of
to control postpartum throat, or other arterial contraction, which uterine rupture, which
bleeding or hemorrhage. parts of the body. could raise blood pressure or include FHR
Trade/ Brand Name:  Headache compromise coronary blood decelerations, sudden
Syntocinon  Shortness of breath flow, or in patients who have increased pain, and
 Nausea had previous cesarean births loss of uterine
 Chest pain because of the effects on contractions,
uterine contraction, which hemorrhage, and
 Flushing of the
Dosage: Actions: Contraindications: could compromise scars rapidly developing
10 units/mL in 1 ampule Stimulates the uterus Contraindicated with from previous procedures. hypovolemic shock.
especially the gravid uterus significant cephalopelvic  Maintain careful I&0;
Adverse Effects:
just before parturition, and disproportion, unfavorable Caution should be used in Be alert to potential
 Fetal bradycardia
causes myoepithilium of fetal positions or hepatic or renal impairment, water intoxication
 Neonatal jaundice
Route: the lacteal glands to presentations, obstetric which could alter the  Check for blood loss.
Intramuscular emergencies that favor  Low Apgar scores metabolism or excretion of
contract, which results in  Report changes in
milk ejection in lactating surgical intervention, the drug. vital signs and FHR,
women. prolonged use in severe specifically late
toxemia, uterine inertia, decelerations and any
Frequency and Timing: hypertonic uterine patterns, vaginal bleeding.
1-2 milliunits/min at 30-60 induction or augmentation
min intervals. of labor when vaginal
delivery is contraindicated,
previous cesarean section

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