Food and Physical Activity Log

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Technological Institute of the Philippines

Quezon City
Physical Education Department

Food and Physical Activity Log

Name: Ernest Matthieu A. Goria Instructor Gilbert B. Dates: FEB 1 TO FEB 4

: Ocampo

Food Log
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Pares & Pares & Pares &

Breakfast Pandesal
Rice Rice Rice

Rice Egg Rice Rice
Lunch Fried
Hotdog Adobo Porkchop

Rice Fried Rice Rice Rice

Chicken Adobo Porkchop Longanisa

Others Pizza Roll Kariman Pizza Roll Pizza Roll

Physical Activity Log

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
RHR 108 110 110 105 115
HR after 180 200 170 170 180
Total duration of
physical activity per 120 120 10 120 120
day (minutes)

Lifting new
Physical Activity BIKING BIKING home Biking Biking

Pedometer Total Number of Steps: 8181

1230 1589 1877 1672 1813

T.I.P. QC – P.E. Dept.

Technological Institute of the Philippines
Quezon City
Physical Education Department

Reflection / Insights


Well my usual day of physical activity are biking. I love biking, I biked every morning from
Montalban Rizal to San Mateo Rizal whenever I’m free which is usually takes two hours. I do this
every afternoon when my class is done. Last Thursday, I was helping my family heft a new fridge
from first to third floor. Which is tiring because the stair upward is steep. In Food Log, I usually eat
what’s in the table because we can’t be choosy sometimes. Adobo, porkchop, fried chicken,
basically meat. I don’t find the food not healthy, what is not healthy is not eating at appropriate

T.I.P. QC – P.E. Dept.

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