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Advantages of online study

Flexibility: distance education allows access to classes whenever and wherever you
want. The schedule is flexible so the student can create a personal study plan with their
needs in mind. There’s no need to give up anything because of a lack of time.
Commodity: there’s no need to commute in vain. The student can create a cozy place
in their homes to concentrate. There’s no need for a classroom anymore. It’s in our
hands to recreate the appropriate atmosphere to study in peace and without
Customized learning experience: Most of the time, the lessons are taught in small
groups and on an individual level. This method, more and more popular every day,
allows the teacher to get to know the virtues and faults of their students and make the
most out of the classes. This is a way for the students to set their learning pace and find
a space to interact openly and freely with the tutor.
A wide selection of courses: online learning platforms offer a wide and diverse number
of courses. From university to high school, there's a course for everyone. Students can
even get a degree without stepping foot on a university campus. Online education also
counts with very diverse and useful methodologies to meet the needs of every kind of
Access to didactic material from anyplace anytime: the didactic resources of the lessons
are available from whenever and wherever you want. The digital format allows access
to them whenever its necessary.
Time and cost-effective: in traditional education, the student must be present in the
classroom for every lesson. So they need to commute from one place to the other and
that is time and cost consuming. In online education, these expenses disappear and
there’s no need to waste resources.

Disadvantages of online study

A need for compromise, motivation, and self-discipline: there are students that without a
predetermined structure have a hard time finding time to study. Self-discipline can be
taught, but some students already possess it naturally. Online study demands a
compromise with the tasks.
A need for technological equipment and a good internet connection: it’s not enough to
have a notebook and a pencil case at your disposal. The equipment you need is a
computer with a webcam, headphones (optimal) and, a good internet connection. If you
don't have one of these, you will have to acquire it.
Hard to use in some academic fields: not all disciplines can be taught online. A few
subjects, mostly the ones that require practice, are better in person. However, there’s a
way to combine both to achieve an optimal result.
More stimuli capable of distractions: this can happen if the chosen place to study is not
adequate. The education is in the hands of the student and as a result, it’s vitally
important to have a proper space far from any potential distraction. The virtual
environment is not enough to maintain the full concentration of the student.

Advantages of traditional education

The feeling of sociability and solidarity: traditional education sometimes makes the
student feel less lonely. The student might feel like they are not facing academic
challenges alone and can even build more confidence.
Ability to work in groups: traditional education, in general, allows for group projects and
student interaction. As a result, they can learn from each other and share doubts and
concerns. These social ties can help to come up with new ideas and stimulate creativity.
Gives a stable and solid plan: students who lack self-discipline value a study plan that
offers stability and is easy to follow. Traditional education forces the student to attend
the lessons and to study when required.

Disadvantages of traditional education

Schedule stiffness: There’s no flexibility to create a personal calendar in order to
combine studies and personal or work life.
Higher costs not only of money but also of time: as previously mentioned, commuting
demands an economic expense. And If the classroom is far, time is also a factor to take
into account. You have to decide whether the trip is worth it or not.
Loss of individualization in a large group of students: it’s hard for a teacher to have a
customized study plan fit to the needs of each individual in the group.
Less and more expensive didactic material available: traditional education is more
limited when it comes to educational formats. Sometimes pictures, videos or forums
aren’t accessible 24/7. This feature might limit the learning and hinder a good study

Online education Traditional education

Flexible pace Imposed pace
Alone Together with your colleagues
Supports an independent learning style Learning from and with each other

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