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(A Case Study of Seventh Grade of SMP 1 Panjalu)

1) Background Of The Study

Indonesia is one developing countries which asserts that English at the

first foreign language which most be learned at school because it is important for

the adoption and development of science, technology, and culture. English is

foreign language and the first international language. So it is important to learn.

To be able both to understand and to speak in it, we must be familiar with the way

in which words, phrases, and sentence are constructed in English.

Learning English without learning tenses because the basic factor to gain

success in learning English is grammar mastery, especially in tenses; grammar in

most difficult for students in learning English because there are many particular

regulations used in each tense such as verb regulation, time signals, and also the

various meaning of each tense. The students need a clear explanation in

understanding. It is a demand for the English teachers to find out an efficient

method in teaching.

That is to say that the grammatical conventions of written English is for

the most part by product op pupils general linguistic development in the

secondary school and teaching such conventions must go had in which other

activities in English (Smedley, 1983 : 114) English grammar is a important

subject to be taught to the learners because of its advantages. Kay (1985. XI-XII)
states that based on belief that the primary purpose of instruction is to help our

students practice grammar patterns, it is important to remember that such

introduction is only means towards helping out students gain competence and

confidence in the language.

2) Research Problems

In this research, the writer puts toward a problem, which must be proved

by observation. She states the problem as follows :

a. what do the students difficulties of making sentences in simple past tense?

b. Why do the students have difficulties of making sentences in simple past


c. What do the solution to the students difficulties of making sentences in

simple past tense?

3) Research Objectives

It is important to make the statements of the problem before one carries

out the research. According to the title, the writer formulate the problem follows :

Is there any significant difference between students` difficulties of making

sentences in simple past tense.

4) Significances

The writer thinks the research will be beneficial for the following : ]
1. This study could give some contributions as a guide for the

teachers of using simple past tense.

2. This study could give some contributions as a guide for the

teachers and the learners in overcoming the problems of using simple

past tense in their teaching-learning activity.

3. To motivate the teacher in preparing teaching media which is

suitable subject more pleasing and easier to understanding.

4. This study could help the teacher in teaching simple past tense to

archive the better goal.

5) Research Design

The observation was carried out to students difficulties of making sentence

in simple past tense. Learners of the seven grade students of SMP 1 Panjalu. The

data were collected by means of writing test. The copies of the writing test were

distributed to the seven grade students of SMP 1 Panjalu.

The method of collecting data was considered to do the most practical one,

although in fact the writer had to work had and obtained the requires data in

relatively longtime, so that were easier to analyze. The writing test considered of

10 items, the writer grade the writing test then she analyzed the students` answer

and she counted the students answer.

6) Research Instrument

In this research the writer uses the result of the simple past tense test,

namely pre-test at the instruments of study. Pre-test is given before the treatment.

7) Population and Sample

Population is an entire group of population subject or event that all have at

least one characteristic in common and most be defined specifically an

unambiguously : (Burns, 2000 : 62). Population of the research in the seven grade

students` of SMP 1 Panjalu.

A sample is any part of a population regardless of whether it is

representative or not (Burns, 2000 : 63). In this research the writer takes the seven

grade students of SMP 1 Panjalu academic year 2008/2009 consisting of is

students as a the total sampling.

8) Data Collection Technique

There are some technique in collecting data as follows :

a. literature and some document study, namely by reading and studying the

books, newspaper that related to the topic.

b. Collecting data by using test.

c. Direct observation namely by exploring and observing the activities of

society directly.
9) Data analysis technique

The analysis of data obtained from the students` writing test. The data

would be analyzed one by one from the students` writing test. It is the students

problem in mastering English simple past tense

10) Research Method

In reality, there are several methods which can be applied but in accordance

with the title and the objective of this study, the writer carried out the

investigation by using case and quantitative method.

11) Review of Related Literature

Grammar in simplest logical way of learning to reconstruct a foreign

language. For most students and teachers it seems artificial and often difficult to

understand, but it usually provides a short cut to knowledge which other wise

can be obtained only by the long and tedious process of repetition over extended

period of time.

Brown (1994:362) say the grammar is a system of rules governing the

conventional arrangement and relationship of words in a sentence. It means that

grammar is rules of combining words to make a sentence.

There are many kinds of tenses, namely : simple present tense, present

continuous tense, present perfect continuous tense, simple past tense, past

continuous tense, simple future tense, future continuous tense, future perfect

So the writer took simple past tense which is a basic structure. So must be

teaching in the beginning of the lessons English. In order, students have good

basic to learn other.

The simple tense expresses action that happened at in specified time in the


(+) S + V2 + O
(–) S + didn’t + V1O
(?) did +S + V1 + O

For example :

(+) I went to school with my friend yesterday.

(–) I didn’t go to school with my friend yesterday.

(?) did I go to school with my friend yesterday.

The past of Be (am/is/are) is was / were:

I / he /she /it was / wasn’t Was I / he /she /it ?

We / you / they were /weren’t Were We / you / they

Note that we do not use did in negatives and question with was / were :

 I was angry because they were late.

 Was the weather good when you were on holiday?

 They weren’t able to come because they were so busy.

 Did you got out last night or were you too tired?
Research Instrument (1)
Writing Test

Student’s code :
Class :
Date :

A. Read what Muty says about a typical working day:

I usually get up at 7 o’clock and have big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes

me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5

o’clock. I’ am always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening.

I don’t usually go out I go to bed at about 10 o’clock.

Yesterday was a typical day for Muty. Write what she did or didn’t do yesterday

1. She got up at 7 o’clock. 7. … at 5 o’clock.

2. She …a big breakfast. 8. … tried when ….home.

3. She … 9. … a meal yesterday evening.

4. It …to get to work. 10. … out yesterday evening.

5. … at 8.45. 11. …at 10 o’clock.

6. … lunch. 12. … well last night.

B. Change these sentence below into simple past tense correctly.

1. The mother washes the clothes in the bathroom.

2. I go to school with my friend yesterday.

3. Father drinks a cup of coffee last week.


4. I work in the bank everyday.


5. She go to Bandung tomorrow.


- Arikunto, Suharsimi, 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Satu Pendekatan Praktik.

Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.

- Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Teaching by principle (An Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy). New Jersey . Prentice hall.

- Depdiknas. 2004. Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP kurikulum 2004.

Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

- Bruns, Robert. 2000. Introduce to Research Method. Sydney: Longer.



(A Case Study of Seventh Grade of SMP 1 Panjalu)

A proposal






(A Pre-Experimental Study at the Second Grade of SMPN 5 Padaherang)


An Assignment of Research Project Design

Proposed By :

NIM : 2109050032




(A Case Study at Eighth Grade of SMPN Sukahening Tasikmalaya)

A. Background of The Study

English is an international language that is necessary for everyone to learn,

particularly the students. In English there are four language skills that must be

mastered by students, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing

has important role for teaching other skills are speaking, listening, and reading.

Most students, in fact, apparently do not enjoy writing,, partly because of

the nature of the task and partly because, outside of school, it has little value for

them as a form of social interaction, although in most cultures the ability to write

is an achievement. It is basically due to the fact that English as a language is used

to communicate and therefore most English teacher give priority to teaching the

active type of language skills, such as speaking and listening. As a result, their

students experience in their exposure to written English is still very limited

vocabulary and experience, most of the students have difficulties in writing.

The act of writing can be difficult to carry out. Writing is essentially a

solitary activity and in fact it requires students to write on their own without the

possibility of interaction or the benefit of the feedback. Although the students

have been given a certain topic to write, most English teacher found their students

get some difficulties in writing.

Based on statement above, the writer is interested to investigate whether

using narrative text to know students errors in writing narrative text.

B. Problem limitation

The writer will focus her study on the use of narrative text. The writer has

to limit this research to make it very easy to work out.

The limitation are as follows :

1. Students’ difficulties of writing narrative text.

2. Students’ writing ability of narrative text.

C. Research Question

Dealing with the problem stated above, the writer makes a prediction of

the problem in the form of three question as follows :

1. What are the students difficulties of writing narrative text ?

2. How to improve the students writing abilities?

3. Why do the students have difficulties of writing narrative text?

D. Research Objectives

The writer conduct the research to achieve the following objectives :

1. Broadening the writer’s knowledge and experience about


Technique in teaching students to write in English.

2. Improving students writing ability and

3. Introducing procedures of writing narrative text as first step of


for students to write well.

E. Research Method

In conducting her research the writer will use case study method. A key

strength of the case study method involve using multiple sources and technique in

the data gathering process. The writer determiners in advance what evidence to

gather and what analysis technique to use with the data to answer the research

questions. Tolls to collect can include surveys, delivering questionnaire,

documentation review, observation, and even the collection of physical artifacts.

According to Robert K. Yin (2002) the case study are complex because

the generally involve multiple sources of the data, may include multiple cases

within a study, and produce large amounts of the data for analysis. The advantage

of the case study method are its applicability through written reports. Case study

result relate directly to the common reader everyday experience and facilitate and

understanding of complex real-life situations.

F. Benefits of The Study

Having analyzed the problem, the writer would like to list some what which

many be benefits of her research as follows:

 For the writer

Through this research is expected to increase her knowledge of the

effectiveness of writing narrative in teaching. So if the writer become on

English teacher, she or he can improve her / his students’ ability in


 For the learner

- It will help learners to improve their writing mastery

- To give motivation to the learners to practice their English step by


 For the teacher

It will help the teacher to fined out the good way in improving students

ability in writing.

G. Research Procedure

The writer follows the following procedures in collecting data of his research.

1. Asking permission to the headmaster of SMPN 1 Sukahening.

2. Administering test to the group.

3. Implementation of teaching writing by used narrative text.

4. Making conclusion about research

H. Research Instrument

The instrument will be used is the result test through writing skills of the


I. Population and Sample

A population is an entire group of people, subject, or events which all

have least one characteristic in common and must be defined specially and

unambiguously. “Burns (2000 : 83). In this study, the writer will conduct the

research of SMPN 1 Sukahening in academic year 2008/2009. She will take the

whole of students at SMPN Sukahening as a population.

A sample is any parting of population, which is representing in the whole

“(Arikunto, 2002 : 109)”. She will the takes 20 students at the eighth grade of

SMPN Sukahening Tasikmalaya.

J. Clarification of The Term

1. Students :

Any person who studies, person who is studying any colleague or a

university (Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary, 1995 : 412).

The students in this research means they are students at the eight grade of

SMPN 1 Sukahening Tasikmalaya.

2. Errors :

Mistakes : the accident was due to human (Oxford Learners Pocket

Dictionary, 1995 : 145).

In this study, means students errors in writing narrative text.

3. Writing :

Writing : activity of a writing books, article, etc in general (Oxford Learners

Pocket Dictionary, 1995 : 502).

In this study, means to express our idea mastery trough writing.

4. Narrative Text :

Narrative text is to entertain the reader with a story that deals with

complications or problematic events which lead to a crisis and turnn finds a

resolution. (Look Ahead, 2007 : 154).

K. Data Collecting Method

Before writing the research report, to support the investigation, the writer

collect data needed that related with the topic. The writer uses one technique for

collecting data through giving the test to the students.

L. Review of literature

a. Definition of writing

In order to a clear information about writing, the writer would like to cite

definition of the stated by Lado (1971 : 143). Argues that writing is to put down

the graphic symbol that represent language are understand so that other can read

this graphic symbols if the key know the language and the graphic


According to Widowson (1979 : 93) writing is movement of the arms and

fingers that produce marks which are arranged into groups to forms words in

accordance with graph logical system and grammatical system of the language”.

Both opinion above give signal that writing is expression which is written

expressively in sentences by using system of the language.

b. Errors and mistakes

Error and mistakes have a constructive differences. The students usually

make error because of the interference of mother tongue, in pronunciation and

grammar. From this, the writer can conclude that errors are caused by students

failure in applying theory in the competence.

Errors are possibly a part of the teaching and learning process, but it

should be solved well. To minimize student’s error ,the teacher must be careful

in selecting the material and then as clear as possible explains them.

The writer think that is important to distinguish between the term of errors

and mistakes. Mistakes reflect occasional lapses in performance, they occur

because in particular or instance, the learner is unable to perform what she or

knows (Ellis, 1997 : 17).

From the statement above, the writer knows that a mistakes is student’s

misapplication in using the material that their teacher gave as the result of

carelessness or even forget.

c. Teaching writing

Teaching writing is different from teaching other skills, it needs special

way in the teaching writing in order the students are able in using grammar in

their writing. Students should be encouraged to express their ideas, experience,

though and feelings. It will make writing habitually.

In learning writing skills, the student must learn the graphic system of

the foreign language, they must learnt to spell according the conversation of the

language. And furthermore they must learn to control the structure of language.

Time schedule of research activity

No Activity Time
1 Writing research proposal January, 2010
2 Seminar proposal January, 2010
3 First consultation to advisor and collecting book resource February, 2010
Writing (paper part 1,2 and 3 related to describing the purpose
February –
4 and the identification to study, review to literature and
March 2010
procedure to conduct research)
Consultation to the advisor related to the parts of paper has been
5 March, 2010
writer and writer and the preparation of research.
6 Making refinement of paper March, 2010
7 Conducting research March, 2010
8 Collecting data and making analysis of data April, 2010
Consultation to the advisor related to the parts of paper has been
9 April, 2010
writer and the preparation of the research
10 Finishing and refinement of the paper May, 2010
11 Paper approving May, 2010
12 Paper examination June, 2010

Arikunto, Suharsimi.2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik.Bandung :


Burns, Robert.2000.Introduction to Research Method ; Second Edition.Melbourne :

Longman Australia Pty. Ltd.

Echols, John M. and Hasan Sadily.1997.Kamus Indonesia – Inggris.Jakarta : Gramedia.

Echols, John M. and Hasan Sadily 2003.Kamus Inggris – Indonesia. Jakarta : Gramedia.

Ellis. Rod.1997.Second language Acquisition.London : Oxford University Press.

K. Yin, Robert.2002.Studi Kasus Desain dan Metode. Jakarta : Rajawali Press.

Lodo, Robert.1971. Skill of Language.American Book Company Inc. : New York.

Phillips, Sarah . 2003 Young Learners. New York. Oxford University Press.

Sudarwati, Th. M.2007. Look Ahead an English Course. Jakarta : Erlangga.

Widowson. 1979.Teaching English Writing. USA : Prentise Hall Regent.



(An Experimental Study at The Second Grade o f Mts Sabilissalam Ciamis)

A proposal


NIM : 2109060191




Study at The Second Grade o f Mts Sabilissalam Ciamis)

A. Background Of The Study

English is one of the languages used in many countries around the world.

In the globalization era, English is recognized as an international language, it is

property used in many kinds of activities, such as in education, trade, politics,

sport, entertainment, and so on.

As a developing country, Indonesia emphasizes English as the first foreign

language. It has been realized by putting taught from the junior high school up to

university level. Actually, English is taught in the elementary school and

kindergarten. This means that the students are expected to learn English from

young age.

In communication, speaking has a main role as a means in conveying

ideas, thoughts, and feeling through a language. And every language of course has
what is called grammar. It has main aspect of the language and has measure for

the people how well he / she uses the language. Grammar actually refers to

correctness and appropriateness in using language (Gaeng, 1871 : 30).

Many students have assumption that learning English especially in

speaking is difficult. It seems to the writer based on his experience himself,

learning English and to be able to speak well and mightily, we have to know the

main aspect of the language itself. And we must not be afraid of makes the

mistakes in practice. Here, the grammar is a main aspect of the language. In this

case, mastering of the grammar is very important for the students. If they have

mastered grammar well, they will be able to speak English correctly and


Based on the statement above, the writer tries to reveal the correlation

between grammar mastery and their speaking ability of the second grade

students of MTs Sabilissalam.

B. Reasons for choosing the topic

There are many reasons why the writer chooses this topic for the study among

others are :

1. English is very important foreign language that has been learnt at kindergarten

to university.

2. most of the students got difficulties especially in speaking that were caused by

the deficient of grammar mastery.

3. To know how far the correlation between grammar mastery and speaking

ability in learning English.

C. Problem Statement

In this study, the writer wants to identify the correlation between students`

grammar mastery and their speaking ability. Therefore, the study will be

formulated in the form of question as this : “is there any significant correlation

between students` grammar mastery and their speaking ability?”

D. Objectives of The Study

Based on the problems and the reasons mentioned above, there are three

objectives in this study as follows :

a. To know the students` grammar mastery

b. To know the students` speaking ability

c. To know correlation between students` grammar mastery and their

speaking ability

E. Limitation of the problem

Limitation of the problem study is very important for the writer. It is

hoped that this will make the problem clear and deal with the result will be more

successful. In order to make this topic is not much too complex, it is necessary for

the writer just express about the correlation between students` grammar mastery

and their speaking ability.

F. Assumption and Hypothesis

1. Assumption

In this research, the writer has some assumptions as follows :

1. The students have recognized and learnt about grammar and some part

of it.

2. The students have learnt about to practice speaking in English either in

monologue or dialogue type. .

3. The students will be able to speak English well by mastering English

grammar well.

2. Hypothesis

A hypothesis is an important part of the studies, however it should be

proved through an empirical investigation. According to Burns (2000 : 105) :

“A hypothesis is a hunch, an educated guess which is advanced for the

purpose of being tested”.

Based on the statement above, the writer formulated a null hypothesis

(Ho) and alternative hypothesis (Hi) as follows :

a. Ho : there is no correlation between students` grammar mastery and their

speaking ability.

b. Hi : there is a significant correlation between students` grammar mastery

and their speaking ability.

G. Significance of the study

The writer hopes this paper can be useful for every body that need it. The

significances of this study are :

1. For English teachers, it will be give accurate data whether there is

correlation between students` grammar mastery and their speaking ability

2. For the students, it will help students to master in English more


3. For the writer/researcher, this research will improve his knowledge

of the correlation between students` grammar mastery and their speaking

ability. So next time if the writer becomes an English teacher at SMP/mts,

he would give motivation to his students to have good grammar mastery

for being easily learning English in every skills.

I. Clarification of terms

It is important for the writer to make clear of the term used in this paper, among

others :

1. according to Burns (2000 : 231) correlation as the mutual relation of two or

more things; the act or process of showing the existence of relationship

between things. In this study, correlation refers to the between students`

grammar mastery and their speaking ability.

2. grammar is the rule for forming words and making sentences (Oxford

Learners Pocket Dictionary, 1995 : 182). Grammar here is the study of the

governing the use of language. The set of rules governing a particular

language’s use is also called the grammar of the language, that here consist of

tenses and pronoun.

3. according to Hornby (1995 : 721) mastery is complete, knowledge, great skill,

or knowledge in grammar by answering grammar test given by the writer.

4. speaking is the use of language in ordinary voice and express ideas (Hornby,

1995 : 398). In this study, it refers to the speaking activity of the second grade

at MTs Sabilissalam.

J. Research Method

This research is a quantitative study of a correlation between students` grammar

mastery and their speaking ability. This study will take the population of the

second grade of MTs Sabilissalam Ciamis. In this research the writer would like

to use descriptive method to describe the data collected.

H. Population And Sample

1. Population

A population is an entire group of people, subject, or events which all

have least one characteristic in common and must be defined specially and

unambiguously. “Burns (2000 : 83) in Nilam (2006 : 4). In this study, the writer

wll conduct the research of SMPN 1 Sukahening in academic year 2008/2009. she

will take the whole of students at SMPN Sukahening as a population.

A sample is any part of population regardless of whether it is

representative or not. “ Burns (2000 : 83) in Nilam (2006 : 4). She will the

students at the eight grade of SMPN 1 Sukahening Tasikmalaya.

I. Review of literature

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