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Media Studies

Advanced GCE in Media Studies H409/03/04 Making media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

18125 City College Norwich

Candidate number: 5087

Candidate name: Benjamin Hollis

Brief chosen:
Music video

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and
meet the requirements of your chosen brief?

Product 1

I intend to produce a three-minute music video for my artist, FNLY. The target audience is a 16-25-year-old mass
market demographic with the emphasis on them being emotionally engaged. My track is called Daylily and will reflect
a fast-paced narrative about a female that is struggling mentally, her boyfriend trying his best to be there for her
whenever she needs, this is something the target audience would relate and empathise with.

Through dull locations such as a derelict street and messy bedroom, to a change in location when the artist is
showing that there are always good days after the bad. The music video will include an easy-to-follow narrative that
shows the journey that most people will go through many times. The locations that I have chosen convey distress
and darkness through the black and white colours of the street and the cloud filled sky. There will be natural and key
lighting in the video to furthermore create an interesting scene. The scenes will be recognisable with the target
audience as they can relate to being outside their house or walking down the street wanting to just go home be safe.
It will create a relatable atmosphere which is make them emotionally involved. My music video will include a wide
range of different shots varying from close to wide long shots, low shots to create a sense of insecurity. For example,
the portrayal of the female actor shaking the iron barred gates demonstrates the entrapment she feels within her
mental state and only longs to escape it to reach the person she loves. Close up shots of the artist will connect with
the audience making them empathise even more. The cuts will change frequency to match the beat of the song, this
will ensure that the video isn’t static and boring but engages the audience to want to keep watching, ultimately
making them feel something. My main character is male and will aim to represent two different social groups, age,
and gender. My music video will include the thoughts, feelings, and actions many people go through, and ways that
they cope with sadness. Showing that there will always be someone to talk to who cares greatly. This will act as a
way for the audience to be emotionally engaged with the music video and maybe help if they are going through
something similar. Throughout the music video there will be scenes of the main character on their own, trying to find
ways to show the actor that they care and want to help in any way they can.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
Product 2
I am going to produce a website that promotes my artist and the music that they make, whilst having features that
enables the fans to interact with them. Multiple images of the artist in the locations of the music video to make the
audience excited as it shows behind the scenes, these will be taken in natural light and unique areas, the website
will be more modern and professional with unique twists that are representative of the artist’s style. This is to engage
the reader as it creates a connection with the music video, connoting that the artist does more songs that are similar
styles which could interest the audience, creating a connection with the artist’s brand. Direct gaze with the camera
with the use of close-up and long-range pictures for the gallery and angles that create a way of talking to the
audience and allowing them to see and understand how the artist is feeling. Bland clothes that make the audience
focus on the artists facial expressions. This is make it easy for the viewers to have a new perspective of the artist as
he is opening up and showing the viewers who he is, allowing them to connect on a deeper level. The font used for
the masthead will be Amanic SC, this is a vintage but simple, modern, and effective as it easy to navigate through
the site but will contrast with the colourful images and layout. The website and music video will have vintage effects,
mise-en-scene, and costumes. The artist’s name will be clearly presented in a large, bold font at the top of the page,
followed by the music video and other interactable links such as a merchandise store and tours. In the behind-the-
scenes section of the website there will be a ‘Get to know’ the artist with questions that the audience has submitted,
this allows a deeper level of connection to the artist. This will also include snippets of the process of filming and
behind the scenes of the photoshoot, with bloopers and extra pictures. There will be links to every social media that
the artist uses, such as Instagram, snapchat, YouTube and Spotify, this shows that the artists cares and makes
effort to interact with their fans as much as they can. An easily accessible menu bar will allow access to navigate the
website with ease.

How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the
digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 word)

I will promote the website and the artists social media at the end of the video when it fades out, this means that the
audience will have a clear understanding of where they need to go to get all of the necessary information and can
find further content on the artist and their music. Both the website and the music video will use the same colour
palettes using the costumes and the layout and background design of the website, this will start to create a brand
image for artist where the audience can link these aspects together, whilst keeping them entertaining and engaging.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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