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Capt. M.C.


Surveyor Name :Capt. M.C.Yadav

Name: Ninad Bhide

07/10/2014. Tuesday
Venue: DGS.
Attempt: 2nd
Internal: Capt Khatri.
External: Capt M C Yadav
Result: Pass
Duration: About 30 mins
Started off with general questions about my sea going career.
1. What are the 3 new elements in ISM code. Also the contents.
2. What do you know about IAMSAR?....(In Detail)
3. How do you go about planning, preparing and loading a bulk
carrier?(From a Master's point of view....started off with
checking the Charter Party for restrictions)
4. Describe the entire process for loading grain.(From
documentation to calculation...etc)
5. Ship and berth models kept.....asked me to berth a ship port
side alongside with 1 tug and tide/current from opposite
6. Cross questioning on my approach and whether the tug was
really reqd.
7. Un-berth the port side alongside vessel without tug or pilot.
8. What according to you would be the best time to un-berth
w.r.t to tide.Why?

Venu: DGS. 
Attempt: First
Internal: Capt Khatri.
External: Capt M C Yadav
Result: Pass
1. Describe your last vessel?
2. Weather criteria for sts?
3. Sts information exchange? 
4 . berthing with mother vessel? 
5. While berthing engine failure action? 
6. List all certificate on your last ship?
7. Full cycle of Epirb activation? 
8. What is IAMSAR? 
9. Vessel sinking what will happen to life raft?
10. Damage stability of tankers?

Venue: DGS, 2 JULY 2014

Internal: Capt LK Panda,
External: Capt MC Yadav,
Attempt: 2nd,
Result: Memorable day of my shipping career & life.....
Capt Yadav:
1. IAMSAR in general,nothing specific. I told him about all three
2. Rule 8. Just two para and then to next question.
3. ISM Code - new chapters added (last three).
4. RV - target not coming on radar (he is keen to hear about a
lookout fwd, so that he can establish bearing of the target).
5. Last vessel (product tanker engaged in fuel oil trade), general
Discussion over it. No specific area. (I spoke wrt CLC,
navigation, reportings, cargo, not much, then to next question).
6. Additional certificates on board oil tanker, just specific to oil
7. Stability in general.
8. Abandon ship: ship is sinking and crew jumped overboard
wearing life jackets, action (initially he is looking at. Life rafts
detachment from vessel and getting inflated, followed by search
n rescue operations).
9. CLC, general questions,
10. Calculation of fwd n aft drafts on basis of all weights known
in tons using trim n stability booklet. Wasn't sure after
hydrostatic draft.
11. DD preparation wrt stability.
Some more questions, then told me to wait outside and wait for
Capt Panda as he went for a meeting.
very practical and very helpful nature.
Since he asked just 12-15 questions in 20-25 mins, also could
not answer last two questions properly, thought its 'next time'
But thanks to Almighty God, Capt Panda too asked few
questions and that made my day.
Capt Panda,
Last vessel, certificates carried, CLC, persistent oil, last cargo
(fuel oil), so CLC applicable to fuel oil? bunker certificate
whether carried on your last ship? Insurance certificates
onboard. P and I and its functions ie covers provided, in detail.
And few more practical questions.
That's all, making my day a memorable day of my life.....
He penned down the capital 'P' in my EXN form.
Both the examiners are very practical and supportive.
Date : 02nd July / Wednesday
Venue :DGS Mumbai,Knajur Marg (E)
Time : 1245 -1315 by External /1600-1625 by Internal Surveyor
Surveyor : External-Capt. M.C. Yadav and Internal- Capt.Jai
Kumar ....
Result : Pass
Capt.Yadav started formally with introduction and started asking
which type of vessel u sailed on.
1) How you do the loading on bulk carrier,step by step full
2)you have to load say70,000mt of coal then how u will go
about,how you will decide the holdwise quantity.
3)how you will load grain cargo,what all steps to be
followed,which all book you will refer?what all precautions u will
4)what is the difference between normal bulk carrier ship and
another type of vessel in terms of certificates.
5)what all the certificates you will carry on board?
6)your ship is sinking,all your crew jumped into the water
wearing life jacket,how you will survive?no time for lowering life
7)Full procedure for automatic release of life life raft .
8)Berthing port side along side, 1 knot current from right ahead
and onshore wind of 10 knot-One tug available.
9)Restricted visibility one vessel 3 point on your port
bow,constant bearing detected by radar ,action?
Then capt.M.C.Yadav left in between to attend some meeting.
and remaining oral taken by Internal Capt.Jai Kumar.
1)You are joining a indian flag vessel in india,how you will take
over the vessel?
what all things u will check?
2)What all certificates carry on board.
3)Content of certificate of registry,tonnage certificate,load line
certificate,safety construction certificate,attachments from E and
4)You company taking over a old ship from another company,no
handing over and taking over took place and u have only the
statutory certificates on board only then how you will decide that
how will know that when is your last bottom inspection is carried
out.-no survey file on board.
5)Your company employ 100 of worker to carry out some repair
work on your vessel,as a master can you allowed-i told him
regarding the LSA requirement,then he said he will provide all
required lifeboat, life rafts.......then,actually he want to hear the
latest MLC 2006 requirementsTitle 3:Accomodation,recreational
facilities,food and catering.-Accomodation part.
Finally he picked up a blue pen and wrote PASS...................
Many many thanks to ASM Group administrator,member for
sharing all valuable information,my family and my friends.
Wishing you all the best.........................

  Exam Held On : 01-OCT-2012 / Mumbai

1)V/l abut to go to Dry-dock, Preparations.want to know in the end how much GM the
vessel shud hv??
2)ROR situation Restricted Visibility you are on the bridge you go out on the bridge
wing you hear a fog signal one point on the stbd bow your action as a master.
Wants to hear that you shall stop the vessel immediately ,and then check radar etc
3)Berthing situation ,current right ahead,wind from stbd beam15 kts,one tug,one
anchor,you need to portside A/S.simple situtaion wants to you to use anchor.
  4)Functional requirement of Gmdss and ISPS.
5)PSC onbd,finds out that the mates GMDSS lic. is fake how will you as master
convince him.need to tell him shall check the radio cert for the requirment of no of
radio operator required on board.
6)You are master first time ,chief mate is also first time ,you in a port to load grain
cargo chief mate tells you that he is blank,how will you as master deal with his.
wants to know how you shall use the grain stability booklet, and abut the volumetric
heeling moments.

17th May 13

M C Yadav.

1. How will you calculate gm from stability booklet ?

2. Berth vsl port side, current ahead, wind stbd beam,one tug.
3. Action when you detect tgt 6 pt stbd bow and 6 mile off,rv.
4. Action gyro fail in hormuz strait.
5. Position fixing by three star at night.

Date : 12 Jun 2014 / Thursday

Venue :DGS Mumbai
Capt. M.c. Yadav
Capt.Yadav started formally with introduction and sharing work experience.
Found him in very good mood...
1) What is MLC 2006
2) Purpose of MLC - Fundamental and social rights of seafarer.
3) Control and implementation steps being taken by Govt. Of India wrt MLC with spcl ref to
provision of social rights for Indian seafarer working on foreign flag ship - he wanted to hear
2 Specific steps, but i could think of only one i.e Recruitment and Placement services -
Control ....
later he told me that Govt of Indian is proposing for Medical facilites in case on injury,
illness of Seafarer working on Foreign flag ship when on leave and residing in India.
4) Certification of MLC
5) Title of mlc
6) What is ISM??? reqd as per wot?
7) Functional reqts and certification ..(SMC and DOC)
8) Chapters of ISM - spcly wot is part B of ISM CODE? - 
Answer : chap 13 to 16 of ISM - Certification and verification, Interim Certification,
Verfication and Certiicates
9) Ammendments of ISM - MNC , NC and other changes
10) Crossing TSS - Rule 10
Then came in Capt. Khatri and joined with Capt.Yadav to continue my orals.
11) RV - Rule 19, some situations ,,fairly simple one...Fog signals
Capt.Khatri also was cross questioning in between ...
it was then more of a group discussion...
12) Berthing situation - 2,3 knots current down the berth, onshore winds, one tug available,
berth the ship. - both were very impressed wen i started my answer saying that i will first do
the risk assessment and brief my BTM, discuss my manouevere...and berth plan...with BTM
13) COW many tanks reqd to be Crude oil washed..
donot forget to mention reqts to wash Slop tanks and Heavy Wx tanks during COW.
14) Testing of Derrick of 120 T - and I was like...wot????????????
then he gave a smile and asked me...i just want to know the hazards involed..and
precautions u will take as u wil be testing it to limit more than SWL..
15) Then he asked how do u calculate the List that will be caused test load weight is
lifted....i explained him shift of G and change in W and then GG1 formula..

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