External: S. K. Panda

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External: S. K.


Venue: DG Shipping, Kanjurmarg
Internal: Capt. Shukla
External: Capt. S.K. Panda
Attempt: 2nd
Result: PASS
Formal introduction then start
1. Rule no. 13, 19 & 8
2. What is Ample time, Risk of collision, Close quarter situation
3. What do you mean by "be positive" in rule 8
4. Alternation of course and/or speed should be large enough. means what?
5. Grain stability criteria
6. Damage stability criteria of bulk carrier.
7. Survival capability of bulk carrier.
9. What is IMSBC?
10. How will u load grain cargo?
11. What is green passport?
12. In collision with another vsl. Actions as master? in order.
13. You are in disagreement with PSC inspector with deficiency given. What will you do?
14. Hague-vsiby rule.
15. NC, MNC, Observation, Objective evidence?
16. What is bill of lading?
17. Harmonisation of contingencies?
18. How do you carry out draft survey on bulk carrier?
19. As a master, what will you check in LSA/FFA?
20. What is d speed of free fall life boat while sliding?
21. Fixed fire fighting system on ur last ship?
22. Asked abt CO2 & Hypermist requirement?
23. What is CLC, FUND & Supplementry fund & their liabilities?
24. What is CIC? Which is recent CIC going on in Indian MOU?
25. What is TRS? How it form n What r its signs of presence?

Date / Day : 5th August 2014 / Tuesday

Location : DGS, Kanjurmarg
Attempt / Result : 1 / FAIL
External : Capt SK Panda
Internal : Capt Shukla
Time : 1hr 15 mins

Capt Panda started with general Introduction. Types of Ship (Bulk Carrier only)
1. Damage Stability Criteria for Bulk Carriers 
- Told all about ch-12 Solas Reg4/5/6 but was not happy told me that he wants to know
damage assumptions for bulk carriers. Told him that I know tanker assumption and told him
I will find out.
2. ISM Code. Defination of objectice evidence/NC/MNC
3. Master’s duty as per ISM.
4. Difference between verification and Audit.
5. What information will you get from Fire control Plan (ABC bulkhead, FFA arrangement,
6. What are class A bulkheads. (told him abt A60/A30/A15/A0 - 140deg / 180 deg etc..)
7. You have used all Co2 bottles in engine room fire. Will you go to port of refuge? (I Said
yes and the he said why. Lot of argument on this) he was not happy.
8. What maneuvering information do you get in Wheel house poster. (Told him about about
all the information like advance/transfer/stopping distance etc.) then he asked me how
these information helps you as a master. Told him this help me in taking action to avoid
collision and in coastal navigation and to prevent close quarter situation).
9. What is close quarter situation. (I told him any situation collision that cannot be avoided
by the action of one ship.) He asked from where did you get this definition..I was quiet…
(Don’t know if its right or wrong).
10. Intact Stability criteria.
11. Grain Stability criteria with diagram. 
12. How will you load grain. (lambda 0 and lambda 40 with diagram).
13. Fire fighting on my last ship (told fixed CO2 for engine room).
14. What are the Area of GMDSS (A1/A2/A3/A4).
15. How will you cancel a false distress signal. (Told him that I will go on all RT frequencies
and cancel my distress individually).
16. Various IAMSAR search pattern.
17. What are following and quartering seas. (Told him about pooping/broaching/surf riding).
18. Asked me whether I know Colregs. I said yes he asked me Safe speed and Risk of
collision.(I quoted them he shifted to next question).
19. Asked me what is observance of good seamanship, ample time and substantial action
as per rule 8. (gave him the eg in Cockcroft / he said he don’t want the eg. Then he asked
me about ample time which I could not answer). At this point he told me that he’s not happy
with the ROR and moved on.
20. How will you abandon the ship. ( was not happy with the answers I gave).
21. Functions of bills of lading. (Doc of title/evidence of contract/Doc of receipt).
22. What is evidence of contract. (I told him that when cargo is loaded onboard BL is issued
by the master to the charterer as per terms of CP and since BL is a legal doc as per Bill of
lading Act, it is a legal doc and hence act as evidence of contract) he was not happy with
the answer.
23. What is IMDG? (Told all I know about IMDG). 
24. What is placarding. 
25. What is IMSBC? (Told him all about bulk cargo and how it is loaded/unloaded and what
are the contents/TML/ML etc..) 
26. What is liquefaction? (Told him that when a cargo which is saturated with water and due
to compaction/vibration is looses its inner sheer strength and act as liquid). Again not happy
27. What are hague-visby rules.
28. Definition of master as per MSA. (gave him the exact definition but again not happy).
29. What is investigation and Inquiry?
30. What is Salvage?
31. What is CLC convention?
32. What is Bunker convention and who issues certificates?
33. LSA requirement of ship. 
Ultimately over all he was not happy. He told me wait out side and was later called by capt
shukla. He said you have not preformed well. The signed my EXN & then I left DG.

Define Salvage

(Define only salvage and stop// in cross questioning do not say the contractor has maritime
lien on the property solved as per him it is a Possessory lien

In capt. C L. Dubey maritime legislation book page no. 79 salvage is the example of
Maritime lien. This was the start with him….

Content of LOF 2011 form

What is “Place of Safety” as Mentioned in box no. 3 of LOF form.

Changes in LOF 2011 form ?

Define duty of Master as per “MSA and ISM”?

What is” investigation and inquiry “ as per MSA?

Remark: Avoid telling relevant section no. He gets angry on that..

Entire to made in “Official log Book”

Remark: As you reach on the point any “Death and casualty” He will provide you a piece
of paper to make such entry While making entry Please do not write “Lost his life” he
stopped me at this point and at the end of oral explained You are not a doctor on board
and can not declared death on board.

IAMSAR Search pattern ??

Determine the position of datum?

Formula to calculate “S” (Track spacing)

Limitation of Liabilities in CLC and FUND

Definition of SDR----

What is “HNS” protocol.

Intact stability criteria

Remark: Guys explain this answer with GZ curve, keep pen, paper ready.

( Check the definition of RADIAN which I could not recollected.)

Damage stability criteria.

How does the chemical tanker diff from oil tanker?

Ans started with certificate of fitness and Type 1 2 3

he wants this answer as per Damage assumption

Please refer MSC circ 1461

Grain loading criteria . VHM , stability criteria?

Define : Hazardous and harmful substances?

Fixed Fire fighting system on your last vessel. ???

Working of Hyper mist system???/

Diff between Hague and hague visby rules

In india ratified these rules

Replied No In India “Contract of carriage “governed with COGSA

Finallyy ROR Rule no. 2, 6, 8, &13

Remark: Cross question in between: e.g. Safe speed, Close quarter situation, ascertain


Bikram Pal Singh

Date - 05-April-2014
Location - DGS , Mumbai
External - Capt. S Panda
Internal - Capt. Shukla
Attempt / Result - Second / Pass
Time - 45 mins
1. What is salvage ? Why it is done ?
2. What is SCOPIC? What is Tariff ? Where u get Tariff rates from ?
3. Definitions in ISM Code - Observation,Objective Evidence,Non- 
Confirmity,Major Non-Confirmity
4. Functional Requirements of ISM
5. Masters Responsiblity as per ISM.How will you motivate crew ?
6. Duties of Master as per ISM and MSA.
7. Which chapter is related to ISM in SOLAS
8.What is verification ? What is the result of verification?(Ans - Cert - ISM 
& DOC)
9. What is a CODE?Give example .
10. What is the resolution of PSC ? What does it say ?
11.If ur vessel is detained , your action as master ?
12.Which all certificates are required onboard? As per which convention ?
13.Damage stability criteria , Damage assumptions , Construction 
requirements (All for tankers)
14.You have an Apparent death onboard?Action as master?
15.What was fire fighting system of ur last ship ?
16.Requirement of CO2 system ?
17.What were LSA equipments onboard on your last vessel ?
18.Requirements for liferafts ?
19.What is GMDSS ? Which areas - A1,A2,A3 & A4 ?
20.What is IAMSAR? Which is available onboard?
21.What is datum?How you find it? Draw the sector search?How will you 
decide which search to be done?
22.You are entering English channel ? Action ?
23. What is SECA area?Its limits?
24.What is quartering seas?What is surf riding?What is broaching to?
25.Quote Rule 8,13,14 & 15
26. ROR situation - Sailing vessel on port quarter more than 22.5 
degress?SV will keep clear as she is overtaking..
27.ROR situation - One vessel port bow,one right ahead and one stbd bow 
and stbd bow has least CPA , action ? Answer - Alter course to stbd...
28.How will you load grain?Stability requirement for grain?What is lamda?
How will you calculate lamda ? 
29.What is hague visby rules?Liability?CLC liability ?
30.Difference between inquiry and investigation.
31.What is LOF 2011?What new amendments....
After this i was asked to wait outside and then Capt. Shukla called me and gave me the
good news ....
Guys Capt. S Panda is very suppportive.He helps you build up confidence

1. What is MLC 2006. Articles / Titles/ How will you ensure implementation of MLC as a
Master. MLC with respect to India.
2. What is PSC. How many MOUs are there. New inspection regime as per Paris MOU. 
3. What does a FFA plan contain and as per which reg. FFA on your last vessel. High
expansion and low expansion as per SOLAS. What is hyper mist and how it work. CO2
requirements as per SOLAS.
4. What is GMDSS and what are its objectives. Area A1, A2, A3 and A4.
5. What is E Navigation. How is this implemented in India.
6. LRIT and its functions and working procedure.
7. What is Polar Code. Classes of Ships. Preparations for Ice navigation. 
8. What is IAMSAR and what are the different search patterns.
9. Rules 6,7,8,10,13,14,15,16,17.
10. Some ROR situations.
11. What is ISM. NC, MNC, Observation, Objective evidence.
12. Damage stability, Statical Stability and survival capabilities of a Tanker.
13. Drawing of GZ curves and damage stability curves.
14. Drawing of heavy wind criteria for Container Ships.
15. Loading of Grain. What is a DOA, Grain loading booklet.
16. What is Hague Visby rules, in detail.
17. What is the difference between a Tanker and Container BL.
18. What is CLC, Fund and Supp Fund. What has India ratified.
19. Registration of ships in India as per MSA.
20. How is an investigation carried out as per MSA.
21. What is salvage. LOF 2011 and how is it different from its previous versions.
22. How will abandon a ship.
23. What are the provision with respect to a Stowaway and what is Stowaway Focal point.
24. Why is 57.3 m Rad used in stability curves.
25. Avoidance of False Distress Alert.


1. tell me about ISM

2. u r a master sent on board to set up the SMS..how will u go about it..(he needs u to tell
him that u will set up company policies first, then responsibilities of each indiviual on board
and ashore.....)
3. what is NC, major NC, observation
4. what is meant by objective evidence in case of NC
5. what is PSC and its need
6. damaged control plan with all details, how is it designed, on what basis?
7. damaged stability booklet contents
8. examples of damage assumptions
9. explain probable criteria wrt damaged stability
10. the conditions for intact stability and specifically for grain
11. how will u go about loading grain?...what documents u need to have?
12. on what basis is the DOA for grain issued to a vessel?
13. what is MSA?
14. ammendments to ism 2010?
15. ur role as master as per ism?
16. lof 2011 what are the differences from the previous?
17. clc, fund convention, who contributes?
18. hague and hague visby rules?
19. salvage convention, article 13, article 14, scopic in detail
20. who deals with the salvor?..company or master?
21. ms notice 1/2011 deals with what? --- (safe house/citadel)
22. how will u contact from th citadel?
23. what stuff do u keep in the citadel?
24. on container ship, how will u load dg cargo?
25. what documents for dg cargo?
26. explain the entire process of loading of a container vsl?
27. how do u go about registering ships in india...in fucking detail !!!
28. then to ror!!! (he expects rules to be quoted by rote....i didn\\\'t quote a single one
****he had ship models, he placed around 10 ships around my vessel and asked me to
explain each situation referring to which rule and quote it!!!
****in all i was to quote, rule 6, 13, 14, 15, 19. (i didnt quote a single one!)
29. how will u determine if risk of collision exists? (radar inoperational, so u need to say by
taking bearings)

then he asked me to wait outside for the internal surveyor.

internal surveyor Capt. L.K.Panda calls me in at 1410 and finishes at 1420:

1. u r in ur cabin and press the sat-c distress alarm..what happens?

2. ur epirb is emitting south of sri lanka..what happens?
3. is it mandatory for a vessel to have a flag?
4. how do u go about registering ships in india?
5. is class mandatory?
6. SSAS alerted?..what happens?
7. u have a high tide at bhavnagar at 0600 and low tide at 1200..height of tide is 9
mtrs..when is the best time to anchor and why? (one hour before or after HW/LW as the
force of tide is least then)
8. when is the force of tide max? (at the middle of HW & LW)
9. why is that the bow cants to port when the engines are used for the first time and then
the effect dies down?..answer as a master n not as a mate. (transverse thrust developed
due to the screw action of the propellor combined with the pivot point jumping right ahead
intially giving a big lever causes the cant to port. it later dies down as the pivot point comes
aft and also the vessel established directional stability with increase in speed)

Surveyor Name :Capt. S.Panda

Exam Held On : 11-OCT-2012 / Mumbai













11.  QUOTE RULES 5,6,7,13,14,15,17,19.



























1. what is aframax vessel

2. what is afra, how many type of ship categories and there dwt range.

3. how the freight rate is decided in afra.

4. then the ror begins... he vl put lot of vessels aroud u... action as per which rule and quote
the rule..

he asked me to quote rule no 2,6,7,8,10,13,14,15,17,19 (quote the rules...it helps in final

how vl u determine close quater situation is developing and how vl u determine minimum

5. what u mean by the ordinary practices of seamen.

Vinod Singh Bohra Date : 05.06.2013 Ext : Capt S. Panda Int : Capt
L.K. Panda Attempt : First Result : Pass Time : 1230 to 13:45

Questions by Capt S. Panda

Started with general chit chat how well r u prepared... ur last vessel and

1. what is aframax vessel

2. what is afra, how many type of ship categories and there dwt range.

3. how the freight rate is decided in afra.

4. then the ror begins... he vl put lot of vessels aroud u... action as per
which rule and quote the rule..

he asked me to quote rule no 2,6,7,8,10,13,14,15,17,19 (quote the

rules...it helps in final result).

how vl u determine close quater situation is developing and how vl u

determine minimum cpa.

5. what u mean by the ordinary practices of seamen.

6. which all rule say u can alter ur course to port.

7. what r the quatering seas.

8. explain syncronise and parametric rolling.

9. what vl be the effect of parametric roll. on ship.

10. explain surfing, broaching and pooped.

11.Abandonship procedure

12.define non confirmity, major nc, objective evidence, observation as

per ism.

13. explain the contents of ism ch 5

14. in ur last vessel what were the procedure to report nc, major nc,
hazardous situation.

15. what is psc.

16. difference between flag state and psc.

17.What r statutory certificate.

18. Name all the stautory certificate.

19.what all fixed fire fighting installations onboard.

20. diff between low and high expansion foam

21. requirement of low and high expansion foam

22. last vessel fire detection and fire protection equipment.

23. requirement for no. of hoses onboard ship.

24. fire control plan on your last vessel and requirement for that.

25. extent of damage as per ibc and igc code.

26. damage stability criteria.

27.why marpol is called marpol 73/78.

28. what was 78 protocol with respect to marpol.

29.what is a protocol.

30. constructions requirement as per marpol annex 1.

31.what is grain code and requirement of doa and grain loading


32. intact stability requirements as per grain code.

33.what is ms act

34. what is unseaworthy ship as per ms act.

35. registry of ship as per ms act.

36.define salvage

37 what is lof 2011.

38 what r rotterdam rules.

Questions by Capt L.k. Panda

1. requirement and working of ssas

2. diff between lof 2000 and 2011

Surveyor Name :Capt. S.Panda

Exam Held On : 12-JUN-2013 /

Name :RAMAN AHUJA Date:12-06-2013 Time-1145-1250 Attempt:First

Result:Pass External:Capt.S.Panda(LBS CAMSAR)
Internal:Capt.S.Shukla(Deputy Nautical Advisor to the GOI)


Wat is salvage

Wat is lof 

Need of lof 

Present lof , why required ,amendments from 95 to 2000to 2011

ISM in detailspecial attention to definations including and /or in definations

word by word.

Company policy which is different from safety policy

Helicopter operation in detail 

How will u evacuate medical unfit person using helicopter and wat all will u
land with him

Imo resolution 852 is wat speak about 

Means of cancelling distress alert which resolution 

Grain code in detail wat does meter radian stands for explain radian wid

Draw loadline wid markings 

Psc need for inspection, suspentipn of inspection, dgs circular 9 , wats new
in it

U received a distress how do u knwits a false alert or not will u proceed

Wat is master 

Wat is difference bt investigation and inquiry as per ms act ,i told him entire
chapter 12 of msa whatever i knew but he was not satisfied

Damage stability in tankers 

Construction requirement in tankers 

Wat is L stands for in marpol

How will you load a imdg cargo 

Wat is imsbc , how will u load a cargo using imsbc wat all u will see in that
code is it mandatory hav u seen it visually

Surveys and certification in detail including each convention pertaining to

the certificate.

What is MARPOL and why it is called 73/78.(I made a mistake here and
told him that both existed for some time,then he asked which part is 73 and
which part is 78,but he himself corrected me that only 78 exists) 

What is protocol how it differs from amendment.

Wat is code

Hpw a protocol is bring abot

Wat is conevention name atleast 7,8 convention 

Various fire fighting systems on board an oil tanker.Detail of fixed fire

fighting system.

If you do not agree with PSCO on some deficiency or with

detentionPreparation for safecon survey?

What are critical areas and suspected areas?

Damage assumptions for oil tanker.

Damage stability booklet. 

Damage control plan.

Stability calculation after grounding.All formulae with small details.

How will u decide that u have to abandon the ship and there is no option

What is muster list.Why is it required?What information does it give?

What is IAMSAR?Why required,volumes,contents of vol three?Various

search patterns?

How will u decide what search patterns to be used?

What is �s� in expending squire search and radius in sector search?how

will u decide Information provided in manoeuvring booklet and poster on

Various ROR situations and rules pertaining to each situation,and any

contradictory rule in that situation.

Quoted rules 6,7,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,19

What is back scatter of lightas per rule 6 capt. 

Difference between bilging and flooding.

There were few more which i don�t remember.

Capt Panda is a nice of person and if he is satisfied with u from ur first few
answers than rest of a oral is like a 1 hr class he will ask u if u don�t knw
the answer no issues he will explain u the answer too and will see how
much u understood out of it.

After waiting till 1630 Capt.Shukla called for the results .He did not ask
anything pertaining to orals. 

Surveyor Name :Capt. S.Panda

Exam Held On : 12-JUN-2013 / Mumbai

Kalim Markar

Date : 12.06.2013

Ext : Capt S. Panda

Int : Capt Shukla

Attempt : Second

Result : Pass

Time : 12:15 to 13:10

Questions by Capt S. Panda

Went through my previous attempt report and asked me, if i was prepared
this time.

1. What are the contents of the damage control plan?

2. How is a damage control plan prepared?

3. Damage stability assumptions for an oil tanker?

4. Damage stability requirements for an oil tanker?

5. Construction criteria for oil tankers?

6. Tell me about Solas Chapter III

7. What are the contents of fire control plan

8. Fixed fire fighting system onboard last ship?

9. Requirements of CO2 system?

10. Requirements of low expansion foam?

11. Requirements of high expansion foam?

12. What do you know about loadline convention?

13. How is freeboard of a vessel decided (entire procedure with formulas


14. How will you know your vessel is overloaded?

15. Why is Marpol called Marpol called Marpol 73/78?

16. What do you mean by protocol?

17. What are the contents of Marpol Annexe 1?

18. What are the certificates required on an Oil tanker?

19. How will you ensure compliance wrt Annexe 1?

20. What do you know of the IMSBC code?

21. What do you know of the grain code?

22. What is TML?

23. What is PSC?

24. What are Masters duties as per ISM? As per which Chapter?

25. What is a Major Non-Conformity?

26. What is Objective evidence?

27. What is companys policy?

28. How will you motivate the crew w.r.t compliance of companies policy?

29. Define Master as per MS act?

30. Define Unseaworthy ship as per MS. Act?

31. Masters duties as per MS Act in general?

32. Entries required to be made in OLB?

33. What do you mean by Salvage?

34. What are the contents of Chapter 13, 14?

35. What is SCOPIC? Who invokes SCOPIC?

36. What happens when SCOPIC is invoked?

37. What is the difference between LOF 2000-2011?

38. What is implied warranty? Give me an example.

39. What the functions of a B/L

40. Precautions before signing a B/L?

41. Difference between Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg Rules?

42. What are the different tiers of Oil compensation fund?

43. What are the limits of each tier?

44. What is SDR? Where will you get its value? How is the value calculated?

45. Tell me about ERS

46. When will you abandon ship?

47. ERS tells you dont abandon ship, your action? (Wants to know that final
decision is that of Master)

48. Action in case of Collision?

49. What do you mean by quartering seas?

50. Tell me about synchronous rolling, parametric rolling and your action if

51. What was the tonnage of your last ship? So what would we call your last
ship? (As per AFRA category)

52. ROR Rules: 6,7,10,13,14,15,16 & 19

53. What do you mean by back-scatter? reasons for back scatter?

Capt. Shukla did not ask me any question.

Finally, I would like to thank all my batch-mates of MMTI and wish each one
of you, all the very best! 

Surveyor Name :Capt. S.Panda

Exam Held On : 12-JUN-2013 / Mumbai

Name :Sardar Singh




External:Capt.S.Panda(LBS CAMSAR)

Internal:Capt.S.Shukla(Deputy Nautical Advisor to the GOI)

As I entered in the cabinet capt panda started shooting questions even before
I setteled down and without any formal introduction

1. ISM in detail(he started rapid fire round of ISM with definitions and
meaning of some critical words

2. You go in a foreign port to take command of a vessel as instructed by your

company but master refuses to handover command to you.Action?(I told him
that i will pursue the master and try to convince him even if he does not agree
i will inform company,he told me that its 0200hrs in night,then I said I will
inform DPA for my ship or single point contact as defined by company that
swat he wanted to listen.)



4. Surveys and certification in detail including each convention pertaining to

the certificate.

5. What is ESP/HSSC requirements for each in detail.

6. Which surveys are not harmonised.(I told him about SRC,SEQ,SMC,ISSC

and survey which have periodical surveys)

7. What is condition of class?

8. What is MARPOL and why it is called 73/78.(I made a mistake here and
told him that both existed for some time,then he asked which part is 73 and
which part is 78,but he himself corrected me that only 78 exists)

9. What is protocol how it differs from amendment.

10. Constructional requirements of an oil tanker including all formulas

included in those requirement.

11. What is “L” in these formulas.Have you seen first page of MARPOL.(here
he told me that you boys do not study thoroughly)

12. Various fire fighting systems on board an oil tanker.Detail of fixed fire
fighting system.

13. If you do not agree with PSCO on some deficiency or with detention?(He
wants to listen about detention review and informing class.company.P and I
club,charter.I told him all that but almost put myself in a soup when i gave him
one example of a deficiency and how to convince the PSCO)

14. Preparation for safecon survey?

15. What are critical areas and suspected areas?

16. How will you load hazardous goods(doc of compliance,here he told me

that it is cof not doc to check my confidence,I was sure but did not want to
argue with him so told him that I will

confirm.How will you check whether goods are packaged as per IMDG
requirements?(Declaration by shipper)

17. If he does not give you any declaration.(I told him all practical aspects but
he was furious ,how as a master u will go and check the consignment even if
all of your compliment can not check whole consignment.Then I said I don’t
know sir.He was furious at me and told me as a master you are supposed to

18. Damage assumptions for oil tanker.

19. Damage stability for tankers.

20. Damage stability booklet.

21. Damage control plan.

22. Stability calculation after grounding.All formulae with small details.

23. How will u load grain?doa?who issues?

24. Grain stability criteria?calculation of grain stability including heeling arm

curve ,GZ curve.From where u will find volumetric heeling moments?

25. Procedure for abandonship?(He just wants procedure)

26. What is muster list.Why is it required?What information does it give?

27. Harmonisation of contingencies?

28. What is IAMSAR?Why required,volumes,contents of vol three?Various

search patterns?

29. How will u decide what search patterns to be used?

30. What is ‘s’ in expending squire search and radius in sector search?how
will u decide ?(I didn’t know calculation of ‘r’.He said if u hv to go to rescue
then how will u calculate,I told him refer IAMSAR.He was satisfied)

31. Information provided in manoeuvring booklet and poster on bridge?

32. Cancelling distress alert?

33. Action on receiving distress alert?

34. If you receive false distress alert from a ship nearby?

35. Various ROR situations and rules pertaining to each situation,and any
contradictory rule in that situation.
36. What is back scatter of lightas per rule 6?

37. According to rule 6,do you keep main engine on standby?(Guys he grilled
me on this question as I told him what practice we follow at sea about giving
notices to engine room and all,lots of cross questions,sms policy on this,I told
him that main engine is on disposal of duty officer he told me then y notice to
E/R .He gave me a word of caution here as I was trying to explain him he
warned me that this kind of argument is unwarranted and another surveyor
would have viewed it seriously.At this juncture I thought I would fail.Well the
ans is u hv to keep main engine on s’by)

38. He managed to take out following rules


39. What is salvage?

40. If a ship lost its propeller is it a salvage aor towage?

41. What is peril?

42. How will you register a ship?

43. What is the difference between inquiry and investigation in perview of


44. Who does the inquiry?

Guys capt. Panda is a gem of person and a very refined personality he tries
to help the candidate by correcting him if he is going in wrong direction but at
the same time he is very sensitive to the kind of language you use.Do not
bullshit to him and if u do not know something straightaway tell him otherwise
he gets furious.Be thorough in ROR while dealing with him he does not
tolerate even small mistakes in ROR and goes deep in to interpretation of

After waiting from 1145 to 1630 Capt.Shukla called for the results .He did not
ask anything pertaining to orals.

Well friends I want thank


All my ASM batch mates for their unconditional support especially


ARI faculty specially Capt.sinha for his cooperation and support

My family for everything.

All the best to all aspiring candidates.

Surveyor Name :Capt. S.Panda

Exam Held On : 05-JUL-2013 / Mumbai

Tanmay chauhan

05.07.13 - Friday

External - Capt. S. Panda

Internal - Capt. L.K. Panda

Time - 1000 : 1130

Other Externals expected on that day was Capt. Naik but did not come so
Capt. Panigrahi was called in to replace him.Externals - Capt kapoor,capt
Shukla and capt. Panda.

Before the start of the orals by capt. Panda came a warning that he expects
ROR rules word to word and any screw ups in ROR wud result in u invariably

1) Damage control plans

2) How wud u go about helicopter operations.What provisions on board.

3) Now u have an injured crew member on board and u have to land him on
the helicopter.how u go abt doing that.

- Wants to hear before starting to do anything atleast establish a working

channel with the helicopter.

4) Registration of Ships in India and abroad.

- Told him everything about registration as per M.S. Act but still he said u
missing 1 important point.Later explained by him only bank mortgage letter it
seems is very imp for registration it seems..newaz....

5) what is hazardous cargo and dangerous cargo.

6) How u go about loading dangerous cargo.

- Never being on containers he really caught me on this one and then went
deep into IMDG code.Guys atleast have a look at the IMDG code to see what
it contains,cargo included,documents required,packing,seggregation.
7) which ships u have done.So how do u go about Loading on tankers.

8) Wind heeling criteria. (Area under B > area under A.Basically what he wants
to hear alongwith the diagram is that Area on the positive side of the curve will
be more than the area on the negative side of the curve.)

9) Grain loading in detail. With Formulas .Intact stability criteria for grain.What
if Angle of heel More than 12.Wud u still load the grain.

- Wants to hear if angle of heel is more than 12 will load less qty of grain to
reduce the total heeling moments or use vertical separation / Securing

10) iamsar in detail - various types of search patterns , formulaes , track

spacing , how to find search area.

11) Fire control plans

12) various LSA / FFA eqipments on your last vessel.

13) Effects of following and quartering seas?how wud u find the vessels roll
period and the wave period.

- told him would check the time interval between 2 crests of the wave to find
the wave period.He added to it that the wave period should be averaged for
multiple observations to get a more better assumption.also the wave in the
direction of the wind should be observed.take a fixed point on the ship and
then see the time interval between the crests.

- for vessels roll period i told him that ill chk the time interval for 1 complete
roll.as per him its the time taken for vsl to roll back from midship to
midship.other than this it is also given in the stability booklets.

14) Everything about salvage,LOF,Scopic

15) hague / Visby rules.

16) Multimodal transportation.

17) Construction of tankers as per marpol.Definition of Lenght and breadth as

per marpol.

18) What is towage and what is salvage.Difference.When towage becomes


19) harmonisation of contingencies.

Then he started off with ROR.He places 7-8 vsls around your vessel and tells
u to take action.in my case there was a sailing vsl stbd quarter , crossing vsl
stbd to port , head on 1 vsl , i vsl crossing from port bow to stbd , 1 vsl crossing
from port beam to stbd.

Basically dont use the words \" i will assume \" he\'l give u a firing for that. And
also before taking any action tell that i will take bearings check weather risk of
collision exists or not.

He\'l ask u to quote all the rules as per which u are taking action.be thorough in
ur rules and he is very happy.He will cross Question u a lot as u pit-pat the
rules to him.

some of the points that i cud remember ordinary prctices of seamen,during

safe speed do u keep main eng on stby(wants to hear : Yes),Overtaking how u
determine,what is aspect,Corresponding aspect of the other vessel.

Asked many more general question in between but dnt remember them
now.Was called in by capt. L.K.Panda around 1300 hrs.He just asked me 2-
3uestions and based on externals result passed me.

Questions asked by him : What happened y u cud not answer about IMDG

What all docs to be carried for dangerous cargo.If a separate Dangerous cargo
manifest is issued then is a separate B/L also issued incase goods carried by
MTOG act?

Certificates required as per MLC?DMLC has to parts what are they.

Guess this wud be it guys.All the very best to all other candidates appearing
for their exams.Cheers !!!!!

Questions asked..

1. How will u carry out helicopter operations as master? How will u offland an injured
person by helicopter?

2. what is salvage? What is LOF n Scopic?

Who invokes Scopic n y scopic is introduced?

3. Latest LOF n its diff with LOF2000?

4. What is mentioned in LOF 2011 about Scopic?

5. What is damage assumptions for oil tanker?

6.Intact stability criteria n damage stability criteria for oil tanker?

7. Explain constructional requirements for oil tankers. What is L in \"2+0.02L\" ( as i

said for midship draft reqmnt)

8. Various Ror situations

9. Diff between close quarter situation and risk of collision?

10. Quote rules 7,8,10,13,14,15,18,19. Dont make mistakes in quoting n situations.

11. How will someone register a ship in india? How will registrar come to know that
documents provided are genuine (Ownership declaration, builders cert and
instrument of sale)?

12.what all will you record in OLB as master for a seaman who is injured on board?

13. What are the powers of court wrt cancellation of cert?

14. How will you carry out investigation on board as master.

15. Diff between PI and FI?

16. What is the purpose of carrying out enquiry?

17. What is shipping casualty?

18. What will you do on receiving a distress alert? I said i will proceed for assistance
with my full speed if i can do so as per msa unless the vessel in distress or SAR
party at scene tells me that i m no longer reqd.. But he was not happy wid this
answer, expecting something else..

19. Certification for bulk carrier? What is DOA n who issues it? Procedure fr loading
grain. How will you reduce heeling moment? Solas reference for above..

20. Diff between NC and MNC as per ISM?

21. What is quartering seas and precautions for same

Explain synchronus rolling and parametric rolling.

22. How will you prepare damage control plan? Contents of damage control plan.

23. Explain Annex VI?

Limits of NOX and SOX?

Date: 15 –May-2014

Venue : DGS

External: S. K. Panda

1) Define Salvage
(Define only salvage and stop// in cross questioning do not say the contractor has
maritime lien on the property solved as per him it is a Possessory lien
In capt. C L. Dubey maritime legislation book page no. 79 salvage is the example of
Maritime lien. This was the start with him….

2) Content of LOF 2011 form

3) What is “Place of Safety” as Mentioned in box no. 3 of LOF form.
4) Changes in LOF 2011 form ?
5) Define duty of Master as per “MSA and ISM”?
6) What is” investigation and inquiry “ as per MSA?
Remark: Avoid telling relevant section no. He gets angry on that..
7) Entire to made in “Official log Book”
Remark: As you reach on the point any “Death and casualty” He will provide you a
piece of paper to make such entry While making entry Please do not write “Lost his
life” he stopped me at this point and at the end of oral explained You are not a
doctor on board and can not declared death on board.
8) IAMSAR Search pattern ??
9) Determine the position of datum?
10)Formula to calculate “S” (Track spacing)
11)Limitation of Liabilities in CLC and FUND
12)Definition of SDR----
13)What is “HNS” protocol.
14)Intact stability criteria
Remark: Guys explain this answer with GZ curve, keep pen, paper ready.
( Check the definition of RADIAN which I could not recollected.)
15)Damage stability criteria.
16)How does the chemical tanker diff from oil tanker?
Ans started with certificate of fitness and Type 1 2 3
he wants this answer as per Damage assumption
Please refer MSC circ 1461

17)Grain loading criteria . VHM , stability criteria?

18)Define : Hazardous and harmful substances?
19)Fixed Fire fighting system on your last vessel. ???
20)Working of Hyper mist system???/
21)Diff between Hague and hague visby rules
22)In india ratified these rules
Replied No In India “Contract of carriage “governed with COGSA
23)Finallyyyyy ROR Rule no. 2, 6, 8, &13

Remark: Cross question in between: e.g. Safe speed, Close quarter situation,
ascertain overtaking.

Capt S. Panda

1. What is aframax and suezmax?

2. Intact stability criteria
3. Damage assumptions for oil tanker
4. Persistent oil
5. Quote rule 8. Stopped me at ample time and asked what would i consider sufficient.
6. Issc certificate
7. Imdg documents required
8. Draw initial gm on gz curve
9. What happens to the curve when u have negative gm
10. Grain stab lambda zero
11. Lambda 40
12. When will u consider abandoning ship
13. Manouvring info
14. How does it help you
15. How many articles in MLC
16. How many clases in IMDG code
17. What is DMLC part 1 and 2?
18. Status of mlc in india what does dg issue.
19. How does info on mano characteristcs help u as master

Basically i was wrong with stability questions and did not study imdg. He went deep into
marpol damage stab and oil tanker damage assumptions. I fumbled in ROR also.
Date: 13th June 2014 / Friday
Venue: DGS
Capt. S Panda

1. What are critical operations? 

2. Defn of NC, Obj Evidence, Observation
3. What will PSC check as per STCW & MLC?
4. What is the current CIC as per Indian Ocean MOU? 
5. Certs reqd as per Marpol?
6. What is EEDI? Limits for Sox & Nox?
7. Draw GZ curve, what all info do you get from it? Why 57.3 deg.
8. Damage stability criteria & damage assumptions for oil tankers.
9. Firefighting equipment on last vessel? Co2 reqmt for E/R?
10. How will you prepare a fire plan? What are A,B,C Class divisions?
11. Functional reqmts of GMDSS? Explain Sea areas & equipment for Sea area A4? What
is continuous watch?
12. What factors will you take into account before abandoning ship?
13. Diff btwn on load & off load release mechanism?
14. Rule 6-10 & 16-19. What is short blast and prolonged blast?
15. What is safe speed, good seamanship, close qrtr situation?
16. Your vessel is entering English Channel, what all precautions? Gyro failure in English
17. Diff btwn Piracy and Armed robbery?
18. How will you prepare a oil tanker for dry dock? Formula for P? 
19. Contents of IG? O2 % reqmt?
20. What is SOLAS Ch XII?
21. What is IMSBC Code? What is TML?
22. What are dangerous goods? How many classes in IMDG?
23. HV rules & liability limits?
24. Diff btwn B/L & C/P?Types of B/L?
25. Both to Blame collision clause
26. Liabilities due to a tanker spill?
27. Entries in OLB? Which ships require OLB in Indian waters?
28. What is salvage? LOF 2011?
Date: 17th June 2014 / Tuesday
Venue: DGS
Capt. S Panda

1. What is Intact stability criteria?

2. Why initial GM at 57.3 degree?
3. Damage stability criteria and assumption for all kind of ships cargo, passenger, oil gas
chemical? (Solas Ch II-I/ Marpol Annex - 1, IGC, IBC)
4, Survivability criteria of Bulk carrier (Ch- XII)?
5. Wind heeling curve?
6. How will you ensure that ISM is following on board?
7. Master's Duty as per ISM?
8. Definition of NC, MNC, Obj. evidence and observation.
9. Main element of ISM? (Safety)
10. What is IMDG code and its classes?
11. Fire fighting equipments on your vessel?
12. Requirement of water mist?
14. PSC inspector detain your vessel, you are not agree with observation, MNC how will
you go about it?
16. How many PSC MOU?
17. Current CIC of Indian ocean MOU?
18. Iamsar Search pattern?
19. Datum calculation?
20. Area A-4, A-3?
21. How many ways to send Distress alert on board.
22. How sat-c Distress travels?
23. What is the provision of monitoring SAR in Polar reason?
24. English channel preparation as per Marpol and Navigation?
25. How many types of B/L?
26. Functions of types of B/L?
27. HVR? HVR liability? Difference between HV and HVR?
28. Which certificates are not having Annual survey? ( SMC/ IEEC/ Ship sanitation Cert)
29. CLC convention limits?
30. what is SDR?
31. Rules 7/8/10/13/14/15/17/18/19 (I was not going word by word jst explanation)
32. Some easy situations? (TSS crossing and joining lane)
33. observance of good seamanship (i.e. be positive in rule -8)

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