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Course Title: Families as Collaborators in the Classroom, School and Community

Course Number and Section: ID 3162, Sec K2; 21/FA

1) IDEA requires that students receive a Free and Appropriate Public

Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). (100

A.) Define FAPE. What does the concept of appropriate refer to in

terms of student learning?
FAPE stands for Free Appropriate Public Education. This means
each and every student is entitled to free public education that meets
all of their individual needs. Making sure that this gets done
appropriately means that students are classified properly and that they
are in the correct placement. This could simply mean added supports
are put in place for children in a general classroom. This could also
mean a child with a disability will be placed in a program out of district
for free along with transportation provided by district. FAPE was put in
place to make sure every single child has a fair and equal opportunity
to get an education no matter what their circumstances or disabilities

B.) What is meant by LRE? Why might a placement in general

education with support be considered restrictive for some students but
not for others?
LRE stands for least restrictive environment. This means providing the
least amount of support possible in order for the student to succeed.
This is unique and tailored to each individual student with an IEP. That
being said, the least restrictive environment is not the same for
everyone. The least restrictive environment is not a place, it does not
mean every student belongs in a general education classroom. The
least restrictive environment for some may be too restrictive for others
because it will not benefit them the same way. A special education
classroom may not be the least restrictive environment for some
children with disabilities. It may be in fact more restrictive because
they may benefit from being in a general education classroom with
Course Title: Families as Collaborators in the Classroom, School and Community
Course Number and Section: ID 3162, Sec K2; 21/FA

other supports such as slight modifications and a “push in” special

education teacher.

2) Talk about 3 major differences between IDEA process and services

and section 504 process and services. How does the parental role
differ between the two? (100 points)
Both an IEP and 504 were created to provide equity but they do so in
different aspects. A Section 504 Plan provides accommodations
based on the child's disability, but does not change instruction.The
accommodation will be made by the teacher to help the child's
learning become more effective such as preferential seating. An IEP
however does require a modification in instruction. An IEP will also
affect the child's classroom placement whereas a 504 will not. Parents
are more involved in the IEP process than a 504. Parents are a part of
the IEP team and offer insight into how their child learns and how they
are at home. The parent and the rest of the IEP team work together to
achieve their IEP goals. Parents also have the right to pull their child
out of a special education program and or refuse any services at any
time at their discretion.

3) In Brown vs. Board of Education the court ruled that state-

sponsored segregation by race in public education violated the 14 th
Amendment’s equal protection clause. What harms did the court find
that separate but equal causes? How can this ruling be applied to
special education? (75 points)
In the Brown vs. Board of education, the Kansas court said that the
segregation created in them a feeling of inferiority that undermined
their motivation to learn and deprived them of educational
opportunities they would have if they were in one school together. The
same logic can be applied to special education. This civil rights law
created is very important from both aspects. It is important for
Course Title: Families as Collaborators in the Classroom, School and Community
Course Number and Section: ID 3162, Sec K2; 21/FA

inclusion to be an intrical part of creating a free appropriate education

for all students regardless of race or special education needs.

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