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1. Is history important to you?

2. Do you feel you have a good knowledge of history?

3. What period of history interests you most?
4. What do you think of the recent history of your country – the past fifty years?
5. What do you know about the early history of your country?
6. What has been the most important historical event in the past 30 years?
7. Which person in history has had a bad reputation?
8. If you could meet one historical figure, who would it be?
9. Who is your nation’s greatest hero?
10. Are you proud of your country’s history?
11. What is the most important historical site in your country?
12. Should we learn about the great heroes of history or about ordinary people?
13. Why is it important to learn history at school?
14. Did you like studying history at school?
15. Can you think of a great historical film you have seen?
16. What is more important, world history or your own nation’s history?
17. How much of the history we know about can we really trust?
18. If you could travel back in time, which period would you visit?
19. Are you happy you were born at this moment in history?
20. Was the 20th century a great century?
21. Is there anyone alive today who will be remembered in a thousand years?
22. If you could erase one event from history, what would it be?
23. Do you think human beings have made progress over the course of history?
24. Have you ever witnessed a historical event? What about on television?
25. Do you think that history repeats itself?

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