Correction of Non-Responsive and Non-Dominant Follicular Cyst in A Cow

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Intas Polivet 21 (1): 63-65 Short Communication

Correction of Non-Responsive and Non-Dominant Follicular Cyst in a Cow

S. Satheshkumar1, S. Raja and P. Jayaganthan
Veterinary Clinical Complex
Veterinary College and Research Institute
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS)
Thanjavur - 614625 (Tamil Nadu)

Ultrasonographic investigation of a repeat breeding cow revealed large anaechoic cyst like structure (22.5 mm) in right
ovary and dominant follicle (DF: 12.0 mm) in left ovary. A modified Ovsynch protocol was followed by initiating the treatment
with administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin. Persistence and drastic increase in size of cystic structure (38.4mm)
was observed, eventhough the DF found to be responded with formation of corpus luteum. Since the cyst didn’t respond
for hormonal treatments, it was classified as non-responsive and non-dominant follicular cyst (NDFC). A novel trans-
vaginal approach of ultrasound guided follicular evacuation of cyst was performed under epidural anaesthesia. The animal
returned to cycle normally and there was no recurrence of cystic follicle. The procedure ensures safe collapsing of the
cysts without development of adhesions ensured.
Keywords: Cow; evacuation; follicular cyst; non-responsive; ultrasonography
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Introduction discharge, moderate uterine tonicity and relaxation of

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Cystic degeneration is a follicular dysfunction and cervical os characteristic of oestrus. A large fluctuating

major cause of reproductive failure in dairy cattle cyst like structure could be observed on palpation of
(Roberts, 1971) with economic impact on dairy right ovary, while left ovary had a soft fluctuating region
industry. Ovarian follicular cyst (FC) is a consequence resembling dominant follicle (DF).
of mature follicle that fails to ovulate at the appointed
Ultrasonographic examination (Esoate, MyLab30 Vet
time during the oestrous cycle. FCs are generally
Gold, Italy) was carried out using 7.5-MHz trans-rectal
defined as follicle like fluid filled structures, with
linear transducer for confirmatory diagnosis. Right
diameter of >17 mm and persisting for more than six
ovary had large anaechoic cyst like structure with
days on the ovarian surface in absence of corpus
diameter of 22.5 mm and left ovary had normal DF of
luteum and clearly interfering with normal ovarian
12.0 mm diameter (Fig 1a). A modified Ovsynch
cyclicity (Silvia et al., 2002). However, Calder et al.
protocol was followed by initiating the treatment with
(2001) opined a different category of FCs which may
the administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin
lose their dominance and co-exist along with normal
(Inj. hCG; 3000 I.U.; I.V.) instead of GnRH. Seven days
follicular and luteal turnover without affecting the
later, ultrasonographic examination revealed
cyclicity. The present report documents incidence of
presence of corpus luteum on left ovary indicating
such a ‘Non-dominant follicular cyst’ (NDFC) and also
that the DF found on previous examination got
places on record a novel trans-vaginal approach of
ovulated. However, cystic structure on right ovary did
ultrasound guided follicular evacuation for its
not responded to hCG and persisted with diameter of
22.1 mm (Fig. 1b). Prostaglandin (Inj. Cloprostenol;
History, Clinical Observations, Diagnosis and 500 mcg; i.m) was administered and animal was
Treatment inseminated 48 hours later during induced oestrus
A Jersey crossbred pluriparous cow (calved twice) along with GnRH analogue (Inj. Buserelin acetate; 10
was brought with history of repeat breeding syndrome. mcg; i.m).
Anamnesis revealed that animal was exhibiting
The animal returned to cycle in next eighteen days.
oestrus signs at regular inter-oestrus intervals and
On ultrasonographic examination, we could observe
not conceived for more than 10 inseminations. Routine
that cyst in right ovary persisted and enlarged
gynaeco-clinical examination revealed clear vaginal
drastically (38.4 mm) than previous observation (Fig.
1c). Based on the classification of FCs (Calder et al.,
1. Professor/Head, and Corresponding author. 2001), the cyst was confirmed as ‘non-responsive’ -
E-mail: NDFC. Since the cyst did not responded to any

Follicular cyst in cow


Fig.1a: Day 0: Administration of hCG Fig.1b: Day 7: Persistence of

cyst with ovulation of DF
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Fig.1b: Day 7: Persistence of Fig.1c: Subsequent oestrus: Enlargement of cyst along with normal DF
cyst with ovulation of DF

ing Collapsed cyst

ply e
Ap s s u r
Fig. 2: Sequential views of needle puncturing and collapsed cyst
hormonal therapy, mechanical collapsing of cyst was probe, so that the cyst was clearly visible on the
preferred as the option to get rid of ailment. The trans- monitor. The ovary was positioned firmly adjacent to
vaginal approach of ultrasound guided follicular the fornix region focusing the cyst.
evacuation was performed by the single operator as
A sterile 21G hypodermic needle held concealed
within the fingers of right hand was guided trans-
Under epidural anaesthesia, the transrectal vaginally to fornix region.
ultrasound probe was taken inside the rectum with
left hand. The right ovary which possessed the NDFC Under continuous observation on the monitor, the
was held trans-rectally against the face of the linear needle was pierced through the fornix into the NDFC.

Satheshkumar et al.

By applying mild pressure over the cyst, the cystic in NDFCs could explain the non-responsiveness of
fluid was completely evacuated into the vaginal floor. cows to exogenous GnRH or hCG that are often used
Fluid evacuation was appreciated by collapse of cyst to treat cysts. Hence mechanical collapsing of inert
(Fig. 2). cyst is the only option to get rid of the ailment. Trans-
rectal manual rupture of FCs is not preferred due to
Vagina was douched with Potassium permanganate the well known potential risk of adhesion formation
solution post cystic evacuation, Anti-inflammatory, (Roberts, 1971). Transvaginal ultrasound-guided
anti-histaminic and antibiotic coverage was followed follicular aspiration is a safe and good alternative
for three days. approach to alleviate the NDFCs. However it requires
specificprobe accessories and manpower of atleast
The animal returned to cycle normally in an interval two skilled physicians to complete the process which
of twenty days and there was no recurrence of cystic prevents its routine practical application under field
follicle in that cycle. It was also observed that the conditions. Hence an alternative, user friendly
right ovary was freely movable indicating absence approach with regular trans-rectal ultrasonography
of adhesions. utilizing a single operator was developed. The
procedure ensures safe collapsing of the cysts without
Discussion development of adhesions.
In recent years, we could observe an increase in
incidence of these NDFCs (4.0 percent) among the Better understanding of etiogenesis and therapeutic
FC conditions in crossbred cows (Gupta et al., 2019). approach to alleviate the non-responsive NDFCs is
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The NDFCs are thin walled fluid filled structures warranted to avoid unnecessary loss of productive
uniquely characterized by their uncontrollable acute animals.
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or chronic increase in diameter and extremely non-


responsive to regular hormonal therapies. No

nymphomaniac or anoestrus symptoms could be Calder, M.D., Manikkam, M., Salfen, B.E., Youngquist, R.S.,
Lubahn, D.B., Lamberson, W.R. and Garverick, H.A.
observed in affected animals, instead the cows are (2001). Dominant bovine ovarian follicular cysts express
cyclic with normal follicular turnover, but remains increased levels of messenger rnas for luteinizing hormone
infertile (cyclic non-breeders or repeat breeders). receptor and 3²-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isomerase
compared to normal dominant follicles. Biol. Reprod. 65:
Characteristically, cows with FCs have frequent GnRH 471-76.
or LH pulses leading to prolonged growth of follicles
and increased follicular oestradiol (E2) synthesis. Gupta, C., Satheshkumar, S., Ganesan, A., Murugan, M.
Concentrations of E2 and progesterone (P4) in follicular and Ramprabhu, R. (2019). Management of Follicular Cyst
by multiple approaches in crossbred cows. Proceedings
fluid are higher in FCs than in normal DF. Thus FCs
of International Symposium of ISSAR on “Global
are steroidogenically active structures. On the Perspectives to Enhance Livestock Fertility through
contrary, Grado-Ahuir et al. (2011) and Ortega et al. Modern Reproductive Techniques for Doubling Farmer’s
(2015) have stated that NDFCs have lower Income”, Namakkal,18-20 December. p. 66-67.
intrafollicular concentrations of E2 and higher P4
Grado-Ahuir, J.A., Aad, P.Y. and Spicer, L.J. (2011). New
concentrations than FCs. They further documented
insights into the pathogenesis of cystic follicles in cattle:
absence of aromatase and 17 -hydroxylase activity Microarray analysis of gene expression in granulosa cells.
and lack of P450 arom mRNA expression in NDFCs J. Anim. Sci. 89: 1769-86.
and related the same to the degeneration of the
granulosa cell layer. Thus the loss of dominance in Ortega, H.H., Marelli, B.E., Rey, F., Amweg, A.N., D1az,
P.U., Stangaferro, M.L. and Salvetti, N.R. (2015). Molecular
these cysts could be attributed to the decreased
aspects of bovine cystic ovarian disease pathogenesis.
expression of steroidogenic enzyme and gonadotropin Reproduction 149: 251-64.
receptor mRNAs associated with degenerated
granulosa cells.These non-steriodogenic cysts are Roberts, S.J. (1971). Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital
hormonally inactive and are ‘inert’ space occupying Diseases. 2nd Edn., CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
structures. They do not influence the normal oestrous
cycle and hence can occur together with a corpus Silvia, W.J., Hatler, T.B., Nugent, A.M. and Laranja da Fonseca,
luteum unlike the FCs. L.F. (2002). Ovarian follicular cysts in dairy cows: an abnormality
in folliculogenesis. Dom. Anim. Endocrin. 23: 167-77.
Deficient LH receptors and reduced LH/FSH binding
Received on: 25.12.2019
Accepted on: 10.02.2020


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