Kisi Kisi SMK 2021

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- Soal berjumlah 40
- 1 Soal poinnya 2,5

Kisi-kisi soal:
 Soal nomor 1-10 adalah melengkapi dialog yang tidak lengkap dengan memilih kalimat
yang paling benar
Zoe: …..
Pie : wow. I think it was fun, right?
a. My father and I go to medan last holiday
b. My father and I goes to medan last holiday
c. My father and I went to medan last holiday
d. My father and my mother are going to medan last holiday
e. My mom and I is going to medan last holiday
Jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi dialog di atas adalah C. Karena merupakan
kalimat past tense jadi kata kerjanya menggunakan bentuk kedua yaitu “WENT”
 Soal nomor 11-13 adalah menjawab soal berdasarkan teks yang diberikan. Perhatikan
teks di bawah ini.

Robert douglas Thomas pattinson was born on may 13,1986 in London. He is an English
actor, model, musician and producer. Pattinson started his career by playing cedric digory
in harry potter and the goblet of fire. He later landed the landing role of Edward Cullen in
the film adaptations of the twilight novels by Stephanie meyer, and came to worldwide
fame, thus establishing himself among the highest paid and most bankable actors in
Hollywood in 2010, pattinson was named one of TIME magazine’s 100 most influential
people in the world, and also in the same year forbes ranked him as one of the most
powerful celebrities in the world in the forbes celebrity 100. Since the twilight series
ended in 2012, pattinson has ventured into doing small independent films.
What is the text about?
a. Robert pattinson’s movie
b. Robert pattinson’s gossip
c. Robert pattinson’s career
d. Robert pattinson’s football skill
e. Robert pattinson’s neigbor
 Soal nomor 14-17 adalah menjawab soal berdasarkan teks informasi singkat, yaitu berupa
teks “PENGUMUMAN”. Perhatikan teks dibawah ini:

The sport and arts competition will be held from February 14-25, 2020. It aims to
develop the student’s talent and creativity in this school. Every class must send the
representatives. There will be four competitions, they are basketball competition, a
science competition, a futsal competition, and math and English quiz. The futsal
competition is only for male students, but the boys and girls can join the other
How long is the sport and arts competition carried out?
a. Four days
b. Twelve days
c. Thirteen days
d. Fourteen days
e. Five days

 Soal nomor 18-21 adalah menjawab soal berdasarkan teks prosedur dibawah ini:
1. Make sure that the electricity current matches with the rice cooker.
2. After washing and watering the rice, put it into the rice cooker.
3. Plug the cable into the outlet. Dry your hands before plugging.
4. Turn the rice cooker on.
What is the text about?
a. How to operate the rice cooker
b. How to plug a cable to an electric outlet
c. How to match a rice cooker
d. How to eat rice
e. How to cook rice

 Soal nomor 22-24 adalah menjawab soal dari teks yang tersedia di bawah ini:

A well-established furniture manufacturing company is looking for a motivated
professional to join our team.

-fluent in oral and written English
-Aged about 23-35 years old
-Has strong interpersonal skills in handling customers
-furniture experience is preferable

Please send your CV and recent color 4x6 photograph to Amanah Sejati Company at jl.
Cendrawasih no. 15, East Jakarta.
The text tell us about…
a. A big sale
b. A tourist resort
c. A job vacancy
d. A novel promotion
e. The opening of a new office

 Soal nomor 25-28 menjawab soal dari report text di bawah ini

The Surabaya Police have arrested a man, identified only as MN, for allegedly buying an
infant via Instagram. MN was arrested at his house on Jl. Karah in Jambangan district in
Surabaya, East java, on Sunday. He was found to have paid some Rp. 3,8 million ($250)
for a baby boy when he was only three days.
Surabaya police chief sr. comr. Rudi setiawan said recently that the transaction was
conducted in Semarang, Central Java, on Sept. 23. The baby’s parents live in Tangerang
in Banten. “ The baby is now safe with the Surabaya administration, “ Rudi said on
Monday (the Jakarta post, tue, October 16, 2018)
What is the main idea of second paragraph?
a. Surabaya’s police have arrested an allegedly buying an infant
b. The transaction conducted in semarang
c. The trader an infant arrested in Surabaya
d. The cost of the baby was $250
e. The trade happened everyday

 Soal nomor 29-30 menjawab soal dari descriptive text dibawah ini


Paris is the capital of a European nation, France. It also one of the most beautiful
and most famous cities in the world.
Paris is called the city of Light. It is also an international fashion center. What
stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world. Paris is
also famous for its world center of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of
UNESCO, the United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The Seine River divides the city into two parts. Thirty-two bridges cross this
scenic river. The oldest and perhaps the most well-known is Pont Neuf, which was built
in the sixteenth century. Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the left bank (south
side) of the river. The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on the top of a hill called
Montmartre on the right bank (north side) of the Seine.
There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the
Louvre as well the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this
city must be the Eiffel Tower.
Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii. They built a small village
on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago. This islands
is called Ile de la Cite. It is where Notre Dame located. Today around eight million
people live in the Paris area.

From the text we know that notre dame is located
a. On the left bank
b. On the right bank
c. Near left louvre
d. Outside the city of paris
e. In the middle of the seine river

 Soal nomor 31-32 menjawab soal berdasarkan teks iklan di bawah ini
ANNIVERSARY In the whole month of July
Come and visit us this July to celeberate our 10th anniversary and enjoy a lot of surprises.
We offer:
• Up to 50% discount on dairy products, bakery and fresh meat.
• Free food samples, free ice cream, and free gifts.
• Trivia Contests to win 10 mobile phones, 10 microwaves, and 10 dekstop computer
• Daily live music from 5 to 9 pm.
• Weekend suprises.
Visit our website to get more information on all special
events in July, or contact us at 7994352.
See you at Crossroad Supermarket at no. 45 Washington Avenue. Bring this flyer and get
a free gift at the Customer Service Counter.
Which one is not mentioned in the flyer?
a. The website address
b. The founder’s name
c. The contact number
d. The discount
e. The month of the anniversary
 Soal nomor 33-36 menjawab soal berdasarkan cerita dibawah ini

I lived in a small village called suak kenyaok in meliau, west Kalimantan. It is a nice and
quiet place. My house is close to a bridge that leads to a school. Behind my house is a big
People in my village are mostly farmers. They grow paddy, chili, mustard, onion, garlic,
cucumbers. Some other earns money by rising livestock, such as goats, sheep, cows,
chickens, ducks, etc. some others are traders. They sell crops and other goods at the
market. Early in the morning, the street in front of my house is always crowded by people
going to the market, school, and the field.
How many kinds of plants that grown by the farmers?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 6
d. 5
e. 7

 Soal nomor 37-38 melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan kata kerja dan tobe (kata kerja
bantu) pada paragraph yang tersedia di bawah ini

During the UNESCO session, Indonesia's proposal regarding the dances reportedly
ranked 18th among a total of 35 countries.

"The nine dances represent Balinese dance as a whole based on their historical concept,
function and style," said Dewa.

According to Dewa, the Rejang, Sanghyang Dedari and Baris Upacara dances
represented the Wali dance, which is usually performed during processions. Meanwhile,
the Topeng Sidhakarya dance and Gambuh and Wayang Wong dance dramas ….. part of
the Bebali dance, known as a semi-sacred and ceremonial dance. The Legong Keraton,
Joged Bumbung and Barong Ket dances are a representation of the Balih-Balihan dance
that serves social and entertainment purposes.

The Wali dance is said to have originated between the eighth and 14th centuries. The
Bebali dance and Balih-Balihan dances are believed to have come from the 14th-19th
century and 19th centuries, respectively.

"The community has actively ….. an important role in preserving these traditional
dances, especially the Wali dance. Meanwhile, the Bali provincial administration and its
city and regency administrations should increase their role in preserving the Bebali and
Balih-Balihan dances during tourist events," said Dewa.
 Soal nomor 39 adalah menyusun kata-kata acak untuk menjadi sebuah kalimat yang
 Soal nomor 40 menyusun kalimat untuk menjadi sebuah paragraph yang benar

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