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Gautam Buddha University

End Semester Examinations, January 2021

School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Program Name: BA English (Hons.) Maximum Marks: 70
Course Name: British Poetry and Drama 16th to 18th century
Course Code: EN 123 Total Time: 2 hours

Section A:
I. Attempt any SIX questions: (5x6=30)
1. Explain the lines from Shakespeare's sonnet-
Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken.
2. Mention the biblical allusions in Absolmon and Achitophil.
3. Describe the Invocation part in paradise lost.
4. Why is Rape of the Lock characterized as a mock epic?
5. Which awakening does the poet refer to in the poem the The Good Morrow.
6. In what ways does Dryden empower the concept of monarchy over the rule of
the people?
7. Elaborate on the building of the pandemonium.
8. What is the courtly love tradition? Discuss with examples from the play As You
Like It
9. In what ways does Dryden defend Charles II in the poem Absolmon and
Achitophil. OR What are the qualities associated with King David in Absolmon
and Achitophil?
10. Explain the rule of primogeniture in the play As You Like It

Section B:
Attempt any FOUR questions: (10x4=40)
II. Is "The Rape of the Lock"'s presentation of Belinda flattering or
insulting?  Make a case for one side or the other, using specific examples
from the text.
III. Discuss the character of Satan - as a rebel or as a revolutionary figure-
in detail.
IV. What purpose does Rosalind's and Celia’s disguise serve in the play?
Comment on the theme of cross dressing in the 18th century.
V. Discuss the characters of Achitophil and Absolmon.
VI. Discuss the play As You Like It in the light of its depiction of the pastoral.
VII. Explain the metaphysical characters present in the two poems of John
Donne’s in your curriculum. Elaborate on the use of conceits, imagery
and language by giving examples from the poems.

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