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The Brand Platform

14 | Brand Platform | Linksoft Communication Systems | November 2010

Successful brands are based
upon a platform that is
consistently applied to all
From interrogating
contact points withdata through the Opportunity Model,
the brand
as wellWeasnow identify the key departure points
a strong
differentiatingto develop
idea into opportunities
for the Color Creations brand

15 | Brand Platform | Linksoft Communication Systems | November 2010
Our methodology: The Impact Model™
Bringing the brand to life How

Value Inspirational Brand
Proposition Platform Expressions

Customer Internal
How you act
Who are Experience activation
priority Brand
targets? Values What you offer Architecture Marketing strategy

What is the strategy

most Brand Brand Corporate social
compelling Story Essence
Naming & Verbal
Taglines identity
Sales strategy
Why should Brand Promotional strategy
they Personality
believe us? What you say Messaging PR strategy
Brand Identity
Product strategy
Tone of
Packaging & collateral
How you speak Budget planning

How you look


We then take the opportunity identified and

subject it to impact modeling so as to come up
with a compelling singular brand essence that
can be expressed both visually and behaviourally
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Who, What & Why - Brand value proposition

1 Who

Define target
Who are the high
priority audiences to
whom your brand
must appeal?

1.  Telecoms players

2.  Corporates
3.  Employees (current
and future)

17 | Brand Platform | Linksoft Communication Systems | November 2010

Who, What & Why - Brand value proposition

1 Who 2 What

Define target Develop a compelling

audiences brand promise

Who are the high What is the most

priority audiences to compelling promise
whom your brand that can be made to
must appeal? the priority targets to
choose your brand?

1.  Telecoms players We are a close,

2.  Corporates reliable, warm and
3.  Employees (current empathetic partner
and future) that lives the Kingdom
business principles

18 | Brand Platform | Linksoft Communication Systems | November 2010

Who, What & Why - Brand value proposition

1 Who 2 What 3 Why

Define target Develop a compelling Keep the promise -

audiences brand promise proof and delivery

Who are the high What is the most Why should people
priority audiences to compelling promise believe - what are the
whom your brand that can be made to proof points that will
must appeal? the priority targets to make the promise
choose your brand? credible, distinctive
and sustainable?

We are a close, 1.  We have an

1.  Telecoms players unparalleled and
2.  Corporates reliable, warm and
empathetic partner growing Pan African
3.  Employees (current footprint
and future) that lives the Kingdom
business principles 2.  We have the
3.  We are continuously
building our capacity
4.  We are founded on
Kingdom Business

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The Linksoft brand story…

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For Linksoft, being in the
communication business is a
divine calling

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Because of this, we strive to be a
close, friendly and reliable partner…

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valuing holistic growth, both
personal and business – for our
partners, our investors, our
staff, our continent, the globe

Holistic Growth
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Our business and culture is a path
and testimony to our higher calling

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We see Linksoft as more than a
communication business,

We see Linksoft as…

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“Our way of life!”
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Summary: Recommended Linksoft brand platform


“To be a manifestation of God’s Kingdom in the

communication business”
4. Inspirational 1. Fundamental
Benefits Offering

“Linksoft is more Communications

“Through Kingdom Business support and
Principles, to be the communication than just a services
partner of choice through forging business!”
close relationships, the rigorous
application of world class technical
expertise and continuous innovation” 5. Brand Essence

Brand Values:
Our way
of life!
Continuous Improvement
2. Functional
Excellence 3. Emotional benefits
Holistic Growth
“Linksoft Enabling business
understands me and personal
Tone of voice: holistically” communication


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Core values vs. Brand values

•  Core values are a set of principles to suggest a certain behaviour or

the way in which an organization conducts business. Linksoft has
powerful core values:

– Excellence
– Continuous Improvement
– Competency
– Integrity
– Growth of the Whole Person
– Equal Opportunity

•  Brand values are powerful beacons that are conceived to support

a unique brand proposition and be memorable – We should aim to
limit them to three:

– MIND: How you think, is the reason behind your actions

– BODY: How you behave, is the tangible demonstration of the brand
– SOUL: How you feel, should express the emotional dimension of
the brand

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Linksoft’s suggested trinity of values



Competency Holistic
Flexible Growth
Continuous Warmth
Improvement Empathy


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Through continuous improvement, we achieve excellence that
results in the holistic growth, both from a spiritual and physical
perspective based on Kingdom business principles that call for
empowerment of today’s generation of God’s people to rise to
positions of affluence, influence and dominion as per God’s plan
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