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Copyright © 2021 by Beth Hildenbrand

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by

any electronic or mechanical means, including
information storage and retrieval systems, without written
permission from the author, except for the brief quotations
in a book review. Resemblance to actual persons, things,
locations, or events is coincidental.

This Book is Dedicated to the Man I Love

Forever and After.
Also to my Sons who are the joy of my life
And my Grandchildren who are my heart
As always, this is for you Chief
“No one has any sympathy for the Devil”

Table of Contents

PROLOGUE .................................................................... iv
CHAPTER ONE............................................................... 1
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................. 9
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................ 17
CHAPTER FOUR .......................................................... 24
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................ 33
CHAPTER SIX .............................................................. 45
CHAPTER SEVEN ........................................................ 52
CHAPTER EIGHT ......................................................... 59
CHAPTER NINE ........................................................... 66
CHAPTER TEN ............................................................. 72
CHAPTER ELEVEN ..................................................... 76
CHAPTER TWELVE .................................................... 86
CHAPTER THIRTEEN ................................................. 95
CHAPTER FOURTEEN .............................................. 100
CHAPTER FIFTEEN ................................................... 107
CHAPTER SIXTEEN .................................................. 115
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN............................................ 121
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ............................................... 128
CHAPTER NINETEEN ............................................... 135
CHAPTER TWENTY .................................................. 142
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE......................................... 147
CHAPTER TWENTY TWO........................................ 154
CHAPTER TWENTY THREE .................................... 164
CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR ...................................... 169
CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE ........................................ 174
CHAPTER TWENTY SIX .......................................... 181
CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN .................................... 186
CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT ..................................... 196
EPILOGUE .................................................................. 203

Adam - First human created. Husband of Eve. Father of Abel.

Adamstown - Small town in Pennsylvania. Antiques capital of

the UnitedStates. On and off home of Cain.

Affa - (Salmon Affa Zizop) In Enochian, the language of the

Angels. English, the House of the Empty Vessels. The place where
Lucifer sends the used up souls from Hell.

Archers Bar - Est. 1770, current owners Mom and Pop Archer.
Cain’s favorite bar.

Beelzebub - (B) Lucifer’s right hand.Fought beside Lucifer in

the war.

Cain - First murderer. Cursed Immortal. Key to the Gates of


Chief - Adamstown Chief of Police.

Chrissy - Waitress at Archers Bar.

Cyndahl - Daughter of Cain and the Witch of Endor. Lucifer’s

favorite until she betrayed him and was banished to the dying Eden.

Eden - (city) Vanished in the flood. Was pulled into Hell by

Lucifer where it is slowly dying.

Eden - (location) The name of Cain’s hidden mansion.

Eric - Faith’s highschool sweetheart.

Eve - Wife of Adam. Mother of Cain. Mother of Cain.Lucifer’s
lover. Banished to the dyingEden for betraying Lucifer.

Faith - The daughter of Cain’s heart. Works for Cain and lives
in the mansion. Was engaged to Grey Archer.

Hell - Lucifer’s domain. Home of the Fallen Angels and demons.

Jami - Third Archer sibling. Neophyte Witch. Is being trained in

magic by the Witch of Endor. Cain’s lover.

Katie - Worked for Faith at Martins Books before she was

murdered by a possessed Micah.

Ladocia - One of the Order of the Key. Once head of one of the
seven tribes of Israel. Made an angel. Carries one of the Swords of

Legion - The group of Angels who fell with Lucifer.

Lucifer - Once the most favored of Angels in Heaven.Led the

war against Heaven. Eve’s seducer and lover.

Order of the Key - A brotherhood of seven angels made from the

leaders of the seven tribes of Israel. Guardians of the Key of the
Gates of Hell. Carry the Swords of Solomon.

Magnus - Descendant of Cain’s cursed bloodline. Incubus.

Killed by Cain. Sent to the Affa by Michael.

Mayor Shafer - The Mayor of Adamstown and Cain’s lawyer.

Micah - Youngest Archer sibling. Once possessed by the Demon


Michael - ArchAngel. Defeated Lucifer in the war. Head

M.F.I.C. of the Order of the Key.

Officer Roberts - Police Officer in Adamstown.

Philadelphia - Member of the Order of the Key. Went insane

after a ten year battle with Beelzebub.

Preacher - Faith’s father. Died serving his country. One time


Sully - Member of the Order of the Key. Works in team with

Ladocia. Usually found fighting demons.

Sundriel - One of the Fallen. The Demon who possessed Micah


Tearzahn - One of the Fallen. Once Lucifer’s enforcer. Now

works for Michael.

Swords of Solomon - The seven swords carried by the Order of

the Key. Each containing a piece of the ring Solomon used to control
demons. Deadly to Legion.

Witch of Endor - (Ennie or En) Witch who aided King Saul.

Immortal. Mother of Cain’s daughter Cyndahl. Mentor to Jami



I n the language of the Angels it was named Salmon Affa

Zizop. In our modern English, it is the House of Empty
Vessels, or simply, The Empty. This unholy domicile of Hell’s
unwanted was created by Lucifer to house the souls when all essence
is gone, when there is no longer anything left to torment. In this place
of unrelenting darkness the hollowed out shells of the most corrupt
demons reside. The strongest feeding off the weak.
Now, in this time, the starving soulless creatures of the Affa wail
in anticipation of blood. These ravenous things are driven by a
newfound electric charge sizzling through the endless void. A battle
is being waged. Something never before seen has entered their
domain, a flesh and blood mortal.
A demon 's necrotic soul still inhabiting the human body it
possessed. The drifting husk like creatures screeched in anticipation
of feeding frenzy. Still, they will not see their hunger satisfied. The
first of them fought, darting, snapping, piece by piece it tore at the
flesh, only to have it regenerate. Bits of flesh and blood flew to very
few of the waiting creatures. They swallowed the banquet. As they
grew larger they began feeding on their brethren. Soon the Affa
began a metamorphosus. A hierarchy was born.
The first had more wiles than the rest. It didn’t take long for him
to realize it was the soul he needed. Now power pulsing through the

once empty vessel the First began to truly feed. He drew the soul of
both demon and mortal into himself. For the first time since Lucifer
left him in this void he was whole.
This was the birth of an entirely new creature. Foul, vile, without
conscience. Moved by one goal. Hatred.
The creature threw its head back. Flung out its arms. Every
muscle strained taught as it bellowed its madness. A single name
issued fourth from growling vocal chords. The creatures of the Affa
fled in terror as it screamed the name “Cain!”


J anuary in Pennsylvania is colder than the proverbial witches

tit. The darkness arrives completely and seems to last forever.
It was near one a.m. when Cain followed the demon into the parking
lot of Archers Bar. His breath made steamy jets of air from the cold.
Cain didn’t notice the freezing temperature. He had his fury to keep
him warm. Ever since the spring when a possessed news reporter
had spoken to him, while looking at him from his mother’s eyes,
Cain had become a man obsessed. She had addressed him as Son,
leaving him to wonder whether or not his mother had turned demon.
Cain had a new mission. He was consumed with finding the truth.
Now he was about to find out if this demon had his answers.
Becoming part of the shadows he stalked his prey. Cain caught
up to the possessed man in Archers back parking lot. He had only to
use one arm to shove the kid against the side of the stone building,
then wrenched it’s other arm behind it’s back pushing upward. Cain
moved to grab the demon by the back of his head and smashed its
face into the cold stone. His ruby eyes held a vicious glow as he
looked into the wild milky white eyes of the demons. The demon
had no choice but to lock eyes with Cain. He was incapable of
moving his head while Cain held it forcefully against the rough hewn
“Don’t even consider screwing with me. I’m looking for Eve and
you’re going to tell me where she is?” Cain growled. He allowed his
talons to rip free from the ends of his fingers. Dragging them down
the stone before the demon's face, flickers of spark had the demon

Heretic Faith

“Wwwho? Who are you looking for?”

“Eve. Where is Eve?” Cain growled, into the things ear, finding
pleasure in the lesser demons' fear. With his inky eyebrows drawn
down and his fangs extended Cain was a pants pissing nightmare to
mortals and demons.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Whimpered out of the borrowed
mouth. Cain grinned the smile of a hungry predator as he pulled it’s
head back by the hair then proceeded to bash its face once again
against the stone exterior. Cain hissed as he heard two sets of boots
running up the alley and coming to a stop behind him. He pulled the
humans hair back once again and battered its face into the stone.
“Cain.” Faith barked. “Stop, you’re going to kill him.”
Cain didn’t respond. He still lacked the information he sought.
“Did you hear that?” He growled quietly into its ear. “They know
I'll kill you. Now, do you have something to tell me?”
“Cain, please.” Faith pleaded.
Cain ran the razor sharp talon along it’s throat.
“Eden.” It groaned. “She is being held in Eden.”
“Liar. There is no Eden anymore.”
Faith ran forward with Micah coming up behind her. She
whipped out a flask and threw the Holy water it contained on the
possessed boy. Immediately a shrill wail broke the silence of the
night. The body Cain had pinned to the wall began to thrash.
With a ripe curse Cain released his hold. The body fell to the
ground convulsing. Cain turned burning scarlett eyes on the
daughter of his heart. Ignoring his anger, Faith held out the silver
cross that hung from her neck. “In the name of Christ I command
you to leave this boy. Return to Hell where you belong.”

Beth Hildenbrand

An oily black cloud formed over the body. It turned into a

swirling mass then darted into the ground at their feet.
Micah took his eyes off the spectacle and turned them on his
employer and friend. “What the hell were you doing?”
“None of your business.” Cain replied blandly. ”You don’t
question me. In my world it’s do as I say, not as I do.”
“You taught us beating on an innocent is a no-no. We just found
you head banging with one and you say it’s not our business.
Bullshit.” Micah bitched, even in anger he appeared angelic. His ash
blond hair, a bright halo around his charmingly handsome face.
“He’s right. What happened to hurt no one and keep a low
profile?” Faith argued.
“Those are your rules, not mine.” Cain calmly took a hard pack
of Marlboro reds from the inner pocket of his leather jacket. He
pulled one out and clamped it between his full red lips, then lit the
cigarette with just a thought. As the pair stared at him in open
mouthed wonder he took a long deep drag, the tip of the cigarette
glowing nearly the same color as his eyes. “Now, help me with this.”
Cain used his smoke to point toward the boy laying on the ground.
“I want to get inside and finish my beer.”
Cain refused to look at the confused disappointment clearly
etched on the faces of the two he cared for as his own. In his dark
world there could be nothing to stand in the way of the job at hand.
If he slipped up, innocents died. After tangling with Magnus and the
losses they suffered due to Cain’s own mistakes, any more innocent
lives lost was unacceptable.

Heretic Faith

Tearzahn stood behind the bar. He enjoyed watching the little

drama with Cain and the kids play out. Being a demon himself, one
of Legion to be specific, Tear recognized the possessed easily. He
saw Cain keeping eyeballs on the demon infested human for the last
hour. He was not surprised when Cain evaded his friends to follow
the thing. Even less surprised when the kids caught on and followed
All in all being above was vastly more entertaining than Hell.
After being Lucifer's enforcer Tear did miss the killing. Now that he
was working for Michael, killing was a big no-no. He was starting
to get itchy for some action. Maybe tonight he would get lucky and
have a bar fight to break up. If not, he would have a gaggle of
females waiting for him at closing. Tear’s exotic looks never failed
to get him some tail. His true red hair and amber eyes dazzled the
ladies as did the fact he was built for sex. Standing at six foot ten
with a lean muscular build, men stayed out of his way, and women
drooled. That suited Tear fine. He had no desire to make friends and
he adored females.
Tear took it in stride when Cain and the kids returned. Cain had
no idea his bartender was one of the Fallen. Michael had been the
one to shield Tear, no one or no being, could break Michaels shield.
All of the answers Cain was looking for were standing right in front
of him. If Cain knew the truth he would be one seriously pissed off
Returning to the bar Cain sat on his usual barstool with Faith and
Micah flanking him. He rapped his knuckles on the bar. Tear went
over and handed them each a fresh Budweiser. Faith looked shyly
up at him. She smiled, “Thank you Tear.”
Tear just grunted and gave her a nod. That made her give him a
real smile, one that lit up her wholesome face. This was the girl

Beth Hildenbrand

Michael had ordered Tear to keep eyes on. She was a good girl,
something that befuddled the ex enforcer. Being one of the original
Fallen, Tear had not experienced kindness since before the Fall. He
couldn't understand how she could be so decent to him under the
circumstances. Faith’s fiancee Grey had been the previous
bartender. Only nine months earlier Grey had been murdered by a
demon. Tear couldn't fathom that she would not resent his occupying
Grey’s space behind the bar.
Cain finished his beer. Tear overheard him tell Faith he would
see her at home in the morning. Then watched as Cain got up,
approached a blonde, and left the bar. A minute later Micah followed
suit with another blonde. Faith sighed and shook her head.
“Blondes.” She snorted. Tear looked at her with one perfectly arched
red brow.
“Yes, I know. I’m a blonde.” she snipped, baby blues flashing.
Faith laid some money down on the bar and stood to leave.
Tear pushed the money back at her. “You okay to drive?” he
“Tear.” Faith put on a shocked face. “I didn’t know you cared.”
She teased.
Tear’s forehead scrunched and his eyes squinted. “I don’t.”
Faith laughed at his denial. “Take care. And try smiling. You
might like it.”
Damn, but he almost did crack a smile. Looking at her back as
she left, Tear muttered under his breath. “I really need to kill

Heretic Faith

Faith stood next to her car. She was parked under a pool of light.
Mom and Pop archer kept the spot under the only outside light
reserved for her. Her keys were fisted tightly in the palm of her
fingerless leather gloves. Despite the cold she still felt an icy shiver
run up her back. She sensed something was off. Slowly she rotated
her body to get a good look around. Not easily frightened, Faith had
learned to trust her instincts. There was nothing that she could see
that should cause her trepidation. That didn’t mean something
wasn’t there, hiding in the shadows, lurking close by. Shivering, she
gave herself a shake. For some reason a quote popped into her head.
She dared to speak it out loud, giving herself goosebumps.
“Something wicked this way comes.”

Beth Hildenbrand

Adam caught the scent. Even after all of this time he could
recognize it. Cain had been here. Adam stared at the abandoned
building. The human he was riding remembered this place. Adam
went around to the back and threw his shoulder into the locked door.
Wood snapped, the door splintered, allowing him entry. He
wandered between the empty shelves that had once so lovingly held
books. With each step he took he walked through the detritus of
Faith’s once beloved bookstore. Taking a set of stairs he found a
cozy apartment. From the fru fru and the light powdery scent he
knew a female had once resided here. It would be a good enough
place for him to stay until he finished what he came to do.
Since escaping the Affa, Adam had been making his way to this
place. Adamstown, Pennsylvania. He laughed at the irony. Cain
Adamson. How dare the bastard take his name. But then he didn’t
know Adam was not his Father. Cain was unaware of what Eve,
whore that she was, had done. Well, he would find out soon enough.
Cain killed his son. His true first born. Blood of his blood. Now,at
last, Cain was going to pay.
Adam was on a Holy Mission. The Father had made sure he
survived for this purpose. To rid the world of the first evil, a child
created by Lucifer and Eve. The bastard boy born from adultery. He
raised his arms wide and threw his head back. In his frenzied state,
blood pumping through his veins Adam sported an erection born
from the lust of his convictions.
“I am here Father. I am your instrument against the perversion
of humanity. I am the righteous sword that shall cleanse them with
fire and blood. Your Will Be Done.”
With his hatred roiling inside him Adam wanted to finish it now.
Unfortunately the body he inhabited needed rest. Trying to navigate
this new world, even with his host's memories had worn him down.

Heretic Faith

He had managed to rob a man and had used the cash to acquire food.
He still had some of the money left but these abandoned lodgings
would be fine and cost nothing.
Adam found the bedroom. He peered into a mirror seeing his
son's face reflected back to him. He had no idea how this human had
his dead son's visage but it was a blessing. A motivator. He was
anxious for the time he would see Cain look into the face of his first
victim. His brother. “You will pay.” Adam snarled.”I am His
vengeance. I am His wrath.”
Adam disrobed, admiring the lithe body he wore. He got into the
bed pulling up the blankets while enjoying the softness of their
fabric. He closed his eyes and was quickly asleep.
Dreams of death and blood comforted him.


L ucifer stood embracing the carnage that surrounded him.

His golden hair hung in clumps, saturated with the viscous
black blood of his demons. His otherworldly beauty twisted into a
nightmarish demonic mask. The aftershocks of Lucifer’s violence
still ricocheted through the halls of Hell. He had been robbed. Two
of those damned assassins from the Order of the Key had breached
the Gates of Hell and taken the Gospel of The Son of Morning. The
book was his personal telling of the Angels before and after the Fall.
Written by Lucifer himself in his own blood. Now it was in the hands
of the Bloody Seven. Seven Angelic Assassins who’s sole mission
was to guard the Key to the Gates of Hell. They carried with them
the Swords of Solomon. Each sword held a piece of the ring King
Solomon was given to control demons. Making the swords deadly
weapons, even those of Legion feared.
Lucifer kicked a severed head cursing his inept and unsuspecting
soldiers. Fools, they should have known better. He must be getting
soft if their fear of the Bloody Seven was greater than their fear of
him. Those the angels had left alive Lucifer had torn to pieces for
their mistake in judgment. Failure was not an option as far as Lucifer
was concerned.
Over the silence of the dead Lucifer became aware of a faint
whimpering. He followed the sound striding carelessly over the
corpses of mutilated demons until he found it’s source. His eyes
locked on two brutalized female bodies. Eve and Cyndahl. He had
sent them here, to the dying Eden, as punishment for their betrayal.
Lucifer had entered the fight in time to see the two battling to keep

Heretic Faith

his book hidden in the decaying tree of life. Fighting to save the book
had almost made up for their betrayal. He had thought they were
killed in the battle. He would never forgive them, but he could use
them. Both had ties to the Key. Grabbing each of them both by the
hair, Lucifer pulled the two away from the carnage. He would have
them cleansed and tended to, then he would decide how they could
best be put to use.
As he made his way through to his office, he dumped the women
unceremoniously on the floor, then he called out for his right hand.
“Beelzebub, get your ass in here.” When he received no answer he
tried again. “B, getcha fuckin’ ass in here now.” He demanded.
He reached out with his mind and could not find his brother. A
chill went down his spine. He could not remember seeing Beelzebub
in Eden during the battle. Where the fuck was B?

Beth Hildenbrand

Cain rolled off the blonde. It hadn't been a particularly

memorable hour, but it had taken the edge off. “Thanks Sweetheart.”
The deliciously satisfied woman gazed at him with large
chestnut eyes heavy from sex. “Won’t you stay?” She purred,
pointedly studying his cock. Which at the moment relaxed in
magnificent splendor.”I would love to have you for breakfast.”
The double meaning had not gone unnoticed by Cain. This was
the part he dreaded. He knew he should have waited until she fell
asleep and just taken off then, but something was niggling at the
back of his mind telling him to get out of there. “Sorry. I have to get
home to my wife.” He lied through his teeth.
“She’s a lucky lady.” She said with a lazy grin. “You can come
back anytime. I will be more than happy to accomodate you.”
“Thanks for the fun.” He replied insincerely.” Maybe I’ll run
into you some time.”
“I’d like that.” She twisted her slim body to give him another
look at what she had to offer.The lush curves were nearly enough to
entice him, but his sixth sense poking at him saying that something
was up kept him moving.
Ah, what the hell, Cain thought. Reaching down he ran a hand
over her creamy skin from breast to crotch. It only took a minute to
finger her into another orgasm. He smirked as she went boneless
again. While she lay savoring the satisfaction Cain grabbed his
clothes from the floor where they had fallen.
“Yeah, why don’t you get some rest sweetheart.” Cain pulled on
his clothes and made a quick exit. As soon as he hit the cool predawn
air an all too familiar snarky voice battered him inside his head. A
voice belonging to someone he was royally pissed off with. And the
first thing it said pissed him off even more.

Heretic Faith

“It’s about time. Couldn’t you have hopped off the ride a little
Cain slid in behind the wheel of his midnight blue 1969 Corvette
Stingray. “Ennie.” He answered aloud, knowing she could hear him.
“What the fuck are you doing in my head? Maybe you should try
picking up a damn phone once in a while. Oh, I forgot you’re too
busy fucking around to get the hell back here.”
Ennie, the notorious Witch of Endor, had left after Cain's
showdown with Magnus. She had taken Jami Archer with her. Jami,
a novice Witch, needed to be trained in the magical arts. Ennie had
said they wouldn’t be gone more than a month. That had been in the
spring, the two had still not returned. Cain and Jami had briefly been
involved. She had claimed to be in love with him. He knew it would
never last. Relationships with mortals were the last thing he needed.
Recently he found himself tangled up in too damn many.
“As much as I would enjoy it I don’t have time to argue with
you.You need to get your ass home, now. Faith needs you.” Ennie
answered then promptly quit speaking.
“Thanks. Nice to hear from you. Leave a fucked up message and
disappear. That’s what you’re good at. Bitch.”
Ennie popped back incapable of allowing anyone else the last
word. “You call me a bitch like it’s a bad thing.” Cain reversed the
car out of the driveway. When he hit the gas his baby flew. He was
damn thankful he was close to home. If anything happened to his
girl he would go full on psycho killer.

Beth Hildenbrand

Faith threw her coat and purse on the kitchen table. Cain was up
to something and she was damn well going to find out what was
going on with him. He had been spending the lions share of his time
in the library lately so that was where she would begin her
Inside the library she went to the long mahogany table and
switched on one of the two bankers' lights. The table was littered
with everything from ancient scrolls to pottery sherds to modern
anthropology texts. A yellow legal pad had some sort of ancient
script scribbled in Cain’s hand. Well, that was no help at all.
Whatever notes he was taking he obviously didn’t want her or Micah
to be able to read.
Frustrated, Faith stood still taking a moment to think. She nearly
jumped out of her skin when she heard movement coming from the
other side of the room. Cain had the house warded with a blood spell.
The only people who could find the mansion hidden in the woods
were Cain, herself, and Micah. Anything else would have to be
supernatural and have an overabundance of power or be of Cain’s
bloodline. As far as Faith knew, there were no survivors of Cain's
blood.That left only the option of something incredibly strong. Shit,
she couldn’t be lucky enough to find a nice friendly monster,could
Carefully looking behind her, Faith saw two beings in the
shadows. They looked to be two huge males. One in a semi seated
position cradled the other in his arms. At this point she couldn’t tell
if the prone one was dead or alive. Trembling, Faith crept closer.
They were both coated in the black blood of demons. The one
propped against the wall cracked an eye and spoke. “Cain.”

Heretic Faith

Faith wasn’t sure if she should give up the fact that she was
alone. Her caring nature, however, answered for her. “He’s not here.
Is there something I can do to help?”
“Cain.” He repeated.
“Really, he isn’t here. I can try to call him. Is there anything I
can do? Would you like some water?” Faith silently cursed herself.
She had no idea who or what these beings were. She was depending
on instinct alone, and her instinct sensed no danger. Whatever she
had felt earlier was nothing like the feeling she was getting from
these two.
“Please.” He nodded.
“Okay. I will be right back.” Faith hurried to the kitchen dialing
Cain’s number as she walked. No answer, it went straight to
voicemail. He was probably still between the legs of the blonde he
picked up. Shit. She scurried back to her unknown visitors.
Faith held up the uncapped water bottle. When it became
apparent he could not take it from her she held it to his lips. He could
only sip slowly and nodded his thanks when he had enough.
As Faith was frantically trying to decide what to do next the slam
of the front door caught her attention, making the decision for her.
“Faith.” Cain bellowed. “Faith, where are you?”
“We’re in here.” She called out.
Cain was in the room before she finished the sentence. His eyes
widened when he saw her kneeling beside the two killers. “Faith.”
He began in a steady voice. Using the type of carefulness a parent
would use as they saw their child trying to cuddle up with a lion, he
spoke. “I want you to go to your room please.”

Beth Hildenbrand

It was the softly spoken please that once again made her wary.
But the man had not made a move to harm her and she felt a tingling
memory trying to surface. The man seemed familiar to her the more
she looked at him. She just couldn’t place him. “It’s alright. They
won’t hurt me.”
“They could kill you with the blink of an eye.” Cain informed
“But I’ve been alone with them. They could have killed me by
now if they wanted to.”
All thoughts of easing her out of the room vanished. Cain
stormed over to her and pulled her to her feet. It was then the one
Faith thought dead blinked his eyes. He looked to his friend, moaned
in pain, and let his eyes close again.
“He said you owe him and the girl will not be harmed.” He spoke
to Cain.
“Son of a bitch. Am I really supposed to take your word? HE
said she won’t be harmed, what about you?”
“I give you my word. I will honor my brother’s vow.”
“Son of a bitch.” Cain repeated, he ran his hands through his
thick black hair. Looking at Faith’s pleading face he knew he was
trapped. “Fine, but I’m going to want explanations as soon as we get
him taken care of.”
“I can’t give you explanations.”
“Than you can damn well pick him up and get the fuck out. You
brought your shit to my door. No explanations, no help.”
Another moan of pain came from the one near death. “Fine. You
will get your explanations. Now will you please help my brother?”
“Faith, go up and get a room ready. Then grab the First Aid
equipment.” Cain directed her.

Heretic Faith

“Meet me in the green room.” She instructed and hurried off.

Cain bent down to take Ladocia from Sully. The angel refused
to turn his brother over. No matter the pain it caused him. In one
fluid movement he was on his feet with his brother in his arms.
“Follow me.” Cain ordered.


L ucifer paced his office.With his amethyst eyes glowing and

death hanging from his seven foot frame, he hardly looked
as if he belonged in the finely appointed chamber. It looked like a
horror movie dubbed, “Death comes to Wall Street.” What happened
to his right hand? Why couldn't he find B? This was Hell. His own
fucking domain. Lucifer heard the faint rap on his door. “Enter.” He
roared, his voice loud enough to rattle the clutter occupying space
on the opulent furnishings.
Two demons with skin swirling green and yellow hesitantly
entered, their heads lowered in submission to their Prince. In their
arms they carried a mutilated Beelzebub. His leonine head nearly
severed. Lucifer growled pouncing on the pair. He took Beelzebub
from their arms. “Get out! Take the women with you. Make sure
they are cared for.” The demons hurriedly did as ordered. Lucifer
carefully laid B out on the floor and knelt beside him.
Lucifer felt B fading. Lucifer was the darkness. There was no
light within him. He did not have the power to heal, only to destroy.
But he knew who did. In desperation he cried out. “Michael. I need
you. I offer you safe passage into and out of my Realm. You will be
under my protection.”
Before the final word left his mouth an ethereal light filled Hell.
Even the Great Lucifer shielded his eyes from its brilliance. In a
moment the light dimmed and Michael knelt beside Lucifer and their
fallen brother.
“Save him.” Lucifer demanded.

Heretic Faith

“Do you demand this as the Prince of Hell or do you ask as my

“Save him esiach.” Lucifer asked, using the enochian word for
“If I save him I will have to return him to his true form.” Michael
told him.
“Do it. He has wallowed quite long enough in his demonic
Michael held his hands above the mortally wounded Fallen
Angel. Again the light filled the room. Again Lucifer turned his
head, this time trusting that his brother would do what he asked.
When Lucifer at last was able to render his gaze upon both of his
brothers he beheld a sight he had not seen since the war of the
Angels. Michael with his sapphire eyes and long silken black hair
stood shoulder to shoulder with Beelzebub. In his true form B was
as awe inspiring as any of the Archangels. Snow white hair hung
below his shoulder blades. Eyes like multifaceted diamonds
shimmered with fire. Looking at Beelzebub was akin to staring at an
ice sculpture come to life yet consumed by flames.
Those diamond eyes locked onto Lucifer’s amethyst eyes alight
with amazement. Lucifer shifted his gaze to Michael. Following
Lucifer's eyes B realized who stood beside him. Beelzebub released
a growl that had the inhabitants of Hell trembling. Michael stood his
ground. Only the curl of his upper lip gave away his intentions. As
B raised an arm toward Michael, Lucifer froze his fallen brother in
“Why did you stop him?” Michael snarled. “I finished him once.
I have no problem going for round two.”

Beth Hildenbrand

“I promised you safe passage.” Lucifer explained. “If I give my

word I keep it.”
“And that is why they call you the Father of Lies. ‘You didn't
want your pet hurt. You can’t protect him forever Lucifer.” With
that Michael vanished into a blaze of light.
Lucifer barked an angry laugh and shouted to the Heavens.
“Michael...Don’t go away mad. Just fucking go away.”

Heretic Faith

Ladocia lay on a forest green coverlet still as death. He was nude

except for a fluffy towel draped across his groin. Faith had done
what she could but the angel was as damaged on the inside as he was
on the outside. The blonde stood still as a statue at the bedside. Cain
had paced and cursed while she had rendered what medical aid she
was capable of, which was rudimentary at best. Faith sat by the
brutalized angel watching for any sign that he would awaken. Just
as she felt herself relax, there was a hissing pop at the end of the bed.
A demon stood shrouded in a red haze. This demon was unlike any
other she had seen. The Incubus Magnus who had pulled her under
his influence, had not exuded a fraction of this one's enormous
amount of power.
The blonde angel whose name she discovered was Sully roared.
Before she could blink he held an incredible sword in his hands.
Faith had never seen anything like it. The sword hummed with music
of its own, a whistling dirge, almost as if it were already tasting the
demon's blood. Sully hissed a name. “Sundriel.”
The demon smirked and raised a sword of its own. “Two
damaged assassins. Easy pickings. I owe you both for the last time
we ran into each other. You fucked with my ride to stay above.
Paybacks are a bitch pretty boy.”
“Come and get it.” Sully taunted, swinging the deadly weapon.
The lights in the room hissed and popped leaving them in near
darkness. The light emanating from Sully’s sword gave off a glow
enough to spotlight the combatants.
It was that moment Micah burst into the room. In the split second
the demon turned its head to Micah, Sully raised his sword. A
hushed whisper was the only sound as his sword flashed through the
neck of the demon then a thunk as its head hit the floor. Black blood

Beth Hildenbrand

sprayed Sully. The blade of his sword absorbed the blood, leaving it
as pristine as if it had never been used.
“Fuck. that's going to be hell to clean out of the carpet.” Cain
bitched, earning him a scowl from Faith.
“Do you think I could get a shower?” Sully asked straight faced.
Faith and Micah gaped at each other. Then simultaneously looked at
the head on the floor.
A huge black mass rose from the body lying beside the bed. Sully
spat at it. Instead of darting downward to return to Hell the black
smog simply sizzled, feeding on itself ,then ceased to exist.
“Faith, please show Sully the shower and where the towels are.
Micah, help me with this mess. We’ll roll it up and take it out to
burn. You’re going to have to buy a new rug. This one isn’t coming
clean. Damn, demon blood is impossible to get out of fabric.” Cain
lectured, then looked to Sully. “After your shower we talk.” Sully
simply nodded in response.
Faith stood and waved Sully into the bathroom. “Follow me.”

Heretic Faith

Tear roared as he shot a load into the girl he brought home with
him for the night. The tiny blonde reminded him of Faith. She hadn't
been one of the usual willing whores. He had actually needed to
work for this one. She was the quiet type. His size had obviously
intimidated her, as well as his mean ass look. He played it smoothly.
Told her a few jokes, got her giggling, so she was less intimidated
by the look of him. Between that and her girlfriends urging her on,
she had finally agreed to go home with him. He could tell by the
glazed look in her eyes she was happy with her decision to come
home with him. He smiled at her then rolled over, lit a cigarette, and
took a deep pull off the bottle of Jack on his bedside table. For some
unknowable reason Tear felt a pang of guilt. Ever since he had come
above to make his home here and work for Michael he was having
flashes of emotion totally foreign to his demon nature. He was
beginning to wonder if Michael had put some kind of whammy on
him. He shrugged it off. Now was not the time.
The girl wrapped herself around him.She was a sweet little thing.
This pleased and annoyed him. If she turned out to be a clinger he
had ways to handle it, but damn, he shouldn’t like it. Tear chalked it
up to her similarities to Faith. He enjoyed the feel of her hot wet
pussy against his leg. So much better than the demon whores in Hell.
He grabbed a handful of plump ass. She had a great ass for such a
small thing. His cock was immediately hard again. She let out a
squeak of surprise as he rolled over to mount her again. Just as his
cock made contact an electric shock ran the length of his body. He
cried out in pain and fell to his side. The blonde looked up at him
terrified. “Sleep.” He waved a hand before her eyes and watched her
“Fuuuck!” He cried out. He ran his hands, shaking in rage,
through his sex tangled mane of red hair. One of his brothers was

Beth Hildenbrand

gone. Winked out of existence. It was a rare occurrence that one of

Legion was taken out. “Son of a bitcin’ assassins'. Mother fuckers.”
Tear probed the spirit realm. All of Legion were connected. He
could feel all of them except Sundriel. “Enjoy the Affa my brother.”
He held up the bottle of Jack, tossing his head back to toast the loss
of his fallen brother. “Everybodies gotta die sometime.”
He waved his hand in front of the sleeping girl. “Wake.” She
blinked at him, not remembering ever having fallen asleep. He
pulled the soft slight body up against him, sighing at the feel of her
warm flushed skin against his own. “Where was I?” He smiled a
predatory smile then greedily clamped his mouth onto her breast.


F aith sat down on her bed exhausted. The adrenaline rush

from caring for the wounded angels had left her feeling
weak and shaky. She finished the glass of lukewarm water she had
been drinking earlier. Right now she didn’t have the energy to go
down stairs and grab a cold water bottle. The discarded phone lying
on the bed pinged rudely. Faith glanced at it with ill-concealed
irritation. The last thing she wanted to do right now was deal with
messages and more problems. Unfortunately it was her job to keep
in touch with the supernatural community. She was the one
contacted if there was demon activity, if someone needed advice, or
if Cain just flat refused to answer his messages and someone needed
an intermediary. Reluctantly she grabbed the phone. When she
looked at the screen she had to blink. Then she simply sat staring at
the thing knowing it had to be lying to her. With the same distress
she would have used to touch the lit tip of a match she clicked on a
name she hadn’t spoken in ten years, Eric Donovan.
The message read simply...I went to Archers. Mom gave me
your number. I just moved back to town. The first thing I did was
look for you. I would love to see you again. Would you meet me at
Archers for a drink? I hope you text me back with a yes. Eric.
Faith wasn’t sure how long she sat with the phone cradled in her
hand. The screen had gone black and her eyes never moved. Her
mind was in another place. The last time she had seen him. She was
She could feel the cold of the metal high school lockers against
her back as her legs turned to jelly and she fell against them to keep

Heretic Faith

herself from collapsing. He was across the hall in the library. He

wore a uniform. He had joined the Marines.She had always known
that had been his plan. Her stomach dropped only partly from how
handsome he looked. The rest was fear. He must have sensed her
watching him and his eyes met hers. They locked only for a second
then he turned away. If she had thought he had broken her heart
before she was wrong. When he turned from her the pain was more
than she could bear. On trembling legs she ran to the girls room,
locked herself in a stall, and sobbed until there was nothing left to
cry. When she could manage she walked to the office and called her
father to come and get her.
The love she had for that boy had only been second to the love
she had for Grey.
Faith turned the screen back on, and with trembling hands typed
in one word...when?

Beth Hildenbrand

Cain’s eyes drilled Sully. The handsome face of the assassin was
now clean and healing from his wounds. He wore a fresh set of
clothing, black jeans, white tee, and the inevitable cowboy boots. A
black Stetson perched on his white blonde head. He stared blandly
back as if he were bored. Truth be told Sully was irritated. This kind
of shit usually fell on Lo to handle. Sully preferred fighting to
talking. He knew he had pushed the inevitable as far as he could. If
Sully wanted his brother protected he was going to have to ante up.
He couldn’t very well turn the Key he was sworn to protect into a
pile of ash. Shit, now that ,would be an interesting fight. Too bad
Michael would send him to the Affa before he could make a move.
Oh well, you can’t always get what you want.
“You going to talk?” Cain drawled. “Or you gonna grab your
boy and hit the road?”
Fuck it, Sully decided considering his options. Maybe dangling
the carrot would serve his purposes at this point. “Alright. Lo was
nearly destroyed trying to keep my ass safe while we infiltrated
“Just decided to take in the warm weather? They have beaches
for that, you know.”
“We dropped in under Lucifer’s nose and relieved him of an
ancient text.” Sully dripped out the information.
“Finish it. You’re a lousy storyteller.”
“Fine. While Lo kept Beelzebub and his demons off of me, I
reached into the dying tree of life and stole the Book Of the Son of
Morning. We hightailed it out and landed here.”
“The Book of the Son of Morning?” Cain smirked. “Lucifer’s?”

Heretic Faith

“Written by the Big Evil himself. In his own hand, with his own
blood. It tells the story from the time before the Angels fall from
Heaven.” Sully finished.
“And the two of you just thought you could run off with this little
item and come hide my home.” Cain felt his blood pressure
rising. He knew his eyes were taking on a light glow. These two sons
of bitches had brought Hell to his home, literally.
“We didn’t think we could be found here.” Sully answered
“Yet an hour ago one of Legion popped in and tried to kill you
both. I really don’t think he would have stopped there if he could
have taken the rest of us.”
“Sundriel was the demon who had control over Micah. The one
you and the witch helped to exercise. Even though he was expelled
he still held a faint connection with the boy. There should be no other
who could possibly be led to your home.”
“Should, be?” Cain’s right eyebrow rose in doubt. “I have mortal
children in this house. I would be a very angry son of a bitch if
anything should happen to either of them.”
“I will guard them as I do my own brother. You have my word.”
Sully lowered his blond head.
“I believe you. I know I probably shouldn’t, but I believe you.”
Cain acquiesced. “I have one last question.”
“Where’s the book now?”
“Safe.” Sully answered. “It will stay safe as long as I am the only
being in creation who knows where it is. And yes, the book will
answer your questions.”

Beth Hildenbrand

“I want to see it.” Cain demanded.

“When my brother is fit to leave this place you have my word
you will see the book and find your answers.”
“Fuck.” Cain spat. Of course. That’s how these fuckers worked.
Nothing came for free. All these months of research and the son of
a bitch right in front of him could hand him his answer with the blink
of an eye. Cain swallowed his frustration. If these sons of bitches
could infiltrate Hell it was in his best interest not to start any shit
with them. What the fuck, time was on his side. He just needed a
little patience.

Heretic Faith

Lucifer released Beelzebub from his frozen state. The warrior

instinctively spun to fight. With Michael gone Lucifer was the next
best target. B advanced on his brother. The need to do violence
gleamed in his diamond eyes. Of course Lucifer stopped that move
before it was made. “Really. You're still gonna act like a bitch. Pull
up your big boy pants B. We’ve got shit to do.”
B snarled, his huge body, held rigidly tight, thrummed to release
his aggression. Then he saw his brother's eyes. The brother who had
tolerated the absence of his true self for millennia.The brother he had
deserted to wallow in his own misery. Lucifer deserved better than
B had given him. B had promised to stand by his side and had
ultimately broken his promise. He had never left Lucifer. He had just
stood by him as a beast rather than one of the Fallen. Now he had
the chance to change the biggest failure of his existence. This time
he would not let his brother down. It was past time to man up. B
rolled his neck enjoying the satisfying pop. His smile was pure
animal as his fangs bit into his full bottom lip. “What do you need
from me my brother?”
Lucifer exhaled a breath that left icicles hanging in the air.
“Good to have you back my brother.” He laid a hand on B’s massive
shoulder. “Have a seat. We need to talk. You remember our good
friend Adam.”

Beth Hildenbrand

Officer Dave Roberts enjoyed his morning stroll. He would

never admit to his wife that walking her two miniature poodles,
Pebbles and Bam Bam, calmed him after a long night on the
graveyard shift. He had no desire to hear her say I told you so. He
had fought her for months before agreeing to get what he called the
rat sized yappers, but the little fur balls grew on him.
Dawn was pushing through the darkness. Peaches and pinks
mingled with violet in the sky as light washed over the town. Roberts
walked down the sidewalk in front of what had been Martin's Book.
A rhythmic whoosh thump caught his attention. He stopped to listen.
It was coming from behind the store. “Alright.” He spoke to the
pups. “Let’s just take a look around back and see what’s causing the
noise shall we?”
Rounding the side of the building the dogs began to balk. They
were fearful, causing Roberts to put his hand on the butt of his
weapon. When they reached the back of the store he was all but
dragging the pooches. Then he saw the reason for their reticence.
The back door was busted. It hung loosely swinging in the early
morning breeze, thumping into the broken frame.
Cursing himself for not having his radio he took a minute to
think. He tied the leashes to a sturdy piece of wood from the broken
frame. “Quiet now.” He ordered the little yappers.
Pulling his weapon he entered the store. It broke his heart as he
walked through the destruction of Faith’s ruined dreams. He had
been the one to take her inside the store after they had received the
call from a customer telling them that Katie was murdered. He
would never forget the look on Faith’s face when the Chief had
ordered the body bag to be opened and Faith to identify the body.The
whole thing had been a fucking tragedy.

Heretic Faith

Finding nothing in the store he made his way up the stairs to the
apartment above. The door at the top of the stairs had not been
forced. Slow and Quiet he turned the doorknob. The room he stepped
into was a living room opening into a small galley kitchen. There
were no signs that either room had been touched. Everything looked
as it must have when Katie last occupied the space. To the left was
a bedroom with an attached bathroom, the door to the bedroom had
been left ajar.
Walking closer he pushed the door the rest of the way open. The
sun, now coming in through the sheer curtains, showed a body lying
shadowed on the bed.
Roberts raised his weapon. “Police. Get on the floor slowly and
place your hands behind your head.”
The shout roused Adam from sleep. He pulled himself to a seated
position. “What is that you have in your hand?” He questioned.
“It’s a gun asshole. Now, on the floor, hands behind your head.”
Adam considered this. His host had quickly explained the gun to
him and the outcome should he be shot. Adam could care less if his
host should die. He knew he could keep the body animated long
enough to do what had to be done.
Roberts gasped as he felt an arm close around his throat from
behind. Instinctively he reached up with his free hand to try to pull
free. He felt his gun hand being pulled upward. Fighting as hard as
he could, Roberts couldn’t compete with the strength of his attacker.
His mind screamed as he felt his weapon being pointed against his
“You should not have come here.” Adam hissed into his ear.
Roberts had only a second to think of his wife before he felt the
pressure of his finger being pushed down onto the trigger.

Beth Hildenbrand

Adam felt the warmth of the blood as it sprayed his face. He let
loose the body to drop onto the floor. Stepping over the dead man
Adam went to the cramped bathroom. He gazed with triumph at the
sight of his bloody features.
“I am His instrument. Nothing will stop the vengeance of the


M icah stood in the kitchen absently watching the coffee

maker hum. There was a roast in the oven. The aroma of
well seasoned meat floated through the door as Faith joined him.
This felt good. This was normal, comforting. Micah, busy in the
kitchen. The little blue tooth speaker playing Offspring, which
would now be stuck in her head. For a minute it felt like any night
with just her, Cain and Micah in residence.
“Smells good, Hon.” She complimented him.
“Thanks. I hope it’s enough. How much do Angels eat? Do they
eat? I can’t believe I’m asking these questions.”
“I have no idea? It does seem surreal, even for this household.”
She replied. “Should I ask?”
“I don’t think you should go back there now. I was told to get
out. Cain wanted to interrogate the blond.”
“I don’t know if I can handle being in a house with so many
hotties.” Faith teased.
Micah’s mouth fell open. Faith hadn’t joked like that since
before Grey was killed. When Faith saw Micah’s reaction she
realized what she had done. That she had even noticed the presence
of a man was a shock. To comment on a man's attractiveness was
unfathomable. She expected lightning to strike her at any moment.
How could she?
“I..uh..I..” She stammered, not having an explanation for what
had just happened.

Beth Hildenbrand

“It’s all right, Faith. “ Micah consoled her. “ It’s not unfaithful
to Grey to find someone attractive. It’s a normal human response.”
“How long until supper?” Faith asked to change the subject.
“Half hour. I need to put the biscuits in the oven and make the
“Dessert?” She asked.
“I cheated. I went to the diner and picked up cream puffs. I did
make chocolate sauce though.”
“Ummm. Sounds great. I will just go up and knock on the door
and tell them food in half an hour. Then I’ll come back and set the
“Sure.” Faith left the kitchen. When she was out of sight she
allowed herself to tremble. Faith was no stranger to loss. She had
grieved for her father until she became so consumed with the grief a
demon managed to compel her. A vision of Grey wavered in her
mind then was replaced by a vision of Eric. What was she doing?
This was too soon. How dare she replace Grey so quickly. Her
stomach went queasy. She grabbed the newel post to steady herself
before going upstairs to announce dinner. Feeling like a trader to her
heart. Slowly she made her way up the winding staircase. As she
stood at the top of the stairs Faith watched Cain exit the room. He
stood staring through her, clearly somewhere else in his head.
Standing alone in the hall his mind churned. How had the tree of
life gone from Eden to Hell? It should be underwater with the rest
of Eden. Cain thought of the demon he tangled with the night before.
It had said Eve was being held in Eden. If, and that was a big if, the
demon spoke the truth, what did that mean? Had all of Eden been
sent to Hell during the flood?

Heretic Faith

This new train of thought just led to more questions than

answers. But if his Mother had been sent to Hell and not the Affa,
that meant she still survived, as a demon. Not an empty husk. And
if she were in Hell, WHY? Why would she not have been sent to the
Affa with her husband?
Cain was still lost in his thoughts when Faith approached. So
lost, he didn’t notice the stricken look on her face as she told him it
was soon time to eat.

Beth Hildenbrand

Dinner was a silent affair. Micah had delivered a tray to Sully

since the Angel refused to leave his brother's side. They were all lost
in their own thoughts. Although the food was excellent, Faith was
too nervous to enjoy it. She was trying to imagine what it would be
like to see Eric again. What would he be like after all this time?
Should she even go? Ugh, the food sat like a lump in her stomach.
She needed to get a grip. She faced down demons. Men should be
easy, right?
Cain simply stared off into space. He kept replaying the scene
last spring over and over in his mind. The possessed reporter spoke
to him in the ancient language. Her eyes glowing the same golden
hue as his mothers. If she hadn’t been sent to the Affa, if she was a
demon, a part of her was still left. Still him and called him son.
Micah tried to be sociable which only earned him a growl from
Cain and a weak smile from Faith.
Giving up, Micah began collecting plates. “Well, I’m glad you
both enjoyed your food.”
“I’m sorry Micah. It was excellent. I’ve just got my mind on
something else.”
“Well since neither one of you has an appetite I’m not going to
bother with dessert.” He plonked a fresh cup of coffee in front of
“Fuck it.” Let;’s go.” Cain stood pushing his chair back from the
“I still have to clean up and do the dishes.” Micah argued.
Cain looked at the table. To the kid’s surprise the kitchen was
spotless. “Grab your coats.”
As Faith and Micah scurried to do his bidding Micah whispered
to Faith. “Did you know he could do that?”

Heretic Faith

Archers was filling up quickly. It was Friday night and people

wanted to shake off the work week. There were a few fresh faces but
mostly the regular crowd. Tear had been scanning for Adam but so
far the Affa escapee hadn’t shown his borrowed face. There was one
guy who piqued Tear’s interest. He sat alone at one of the tables
nursing a beer. Nice enough looking with dark brown hair and a
short beard both with just a hint of silver beginning to show. It was
the guy's dead eyes that caught Tear’s notice. A man with eyes like
that had seen too much. Tear pegged him as ex-military. He knew
he was right as he watched those dead eyes hit the door then scan
the room over and over. He was waiting for someone and giving his
back to no one.
Cain and the kids walked in. Tear watched as Cain and Micah
took their regular barstools. His mouth fell open when he saw Faith
walk over to the table where dead eyes sat. Cain and the kid both
swung their heads to look when they realized Faith was not with
them. “Do you know that guy?” Cain growled at Micah.
“He looks familiar.” Micah studied, the newcomer. “No shit.”
Micah said, recognition kicking in. “That's Eric.”
“Eric?” Cain asked, clearly demanding more information.
“Eric Donovan. He was a friend of Greys back in school. Crazy
son of a bitch. I think he and Faith were an item before he joined the
“He safe?”
“I guess. I haven’t seen him since he left but he was always a
good guy.”
“Watch him.” Cain ordered.

Beth Hildenbrand

Tear had a waitress take a beer to Faith and a fresh one for her
friend. As he sauntered over to hand Cain and Micah their cold ones
he couldn’t pull the growl back.
“You see it too huh?” Micah asked, realizing Tear had a soft spot
for their girl.
Tear just grunted and sneered in the direction of the couple.
There the three of them were all eyes on Faith and all mouths set in
grim lines.

Heretic Faith

Eric saw her the instant she walked in the door. She had not
changed a bit. She still looked like she could be in high school with
her arms full of books. She was beautiful to his weary eyes. He
wondered what she would think of him. The things he had seen and
done had aged him.
He stood when she approached the table. She gave him a quick
hug. She smelled of sweetness and innocence. When the embrace
broke, her smile took his breath. “Hi Faith. I’m so glad you came.
It’s good to see you.”
“You too. It’s been a long time.”
Eric helped her onto a chair just as the waitress arrived with two
beers. “Thanks Chrissy.”
Faith smiled at the waitress.
“No problem. I’ll keep an eye out for ya.” Chrissy volunteered
and bounced off.
Eric couldn’t believe it. His hand was shaking as he picked up
his glass. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt nervous. Trying
to cover his nerves he asked her about herself.
“So how are you doing?”
“I’m great. I’m working for Cain. Kind of a Personal assistant
job. It’s interesting and I get to do things my way as long as they get
done. It gives me a lot of time to do my own thing too.”
“Damn it’s good to see you.” He saw her notice his hand
shaking. “I’m really nervous.”
“Don’t be. It’s only me. We’ve known eachother forever.” She
tried to soothe him.
“You’re beautiful.” He blurted.

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“Umm, thank you.” Faith blushed.

“Can I ask you something?” Eric's face went from nervous to
serious in an instant. Faith felt her stomach flutter. “I’ve had this
question burning in my mind for a very long time.”
“Sure. Ask away.”
“Why did you stop talking to me all of those years ago? I thought
you felt the same way I did. You went from telling me you loved me
to cutting me dead. Christ, I went crazy. Then I was fucking pissed.

“You honestly don’t know? I could say the same thing to you.”
“Faith, all I know is I was in love with you. Then you were gone.
You went the opposite direction in school. Your dad wouldn’t let me
talk to you on the phone. He wouldn’t let me in the house to talk to
you. I joined the Marines. Now I’m home sweet home.”
“It was Jessie and Pam. The night we almost...ummm. “
“I remember. I remember I was so afraid I would hurt you.”
“You were so sweet about it. That's why it hurt so much when I
heard what you did.”
“What did I do? I would like to hope I would remember doing
something so despicable it sent you running from me.”
“After you dropped me off I was sitting on the front porch and
Jessie walked up. She asked me to walk down to Pams for a minute
so I went with her. They ambushed me. They told me all about you
being there the night before. Then Pam told me how you screwed
her. I knew she wanted you and I knew you went there sometimes
because it was the party house. Jessie loved telling me how you all
got high together and then you and Pam went upstairs alone.”

Heretic Faith

“That never happened. They lied to you. I wouldn’t have put my

dick in that whore for a million dollars. She tried numerous times
and I turned her down. Damn Faith, I never would have done that to
Faith could feel the color drain from her face. She had turned
him away over a vicious teenage lie. They played her for a fool and
she had naively believed them. “Oh Eric. I don’t know what to say.”
“Just tell me you’ve been happy.”
Faith evaded the question. “What about you? Did you ever
marry? Do you have any children? What are you doing now?”
As he answered, he looked at her with the same heart melting
smile she remembered and put his warm palm on her back. Faith
could only describe the feeling as one thing...coming home.

Beth Hildenbrand

The three at the end of the bar watching were not happy. When
Eric touched Faith, Tear growled so loudly both Cain and Micah
stared at him in wonder.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Cain snapped.
Tear grunted. “She’s a good girl.” A vicious pain shot through
him. WTF? It felt like his chest was on fire. Jealousy? No, it wasn’t
Cain nodded, accepting that Tear would look after their girl
while letting Tear know he appreciated the unspoken offer. As far as
Cain was concerned the more eyes on Faith the better. She was pretty
reckless since Grey’s murder. She took stupid chances. Someone as
big and bloody minded as Tear would be a welcome asset.
The air around Cain grew cold. He felt the piercing pain hit the
base of his skull that was a warning that something unnatural was
approaching. The thick oak door of Archers opened. In the threshold
stood something Cain thought he had destroyed for the last time.
Magnus, or at least the human Magnus had possessed was
swaggering into the bar. The smell that blasted through the room
was that of old death, dry and stale. The mortals in the bar were
The thing had the balls to walk right over and take a seat next to
Cain. It flashed even white teeth at Tear and ordered a shot and a
beer. Yet again Cain found himself looking at the image of the
brother he had slain in a fit of mad jealousy.
Bar patrons were glancing at Tear for refills. Tear blatantly
ignored them. He appeared to be just as interested in the newcomer
as Cain. Micah kept his hand by his boot ready to pull his knife. All
three of them were braced for the trouble they knew was soon to go

Heretic Faith

The newcomer tossed back the shot, clearly enjoying the burn,
and turned to Cain. “Good evening son.”
It took Cain only a millisecond to realize who sat beside him,
and less time than that to react. Cain reached out one muscled,
leather clad arm, and grabbed Adam by the throat. Immediately the
mortals in the bar froze. Cain felt the power flow from Tearzahn.
“You bet your ass.” Tear grinned, his smile sinister with one fang
over his bottom lip. “ But I work for Michael now.”
“Prove it.” Cain barked with disbelief.
“Michael.” Tear shouted to the sky. Instantly a white light
surrounded Tears black aura. “Good enough?”
Cain released his hold on Adam’s throat. “What the fuck are you
doing here?”
Adam calmly picked up his beer and took a long swallow. “I’ve
come for you Son. The One has sent me. He wants you destroyed. It
will be my privilege to do so.”
“Fuck you, Dad.” Cain drawled.
“You murdered my true son. Now vengeance demands I kill
“Did you really think it would be that easy? Didn't you learn
anything after eating from the tree of knowledge? You need to wise
up.You took my mother and turned her against me. I’ll gut you for
that alone.”
“Your mother is a whore. When I finish with you I will slit her
open from her filthy cunt to her lying tongue,”

Beth Hildenbrand

“You're the one who’s going down.” Cain made a grab only to
have Adam vanish before he made contact. His hands empty, Cain
looked at Tear. “What the fuck.?”


H ell was eerily silent. The screams of the damned muted to

sound like wind whistling through naked tree limbs.The
Big Bad was holed up in his man cave with a Do Not Disturb spell
keeping the tormented far away.
Beelzebub now sat behind the massive desk of Hells Ceo. B had
temporarily assumed the mantle of Head Mother Fucker in Charge.
Lucifer was busily planning and plotting. It was time his son came
home and took his place beside him. This time Lucifer intended to
make sure the ungrateful bastard he spawned did exactly that.
A demon foolish mortals called a gray alien approached with a
terrified Cyndahl following a few paces behind. Now, healed from
the battle in Eden, Cyndahls beauty was once again exotically
flawless. Her dark golden eyes were wild with fear at the sight of
Beelzebub. While in his demon form B and Cyndahl had bitter rivals
for Lucifer’s attention. In this form he was exquisitely beautiful
cloaked in his evil. Now she was being forced to face him as the
creature deciding her fate. Her fear was palpable. The scent of it
giving B his first hard on in his true form.
B smiled, sliding his pointed tongue across long white fangs.
“Kneel.” He ordered.
Cyn did as she was instructed. Her head hung, so as not to anger
him by looking into his diamond eyes.
“Look at me.” B commanded, tasting her fear. It was sweet on
his tongue, like fresh warm honey.

Beth Hildenbrand

Cyn raised her head. His eyes were so piercing she imagined she
could feel the cut of diamond on her skin. But she kept her chin up,
refusing to show cowardice and lower her gaze.
“We have work for you.” B began. “You owe your Prince a debt
for your betrayal. I think you will be amenable to what we have in
mind. Really, it does not matter, you will do as you are told, like it
or not. Although you do not deserve it, you are to be given a chance
to go above and meet your father.”
Cyndahl’s head snapped up. Surely this was an evil trick
Beelzebub was playing. She had been begging Lucifer ever since
she became his favorite to go above and see her father, if only for a
“I can see the thought appeals to you. There is one catch. You
are not to reveal your relationship to Cain. The moment you do you
will find yourself at home in the Affa. Do you agree?”
“Yes.” Cyn agreed without hesitation.
“That was quick. I haven’t even told you what your mission is.
You may want to hear what is expected of you before you agree.”
Cyn stood. She sat herself in one of the leather chairs in front of
Lucifer’s desk. For the first time she looked Beelzebub in the eye
without flinching.. “Tell me.” She said, “I’m ready.”

Heretic Faith

Faith felt a shiver down her spine. She turned to look at Cain and
company. What she saw gave her no comfort. Cain’s eyes blazed.
Micah was white as a sheet and even Tear looked surlier than usual.
“Excuse me Eric. I think my boss is ready to leave. It’s been
really great seeing you again.”
He stood with Faith. Gently taking her by the arm he stopped her
before she could walk away. “Wait. Would you have dinner with me
tomorrow? I’m a pretty good cook.”
“You mean at your house?” Faith blurted.
“Well I could cook at my neighbors house but they don’t like it
when I leave a mess in their kitchen.” He smiled that smile at her
Faith could never resist when he looked at her that way. “Ok,
that would be nice. Can I bring anything?”
“Just yourself. Around seven? I’ll text you my address.”
“Sounds like a plan. See you then.” Before she could guess what
he was about to do, he kissed her. Just a soft kiss on the lips but it
shook her to her toes. “Uh...tomorrow.”
“Good night Faith.” He laid some cash on the table and walked
out the door.
This time when he turned away she didn’t feel empty inside.
Only a simmer warmth knowing that she would see him again.
Faith looked into Cain’s furnace eyes. “What the hell
“Who’s your friend?” Cain grumbled.

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“Seriously? That’s what you find important right now? I’m not
a newbie anymore. I know some shit went down.” She glared at Tear
and Micah. “Do any of you want to tell me what just happened?”
Faith focused her irritated gaze on Tear. “Wait a second. How
would you even know? But you do know, don’t you?”
Tear just grunted. “Cain?”
“Well fuck me.” Cain barked.
“Rather not.” Micah chimed in. “I wouldn’t mind some answers
myself Boss. I have a feeling Faith isn’t the only one who missed
“We will discuss this when we’re home. Let’s go.” He told the
kids. “You.” He pointed at Tear. “I want you at Eden as soon as you
shut this place down.”
“Sorry Boss. I don’t work for you. I work for Michael. If he
wants me there I will be there. If not, you know how to find me.”
“Fair enough.” Cain agreed, he wouldn’t go against Michael.
That Arch Angel was one terrifying son of a bitch. “Come on.” He
told the kids.
“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.” Tear
began singing under his breath as he pulled the tap back and filled
another glass.

Heretic Faith

Sully held his hands over Ladocia’s prone body. A faint light
appeared between his hands and his friend. It had taken too much of
Sully’s divinity to heal himself. The healing light he offered his
brother was too weak and there was not nearly enough to heal his
brother properly. If Michael discovered he was using it on his
brother there would be hell to pay. It was against the rules for one of
the Order of the Key to heal another. But what the fuck, when
Michael discovered where, and what they had done, they were they
were both heading to the Affa anyway.
Lo’s tongue poked out between parched lips. Sully grabbed a
water bottle. Holding his brother’s head up, Sully slowly dripped
water between his dry cracked lips. Lo’s eyes opened enough for the
ice blue stare to peer into the identical icy stare of his brother. Sully
removed the water sensing that his brother had something he wanted
to say.
“Faith?’ Lo whispered.
“Safe.” Sully assured him.
“Safe as well.”
Lo shuddered a sigh. He closed his eyes again. Sully gently
returned his head to the pillow. Lo gratefully returned to his healing
Sully was at a loss. Lo was the one who was more apt to take
charge of a situation. Sully was the one who raised hell, bitched, and
spoiled for a fight. He didn’t know how to care for his brother. But
he knew someone who did. If that someone was in his right mind at
the moment.
“Philadelphia, come to me my brother.” Sully called out. He
immediately jumped back.

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A being stood before Sully. He looked as a mortal might imagine

the Creator to look. Aged, with a flowing head of white hair and long
white beard. Philadelphia also had the icy blue eyes that all the
members of the Order possessed. His rigid stance and six foot ten
frame was draped in pure white linen. He appeared formidable and
then you noticed the madness in his eyes and he became terrifying.
“You summoned me brother?” Philadelphia spoke, his voice
sounding rough from disuse.
“Yes brother. Ladocia has been injured. I beg you to help me
heal him.”
“It is forbidden to heal a brother.” Phil looked confused.
“But Ladocia was wounded near to death by the Fallen
Beelzebub.” Sully informed him, knowing that it was in part due to
Beelzebub that Phil was unhinged. A battle between the two had
lasted two decades and ended with Vesuvius leaving Pompey and
it’s population a pile of ash.
“The demon Beelzebub is by far the worst of Legion. Once long
ago he caused the death of many and brought me close to death as
well. I must take some time to consider this.”
“Shit.” Sully muttered under his breath. The last time Phil
considered something it took him five hundred years to decide
whether or not to send mankind back to the dark ages. Lucky for the
mortals in the end Phil had decided against the action. “You must
decide now brother. Ladocia does not have the gift of time. I’m
afraid his wounds are too egregious.”
“Why then did you not heal him?” Phil asked.
“I was wounded and my powers were drained from self healing.
Things are dire. Ladocia is needed. The key is in jeopardy.”

Heretic Faith

Phil considered this. “Ladocia is a good brother to me and the

Key must be protected. I will do as you ask.”
“Thank you my brother.” Sully bowed his head in appreciation.
Philadelphia raised his hands over Ladocia. A warm white light
settled around the wounded Angel. Sully could see the slightest bit
of color returning to Lo’s face. Lo’s breathing was coming easier as
well. He sighed in relief.
That was when Cain wrenched open the door. “What the fuck is
happening now?” He demanded.
Philadelphia jumped back at the sight of Cain. “It is the one. The
Before Philadelphia could finish speaking Sully blasted him
back to where he came from. He only hoped the healing had done
enough to pull Lo back from the edge.


A damstown Cemetery was quiet except for the lusty moans

of two men engaged in their weekly tryst. Both found an
added extra element of naughty to carry out their adulterous affair in
the local cemetery. Even with the temperature in the low twenties
the lusty duo radiated heat as the larger males bare ass pumped up
and down like a piston. Sweat beaded on his chest dropping onto the
back of the man he mounted. The pair were blissfully unaware of the
bizarre occurrence only a few feet from where they struggled to get
The frost crusted grass erupted in the way it might if an animal
was surfacing from underground. A dirt stained bloody hand
emerged, followed by its counterpart, clawing at the ground for
purchase. A head pushed itself out as a newborn might when exiting
the birth canal, gasping for breath, and crying out its relief. Fresh
black earth fell loosley from raven hair. Adam blinked the dirt from
his eyes and spit it from his mouth. He pulled himself from the grave
he had been transferred to. Someone was going to pay for this insult.
As he shook himself clean he noticed the couple. White hot rage shot
through him at the sight. The lovers were oblivious to his approach.
Adam made his way to the pair. He reached down and pulled the
energetic man from his partner by grabbing a handful of sandy
colored hair. Using both hands he twisted the man’s neck snapping
it before he could scream. With sadistic pleasure Adam grabbed the
dead man's penis. A violent twist of his wrist and Adam ripped the
penis off at its root.Testicles and blood spilled to the grass. The
second of the lovers, noting the absence of penetration, turned and

Heretic Faith

shrieked in fear at the sight of the monster with glowing white eyes.
Adam pushed him onto his back “Please No...please.” the terrified
man stammered. Tears ran down his cheeks, his voice choked with
“Abomination. Fornicator.” Adam hissed.
The man looked puzzled. “Don’t hurt me.” He pleaded, looking
at his lover’s cooling corpse. “I won’t tell anyone. I swear. Please
just let me leave.”
Adam snarled. He reached down and with one taloned finger slit
the sobbing man's throat. Blood and saliva bubbles formed as he
gurgled out his grisly death.The night went silent. Adam took the
dismembered phallus, shoved it through the slit in his throat,
snarling in disgust at the sight of the cock head popping out between
his blue lips.
Satisfied that the sinners had been punished Adam righteously
began to walk, following the lights from town back to civilization.
He had been denied vengeance tonight. Nevertheless, he had ridded
the world of two sinners. A good night's work to his mind.

Beth Hildenbrand

Beelzebub strode into Eve’s chamber without the courtesy of

knocking. Lucifer’s bride lay reclining while soaking in a luxurious
marble tub. Her long raven hair hung over the tubs back to dry.
Steam rose filling the air with the scent of jasmine. Her caramel skin
glowed like molten gold dust. Honey colored eyes regarded
Lucifer’s second in command with annoyed condensation. B had
always treated her as a pain in the ass that must be tolerated for the
sake of his brother.
Eve refused to give him the pleasure of seeing her shock at his
true form. Though she held him in contempt she had to admit he was
a fearsome sight to behold. As much as her loathing of B was
obvious, Eve found herself grateful he could not sense the heat
between her legs at the sight of angelic form,
“What do you want? I do not recall granting you permission to
enter my rooms.” She spoke haughtily.
“I have come to see if there is anything my Princess desires.” B
“I would appreciate the return of my servant Nefer.” Eve
snapped. Nefer had been taken away from her after she had used her
trusted servant to spy on Lucifer.
“I’m afraid that is impossible.”
“I ate her.” B replied, a wide grin splitting across his handsome
Eve was incensed, angrily she threw her arm toward the door
splashing water across the emerald green marble floor. “GET OUT!”
She roared, her eyes slit and her beauty enhanced by anger.

Heretic Faith

Ignoring the order B continued to speak. “Is there anything else

I can do for you?”
“No.” She snarled. “You’ve done quite enough.”
Eve watched as B left her chamber. Lucifer putting B in charge
was an unexpected turn of events. He wanted her and he hated
himself for it.
A sly smile curved across Eve’s mouth. She could use this to her
advantage. That they all thought her weak was her greatest
advantage, and she had worked hard to make sure they all saw her
as nothing more than a cum recepticle.
Eve knew that when Lucifer at last succeeded in bringing Cain
to his side it would mean the end for her son. Lucifer was the most
selfish creature created. He would never share his power. When his
goal was achieved he would see Cain as a threat to his power and it
wouldn’t take long before Lucifer would eliminate that threat.
Males were such egotistical creatures. She would do whatever
she must to keep her son safe, even if it meant risking herself being
sent to the Affa. So she would play her role as the weak female. In
the end it would be she and her son who ruled Hell. After all, they
were foolish enough to forget, it was a woman who had brought the
downfall of man. And she was that woman.

Beth Hildenbrand

Tearzahn appeared in a brightly lit kitchen. The scent of strong

coffee was prevalent. Cain, Faith, and Micah were seated around the
kitchen table. Cain had a coffee mug bigger than Tear’s fist halfway
to his mouth when he noticed his guest.”You made it.”
“Yeah. It seems Michael has some interest in the goings on
around here. And hell, I’ve got to admit I’m intrigued. Especially
considering the fact that you are harboring two Demon Assassins.”
“Excuse me.” Cain played stupid. “I don’t know what the fuck
you’re talking about.”
“Let’s back up a little bit. My last job was enforcer for Lucifer.
Beelzebub is his right hand. I was his left. I am Legion. There is
nothing you can put past me. I can scent the recent death of the
Fallen one Sundriel as easily as I can scent any member of the Order
of the Key.”
“Well this just keeps getting better.” Micah replied, shaking his
head in wonder.
Cain watched closely as Tear turned his attention to Faith. He
could see Tear was waiting for her reaction to his announcement.
The reaction was one of bewilderment. Faith’s forehead scrunched
and her nose wrinkled in confusion. There was no fear in her, only
“Are you possessing a human?” She asked.
“No, Michael permitted me my true form while I”m working for
“No wonder you’re so beautiful.” She said with awe in her voice.
Tear was taken aback by her compliment. Cain was loving the
poleaxed look on his face. Big bad demon didn’t know what to make
of Faith's honest innocence.

Heretic Faith

“Have a seat.” Cain offered. Tear pulled out a chair next to Cain
and sat. “Coffee?”
“Yeah, appreciate it.”
Faith stood and went to get the offered refreshment. She sat a
steaming mug on the table in front of Tear.
“Thank you.” He nodded to her.
“You’re welcome.” She beamed at him. He quickly remembered
himself and frowned at her. This just made her smile more.
Cain interrupted the two. “So, you know about my house guests.
What do you plan to do about it?”
“That’s Michaels gig. Got nothing to do with me.”
“So what are you doing here?” Micah demanded. “Why are you
working for my parents?”
“I needed a job. I like bartending. As to why I’m here I can’t
“You mean you won’t say.” Cain grunted.
“Amounts to the same thing.” Tear tilted his head. He was
listening to something the rest of them could not hear. “What do you
know? Considering recent events it appears I’m to let you in on my
little job detail after all.” Tear lifted his coffee and took a drink.
“Well?” Faith asked, her curiosity peaked.
“I’m here to resume my duty as a Watcher. I’m here to watch
you, Faith.” He informed them while looking Faith directly in the
“Why?” She wanted to know. “What has any of this got to do
with me?”

Beth Hildenbrand

“Apparently you have an important role to play in this game.”

“Me? How is that possible?” Faith turned to Cain.
“Heaven knows. I don’t.” He stated. “But with Adam walking
around I can guarantee anyone near me is going to have to be kept
Tear growled. The coffee cup he held burst in his hands. Bits of
glass and a stream of dark liquid puddled on the table top. Tear
seemed surprised to look and see the handle of the destroyed mug
still in his grip. When the others gaped, Tear asked simply, “So,
where am I sleeping?”


S ully reclined in a mossy green velvet chair he had pulled to

his brother's bedside. His eyes were closed but he was
acutely aware of his surroundings. He could feel the vibrations of
the house around him. He knew that one of Legion, the one Michael
freed, was in the house. He cracked an eye when he heard his
brother's voice.
“Yes, I feel him. He knows we are here as well.” Lo spoke.
“I should kill him.” Sully snarled. His love of killing ever
present.”You are healed?”
“Near to perfect thanks to Philadelphia.” Lo responded, sitting
up with a sigh.
“We have done enough to piss off Michael. He will be useful. I
may have been near death but I heard enough of what's happening.”
“Now that you’re healed, what's the plan my brother?”
“Our calling is to protect the Key. What better place than under
his own roof. Only you know of my improved condition. We will
keep it that way for the time being.” Lo ran a hand through his wavy
chestnut hair and groaned. “I’m starving. Do you think you can
sneak me some food?”
“I’m an assassin not a waiter.” Sully sulked.
“Feed me Seymour.” Lo quoted Little Shop of Horrors.
“I should have left your smartass in Hell.” Sully snapped, pulling
his six foot nine inch frame from the chair. “What do you want to
Beth Hildenbrand

“A side of beef. Bloody.”

“One sacrificial bull coming up. Anything else?”
“Taters. A couple of bakers with butter and sour cream.” Lo
added getting into the spirit.
“What the fuck?”
“And cheesecake.”
“Plain?” Sully snarked.
“Raspberry sauce...and cream.” Lo finished,
his icy blue eyes sparkling at his brother's obvious irritation.
“Fuck you.” Sully snapped. He vanished in a pop of pissiness.
Lo laughed until his sides hurt.

Heretic Faith

It was a good thing Micah needed a minimal amount of sleep.

His job required both day and evening hours. Today's assignment
was picking up a special order acquisition from the library. Micah
had been doing this run a lot lately since Cain was on a research
kick. Most small town libraries refused to handle rare books. Not
here in Adamstown, it was Cain’s donations that kept the small book
depository's doors open. Micah had come to enjoy these visits. A
new librarian had been hired recently. At first she had been shy with
him. He had done his damn best to make sure she became
comfortable in his presence putting on his sweetest smile and laying
on the charm. Too bad he was now the one on the hook.
As soon as he walked to the front desk she hurried over to greet
him. Her tiger eyes lit up when she looked at him. He liked the way
she wore her long russet hair in a bouncy ponytail. Her exotic looks
made him think of harem beauties. For a nerdy chick she was hot as
“Hi Dahlia.” Micah sent her a gorgeous smile, flashing his
“Good Afternoon Mr. Archer. How are you today?” She asked
“Young.” He teased. “Call me Micah, please. Mr. Archer makes
me feel like an old man.”
She giggled. She had a terrific giggle. “I don’t think you’re old.
Have you come for Mr. Adamsons manuscript? We have it in the
safe for you.”
“Do I need a reason to visit a pretty girl? How do you know I
didn't stop by just to see you?”
“I know because Mrs. Weaver has been in a state since the
manuscript arrived yesterday. I don’t think she has been more than

Beth Hildenbrand

a foot from the vault since it’s arrival. Look, she’s spotted you.”
Dahlia inclined her head to where the head librarian scampered into
a room with a key ring dangling in her nervous hands.
“Maybe you should start limiting her coffee intake.” Micah
“She doesn’t drink coffee.” Dahlia whispered, giggling again.
Micah stood there befuddled. Those sparkling eyes and that silly
giggle went straight to his gut then landed a punch in his groin.
“Quick. Before she comes back. Tell me you’ll have a drink with
me tonight.”
“I don’t think…”
“No. Don’t think. Just say yes.”
“I…” He locked his eyes with hers, one eyebrow raised
“Yes.” She agreed.
“That’s my girl.” Micah dimpled. “Look out here she comes.”
Micah grimaced as the matronly women approached wide eyed
and clutching a wrapped parcel against her bosom.
“I have Mr. Adamson’s manuscript right here. “ She thrust her
prize at Micah, clearly wanting the historical treasure to no longer
be her responsibility.
“Thank you Mrs. Weaver. Cain appreciates all you and the
library do to aid him in his research.”
“Please assure Mr. Adamson we are happy to be of service and
appreciative of his unwavering generosity.”

Heretic Faith

Micah stifled a laugh. If they only knew the truth about his well
respected employer they would all be stupefied.” I’ll be sure to tell
He winked at Dahlia and made a quick exit.

Beth Hildenbrand

Adamstown’s Chief of Police cursed his Deputy. “Dammit all,

Tom. If you’re gonna puke, don't do it at my crime scene. Go on
over there and throw up behind those bushes.”
The green faced deputy turned on his heel and did a quick trot
away from bodies. He remembered the murder last spring. It had
been nothing compared to the gory mess they had been called to at
the cemetery.
Truth be told the Chief was having a hard time keeping his own
breakfast down. The groundskeeper had called into the station at the
break of dawn gibbering hysterically about dead bodies. At first the
Chief thought it was some kind of joke. Of course there were dead
bodies, it was a cemetery for shits sake. Still, he’d gone to check it
out. When crazy old drunk Tupper had led him to the spot where the
dismembered bodies lay he had a hard time believing his own eyes.
What the hell was going on in his town. In the fifteen years he had
been Chief they had not had one murder. Now, four in the last few
months. He would be lucky if Mayor Shafer didn’t take his badge.
To make matters worse he also had a missing deputy. He tried three
times to contact Roberts. The deputies' cell just rang and dumped
him into voice mail. Now he was stuck with a young inexperienced
deputy assisting him at the worst crime scene he had ever come
He yelled to Tom. “When you’re done over there grab the crime
scene tape, the spray paint, and the sketch pad from the trunk of my
The Chief took out his phone. First thing to do before the coroner
showed up was to get pictures. As he moved around getting shots
from all angles he thought of the wives of the deceased. Poor ladies.
In a small town like this news traveled fast. One of the men owned
the local Insurance Company and the other taught at the high school.

Heretic Faith

They would’nt be around to hear the bigoted talk but their wives
Tom came walking up and handed the spray paint to the Chief.
“What do you make of this?”
“I’ll be damned if I know. But I do know the first person I’m
going to ask.”
“Adamson.” The Chief snarled. “Seems to me when people turn
up dead in this town Cain always seems to be close by.”


T ear paced the room he had been assigned. It was a terrific

room, done in rich chocolate tones with champagne
accents. Compared to his second hand furniture this room was the
Ritz. The enormous bed alone was as big as the bedroom in his rental
house. It had a nice sized bathroom en suite. Tear couldn’t remember
the last time he had indulged in such luxury. He was going to take
full advantage of it while it lasted.
Cain had put him directly beside Faith since Tear had refused to
be separated from her. He was under Michael’s order, and those
orders were to keep the naively brave girl safe. The current situation
demanded he stay as close as possible at all times. Cain wasn’t happy
to have Tear in his home, but he also recognized that the protection
of Lucifer’s one time enforcer guarding the daughter of his heart was
a smart defensive move against Adam.
As Tear stripped off his clothes his mind was full of Faith. He
took advantage of the steam shower. The body wash Cain provided
was sweet. He even enjoyed the fresh water scent of it. Feeling clean
and relaxed he toweled dry his magnificent body. After such an
indulgence his mind was fixed on Faith. Tear burned hot with
thoughts of all the wicked things he would enjoy doing to her. Naked
he climbed into the old plantation style bed. His red hair draped in
stark contrast against the champagne colored pillow cases.
His amber eyes drifted closed as he brought images of Faith into
his mind. Erotic visions of her on her back a halo of blonde hair
messily playing around her face. Her pink petal soft lips wet with
moisture from her tongue snaking out to lick them. Her pert breasts

Heretic Faith

rising and falling as the blushing tips puckered out begging for his
rough hands. Tear stroked himself slowly drawing out his pleasure.
He saw himself cupping her ass as he buried his head between her
legs licking and sucking on her most tender sensitive flesh. Tears’
hand began to move harder and faster as he imagined Faith’s
orgasam ready to explode onto his tongue. While her name exploded
from his lips, his orgasm exploded from his cock shooting jets across
his taut abdomen.

Beth Hildenbrand

Faith had no problem falling asleep today. After the emotional

meeting with Eric and hearing that he still wanted her, angels in the
bedroom and demons in the kitchen were a downgrade on the what
the fuck o’ meter. And now one of Lucifer's top pitbulls was sleeping
in the next room. Fun and games here in the house of the unholy.
In her sleep she drifted back to the night in the backseat of Eric’s
car. In the dream however, they were adults, no longer two uncertain
kids fumbling in the dark. Now as she watched the scene play out
there was no teenage hesitation or fear. This time as he lay on her
his body was that of an adult male who spent his life as a warrior. It
was hard and muscular. His chest covered with crisp dark hair felt
sensual against the bare skin of her breasts tickling her nipples into
tight buds. They were not taking their time. He drove the hard length
of his cock into her with a rhythmic throbbing pulse. In the confines
of the car Faith managed to wrap her legs around his waist rising to
meet his thrusts as she urged him on. She could feel every bump and
ridge of his cock as the friction built up inside her, pulling her closer
and closer to the release she so desperately needed. At last she felt
him stiffen against her, his body shook as climax rocked the
sensitive head of his penis. Her name tore from his lips as his
orgasam pounding into her inner core.
Faith screamed herself back to consciousness as an orgasm
rocked her body.
At the same moment, in the room next door, Tear roared. Both
rode out the wave of lust then collapsed back into sleep.

Heretic Faith

Cain tossed the Mont Blanc pen on his notepad. He rubbed his
bleery crimson eyes. He had been at it all day. For months he had
scoured every source, yet his research had proven fruitless. Now he
had three of the best resources to learn the truth under his roof and
none of them were talking. Grumbling tiredly he followed the scent
of fresh coffee into the kitchen.
He was taken aback at the sight of a crowded kitchen. They were
all gathered around the table while Micah made breakfast. All but
Lo. Frankly Cain was surprised Sully had left his side. He hoped to
hell it was a sign Lo was improving. Cain headed for the coffee
maker listening to the sound of bacon beginning to fry. Faith, Sully,
and Tear were serving themselves fresh cut melon from a large
crystal bowl. They already had coffee and Cain was not surprised to
find all that was left were the dregs of the pot.
“Need Coffee.” He grumbled, joining the others at the table.
“I’m on it.” Micah commented. “Do I get a raise since I’m now
cooking and cleaning for a full house?”
“No. I’m already paying you too much.”
“I’ll help out Micah.” Faith offered. “I can’t tonight, but
tomorrow I’ll start pitching in. You don’t need to cook for me
tonight either. I’m having dinner with a friend.”
Four scowling sets of eyes bore down on her. Three of them
glowing with a supernatural light. Faith goggled back. You would
have thought she had just told them she was joining forces with
Lucifer. Talk about over protectiveness. Yikes!
“What do you mean you’re having dinner with a friend? What
friend? All of your friends are sitting at this table.” Cain snapped.
“May the Creator help me if this…” She swung her arm out. “is
all that consists of my friends.”

Beth Hildenbrand

“Change your plans.” Tear demanded. “What the hell do you

want with a man right now anyway?” “I will not change my plans.
She argued back. “I’m a grown ass woman and perfectly capable of
having an evening out. And it’s none of your damn business
“Look Faith.” Sully began, “with Adam lurking around wanting
a bloodletting it might not be such a good idea. One of us should be
close to you at all times. He will see you as a weak link simply
because you’re female. An ass kicking female. ”He added, taking
note of the insulted look on her face. “But to him it is a weakness.”
“Oh hell no. I will be perfectly safe.” She fought. “Micah, come
on. Help me out here.”
“Well, If you’re seeing Eric, he was a Marine. You should be
safe.” Micah offered half heartedly. He wanted Faith locked down
as much as the others.
“Not fucking likely.” Tear growled. “A fucking human warrior
is shit compared to what she would be up against. I need to be with
her. Period.”
“You need to be at work. My parents expect you to show up and
do your job.”
“The parents will understand that Faith comes first.” Tear
snapped, earning him a look from Micah. Grey was the only other
person who ever referred to Mom and Pop Archer as the parents.
“He’s right. You can’t let down Mom and Pop.” Faith agreed. Tear
looked like steam should be shooting out from his ears.
“Hang on. Everybody just simmer down and let me think.” Cain
waved a hand at the combatants.
“Check out who’s going to be the voice of reason.” Micah
snickered, earning him a scowl from Cain.

Heretic Faith

Cain rolled his eyes at Micah’s smart ass comment. “Sully,

you’re stuck. You have to be with your boy while he’s out of
commission. Micah, you're on bar duty tonight. I’ll be at Archer’s
with you if Adam decides to put in another appearance. Tear you’re
with Faith. Michael wanted you watching her. For all we know there
is some damn divine plan at work here and I for one am not going to
fuck with it.”
“Ugh. What don’t you, Beings, understand? This is a date. One
boy, one girl. No demon.” Faith snapped.
“I’ll be outside. I can be vapor. Only you and I will know I’m
there. I would have to be shielded to do my job anyway. I hope that's
good enough for you because it’s as good as you’re going to get.”
“Well, since I don't have any other choice I guess I’ll take it. Be
ready in an hour. I'm going to take a shower and get dressed.” Faith
snapped, exiting in a huff.
“Have fun with that tonight, demon.” Sully chuckled.
“Bite me, Angel.” Tear returned.
“Micah get the food on the table so they can stuff their mouths.”
“You got it Boss.”


A rcher’s was hopping for a Thursday night. Behind the bar

Micah stayed steadily busy. Cain was perched at the end
of the bar on his usual stool. He may have appeared relaxed but he
could feel the friction in the air like a sizzling electric current.
Something that had him itchy. The usuals sat around the bar. Cain
was interested to see a hot new woman wander in. She went straight
to the bar. Her eyes zeroed in on Micah.
Micah immediately made a beeline for the girl. He got her a glass
of wine and placed it on the polished bar. Taking her dainty hand in
his and brushing a soft kiss on her knuckles.

Heretic Faith

Cain watched as she smiled and lowered her eyes shyly. Well
isn't this an interesting development, Cain considered. Micah
usually made sure his females never saw him flirting with another
woman. Jealousy ran rampant where Micah was concerned. Micah
didn’t appreciate having a good time ruined by a cat fight. Cain
continued to watch them with unabashed amusement. Faith was on
a date. Micah had a love interest. Damn his kids were growing up.
Good, maybe they would get out of his freaking house. Hold up, then
what would he do? They had made themselves indispensable to him.
Shit, when had that happened? He used to take solace in his
aloneness. And that’s exactly what it was, he hadn’t been lonely, he
enjoyed being alone. As Cain contemplated a future of cooking his
own meals and dealing with the irritation of phone calls, two girls in
tight jeans and sweaters that revealed their flat anorexic bellies ran
through the door screaming. “Help! There is some guy out there.
He’s attacking our friends. Someone help!”
Cain glanced at Micah and flew out the back door. The overhead
light held a steady bead on the action. Adam was getting his violence
on beating the shit out of two young women. Both were on the
ground, their arms wrapped around each other. Adam had one by her
long brown hair pulling her as he kicked at the pair. “Whores.” He
snarled, foam dripping from the corners of his distorted mouth.
Blood dripped from his hands where he had beaten them. The girls
had their arms fused around each other’s heads trying to protect their
battered faces from any further damage. “Jezebels. You should be
fed to the dogs. Only death will purify you. Beg the One for his
divine forgiveness.”
“I think you’re the one who’s going to need to beg asshole.” Cain
growled, his eyes burning red. “Get the fuck off them. Come fight
me you psychotic son of a bitch.”

Beth Hildenbrand

“You are the son of a bitch. Your mother made the whore Lilith
look like a saint.” Adam shot back.
“I’ve had about enough of your mouth. You have a problem with
me. You come and get me. Or do you only beat on girls? That always
did seem to be a favorite hobby of yours
“Women are to submit to the authority of their husbands.” Adam
spoke with all the authority of a self appointed prophet.
“Not in this world old man. In this world women are cherished
and free to live however they choose.” Cain’s eyes burned red as he
remembered the abuse Eve had taken at the hands of this man. He
had always been a self righteous pig. Now he was a fanatical pig
who needed to shove his holy mission up his ass.
Cain started stalking toward Adam. He moved his head only
millimeters trying to signal the two girls to run. It was a waste of
time. They were too frightened to make any attempt to reach safety.
Seeing Cain advancing, Adam roared. “The time has come at
last.” He flew toward Cain. Cain braced for the fight. His talons
ripped through the ends of his finger tips. When Adam was in reach.
Cain made a lunge for him. His hands came up empty. Adam was
gone again. “What the fuck.”
Fuming with anger Cain stormed over to the victims. They still
lay huddled weeping in eachothers arms. Cain was afraid to touch
them. He had no idea how bad their injuries were. They may even
scream if another man tried touching them. The girls stayed locked
together like a human puzzle. Cain knew of only one thing to do.
“Sully.” He shouted into the darkness. Within a second the angel
stood before him. “I need clean-up here.”
“Adam?” Sully asked, as he took in the situation.

Heretic Faith

“Yes. Cocksucker disappeared again.”

“I’m sending you to Lo,'' Sully said, as Cain disappeared.
Sully bent over the women holding out his palms allowing the
pure white healing light to surround them. The effort of healing a
human was miniscule in comparison to healing another angel. It took
him no time at all to have them healed and ready to leave.
With the girls healed and their memories cleansed Sully zapped
them to their homes. He went inside Archers and dealt with the
memories of the two who had come running in for help and zapped
them home as well. Last but not least he made a clean sweep of the
bar. Looking around he decided everything was as it should be. He
pulled Cain back. “Resume your evening. I must return to my
brother.” He spoke to Cain. Snapping his fingers he vanished as the
bar returned to life.
“Well hell.” Cain decided. “It’s handy having an angel in your


F aith pulled up to the curb in front of an average white house.

As soon as she put the sensible blue Cavalier in park Tear
vanished from the passenger seat. He hadn’t uttered so much as his
usual grunt the entire drive. His stoney silence only added to her
nervousness. She took a deep steadying breath, reminded herself she
faced down Demons, worked for an Immortal, and survived an
Incubus, she could handle a date with an old boyfriend. Steeling
herself she walked confidently to the dark red front door and
knocked. Eric invited her in almost shyly. She had never known him
to be anything but confident.
She stepped into a small kitchen. “Nice place.”
“Thank you.” He replied. “Can I get you a drink? Oh, let me get
your coat.” He reached out and took the coat she held out to him,
then vanished into another room with it and quickly returned.
For some reason his uneasiness put Faith at ease. “How about a
“Budweiser okay?”
“Perfect.” She agreed.In the light of the kitchen Faith noticed
something she had missed the night before. His clothes hung from
him like he had lost a great deal of weight too quickly.
He grabbed a cold bottle from the fridge, twisted off the cap and
handed it to her. “Here you go.”
“You’re here. I can’t believe you came.” He blurted.

Heretic Faith

“I said I would. If I say something I mean it.”

“You’re a beautiful woman, Faith.” He spoke with earnest belief
in his eyes.
“Thank you.” Faith felt the heat rising to her cheeks. She knew
she was blushing by the silly grin on his face and she felt mortified.
“I can still make you blush.” He teased her.
“You always were a charmer.”
“Why don’t you bring your beer to the living room and we can
catch up?” He suggested taking her hand and leading the way.
Faith followed him through a small dining room and into the
living area where he offered her a seat on the couch. She was not
surprised to see he had music playing on youtube. It was
programmed to play all of the songs they used to listen to as they
went cruising the old backroads.
Eric reached out and put a hand on her knee. “I’m sorry if I keep
touching you. I just can’t believe you’re here. For years I dreamed
of seeing you again. I expected to come home and find you married
with a dozen children.”
“I was engaged. Grey and I…”
“Shit. I’m sorry Faith. Mom Archer told me. I didn’t mean to
bring it up.”
“No, it’s okay. But if you don’t mind I would rather not talk
about it. How about you? You were married?”
“Yeah it didn’t work out.” He seemed as uncomfortable as her
talking about past relationships so she changed the subject.
“So what are you doing with yourself these days?”
“I counsel other Vets with PTSD..” he told her.

Beth Hildenbrand

“That’s amazing. “
“How about you? I thought I heard you had a bookstore but last
night you said you were working for Cain Adamson.”
“Yeah, I had some trouble at the store and closed it down. I’m
working as a kind of personal assistant for Cain.” Faith had no desire
to explain about the store being closed. Telling him about Katies
brutal death at the hands of a demon while she was working at the
store was not a memory she wanted to share.
Eric removed his hand from her knee, replacing it on her back.
He began to rub slow circles. Faith knew she was blushing again.
This time the heat wasn’t only going to her cheeks.
She could sense him moving in to kiss her. Quickly she picked
up her beer and started chugging. When in a
flippin’ fish. “Could I have another beer please.”
He smiled to himself as he went to get Faith another beer. He
wanted her off balance. It was a jolt to know he could still get to her.
He was thinking his chances of picking up where they left off were
looking pretty good. Only this time they wouldn’t have the bitter

Heretic Faith

Tear stood outside glaring in through the window. He was mist.

No one inside or out could see him. “Mine.” He growled, surprising
What the shit was wrong with his mind? He wanted to go in there
and rip the little human warrior's throat out with his fangs. Dead
eyes, as Tear now thought of the man, was coming to life. And he
wanted to use his weapon on Faith. That sure as shit was not gonna
happen on his watch. It wasn’t going to happen, period. Faith
belonged to him. End of story.
Wait a tic. Tear didn’t WANT women. He only fucked women.
Something strange was going on here. Tear didn’t feel jealousy, and
he sure as shit wasn’t in touch with his soft and furry emotions.
Something strange was going on. What the hell had Michael done to

Beth Hildenbrand

Cain had left when he saw Micah ready to turn off the lights and
lock up. He could tell Micah was hooked on the girl who came in
earlier when Micah took the time to introduce her to him. She was a
pretty little thing. Dahlia, that was a name you didn’t hear often. She
was polite. Even pretended to be interested in his research. But then
she was a librarian. And didn’t that blow his mind, Micah and a
librarian. Would wonders never cease. Not the kids usual type.
Whatever, as long as Micah kept his mouth shut about their business
Cain didn’t give a shit who the kid was torking.
Cain eased into the Vette. What do you know? Ennie decided to
pop into his head again. “Why aren’t you watching Faith?” She
“Get out of my fucking head En. You’re starting to piss me off.”
He snapped back.
“I told you to watch her.”
“Trust me. She is being watched by someone a hell of a lot more
vicious than me.”
“Yes, I know. Lucifer’s enforcer. Have you lost your mind?”
“He works for Michael. That son of a bitch wants Faith watched
by a demon I don’t argue.”
“Cain. Michael is more dangerous than Lucifer. Remember just
who won that war.”
“What exactly are you trying to tell me?''
“They all have an agenda. The only one you can trust is Micah.
The rest of them will use any pawns available to play their games.”
“Since I’m so low on allies, why don’t you and Jami get your
asses home.” He demanded.
“Soon. We have our own troubles to deal with.” She was gone.

Heretic Faith

“Fuck.” Cain cursed, at the tap on his window. “What now?” He

rolled his window down and gave a shit eating grin to the Chief.
“Adamson.” The Chief nodded in greeting.
“Chief. What can I do for you?”
“Would you mind stepping out of the car? I've got a few
questions for you.”
Cain uncurled himself from the driver's seat. He stood shutting
the door behind him. This had been a tactical mistake on the Chiefs
part. Cain stood a good ten inches taller causing the Chief to have to
look up to speak to him. “You said you have some questions?”
“Yes, I do.” The Chief began. “Can you tell me where you were
from seven o’clock last night until five this morning?”
“Why do you need to know?”
“Humor me.”
“Alright. I was here until about one a.m. Then I went home with
the kids.”
“The kids being Micah Archer and Faith Martin.”
“And they will vouch for you?”
“Well what the hell do you think? Of course they’ll vouch for
me. It’s the damn truth. What the fuck are you pussyfooting around
about? If you’re going somewhere with this just spit it out.”
“There was a double homicide at the cemetery last night. That’s
close to your place isn’t it?”
“Well I can see how living within a few miles of the cemetery
makes me guilty of murder.” Cain snapped sarcastically.

Beth Hildenbrand

“Seems to me when we have trouble in this town you always

seem to turn up.”
“Seems to me if you did your job we wouldn’t be having trouble
in this town.”
The Chief snarled. “I’ll be checking your alibis.”
“You do that.”

Heretic Faith

Micah sat on the opposite side of the bar for the first time that
night. He had poured Dahlia a glass of wine and got himself a
Budweiser. In the dim light her golden eyes shimmered. She wore a
kitten soft fuzzy white sweater that set off her caramel skin
beautifully. He wanted to touch her. To feel her silken skin under
the softness of the sweater. To run his hands up her ribs and tease
her tight nipples with his thumbs while his mouth nibbled those
berry red lips. Shit, he was sitting here throwing wood like a damn
“Micah, are you alright?” She asked, he seemed far away.
“Yes.” He answered, shaking himself out of his lusty
imagination. “I was just thinking about how much I would love to
see you tomorrow. We really didn’t get to spend any time together
tonight with me working.”
“It was nice of you to help out your parents. Mr. Adamson must
be a great man to work for if he would give you up for the night.”
“Yeah he’s a real sweetheart.” Micah snarked. “He was just
sitting here like he does most nights anyway.”
“Thank you for introducing me. I’ve always been curious about
him. He does so much for the library but I’ve never met him.”
“Cain is a good guy. I like my work. He’s not the easiest guy to
live with but it works.”
“I didn’t know you lived with him.” She lied.
“Yeah. The house is enormous. Faith and I have the second floor
to ourselves. Both of us work for him. The job is pretty hands on.
We need to be close when he needs us.”
“Who is Faith?” She asked, trying not to show irritation at the
mention of another woman.

Beth Hildenbrand

“Faith is like a sister to me.” He caught the slight slant in her

eyes. He knew women and he realized he slipped up mentioning
Faith. He laid a hand on her knee and began to rub his way up her
thigh. “She was engaged to my brother before he was killed. She still
hasn’t gotten over his death. It was hard for all of us.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories for you.”
“No worries.” He leaned over and kissed her sweet lips. Now
that was one hell of a distraction from a sore subject.
In the dim light, with the jukebox playing a crooning love song,
she moved into him, molding her body to his. A whisper of a sigh
escaped her mouth as she came up for air. Micah was happily
stunned. This was an unexpected bonus. Her eyes held the fiery
promise of passion but he hadn’t expected the flame to burn so hot
so quickly.
Micah’s mind, though fogged with lust. Flew to the next phase.
“I have a room upstairs.”
“I thought you said you live with Cain?” She questioned, still
breathing furiously.
“It’s an apartment. I used to live there.” Micah explained.
“Micah, when we make love I want to be in your bed. In your
home. A place where you will have memories whenever you lie
Frustrated as only a man in deep lust can be, Micah could think
only of being with her again. “What about your place?”
“I still live with my parents.” She lied. She knew she had to find
a way into Cain’s home. This would be her chance. Using Micha’s
lust against him. A game played by women since the dawn of time.

Heretic Faith

“Okay. Tomorrow night. I will pick you up. We can have dinner
at my place.”
“I will meet you here. My parents would not approve of me
going unchaperoned to a man's home.” She told him with a
promising smile.
“Nine o’clock?”
“Yes. “ she leaned into him again, offering her lips. Micah was


F aith found herself on her back. The suede sofa cushions a

comfortable padding as the hard body from her dreams
pressed her down. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands
tangled in his hair, as she gave herself up to his drugging kisses. It
was a replay of her dream. Feeling his body pressed to hers. He had
one hand wrapped in her long blond hair the other around her back
holding her as close as possible. Her mind was a lavender fog of
pleasure as she felt his erection rising against her.
“Faith.” Eric hissed.
The only response she could give was a shaky moan. Her body
was liquid fire. She looked into his passion filled eyes. She would
give herself to him. There was no question. They would finally
experience what had been denied them so long ago.
A snarling growl was a whirlwind in her head. Faith choked back
a curse. Eric jumped at the sound of something heavy crashing into
the side of the house.
“What the hell was that?” Eric reacted, pushing himself off
“A little demon.” She muttered under her breath.
“What?” Eric asked.
“A cat?” Faith threw out to cover her smart ass remark.
The man knew it wasn’t a cat. He had been trained to be aware
of his environment. “I should go check it out.” He reached under the

Heretic Faith

couch and pulled out a K Bar.Then looked to Faith for her reaction
to the weapon.
“Nice.” She said, being fully at ease with lethal weapons. Pissed
as she was at her babysitter she knew better than to stay. “Could you
grab my coat? I really should be going.”
“This isn’t how I wanted the night to end.” He told her as he
retrieved the requested item.”We didn’t get to have our dinner.” He
looked so disappointed that Faith nearly changed her mind. She
knew however, that Tear would just continue with his antics.
“I need to get back to the house. We have guests.” There, she
thought. No lie.
“How about tomorrow night?”
“Yes.” she agreed. “It would be nice to have that dinner.”
“You can bring a few things if you would like to stay.” He
suggested, having a hard time maintaining eye contact.
“I’ll think about it.”
Faith pulled her coat on. Eric put his hand, sans knife, on her
back. “Come on. I want to make sure you get to your car safely.”
Faith held in a giggle. It was more the other way around. She
was the one who might have to protect him from a surly demon. He
helped her into the car. Before he closed the door he gave her one
last lingering kiss. “Miss you in a heartbeat.”
Her heart was in her throat. He even remembered their song.
Miss you in a Heartbeat by Def Leppard. She still had a hard time
listening to that song. She watched his back as he walked to the door
jumping as she felt a fissure in the air. Jerking her head to the left
she saw her over protector. “He can see you.” She hissed.

Beth Hildenbrand

Nah. I zapped him. He’s going to keep walking right inside and
not look back.” Tear gave her a shit eating grin.
“You’re a jerk.”
“Oh, stop with the flattery.” He chuckled at her.
Temper rising Faith found herself too angry to comment. Instead
she put the car in reverse and punched it out of the driveway. She
threw it into drive and slammed on the brakes. Directly in front of
the car less than a foot away stood Adam. Faith squealed. Tear
grabbed her arm.
“Stay put.” He demanded. She did as she was told, frozen by the
fire in his amber eyes.
Tear jumped from the car. Faith sat in stunned silence. He wasn’t
seriously singing bang a gong?...Yep...he was. Crazy ass demon was
enjoying this!

Heretic Faith

Cain was in the library. Micah had just come in with a fresh cup
of coffee. Cain was busily ranting about women. In a two minute
time frame Micah caught the names Jami, Ennie, and Faith multiple
times. Ennie’s name seemed to be snarled the most vehemently.
Cain had no intention of ceasing his rant anything soon. There was
the sound of a slam overhead. Both Cain and Micah ran from the
room in time to see Sully running down the stairs.
“What the fuck?” Cain asked.
“We gotta go now.” Sully informed them. He grabbed Cain by
one hand and Micah by the other.
Before either could react they found themselves standing in the
middle of the street. Faith locked in her car, with the demon
Tearzahn confronting Adam.
In an instant they circled Adam. An Angelic Assassin, Lucifer’s
ex-Enforcer, The world's first Immortal Killer, and a human.
With a simple thought Sully placed swords in all of their hands.
Sully held the sword of Solomon. Even the lone mortal standing with
them could hear the low pitched hum coming from the deadly
“Look at you!” Adam roared at Micah. “You are a mortal. One
the Creator gifted with a soul and holds above all. Yet you stand here
in league with assassins and demons. You are as much an
abomination as the ones you consort with.”
“Is anyone else bored with the whole holier than thou shit this
asshole is spewing?” Tear sniped sarcastically. As a group they all
raised their hands. “Well hell then, let's kick this shit.”
Tear was the first to begin closing in on Adam. As he walked he
played a bit, testing the feel of the sword Sully had put in his hand.
“Not bad Angel. I can work with this.”

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“Not if I get to him before you do.” Sully shot back, prowling
toward his prey.
“You’re a demon killer Angel. This one is mine.” Tear argued.
“Screw you both.” Cain interjected. “I owe this son of a bitch.
He’s mine.”
Cain strutted up between the two. He was surprised when Micah
didn't go to Faith but chose to join the party. He strolled up to close
the circle.
“Excuse me. I’m the one the asshole just lumped in with you
supernatural freaks. I’ve got a better reason to put his fucker down
than any of you.”
Adam stood snarling with fury at their jocularity. He sprang
toward Micah who he considered the easiest prey.

Heretic Faith

Faith screamed. Her hand darted to grip the door handle. Out of
the corner of her eye she caught sight of Eric. Somehow he had
become aware of the situation. Knife in hand he fully intended to do
someone some bodily harm. “What the fuck is going on?” He
demanded,shouting at the group.
This time Faith didn’t stop herself. She jumped out of the car.
“Eric!” She bellowed to get his attention.
She had foolishly given Adam the opportunity he needed. He
reached out and had Micah by the throat.
Everything happened at once. In the blink of an eye Ladocia
appeared and vanished with Faith. Before that little stunner
registered, the street was awash with an ethereal white light. Cain
and everyone else shielded their eyes. Sully made it to Micah pulling
him from Adam’s grip and throwing him to the ground. He lay atop
the mortal keeping his head ducked and covered. For a mortal to
look upon an angel's true form would cause madness. While Sully
handled Micah, Cain pulled the same maneuver on Eric.
Tear stood his ground. A black haze pulsating out from his body.
His supernatural demon's reaction to Michael’s grand entrance.
As the light dimmed the form of Michael appeared. He stood like
death came to pay a call. It was ironic that Lucifer should look like
a ray of light and Michael his dark anthesis. Michael’s straight raven
hair hung to his waist. His trench coat, a sheath of black leather.
Black boots made his seven foot frame three inches taller. Wearing
a black leather pants and a black t-shirt Michael was what humans
imagined evil to be. They would to some extent be correct. Arch
Angels are the Creators Mercenaries. And Micheal was the baddest
sum bitch of them all.
“Sup Boss?” Tear smirked.

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“Fuck you. Why did Ladocia have to do your job? “ He barked.

“What? No smartass answer for that?”
“I was busy. If that fucking mortal hadn’t come running out
Michael flicked a finger at Tear and removed his ability to speak.
He looked down to the asphalt. Sully had Micah. Cain had the
human. And he had Adam pinned to the ground hurling curses.
Michael took away his ability to speak as well.
“Well isn’t this a right and proper cluster fuck.” He snorted.” I
swear your mortal language gives me a headache.” Michaels
sapphire eyes missed nothing.
“Sully. Do you want to tell me why I shouldn't send you to the
Affa immediately?”
Since it was now safe and Sully knew Michael would not be
allowing Micah to get up, Sully stood up and faced his boss.
“Ummm...I really can’t think of a good reason. If you give me a
minute I’m sure I can come up with something.”
Michael massaged the bridge of his nose. “Just...stay put.”
“Cain. “Michael snarled. “Stand and face me.”
Cain pushed himself off of Faith’s human lover knowing that
Michael would keep the human from looking at his angelic face. He
turned slowly, for the first time making eye contact with the
deadliest of Heavens hosts. “Fuck me.” He hissed under his breath.
He nodded solemnly at Michael.
“Once again I find you at the center of another impending
apocalypse. What have you got to say for yourself?”
“Ummm...Shouldn’t Sully answer first? You did ask him a
question first. I wouldn’t want to be rude.”

Heretic Faith

“Rude.” Michael barked a dry laugh. “You have got to be

shitting me.” Michael squeezed his eyes closed and did a half turn
as if trying to get a reign on his anger before extinguishing them all.
“Very well. Sully, since you and Ladocia seem to have decided
to go off on your own you are no longer members of the Order. That
is your punishment. You will now serve Heaven by serving Cain.
He will be your new Master.”
“Hold up. “Cain began. “I don’t want to be anyones Master.
Those two are trouble I don’t fucking need.”
“Do you honestly think I care about what you want? What is.”
Cain fumed but noticed the slight smirk on Sully's face as he
bowed to Michael's demand.
Michael flicked a finger toward Eric, who lay still on the street.
When the human woke in the morning he would be in his bed. No
memory of any events after Faith’s departure would be retained. He
would only remember vague dream imagery.
“Tearzahn.” Michael addressed his former brother, allowing his
speech to return. “You had better do your job or I will return you to
Lucifer for the punishment I’m certain he has waiting for you.”
“Yeah, like you could’nt teach Lucifer a thing or two about
torture.” Tear growled.
“Remember that and I’m certain you will not repeat this mistake.
“Sure, great. You gonna take this piece of shit with you?” Tear
demanded, pointing toward Adam. ”Or you gonna let us have the
fun of finishing him off?”
“You don’t deserve the treat, but your antics have worn me out.
Be my guest.”
Before Michael could finish Adam once again vanished.

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“What the fuck?”Tear barked.

“You didn’t do that.” Cain spoke to Michael.
“No, I did not.”
“Who?” Sully asked.
“You?” Cain asked Sully. “It wasn’t you the last time?” Cain
asked, now questioning his assumption.
“No. I have no idea,”
“You can be sure I will find out.” Michael then vanished.


B eelzebub sat in Lucifer's office chair. His bare ass

squeaking against the soft leather seat. A new arrival knelt
between his muscular thighs. Her hands were full, the left massaging
his balls while the right worked his cock as she sucked him off. His
diamond eyes rolled back in his head. He had sex in his demon form
for so long that he had forgotten how good it was in his true form.
His giant hands were wrapped in long golden hair.The more she
worked him the harder he pulled. She didn't seem to mind. He
wouldn’t give a shit if she did. She had been a junkie whore in life.
It seemed fitting that she served her time in Hell choking on cock.
Lucifer popped in on his brother. Beelzebub looked glorious as
he pumped into the female demon's mouth. Lucifer almost hated to
interrupt him, nah. “B!” He hollered in his brother's ear.
“Fuck!” B bellowed. “You're lucky I didn’t get my cock bit off.”
“I’d say you're the one that got lucky there brother.” Lucifer
“What the fuck are you doing here?” B asked. “Shouldn’t you
be off somewhere plotting armageddon?”
“We’re about to have company. Get rid of her and get yo nasty
ass out of my seat.”
Beelzebub stood pulling up his pants. He inclined his head
toward the door. “Get out.” He told the demon. Watching her go he
threw out an afterthought. “Wait outside,”

Beth Hildenbrand

Lucifer settled into his chair. He propped his booted feet on his
desk and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Who are you expecting?”
“Wait for it.”
A voice called out speaking Enochian. It echoed through the
chamber. “Lucifer. I demand Passage.”
Lucifer smiled wolfishly.
“You’re not going to let that cock sucking, ass kissing, daddy’s
boy into this realm, again?” B hissed.
“Oh hell yes.” Lucifer chuckled. “And you will not touch him.”
B turned his glittering gaze on Lucifer. He hissed at his brother
like a snake.
“I mean it B. You either stand as my right hand or pack for the
B turned fury slitted eyes on Lucifer. He sucked it up, stood
rigidly,and waited.
“Enter esiach. I give you safe passage into and out of my
Lucifer put on a pair of sunglasses just to irritate him . B closed
his eyes and waited for the light he knew was coming to recede.
Michael stood on the opposite side of the gleaming mahogany
desk. With a flick of his finger he knocked Lucifer's feet off the
polished surface.
Lucifer shot to his feet. He shoved his face, fangs bared, into
Michaels. Neither stepped back. Golden beauty against dark.
B stepped in. “Don’t fight children.”

Heretic Faith

His smart mouth had the desired effect. Michael pulled back
with a snarl while Lucifer backed off with a chuckle.
“You haven’t come to visit me this much since Sodom and
Gemorrah were marked for destruction.” Lucifer baited Michael.
“What are you hoping to accomplish with Adam, Lucifer? Is it
your goal to see the Key destroyed?”
“Why would I want that? I anxiously await the day my Son sits
by my right hand.” Lucifer spoke. “No offense B”
“None taken, my brother. I would happily yield my place to your
“What do you want here Michael? I have no idea how Adam
managed to escape the Affa.”
“ And of course you are telling me the truth.” Michael snapped.
“Of course.” Lucifer agreed.
“Whatever game you’re playing, I promise you, he won’t slip
my grasp the next time.”
“I’m surprised he did this time. Are you getting slow Michael?”
“Try me.” Michael smiled.
“I believe we danced this dance before Michael. I dislike
repeating things.”
“Yet you keep repeating your failure.”
B was about to pounce. Lucifer slapped a hand against B’s wide
chest without taking his eyes off Michael. “It’s not failure if you’re
still playing the same game Michael:
“Until the wicked end my brother.” Michael said, then vanished.

Beth Hildenbrand

The green bedroom, Faith realized when she opened her eyes.
She was in Lo’s bedchamber. Which made sense, since Lo had
appeared when she had run to Eric. He must have brought her back
here when she made a run for Eric. When she saw him standing
amidst the mayhem she panicked. All of her training vanished. All
she could think of was getting Eric to safety.
“How?” She demanded. “You were on death's door. How did
you heal so quickly?”
“Don't worry about me.” He snapped. “You need to be praying
that no one was killed after your little stunt.”
She gaped at the truth of what he had just said. “We have to go
back. They might need us.”
Lo’s icy eyes looked at her like she had lost her mind. “If Adam
hasn't killed them, I’m quite certain Michael has incinerated them
for annoying him. There is no sense in returning for a pile of ash.”
“How can someone so beautiful on the outside be so ugly on the
“The truth is ugly.”And so, apparently, was he. Lo found himself
hurt by the insult. He didn’t want her to think of him that way. “By
the way, you’re welcome, for saving your ass.”
“Thank you.” She snipped. “What’s going to happen to them?
You’re an Angel. Can you see.”
“Unfortunately no. My body is fully healed but not all of my
powers are back. I was lucky when I received the vision of your
reckless behavior. Don’t worry, we should know soon enough.
Michael isn’t one to screw around when he’s pissed off.”
Faith dropped to the edge of the bed. She let her head fall into
her hands. “I will never forgive myself if any of them are harmed.”

Heretic Faith

Lo dropped to his knee. Gently he placed a hand on her shoulder.

“I know, and I feel the same. I’m so damn tired of seeing mortals
and my brothers hurt and killed in this damn war.”
“War?” Faith questioned.
“Yes, Faith. We are all soldiers in a war to keep the Gates of Hell
closed. Should Lucifer gain control of the Key, Hell will rise to
earth. Evil will reign and the prophets will have their armageddon.”
“That’s not possible. It’s not the end of times. Where are the
trumpets? The breaking of seals? I’ve read the book. Where are the
“Look around you, Faith. Earthquakes, floods, disease,
starvation. The signs are there. They have become so ordinary we
have all become desensitized to them.”
“But isn’t it your job to guard the Key? You can stop it from
happening. All you have to do is keep the Key safe from Lucifer.”
“Easier said than done. My brothers and I have been chasing that
Key around the world for longer than you could possibly imagine.”
“But it’s just a damn Key. How hard can it be? Can’t you just
keep the thing locked up somewhere?”
Now that was a loaded question that Lo had no intention of
answering. If he said anymore he could give away the truth that the
Key was not a thing but a person. A person she considered a second
father. Fortunately Lo’s luck held. A ruckus could be heard from
downstairs. They were back .Hopefully all of them and all in one
Hearing the sound of voices Faith jumped to her feet. “Their
back.” She told him, then took off.


E veryone was clustered in the kitchen. Micah was passing

out coffee and cold drinks out to a snarling group of
shamefaced, irritable, sumbitches, and one emotionally exhausted
woman. Faith had nearly broken down when she found that they
were all whole and healthy. Things reached the boiling point when
Tear started in on Faith for leaving the house to meet a man and
being the root cause of the evening's anarchy. Cain’s rage threshold
“Shut the fuck up!” He roared, pounding his fists on the table
until coffee cups rattled and spilled over. Everyone went silent. “Go
to your rooms.”
Astonished looks and open mouths gave him no small amount of
satisfaction. Tear looked like it was ripping his throat out not to hurl
a smart ass remark but he managed to check himself. Lo placed a
steadying hand on Sully’s shoulder to keep him silent. Faith and
Micah, who were used to volcanic eruptions from the irascible
immortal, took it more in stride.
“Go. Now.” Cain pointed a finger toward the open doorway.
There was the sound of shuffling feet and muttered complaints as
they took their sweet time but obeyed the command.
Cain watched until they were out of sight. He went to the sink
and dumped the contents of his coffee mug down the drain.
Reaching up into a cabinet he pulled down a drinking glass, then
reached again and snagged a bottle of Black Jack. He unscrewed the

Heretic Faith

cap, tilted the bottle to pour, then thought fuck it. Bottle in hand he
went into the library.
Cain looked down at all the months of research he had compiled.
With the sweep of one large hand he sent it flying to the floor.
Ancient texts be damned. Right now he really didn’t give a shit. He
grunted, then took his bottle and sat his ass in one of the leather
chairs before the fire and drank while he stared into the flames.
When there was about a quarter of the bottle remaining he had
made up his mind.
“Michael.” He spoke in a low gravelly voice. “We need to talk.”
“No.” Said a voice in his head.
“Fuck you. Talk now or I will throw everyone of those mother
fuckers out the door.”
“Do you think your threat frightens me?”
“Fine. I’ll just call up the Big Bad and see if he wants to chat.
I’m willing to bet he does. So help me, one of you bastards is going
to answer some questions.”
This time with the coming of the light there was the rumble of
thunder. The room shook. Even in Cain’s inebriated state he knew
when to put his head down. Then he felt the unyielding steel grip of
the Arch Angel’s mammoth hand around his throat. With both hands
Cain tried to free himself. When he stood eye to eye with Michael
he ceased his struggle. He shot his arm out and returned the favor,
wrapping his own clawed grip around Michaels throat. They glared
at each other. Michaels sapphire eyes were boring into Cain’s scarlet
eyes. Both released his hold at the same time.
“Who do you think you are to threaten me?” Michael growled, a
snarl marring his full red lips.

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“That’s what I want to know.” Cain snapped back.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Michael feigned
“Adam wants me more than dead. I’m his damned Holy Mission.
Yeah, I killed my brother. I murdered his son. I’m not fucking
stupid, but there’s more to it than that.”
“Why should there be more? You are a fucking killer. You
deliberately and with malice aforethought took a mortal life.”
“Yeah. Cursed and marked. I was there. It’s hard for me to
forget.” Cain began cracking the knuckles of his fisted hands. “What
I want to know is why he keeps bringing my mother into the mix.”
“She birthed you.”
“No shit.” Cain replied,sarcasm dripping from his lips. “He
seems to have some fixation about Eve being a whore. Anything you
want to tell me about that?”
“Talking to you is like talking to one of your minions upstairs.
What, do you give classes on being evasive?”
“I simply do not have your answers.” Michael lied.
“And I simply know bullshit when I smell it.”
“We’re done here.” Michael announced.
“I don’t think so.” Cain argued. “I want some damn answers for
a change.”
“Like every other being created you’re destined to be

Heretic Faith

Cain had enough. In anger he reached out and slugged Michael

on the jaw. The angel's head snapped back. The room took on a
sapphire light from the force of Michaels rage filled eyes.
Cain went flying backward, sending the chair behind him
Michael stalked to where Cain lay on the floor half dazed. “You
want answers? They are right in front of you.”
Michael vanished. Cain looked around the room. “Never a
straight answer from you son of a bitches. Have a nice day!”

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Faith crept the halls. Listening at doorways she made sure that
no creatures stirred, not even an Immortal. The sound of manly
snoring came from every occupied room. Cain, she had found,
passed out at the library table where he did his research. If she was
going to risk it now was the time. She was desperately worried about
Eric. She would just slip out of the house and go make sure he was
okay. His house was only ten minutes away. She could be there and
back in under an hour. No one would even notice she had been gone.
She had her knife in her boot, a flask of Holy Water and a
communion wafer in her pocket. The silver cross Ennie gave her,
that never left her neck, lay visible outside her sweater. On tip toes
she went to the garage. Slowly she manually lifted the old fashioned
garage door mentally thanking Cain for never upgrading to
automatic. Micah kept the door well oiled so Cain wouldn’t be
disturbed when they left the house during the day. Faith never
imagined it would come in handy for a late night escape. She got in
the car allowing it to slowly roll down the driveway. Faith heaved a
sigh of relief when no supernatural being popped into the passenger
seat. When she hit the road she took off. The sooner she saw Eric for
herself the sooner she could get back and no one would be the wiser.

Heretic Faith

Lo stood in the open garage door watching the headlights of the

car fade away. Faith had been entirely too quiet earlier as they all
spoke over top of eachother. He had seen the look in her eyes. She
had been plotting something. It was in character for her to be worried
about the mortal. As soon as they had returned to the room Lo had
demanded Sully fill him in on what had gone down earlier. When a
woman like Faith gave her heart she gave the whole of it. As much
as Lo admired her for it he also cursed her. Now he would have to
follow her damnit. The fun just never stops in good old Adamstown.
“Aint love grand.” Lo grumbled as he disappeared into the night.

Beth Hildenbrand

The scent of chocolate melded with the savory smell of pot roast.
Micah was cooking two separate meals. The first for Cain, Faith, and
their temporary house guests. The second would be filet mignon,
new potatoes, and a mouth watering caramel cheesecake. That meal
would be for him and Dahlia. They would eat their meal in the sitting
room that he and Faith shared. Micah had no doubt that Faith would
be out tonight. Her feelings for Eric had been obvious last night
when she had risked them all in her attempt to save the man.
Micah could only hope nothing crazy would happen tonight and
scare his dinner guest away. He knew it was a slim hope but he hung
onto it by his fingernails. Hell, in this house abnormal was the status
Micah was pretty damn sure the whole lot of them would be out
tonight. Faith would need a watch dog and Tear would have to be at
the bar. The rest of them would be hunting down their latest threat.
Cain’s family really had a jones to see him dead. Micah had to
wonder how many more would appear to try and kill him. The last
time one of Cain’s family popped up, Grey had been murdered. The
thought of losing someone else sent a shiver down his spine.
Shaking off his morbid thoughts Micah decided it was better to
concentrate on tonight’s seduction than worry about what could
happen. If Micah played his cards right tonight could be the start of
something excellent.


A dam stood across the street from the dwelling Cain’s

woman had visited the night before. He could sense the
mortal inside was moving around. He could smell the food the man
was preparing to break his fast. This one would be easy. Like the
two in the graveyard this mortal should quiver in fear at his presence.
He had come back here knowing the death of this one would be a
blow to the female. With her to worry about, Cain would be
Adam was about to cross the street when a car pulled into the
driveway. When he watched Cain’s woman get out and walk to the
door he couldn’t believe his luck. She was alone. He could sense no
other beings with her. Quickening his steps Adam caught up with
her as she knocked on the door.
The door flew open. Faith gasped in shock. Eric’s smile turned
into a questioning frown when he caught sight of the man standing
behind Faith. Seeing his expression Faith turned to look, and came
nose to nose with Adam. “Whore.” Adam hissed.
Sensing the threat Eric grabbed Faith and pulled her into the
house. Adam moved to get inside. What he saw in the mortal
warrior's eyes had him stepping back.
“Nooo.” Adam growled.
Eric stared dumbfounded as the stranger shouted at him then
began to quickly back away as if he had seen a ghost.
“What the hell?” He wondered.

Heretic Faith

Turning around he saw Faith standing at the kitchen counter. She

was trembling. Eric went to her. Wrapping her in his arms he lay his
cheek on the top of her blond head. “Are you okay?” He asked. “Did
that kook scare you?”
“I was just a little shocked.” Faith assured him. “I’m fine now.
What happened?”
“I have no idea. He acted like he knew me. He seemed freaked
out. Then he just took off. I have never seen that guy before. I
wouldn’t recognize him from Adam.”
Faith giggled, feeling the hysteria bubbling inside her. “If you
only knew.” She said to herself.

Beth Hildenbrand

Lo leaned casually against a telephone pole. His face contorted

with a frown as he pondered over what he had just witnessed. He
didn't so much as flinch when the air beside him stirred with an
electric sizzle. He had been expecting the confrontation. When the
heavy hand dropped on his shoulder he simply said, “Hello
“Return to Cain.” Michael demanded.
Lo turned his head. The elemental sapphire of Michael’s eyes
bored into him. He understood why this creature was so feared. Lo
was too numb to feel fear, or anything else for that matter. “It’s my
duty to guard the girl.”
“Your duty is to protect the Key. It’s what you were created for.”
“Cain is at Eden. Adam can’t get into his home. Even if he could,
there are plenty of beings living there to keep the powerful immortal
safe. For fuck sake, it’s not like Cain is a mortal infant who can’t
protect himself.”
“One lucky strike. That’s all that stands between this reality and
the next. Are you ready to see what’s on the other side of this coin?
Do you think another would be preferable to the humans who live
now? Are you ready to take that chance?”
“What are you talking about now Michael?”
“If Cain does not survive to make his choice what do you think
happens to this world? Reality shifts. It was written that Cain should
wander eternally. If Cain is killed a new Key will have to be created.
Will that Key have the same need for forgiveness that this one does?
Consider what I’m telling you, Ladocia.”
Lo realized he had never considered the consequences if the Key
were lost. He really should have. Maybe it was arrogance that had
him believing he and the rest of the Order of the Key would never

Heretic Faith

allow Cain to be harmed. Michael was correct.The next bearer of the

title could be even more of a monster than Cain.
As Lo mused over the gravity of Michaels words he felt power
shimmering around him. Michael’s anger with his disobedience was
reaching its limit. He now understood why. To Michael they must
all seem no better than petulant children. The fierce Angel must feel
no better than a babysitter.
Michael sighed. With a thought he sent Lo back to Cain. Destiny
and free will. Two things he was in constant battle with. The Grand
Plan must be played out. It was left to Michael to try and keep the
players on their course. Too bad the Sons of Bitches had minds of
their own. The One gave them free will. Ah well, apocalypse or no,
Michael’s job was secure. The Earth would keep spinning, the game
would still be played, just in another version with a different set of

Beth Hildenbrand

The relief Faith felt at seeing Eric unharmed was nearly

overwhelming. She threw herself into his arms squeezing him like
she meant to never let him go. He stroked her hair instinctively
understanding she needed comfort. When she was able to loosen her
grip she smiled and said,”Hello.”
“Hi.” He returned, with a slight chuckle. “Not that I’m not happy
to see you, but what brings you by? Please tell me you missed me so
much you just couldn’t stay away.”
“Ummm...yes...that's it exactly.” She fibbed.
He smiled that heart melting smile at her and she felt like total
shit for getting him mixed up in the middle of the chaos that was her
life. She should never have agreed to meet him. It was pure
selfishness. She had allowed her heart to rule her head.
Eric took her hand. “Come on. Let’s sit down in the living
room.” Keeping her hand in his, she led her to the sofa and offered
her a seat. Then he sat down beside her as close as he possibly could.
“Damn I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too.” She agreed. “I was out running a few errands and
thought I’d pop in and say hello.”
Faith was shocked when he pulled her into his arms and began
to kiss her. She moaned into his mouth as he hungrily tasted her. He
took her like a man starving and she felt her body go hot with her
own hunger. Before she knew what she was doing Faith found
herself pulling his tee shirt up needing to feel his hot skin against her
palms. Being urged on by her actions Eric deftly pulled her sweater
up and over her head leaving her only a pale pink bra to cover her
breasts. Then he finished what she started by removing his own shirt.
Both items left to fall onto the floor at their feet.

Heretic Faith

Faith took the hand he held out to her. She knew what the gesture
meant, and could see the silent question in his eyes. The beautiful
hazel of them is no longer empty but now full of fire. Faith had felt
so cold these past months. So damn lonely. She wanted to burn.
Needed the heat he offered. She longed to shut the world away and
melt with him.
They were silent as he led her to his bedroom. It was spartan. In
one corner a gleaming black guitar rested on a stand. She had
forgotten he played and memories once again flooded her of the bad
boy she had fallen for all of those years ago. The double bed was in
disarray, it’s plain white sheets left wrinkled and exposed. Beside
the bed stood the only other piece of furniture. A nightstand held a
lamp, it’s shade askew on the glass base. Beside the lamp a half a
dozen empty beer bottles rested.
Eric looked to Faith. “I’m sorry about the mess.” He grimaced,
with embarrassment. “I wasn’t expecting company. I’m a typical
bachelor and I don’t sleep well.”
It was then that Faith saw the empty bottle of Jack Daniels laying
on the floor beside the bed.
She thought of the father she lost. what would he have been like
if he had not died in service to his country. How would he have been
changed had he survived to come home? Her eyes filled with
compassion. “It’s alright. I don’t mind.”
Faith turned her body into his. Her delicate hand reached to
caress his bearded chin, enjoying the feel of the soft yet coarse facial
hair. Her blue eyes locked with his. When his lips came down to
crush hers she moaned with need.
Lust born from years of wondering what could have been tore
through them both. Faith gasped as he roughly pushed her onto the

Beth Hildenbrand

rumpled bed. She shivered when she saw the raw hunger in his eyes
and was stunned by the heat that pooled between her legs.Then he
fell on her like a starving man who has discovered a feast that will
sate his gnawing hunger.
Faith was lost in a fog of passion. Nothing was real except the
feel of his rough hands on her soft skin.
He abruptly pulled away from her. His pants were off in a split
second. Faith had just enough time to gasp at the size of his erection
before he was tearing her pants down her legs. Eric took a second to
look at her as she layed in only a thong and a filmy bra. He joined
her on the bed. Grabbing her hand he wrapped it around his thick
cock. She loved the feel of silk that
surrounded his hardness. A tiny pearl of cum escaped to sit on
the tip. Faith put her finger to it. Without a thought she brought her
finger to her mouth, sucking his essence from her finger.
Eric growled from deep in his throat. He grabbed Faith, kissed
her hard, then shoved her head down. “Suck.” He demanded.
Faith took him greedily. She was lost in the scent and taste that
was unique only to him.
Eric hissed. “Fuck.” He put his hands on her head and began to
guide her. “Slowly baby.” She found the rhythm he was looking for.
“That's it. You're such a good girl.”
Faith felt herself get wet. She had never experienced anything
like this before. It flirted on the edges of brutality and she was
lapping it up like a cat with a bowl of cream. Then it took a turn.
Eric pulled her up and put her on her stomach.
“Put your ass up.” He demanded.
Faith did as she was told.

Heretic Faith

Eric grabbed her by the hips and rammed his cock inside her. He
groaned at the feeling of being surrounded by her tight warmth. He
reached down and grabbed a handful of her hair, whispering into her
ear. “Who am I, Faith? Who is fucking you?”
Faith aroused as she had never been before felt herself come as
she moaned. “You, Eric, only you.”
As Eric continued to pound into her he kept talking. “You have
the most beautiful ass. It’s perfect. I love to look at it while I fuck
Faith continued to orgasm. One after another as he took her to
new depths she had never imagined. As she felt him growing even
harder inside her he reached between her legs and began working
her clit. Faith growled mindlessly when he bit her on the shoulder.
Though he was possessing her totally she at last felt free.
“Mine.” he growled, as he released himself inside her.


T ear slowly surfaced from an unnaturally deep sleep. The

first thing that slogged through his brain as it pulled out
from the haze was that he could not sense Faith. She was not in the
house. As he pushed out further he realized he could not sense her
at all. What the fuck?
In a frenzy of fear Tear didn’t bother with the stairs. Instead he
popped himself directly to the library where he found Cain sound
“She’s gone.” Tear rumbled, shaking Cain by the shoulders to
wake him. “I can’t sense her anywhere.”
“Fuck!” Cain swore, jumping up. He was immediately on the
attack from the shock of being awoken by hands being laid on him.
Red eyes blazing and fangs flashing he was ready for combat.
Undeterred, Tear continued. “Did you hear me? She’s gone.”
“Faith.” Cain replied. Obviously there could be only one she
Tear was raving about. Faith was most likely the only female whose
name Tear even bothered to remember.“Where?”
“I don’t know.” Tear answered, angrily dragging his hands
through his long crimson hair. “Someone has her shielded from me.
Fuck, shes a mortal female. She can’t defend herself against demons.
She could be dead already.” Tear’s eyes grew enormous. Fear
washed across his face.
Cain took a long deep breath trying to maintain calm. What the
hell? The damn demon was way too worked up. And this was on a

Heretic Faith

personal level. It wasn’t just about what Michael would do to him if

he failed at his task of keeping Faith safe. Shaking his head in
wonder Cain strode to the library door, bellowing, “Everyone get the
fuck in here now.”
Micah came running from the kitchen. Lo and Sully simply
“Faith has gone off the radar.” Cain informed them.
From a shadowed corner of the room Lo spoke up. “No, she
hasn’t.” He corrected them.
“What do you know?” Tear demanded, his hulking body
quivering with rage he stormed to where the angel stood.
Leaning against the wall, arms crossed, the angel didn’t flinch at
the approach of the furious demon. Instead Sully stepped between
the two. “Back off demon.” He demanded, reaching an arm out to
stave off Tear.
“And put some clothes on.” Lo grimaced.
Tear looked down, he had been oblivious of his own nudity. He
simply shrugged. The angels were dressed in their usual uniform of
leather pants and tee shirts.
“Whatever.” He smirked. Instantly he was clothed in black jeans
and a Dr. Feelgood concert tee. Both accentuated his lean muscular
Cain rolled his eyes at the testosterone filled performance. And
mortals thought they had the market on drama. That was like
comparing decaf to espresso. Having these three in his house would
soon have him watching afternoon soap operas just for the mellow
vibe. He shuddered at the thought.
“Excuse me.” Micah spoke up. “Where the hell is Faith?”

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“She’s with the mortal warrior.” Lo answered. “She is safe.”

“Not to question your all powerful self, but how do you know
“I followed her when she left the house.” Lo deigned to answer.
He would be damned if he volunteered the information of Adams
presence at the mortals home.
“Why the fuck did you leave her alone?” Tear growled. “You
know Michael wants her watched. Are you trying to fuck me? Make
sure Michael has a reason to dispose of my ass?”
“Good questions.” Cain interjected. “You want to answer?”
“It appears I have no option but to do so. Michael.”
“Huh?” Sully grunted.
Lo sighed. He was just giving out as little information as needed.
All of these questions were annoying him. “Michael said she would
be safe there. She was meant to be there.”
“Wtf?” Tear bitched. “I’m fucking glad he filled me in on this
shit. It’s only my job to be protecting her. Same goes for you.” He
pointed an accusing finger at Lo. “You should have come to me
when you found her sneaking out.”
Sully stepped in again. “It’s out of our hands now.” He turned to
his brother, a questioning look in his eyes. He didn’t like the look of
defiance he found in their ice blue depths. “I for one don’t want to
piss off Michael anymore than we already have. I suggest we trust
he knows what he’s doing.”
“Yeah, well. You can trust him all you like angel boy. Me, I
don’t trust anyone, not even myself.” Tear informed Sully.
Everyone suddenly snapped their mouths shut as Micah
declared, “Supper.” Effectively putting an end to the argument.

Heretic Faith

“Since Faith isn’t here to set the table, one of you can do it.”
The three of them looked at eachother. Each with the same
expression of “What the Fuck?” on their face. A slow shit eating grin
spread across Cain’s face. “You two work for me now.”
“Oh hell no.” Sully argued, knowing what Cain was thinking.
Tear barked out a laugh at the indignant look on the angel's
handsome face.
“Well get in there and set the table.” Cain instructed the
incredulous pair. Two identical sets of icy blue eyes glared at him
before stomping off to follow Micah.
“I like your style.” Tear told Cain.
“Bite me.” Cain returned.”
“It all depends on what the kid made for supper.”
“Demon.” Cain snarled.
“Immortal.” Tear shot back.
Cain stomped off muttering to himself.
Tear actually cracked a smile. “He likes me.”

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Adam was furious. Having discovered the ArchAngel Michael

was involved was an added difficulty he had not planned for. Now
time was of the essence. He was going to have to move up the
timeline on his divine purpose. Adam wasn’t worried. He knew his
mission just as he knew the One was guiding his hand. His was a
holy order from above. The Creator would provide.
Pacing a vacant lot across the street from the mortals home,
Adam had plenty of time to think on his next move. Lost in his plots
he failed to notice a female approaching. In the encroaching twilight,
she appeared as a muddy brown mass, nearly as wide as she was tall.
The closer she got to him the more repulsed Adam became. Stringy
mouse brown hair hung greasily around an acne riddled face. She
wore a tight brown sweater, clearly advertising her ample breasts
that hung to a non existent waist line. Adam would have described
her as a slattern. The human he was riding referred to the female as
a tweaker.
The unwashed troll of a woman brazenly sidled right up on him.
“Hey baby. You're a pretty one. You got a name?”
“That is an irrelevant question.”
“Well they call me Ginny. I usually charge fifteen. For you I’ll
make it ten.”She spoke in a mannishly grating voice.
Adam's host again became useful. Of course, he realized, after
probing his host's thoughts. This was a prostitute. She was selling
herself for money to buy drugs. His stomach revolted at the thought
of this filthy creature touching him even as his erection strained
against his pants.
Twitching with impatience she proceeded. “So what do you say
handsome? You and me going to be friends?”

Heretic Faith

The whore then did the most astonishing thing. Reaching into
her mouth she popped out her front four teeth. She then proceeded
to poke her tongue through the gap and wiggle it at him.
Adam was dumbfounded. He felt himself growing hard to near
bursting at the vulgar display.
“Come to me,” he demanded.
She stepped directly in front of him then dropped to her knees.
Adam allowed her to unzip his fly. She fisted his erection as soon as
it sprung free. The whore was indeed proficient at her profession. In
minutes Adam released into her hot mouth. She swallowed then
licked her cracked lips. Looking up she said. “Ten dollars
Adam reluctantly placed a hand on either side of her grubby
head, then gave it a sharp twist. He enjoyed the sound of her neck
Adam turned away. Returning his penis to his pants. He then
walked away leaving the body in the dirt where it belonged.


F aith gazed lovingly at the tousled head pillowed on her

breasts. Eric slept peacefully now. It had taken her nearly an
hour to settle him down. Whatever nightmarish memories haunted
his dreams had left him moaning and thrashing. She had held him,
soothing him, until at last she chased away his demons. She wished
hers could be so easily dispatched.
Lost in her head, Faith was unaware Eric was watching her.
When she opened her eyes it was to the heart melting vision of his
smile. A smile that had never failed to take her breath away.
“Hey.” he whispered.
“You're awake.”
“I never sleep for very long.” He informed her. “I knew you were
here. I could feel your hands comforting me. I haven’t slept that
peacefully in a very long time. You soothe my soul Faith.
Your scent, your breathing, your touch. I didn’t realize how
badly I needed that, needed you. Thank you.”
He scooted up so he could wrap his arms around her. Then pulled
her to him resting her head on his chest cradling her against him.
Eric tenderly placed kisses on top of her golden head. “I love you
Faith felt her stomach do a free fall. “Eric…
“No wait.” He interrupted, needing to have his say. “Let me
finish. I never stopped loving you. The thought of you kept me sane

Heretic Faith

when I was in the Marines. Yes, I fell in love and got married, but
you were always there in my mind. You were my should have been.
I know what happened with you and Grey. I cared for him like a
brother. I’m sorry he's gone, but I’m here. I hope you will give us a
Tears stung her eyes. She fought like hell to hold them back.
Faith shivered, feeling a sudden chill. Eric wrapped her more tightly
in his strong arms. She looked into his eyes and saw only love there.
She kissed him and felt her heart come back to life. The chill she had
been living with since Grey’s death began to thaw as his tender
caress brought a new warmth to her skin. Their shared passion
started a flame in her belly. At last when he plunged into her the heat
spread like a wildfire bringing her back to life.

Beth Hildenbrand

Tearzahn was behind the bar at Archers. Cain watched him

perform. He was kicked back on his favorite barstool. Bleary eyes
scanned the room for trouble as he nursed a cold one then turned
back to Tear.
It was a typical Saturday night at the bar. The disco ball over the
dance floor was irritating the hell out of Cain’s sensitive eyes. The
whites around his glamoured baby blue irises were as red as his real
ones. He was rocking a deadly squint that had people backing off
instead of stopping by to say hey how are ya. People were used to
his perpetual scowl but this was over the top. His handsome face
held a murderous sneer. He noticed people actually bumping into
each other to avoid coming in contact with him. If he hadn’t been in
such a foul mood he would have found it amusing.
A local band self-styled The Dang Nabbits was blasting out
Shoot to Thrill. Cain would have loved to get shitfaced but they were
on Red Alert. At this point anything could happen. He wouldn’t be
surprised if Lucifer himself stopped in for a cold one. He must get
thirsty toasting his ass down in the Pit.The only saving grace of the
night was that he knew the kids were safe. Micah was safely tucked
up at Eden and Faith was with her mortal warrior, where according
to Michael, she was meant to be. And didn’t that just sound ominous.
Was he the only one to wonder why?
Needing to take out his mood on someone he turned his angry
glare on Lo. “You’re looking damn healthy these days.” He snapped.
“I guess you Angel’s are good with speedy recovery.
“Thank you. I’m feeling very well.” Lo smirked. “And to answer
your question, yes, we are.”
Cain swung to Sully. “Seems to me…” He began. “ I was
promised some answers when your friend here was healed up. He
looks good to go, so how about you ante up?”

Heretic Faith

“You will get what you were promised.” Sully drawled.

“When? Now works for me.” Cain demanded.
“The first convenient opportunity. This noise and confusion is
not conducive to such an important discussion. Trust me. We have
not forgotten our promise.”
“Glad to hear that. You have twenty-four hours.”
“That won’t be a problem.” Lo agreed.
“I’m glad we have that settled.” Cain glared at them.
Tear joined the happy group. “Anyone else feel itchy, like
trouble brewing?”
“It’s been brewing Demon. What, you're just now noticing?”
Sully snipped.
“No. This is something else. I feel like there's something we’re
missing. Fuck me. We’re missing the big picture here. I feel it.”
“Great. Any suggestions?” Lo asked
“Maybe we need to go over what we do know and look for the
gaps?” Cain suggested. “ It could be that one of us has some
information the rest of us don’t know about or haven’t bothered to
share.” He looked at them with accusation in his eyes.
“Are you suggesting we’re keeping secrets?” Lo asked, his face
a mask of innocent inquiry.
“I’m not suggesting. I’m out right saying that if you know
something you better share that shit now.”
“My word, I know of nothing that can improve the situation we
are in at the present moment.”
“I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with that, for now.”

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Lo nodded. He had told the truth as he knew it. He had not, clue
one, as to why Adam was so determined to bring Cain down, other
than the obvious. Cain had murdered his son. He was curious
however as to how Adam had escaped the Affa.
“The three of you have this place more than covered. I’m headed
home. I’ve got a feeling too. It’s probably nothing but I’ll feel better
if I check it out. Magnus managed to breach the wards at Eden. I just
don’t want either of the kids alone until this is over.”
“If you need us just send out a shout. We can be there in an
instant.” Sully reminded him. His smile dazzling in anticipation of a
possible brawl.
“Don’t recall needing your help with the last one. I got this. It’s
my fight.”
“Suit yourself.” Sully shrugged.
“I always do.”

Heretic Faith

Lo excused himself and went outside to the lot behind Archers.

He called out for someone who he knew sat watching, waiting,
always keeping his eyes open. “Philadelphia.”
Instantly his brother stood before him. “My brother. It is good to
see you looking so much improved.”
“Thank you brother for your part in my continued good health.”
“It is against our laws to heal another brother. I made an
exception because it was the demon Beelzebub who harmed you.”
“It is much appreciated my brother.”
“And now, you need me, again.” Phil surmised.
“Yes. I know you are aware the Key is once again in jeopardy.
As a member of the Order of the Key I’m asking for your assistance.
Are you aware of anything that might be of aid to us? Is there
anything we are unaware of that would help us protect the Key?”
“I know of only one thing. I’m not certain whether or not it has
anything to do with your current situation.”
Lo was losing patience. “Please enlighten me.”
“The Fallen Beelzebub. Michael has brought him back to his true
“What? Why would Michael do that?”
“That I do not know.” Phil shook his head, as puzzled as Ladocia
as to why Michael would do such a thing. “All I know is that it has
been done. Lucifer would be incapable of the act. That only leaves
one being who could accomplish such a thing, Michael.”
“How do you know this?”
“I saw it in a vision. He stood beside Lucifer. They were in a
modern room. I’m sure it was in Hell, for the walls were carved from

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stone, like a cave. Lucifer was awesome in his beauty. Even though
it was a vision, I wanted to look away because the sight of him
brought tears to my eyes.Then my eyes were drawn to the one
standing beside him. Although I had only ever seen his demonic
guise I knew it was him. It was the diamond eyes. They were the
same. He was a giant in form. His appearance was like ice.
Glistening white hair and those diamond eyes. I knew he had been
restored.” Phil shivered as he spoke.
“Well this would be one hell of a coincidence, wouldn’t it?” Lo
“I do not believe in coincidences Ladocia.”
“Neither do I. Now to figure out what Beelzebubs sudden
appearance has to do with what’s going on around here.”
“That I cannot help you with.”
“Thank you for the information. I will see what I can find out.”
“Of course. If there is anything else I can do please call out for
Philadelphia vanished. Lo stood in the cold night air wondering
what the hell to make of this latest discovery.


M icah decided he had just made love for the first time. He
had never felt this with any other woman. For the first
time he understood what his brother Grey had been talking about. It
was as if Dahlia had been specifically fashioned to be everything he
hadn’t known he wanted in a woman.
He stared longingly at her as she slept on her stomach beside
him. Her soft skin was polished gold in the candlelight. Raven hair
fell to the middle of her back in delicate waves. His mouth watered
at the thought of tasting her again.
As Micah conjured images of spreading her supple thighs and
burying himself in silky sweetness, Dahlia lay awake. She was
jubilant. She had made it inside the house. She had quite enjoyed her
romp with young Micah. An added bonus, she expected a quick in
and out, she had been pleasantly shocked when he had taken his time
to excite and explore. It surprised her to find out he was such a
skilled lover. Play time was over however. It was, at long last, time
to meet her Father.
Dahlia languidly rolled onto her side, her body arching like a
stretching cat, she rolled to face Micah. He nearly jumped out of his
skin when her golden eyes blazed a supernatural glow into his own.
“Sleep little one,” she cooed. Then watched with a smile as
Micahs head lolled to the side and he fell into a deep sleep.

Heretic Faith

Dahlia crawled nude from the bed. She ran her hands down her
body enjoying the feel of her own flesh. She purred, stroking herself
to enhance the moment.

Beth Hildenbrand

Cain grabbed a mug of coffee and went straight to the library.

While sitting in Archers, Cain had been struck by something
Michael said about the answers he was looking for were right in
front of him. Those sons of bitches Angels had hidden the book of
Lucifer here in his own damn library. He had to give them credit. It
was perfect really. His home was completely protected from the
creatures of the supernatural world.
Cain felt like a fool, now knowing the book was right under his
nose. He was going to systematically search every square inch of the
room until he found the book that held his answers.
Sipping his coffee Cain went to his immediate left. Methodically
he began checking the spines of the shelved books. He used his eyes
as well as his hands. He would not be at all surprised if the book had
been magically altered, camouflaged, so as not to be discovered. He
started on the top shelf and began working downward.
Cain sensed the intrusion before he felt the hand on his shoulder.
Turning he found himself face to face with the last person he
expected. Micah’s woman. And what do you know, her eyes were
burning with a milky glow. Her bare body shimmered with a silken
sheen. Cain hissed. He could feel the electric charge of a witch's
magic sizzle along his skin. How the fuck had this much power
gotten past his radar?
“Cain.” She whispered in a reverent tone.
Cain tried to move. He was being held in place. The Witch was
keeping him restrained with magic. His full lips became an
animalistic snarl around elongated fangs. “Who are you? You're no
typical demon.”

Heretic Faith

“That will have to remain my little secret. I have no desire to

take up residence in the Affa. And you are correct. I am no typical
“What do you want here?”
“Quite a lot actually, but let's begin with you. I’ve waited my
entire existence for this meeting.”
“Really?” Cain snarked. “What’s wrong precious? Did I murder
your daddy and you’ve come for revenge?”
“Actually it is a daddy issue. Fortunately mine still lives. Thrives
to be precise.”
“Placing a dainty hand on his cheek Dahlia stood on tiptoe
kissing him softly on the lips. “No Cain. I haven’t come for revenge.
I’ve come for your love.”
Cain felt himself react to the demon seductress.One simple kiss
and his body was a furnace of burning heat. His cock grew to
immense proportions straining against his jeans until it pushed free
to proudly stand inches above his waistband.
He could see her reaction to the lust she provoked. Dahlia rubbed
her body against his moaning as she felt the head of his penis against
her skin. He sensed her need for him bordered on madness.
Dahlia wanted his love. Yes, he was her father. If this was the
only way she could have him then she would enjoy it the only way
she knew how to love. She knew there was no going back for either
of them. He was as aroused as she was, both beyond the point of no
return. She released her spell on him. He needed to be free to take

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Roaring Cain lifted her in his arms, dropping her roughly onto
the library table. She lay before him legs splayed, her slick bald sex
wet, glistening, and ready to be used.
Cain stood at the end of the table. Violently he pulled his pants
down to his knees. Dahlia wrapped her legs around his waist. He
bent down over her, taking her mouth with a ferocious urgency.
When he released her mouth they were both gasping for air. He ran
his fangs down the side of her neck to her shoulder and enjoyed the
shiver he felt running through body. A predatory smile appeared on
his face, then he looked into her eyes. No longer milky white they
now glowed a molten gold. For an instant Cain froze.
“No, don’t stop.” Dahlia sobbed, bringing his attention back to
the mutual throbbing that fueled them both.
He couldn’t have stopped at this point if his life depended on it.
He ran his hands up her sides along her ribs and to her full
breasts.They fit his hands to perfection. Roughly he pinched her
erect nipples. Rolling the pink nubs, riding the line between pleasure
and pain while she whimpered for more. Dahlia grabbed his hands,
making him squeeze her until she cried out. He pushed her hands
away then replaced his own with his mouth. Erotically he drew his
fangs around her nipples until he pulled another cry from her berry
He needed more. Grabbing her hips he moved from one set of
lips to another. His fangs pierced her as he licked the juice from her
pulsing slit. Drawing her clit into his mouth he sucked her in a well
practiced rhythm. She rode his face, the dance of her sex in perfect
time with his sucking. Tears ran from the corners of her eyes as she
orgasamed with a force that tore screams from her throat.
Cain growled feeling her come against his mouth. While she lay
limp he threw her over onto her stomach spreading her legs. “I’m

Heretic Faith

going to give you what you want, but I’m doing it the way I want
“Yes.” she whimpered.
Cain took her from behind. One strong hand on the small of her
back held her to the table, the other reached around to stimulate her
clitoris as he viciously slammed his thick length into her softness.
“Yes, yes.” She screamed “Love me.”
The more she cried out the harder Cain slammed into her. When
at last Cain spent himself he realized at some point she had lost
consciousness. He lazily pulled his jeans back into place. Rolling
her over he slapped her cheeks until she came around.
Dahlia gazed at him with eyes wild with a mixture of adoration
and insanity. Cain was repulsed. “You got what you want. Get out.”
He watched her eyes go white as hurt and anger overwhelmed
her. “You love me.”
“Bitch please. Do you think I’m a fool? You’re a Witch. I knew
you enhanced the lust with a spell. I learned to control my sexual
urges a few thousand years ago. Demon sluts are not my tail of
choice. Get your shit and get out. Stay away from my boy Micah
until I decide to send you back where you belong.”
“But I love you. You don’t understand.” She pleaded.
“Fuck it. I tried to cut you a break.” Cain lied. Actually he had
never come across a demonic witch before. He wanted to chat with
the Angels before he took her on. Snatching a vial of holy water from
where it had dropped to the floor he threw it on her.
Dahlia shrieked as the holy water burned her skin like acid. She
threw her arms outward. A whirlwind tore through the library.

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Lamps fell to the floor shattering. Books flew from shelves. Tables
and chairs overturned. Then all went still as she vanished.
“Bitch.” Cain called after her.
As he looked around at the destruction he wasn’t sure what
would piss Micah off more. His girl being a demon whore or having
to put the library back together.
Cain shrugged and made his way to the kitchen for more coffee.


E ve stormed into Lucifer’s office expecting to find

Beelzebub and give him a piece of her mind. Instead she
found her delinquent husband.
Lucifer reclined in his office chair. His hands were locked
together resting lightly on his amazing six pack abs. Golden curls
hung in careless splendor down his shoulders. His full pink lips held
a satisfying smirk and his amethyst eyes glowed warmly under
heavy lids. Eve knew the look well. The Prince of Hell had recently
had his desires satisfied. She hated him for that.
Leather clad legs stretched out. Lucifer's snake skin boots were
propped on the desk. He seemed to not even notice the angry woman
entering the room ready to ruin his post-coital bliss. He knew his
recently spent balls were about to be busted. He had watched her
varying facial expressions since she walked over the threshold. He
figured he may as well stay comfortable while she racked him.
“Hello wife.”
“What are you doing here?” She demanded.
So she hadn’t come for him, interesting. “It’s my office. The
question should be what do you want here?”
“I want to know what happened to Cyndahl?”
“I gave her what she’s been begging for. She’s meeting her
“You sent her to Cain?”

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“Why? What good could possibly come of it? If he discovers
who she is he will destroy her.”
“Then she best not tell him.”
“Why do you separate me from everyone I love? You take
everything from me. All I've ever wanted is my family. I've lost all
of that for you.”
“Aren’t you forgetting they are my family too? I will make it up
to you. Just a little patience.”
“How, how can you possibly make it up to me? Hasn’t our son
had enough pain?”
“Do you see him here?”
“No.” She snapped.
“Then he hasn’t had enough pain. Not nearly enough. As to what
I’m plotting, haven’t you figured that out by now? I want my Son. I
want the end of humanity. Hell on earth. The new mother fucking
“You are….” Eve could not find words.
“Satan.” He finished for her.
“Eve turned stalking away. Before she reached the door Lucifer
stopped her. “I see you’ve recovered.” He grinned.
Eve tried to push past him. “Get out of my way.”
Lucifer was unmoveable. “I don’t think so, wife. It’s been awhile
since we’ve enjoyed each other's company.” He reached out with his
free hand and squeezed her breast through the sheer fabric of her

Heretic Faith

“I despise you.” She spit.

“And that’s why it’s so good.” Lucifer purred.”You know I love
it when you fuck me like you hate me. You’re just as twisted as I

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Micah trampled down the stairs. “Women.” He cursed under his

breath as he headed for the kitchen. He couldn’t believe she had left
him last night. His ego was in a free fall. He was supposed to be the
one who leaves. He didn’t care for this new dynamic in his sex life.
This role reversal shit sucked.
Entering the kitchen he wasn’t surprised to find Cain already
sitting at the table with a steaming mug of coffee in his hand. They
were dressed with identical carelessness. Both of them sported
bathrobes and nothing else.
“Where are the rest?” Micah asked.
Micah simply nodded and poured himself a mug of coffee. He
took a seat across the table from Cain. They sat in companionable
silence enjoying their coffee until Micah couldn’t hold back any
longer. “Is Faith home?”
He received the reaction he had been expecting. Cain’s eyes
flared. Micah did not need to hear the NO vocalized.
“Look kid, we need to talk.”
“What now?” Micah groaned.
“Fuck.” Cain grimaced. He really did not want to tell Micah the
first woman he ever gave a shit about was a demon.”May as well get
the rest of them down here so I only have to tell it once.”
Cain shot a mental “Getcha asses down here.” To the rest of his
Bing, bing, bing. The three beings appeared around the kitchen
in various states of undress. Cain gave them time to grab coffee. Tear
poured his, half and half. Half coffee. Half Jack Daniels.

Heretic Faith

When they had all taken seats and fed their caffeine beasts Cain
looked around the table and thought these were the last mother
fuckers he felt like sharing bad news with.
“It’s time for a council of war boys. We all need to put our cards
on the table and see what we’ve got.”
Glances were exchanged. No one wanted to speak up.
“Alright, I’ll start. A demon breached my wards last night.”
All eyes were on Cain. “Not only was she a demon, she was also
one hell of a powerful Witch.” He gave that last little tidbit of
information a second to sink in before he finished. “Micah, I’m sorry
but it was your girl.”
“Dahlia?” Micah questioned. “You’ve got to be wrong Cain.”
Before Cain could speak Tear broke in. “Exotic looking? Petite?
Honey gold eyes?” He asked.
“That sounds right.” Cain answered.
“Her name is not Dahlia. It’s Cyndahl. She was once Lucifers
favorite. She was the most powerful witch to walk the corridors of
“What the fuck is she doing here impersonating a librarian?”
“My guess, Lucifer sent her? Why? Possibly a distraction.” Tear
lied, knowing full well the exact relationship between Cain and
Cyndahl. If he let that bird out of the cage he would find himself
back in hell giving Lucifer some practice with his torture methods.
“The last I heard she betrayed Lucifer and he threw her and Eve into
the dying Eden to rot.”
“Eden does, still exist?” Cain demanded, his eyes boring into

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“Yes. When Eden sank into the sea Lucifer pulled it all the way
down into Hell. He had fond memories and wanted to preserve the
place. All things being equal, a place of life can not thrive in Hell.
Eden has been slowly dying ever since.”
“My mother. Is Eve still there?”
“I don’t know. I only heard that much through the grapevine.
This happened after I switched sides.”
Cain saw the bewildered look on Micah’s face. “I’m sorry kid.”
He said. Wishing like hell he had a way to erase the hurt from
Micah’s face.
“Hey, it’s no big thing. Just another girl. At least now I’m a
member of the I’ve had sex with a demon club. I was really starting
to feel left out.” Micah laughed and the rest of them chuckled along
with him. “I guess I’ll make some breakfast since everyone is here.”
“Well at least we're all up on current events.” Cain looked at Lo
and Sully. “Do the two of you think you can shield this place so that
shit doesn't happen again?”
“Not a problem. We can make sure nothing short of an Arch
Angel can get into this place.” Sully assured him. “We just need a
little of your blood.”
“Fine.” Cain sighed. “First thing after breakfast.”
They consumed four dozen scrambled eggs, two loaves of bread
for toast, and three full pounds of bacon.
When they were finished Cain cut his palm allowing his blood
to flow into a clean coffee mug. He handed it off to the two Angles
who then went to work on making sure the mansion was secure.
While Micah cleaned the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher
Cain made his way back to the library with Tear hot on his heels.

Heretic Faith

“What the fuck?”Tear hollered when he got a good look at the

His shout brought everyone running. They all stood slack jawed
looking at the mess. It looked like a tornado had touched ground.
“Let’s just say the demon got a little pissed off when I threatened
to send her back to where she came from.” Cain explained, as he
made his way through the wreckage. “Hell hath no fury, in the literal
That was when Cain saw it. The book stood out among the rest.
There was an amethyst aura glowing around the volume. It pulsed
like a heartbeat. Cain stepped a little closer. Yes, his eyes were not
fooling him. It became obvious to Cain that the cover had been
fashioned from human skin. A face to be exact. Even stretched to
conform to the shape of the book. Cain recognized it as the face of
his brother. Tattooed into the tightly pulled skin, across the forehead,
in Enochian, was the book's title: Lucifer, Son of Morning.
Cain went still as death. His stomach churned. Able, he had
always assumed his brother's body had been burned. Since he had
been turned away he had not been there to bear witness to any
ceremony. Still, if Lucifer had wanted any part of Able’s body, who
could have stopped him. Just another reason for Adam to want him
dead. Cain had murdered his favorite, then seen his body desecrated.
It was a crying shame Cain felt no sympathy for Adam. As far as he
was concerned the smug sanctimonious prick deserved the pain.
All eyes were riveted on Cain as he stood above the book.
Crouching down he took in the sheer size of the thing. Considering
it’s age and all it must contain he really shouldn't be surprised by it’s
girth. It had to weigh a good forty pounds. Cain reached out and took
a hold on the foul tome. Standing, he looked to his audience. “As of
this moment, I am my brother’s keeper.”


F aith snuggled up with Eric. He was relating to her stories of

his time in the Marines. She would be content to just lay in
his arms and listen to his voice forever. As she moved to cuddle
closer, her hand hit an object under Eric’s pillow. Curious, she
pulled it out and was hit with the stench of brimstone.
She jerked out of his arms sitting upright trembling as she
scrutinized the obscene object she clutched in her hand. It was an
egg sized rough hewn cloth bag, obviously handmade, twisted
together and tied with a braid of dark hair. Faith felt soiled just
holding the cursed object.
Eric sat up and was staring at her bewildered. “What’s wrong?”
“Where did you get this?” She demanded.
“A hot librarian gave it to me.” He teased her. “Jealous?”
“Eric, please. Tell me exactly how you got this damn thing.”
Puzzled by her urgency he snapped to and told her. “The
librarian gave it to me. It’s not that big a deal.”
“She just walked up and handed this to you.”
“I was going to the library checking out books on PTSD. That
new young librarian noticed what I was reading. We talked for a few
minutes. The next time I went in she gave me this. She said to put it
under my pillow and it would help me sleep. It didn’t work. I forgot
all about it. Come to think of it, I've been sleeping worse.”

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“Shit...shit...fuck. Micah!” Faith jumped out of bed. She started

pulling her clothes on. “I’ve got to go. I”m taking this with me.” she
informed him, shoving the revolting object into her jeans pocket.
“Meet me at Archers tonight.”
“Alright.” Eric agreed, still baffled by her behavior.
Faith leaned down and kissed him.
“I love you Faith.”
“”I love you too.” She nearly sobbed. “Promise me something.”
“Don’t leave the house until you come to Archers and do not let
anyone inside. Even if you know them. No one comes in.”
“Are you serious? I’m not a pussy. I can handle myself.”
“I know Hon. Just humor me please.” She cajoled, praying that
he would listen and do as she asked.
Looking into her serious face he had to agree. “Whatever you
need sweetheart.”
“Thank you.” Faith breathed a sigh of relief. She kissed him one
more time and walked out.
Faith hurried down the stairs and threw open the door. She had
one second of shocked surprise before everything went dark.

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Faith opened her eyes to a grisly sight laying on the bed beside
her. A scream ripped from her throat. She had been passed out next
to a dead body. She rolled away and vomited on the floor. Needing
to get away from the mess she made and the dead man Faith stood
and began to walk.
The room was familiar. Faith knew it well. After all, she had
been the one to rent the apartment to Katie. She had helped Katie
arrange the second hand furniture. She had also been the one to hang
the sheer curtains. Faith was in the bedroom apartment above her
own, now out of business, book store.
Faith paced the frigid room. Her captor must not mind the cold.
She shivered inside her down-filled coat as memories flooded her.
Katie had loved this place. She had been so proud to be on her own.
She had been happy here, until the demon that had possessed Micah
ended her young life. Faith remembered seeing Katie laid out in a
body bag downstairs. She remembered tripping over the ruins of her
dreams running to the bathroom to be sick after identifying her
friend's body. Her thoughts taking her back to the body she screwed
up her spine and went to get a closer look. She read the name tag on
his chest. Her hands covered her mouth as she bit back another
scream.It was Mr. Roberts...Officer Roberts. Faith had played soccer
with his daughter. He had been their coach. He had also been the
only one from the police department who had treated her decently
when Katies body had been found. She had now seen two bodies
laid out in this building and had to wonder if her’s would be the
She knew she needed to calm her mind, take a deep breath, and
use her brain. No one knew where she was. There would be no
Immortal White Knight riding to her rescue. Rubbing her hands to
get some blood flowing into the numbed digits she concentrated on

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slowing her breathing, relaxing her mind. Right now she had only
herself to rely on.
Ennie? Faith considered. The Witch of Endor had bonded them
with blood. She would hear Faith’s call no matter the distance
between them. Reaching out with her mind, Faith called to her
powerful friend. When she pushed out she felt her call hit a mental
Behind her the door opened. Adam entered followed by Dahlia,
now revealed as the demon Cyndahl. Adam’s face wore a look of
hatred while Dahlia laughed.
“Don’t bother calling for the Witch. She won’t hear you. My
power is beyond what my mother ever dreamed it could be.”
Faith took a seat on the only chair in the room. Her head spun,
mother? “Are you telling me Ennie, the Witch of Endor is your
“Unfortunately.” Cyndahl confirmed. “If giving someone life is
your definition of being a mother. She then allowed me to be raped
and murdered on the eve of my wedding.”
“You’re the daughter she lost. She still mourns you.”
“Do you think your lies of her grief will soften my heart toward
you. The most powerful witch ever to live allowed me to die. She
could have saved me. She chose not to.” Cyndahl snorted.
“Get comfortable.You are on magical lockdown. A barrier
surrounds this room. Only the two of us can get in or out.”
“What are you?” Faith asked Adam, deciding she would get
nowhere with the witch.
“Quiet whore.” Adam spat. “You have spoken too much

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“Fuuuck Youuuu” Faith taunted.

Adam strode to the bed. The back of his hand struck Faith across
the face snapping her head back, leaving her seeing stars. He
grabbed a handful of long blond hair keeping her head pulled back.
Pushing his face as close to hers as possible he snarled. “You are
nothing. A worthless slut. I will kill the whores bastard son whether
you are dead or alive. It will be easier with you alive but not
Cyndahl cautiously approached “Release her.” She cooed. “As
you said, it will be much easier with her alive.”
Adam hissed. But released his hold. “Enjoy your stay. At least
you have some company.” Adam looked at Robert's body, sneering.
With a last killing glare at Faith he turned and stalked from the room.
Faith turned her attention back to Cyndahl. A war was going on
inside her mind. She was desperate to know about Eric and Micah.
There was no way she would give the bitch the satisfaction of asking.
Smirking, Cyndahl gave her the information she knew Faith was
dying for. “They are safe for now. He won’t go after them unless
you give him a reason. At least not yet.” She turned, walking toward
the door, then looked back over her shoulder. “Your mortal lover is
rather scrumptious. And he appears well endowed for a human.
Since you're unavailable I was thinking of treating myself to a taste
of him tonight.” She licked her lips suggestively.
Faith lunged from the bed. With both hands thrust outward she
nailed Cyndahl in the back, knocking her to the floor.
“Bitch.” She growled. “Don’t touch my stuff.”


B eelzebub pounded his heavy fist against the heavy door of

Lucifer's man cave. The door swung open. Inside the room
Lucifer lay sprawled on an oversized black leather bean bag chair.
Headphones adorned his ears, pushing his long golden hair back
from his ethereal face. Seeing B standing just inside the doorway
Lucifer removed the headphones. “Sup?”
“You called me.” B reminded him. The irritation at being
summoned clearly etched on his brutally handsome face.
Lucifer coughed to hide a snicker. “Status report.”
“It’s all falling into place. Things are exactly as they need to be.
I thought you trusted me to handle this?”
“Trust. You can’t be serious. I trust no one. Least of all those
close to me. With good reason. Where do we stand?”
“Adam has the woman.” B informed him. “He’s going to try to
use her as bait.”
Lucifer growled. His amethyst eyes began to shimmer. This was
not what he wanted to hear. That woman was necessary to his plans.
“I’ve got it covered. One of our own is on the scene. No real
harm will come to her.”
Eyes now slit Lucifer snarled. “Is it someone who won’t fuck
“Yes. It’s Cyndahl.”

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“I know I didn't hear you right. You did not just tell me Cyndahl
is all that stands between Adam and the woman. Cyndahl knows two
things, magic and fucking. What was going through your mind to
put her in the position of keeping that woman safe from Adam?”
“Cyndahl knows what she has to lose. She will do the job. She
has no desire to lose her Father now that she has finally made contact
with him.”
“You damn well better be right about this. You know what’s at
stake. And you know what will happen if you fail me.”
“You want me to step aside. You want to take the reins back, just
say the word.”
Lucifer glared. Instantly a ten foot high wall of flames
surrounded Beelzebub.
B sighed in resignation and waited for Lucifer's ire to cool.
Hearing B, Lucifer chuckled and the flames dispersed.
“Asshole.” B grunted, as Lucifer smiled beautifically.
“We’re about to hit the finish line B. I will not tolerate any fuck
ups. Even from you.”
“There won’t be any.”
“Has my book been found?”
“We’re still looking.” B grumbled.
“Still looking.” Lucifer spat. “First you fail me and allow it to be
stolen. Now you can’t locate it. Do I need to explain to you the
ramifications if that book finds its way into the human world?”
“No my brother. You do not.” Beelzebub nodded, then turned to
walk out.
“Find my mother fucking book, B!”

Heretic Faith

Beelzebub made his exit. If he had still been in his demon form
Lucifer would say he left with his tail between his legs.
Lucifer grabbed the bottle of Jack at his side. Half gone, he threw
back his head and killed the bottle. Replacing his headphones he
scrolled down his playlist. “Perfect.” He said to himself as he pushed
play. He picked up a new unopened bottle of Jack as Whiskey in the
Jar blared into his ears.

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Cain had Lo and Sully by the balls. He sat at the kitchen table
with Micah and the angels. They each had a fresh cup of coffee.
Laying in the center of the butcher block table, like a ticking time
bomb, lay the Book of the Son of Morning.
“So, tell me boys, what am I going to find when I open this?”
“How would we know?” Lo replied. “We haven’t read it yet
“You must know something. You risked your standing in the
Order, not to mention your very existence to steal the fucking thing.”
“We are as in the dark as you are. We wanted the book for
reasons of our own.”
“Which are?”
“Why should we tell you?” Sully demanded.
Cain grunted. The Angel was right, and it really didn’t matter
anymore since the book was now in his possession.
Then uncharacteristically Lo began to speak. “You of all people
should understand about questioning yourself. Why are you here? Is
your purpose truly worth fighting for? We were once mortal men.
We were not born divine beings. We were created. Therefore, we
ask questions. We have purpose and need to feel that our purpose is
Cain looked to Sully, who shrugged. “I really don’t give a shit
what the damn thing says. I just back my brothers play.” He admitted
honestly. Sully stood and walked to the cabinet, grabbed a bottle of
Jack, and topped off their coffee. “Why don’t you crack the bitch
open and give us the highlights?”
Sully resumed his seat as Cain stared thoughtfully at the book.

Heretic Faith

Cain doubted the damn thing read like a fairytale. Evil pulsed
from the thing in palpable waves of dark energy. It was bound in the
flesh of his own brother. The eyes, nose and mouth had been stitched
closed. Not to mention it had been written with the blood of the most
unholy of creatures, Lucifer.
“Cain, are you sure about this?” Micah wondered. “What if it
blows us all to Hell. It’s got to be booby trapped.”
“I don’t think so. Lucifer would be too arrogant to think anyone
would try to open his book.”
“Well…” Sully prompted.
“I assume you can read Enochian.” Lo questioned.
“Yes. Fluently as a matter of fact.” Cain drawled.
“Crack the bitch open already.” Sully reiterated.
Micah grabbed the bottle of Jack, tossing back a healthy
swallow, then held his breath, waiting for the explosion.
With eyes glowing molten lava Cain glared defiantly at the
grotesque symbol of evil. He reached out and placed his palm on the
cover. Cain’s stomach churned in revulsion at the feel of supple
flesh. The cursed thing showed no age. Dragging in a deep breath he
prepared to open the book penned by Lucifer.

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Eric walked into the dark of the barroom. It was Friday night and
Archers was already full to maximum capacity. He let his eyes take
a stroll around the room, scanning the crowd for familiar faces.
There were bodies everywhere. Some shooting pool, some dancing
to the live music, some in dark corners getting as nasty as they could
in public. After a good long look around the room he came up empty.
He could not spot Faith’s golden blonde hair. It appeared she had
not arrived yet.
Eric made his way to the bar and took a seat on the last
unoccupied stool. He noticed Tear give him a nod then pull a Bud
from the tap and sit it in front of him.
“You alone dead eyes?” Tear asked.
“Do I know you?”
“Nope we never met.”
“Let’s keep it that way.” Eric snipped, then thought of Faith.
“No, wait. Faith Martin. Has she been in tonight?”
“You lost her?”
“No. I didn’t lose her. She left my house. We were supposed to
meet up here.”
“Fuck. Stay. Do not move from this spot.”
“WTF?” Eric demanded.
Tear ignored his question, sending out a silent message to Cain
and the Angels.
“Tell me.” Tear ordered.
“Tell you what? We’ve already concluded we don’t know each
other. I’m sure as hell not going to discuss my relationship with Faith
with you.”

Heretic Faith

“Listen to me Warrior. If you give a fuck about her you need to

tell me what you know. She was supposed to be safe with you. Looks
like you couldn’t handle the job.”
Eric stared down the huge redhead. Taking on this giant of a man
would not be his first choice, but he would be damned if he would
put up with this disrespect. “You need to watch your mouth,
bartender. That’s my girl you're talking about. If she is in trouble I
will be the one to take care of her. Now why don’t you tell me what
you know?”
Lying, Tear replied. “All I know is that she was with you.”
“What does Faith matter to you?”
“She matters. That’s all you need to know.”
Eric rolled this over in his mind. The big asshole looked
sincerely pissed. Or, he could just be a psycho with a hard on for his
girl. With Faith’s safety at stake he decided to take a chance.
“She found something at my house. It freaked her out. Scared
her. She took off and told me to meet up with her here tonight.”
Tear felt a shiver run down his spine. “What did she find?”
“A little mojo bag.”
“Fuck!” Tear growled.
Suddenly the band went from playing Garth Brooks to Avenged
Sevenfold, the Beast and the Harlot.


C ain studied the book. There was no opening. The sides

where pages should have shown were sealed over with
skin. Cain ran his hand down the cover. Caressing his brother's face
for the first time since they were children. He paused at the soft
brush of Abel’s eyelids against his fingertips. Moving his way to the
still red lips pucked with stitching he jerked his hand back in pain
when he felt a sharp prick. The stitches broke free to reveal pointed
razor sharp teeth. Cain nearly screamed like a girl when the sewn
eyes also popped open. Twin golden orbs, the color of their mother’s
goggled back at him. A pointed pink tongue poked out to lick the
blood from the ghoulish teeth. The mouth peeled back, maniacal
laughter spilled into the room. As the gaping mouth continued to
open it became clear that his brother's mouth was the lock and Cain’s
blood was the key. The book laid open horizontally as the face
peeled itself back. The mad laughter brought the others closer to the
“I knew it.” Micah’s voice shook. “Maybe not an explosion but
that is the most fucked up shit I have ever seen.”
“I agree with the kid.” Sully added.
“Blood was the key.” Lo hissed.
“The damn thing had our blood all over it and it didn’t open.”
Sully argued.
”Human blood.” Cain suggested. “I may be Immortal but I was
born human.”

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Lo thought, blood was the key. Cain was the Key. Coincidence?
Not fucking likely. What if Cain’s blood was not wholly human. Lo
could see the puzzle pieces falling into place. If what he was thinking
was correct they could all be seriously screwed.
Cain looked upon the open book. There, in bold crimson script
was the Title page of a book no one even suspected existed.

Son of Morning

They stood in awe. The only sound was the whisper of ancient
vellum as Cain turned the page.
The book itself was an anachronism. The cover made from his
brother's flesh was abhorrent. The vellum pages are a creamy
pristine anomaly. The ink, said to be Lucifer's own blood, as clear
and sparkling as the rarest of rubies. The book must have literally
regenerated itself through the ages. It may have begun as a clay
tablet that supernaturally changed, updating itself, until reaching its
current manifestation.
Using his already healed index finger, Cain traced the lines of
script written in the language of the Angels. So absorbed was he, in
his reading, that he didn’t notice as the words were read the ink
turned black.
Lo stood desperately trying to understand what he was seeing. It
fit, yet was inconceivable. But it was happening right before his
weary eyes. Cain was absorbing Lucifer's blood from the page.
“Tell us.” Sully ordered.

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Cain stopped reading. Looking at the Angels his expression

bordered on rapture. His crimson eyes wavered on the verge of tears.
Micah looked at the angels. Their expressions hadn’t changed.
Was he the only one to notice? Cain’s eyes had changed. The red
irises were now circled by amethyst. What the fuck was happening?
Before he could mention the change Cain began to speak.
“It tells of Heaven.” Cain whispered. “As real as if I’m standing
there. I can feel what he felt. Love, peace and indescribable joy. It
began as pinpricks of light, then grew until I saw them. The Angels.
I stood among them in their true form but no harm came to me.Their
beauty made the lesser Angels weep. There are no words to describe
what I felt.”
Cain shook his dark head, trying to bring himself back from
where the book had taken him. “He speaks of his brothers, his love
for them, and theirs for him. Michael, Beelzebub, Tearzahn, the four
of them had a special bond. Although they loved all their brothers,
these four were inseparable.”
“Hold up.” Sully interrupted. “Are we talking about our Tear?
The bitch ass crazy demon who just left to go to the bar?” Sully
looked truly baffled, his blond head tilted, lips quirked, eyes
Cain was hard pressed not to laugh at the expression on the
Angels face. “He does claim to have been Lucifer's enforcer. Now
he’s thrown in with Michael. I saw him. Before evil corrupted him.
He is exactly who he claims to be.”
“But the question now is do we trust him more or less?” Lo
“I don’t trust any of you.” Cain replied.

Beth Hildenbrand

Sully opened his mouth to pop some shit. Before he could let
loose with his smart mouth the three of them grabbed their ears.
When the voice in their heads stopped braying, Sully was the
first one to pop off. “Speak of the Devil's Agent.”
“Let’s go.” Lo snapped. Placing a hand on Cain’s shoulder. Sully
grabbed the silent Micah by the arm and they vanished.

Beth Hildenbrand

Five stone cold killers stood at the end of the bar. Only one of
them was a mortal. All of them had looks that kill on their faces.
Faith was in danger and none of them could do a fucking thing.
Cain had ordered Micah behind the bar which had the kid
seething. Cain didn’t give a rat's ass if Micah was butt hurt. He
already had one kid neck deep in shit. He sure as hell wasn’t letting
them zero in on the other.
Tear was pulling on a bottle of Jack like an infant on it’s
mommas’ tit. The spiked rings he wore flashed dangerously in the
light of the disco bar over the dance stage. His amber eyes were
focused on the door.
Lo and Sully stood facing the bar. They each slammed down
empties of Sam Adams and glared at Micah for freshies. Pissy and
annoyed Micah thunked down a full six pack on the bar for the duo.
Eric stared uneasily around the bar. His eyes take in everything.
Cain caught Eric mumbling a curse as one of the bar's regular girls
made her way toward him with her minions in tow.
Macey Logan had never been a beauty queen except in her own
mind. She was never quite intelligent enough to realize that the
popularity she enjoyed was due to the fact she never said no to a
sexual offer. She was thirty pounds overweight but that didn’t stop
her from wearing her clothes tight and suggestive. As she
approached the group of men she had her hands in the pockets of her
cut off shorts sauntering in a bee line for Eric in what she felt was
her absolute best sexy walk.
“Hi Eric.” She looked at Cain and the others. Why don’t you
introduce your friends?”
“Sorry, we're busy.”

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“Too busy for me? You had been hitting me up. Then you just
stopped. What happened?”
“I got sober.” Eric answered. Cain averted his face to hide the
snicker that burst between his lips.
“Why don’t you buy me a drink.” She slurred her words a bit,
showing that she had already had her fair share of alcohol.
“I’m here with friends.”
“Well so am I. I’m sure my friends wouldn’t mind at all keeping
you boys entertained.” She turned her head and saw that her crew
was already lusting over the men standing with Eric at the bar.
Exasperated Eric decided he couldn’t afford to play nice or he
would never get rid of her. “Yeah, I’m a popular monster. Look
Macey, I’m really not interested and neither are my friends. Why
don’t you and your girls look somewhere else?”
“So now I’m not good enough. A week ago you were asking me
to come over and give you a blow job.”
“I was drunk. Any mouth would have done the trick.”
“You’re a real asshole Eric. Maybe you just don’t want your
friends to find out what you’re really like. From what I’ve heard you
like to hurt girls.”
“You're right. I do like to hurt girls. If I were you I’d get away
from me as fast as you can.” This girl just didn’t know when to call
it quits. You would think after he blew her off the first time she
would have gotten a clue.
“Maybe I like it rough?”
“You’re not my type. I don’t do whores.” He couldn’t believe
what it was taking to insult this woman. At least this last hateful
remark had done the trick. Her face went red and her eyes narrowed

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with rage. She raised a hand to slap him. Eric caught her arm before
she could connect.
“Fuck you.” She snarled.
“I think I just told you that's never going to happen.”
Macey glared at him before turning to her girls and storming
back to their table across the bar.
“Well that was an entertaining little drama.” Cain chuckled. “I
didn’t realize the two of you had a history.”
“We don’t. Only in her imagination. Hell, I wouldn’t fuck her
with your dick.”
“Thanks for the visual. That’ll put me off sex for the next week.”
“I can’t imagine anything puts you off sex.”
Cain grinned. “Yeah, you’re right.” They both laughed, until a
roar destroyed the moment of camaraderie. Tearzahn bared his fangs
growling. “Witch.”
Moving with a sensual walk that only a pro could pull off,
Cyndahl entered the bar. For a split second she allowed her shock at
seeing Lucifer’s ex enforcer to flit across her face. “Traitor.” She
Despite the cold, Cyndahl was dressed to draw attention. Black
thigh high stiletto boots crawled up to meet the postage stamp size
black leather mini skirt riding low on her hips. Her top was nothing
more than a front of red mesh and a criss cross of string in the back.
Her raven hair was done into one long braided rope.
Cain bolted forward. He grabbed her by the hair pulling her hard
until they stood face to face. His eyes blazed hellfire at the look of
lustful adoration on her face. Sickened by her reaction he released
his grip on her hair. Eyes locked,nose to nose, Cain snarled. “You’ve

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got balls to walk in here. Believe me when I say you won’t be

walking out.”
“Then you won’t be seeing your little mortal female.” She
taunted. “I was sent to deliver a message. I have linked myself to
Adam. If anything should happen to me Adam will kill the girl.”
Eric moved to Cain's side. “Where is she?”
Heat stirred in her eyes. Cyndahl licked her lower lip
anticipating the taste of him. Reaching up she trailed her finger down
his chest stopping at the button fly of his jeans. Smiling a predatory
smile she cupped his cock. “Ummmm.” She purred. “You’re well
endowed for a human.”
Eric’s face burned red. Cyndahl laughed at his reaction.
Unfortunately someone else in the bar had also seen the exchange
and drunkenly decided to do something about it.
Macey was drunk enough to have decided that if she wasn’t
getting a shot at Eric no one else was either. She made the mistake
of inserting herself between Cyndahl and Eric, grabbing Cyndahl’s
hand and twisting it while she pulled it from Eric’s crotch.
Cyndahl’s eyes turned milky. “Leave us.” She hissed at Macey
who was too drunk to notice what she was up against.
“You’re the one who needs to leave. I was here first.” Macey
A circle had formed around the trio. Micah stood unmoving
behind the bar. Cain and company stood watching mildly amused.
Macey’s gaggle of girls watched in open mouthed wonder hoping to
see a cat fight. Well obscured from the rest of the bar the scene
played out to the inevitable conclusion.

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“Stupid human.” Cyndahl growled. It took only a blink of an eye

for Cyndahl to reach out and slice her neck with one taloned finger.
Eric felt the spray of warm blood as it flew into his face. He saw
a look of surprise cross Macey’s face as she raised a hand to her neck
before she crumpled to the floor.
Macey’s friends began to scream, their eyes filled with terror.
They clung to each other for support.
“Fuck.” Cain cursed.
“Can one of you damn angels do something about this shit?”
Tear demanded, as he grabbed Cyndahl and pulled her away from
Eric before she decided to kill him as well.
“Can you fix this?” Eric asked.
“We can clean it up.” Lo corrected.
Before Eric’s eye’s Macey’s body vanished. Her friends were
seated back at their table talking and drinking, and the bar looked as
it had before. Even the blood spatter had disappeared. Had it not
been for Cyndahl standing in Tear’s grip with her white eyes
glowing Eric would have thought he imagined it all.
“Back to business.” Tear spoke up. “Deliver your message.”
Cyndahl jerked free of Tear’s grasp. “Adam wants a meeting.
You.” She looked at Cain. “In exchange for the girl. You’re to go to
the mortal warriors home and wait. All of you. I will stay with you
until the appointed time then escort you to the meeting place.”
“I know where he lives.” Lo announced.
“So do I” Tear seconded. He laid a hand on Sully's shoulder
mentally sending him the location.

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Micah stood behind the bar fuming. “You can’t seriously mean
to leave me here?”
“He comes.” Cyndahl spoke.
“Chrissy can cover the bar.” Micah informed Cain.
“Get her over here, now.” Cain demanded. Micah hustled to get
the waitress ensconced behind the bar.
Disco ball flashing, pool balls cracking, and a full bar of
customers enjoying their night never noticed the group at the end of
the bar simply vanished.
One person did notice, at least noticed that they had disappeared.
The Chief had been sitting at a corner table all evening, watching
and waiting. Now he cursed himself. How did he miss them leaving?
He could have sworn he never took his eyes off the bar. Damn it all.
Robert's wife had called telling him the dogs had returned but her
husband had not. It took an hour to calm her down. He had the one
deputy left to him out canvassing while he waited for Cain to put in
an appearance. So far the evidence showed nothing to lead to Cain.
He knew in his gut that Cain was involved. Until the evidence
pointed him in another direction he planned to be Cain’s shadow.
Throwing a few bills on the table he hurried out of the bar. Maybe if
he got lucky Cain was still close.


A dam slapped Faith to consciousness and pulled her to the

chair where he forced her to sit. Faith stared at him
emotionless. She refused to allow him to see her fear. The prick fed
off of it and she had no intention of offering herself up to feed his
He reached out holding a clear plastic bottle. She could see that
the water had been tampered with. Herbs floated in the liquid,
suggesting a potion, most likely a spell as well.
Angry at her lack of a reaction Adam cuffed her in the side of
the head. Still she made no sound. She didn’t so much as blink.
“Drink whore.” He thrust the bottle in her face. Faith replied with
her middle finger.
“You won’t enjoy it if I have to force you. I will gain immense
pleasure from the experience, but you will not.”
Casually she reached out and took the bottle from his hand. Faith
twisted off the cap and drained the contents. The empty bottle
slipped from her hand to land on the floor.
“Disappointing for me, but a wise decision for you.”
“You’re going to die. Painfully.” She predicted.
“Shut your whores mouth.” Adam snapped. With his fist
clenched he hit Faith squarely on the jaw. She collapsed back onto
the floor.

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Beelzebub paced Lucifer's office. He was furious with his

brother that he would miss out on the battle that would soon take
place above. Being back in his true form had brought back his need
for blood. His desire to kill was overwhelming. His body hummed
with the need for violence.
It was Eve’s misfortune to choose that moment to go in search
of Lucifer after their earlier bout of sex she found herself craving
more. Unfortunately she stumbled upon Beelzebub instead. One
look at Lucifer's right hand told Eve to run. She turned to make a
hasty retreat only to find B blocking the exit.
As he stared at man kinds first beauty he decided if he couldn’t
release his aggression by killing, sex would be an acceptable
substitute. “You wanted me.” He spoke suggestively.
Momentarily trapped in the prism of his sparkling diamond eyes
Eve found herself speechless. His frost white hair hung in an ethereal
curtain around the beauty of his sensual face like a palpable cloud of
lust. Eve felt her mouth go dry as her body succumbed to heat.
B unzipped his leather pants. His cock unfurled like a snake. He
heard Eve suck in her breath at the sight. “Put my cock in your
Eve stood frozen. A throbbing ache started between her legs. B
grabbed her by the throat pushing her onto her knees, his strong
fingers squeezed until her mouth was forced open. “Open, wide.”
Eve obeyed.
Fisting his cock B shoved it between her soft berry colored lips.
Eve swirled her tongue around the plum sized head.
“All of it.” He growled, slapping her cheek.

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Eve inhaled his cock. Taking it all the way down the back of her
throat. Whimpering her pleasure as she went ever so slowly up and
down his shaft.
B’s eyes rolled back in his head from the intense pleasure her
mouth provided. Before he lost control and shot a load down her
throat, he used her hair to pull her off. “Stand.”
She stood on unsteady legs. Looking up at him B saw her honey
colored eyes were hooded with lust. He spun her so her back was to
him. She was forced to grab onto Lucifer's desk to stay on her feet.
Grabbing the neckline of the silk robe she wore he tore it from neck
to hem. He took a moment to enjoy the sight of her smooth caramel
skin, the line of her graceful back as it flared to her perfectly rounded
ass had his dick throbbing.
B grabbed Eve around the throat with one hand. The other went
around her waist. He lifted her from the floor impaling her on his
engorged shaft.
Eve screamed as a sharp intense orgasm shot through her. B
shoved his thumb into her mouth to silence her. She bit down hard
pulling a grunt of pleasure and pain from him.
B continued his assault. Impaling her again and again on his cock
until the pleasure brought her to tears. Eve lost track of anything but
the sensations coursing through her wet heat like shock waves.
Time lost all meaning. B had no idea how long he had been
fucking her when at last his body began to shake. His own orgasm
hit fast and hard. The hand he kept around Eve’s neck squeezed
tighter as he came. Body spent, B realized Eve had gone limp. He
had choked her to unconsciousness. He pulled himself free of her
and turned her to face him.
“Wake up.” He ordered, slapping her cheeks until she roused.

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As she looked at him with dazed eyes he questioned her. “You

had a reason for interrupting me didn’t you?”
“Where is Lucifer?” She croaked, her throat sore from being
“That’s not your concern. Return to your rooms.”
Pissed at his rudeness and her own stupidity Eve lashed out.
“Fuck you. When I find him I’ll be sure to inform him of what just
happened here.
Beelzebub nonchalantly stuffed his spent cock back into his
pants. “Ooo...I’m real intimidated. Just who do you think told me to
take you?”
“You’re lying.”
“I believe his exact words were…”If the bitch gives you any
trouble just fuck the shit out of her. That will shut her up.”
Allowing the tattered rags of her robe to fall to the floor Eve
strutted, regally nude, from the room.
B watched, appreciating the view. Damn Lucifer. No wonder
they were all tied up in this shit. That was one good fuck.Too bad
things were ready to blow up above. He wouldn’t mind hittin that
shit again. After things went boom up above Eve wouldn’t have time
for fucking. Payback was a bitch.
Lucifer stood outside the door of his office with a shit eating grin
on his face. He had thoroughly enjoyed the show. There was nothing
like playing the voyeur. He got a hard on just watching. Too bad he
had other duties to attend to.
His plans were coming along perfectly and the final pieces were
about to be set into place. A huge smile of satisfaction spread across
his angelic face. In a few short hours he would see his son take his

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rightful place at his side. Eve would be off his back and he would
have his revenge on those he once held dear but had betrayed him.


F aith was jerked from oblivion by a vicious wrench of her

“Get up whore. It’s time.” He snarled, using her hair to
pull her to her feet.
She glared bleary eyed at her tormentor, but had no desire to
fight back. Whatever potion he had forced her to drink had left her
vulnerable. She had no idea how long she had been unconscious.
The absolute darkness told her evening had arrived.
The bastard smirked at her. “No more arguments. It’s gratifying
to know you can act as a woman should. Obediant.”
With all she had in her Faith managed to do something she knew
would piss him off. Once again she flipped him the bird.
Seeing her rebellion despite the spell, Adam made a fist and
landed a punch on the side of Faith’s head. Her head snapped to the
side and her ears rang but she managed to stay on her feet.
“Tonight you will witness the death of the bastard who falsely
called himself my son. After I send him to Hell, The One will endow
me with the strength necessary to destroy the corrupt Angels who
dare to fight by his side. When I have finished with them I will be
sending you, harlot, and your murdering lover, to the Pit. I hope you
enjoy it. It’s filled with adulteress sluts just like you. You should feel
right at home among the filth that dwell below.
Faith started wishing she could speak, praying that when the
time came she would be able to fight. If she was forced to witness

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the deaths of all those she loved then she may as well die with them.
After losing Grey to endure anymore would leave her praying for
death, or finding a way to follow them in their eternal rest.
Adam clamped his hand tightly on her shoulder. He smiled
coldly. They vanished.

Heretic Faith

Eric had always felt his two bedroom house had more than
enough space. Now with these huge men milling around, the place
felt claustrophobic. Damn, they were some big ass mother fuckers.
He was glad he had laid in a few cases of beer. Damn, these guys
could drink. If the alcohol had any effect on them Eric couldn’t see
it. Only he, Micah, and the demon bitch weren’t imbibing. The crazy
ass bartender had brought two fifths of Jack and polished them off
already, then bitched because the only beer Eric had left was warm.
The demon chick was getting her jollies running her mouth at
Micah. She got off on watching him get angry. She whispered
something in his ear while running a hand up his thigh and cupping
his crotch. Eric watched Tear reach over grab her by the arm and
yank her skanky ass away before Micah went for her throat. She
laughed at Micah even as Tear hissed into her face. The twisted bitch
was enjoying it. Reminding him of a few other women he had the
misfortune to cross paths with.
Cain stood in the kitchen leaning against the formica counter. He
was silent, but Eric knew he was taking everything in. He listened,
watched, waited, something Eric knew a lot about from his years in
the Marines.
Now Eric stood here, in his home, these strange beings speaking
in a language he couldn’t fathom, and his mind raced. The one thing
that kept him sane, the thing he went to in his darkest hours when
the fear of death was both overwhelming and at times welcoming,
the girl who never left his mind was in very real danger. He just
found her again and already he could lose her. These creatures were
his allies. They were his hope. Eric’s stomach churned. The thought
of Faith being taken from him a second time brought his madness
back to the surface.

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Micah strolled over to him. He laid a hand on his shoulder. “It’s

gonna be cool. We’ll get her back.”
The madness feeding his need for vengeance, Eric answered
him. “I have no doubt. I want to be the one who takes the fucker
“I hope you get the chance. We gotta see how it plays out. Dude,
you never fought anything like this.”
“Killing is killing.” Eric spoke in a deadly cold voice.
Micah wisely said nothing.
“Quiet.” Cain snapped.
From outside the house Adams' voice called out. “Cain. I’ve got
your whore. Come out and we will finish this.”
The house shuddered, a low growl crescendoed into a deafening
roar. The kitchen pulsed with an otherworldly crimson light the
source of which came from Cain’s eyes. Rage, Cain believed caged,
filled him like a pitcher fills a glass until it overflows. Raptor talons
fired from his fingertips. Fangs penetrated his full bottom lip trailing
rivlets of fresh blood down his chin. Cain became the monster of
nightmare lore. To his own astonishment he vanished.
Tear was the first to comment. “Did anybody else know he could
No one answered. Around the room wild eyes just stared back in
genuine stupefaction. That little bit of supernatural power was not
supposed to be in Cain’s wheelhouse. It was a power reserved for
Angels and upper level Demons only.
“Awww fuck!” Tear shrugged, grabbed Cyndahl and vanished.
Eric watched in wonder as Lo and Sully also made with the poof.
“Do you ever get used to this?”

Heretic Faith

“Nope.” Micah responded, as the two men bolted for the door.


A dam found himself inside a circle of Immortals riding on a

wave of fury. The air around them crackled with an electric
energy fueled by their combined power. The wires overhead hissed
and snapped as the current overload blew the conductor box causing
an explosion of fire and sparks. Then the street went dark.
Adam gave up any guise of humanity. Milky white eyes beamed
like headlights through the darkness. The skin he wore clung to bone
like a tight fitting garment. His claws wrapped around Faith’s throat
holding her tightly against his chest. A forked black tongue snaked
out running along Faith’s jawline from chin to ear. For those who
stood watching their worst fears became reality. Her nose and chin
were caked in dried blood from Adams fists. The delicate features
bruised purple. Her eyes unfocused and dead did not even register
the sight of those she had prayed for.
Eric, forgetting every ounce of training ingrained in him, lunged
forward. “Faith!” He screamed in desperation.
Lo shot out an arm stopping him in his tracks. “He will kill her.”
The icy calm of Lo’s voice brought Eric back to his senses.He
thought he knew fear. Now his body thrummed with a dread he never
imagined possible. A wave of panic clenched his gut. Not now, he
told himself. He pushed back with all he had. He could not allow a
panic attack to leave him impotent when Faith needed him.

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As Eric struggled for self control, neither he or Micah were

aware of the silent conversation going on in the minds of the
Cain stood under the broken street light. He had not moved or
spoken since he suddenly found himself on the street outside Eric’s
house. His heat filled eyes never wavered from his girl. Sheer force
of will kept him rooted to the spot. Then he heard the voices.
“We need a distraction.” Sully's normally smooth voice cracked
in his head.
“It better be a fucking good one. We’re only going to get one
shot at this.” Cain responded.
“Leave it to me.” Tear advised.
“Yeah, like we’re going to trust you.” Sully snapped.
“Exactly.” Tear agreed.
“Wait.” Lo instructed Sully. “I see where he’s going with this.
“Cain.” Tear replied. “He’s not going to want his prize taken
from him.”
“You better make it look convincing, Demon. And I will fight
back.” Cain snarled.
“Let’s kick this shit.” Lo took control. “Start working your way
closer. When he starts getting itchy, go for it.”
Eric watched as the immortals slowly began to work their way
closer to Adam and Faith. He followed on their heels, as did Micah.
“Stop.” Adam growled. “Come any closer and I will slit her
throat.” He ran a claw along Faith’s carotid artery. “Cain. Come to
me and I will release her.”

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Cain took a step forward.

“Now.” Lo ordered.
Tear was behind Cain in a heartbeat. “Mine.” He snarled. “Did
you really think I would throw in with this lot of do gooder’s. Lucifer
will never allow you to have him.”
Cain mocked, shock. “You traitorous bastard.” He twisted trying
to fight off Tears hold. Freeing himself they began to fight in earnest.
No one watching would believe they were anything other than
mortal enemies. Which was exactly the point.
Two other witnesses to the brawl also believed what their eyes
told them. Eric and Micah looked at each other in confusion. Both
having the same thought. How could we have trusted the fucker?
“Noooo!” Adam cried out, releasing his hold on Faith before the
object of his obsession was lost to him.
Eric ran to Faith’s side. She lay on the ground broken and
shaking. He pulled her onto his lap and began running his hands over
her head, arms, and back searching for injuries. He sighed in relief
when he found nothing serious.
Micah went wild as he saw Adam rushing forward and no one
going to Cain’s aid. Instinct took over. Micah made a run for the
Angels. Pulling the sword of Solomon from its sheath on Sully’s hip
Micah made his way to save his mentor and second father, unaware
the mock battle was a ruse. The steel of the ancient blade sang a
death knell as it sliced through Tears neck. Micah found himself
covered in the black tar of demon blood.
As Tear fell to the ground Lo and Sully rushed to his side. Tears
neck was partially severed, leaving him immobile. He sent a silent
message to the angels. “Girl safe?”

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“Yes.” Lo answered.
“Finish it.”
Sully pulled his own sword, severing Tears head from his body.
Bowing his head Sully spoke softly. “He died for a righteous cause.
May there be redemption for even one such as him.”
The moon's light fell upon Tears body with an ethereal glow.
Micah blinked. A soul rose from the body. Not the inky haze of a
damned soul but the pure white light of an innocent.
Lo and Sully stared transfixed as the light moved to surround
Micah, wrapping him in the warm shelter of a Heaven bound soul.
Micah was oblivious to the warm tears flowing down his cheeks.
The feel of a familiar set of arms held him. The smell of Polo mens
cologne filled his nose. The sound of a voice he knew he would
never hear again spoke directly to his heart. “I love you brother.”
Micah fell to his knees. “Grey.” He sobbed. His brother had
never left. Grey had been with them the whole time, possessing the
body of the demon to stay with his love.
“What the fuck?” Sully whispered in awe.
The soul light floated over to where Eric sat holding Faith. Eric’s
mouth fell open, unable to believe what he was seeing. “Grey.” He
Just the sound of the name being spoken in hushed tones brought
Faith round enough to pry her one unswollen eye open. Tears pooled
in her eye. As the light surrounded her the shivering stopped. The
love radiating from Grey’s soul was indescribable. Faith and Eric
both felt it as it enfolded them. Then ever so slowly it began to slip
away. Eric pulled Faith closer.

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Lo bowed his head as the bright heavenly light rose and vanished
into the stars.
When at last they could pull their eyes away they turned to find
Cain and Adam locked in immortal combat.

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Lo and Sully advanced to aid Cain. They found themselves

stopped dead by an invisible barrier. Michael appeared beside them.
“This is not your fight.”
All of the non combatants stood astonished as they watched the
violence play out between the Father and Son.
Talons and claws flashed, sending bits of flesh and blood
through the dark of the night. Cain’s face was nothing more than a
bloody mask of gore. Only the fiery light of his eyes standing out
from the deadly mask he wore. His shirt had long since been torn
from his torso. Now he wore a criss cross pattern of raggedly torn
Adam was in worse shape. Cain had literally scalped his enemy.
The human face Adam was wearing now hung like a scarlet scarf
around his neck. The right side of his demonic face was gone, beaten
to a pulp. The right eye left to dangle, bouncing off raw meat like a
paddle ball.
From the left side of his ruined mouth Adam snarled, “I’m
sending you to hell where you belong.”
“What makes you think Hell wants me?” Cain laughed in his
Adam reached out, staggered, clawed hands hooked, ready to rip
Cain’s heart from his chest.”
“Noooo....Cyndahl wailed.” Sully grabbed her by the arm,
keeping her still.
Her scream was the advantage Cain needed to end it. Adam’s
guard was down. He reached out and slit Adam’s throat from ear to
ear. Adam's body fell at Cain's feet.

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Cain threw his head back, releasing a growl that shook the
ground for miles. Cain fell to his knees beside Adam's body. His
perfect white teeth showed a predatory smile as he ripped Adams
head from his shoulders with his bare hands.
“Fuck your holy mission Dad.” Cain stood and kicked the body.
Then watched as it turned to ash, blowing away in the cold evening


“I t’s over.” Sully sighed, as dawn broke chasing back the

“Not quite.” Eric spoke up. Again they all stood open
mouthed, all but Michael. He was stoic as Eric’s hazel eyes turned
to twin amethyst flames.
Faith pushed herself to her feet. “Eric?”
Eric was standing at her side before she saw him move. He took
her arm in a grip like a vice. It wasn’t necessary. At this point Faith
was numb. Everything had taken on a dream-like quality. Surreal
didn’t begin to describe her reality. “Sorry Doll. Eric is taking a well
deserved nap.”
“Let her go esiach.” Michael commanded.
“Not yet. We’re just getting to the good part.” Lucifer snickered
like a kid. “You wouldn’t want to deprive our audience of the big
“I can end this right now.” Michael argued.
“You won’t. You know this has to play out.” Keeping Faith in
his grip Lucifer went to stand above Tear’s body. The sooty cloud
of the demon was rising above the body. “No Affa for you traitor.
We’re going to have some fun first. Your punishment will be my
pleasure.” He snapped his fingers and the shapeless form shot into
the ground.

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Snapping amethyst eyes turned to Cain. Michael turned to shield

Cain but Lucifer was faster. Cain found himself standing in a circle
of flames. He growled, mentally pushing against the fire. It was
useless. Lucifer was stronger.
Cyndahl ran to Lucifer. She fell to her knees pleading. “Please
my Prince. Don’t harm him. Take me, in his place.”
“Ah, yes. My noble harlot. Are you ever going to learn?”
Cyndahl found herself magically pulled upright, her face mere
centimeters from the wall of flames. “Show him your true face.”
Cyndahl whimpered. The heat sizzled along her skin.
“Do it, or it’s the Affa for you my sweet concubine. Then you
lose all chance of ever seeing him again.”
Cyndahl reverted to her true form. The demon standing before
Cain was Ennie’s twin with the exception of his mothers honey eyes.
It hit Cain like a fist to the gut. This creature, seductress, witch, was
his child. The Witch of Endor, her mother.
“Yes, you see it.” Lucifer taunted. “You’re witch never told you
that you had a daughter. Why would she? You have a penchant for
killing your cursed offspring. An excellent personality trait as far as
I’m concerned. I’ve only allowed one of mine to live and it’s caused
me nothing but trouble. Well, consider this happy surprise a gift for
destroying that pain in the ass, Adam. He’s been a thorn in my side
ever since I balled his bride.”
“Lucifer.” Michael warned.
“Don’t worry brother. I know the rules. He won’t hear the truth
from me.” A smile of satisfaction crossed his devilish face. “”But
just look at him. Isn’t he a magnificent monster.”

Heretic Faith

Michael growled. Lucifer was such an attention whore. Michael

knew he would dance around the subject without coming right out
and with the forbidden truth for as long as he could. That had always
been Lucifer's problem. He loved being center stage.
“Yes, yes, yes.” Lucifer sighs in annoyance. “Time to get on with
“Cyndahl.” Lucifer spoke. “You kept the deal you made with
Beelzebub. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Return now.”
Lucifer snapped his fingers. The girl Cyndahl had been residing
inside fell to the ground. Another black cloud drilled into the ground
as Cyndahl returned to Hell.
“And for my next trick…” Lucifer began with a flourish, raising
his arm like a stage magician.
“Faith, Micah, close your eyes, now. “ Michael commanded.
Micah squeezed his eyes tight, praying that Faith was doing the
same. Then it hit. He felt the burn behind his eyelids. Holy shit, he
thought, as he was blinded by the light.
Lucifer’s angelic beauty could not be looked upon my mortal
eyes. It was beyond what a human mind could process. Not wanting
to lose any of his audience he dimmed his magnificence. When he
was certain Faith and Micah had opened their eyes he continued with
what he considered his Grand Finale. His production had played out
perfectly. Cain stood seething in the ring of fire. He could feel the
hate and rage bounce off of him and soaked it in, feeding on it.
That’s it., he thought. Loose that darkness, let out, embrace it Cain.
Become what you truly are meant to be.
In grandiose fashion Lucifer stood before them. Eric’s body lay
in a heap at his feet. “Ah, much better. The mortal warrior was
strong. It was a constant battle to stay inside him. Save me from true

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love. It does exist, you know. As much as it sickens me to say so.

It’s the one thing that can stand against me, or at least try to. I’m a
tenacious little devil.”
Lucifer kept his eyes locked on Cain’s as he slowly allowed the
wall of flame to die down and vanish. He knew what was coming
and he welcomed it.
Cain roared. The ground shook. Cain used his new found power
and blasted himself so he stood nose to nose with Lucifer.
Cain stood still as death overwhelmed with shock as Lucifer
placed his hands, like vices, on his cheeks and gently kissed his lips.
Something Cain could not fathom washed through him. He realized
it was the same sensation he felt when he read Lucifer's writing.
Something passed between the fallen angel's amethyst eyes and into
his own scarlett ones. Cain could only describe it as a bond of love,
unfathomable as it was. Lucifer was incapable of any tenderness,
wasn’t he? And why him? What connection did he have with Satan
other than that they were both monsters?
Lo and Sully fought against the restraints forced upon them.
Their first instinct would always be to protect the key. They had no
idea what Lucifer was doing to Cain but they both knew it was a
game changer. Whatever was happening was affecting Cain and his
perception of himself.
Faith was also affected by what she saw. It scared the shit out of
her. “Cain!” She screamed, breaking the spell.
Cain jerked. Lucifer smiled.
Before Cain could move against Lucifer Michael was beside him
whispering in his ear. “You Can’t win. Not yet. Not now. The
damage to her has already been done. She needs you. You can’t help
her if you're in the Pit. Live to fight another day.”

Heretic Faith

Lucifer hissed at Michael. He sent his brother flying backward.

Michael had enough. Old and new anger with his brother tore
free. He flew at Lucifer. Laughing, Lucifer took to the air. Above
their heads they watched as the one time brothers once again fought
each other.


W ings blocked the sunrise. One sheathed in light the other

wrapped in darkness. Swords clashed in flashes of
lightning. Faith found herself wondering if she was witnessing the
Cain went to Faith, wrapping her in a protective embrace, as hail
rained from the sky. Lo and Sully, finding themselves released, went
to Micah and sheltered him from the golf sized balls of ice. A bitter
chilling rain joined the hail. Micah and Faith once again closed their
eyes.This time against the onslaught of mother nature.
Cain and the Angels watched mesmerized. In the sky a host of
angels and demons took form surrounding the combatants. Each side
was ready to go into battle when their leader gave the word. It was
impossible to focus on Lucifer or Michael. The speed with which
they now moved was a blur, even with his powerful vision. As far
as his sight could take him, angels and demons shifted in anticipation
of another war. Dressed in battle armor they shifted and shimmered
Things began to move in slow motion. Cain could now clearly
see them. Brother fighting brother. Each for their own purpose.
Neither gained ground against the other. Michaels dark form was
surrounded by heavenly light while Lucifer's bright form was
shrouded in darkness. It was the quintessential battle of good versus
evil. If Cain thought for one second the creator still heard his voice
he would have sank to his knees in prayer. As if in answer to the
prayer he never made, the sky opened. Light pierced the darkness.

Heretic Faith

Cain heard a voice he thought forever lost to him. It was the Creator,
and he was pissed. “Enough!” He said.
The Angels and Demons on the sidelines vanished
instantaneously. Something akin to a tornado came from the sky as
Michael and Lucifer were shot to the ground in a fury of tangled
wings and crashing armor. The hail and rain were gone the instant
they hit the ground with an impact so fierce the watchers were
knocked off their feet.
Michael and Lucifer lay on the ground. Wings and armor now
gone, they both moaned from the pain of the battle and the fall. Each
was drenched in the black viscus blood of Lucifer and the the
shimmering opalesque blood of Michael. Everyone held their breath.
Everyone but Faith.
Cain lost his hold of Faith when they fell. Now he cursed as she
attempted to make a run for Eric. She slipped on the balls of ice.
Undeterred she crawled the rest of the way.
“Eric.” She moaned, as she pushed the hail aside to get to his
prone form. His skin was as cold as death. Her own hands were too
numb to feel a pulse. Terrified, she took him by the shoulders and
began to shake him. “Eric, please don’t leave me. Wake up. Please
wake up.”
Lucifer stood. The ice crunched under his weight. The others
scrambled but he reached Faith first. He pulled her to her feet,
unbothered by her useless struggles. With her back to his chest he
kept one huge hand around her throat.
“Finish this.” Michael hissed.
“Watch how you speak to me brother. Right now you’re on a
level with me for your disobedience. He may just decide to cast you
out as well.”

Heretic Faith

“Not likely. He knows my heart just as he knows yours. Have

you ever done a selfless act, Lucifer?”
“I am right now. I’m going to allow her to live. As long as no
one gets in my way.”
“I’ll make sure of it.” Michael waved his hand behind him.
Everyone stood frozen in place but for himself, Cain, Lucifer and

Heretic Faith

A siren wailed. Tires slid on the hail coming to a jolting stop just
after jumping the curb.The Chief bolted from the car, his service
weapon raised, and aimed at Cain’s head. “Put your hands where I
can see them, Cain.”
Cain could only blink. From possible armageddon to Barney Fife
in the blink of an eye. Knowing the man was deadly serious, Cain
raised his arms. “Chief, you don’t understand what’s happening.”
“You damn right I don’t. But I’ve got bodies piled up at the
morgue and here you are. You’ve got blood all over you. There is a
man laying next to death over there and blondie there has a hold of
Faith. Now walk over here nice and slow.”
“Is this idiot for real?” Michael demanded.
“Unfortunately.” Cain answered, with a resigned sigh.
Shaking his head in annoyance Michael made a move to freeze
the Chief.
“Don’t move, dirtbag.” The Chief ordered, causing Lucifer to
burst into laughter.
Already intimidated, the Chief jerked toward Lucifer and the gun
went off millimeters from Faith. The Chief's eyes went wild. Then
crazed as he watched the hole in Lucifer’s chest close. “What are
“I’m not a what. I’m a who. Lucifer is my name. I’m certain
you’ve heard of me.”
“Yes. You know, Satan, Prince of darkness, Fallen Angel. Do I
need to go on?”
“This can’t be real?” The Chief argued.

Heretic Faith

“Oh I assure you, I’m very real. And you almost shot my prize.”
Lucifer hissed, his amethyst eyes drilling into the Chief. Cain and
company watched as Lucifer fury burned. Then they could no longer
watch. Their eyes had all been closed tight by a magical force.
“Look at me.” Lucifer demanded, drawing the Chief's eyes to
him. I was the most beautiful Angel in Heaven. Humans pray to see
an Angel. This is a gift I’m giving you.” Lucifer stood before the
man in all his Angelic splendor.
The Chief tried to cover his eyes but could not raise his hands.
Tears of blood rolled down his face as he was overwhelmed by the
heavenly perfection that had once been the Creator's favorite Angel.
His mortal mind was being overloaded by the indescribable sight
before him. Falling to his knees his forehead hit the ground, at last
freeing him from the sight of Lucifer.
When the others were granted their sight back they saw the Chief
curled in the fetal position on the icy ground.
“You two.” Lucifer pointed to Lo and Sully. “Pick him up and
do something with him.”
Lo and Sully each grabbed the broken man under an arm, hauling
him to his feet. The Chief looked to Lo, his eyes filled with madness.
“I saw an Angel. Did you see him? He was real.”
Having nothing to answer the madness Lo simply kept silent as
the Chief continued his insane ramble about Angels and Devils.
They inserted the man in the back of his police cruiser, locking him
in, and removing his keys. Then hurried back to where the final stage
of the game was being played.

Heretic Faith

Cain stood paralyzed. Lucifer looked at him and smiled. Gently

Lucifer began to rub his hand over Faith’s abdomen. Cain watched
as her stomach swelled to abnormal proportions. Her eyes peeled
wide in horror.
Faith could feel something move inside her. Tiny hands and feet
pushing against her swollen belly. Her mind could not handle this
new revelation. She knew she was becoming unhinged. Still her eyes
never left Eric. She saw his eyelids flutter and used the fact that he
still lived as something to hold onto.
“This is mine.” Lucifer decreed. “With the help of the human
there.” He jerked his head toward Eric.
“I now have a son. One that will obey me and sit by my side.”
“Nooo.” Faith moaned, going limp in his arms.
“You fucking bastard.” Cain spat.
“This is on you.” Lucifer snarled back. “Remember that. You
could have stopped all of this.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Cain demanded
“Come with me. Serve by my side and all of this goes away.
None of the mortals or those pathetic angels will remember a thing.”
So this was it Cain thought. There would be no redemption
coming for him. There was only one choice to be made. The children
he loved would be free of the curse he brought down on their heads.
He would get what he deserved, the rest of eternity in Hell.
Sully prepared himself. He knew what Cain would do. The Gates
of Hell were about to open wide.
“Free will Lucifer.” Michael spoke up.
“This is Free will. It’s his choice Michael.

Heretic Faith

“I’ll come with....” Before Cain could finish his sentence the
Heavens opened once again. This time Cain could not hear the voice,
but it was clear that Michael and Lucifer could.
“You cannot stop this.” Lucifer screamed. “You have no power
over me.” Lucifer felt Faith’s swollen belly begin to go down under
his hand.
“Stop!” He screamed. “Fine. You win this time. But he will
come to me and I will have my children.”
The light vanished as Faith’s abdomen grew again.
“Finish this farce Lucifer. You will not get what you want
Cain wasn’t sure what just happened, but it looked like he had
been given a reprieve. A hair's breadth from Hell, and yet by some
miracle he had been saved.

Heretic Faith

Lucifer let Faith fall. He stood before them with a squalling

newborn in his hands. “No, don’t speak. I know I’m awesome. Well
boys, it’s been fun, blah, blah, blah, but now it’s time to take my son
home. Goodbye paradise.”
Once again the wind whipped. A mist as fine as silk passed Cain.
In it he smelled home. Something from a distant memory teased his
senses. The smell of fresh pure air. Mingled with the scent of
poppies and sun warmed skin. As the mist slid by he felt the touch
of a hand on his cheek. “Mother.”
A black funnel began to form as Lucifer made his way back to
his realm. Before he lost all form the mist solidified and slammed
into him. Standing before them all, achingly beautiful in her anger
was Eve. Before Lucifer had a chance to react she tore the babe from
his arms. Michael was there in an instant. Eve looked into his
sapphire eyes and demanded, “Protect this one.”
Michael nodded, agreeing to her demand. Eve took one last
sorrowful look at her son and vanished into the earth.
Lucifer bowed to Cain, “This is not over. We will meet again.”
Then he followed Eve.

Heretic Faith

In the misty light of daybreak Michael bowed his head. So much

damage because a spoiled child could not get over his daddy issues.
And now they stood one step closer to the edge. Yet it was the
Father's will that this game be played to the finish. And so the
innocent will continue to suffer. Michael breathed in the scent of the
crying infant in his arms. He stared into the baby's unfocused eyes
then closed his own tired eyes. Placing his forefinger and middle
finger to his forehead he repaired the night's damage to the human
It only took Lo an instant to heal Micah’s superficial
wounds.Then he held the human as he wept.
Sully had gone to help the human Lucifer had used as a host.
Michael stopped him with a shake of his head, indicating for him to
Placing a hand on Cain’s shoulder Michael sent a healing light
into the immortal. When Cain turned to him his face was fully
healed. “She’s dying. You bastard. You told me she would not be
hurt anymore than she already had.”
“I lied.” Michael knelt beside Cain where he held Faith in his
arms. He laid a hand on Faith’s head. She was bathed in light. Her
eyelids fluttered open.
“Cain.” She whispered.
“You’re okay baby girl. I’ve got you.”
Faith shuddered, closed her eyes, and spoke no more. Hot silent
tears ran down her cheeks as Cain stood with her in his arms.
Michael waved a hand and sent them all back to Cain’s Eden.
There was now only him and the mortal warrior in the empty lot. He
lifted Eric into his arms and began walking to Eric’s home. He felt
the shudder of the mortals' last breath. “It was not meant to be. Your

Heretic Faith

heart was never strong enough for her. She is the light and you carry
only darkness in your soul.”


F aith lay silent and unmoving in her bed. The sumptuously

decorated bedroom that Cain had taken the time to create
for her had become a prison. Her angels of mercy, angelic assassins,
hell bent on keeping her body alive and her mind intact. She had
been this way for weeks. Somewhere inside herself she listened to
the conversation taking place in hushed tones. The voices spoke with
growing urgency as the days passed. A part of her wanted to sit up
and scream. Wanted to assure them that she was listening. To tell
them that she was fighting. The other part of her had no fight left.
She was broken in half and knew until she could find the strength to
pull those halves back together she would continue to lay here,
nothing more than a broken doll.
She knew Cain, Lo, and Sully stood around the bed. “Tell him
to get his ass down here and fix her.”
Sully sighed. “I've tried every damn day since we laid her in this
bed. He will not answer. He has told you. He healed her body. He
cannot heal her soul. Her mind and her soul have been traumatized
as brutally as a body back in ancient times torn to shreds by lions in
the Coliseum. As much as it hurts us all, we will have to wait for her
to decide to heal. She will have to want it. Right now she doesn't.”
Sully stood silent. The cowboy hat that rarely left his head now
a shield for the pain etched on his face.
“Yeah, you just stand there saying nothing. Why don’t you take
a crack at Michael?”

Beth Hildenbrand

Sully’s head snapped up. His ice blue eyes sent a shot of freezing
cold through the room. There was frost hanging from his lashes from
fighting back tears.”As if I wouldn’t do anything to help her. It’s Lo
and I who feed her and bathe her because you cannot. Because we
can not bear witness to your pain if you even touch her.”
“Fuck!” Cain cursed his own weakness. “We could end this. All
we have to do is tell her.”
“You can’t. We all agreed. We don't know where. We’re not
even certain the child lives.”
“Isn’t some hope better than none at all. Isn’t it her right to know.
I saw it. Michael saved that baby.”
“And what if it isn’t human?” Lo demanded. “What if it is,
other? She would be right back in this bed.”
“And what if it’s a perfectly healthy human child? Who knows
what’s happening to it at the tender mercy of the Angels?”
Faith became restless, agitated. Sully went to her. He laid a hand
on her forehead and she settled down once again. “We’re upsetting
her. You had better hope she didn’t hear and understand you. Let’s
leave her to whatever peace she finds in her rest.”
Faith did hear. She also understood. Somewhere inside she knew
her child still lived. That was the half of her that continued to fight.
She had been allowing hurt and fear to keep her from the truth, from
her child. She knew she had a decision to make. With a trembling
arm she reached under the side of the mattress. The K Bar was where
she left it. Since the angels just blinked up clean sheets for her they
had never stumbled across it.
It was time to choose. She could end it, or she could fight.

Heretic Faith

Lucifer lounged on his throne. Michael was unaware of just how

much Lucifer had gained in this latest round.The grin on his face
was indescribable. Something made of joy and evil combined. To
his right, hanging from the wall was his newest acquisition. He had
never thought himself to be someone who appreciated performance
art, but this little beauty held him spellbound.
Tearzahn hung suspended by chains. The chains had been
spelled by Cyndahl and were unbreakable by natural or supernatural
means. Lucifer still held suspicions that Michael may yet come to
try and retrieve their turncoat brother.
Tear twisted and jerked in a vain attempt not to give Lucifer the
satisfaction of hearing him scream. Leaf green ants with pincers
twice the size of their bodies swarmed his body. Pinching and biting
from head to toe. They entered his nostrils, pinched at his now
bleeding amber eyes. The little bastards found their way into every
orifice of his body. Lucifer had shorn his beautiful red hair to allow
them easier access to his tender scalp. His mind had long ceased to
cry out to Michael for help. This was, he knew, only the beginning
of his torment. When at last he was used up he would be sent to the
Affa. Since he was one of Legion, his strength was endless, so even
that would be a long time coming. Now his world was nothing more
than a purple haze of pain.

Beth Hildenbrand

Cyndahl entered. She came to him and fell on her knees. She
wore a thong made of gold netting and nothing else. Under his
leather pants Lucifer could feel his cock harden at her voluptuous
display. “Rise.” He ordered chuckling over his own rise.
“Thank you my Prince.”
“So, B has returned you to your rooms. Are you pleased?”
“Thank you for your generosity.”
“You've earned it.” He smirked. “So you met your father. Was it
all that you expected?”
“He is a great man, if a little misguided.”
“I heard he rejected you.”
“Had he known the truth about me it would have been different.”
“Yet at the end he knew.”
“He was not given the time to consider the situation properly.”
“If that’s the way you see it, I will say no more. Now hop up on
Daddy’s lap.” He smiled seductively.

Heretic Faith

Eric stood at the foot of Faith’s bed. He was not surprised when
Michael appeared beside him.”I’m dead.”
“Why didn’t I go to Hell?”
“She believed in you. She loves you. In the end you proved your
love for her meant more than your hate of everything else. You
sacrificed yourself for her.”
“So what happens now?”
“That depends on you.”
“When the time comes you will be given a choice.”
“When, what choice?”
“You will know when it comes.” Michael answered, evasive as
Eric walked to the bedside. He got on the bed curling himself
around Faith. He thought he felt her relax into his embrace. “I have
so much to say but you’re so far away. Wake up Faith. Wake up and
find our baby.”

Beth Hildenbrand

Michael stood in a bedroom. It was decorated pink. The posters

and paraphernalia that had once adorned the space had been replaced
by scenes of Noah’s ark. A mobile of colorful animals spun in circles
playing tinkly music above a crib. The room had once been occupied
by the child’s mother. She had been happy here, if only briefly. It
seemed fitting for the babe to be here.
In a newly purchased white rocking chair, beside a window, the
baby was being rocked to sleep in the arms of a curious creature.
Michael smiled that his choice, made in desperation, had turned out
to be better than he could have dreamed. The Angel Philadelphia,
crazed and deadly, had proved to be a perfect foster parent.
Phil smiled as he sang songs of the Angels to the tiny bundle in
his arms. She cooed up at him, beautiful blue eyes looked upon the
center of her world with a focus such a tiny thing should still be
incapable of. A chubby hand slipped from the fuschia blanket,
reached out, and tangled itself in the snowy white beard of her
protector. Phil chuckled, at her curiosity. It was a match made in
Heaven, even if it was spawned from Hell.
“I know you watch Michael.” Phil spoke in a hushed tone, not
wanting to upset the baby.
Michael made himself visible. “She is a beautiful creature.”
“No creature. That word is for things like us. She is a beautiful
Michael bowed his head. “I’m sorry for the interruption. I
“You wanted to assure yourself of her safety. You have no fears
there my brother. I was made an Angel to guard and protect. I
fulfilled my duty as one of the Order of the Key. This is no duty.

Heretic Faith

This is done of my own choice. I will protect this girl with all that I
am. Lucifer and his minions will not touch a hair on her head.”
“I have no doubt about that, my brother.” Michael
The baby had fallen asleep. Her thin eyelids closed, her tiny
mouth sucking an imagined bottle, her hand still fisted in
Philadelphia's beard.
“May I ask, what name have you given her?”
Phil turned, taking his eyes off the baby, and looked at Michael.
“Charity. Her name is Charity.”


C ain sat in the darkness of the library self medicating with a

bottle of Black Jack. There were three more lined up on the
table beside him. Next to the whiskey lay Lucifer's book. Cain had
yet to read any more of the volume. There was already too much
going on in his mind.
His daughter lay like a corpse in the room above him. The
thought of Faith sent his anger into overdrive. The bottles on the
table began shaking. Then, of course, thoughts of Micah followed,
and the anger surged. His boy had snapped nearly as badly as his
girl. He was pulling double duty now. Archers was short a bartender
since they lost Tear, so Micah was covering the shift for Mom and
Pop. He was coming home bloody and bruised. Apparently bar
fights were his new way of letting off steam. Mom and Pop were
anxious to find a new bartender before Micah needed a reserved
room at the E.R.
Cain heard several loud thuds coming from the front of the
house. With all the damn people now under his roof he took it in
stride. Then he heard the sound of high heels clicking down the
hallway. Still he had no desire to get up and investigate, assuming
Micah or one of the Angels had company of the female persuasion.
Maybe he needed to go get laid. It would take the edge off for a bit
The sound of the library doors opening pissed him off. He turned
ready to lay into whatever female had lost her way and invaded his
privacy. What he saw pissed him off ever more. The Witch of Endor
stood framed in the doorway. She looked like an exotic bird.

Heretic Faith

Beautiful and untouchable. The smile on her face faded when she
looked Cain in the eyes. Before Ennie could speak Cain was behind
her with a hand wrapped around her throat.
“Nice of you to finally show up.” He snapped, leaving her mind
reeling at how he been able to materialize himself after all of these
“Better late than never.” She snapped into his mind.
“Tell that to the catatonic girl upstairs. We needed you. I should
kill you.” He growled, throwing her way from himself in disgust.
“As I told you. We had problems of our own to deal with.” She
wiped blood from her neck that his nails left from the grip he had on
her throat.
“More important than our daughter?”
“For the love of the moon Cain. You know how much Faith
means to me. Don’t you think I would have been here if I could?”
Cain disappeared and reappeared in front of Ennie. Her mouth
fell open in shock. Never before had she known Cain could do that.
“I’m not talking about Faith. I’m talking about Cyndahl. OUR
Ennie’s mouth opened and closed. She wasn’t prepared for him
to find out the truth. She had always hoped this day would never
come. Her biggest regret and heartbreak. She still carried the guilt
over not being able to save her child.
Cain grabbed her by the throat. “You never told me we had a
child.” He growled.
Ennie used magic to shove him backwards. “You would have
killed her. You know you would have.”

Beth Hildenbrand

“You’re right. I would have killed her as she took her first
“How can you feel that way about an innocent child?”
“That innocent child is Lucifer’s whore. She used Micah,
seduced me, and threw in with Adam. I would have expected nothing
less from one of my cursed bloodline.”
“Yes. That is what you brought into the world. That is what you
allowed her to become.”
“She deserved to have a chance at life. To be loved.”
“That worked out real well for the kid.”
“Fuck you.” Ennie snarled.
“You already did when you gave birth to my child. You fucked
us both.”
“I don’t have to listen to this.”
Before Cain could argue he was silenced by the cry of an infant.
Jami walked into the room with a tiny blue blanketed bundle in her
arms. She was different then before she left. She carried herself with
a confidence she didn’t have before. She had cut her ash blond hair
into a page boy style that flattered her pixie face. Cain thought she
had grown more beautiful. Still his heart was cold.
“Take yourselves and that brat and get the fuck out of my house.”
Cain ordered the two dumstruck women.
“Cain, you can’t mean that. I…” Jami was stopped by a look
from Ennie.
“Oh hell yes I mean it. Do you know what it would do to Faith
if she heard that baby?”

Heretic Faith

“We stopped by the bar on the way here. Mom and Pop told us
about Faith’s miscarriage.” Ennie answered.
“Bitch, you don’t know shit.” Cain shook his head, then his voice
raising with every word he repeated himself. “Get out of my house.”
Cain’s voice raised in anger brought Lo and Sully. “What the
Fu…” Sully began. Lo grabbed him by the arm and turned him
toward Ennie and Jami. “Oh shit.”
“You two work for me.” Cain reminded them. “Get them out of
“No.” Lo argued.
“You really want to tell me no?”
“Michael wants them here.” Lo countered.
“Of course he does.” Cain snorted, He scowled at Ennie. “I want
a spell now. If Faith hears that child I will throw you out on your
asses no matter what Michael says.”
“It will be done immediately.” En answered.
“Where’s Micah? Get his ass here now.” He ordered Lo.
Micah popped into the room. His anger overrode his sense of
self preservation. He drew his arm back and punched Lo in the jaw.
The Angel didn’t so much as blink. “I told you to stop this shit. The
next time you poof me somewhere I could be ready to shoot a load.
Give me the blue balls and I’ll slug you harder next time.”
“Say hello to your sister.” Lo growled. Micah looked in disbelief
and slowly pivoted to see his sister standing across the room. In an
instant the anger returned.
“Where the hell have you been?” He spat. “Your best friend was
nearly killed. I'm glad to see how much she matters. The rest of us

Beth Hildenbrand

were in danger too. That must not be important when you’re a jet
setting Witch.”
“Micah. If you would let me explain.” Jami pleaded.
“No need. I’ve got eyes. Looks like you got jammed up. When
you left you were in love with Cain. It appears you got over that
pretty damn quick.”
“Enough.” Sully shouted. “Either beat the shit out of eachother
or shut up. All this bitching is giving me a headache.”
“Micah. Put them on the third floor.” Cain demanded.
“That's your private suite. Where the hell are you going to stay?”
“The underground room. You can start taking my things down
“Since when do we have an underground room?”
“Since I built the house.” Cain walked toward Micah and the
Angels. When he reached the wall of bookshelves behind them he
removed a voluminous tome and pushed a button. The shelves
swung open displaying a set of lighted stairs. Everyone stared in
“What are you looking at? Get moving.” He pointed at Lo and
Sully. “You two can help him. Hurry up, would ya. This place is too
damn crowded. I want some privacy.”

Heretic Faith

Micah, Lo, and Sully left muttering about being servants. Ennie
followed close on their heels instructing them to take her and Jami’s
trunks up since they were going that way. Jami hung back.
Metaphorically pulling up her big girl pants she approached the
angry Immortal. “Can you please tell me what really happened to
“You mean Ennie didn’t see it in her crystal ball? The way she
kept popping in and out of my head I thought she knew everything
that was going on.”
“Something blocked her. That’s when we started making plans
to come home.”
“Too little too late.”
“We ran into some complications.”
“So I see. Sorry if I forgot the congratulations.”
She feared him. She never thought she would. Whatever had
happened had changed him. His eyes said it all. They had stayed
vibrant fire red since he first looked at her. “Faith?”
“Not now. It’s too long a story to tell. Suffice it to say, she was
brutalized by Adam and Lucifer.”
“The baby?” She asked, hugging the one in her arms closer to
her chest.
“It could have been Eric Donovan or Lucifer or both who planted
the baby in her. Michael took it. We have no idea where it is.”
“Christ.” Jami hissed.
“Not hardly.”

Beth Hildenbrand

Michael watched from the shadows. Trouble is coming.

Something worse than any of them could imagine was on it’s way.
It would take all of them to survive the evil about to surface. Michael
could only hope too many bridges had not been burned. If they didn’t
work together there would be no chance for the small ones to
survive. If they thought they had seen blood they were in for a shock.
More would be spilled. Heretic blood would be spilled. Michael
thought of the babies and started to sing through the laughter of the
song that popped into his head. “Who’s your daddy…”


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