Examen Inglés T6 FBP1 (12042021)

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Departamento de Inglés
Curso 2020/2021

Last name: First name:

Course: Date:

1. Complete the words to make correct sentences.

1. Ch ________ and m______ are dairy products.

2. F __________ and m__________ are protein foods.

3. Br ________ and p__________ are carbohydrate foods.

4. A __________ is a fruit.

5. Ch_______ is meat.

2. True or false? Correct the false ones.

a) Sardines are a kind of fruit 

b) Yoghurt is a dairy product 

c) Broccoli is a type of fish 

d) Bananas are a red or green vegetable 

e) Pasta and rice are types of carbohydrate 

3. Translate the following words into English:

Pollo: Pan: Pasta:

Queso: Zanahoria: Arroz:

Manzana: Leche: Tomates:

Fresa: Naranja: Atún:

4. Translate the following words into Spanish:

Meat: Fish: Weather:

Dairy: Food: Free time:

Vegetables: People: Work:

TEMA 6 – HOW WAS THE FOOD? Departamento de Inglés
Curso 2020/2021

5. Complete the text with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

Last week we were on holiday in Britain. I ________(1) with my family and my

friend Dylan. We _______(2) in London and we _________ (3) very happy. There
_________ (4) a lot of places to visit but there _________ (5) any festivals. The
weather _______ (6) very good, there ________ (7) some rain but it ______ (8) OK.
We want to go back again!

6. Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn’t, weren’t, some or any in positive (+),
negative (-) or interrogative (?)

1) There ______ ______ milk in the bottle. (-)

2) There ______ ______ tomatoes in the salad. (-)

3) There _______ ______ students in the classroom (+)

4) ________ there ________ chips with your chicken? (?)

5) There _______ _______ tourists in the town square. (+)

7. Complete the following sentences with was or were according to the subject.

a) John _____ at home last week.

b) They ______ at the cinema yesterday.
c) Your parents ______ at the station at nine o’clock.
d) Mary ______ in the street this morning.
e) My sister and my brother _______ in hospital yesterday afternoon.

8. Complete the following sentences with there was or there were.

a) ________________ a lot of people in the supermarket.

b) ________________ a lion in the zoo of Córdoba.
c) ________________ big houses in the city centre of Madrid?
d) ________________ any problems with the exam of Science.
e) ________________ any milk in the fridge.
f) ________________ a black cat on the green sofa.

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