Views On Smartphones Reading and Writing, Just To Get Vocabulary

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Views about the Usage of Smart Phones in

public places

Some people believe that the ubiquitous dissension about the Commented [CNMG1]: Ubiquitous means that
something is evident
usage of mobile phones in some public areas, such as in restaurants,
movie house, and local transportations should be halted. On the Commented [CNMG2]: Halted means stopped

other hand, others surmise that people should have the choice to Commented [CNMG3]: Surmise means believe

use their cell phones freely. Thus, there are few profound points to
consider with this argument.

The populace believes that the usage of high-end mobile Commented [CNMG4]: High end means Smart

phones is detrimental and horrid concerning safety. Gadgets,

particularly those expensive cellphones like Apple and Samsung
brand, are hot potatoes in the eyes of criminal offenders.
Subsequently, a wicked temptation may propel and may result in a
theft. Another is mobile phones are an impediment on face to face
interaction, especially during dinner or lunch, where the attention
should be focused more on those people who are physically present.
Lastly, in a movie house, cell phones are a disturbance to movie-
goers because obviously, the bright screen light of cellphones are
noticeable inside a dark cinema. Consequently, in these areas,
mobile phones should be banned.

Other people who dichotomize the other side of the argument, Commented [CNMG5]: Dichotomize means to divide
into two parts
believe that mobile gadgets should be allowed anywhere because no
one knows if someone is ringing due to an emergency or even a call
from their fastidious bosses who are following up for an unfinished
task. Nowadays, employees are still reading and responding to
emails during their off duties and missing one email may put their
work into a peril status. Thereby, availability is essential to maintain Commented [CNMG6]: Peril means serious and
immediate danger.
an excellent working performance. In addition, emergency calls, at
any time, should be attended.

Overall, cell phones are undeniably significant in this Commented [CNMG7]: Overall means In Conclusion

generation. In my opinion, mobile phones should not be banned in

public places because availability is nevertheless important,
particularly in emergency cases. Furthermore, the liberty in using
mobile gadgets anywhere should be maintained.

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