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1. Komodo 島

Komodo 島是很多特別的動物的家。最特別的是科莫多巨蜥。這個地方有很多科莫多巨蜥。
你們可以爬上 Ara 山。在山上有很多科莫多巨蜥。科莫多巨蜥很大,二到四公尺長。牠會
多巨蜥有毒,所以不可以跟牠一起玩。生理期(月經)的女生不可以看科莫多巨蜥, 因為科

Komodo dǎo shì hěnduō tèbié de dòngwù de jiā. Zuì tèbié de shì kē mò duō jù xī. Zhège dìfāng
yǒu hěnduō kē mò duō jù xī. Nǐmen kěyǐ pá shàng Ara shān. Zài shānshàng yǒu hěnduō kē mò
duō jù xī. Kē mò duō jù xī hěn dà, èr dào sì gōng chǐ zhǎng. Tā huì pǎo, pǎo dé hěn kuài. Wǒ de
guójiā bǎohù zhè zhǒng dòngwù. Nǐmen yě kěyǐ kàn bié de dòngwù hé hǎitān, dōu hěn
piàoliang. Kē mò duō jù xī yǒudú, suǒyǐ bù kěyǐ gēn tā yīqǐ wán. Shēnglǐ qī (yuèjīng) de
nǚshēng bù kěyǐ kàn kē mò duō jù xī, yīn wéi kē mò duō jù xī xiǎng nǐ shì kē mò duō jù xī de

Komodo Island is home to many special animals. The most special is the Komodo dragon. There
are many Komodo dragons in this place. You can climb the Ara Mountain. There are many
Komodo dragons on the mountain. The Komodo dragon is large, two to four meters long. It will
run and run very fast. My country protects this animal. You can also see other animals and
beaches, all very beautiful. The Komodo dragon is poisonous, so you can't play with it. Girls in
the menstrual period (menstruation) can't see the Komodo dragon, because the Komodo dragon
thinks you are the food of the Komodo dragon.

2. Karimun Jawa 島
Karimun Jawa 島是鯊魚繁殖的地方,有的是白鯊有的是黑鯊。你們可以安全的跟鯊魚一起
玳瑁龜 和 綠海龜。如果你從雅加達到 Karimun Jawa 島去,你能從雅加達坐飛機到三寶壟
去,從三寶壟坐公車到 Jepara 去,從 Jepara 坐船到 Karimun Jawa 島。你一共得用六個多
小時 (從雅加達到 Karimun Jawa 島去)。

Karimun Jawa dǎo shì shāyú fánzhí dì dìfāng, yǒudeshì bái shā yǒudeshì hēi shā. Nǐmen kěyǐ
ānquán de gēn shāyú yīqǐ yóuyǒng. Nǐmen yě kěyǐ qiánshuǐ kàn kàn shānhú, zhēn piàoliang. Zài
zhèlǐ yǒu sānbǎi duō zhǒng yú, qīshí duō zhǒng shānhú, bái hǎiyīng, dàimào guī hé lǜ hǎiguī.
Rúguǒ nǐ cóng yǎjiādá dào Karimun Jawa dǎo qù, nǐ néng cóng yǎjiādá zuò fēijī dào sānbǎo lǒng
qù, cóng sānbǎo lǒng zuò gōngchē dào Jepara qù, cóng Jepara zuò chuán dào Karimun Jawa dǎo.
Nǐ yīgòng dé yòng liù gè duō xiǎoshí (cóng yǎjiādá dào Karimun Jawa dǎo qù).

Karimun Jawa Island is where sharks breed. Some white sharks are black sharks. You can swim
with the shark safely. You can also dive to see the corals, so beautiful. There are more than 300
species of fish, more than 70 species of coral, white sea eagle, tortoise and green turtle. If you are
from Jakarta to Karimun Jawa Island, you can fly from Jakarta to Semarang, take a bus from
Jebel to Jepara, and take a boat from Jepara to Karimun Jawa Island. You have to spend more
than six hours (from Jakarta to Karimun Jawa Island).

3. Kelimutu 湖
Kelimutu 湖在山上。這個湖也叫三色湖。因爲有三個顏色,有的時候是紅色的,有的時候
這個湖沒有魚,不可以游泳,因為很深 也很危險。很多人在湖旁邊照好看的相片。

Kelimutu hú zài shānshàng. Zhège hú yě jiào sān sè hú. Yīnwèi yǒusān gè yánsè, yǒu de shíhòu
shì hóngsè de, yǒu de shíhòu shì lán sè de, yǒu de shíhòu shì báisè de. Yīnwèi zài hú lǐ de wēndù
hé kuàngwù chéngfèn bù yīyàng, suǒyǐ yánsè yě bù yīyàng. Zhège hú méiyǒu yú, bù kěyǐ
yóuyǒng, yīnwèi hěn shēn yě hěn wéixiǎn. Hěnduō rén zài hú pángbiān zhào hǎokàn de

Kelimutu Lake is in the mountains. This lake is also called Sanse Lake. Because there are three
colors, sometimes red, sometimes blue, and sometimes white. Because the temperature and
mineral composition in the lake are different, the color is different. There is no fish in this lake.
You can't swim because it is very deep and dangerous. Many people take photos of the lake next
to the lake.

4. 漂亮的衣服 (Batik)
Batik 是印尼的傳統衣服。這裡是原產地, Batik 有二十五種風格。, 最基本的 Batik 有十三種風格。如果

Batik 是手工做的 ,一公尺要一千多塊錢。如果 Batik 不是手工做的,一公尺只要三百多塊錢。我覺得有得

不太貴,有的很貴。好久好久以前 Batik 只做衣服, 可是現在做衣服,做包包,做手鐲, 做項鏈,做 錶

和做鼠標墊。好久好久以前 Batik 差不多咖啡色的,現在 Batik 有很多顔色。現在,結婚的人在印尼用


Batik shì yìnní de chuántǒng yīfú. Zhèlǐ shì yuán chǎndì, Batik yǒu èrshíwǔ zhǒng fēnggé., Zuì
jīběn de Batik yǒu shísān zhǒng fēnggé. Rúguǒ Batik shì shǒugōng zuò de, yī gōng chǐ yào
yīqiān duō kuài qián. Rúguǒ Batik bùshì shǒugōng zuò de, yī gōng chǐ zhǐyào sānbǎi duō kuài
qián. Wǒ juédé yǒu dé bù tài guì, yǒu de hěn guì. Hǎojiǔ hǎojiǔ yǐqián Batik zhǐ zuò yīfú, kěshì
xiànzài zuò yīfú, zuò bāo bāo, zuò shǒuzhuó, zuò xiàngliàn, zuò biǎo hé zuò shǔbiāo diàn.
Hǎojiǔ hǎojiǔ yǐqián Batik chàbùduō kāfēisè de, xiànzài Batik yǒu hěnduō yánsè. jiéhūn de rén
zài yìnní yòng Batik, hěn piàoliang.

Batik is a traditional Indonesian dress. Here is the origin, Batik has twenty-five styles. The most
basic Batik has thirteen styles. If Batik is made by hand, it costs more than a thousand dollars a
meter. If Batik is not made by hand, it costs only three hundred dollars for one meter. I think it is
not too expensive, and some are very expensive. Batik only made clothes for a long time, but
now I make clothes, make bags, make bracelets, make necklaces, make watches and make mouse
pads. For a long time, Batik was almost brown, and now Batik has a lot of colors. Now, married
people use Batik in Indonesia, which is very beautiful.

三個地方,也別忘了買一件 Batik 回家。明年我回了印尼,就要去那個地方。謝謝您。

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