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This topic is about the psychological and

theological understanding of guilt.
1. Moral and legal definition of guilt
In legal terms guilt means having been found to
have violated a criminal law.
1.1. What is Guilt
Guilt is the emotion we experiences when we feel
we have done something wrong.
1.2. Natural Guilt

Suppose you feel guilty about something immediate

and specific and putting a dent in the car your friend
lent you or lying to your boyfriend about where you
were last night. That’s what I call natural guilt.
1.3. Toxic Guilt
Toxic guilt is what happens when natural guilt
festers. It manifests as a nagging feeling of pervasive
but nonspecific badness, as if your whole life has
something wrong with it.
1.4. Existential Guilt

Your guilty feeling could also be social or political .recognize

the radical privilege of your life compared with the lives of
many others. I call this existential guilt.

The theology guilt is a willing and knowing violation of a

person's relation to God. Such guilt may generate guilt feelings
which may be an appropriate response to the perceived
2. 1Inward and Social Aspects

Theological guilt can be further seen as having both an

inward element and a social element. The inward
element has to do with the awareness an individual
has of personal wrongdoing.
2.2 Deed and State
Theological guilt, like sin itself, may be categorized as
either a deed or a state. As a deed it is equivalent to
what has traditionally been called actual sin.
2.3. Origin of Personal Guilt

It is in fact a realm of interpenetration to which

individuals contribute by their actions and in which
they receive in turn the impress of other persons'
activity both virtuous and sinful.
Guilt is a conditioned emotion. In other words, people
are conditioned (they learn) to feel guilty. Certain
factors may make it more likely a person experiences
chronic or excessive guilt. These factors might include
their culture, family, or religious upbringing.

The psychological effects of guilt can be beneficial

when they inspire a person to make changes in their
behavior. But at other times they can cause distress. It
may relate to a person’s childhood: When parents are
overly disapproving or withhold praise, children may
frequently feel guilty for what they see as their
3.2. A number of sources can contribute to guilt:

3.2.1 Family
A child generally learns about “right” and “wrong” from
family members, especially parents.
3.2.2 Culture
When a person’s culture holds that a certain behavior is wrong,
a person may feel guilty even if their own moral code tells them
there is nothing wrong with the behavior.
3.2.3. Religious Beliefs
Some religious traditions emphasize guilt more than
3.2.4. Society

Guilt can result from worrying what other people will

think about certain beliefs or behavior. In this way, society
can have a big impact on a person’s sense of guilt.
3.2.5.How can we use in the Pastoral ministry
The duty of pastor to take care the sheep of God.
Nursing: Nurturing is known in the historical
expression as “training new member in the
Christian life, or religious education. In modern
concept it is an ‘educational counseling’ and ‘care
through developmental crises.’ The ministry of
care is understood in terms of pastoral care in
general, pastoral counseling and pastoral
psychotherapy in particular situations.
How can overcome to guilt

When the person feel about his guilt which he is doing, when
he feel I have done wrong in the sight of society and God and it
will bring punishment for me then he will overcome from guilt.
Genesis 20:1-2:
It will useful or not
Guilt will bring punishment in our life and God going to judge
one day all nation, what we have done in our life (Revelation
20:11-15). So we must preach about guilt if we not preaching
the word of God about guilt it are our guilt. Because if we are
keeping guilt in our heart and we do not want to talk about
guilt it’s also sin. Therefore it’s very important for the spiritual
Pastoral ministry is an integral part of psychology or theology.
Theology alone cannot heal humans. Psychology is equally
Gods wisdom in making humans whole.

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