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Guayaquil University

Pilot School of Dentistry

Name: Gonzabay Pozo Karen Xiomara Course: 4-18
Teacher: Neffi Galán Date: 07/01/2022
Subject: English


Answer the questions based on the this video:
How many meals do the children get at school and which are they
They get 2 meals at school, and they are breakfast and lunch
How much money does the city spend for each meal (name the meal and the cost) without
considering labor cost?
0.9 cents for breakfast
1,5 for lunch
Is the amount of money the school gets enough?
It’s not enough
Is the food that the children’s get healthy?
Yes, it is. It matches the health regulations
Why do most of these children get free meals instead of bringing their own food from
Because their parents have little and some of them are poor
What are the children’s views on the food they get at school?
Sometimes the food good and other times is not.
What do the workers hear from the kids when they go to the cafeteria?
‘’I’m humgry’’, and ‘’Can I have more’’
What’s the backpack program about?
The children can have a snack bag for the weekend
What major difference do you see with the public meal program in USA and the public
meal program in Ecuador?
In Ecuador the public meal program sucks. They only give a box of milk and granola bars that
tastes horrible.Whereas in the USA they portions are so much bigger and they give two meals
instead of two

Modals of Possibility and Obligation Speaking Task. You have to meet with a
partner online either through What’s app, Zoom, Teams, etc. Talk to your
partner to work on the task below. You have to use modals of Possibility or


Watch the following video:

Based on the video, type the tips for a successful date

Your Rules Your partner’s rules

Example: You may use the microwave during Example: You must use your own mug to get
breaks water from the water fountain.

You may take up to 15 minutes for break You may use for your phone for texting

You must take a day off during the week You make arrive 10 minutes earlier to a meeting
but not earlier than that.

Exercise a few hours before your appointment, even if it's just a walk.

✓ Become a better listener ( Be present, ask questions)

✓ Pump up your self-esteem (Exercise, play your favorite music, make a list of 3 things you like
about yourself)
✓ Be yourself
Work in pairs:

My partner is Jamileth Cantos

Would you like to go for a walk to the park?

Yes, that would be wonderful

Would you like to go shopping at the city mall?

Thanks, that sounds great´

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