Wetlands: World's Liquid: Assets' Drying Up!

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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Disney responds to ➤ Imagine if you were a clock... ➤ Mané caps 3-1 win to
TODAY’S actor Peter Dinklage’s
concerns about ‘Snow
and everyone checked you out? send Senegal into FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2022

NIE reporter examines if one African Cup final
Newspaper in

White and The Seven would enjoy being an attention

Dwarfs’ remake seeker or be ticked off! PAGE 4 NEERAJ CHOPRA

TOP 4 NEWS Wetlands: World’s ‘Liquid

■ More than 19,500 animal and plant species depend on wetlands for survival
globally ■ Wetlands can hold pollutants such as heavy metals and phosphorous
■ Called the ‘kidneys’ of the planet, they are are excellent at absorbing flood
water and freeing it slowly into the ground ■ Asset in agricultural areas
amongst the world’s most economical-
ly valuable eco-systems and essential
regulators of the global climate, are dis-
appearing THREE TIMES FASTER THAN 2, 1971, marks
eeraj Chopra, India’s first-ever winner

FORESTS.This is the key finding of the the date of the
first-ever Global Wetland Outlook by the of an Olympic athletics gold medal,
Ramsar Convention, a global treaty rat- adoption of the has been nominated for the 2022
ified by 170 countries to protect wetlands Convention on Laureus World Breakthrough of the

he Olympic torch relay be- and promote their wise use.
gan its second day on
Badaling, Wetlands Year Award. He is one of the six nominees for the
the section WHAT ARE WETLANDS? Wetlands, often
Thursday atop the Great prestigious Award.
Wall, with Hong Kong actor Jack- of the wall known as ‘liquid assets’ are the most
With his second throw measuring 87.58 metres,
ie Chan and Chinese Olympic most often vis- crucial natural resources that help sta-
medallists among those taking bilise water supplies, cleanse polluted Chopra became the first Indian track and field athlete
ited by tourists, is 70
turns carrying the flame along
km northwest of cen-
waters, protect shorelines, and recharge to win an individual Olympic gold medal during the
a route shortened to three days groundwater aquifers. The degradation 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the other being Abhinav Bindra
due to Covid. Table tennis tral Beijing in the of wetlands is happening unabated
Olympic gold medallist Ma Long Yanqing district, near across the world, including in India. in air rifle in 2008. He is only the third Indian
and Wu Jingyu, a two-time gold the Olympics sliding athlete to be nomi-
medallist in taekwondo, were
and Alpine skiing ven- nated for a Laureus The Laureus
among those carrying the red-
ues. It was built WHAT IS THE MESSAGE Award, after wrestler World Sports
and-silver spiral torch along the
Badaling section of the Great around 1500 AD dur- WE NEED TO GIVE OUT? Vinesh Phogat in Award for
Wall. The Games will be held ing the Ming dynasty. The key message of ‘World Wetlands degradation and loss. India now has a 2019 and cricket Breakthrough of the
from Feb 4-20. Day’ is to call for stepping up invest- The Plantanal is network of 49 Ramsar sites covering an maestro Sachin Year is an annual award
ment of financial, human, and politi- the largest wetland area of 10,93,636 hectares, the highest
in South Asia.Two new Ramsar sites,
Tendulkar. The crick- honouring the achieve-
NEW GAMES? PUTIN-XI TIES? cal capital to save the wetlands from
disappearing and to restore those
in the world, extending Khijadiya wildlife sanctuary in Gujarat
and Bakhira wildlife sanctuary in
et icon won the
Laureus Sporting
ments of those individu-
als or teams who have
Russian President Vladimir we have degraded. The theme for across Brazil, Paraguay, Uttar Pradesh, were announced on the Moment Award 2000- made a breakthrough
Putin said Russia and China 2022 is ‘Wetlands Action for People and Bolivia. It covers occasion of World Wetlands Day at the
2020 that marked performance in the
play an “important stabilising and Nature’ 140,000 to 195,000 km Sultanpur National Park, recently.
world of sports. It was
the big moment dur-
role” in international politics first awarded in 2000 as
RAMSAR SITES are wetlands of
ing the 2011 ICC
ahead of a meeting this week HOW CONSCIOUS IS INDIA ABOUT IT: Union and and information for students. one of the seven con-
international importance as per World Cup, when his
with Xi Jinping in Beijing. Putin, Minister Bhupender Yadav launched Yadav stated that the government un- stituent awards present-
who is off to the Chinese capi- ‘Wetlands of India’ Portal, a single point der the leadership of Prime Minister UNESCO’s 1971 Convention on team carried him on
access to all information relating to wet- Narendra Modi is taking affirmative ac- their shoulders in a ed during the Laureus
tal to attend the Winter Olympics, said discussion of “rele- Wetlands held in Ramsar, Iran World Sports Awards.
vant international topics” will also happen.
lands. The portal also hosts capacity tion, involving communities and citi- lap of honour after
building material, data repository, videos zens, in halting and reversing wetlands India’s win.


Aussies say James Cook’s ship Worried about ‘paid Wordle’? Here’s a hack
afael Nadal said he is
still not satisfied with
his 21 Grand Slam
titles following his historic
was found, US says not so fast HOW TO SAVE WORDLE
ustralian maritime

triumph at the Australian
Open recently. The Spaniard experts said on  Go to www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle
could now make it 22 at the Thursday they believed  Right-click anywhere on the page or use the
French Open in June, where
he has been crowned cham-
they’ve found the wreck of one menu depending on your browser  Select
pion a record 13 times of the most important ships in ‘Save as web page’ Save it on the desktop
already. “I have no idea what the history of the South Pacific  An HTML file will be visible on the desktop
ver since the world woke up

number of Grand Slams I will have. Not long ago I would have after it was scuttled in the US
signed for just being able to play tennis again. I want to be
more than 200 years ago. But to the news of Wordle being  Clicking the HTML will open the game in your
the one with the most majors... I would love that, but I’m not
obsessed, absolutely not. Whatever comes is welcome and I archaeologists in the US quickly sold to NYT, gloom has been browser even if you are offline. ET
don’t think 21 is enough to be honest.” countered by saying the findings cast on fans who now worry that the
were premature and a breach of FOR ENDEAVOUR’S HISTORY LOG application may not be free anymore. Saving the game as HTML on
contract in their joint research. ON TO TOISTUDENT.COM Although creator of the game Josh
MSD FANS ARE IN FOR A TREAT! Wardle clarified in his statement that desktops will let users play it in
I am satisfied that this is the What we see on the shipwreck the game would remain free, some fans its original form
final resting place of one site under study is consis- seem not so convinced.
of the most impor- tent with what might
tant and contentious be expected of the
vessels in Australia’s mar- Endeavour. But, there has been
itime history, said Kevin no indisputable data found to prove
Sumption, the chief executive of the site is that iconic vessel, and
the Australian National Maritime there are many unanswered ques-
Museum. He gave further details tions that could overturn such an
that he said had convinced them it identification, said DK Abbass, the
was the Endeavour, including the executive director of the Rhode  HEALTH STUDENT EDITION
size of the timbers, that it was Island Marine Archaeology Project, Not all who snooze will lose, as a new study
The weekend started early for MS Dhoni fans after the first European-built, and the scuttling adding, “We will be filing a detailed has linked sleep-deprived teenagers with SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2022
Newspaper in

increased consumption of high


look of the much-anticipated new-age graphic novel, holes in the keel. investigation report”.
sugar/carb food  ETIQUETTE
‘Atharva-The Origin’, launched on Wednesday evening. How to reclaim your personal space –
 SPRING SPECIAL politely but perfectly and idea of
Come February and everything personal space in a digital world
Is veganism the key to a greener tomorrow? ‘springs’ to life. A reason
why we bring you a
PLUS: Learn to deal with nosy
people; Take our email
spring package to get etiquette quiz
wear off meat is a Why Veganism Is A choosing a way of life that animal flesh, milk and eggs may

you set for the season
popular New Year’s excludes animal-based products, be as harmful as smoking. FITNESS: This is the right  FILMS, BOOKS
resolution among Fave With Gen Z particularly food.  Another study found that season to start your 10 lessons to inspire you to
millennials and Gen Z.  Veganism, a  It is a philosophy that vehe- strict vegans have the lowest workout and we tell you the get financially wise
Modern-day generations are seemingly innocent mently opposes the use of ani- cancer rates, followed by vege- right kind of workouts PLUS: Best books
more aware of the conse- word has become mals as commodities. Perhaps, tarians who don’t eat meat but FOOD: Munch on the to teach your kids
quences of excessive meat an important tool in this is why celebrities like Lewis do consume animal-based prod- right and bright about money
consumption and are volun- the fight against Hamilton and Tom Ford are so ucts like eggs or milk. spring diets matters; Ten
tarily attempting to reduce degrading environ- adamantly in favour of a plant-  Leading organisations have FASHION & movies that teach
it. Today, ‘mock meat’, a mental conditions, based, eco-friendly diet. repeatedly stated that the meat TRENDS: A spring the value of money
and it has done so in  Veganism is also the key to industry is a major source of style and self-
sustainable lifestyle, and
empathy for all, is driving style. It is more than promoting good health. pollution, food scarcity and care guide  SPORTS
just a diet. It is about According to research, eating ocean depletion. TRIVIA: Quick facts about Virat Kohli’s
veganism forward
the season records as Captain
02 “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t
have to get old.”
George Burns

Why a non-event budget
should become the chief event
in India’s budgetary history
Explore diversity in vision and figure out how the same topic may be viewed
differently by different folks. This is a mirror to society and life Being Bored is
Snow White
Let’s talk about ‘late style’
Whether it be Jethro Tull, Federer, Beethoven, Zlatan, Tagore or DJ Sumirock, ‘not acting one’s age’ holds a
a Good Sign

PETER DINKLAGE'S CONCERNS strange fascination for most of us chained to the dogma of ‘timeliness’
ABOUT THE REMAKE all of 77 years old when she first

Sumiko Iwamura was all of started going to DJ school. She is ove me or hate me, but you cannot
77 years old when she
ABHIJT GUPTA first started going to DJ now DJ Sumirock, an 87-year-old ignore me. That pretty much sum-
school. She is now DJ
Sumirock, an 87-year-old restaurantowner in Tokyo by day marises the relationship between
restaurant owner in Tokyo and the world’s oldest DJ by night. millions of Indians with their Union
by day and the world’s
oldest DJ by night! Someone like DJ Sumirock also budget announced on the first day

wo days ago, Jethro Tull forces us to examine our notions of of February every year.
released its 22nd studio al- what Said calls ‘timeliness’. Much Budget time is when economists get a li-
bum, ‘Zealot Gene’, 55 of our lives are governed by ideas cence to pontificate. Corporate leaders are sum-
years after the band’s first of what is appropriate or fit for a moned to Delhi for their advice. Lobbyists have
album, ‘This Was’, in 1967. particular time in our lives. Come- a field day. The media chase their Black Fri-
During this time, the band members dy, Said reminds us, finds much of day moment. And senior North Block officials
who came and went would comfort- its material in untimely behaviour. are sequestered inside a basement for weeks.
ably make two football teams. But But untimely behaviour also holds
frontman Ian Anderson, who com- a fascination for us, and which we
Really? What will be different? bined in himself the functions of Over the last few years, we have con- an entirely new direction, again with find most vividly dramatised in the But does the average Indian care?
Disney’s planning to remake ‘Snow White lyricist, vocalist, flautist, acoustic stantly marvelled and fretted at mixed results. Rabindranath Tagore performing arts, among which I Apparently, not. As per Google Trends, the num-
and the Seven Dwarves’ as a live action guitarist and standing on one foot, Roger Federer’s late style and the breaking out into painting in his 60s count sports. ber of searches using the word ‘budget’ has
adaptation. But it’s already run into con- continues to soldier on, much to the magical beauty of his twilight years, would fall into the latter category, as Thus, our seemingly endless ap- been on a secular decline since 2004. The peak
troversy. delight or consternation of his fol- as he found new ways of making would Bertrand Rus- petite for actors and the ways in interest was in the case of the 2009-10 budget
Let me guess – no ethnic diversity in cast? lowers. Though Anderson’s voice is time and space to do his bidding. sell’s short stories which they negotiate the slipping announcement, coinciding with the global fi-
No, that’s not the problem. In fact, Dis- shot to pieces, he still plays a mean Perhaps, we might also stop to in his 70s. away of youth and its attendant nancial crisis. The interim budgets appear less
ney might even have been patting them- flute, and fans are fiercely divided consider the case of AC Milan strik- Though I sup- glamour. popular than full budgets. Current interest in
selves on the back for having cast a Lati- over whether the prog-rock band er Zlatan Ibrahimovic, only two pose both would pale Tull's latest album is their first the budget is nearly a third of what it was 15
na actor as Snow White. But they’ve run should go on or hang up their capes. months younger than Federer and into insignificance featuring original material since the years ago.
into trouble over the dwarves. still rampaging his way through Se- next to Sumiko Iwa- eminently forgettable J-Tull Dot Is this growing indifference a matter of
Ah! Valid point
Yup. Actor Peter Dinklage, famous for What’s Late Style? rie A like someone half his age. In
making these improbable runs, did
mura, who was Com of 1999. Nearly a quarter
of a century later, the ‘Zealot
concern? It depends. If it is because the budg-
et is increasingly devoid of
his role in ‘Game of Thrones’, and who Those sitting on the fence, such as they go against the grain, as Said Gene’ will no doubt rekindle policies, one would worry.
has a form of dwarfism, has termed it myself, have turned to thinking suggests? Or were they merely debates about timeli- If it is because the


“backwards” to tell the story of seven about what the critic Edward Said being efficient at marshalling ness and rock di- budget numbers are be-
dwarves living in a cave. He even ques- labelled ‘late style’ in a wonderful and managing their nosaurs not going coming less credible,
tioned whether he hadn’t been “loud book of the same name published in strengths? gently into the that would be equal-
enough” over raising the issue of dis- 2006. ‘On Late Style: Music and Lit- The question good night. But ly distressing. But
crimination. erature Against the Grain. In the becomes more there is also the none of these rea-
Is he completely against the project? book, he talks of the third period of complex in the other aspect of late sons seems to hold
No, he says that if it had been given a Beethoven, the composer as ‘a form realm of arts. style – that of being much water. If any-
genuinely progressive spin he would in of exile’, in which the ageing, deaf, Here, one could someone who mili- thing, budgets
fact have been “all in”. and isolated Beethoven created an approach late tated ferociously have become more
Were there remakes be- art which had risen into a sphere of style from two against his own time. transparent, acces-
fore this? ‘the entirely and utterly and noth- different direc- The writer is profes- sible and the un-
Yup, a decade ago, and ing… an ego painfully isolated in the tions. One could sor, Department of Eng- derlying numbers
that got into hot water, absolute’. For us lesser mortals, the continue doing what one had always lish, Jadavpur University, more reliable in re-
too. That version, called notion of late style seems to play out done with greater or lesser effi- Zlatan Ibrahimovic (left) Kolkata, and director cent years. The dis-
‘Snow White and the Hunts- most vividly in the realm of sports. ciency. Or one could break out into and Roger Federer SOURCE: ET EDIT interest in the
man’, got into trouble be- budget is a
cause actors of average positive devel-
height played the role of opment. Many impor-
dwarves, with their tant policies are being announced throughout
faces digitally the year, making policy declarations a peren-
transmuted on nial exercise.
to smaller bod- Nirmala Sitharaman launched the Union
ies. Budget mobile app in January 2020, ensuring
What’s Disney quick, easy and hassle-free access of the offi-
saying? cial budget documents for the general public.
Disney has Being a leader in e-government, India has the
responded technological prowess to involve its citizens
saying they in the budget preparation process. It is time
are taking “a to embrace e-participatory budgeting in a big
different ap- way across all forms of government. Blink
proach” to avoid and Miss It In the past, Indians had shown
reinforcing strong interest in the budget, but for the wrong
stereotypes and reasons. They had to pay attention because of
have been con- the fear of missing out (FOMO). Thankfully,
sulting with as policy changes have become more peren-
members of nial, predictable and participatory, Indians
the dwarfism are overcoming their FOMO. This is a wel-
community. come development. A non-event budget should
Smart. Here’s become the most important event in India’s
hoping they Actor Peter Dinklage budgetary history.
stick to that. The writer is director and chief executive,
Indian Council for Research on International
SOURCE: ET EDIT Economic Relations (ICRIER)


Hey, Mr Tambourine
Man, You Sold Out…
Brash, unnecessarily aggressive, and bullying, King Kohli stepping down as India’s most successful captain
he last time Bob Dylan was
called a ‘Judas’ was when he In our
switched from being a folk mu-
sic singer-songwriter and ‘went
means him inhabiting a new reality as simply a (star) player now weekly column
electric’. No one has yet called him an Is-
cariot yet, but the fact that the Literature the easier — and more alluring —
on words that
Nobel laureate, musical icon, and icono- SOUMYA option in life. It is much harder to help us build
clast has sold all his recorded catalogue practise restraint and cultivate dig-
as well as future music to Sony Music
BHATTACHARYA nity and poise. And now, suddenly better conversational
may have left many babyboomers — who (or, perhaps, not as suddenly as out- skills and develop
rely on their babyboomy radical chic on siders would imagine), Kohli is no
opinions, this week, we

their appraisal of Dylan’s purported anti- n April 2021, I had written longer captain in any format of the
establishment street cred — sighing ‘Sell- in this column about how, game. He resigned from the T20 cap- focus on the phrase
out’. Dylan, never into votebanking or over the years, I had become taincy in October 2021 (and said, with
crowdsourcing, has done what any smart an Indian cricket fan and not characteristic arrogance and enti- ‘school of thought’.
necessarily an India cricket fan. Vi- tlement, that he would like to con-
rat Kohli becoming India’s Test cap- tinue leading India in the other for-
tain, and then captain across all for- mats). The selectors, of the opinion What does it mean?

mats, had made my transformation that the team should have only white- o put it simply, a school
complete. And I know it is not just ball captain, removed him from the
me. I found repugnant Kohli’s stag- ODI captaincy. of thought is the per-
gering sense of entitlement, his con- Finally, after losing the Test series spective of a group of
Kohli, having flown so close to the sun for so long, has now, Icarus-like, wings
viction that he could get away with 1-2 to South Africa (a series in which
scorched, crash landed on earth. He now inhabits a new reality people who share com-
anything (he frequently did), his bul- India had been overwhelming
mon characteristics of opinion
lying of umpires, his disrespectful favourites to win), Kohli
conduct towards stepped down from the dia’s downfall in the series. Not that A monumental batting record may or outlook of a philosophy, dis-
human with great talent would do if giv- opposition play- Test captaincy. Fittingly, India needed any help in that regard well be his true legacy to Indian cipline, belief, social move-
en the opportunity: maximise profit and ers, his chest- the enduring image of in this particular series. Kohli, hav- cricket. Kohli is India’s most suc- ment, economics, cultural movement, or
reach. Especially with a lifetime of an thumping, eye Kohli’s final outing as ing flown so close to the sun for so cessful captain. His record— despite
oeuvre behind him, the Sony deal — ru- pop- ping, re- India captain will long, has now, Icarus-like, wings the huge blot of lack of success in art movement.
moured to be between $150-200 million — pulsive body remain the grace- scorched, crash landed on earth. He ICC tournaments — speaks for itself. How do we use it in sentences?
is nobody’s business but his. language, and less, misguided now inhabits a new reality. For years, Yet, he leaves behind a team with a For example: “The prevailing school of
The trouble with bhakts is that they his smugness and outburst over the he was the sole, unquestioned pow- brittle, underperforming middle or-
invest their heroes with qualities their arrogance. As India stump micro- er centre of Indian cricket. No one der; a vaunted pace attack that, as thought is that such a downturn in the
objects of veneration don’t possess or cricket captain, he was phone, berating dared touch him. Now, the cloak of we saw recently in South Africa, economy is a natural reaction to a period
want. Dylan’s appearance in a lingerie ad the worst possible am- the South Africa invincibility has slipped. Kohli could runs out of ideas against obdurate of sustained growth.” Or, “The newest
or creating a very un-Dylanesque Christ- bassador our country broadcasters for brush aside administrators, the batters; one of the world’s greatest
mas album in 2009 — Christmas in the could have had. Also — and having a part in coach, the board, and players. Now, spinners who is not an automatic se-
school of thought on parenting insists
Heart — put paid to the notion of an artist this is just as important — he I n - he is simply a player. Perhaps India's lection; and a band of men who are that we should not punish our children
having to do things at the bidding of his was a superhero and role model biggest star player, but still merely so convinced of their right to win for anything they do wrong, lest we harm
or her admirers. The freedom Dylan em- to millions of young Indian cricket a player. It will take quite some get- matches that they remain in denial their delicate little feelings.”
bodies in his songs also applies to his mak- fans and aspiring players. To them, ting used to. For his sake, and when they don’t.
ing a pile by selling his songs to Big Cor- it seemed as though snarling and for the sake of Indian The writer is author of ‘After Ten- Words closest to school of thought
poration. It’s also a canny move, consid- swearing were the epitome of cricket, one hopes that the dulkar: The New Stars of Indian Perspective, viewpoint, doctrine,
ering these streaming times are the best cricketing conduct. After all, floodgate of runs opens Cricket’
to sell and get out of the music industry. riding roughshod is again. SOURCE: ET EDIT

It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
From once to now W
ith tentative curiosity, Sindhi
Model Senior Secondary
School students entered the
SCHOOL The school held a special assembly
to welcome the children. The prayer
song accelerated the whole atmosphere.
With extraordinary history
Of my beautiful country,
Here, our dreams behold
premises on the morning of 2nd Feb-
ruary 2022, with much hope and aspi-
ration to revive again after long and gru-
elling years of online schooling.
REOPENED The Principal, Smt. Victoria. D ad-
dressed the students and motivated
them for a happy prosperous year
ahead. She expressed her joy
After a long period of antici- as she welcomed back students
When our history unfold’.
pation and planning the school, to the school post the lockdown.
Once when they studied guided by the Managing Com- The students of the Nursery
In a ground that muddied. mittee, opened its doors to wel- and Primary sections had ori-
come back its students. The stu- entation sessions to help them
Now the juniors they tutor; dents received a hearty reception adapt to this new change in
That they call the future. which set the tone for the day of their learning careers.
learning. Students were wel- We are happy to report
One can become educated, comed back with great fanfare. A that the school has a near-per-
History made us better fated; personalised “Welcome-back” fect attendance percentage.
card was handed to each student. We also received positive feed-
We can all go to developed school The staff was vigilant in their du- back from the parents con-
Work hard and become a Jewel. ties of guiding and aiding stu- gratulating the school for its
dents as they made their way into efforts in making the students
Never has our knowledge failed scholars, the school. The staff diligently comfortable in their class-
Skills learnt are more than pounds, followed all Government SOP’s, rooms and guiding the stu-
ensured students maintained so- dents through this crucial face
rupees and dollars. cial distance and adorned masks of adaptation. Students’ so-
With extraordinary history and directed students to their re- through the gates, they saw encourag- journ of online classes was
spective classes in an organised man- ing banners and signs all over the long but temporary and the school has
Of my beautiful country. ner. The school Brass-band played a ju- school premises, encouraging students various measures in place to help stu-
UDISHA MLISHRA, Class XA, bilant tune to announce the reopening on the path of assimilating to the new dents fully acclimatize with regular
The Hindu Senior Secondar School,
of the school. As students walked change in their learning environment. schooling.


xperience is the teacher of concepts. They do have to use various ot every individual Living your life to the
can have a beautiful fullest is a process that will
all things. Here’s an interesting strategies that would interest our life in which he/she take you your whole life to
anecdote that gave me an learning. Listening to her, I felt off- can live successfully. Living develop. Don’t get frustrat-
insight. Each and every one in our colour and I almost cried. If I were in your life can bring good and ed if it takes you a while to
class were laughing their heads off her place, I would’ve hopped mad and bad regrets, but by the choice learn some things, or if you
and jumping on joy that day when we shouted from the rooftops. But our we make can bring happiness, experience setbacks. This
and a meaningful life. Every- is a natural part of life.
went to school after lockdown. teacher never lost her cool! Don’t you one's life is different. Some Lear n mindfulness.
When I heard our teacher’s voice, I think a teacher is also one of the war- people have a lot of problems Learning mindfulness can
couldn’t control my inner excitement. riors during this hard time? I believe in life, while others do not. help you live your life to
Then came the English period. I was so. If I hadn’t faced this situation, I Those who have never faced the fullest by keeping your
adversity in their lives have focus on what is happen-
pretty much on the edge of my seat in efforts put into e-learning. And then, I wouldn’t have known or understood
one perspective on life. Those ing in the present mo-
the class as I usually do. Since our understood that every teacher has what was happening behind the that struggle in life have a dif- ment. Mindfulness is root-
exams were nearing, our teacher been spending hours and hours of screens. I am reminded of the quote, ferent perspective. ed in Buddhist traditions
excogitate to give us a revision on the preparatory work in order to present “A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, But let us now see how to live life think on the bright side of any deci- and avoids judgment of your expe-
vocabulary. It was all fine until my us the learning materials in an inter- and touches a heart” which is certainly happily. Here are some tips for living sion you will make and the rest will riences; instead, it encourages you
a more satisfying life: come out positively. to accept them just as they are.
classmate couldn’t answer. So, she esting way. She also taught us how true. Let’s appreciate our teachers for
Always live each day as if it were Try to understand the feel-
appealed to him to show things work during their endeavouring your last. Enjoy every moment of ings of others and don’t hurt L - live the way you want.
the written work done online classes. In spirits in making your life and have everything you them by trying to comment neg-
I - improve yourself daily.
during the virtual classes. order to shed this e-learning a true wish. Let the past nor the future not atively or judge them from what
mingle with the present. Don’t live they do. In that way, they will F - flourish like a plant.
It turned out that it was monotony, teach- triumph.
a life full of regrets. Life is too love and give their trust to you E - eradicate negative
incomplete. So, our ers have to be cre- SR. PRITHIKA,
Grade 8h, Lalaji
short so you must make for they know that they can rely thoughts from your mind.
teacher gently ative while pre- Memorial Omega, the most out of it. Al- on you. V. VARSHNA,
explained the senting the International School ways be optimistic. There Recognize that life is a jour- Class 8 Sapphire,

should be no room for neg- ney, not a destination. This say- Shree Niketan Patasala,
ative thoughts. Always ing is a cliché, but it’s also true. Mannivakkam, Chennai

PEN Purely
Goof-ups never bid an adieu Everything Matters Infancy
he one with Covid-19 will know the er before Socks, the curd {Which I actual-

an you hear me?” chatbox, and amidst this value of being normal rather than ly hate}, Charred Onions of Upma, and Can claim thousands,
I know eyes disaster, ma’am asked positive. The one with the backdoor things which I never thought were Even But the salad days
would suffice to me who that kid was. I, trot will know the value of a Toilet. The part Of my Life or at least home.
being spent by us,
one who is dead might very well know the I never thought SMELL was that im-
read these lines (good with a ‘Why, God, why?’ value of life. Likewise, after experiencing portant.To be descriptive, Life became Is truly unforgettable and
gracious!) and it is bizarre face, said, “Well, it was Anosmia I got to the conclusion that even Colourless Exactly Like A Black and white could merely be told in words.
to avoid this catchphrase Shin-Chan!” Within a the "Doesn't really matter" things do real- Film Where You can just see How Nice or Making mistakes and
to describe online class- minute or two, my phone ly matter. For the ones who are wondering Bad Things are but never Experience its being unconditionally loved
es. Years rolled by but buzzed with a blurred what Anosmia is, it’s one of the major Actual Colours .So this Brief Apathetic Are memories that
symptoms of Covid-19. It is a process by Pathetical story Of mine was to just are is deeply carved
‘goof-ups’ never bid an photo of that which something goes wrong with your say that a Very Normal thing is also
adieu. Thanks to the pan- munchkin’s face with a nose and ends up with the trouble of LOSS Important and occupies a very valuable
In the hearts of all
demic, a few of our embar- caption reading, “You OF SMELL. For those 6 months, I realized place in life. Whoever recalls.
rassing moments turned out should have given me those what hell was. The taste of food is a mix- Nowadays In this Situation of the pan- As a matter of fact,
to be funny as well. Nothing is going breath, I walked up to my room earbuds!” Ah, a text from a kid who ture of what your tongue experi- demic; A “Normal” mundane day Childhood is the only act,
upstairs, leaving her with her a bowl hardly knows how to spell. ences and how your nasal passage back in 2019s is what we really want Which stands by itself
to stop my little cousin from binge- from inside Smells it on to experience again but we
of nachos and a TV remote. The only Devoid of any narration.
watching her favourite cartoon: the Maybe a few letters of the your mouth. also regret that we com-
rule was to watch it with low vol- In this course of our lives,
one with a weirdly shaped face, alphabet are omitted this year for Both of these plained about the Value
ume and yes, rules are made to be are equally impor- of what you have got till We all face various strives,
shrill voice, whatever. I could antici- learning. I could not imagine how
broken. With my wireless earbuds tant. When the it's Gone" Don't you But, when our childhood days
pate her routine of raising a ruckus- destined I am to see a few m-o-r-e. come to our mind,
on, I unmuted and… Nose Shuts off. think it's time to Cher-
fight terribly for a telly Poor internet con- God forbid! Even ish Each second of We mellow down the temper
remote; if unsuccessful, tada! All those nections. the Most aromatic Mughal your Life? Because you never know; and become blind.
talk to Google Nest that souls in the Reconnecting… Biriyani would taste like Hay. when, what you have will be-
And that’s the power of
hardly understands her, meeting burst SANJUDA And what’s more? This is not come Had.
childhood days,
and she keeps on shout- out laughing, SUBRAMANIYAN, just about food, aroma, and
Class XII taste. I even started missing Which is equipped
ing till it gets her. typing random RD International School, the Garbage foul smell, the with a talent to make
Cursing under my thoughts in the Erode rotting smell of the Pigeons' us amaze.
nest which dwells adjacent to S. NEHA, SWATHI K S,
my Balcony and all other Source XI-B, The Hindu Class XI ,
Senior Sec. School,
of Odour like The washed nev- National Model Senior
Indira Nagar, Adyar Secondary School

A CLOCK the problems chasing me in real life but at least I’d have
the ability to avoid them! Life would be so much easier as
I would have a sole purpose, a goal set out for me unlike

wall clock is something
that all of us have it decorates the in my daily life where I am almost always prioritising and
wall at the same time gives the present
time. An inch of time is gold but you can’t buy that of time with an
A BUTTERFLY figuring out my aims and objectives. After all, a thing of
beauty is joy forever!!
inch of gold. If I were a clock, not an ordinary one but unique big ben the “Butterflies are not called butterflies overnight.
They have to undergo tons of changes
needles, and the numbers would all be of platinum and on the flat sur- in order to acquire that name.”
face red. Aha! I would look so charming and attractive, standing

very beautiful natural scene has some classic
upright in the middle of a high and longwall just amazing. Everybody will descriptions – colourful flowers, blue skies, snowy
notice me often to check the time. Everyone would depend upon me mountains, babbling rivers and fluttering butterflies.
for being punctual at his/her appointed time of work. This would make If I were a butterfly I would be free to explore the bounti-
me feel very important, and thus inspire me to work efficiently. It would ful nature. I would move from flower to flower and taste
be a very beautiful and famous invention. If I were a clock I would be sweet nectar with no restrictions unlike the ones I have
representing the hour hand as peace, minute hand as love, second- with the chocolates at home. I would be the cynosure of
hand loyalty and the numbers as all the humans in the world. Time is all eyes, drawing attention and admiration from every
like a river you cannot touch the same water twice because the flow passer-by; this would be quite reassuring as compared to
that has passed will never pass again. Every day is a bank account, and time all the critiques I receive in my everyday human life. I
is currency. No one is rich no one poor; we have got 24 hours for would fly around with agility from the frantically chasing
everybody. Enjoy each and every second of life. Don’t just nets running behind me which would be quite similar to
watch the clock do what it does; keep going.
SNS Academy, Coimbatore AARNA BHATIA, Class 7A, The PSBB Millennium School OMR, Chennai
Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.
Marv Levy, American football player

Mané caps 3-1 win to send Senegal into African Cup final

adio Mané set up one goal
and scored the last one him-
self as Senegal beat Burki- Mané has done his part in setting up a meet-
na Faso 3-1 to reach its sec- ing in the final between two of African soc-
ond successive African Cup cer’s superstars. Now it’s over to Liverpool
of Nations final. Now, Sene- teammate Mohamed Salah of Egypt. Sene-
gal hopes to finally win a ti- gal has for years carried the unwanted la-
tle. Mané scored on a break- bel of being the best team in Africa to nev-
away in the 87th minute to seal the win at er win the Cup of Nations. It lost the final
Ahmadou Ahidjo Stadium in Yaounde af- in 2002 and at the last tournament in 2019.
ter Senegal went 2-0 up and then saw Burk- Mané, coach Aliou Cisse and others from
ina Faso pull a goal back with eight min- the losing effort three years ago in Egypt now
utes to go. Senegal will play for the African have a chance to put it right straight away.
title against either Egypt or tournament Burkina Faso starting goalkeeper Hervé Kof-
host Cameroon, who meet in the second fi was taken off on a stretcher in the first
semi-final on Thursday. The Senegal-Burk- half after racing off his line to punch a ball
ina Faso semi burst into life at the end of clear and crashing into Senegal’s Cheikhou
the game, with all four goals coming in the Kouyaté, who then landed with his full weight
last 20 minutes. on top of Koffi. Mané tested new goalkeeper
Ouédraogo with a blistering shot that he man-

OVERHEAD KICK aged to beat away.

Defender Abdou Diallo pounced at a corner


Photo: AP
to give Senegal the lead in the 70th after fel-
Idrissa Gana Gueye
low center back Kalidou Koulibaly sent the Senegal was also awarded a penalty late in
ball toward goal with an overhead kick. the first half for handball against Edmond semi-final pits the two most successful
Bamba Dieng made it 2-0 in the 76th when Tapsoba, who was celebrating his teams in African Cup history against each
Mané cleverly robbed a Burkina Faso de- 23rd birthday. His present was other. Egypt has a record seven titles and
fender of possession on the byline and put seeing referee Bamlak Tesse- Cameroon five, and the game is a repeat of
a cross on a plate for Dieng, who only just ma Weyesa of Ethiopia check the 2017 final, which was won by Cameroon
got the touch ahead of teammate Idrissa VAR and then rescind the and gave Salah maybe his bitterest disap-
Gueye. Blati Touré briefly gave Burkina penalty, as well as the yellow pointment in an Egypt shirt. AP
Faso hope when he forced a cross in with card he gave to Tapsoba. Sene-
his knee in the 82nd. gal finally broke through

Senegal’s Sadio Mane in action

when Diallo reacted IT WILL BE ‘A WAR’
during the African Cup of COUNTERATTACK quickly to score from
close range, sending a ■ As if that wasn’t enough, it has added spice
Nations 2022 semi-final soccer BY MANÉ bunch of Senegal sub-
stitutes onto the field to
after the Cameroon soccer federation released a
match between Burkina Faso and But Mané snapped up a chance on a celebrate with him. video of federation president and former
counterattack as he sped clear of the While Senegal has an- Barcelona striker Samuel Eto’o telling his players
Senegal at the Ahmadou Ahidjo Burkinabe defense and chipped the other chance at that
stadium in Yaounde, Cameroon ball over goalkeeper Farid Oué- elusive title, it will be “a war.”
draogo. Mané spun away casu- Burkina Faso
ally after scoring and jogged
onto the running
has now lost a
final and two
track surrounding semifinals in ■ Egypt coach Carlos Queiroz was unhappy with that
the field, where the last five
Photo: AP

he was mobbed African Cups. choice of language, especially as it’s the first game
by teammates. Thursday’s second back at the Olembe Stadium in Yaounde since the
tragic crush that left eight fans dead, including two
Photo: REUTERS Abdou Diallo children, at Cameroon’s round-of-16 game last week.

Seven members test positive for Covid-19 before beginning of series against West Indies Mayank

he Board of Control for Cricket to Ahmedabad and the travel was under- Meanwhile, batsman Ruturaj Gaikwad, oger Federer and
in India (BCCI) on Wednesday taken only after testing negative,” it added. who had tested negative during the first Rafael Nadal both say
added batter Mayank Agarwal to The statement further said that the round of testing on Monday, has returned they will play in the
India’s ODI squad after seven opening batsman Shikhar Dhawan and fast a positive result during a RT-PCR test con- next edition of the Laver Cup.
members, including four players bowler Navdeep Saini’s (standby player) RT- ducted on Tuesday. Federer, who has been side-
-- Shreyas Iyer, Shikhar Dhawan, Ruturaj PCR tests conducted on Monday have re- Shreyas Iyer and Sports Massage Ther- lined since July because of
Gaikwad and Navdeep Saini -- tested posi- turned positive results. On the other hand, apist Rajeev Kumar’s RT-PCR tests con- an injured knee, and Nadal,
tive for Covid-19, ahead of the beginning of fielding Coach T Dilip and Security Liaison ducted on Wednesday have returned posi- fresh off earning his men’s-
the series against West Indies. Officer B Lokesh’s RT-PCR tests conducted tive results. Both had tested negative in the record 21st Grand Slam title
The members of the India squad were on Monday have returned positive results. first two rounds of testing. at the Australian Open,
asked to report in Ahmedabad on January The BCCI Medical team is handling the said in a statement Thurs-
31 for the series against the West Indies.
They were also asked to undergo an RT-PCR
INDIA’S CURRENT SQUAD positive cases and the members will remain
in isolation till complete recovery is at-
day they will repre-
sent Team Europe
test at home before travelling to Ahmed- tained. in London on
abad. “The All-India Senior Selection Com-
Rohit Sharma (Captain), KL Rahul Notably, the Indian team has a large con- Sept. 23-25. They teamed up to win
mittee has added Mayank Agarwal to In- (Vice-captain), Ruturaj Gaikwad, tingent (of about 26 members, including net “I’m really a doubles match dur-
dia’s ODI squad after seven members, in- Shikhar Dhawan, Virat Kohli, bowlers) and so there seems to be no im- looking forward ing the first Laver Cup
cluding three players of Team India (Senior minent threat to the series overall. to getting back in 2017.
Men) tested positive for COVID-19 follow- Suryakumar Yadav, Shreyas Iyer, The West Indies team, which reached into competition “If we’re able to pos-
ing three rounds of RT-PCR testing,” the Deepak Hooda, Rishabh Pant (wick- Ahmedabad on Wednesday morning, is also later this year and the sibly share the court one
BCCI said in a statement. put up in the same hotel as India, and so are Laver Cup is very much part more time as a doubles pair-
“The members were asked to report in et-keeper), Deepak Chahar, Shardul the match officials. of my plan,” said Federer, ing, then this would be a tru-
Ahmedabad on 31st January 2022 for the up- Thakur, Yuzvendra Chahal, Kuldeep Teams are scheduled to play the first of whose management compa- ly special experience for us
coming Paytm three-match ODI and T20I se- three ODIs at the Narendra Modi Stadium ny founded the competition. both at this stage in our ca-
ries against the West Indies. Every member
Yadav, Washington Sundar, Ravi on February 6. The ODI leg will be followed Federer said Nadal mes- reers,” Nadal said.
was also asked to undergo an RT-PCR test Bishnoi, Mohd. Siraj, Prasidh Krishna, by three T20Is, which are scheduled to take saged him last year suggest- This will be the fifth
at home before embarking on their journey place at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata. IANS ing they play doubles togeth- Laver Cup. Neither Federer
Avesh Khan, Mayank Agarwal er again in the Laver Cup. nor Nadal took part in 2021. AP

Which sport is Krishna c) Football Rafael Nadal won his a) Russia
a) Football
Poonia associated with? d) Cricket Q6: second Australian Open
trophy in 2022. Whom did he
b) China
c) India
Which city will host 2022 b) Hockey Pullela defeat in the final? d) Japan
Q1: Commonwealth Games? c) Chess
d) Discus throw
a) Novak Djokovic
What was Pelé’s
a) Birmingham, England
b) Gold Coast, Australia
In 1924, the first winter
b) Daniil Medvedev
c) Roger Federer Q9: nickname?
c) Glasgow, Scotland
d) Victoria, Canada
a) Italy
Olympics was held in_____
d) Andre Agassi a) The GOAT
b) The Hand of God
When did Viswanathan c) Black Pearl

With which sport is Agha

b) France
c) Austria
Q7: Anand first become a d) Goal Machine

a) Golf
Khan Cup associated?
d) Canada grandmaster?
a) 1999 b) 1988 c) 2002 d) 2005
ANSWERS: 1. a Birmingham, England,
2. c Hockey, 3. d Discus throw,
Pullela Gopichand is a
b) Football
c) Hockey
a) Hockey
_______ coach.
Q8: Which nation has been
most successful in AIBA
4. b France, 5. b Badminton,
6. b Daniil Medvedev, 7. b 1988,
8. a Russia, 9. c Black Pearl
d) Badminton b) Badminton Women’s World Boxing C’ship?
Photo: TOI

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