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TOPIC: Sample Descriptive Statics

1. The difference between the true value and the measured value is _________
a. Common error
b. Strong error
c. Absolute error
d. Relative error
2. According to statistics the measurements should be recorded as __________ to the true
a. Farther
b. Nearest
c. Actual number
d. None of the above
3. The _______________ is half a unit each side of the unit of measure.
a. Degree of freedom
b. Degree of accuracy
c. Degree of accountability
d. Degree of measurement
4. Finding the ratio of absolute error within the true value (absolute error/true error) is called
a. Common error
b. Multiple error
c. Relative error
d. Absolute error
5. The last significant digit is increased by 1, if the first digit of the remainder to be dropped
a. 5 or more than 5
b. 4 or less than 4
c. 3 to 4
d. 7 or above
6. All of the following are significant digits except
a. Zeros following a decimal point and conclude a number
b. Non-zero digits
c. Zeros following a decimal point but do not conclude a number
d. Trailing zeros to the right of the decimals
7. For a number in scientific notation: N x 10x, all digits comprising N ARE __________
a. Non-significant
b. Significant
c. Efficient numbers
d. None of the above
8. Primary data can be collected from all of the following sources except
a. Personal direct investigation
b. Indirect investigation
c. Questionnaire
d. Publications or newspapers
9. In statistics __________ refers to the process by which one makes inferences about a
population, based on information obtained from a sample.
a. estimation 
b. approximation
c. presentation of data
d. none of the above
10. Which one of the following variables is not categorical?

A.the age of a person.

B. Gender of a person: male or female.
C. Choice on a test item: true or false.
D. Marital status of a person (single, married, divorced, other)
11. A list of 5 pulse rates is: 70, 64, 80, 74, 92. What is the median for this list?
A. 74 C. 77
B. 76 D. 80
12. Which of the following would indicate that a dataset is not bell-shaped?
A. The range is equal to 5 standard deviations.
B. The range is larger than the interquartile range.
C. smaller than the median The mean is much.
D. There are no outliers.
13. The stages of a malignant disease (cancer) is recorded using the symbols 0, I, II, III, IV. We
say that the scale used is:
A. Alphanumeric C. Ordinal
B. Numerical D. Nominal
14. If the average of a series of values is 10 and their variance is 4, then the coefficient of
variation (= the ratio standard deviation / average) is:
A. 40% C. 80%
B. 20% D. 10%
15. The median of a series of numerical values is:
A. A value for which half of the values are higher and half of the values are lower
B. The value located exactly midway between the minimum and maximum of the series
C. The most commonly encountered values among the series
D. A measure of the eccentricity of the series
16. The methods used to determine something about a population on the basis of a sample is
A. Inferential statistics C. Applied statistics
B. Descriptive statistics D. Theoretical statistics
17. A specific characteristic of a population is called:
A. Statistic C. Variable
B. Parameter D. Sample
18. Data that are collected by anybody for some specific purpose and use are called:
A. Qualitative data C. Secondary data
B. Primary data D. Continuous data
19. Data in the population census reports are:
A. Ungrouped data B. Secondary data
C. Primary data D. Arrayed data
20. The proportion of females in a sample of 50 accounts officers is an example of a:
A. Parameter
B. Statistic D. Variable
C. Array

21. How many methods are used for the collection of data?
A. 4 C. 2
B. 3 D. 1
22. Weights of students in a class marks are a:
A. Discrete data C. Qualitative data
B. Continuous data D. Constant data  
23. Questions 14 to 16: The following histogram shows the distribution of the difference
between the actual and “ideal” weights for 119 female students. Notice that percent is given on
the vertical axis. Ideal weights are responses to the question “What is your ideal weight”? The
difference = actual −ideal. (Source: ideal wt women dataset on CD.)

24. What is the approximate shape of the distribution?

A. Nearly symmetric. D. Bimodal (has more than one
B. Skewed to the left. peak).
C. Skewed to the right.
25. The median of the distribution is approximately
A. −10 pounds C. 30 pounds.
B. 10 pounds D. 50 pounds
26. In statistics out of 100, marks of 21 students in final exams are as 90, 95, 95, 94, 90, 85, 84,
83, 85, 81, 92, 93, 82, 78, 79, 81, 80, 82, 85, 76, 85 then mode of data is
A. 85 C. 90
B. 95 D. 81
27. Which of the measures given here are based on every item of the series?
A. Range C. Quartile deviation
B. Standard deviation D. All of them
28. Under a normal curve X + 3a covers
A. 99.37 percent C. 99.73 percent
B. percent of area 99.23 D. 99.32 percent
29. In a week the prices of a bag of rice were 350,280,340,290,320, 310,300. The range is
A. 60 C. 60
B. 70 D. 100
30. If the standard deviation of a population is 9, the population variance is:
A. 9 B. 3
C. 21 D. 81
TOPIC: Measure of Dispersion

31. The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is the
A. Variance
B. Interquartile range
C. Range
D. Coefficient of variation
E. None of the above answers is correct.

32. Which of the following is not a measure of central location?

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Variance
D. Mode
E. None of the above answers is correct.
33. If a data set has an even number of observations, the median
A. Cannot be determined
B. Is the average value of the two middle items
C. Must be equal to the mean
D. Is the average value of the two middle items when all items are arranged in ascending
E. None of the above answers is correct.
34. A researcher is interested in the eating behavior of rats and selects a group of 25 rats to be
tested in a research study. The group of 25 rats is a ____.
A. Sample C. Population
B. Statistic D. Parameter
35. A researcher is curious about the average IQ of registered voters in the state of Florida. The
entire group of registered voters in Florida is an example of a ____.
A. Sample C. Population
B. Statistic D. Parameter
36. The mode is the value that:
A. Is midway between the lowest and highest value
B. Occurs most often
C. Has half the observations below it and half above it
D. Is statistically closest to all of the values in the distribution
37. According to the empirical rule, approximately what percentage of normally distributed data
lies within one standard deviation of the mean?
A. 59% D. 95%
B. 68% E. 99.7%
C. 72%
38. If the total income (the “31st employee”) is $250,000, the mean income for all 31 workers is
approximately equal to
A) $8,000 D) $140,000
B) $30,000 E) $220,000
C) $38,000
38. Gender, age, religion, type of disease, and blood group are measured on:
A. Nominal scale of measurement
B. Ordinal scale of measurement
C. Interval scale of measurement
D. Ratio scale of measurement
39. The proportion of observations fall above the median is:
A. 68% C. 75%
B. 50% D. 95%
40. If 100 is the variance of a data set, its standard deviation will be equal to___________:
A. 100 C. 10000
B. 10 D. None of these
41. A statistic which describes the interval of scores bounded by the 25th and 75th percentile
ranks is:
A. Inter quartile range C. Standard deviation
B. Confidence Interval D. Variance

42. Large standard deviations suggest that:

A. scores are probably widely scattered.
B. there is very little deference among scores.
C. means, median and mode are the same
D. the scores not normally distributed.
43. Which is NOT a characteristic of normal distribution?
A. Symmetric C. Mean = median = mode
B. Bell-shaped D. Negative skewness
44. Among the measure of dispersion which is the most frequently used:
A. Range C. Median
B. Mean D. Standard deviation
45. A data set containing the units 37, 37, 37… 37 (100 times), its arithmetic mean will be equal
A. 37×100 C. Less than 37
B. 37 D. Greater than 37
46. The mode of a data set 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12 and 15 will be __________
A. 15 C. Zero
B. 12 and 15 D. None of these
47. A data set containing two modes is called ______________distribution
A. Uni modal
B. Bi modal
C. Both “a” and “b”
D. None of these
48. Number of observations present in a class/group is called _________ of that class/group.
A. Mid-point
B. Frequency
C. Both “a” and “b”
D. None of these

49. A variable which can be measured numerically is said to be _____________ variable

A. Quantitative
B. Qualitative
C. Both “a” and “b”
D. None of these

50. Which of the following indicate the two major types of measures of dispersion.
A. Variance and Standard deviation
B. Absolute and relative measures of dispersion
C. Inter quartile and Semi inter quartile range
D. None of these
51. In inferential statistics, we study
A) the methods to make decisions about population based on sample results
B) how to make decisions about mean, median, or mode
C) how a sample is obtained from a population
D) None of the above
52.  In descriptive statistics, we study
A) The description of decision making process
B) The methods for organizing, displaying, and describing data
C) How to describe the probability distribution
D) None of the above
TOPIC: Measure of Central Tendency

53. Which one of the following measurement does not divide a set of observations into equal
A) Quartiles
B) Standard Deviations
C) Percentiles
D) Deciles
E) Median 

54. Which one is the not measure of dispersion.

A) The Range
B) 50th Percentile
C) Inter-Quartile Range
D) Variance
55.  The height of a student is 60 inches. This is an example of ————–
A) Qualitative data
B) Categorical data
C) Continuous data
D) Discrete data
56.  Data in the Population Census Report is:
A) Grouped data
B) Ungrouped data
C) Secondary data
D) Primary data
E) Arrayed data
57.  Which of the following is not based on all the observations?
A) Arithmetic Mean
B) Geometric Mean
C) Harmonic Mean
D) Weighted Mean
E) Mode
58.  Statistic is a numerical quantity, which is calculated from:
A) Population
B) Sample
C) Data
D) Observations
59.  When data are collected in a statistical study for only a portion or subset of all elements
of interest we are using:
A) A sample
B) A Parameter
C) A Population
60.  Which branch of statistics deals with the techniques that are used to organize,
summarize, and present the data:
A) Advanced Statistics
B) Probability Statistics
C) Inferential Statistics
D) Descriptive Statistics
E) Bayesian Statistics
61.  You asked five of your classmates about their height. On the basis of this information,
you stated that the average height of all students in your university or college is 67 inches.
This is an example of:
A) Descriptive statistics
B) Inferential Statistics
C) Parameter
D) Population
62.  In statistics, conducting a survey means
A) Collecting information from elements
B) Making mathematical calculations
C) Drawing graphs and pictures
D) None of the above
63.  The algebraic sum of deviations from mean is:
A) Maximum
B) Zero
C) Minimum
D) Undefined
64.  In statistics, a population consists of:
A) All People living in a country
B) All People living in the are under study
C) All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied
D) None of the above
65.  In statistics, a sample means
A) A portion of the sample
B) A portion of the population
C) all the items under investigation
D) none of the above
66. In inferential statistics, we study
A) the methods to make decisions about population based on sample results
B) how to make decisions about mean, median, or mode
C) how a sample is obtained from a population
D) None of the above
67. In descriptive statistics, we study
A) The description of decision making process
B) The methods for organizing, displaying, and describing data
C) How to describe the probability distribution
D) None of the above
68. When data are collected in a statistical study for only a portion or subset of all elements
of interest we are using:
A) A sample
B) A Parameter
C) A Population

69. In statistics, a sample means

A) A portion of the sample
B) A portion of the population
C) all the items under investigation
D) none of the above
70. The height of a student is 60 inches. This is an example of ————–
A) Qualitative data
B) Categorical data
C) Continuous data
D) Discrete data
71. Data in the Population Census Report is:
A) Grouped data
B) Ungrouped data
C) Secondary data
D) Primary data
E) Arrayed data
72. Which of the following is not based on all the observations?
A) Arithmetic Mean
B) Geometric Mean
C) Harmonic Mean
D) Weighted Mean
E) Mode
73. Statistic is a numerical quantity, which is calculated from:
A) Population
B) Sample
C) Data
D) Observations
74. Which one of the following measurement does not divide a set of observations into equal
A) Quartiles
B) Standard Deviations
C) Percentiles
D) Deciles
E) Median
75. Which branch of statistics deals with the techniques that are used to organize, summarize,
and present the data:
A) Advanced Statistics
B) Probability Statistics
C) Inferential Statistics
D) Descriptive Statistics
E) Bayesian Statistics
76. You asked five of your classmates about their height. On the basis of this information,
you stated that the average height of all students in your university or college is 67 inches.
This is an example of:
A) Descriptive statistics
B) Inferential Statistics
C) Parameter
D) Population
77. In statistics, conducting a survey means
A) Collecting information from elements
B) Making mathematical calculations
C) Drawing graphs and pictures
D) None of the above
78. The algebraic sum of deviations from mean is:
A) Maximum
B) Zero
C) Minimum
D) Undefined
79.  In statistics, a population consists of:
A) All People living in a country
B) All People living in the are under study
C) All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied
D) None of the above
80.  Which one is the not measure of dispersion.
A) The Range
B) 50th Percentile
C) Inter-Quartile Range
D) Variance
81: The mean of a distribution is 14 and the standard deviation is 5. What is the value of the
coefficient of variation?
A) 60.4%
B) 48.3%
C) 35.7%
D) 27.8%
82: The mean of a distribution is 23, the median is 24, and the mode is 25.5. It is most likely
that this distribution is:
A) Positively Skewed
B) Symmetrical
C) Asymptotic
D) Negatively Skewed
83: Which of the following describe the middle part of a group of numbers?
A) Measure of Variability
B) Measure of Central Tendency
C) Measure of Association
D) Measure of Shape
84: According to the empirical rule, approximately what percent of the data should lie
within μ±σμ±σ?
A) 75%
B) 68%
C) 99.7%
D) 90%
E) 95%
85: The sum of the deviations about the mean is always:
A) Range
B) Zero
C) Total Standard Deviation
D) Positive
E) Negative
86: The middle value of an ordered array of numbers is the
A) Mode
B) Mean
C) Median
D) Mid Point
87: Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency?
A) Percentile
B) Quartile
C) Standard deviation
D) Mode
88: Which of the following divides a group of data into four subgroups?
A) Percentiles
B) Deciles
C) Median
D) Quartiles
E) Standard Deviation
89: If the standard deviation of a population is 9, the population variance is:
A) 9
B) 3
C) 21
D) 81
90: If a distribution is abnormally tall and peaked, then is can be said that the distribution is:
A) Leptokurtic
B) Pyrokurtic
C) Platykurtic
D) Mesokurtic
TOPIC: Presentation of the Data

91: Sum of dots when two dice are rolled is

A) a discrete variable
B) a continuous variable
C) a constant
D) a qualitative variable
92: The weights of students in a college/school is a
A) Discrete Variable
B) Continuous Variable
C) Qualitative Variable
D) None of these
93: The number of accidents in a city during 2010 is
A) Discrete variable
B) Continuous variable
C) Qualitative variable
D) Constant
94: Which of these represent qualitative data
A) Height of a student
B) Liking or disliking of (500) persons of a product
C) Income of a government servant in a city
D) Yield from a wheat plot
95: Life of a T.V picture tube is a
A) Discrete variable
B) Continuous variable
C) Qualitative variable
D) Constant
96: The first hand and unorganized form of data is called
A) Secondary data
B) Organized data
C) Primary data
D) None of these
97: The data which have already been collected by some one are called
A) Raw data
B) Array data
C) Secondary data
D) Fictitious data
98: Census reports used as a source of data is
A) Primary source
B) secondary source
C) Organized data
D) none
99: The grouped data is also called
A) Raw data
B) Primary data
C) Secondary data
D) Qualitative data
100: Primary data and _____________ data are same
A) Grouped
B) Secondary data
C) Ungrouped
D) None of these
101: Questionnaire survey method is used to collect
A) Secondary data
B) Qualitative variable
C) Primary data
D) None of these
102: Data collected by NADRA to issue computerized identity cards (CICs) are
A) Unofficial data
B) Qualitative data
C) Secondary data
D) Primary data
E) None of these
103: Population census is conducted through
A) Sample survey
B) Accounting
C) Investigation
D) Complete enumeration
104: A parameter is a measure which is computed from
A) Population data
B) Sample data
C) Test statistics
D) None of these
105: Given X1=12,X2=19,X3=10,X4=7X1=12,X2=19,X3=10,X4=7,
then ∑X4i=1∑Xi=14 equals?
A) 36
B) 48
C) 41
D) 29
E) None of these
106: A chance variation in an observational process is
A) Dispersion/ Variability
B) Measurement error
C) Random error
D) Instrument error
107: A constant variable can take values
A) Zero
B) Fixed
C) Not fixed
D) Nothing\
108. Which one of the following variables is categorical?
A. Age of a person.

B. Height of the participants

C. Monthly income

D. Marital status of a person (single, married, divorced, other)

109. A list of 5 pulse rates is: 70, 64, 80, 77, 74, and 92. What is the median for this list?

A. 73.5

B. 75.5

C. 77

D. 80

110. Which of the following would indicate that a dataset is bell-shaped?

A. Mean = Median = Mode

B. Area under the curve is equal to -3 and +3

C. The mean is much smaller than the median.

D. None of the above

111. Data that are collected by anybody for some specific purpose and use are called:

A. Qualitative data

B. Primary data

C. Secondary data

D. Continuous data

112. If the average of a series of values is 10 and their variance is 16, then the coefficient of
variation (= the ratio standard deviation / average) is:

A. 40%

B. 20%

C. 80%

D. 10%

113. The median of a series of numerical values is:

A. The value located exactly midway between the minimum and maximum of the

B. A value for which half of the values are higher and half of the values are lower

C. The most commonly encountered values among the series

D. A measure of the eccentricity of the series

114. The methods used to determine something about a population on the basis of a sample is

A. Descriptive statistics

B. Inferential statistics

C. Applied statistics

D. Theoretical statistics
TOPIC: Probability & probability distribution

115. A specific characteristic of a population is called:

A. Statistic

B. Variable

C. Parameter

D. Sample

116. The stages of a malignant disease (cancer) is recorded using the symbols 0, I, II, III, IV.
We say that the scale used is:

A. Alphanumeric

B. Ordinal

C. Numerical

D. Nominal

117. IQ of students in a class is a:

A. Discrete data

B. Continuous data

C. Qualitative data

D. Constant data  

118. The Larger the sample size in a survey study, the

A. Greater our confidence in the results.

B. Larger the confidence intervals around the population estimates.
C. Smaller the confidence intervals around the population estimates.
D. More difficult it is to develop the survey instrument.

119. A researcher is interested in the eating behavior of rats and selects a group of 25 rats to
be tested in a research study. The group of 25 rats is a ____.
A. Statistic

B. Sample

C. Population

D. Parameter

120. A researcher is curious about the average IQ of registered voters in the state of Florida.
The entire group of registered voters in Florida is an example of a ____.

A. Sample

B. Population

C. Statistic

D. Parameter

121. In statistics out of 100, marks of 15 students in final exams are as 90, 95, 95, 94, 90, 90,
85, 84, 83, 85, 85, 81, 95, 92, 93 then mode of data is

A. 85 and 84

B. 90 and 95

C. 90

D. 81 and 90

122. Which of the measures given here are based on every item of the series?

A. Mean

B. Standard deviation

C. Quartile deviation

D. Both A and B

E. All of them

123. Under a normal curve Mean + 3S and Mean – 3S a covers

A. 99.37 percent
B. 99.73 percent

C. 99.23 percent of area

D. 99.32 percent

124. In a week the prices of a bag of rice were 350,280,340,290,320, 310,300, 370. The range

A. 60

B. 70

C. 90

D. 100

129. If the standard deviation of a population is 4, the population variance is:

A. 9

B. 2

C. 16

D. 81

130. Quota sampling is an example of

A. Probabilistic sampling

B. Stratified sampling

C. Nonprobabilistic sampling

D. Cluster sampling

131. If a hypothesis is rejected at the 5% level of significance, it

A. Will never be tested at the 1% level

B. Will always be rejected at the 1% level

C. Will always be fail to rejected at the 1% level

D. May be rejected or not rejected at the 1% level

131. The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is known as variance
A. True
B. False

132. Which of the following is a measure of central location?

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. All of the above
133. If a data set has an even number of observations, the median
A. Cannot be determined
B. Is the average value of the two middle items when all items are arranged in
ascending order
C. Must be equal to the mean
D. Is the average value of the two middle items
E. None of the above answers is correct.

134. If you want to get a representative sample for a survey, you should use 
A. A nonprobability sample. 
B. A probability sample. 
C. A nonprobability sample from stratified groups. 
D. None of the above

135. The names of all the students in a class are listed on separate pieces of paper. The
teacher places the papers in a hat and mixes them thoroughly before reaching in to draw out
five names. The teacher is using

A. Simple random sampling.

B. Stratified random sampling.

C. Proportionate stratified random sampling.

D. Cluster sampling.

136. Systematic sampling involves

A. Selecting preexisting groups instead of selecting individuals.

B. Dividing the population into subgroups and then selecting equal random samples
from each subgroup.

C. Listing the individuals in the population and then using a random process to select
people for the sample.

D. None of the above

137. Data in the hospital health records reports are:

A. Ungrouped data

B. Secondary data

C. Primary data

D. Arrayed data

138. The proportion of females in Punjab province is an example of a:

A. Parameter

B. Statistic

C. Array

D. Variable

139. How many methods are used for the collection of data?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 1

D. 3

140. A professor teaching an introductory psychology class of 200 obtains a sample of 25

students by selecting every 8th name from the class list. The professor is using

A. Simple random sampling.

B. Convenience sampling.
C. Proportionate stratified random sampling.

D. Systematic sampling.

141. The mode is the value that:

E. Is midway between the lowest and highest value

F. Has half the observations below it and half above it
G. Is statistically closest to all of the values in the distribution
H. None of the above

142. The Student's t test is:

A. a parametric test
B. a nonparametric test
C. a test for comparing median
D. a test for comparing variances

E. None of the above

143. At confidence interval 99% the result of a statistical test, denoted p, shall be interpreted
as follows:

A. the null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p <0.01

B. the null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p<0.1

C. the alternate hypothesis H1 is rejected if p<0.05

D. the null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p >0.01

E. None of the above

144. If, after performing a Student test for comparison of means, we obtain p = 0.0256, then
at 1% level of significance:

A. We reject null hypothesis

B. We fail to rejectnull hypothesis

C. We reject alternate hypothesis H1

D. We cannot decide
145. In a study of breast feeding and IQ (Lucas 1992), 300 children who were very small at
birth were fed with their mother’s breast milk or infant formula, at the choice of the mother.
At the age of 8 years, the IQ of the children was measured. The mean IQ in the formula group
was 92.8, compared to a mean of 103.0 in the breast milk group, a significant difference with
p<0.001. The most likely statistical method that was used is:

A. Chi-square

B. Z- test

C. Pearson correlation

D. Spearman correlation

E. None of the above

146. According to the empirical rule, approximately what percentage of normally distributed
data lies within two standard deviation of the mean?

A. 59%

B. 68%

C. 72%

D. 99.7%

E. 95%

147. If the total income (the “35 employees”) is $250,000, the mean income for all 35
workers is approximately equal to

A) $9,000

B) $7,000

C) $38,000

D) $140,000

E) $220,000

148. If the sample is greater than 30 then which test statistics should be used to determine the
confidence interval
A) t test

B) p value

C) z test

D) chi square

E) None of the above

149. Regarding paired t-test true is:

A. Hypertension in a person before and after treatment can be studied

B. Continuous variables in a single sample

C. Weights before and after weight loss therapy

D. Unrelated samples can be compared

E. Both A and C

150. Gender, religion, type of disease, and blood group are measured on:

A. Ordinal scale of measurement

B. Interval scale of measurement

C. Continuous scale of measurement

D. None of the above

E. All of the above

TOPIC: Sampling & Sampling Distribution

151. The proportion of observations fall above the median is:

A. 68%

B. 50%

C. 75%

D. 95%

152. The indices used to measure variation or dispersion among scores are all, except:

A. Range

B. Variance

C. Standard deviation

D. None of the above

E. All of the above

153. level of significance at 95% CI

A. 5 %

B. 0.01

C. 0.05

D. 0.1

E. Both A and C

154. Small standard deviations suggest that:

A. Scores are probably widely scattered.

B. Scores are not widely scattered.

C. Mean, median and mode are the same

D. The scores not normally distributed.

155. Which is characteristic of normal distribution?

A. Symmetric

B. Bell-shaped

C. Mean = median = mode

D. All of the above

156. The formula given below is used to calculate:

A. t-test statistic

B. chi-squire statistic

C. correlation coefficient

D. Standard deviation

157. Standard error is calculated by:

A. dividing number of nominated outcome by number of possible outcome

B. dividing standard deviation by the square root of the sample size

C. adding all the numbers and then dividing by the numbers of observations

D. arranging the numbers in numerical order, then taking the middle one

158. A hypothesis which a researcher tries to disprove is:

A. Research hypothesis
B. Null hypothesis

C. Alternate hypothesis

D. Positive hypothesis

159. Among the measure of dispersion which is the most frequently used:
A. mode

B. Mean

C. Median

D. Frequency

E. None of the above

160. Among the following which is most significant P value?

A. 0.005

B. 0.005

C. 0.00006

D. 0.0003

161. Cholesterol value are obtained in a group of people before and after giving drug A. the
appropriate statistical test used to analyze the data is:

A. Paired t-test

B. Unpaired t-test

C. Fischer's test

D. Chi-square test

162. Calculate standard error for population of size of 25 persons suffering from fever of
history of 8 days and with standard deviation of 4.

A. 0.4
B. 0.2


D. 1.6

E. None of the above

163. When considering levels of significance, critical value of z corresponding to the alpha
level of 0.05 is:

A. .001

B. 1.96

C. 2.58

D. 3.29

164. If the confidence level is increased, which of the following must also be increased?

A. sample estimate

B. sample size

C. standard error

D. none of the elements would be increased

165. The designated level (typically set at 0.05) for which the p-value is compared to decide
whether the null hypothesis is rejected (or not) is called a

A. statistically significant result

B. test statistic

C. significance level

D. none of the above

166. The smaller the p-value, the

A. stronger the evidence against the alternative hypothesis

B. stronger the evidence for the null hypothesis

C. stronger the evidence against the null hypothesis

D. none of the above

For questions 57, 58, 59: The significance level for a hypothesis test is = 0.01.

167. If the p-value is 0.0025, the conclusion is to

A. Reject the null hypothesis.

B. Accept the null hypothesis

C. Fail to reject the null hypothesis

D. None of the above

168. If the p-value is 0.019, the conclusion is to

A. Reject the null hypothesis.

B. Accept the null hypothesis

C. Fail to reject the null hypothesis

D. None of the above

169. If the p-value is 0.0019, the conclusion is to

A. Reject the null hypothesis.

B. Accept the alternative hypothesis

C. Fail to reject the null hypothesis

D. None of the above

170.The data set containing the units 38, 38, 38… 38 (10 times), its arithmetic mean will be
equal to:

E. 38×100
F. 38
G. Less than 38
H. Greater than 38

171. The mode of a data set 2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 10, 12 and 15 will be __________

E. 15
F. 12 and 15
G. Zero
H. 6

172. A data set containing three modes is called ______________distribution

E. Uni modal
F. Bi modal
G. Tri modal
H. None of these

173. The recommended value of confidence interval (CI) is

E. 99%
F. 95%
G. 5%
H. Both B and C

174. A variable which can be categorical is said to be _____________ variable

E. Quantitative
F. Nominal
G. Ordinal
H. Both “B” and “C”

175. SPSS stands for

E. Statistical Package for social study

F. Statistical Package for scientific study
G. Statistical Package for social sciences
H. None of these

176. If 10 is the mean of the Normal probability distribution then median and mode will be
equal to___________:
E. 5
F. 10
G. 100
H. None of these

177. To determine the associated risk factors of diabetics, the diabetics is _____ variable.

A. Dependent
B. Independent
C. Both “a” and “b”
D. None of these

178. Bio-statistics deals with_______ data

A. Biological
B. Medical
C. Life Sciences
D. All of the above

179. In chi square test, if the calculated value is greater than the table value then

A. Fail to reject the null hypothesis

B. Reject the null hypothesis
C. Both “a” and “b”
D. None of these

180. If the variance of a population is 144, the population standard deviation is:

A. 9
B. 12
C. 14
D. 81
TOPIC: Biasness & Sampling Errors

181. The difference between the true value and the measured value is _________

e. Common error g. Absolute error

f. Strong error h. Relative error

182. If you are conducting a research study while describing the information of hight of
participants, according to variable types which type of variable it is

a. Nominal c. Continues
b. Ordinal d. Discrete

183. The set of all measurements of interest to the investigator is called __

a. Sample c. Confounder
b. Population d. None of the above

184. Height , age, weight, duration of disease, name , number of children, all the data are
concluded the following except

a. Contentious c. Ordinal
b. Nominal d. Discreet

185. The _______________ is half a unit each side of the unit of measure.

e. Degree of freedom g. Degree of accountability

f. Degree of accuracy h. Degree of measuremen

186. ______ gives additional specifications of data indicative of items included or


a. Column caption c. Foot notes

b. Prefatory notes d. None of the above

187. The last significant digit is increased by 1, if the first digit of the remainder to be
dropped is_______.

e. 5 or more than 5 g. 3 to 4
f. 4 or less than 4 h. 7 or above

188. All of the following are significant digits except

e. Zeros following a decimal point and conclude a number
f. Non-zero digits
g. Zeros following a decimal point but do not conclude a number
h. Trailing zeros to the right of the decimals
189. Brief, No abbreviations and no full stop or hyphen except when necessary, all are the
characteristics of __________

a. C m c. Ca d. R
ol n pti o
u b. Ti on w

190. For a number in scientific notation: N x 10x, all digits comprising N are __________

e. Non-significant g. Efficient numbers

f. Significant h. None of the above

191. Sum of the values of all the observations in a data set divided by the total number of
observations is called

a. M b. M ia til
od ea n e
e n d. Pe
c. M rc
ed en

192. ______ tell us what, where, how classified and when of data.

a. Title c. Stub
b. Box head d. None of the above

193. ________ represents the statistical data by means of pictures or small symbols

a. Histogram c. Pictograms
b. Bar chart d. None of the above

194. Consists of horizontal or vertical bars of equal width and length proportional to the
values they represent____

a. Multiple bar chart c. Simple bar chart

b. Histogram d. All of the above

195. In statistics __________ refers to the process by which one makes inferences about a
population, based on information obtained from a sample.

e. Estimation   g. Presentation of data

f. Approximation h. None of the above

196. Finding the ratio of absolute error within the true value (absolute error/true error) is
called __
e. Common error g. Relative error
f. Multiple error h. Absolute error

197. Any subset of all measurements selected from the population

a. Sample c. Confounder
b. Population d. None of the above

198. In a data set of (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 19, 19, 20, 21) following is
the mode of the data

a. 19 b. 5 c. 16 d. 20

199. Middle value in an ordered array of numbers is known as

a. M b. M c. M d. A
od ea ed ve
e n ia ra
n ge

200. If a distribution reveals the most of the frequencies occur at both ends of the range
and minimum frequencies towards the centre this is called which type of distribution

a. J shaped distribution c. U shaped distribution

b. H shaped distribution d. None of the above

201. If you are conducting a research study while describing the information of age of
participants, according to variable types which type of variable it is

a. N b. Or c. C d. Di
o di on sc
mi na ti ret
na l nu e
l es

202. ________ Consists of circle divided into sectors whose areas are proportional to the
various parts into which the whole quantity is divided.

a. Pie Diagrams or Sector c. Box plot

Diagram d. None of the above
b. Bar charts

203. (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 16, 17, 19, 19, 20, 21) in given data set what is the

a. 21 b. 14 c. 14
.5 d. 8
204. In order to quantify the proportion of a represented data through pie chart the
following formula is best suitable
a. Component part*100/whole quantity
b. Component part/100*whole quantity
c. Component part*360/whole quantity
d. Whole quantity*360/component part
205. If you are conducting a research study while describing the information of work day
per week of participants, according to variable types which type of variable it is

a. N b. Or c. C d. Di
o di on sc
mi na tin re
na l ue te
l s

206. There are following types of statistics

b. Descriptive statistic d. Both a and b

c. Inferential statistic e. None of the above

207. Statistical data are generally presented by

a. Tables c. Pie charts

b. Graphs d. All of the above

208. If you are conducting a research study while describing the information of severity of
disease of participants, according to variable types which type of variable it is

a. N b. O c. C d. Di
o rd on sc
mi in tin ret
na al ue e
l s

209. When a distribution represents the frequencies run up to a maximum at one end of
range its known as

a. Extremely skewed c. Normal distribution

b. J-shaped Distribution d. All except c

210. If the characteristics cannot be measured on a natural occurring numerical scale,

which of the following scale must be used for measurement
211. A data set of (1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5, 5,5, 6,6,6,7,7,7) what is rang
of data

a. 5. b. 6 d. 4
4 c. 3
212. Severity of pain, Sex (Male, Female), Level of Education, Grade(A,B,C or D),
Nationality (Pakistani, Canadian, etc).

a. Contentious c. Ordinal
b. Nominal d. Discreet

213. The science of data collecting, organizing, summarizing, analyzing, interpreting,

resenting and drawing conclusions is called ___________

a. Research c. Statistics
b. Biostatistics d. All of the above

214. Data that have been originally collected (raw data) and have not undergone any sort of
statistical treatment

a. Primary Data c. Nominal data

b. Secondary data d. All of the above

215. All of the following are the types of table except

a. General purpose c. Manifold tabulation
b. Specific Purpose d. Questionnaire based
216. Heading of each column is called_______
a. Title c. Row
b. Column caption d. None of the above
217. Primary data can be collected from all of the following sources except
e. Personal direct investigation g. Questionnaire
f. Indirect investigation h. Publications or newspapers
218. Section containing row captions is called____, Principles for column captions apply
to row caption here as well
a. Stub c. Both of them
b. Foot notes d. None of the above
219. According to statistics the measurements should be recorded as __________ to the
true value.
e. Farther g. Actual number
f. Nearest h. None of the above
220. ________ must be placed between the title and box head
a. Column caption c. Foot notes
b. Prefatory notes d. None of the above
221. Whenever comparison of same type of data at different places is to be made, ______
are used
a. Diagrams c. Box plot
b. Charts d. Histogram

222. _______ shows two or more characteristics corresponding to the values of a common
variable in the form of grouped bars.

a. Multiple bar chart c. simple bar chart

b. Histogram d. All of the above

223. An epidemiologist is supposed to conduct a study where he is quantifying the number

of days in a week, what type of variable this is

a. Contentious c. Ordinal
b. Nominal d. Discreet

224. Section of a table that contains column captions is called________

a. Foot note c. Prefatory notes

b. Box head d. None of the above

225. Percentage= component part*100/whole quantity

226. A curve in which values equidistant from a central point having the same frequencies
is called

a. Normal curve c. Non-symmetrical

b. Symmetrical distribution distribution
d. Both a and b

227. A curve is said to be _________ when it departs from symmetry.

a. Skewed b. Symmetric c. Normal

d. Non-symmetrically e. Both a and d


228. All of the measurement parameters may not be effected by an outlier except

a. Mean c. Median
b. Mode d. Mid value

229. A distribution in which the values of mean, median and mode coincide (i.e. mean =
median = mode) is known as a ________

a. Non-symmetrical c. Symmetrical distribution

distribution d. None of the above
b. Skewed distribution

230. It has been observed that for a moderately skewed distribution, the difference between
mean and mode is approximately ______ times the difference between mean and median.
a. Three
b. Four
c. Two
d. None of the above

Subject In-Charge_________ HOD_________ Director _________


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