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$pe c,ic s, I,,ltte:roctiorfl$
No organism exists in isolation. Each takes part in many involving close species contact. There are three types of
interactions, both with other organisms and with the non- symbiosis: parasitism (a form of exploitation), mutualism, and
living components of the environment. Species interactions commensalism. Species interactions affect population densities
may involve only occasional or indirect contact (predation or and are imporiant in determining community structure and
competition) or they may involve close association or symbiosis. composition. Some interactions, such as allelopathy, may even
Symbiosis is a term that encompasses a variety of interactions determine species presence or absence in an area.

Examples of Speeies lnteractions


Parasitism is a con]mon exploitative relationship in p{ants and anir-nais. A parasite explcils the resources Ectoparasites. such as ticks (above), miies. and
of its host (e.g. {or food, shelter, warmth) to its own benetit. The host is harinecl, but usually not kiileC. fleas, live attached to ihe ouiside of the host. wheie
Endoparasites, such as iiver flukes (left), tapeworms (cenie| and nemaiodes (righi), are hiEhiy ihey suck Sociy fluids, cause irritation, and may
specialized 10 live inside their hosts, attached by hocks or suckers to the host's tissues. act as vectors ror disease causing microorganisms.

Mutualism involves an intimale association Termites have a mutualisiic rela'iionship with the ln cornmeRsal reiationshics, such as beM-een this
between two species that offers ad,/antage to both. cellulose digesting bacteria in their guts. A similar large grouper and a remora. two species form an
Lichens (above) are the result cf a nnutualism mutualistic relationship exists between ruminants association whei'e one organism. the commensal,
beh/veen a fungus and an alga (or cyanobacterium). and their gut nlicroilora oJ bacieria and ciliates. benefits and the other is neither harnreci or heloed.

Many species o{ decapod crustaceans, such as lnteractions involving competition fcr the same Predation is an easily ideniified relationship, as
this anemone shrimp. are commensal with sea {ood resources are dominated by the iargesi, most cne species kills and eats anolher (above).
anemones. The shrir';lp gains by be;iig protected aggressive species. Here. hyaenas compate for a Herbivory is similar type of exploita'tion. except
fiom predators by the anemone's tenlacles. carcass wiih vultures and maribcu siorks. that the plant is usually not killed by lhe herbivere.

1. Discuss each of the following interspecific relationships, including reference to the species involved, role in the
interaction, and the specific characteristics of the relationship:

(a) Mutualism between ruminant herbivores and their gut microflora

OBiozone lnternational 2041-2008

Photocopying Prohibited Related activitics: lnterspecific Competition
Weh links. Nearctica Ecoiogy: Mutuaiism

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