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ROLL NO. : 17BS6280437
DEPARTMENT : BSc.IT(Information Technology)
SESSION : 2016-2019

This is to certify that the project on HOTEL ONLINE RESERVATION SYSTEM with special
reference to CMPDI., Headquarter “GANDHINAGAR RANCHI” has been prepared by Mr S.K

Student name RISHU KUMAR DUBEY ROLL No. 17BS6280437 in partial fulfillment of
requirement Program course B.Sc Degree from GOSSNER COLLEGE, RANCHI, by RANCHI
University of under our supervision and guidance. I appreciate his skill, hard work and sense
of commitment in preparation of the project.

P.K .Barnwal G.M(HRD)

DY. Manager (system dept.) CCL Headquarter

CCL Headquarter Dharbhanga House

Dharbhanga House Ranchi


I take this opportunity to thank Central Coalfield Ltd. Ranchi for giving me the
privilege of working on such an interesting topics concerned with employee.

I am extremely grateful to the people of CCL who helped in making this report
and successfully conducting the project that was allotted by Mr. S.K MISHRA,
Dy.Manager (system dept.) whose guidance has enriched my knowledge horizon
and provided without which the project could not have been success.

I would like to thank many other employess of CCL who have contributed greatly
to the success of the project .

Finally, I wish to thanks all who have directly or indirectly helped me.

Central Coalfields Limited

Central Coalfields Limited is a category-1 Mini Ratna Company since October 2007.During 2009 – 2010, coal
production of the company reached its highest–ever figure of 47.08 million tones, with net worth amounting
to Rs. 2644 crore against a paid-up capital of Rs.940 crore.

Formed on 1st November 1975, CCL(formerly National Coal Development Corporation Ltd) was one of the
five subsidiaries of Coal India Ltd. which was the first holding company for coal in the country (CIL now has 8

Early History – Formation of NCDC (Pre - nationalisation)

CCL had a proud past. As NCDC, it heralded the beginning of nationalization of coal mines in India.

National coal Development Corporation Ltd.(NCDC) was set up in October, 1956 as Government

Owned Company in pursuance of the Industrial Policy Resolutions of 1948 and 1956 of the Government of
India. It was started with a nucleus of 11 old state collieries(owned by the Railways) having a total annual
production of 2.9 million tones of coal.

Until the formation of NCDC, coal mining in India was largely confined to Raniganj coal belt in West Bengal
and the Jharia coalfileds in Jharkhand,besides a few other areas in Jharkhand and a part of Madhya
Pradesh ,Chattisgarh and Orissa.

From its very beginning,NCDC addressed itself to the task of increasing coal production and developing new
coal resources in the outlying areas, besides introducing modern and scientific techniques of coal mining.

In the second Five years Plan(1956-1961) NCDC was called upon to increase its production from new
collieries, to be opened mainly in area away from the already developed Raniganj and Jharia coalfields .Eight
new collieries were opened during this period and the production increased to 8.05 million tonnes by the
end of the second plan.

1. Abstract
2. Certificate
3. Acknowledgement
4. Introduction
5. Installation Process
6. System Requirements & Architecture
7. Flow chart
8. Source code
9. Conclusion
10. References

“HOTEL ONLINE RESERVATION” project has been designed keeping inmind
both employee and guest. For a guest to avail room he simply has to book room
and then checking in or directly checking in to the hotel. The task of maintaining
the hotel roomslies with the employee. The employee has to perform 3 basic tasks:
(1) Adding of rooms to the database
(2)Maintain the Hotel rooms
(3) Reserve rooms for guests, and
(4) Generate bill at the time of guests checking out of the hotel.

The hotel allows the guests to:

(1) Checkin
(2) Checkout, and
(3) Book Room.
Thesefeatures have been represented by functions in the program

PHP started out as a small open source project that evolved as more and more
people found out how useful it was. Rasmus Lerdorf unleashed the first version of
PHP way back in 1994.
PHP is a recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor".
PHP is a server side scripting language that is embedded in HTML. It is used to
manage dynamic content, databases, session tracking, even build entire e-
commerce sites.
It is integrated with a number of popular databases, including MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server.
PHP is pleasingly zippy in its execution, especially when compiled as an Apache
module on the Unix side. The MySQL server, once started, executes even very
complex queries with huge result sets in record-setting time.
PHP supports a large number of major protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and LDAP.
PHP4 added support for Java and distributed object architectures (COM and
CORBA), making n-tier development a possibility for the first time.
PHP is forgiving: PHP language tries to be as forgiving as possible.
PHP Syntax is C-Like.
My project title is Hotel Online Reservation. I have tried my best to make the
complicated process of Hotel Management System as simple as possible using
Structured & Modular technique & Menu oriented interface. I have tried to design
the Project in such a way that user may not have any difficulty in using this
package & further expansion is possible without much effort. Even though I
cannot claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive, the main purpose of my
exercise is perform each Employee’s activity in computerized way rather than
manually which is time consuming.
I am confident that this software package can be readily used by non-
programming personal avoiding human handled chance of error. This project is
used by two types of users
i. Online Users.
ii. Administrator (management of the Hotel).
Online users can see the required articles or news. Administrator can maintain
daily updates in the hotel records. Administrator is must be an authorized user.He
can further change the password. There is the facility for password recovery,
logout etc.The main aim of the entire activity is to automate the process of day to
day activities of Hotel like Room activities, Admission of a New Customer,
Assign a room according to customer’s demand, checkout of a computer and
releasing the room and finally compute the bill etc.
The limited time and resources have restricted us to incorporate, in this project,
only a main activities that are performed in a Hotel Online Reservation, but utmost
care has been taken to make the system efficient and user friendly.
“HOTEL ONLINE RESERVATION” has been designed to computerized the
following functions that are performed by the system:
Room Detail Functions
Modification to room assigned
Check-in and check-out Detail Functions
Admission of New customer
Room assigning related to customer’s need.
Room Details
Total number of Customers in the Hotel

Installing XAMPP Server on Windows

XAMPPServer is a web development combination of Apache, MySQL and PHP

for Windows. All the components are well integrated together and its installation
is highly automated. Earlier were the days when each component had to be
installed separately and then configured to connect with each other. But thanks to
the WAMP team who has made running a server so easy and effortless.
1. You should be running any of the Windows operating system.
2. If you have any other server running – like IIS – stop and disable it for WAMP
to function correctly.

Step 1: Download the WAMPServer installer by choosing among 32-bits and 64-
bits version depending on what Windows you are running. Also, see the required
configuration of all the components.

Example: WAMPServer 2.2D has Apache 2.2.21, Php 5.3.10, Mysql 5.5.20,
XDebug 2.1.2, XDC 1.5, PhpMyadmin, SQLBuddy 1.3.3 and webGrind

Step 2: Run the downloaded installer to initiate the setup. If the option of Run as
administrator is available, make use of it. Complete the setup by following all
wizard instructions until the end. WAMPServer will require around 200MB+
space on the disk you install it. It’s recommended to install WAMP on
C:/wampserver or C:/wamp, though not mandatory.

Step 3: Start WAMPServer by clicking the shortcut icon created on your desktop.
Again, use Run as administrator if available. The icon appears in Windows
Notification Area (right-bottom) turning from Red to Orange to Green. Red
denotes that the server is inactive/disabled. Orange indicates the server is
processing or starting up. Green indicates the server is active and running.


Hardware Requirements
The program can be used smoothly if one system has the following
Configurations :-
1. Processor: Pentium Dual Core (1.8 GHz or higher)
2. RAM: 1 GB or more.
3. Hard Drive Space :40 GB or more

Software Requirements
The following are software requirements to develop & run the project :
1. Operating System: Windows XP/Windows7/Linux or Higher version
2. One Web Host Server : WAMP/XAMP/LAMP/MAMP
3. Web Browser : Google Chrome/ Internet explorer/ Mozilla Firefox


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<strong><h3>ABOUT US</h3></strong>
<p style = "position:relative; float:left; width:850px;">Hotel unveils a celebrated
balance of nostalgia and contemporary style, capturing its original Southern
elegance, luxury, and decadence. Machuca tiles form cool geometric patterns in
the hallways. Hotel hardwood floors contrast modern furnishings and amenities
in the dramatic suites.
The Hotel lifestyle offers guests the finest sensory indulgences: soothing organic
toiletries, heirloom recipes, and unmatched privacy and tranquility</p>
<img style = "float:right;" src = "images/about.jpg" width = "250px" height =
"250px" />
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<div style = "float:left; margin-left:40px; width:300px; height:300px; ">
<center><img src = "images/1.jpg" width = "250px" height = "250px" style =
<center><h4 style = "color:rgba(0, 255, 0, 1);">Standard</h4></center>
<center><label>Small Size Bed</label><label style = "color:red;">Php.
<div style = "float:left; margin-left:40px; width:300px; height:300px; ">
<center><img src = "images/2.jpg" width = "250px" height = "250px" style =
<center><h4 style = "color:rgba(0, 255, 0, 1);">Extra Bed</h4></center>
<center><label style = "color:red;">Php. 800.00</label></center>
<div style = "float:left; margin-left:40px; width:300px; height:300px; ">
<center><img src = "images/3.jpg" width = "250px" height = "250px" style =
<center><h4 style = "color:rgba(0, 255, 0, 1);">Superior</h4></center>
<center><label>1 Medium Size Bed</label><label style = "color:red;">Php.
2,400.00 </label></center>
<br style = "clear:both;"/><br />
<div style = "float:left; margin-left:40px; width:300px; height:300px; ">
<center><img src = "images/4.jpg" width = "250px" height = "250px" style =
<center><h4 style = "color:rgba(0, 255, 0, 1);">Super Deluxe</h4></center>
<center><label>2 Medium Size Bed</label><label style = "color:red;">Php.
2,800.00 </label></center>
<div style = "float:left; margin-left:40px; width:300px; height:300px; ">
<center><img src = "images/5.jpg" width = "250px" height = "250px" style =
<center><h4 style = "color:rgba(0, 255, 0, 1);">Jr. Suite</h4></center>
<center><label>Matrimonial</label><label style = "color:red;">Php. 3,800.00
<div style = "float:left; margin-left:40px; width:300px; height:300px; ">
<center><img src = "images/6.jpg" width = "250px" height = "250px" style =
<center><h4 style = "color:rgba(0, 255, 0, 1);">Executive Suite</h4></center>
<center><label>Matrimonial</label><label style = "color:red;">Php. 4,000.00
<br style = "clear:both;"/>
<br /><br />
<strong><h3>Amenities and Services</h3></strong>
<li><label>24 Hour room service</label></li>
<li><label>21" Flat screen TV with cable service</label></li>
<li><label>Hot & cold shower</label></li>
<li><label>Refrigerator and mini bar on demand in all suites and superior
<li><label>Coffee & tea set, bottled water, organic tolletries in suites and
superior rooms</label></li>
<li><label>Hair dryer in suite rooms</label></li>
<li><label>Personal safety boxes in every room</label></li>
<li><label>Laundry & pressing</label></li>
<li><label>Free use Wifi</label></li>
<li><label>In room massage services</label></li>
<li><label>Personal Safe in Every Room</label></li>
<li><label>Mini Bar</label></li>
<li><label>7 Function & Meeting Rooms</label></li>
<li><label>Road Trip Airport Transfers & Special City Tour</label></li>
<li><label>Swimming Pool</label></li>
<li><label>Gift Shop</label></li>
<li><label>Business Center</label></li>
<li><label>Free Parking for Guest</label></li>
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<strong><h3>MAKE A RESERVATION</h3></strong>
require_once 'admin/connect.php';
$query = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM `room` ORDER BY `price` ASC") or
while($fetch = $query->fetch_array()){
<div class = "well" style = "height:300px; width:100%;">
<div style = "float:left;">
<img src = "photo/<?php echo $fetch['photo']?>" height = "250" width =
<div style = "float:left; margin-left:10px;">
<h3><?php echo $fetch['room_type']?></h3>
<h4 style = "color:#00ff00;"><?php echo "Price: Php.
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<a style = "margin-left:580px;" href = "add_reserve.php?room_id=<?php echo
$fetch['room_id']?>" class = "btn btn-info"><i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-
list"></i> Reserve</a>
} ?>
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<strong><h3>RULES AND REGULATION</h3></strong>
<br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">1. Tariff</h4></strong>
<p>The tariff is for the room only and is exclusive of any government taxes
applicable Meals and other services are available at extra cost . To know your
room tariff, please contact the Duty Manager, guest registration forms must be
signed on arrivals. </p>
<br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">2. Settlement of Bills</h4></strong>
<p>Bills must be settled on presentation, personal cheques are not
<br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">3. Company's Lien on Guest's Luggage and
<p>In the case of default in payment of dues by a guest, the management shall
have the linen on their luggage and belongings, and be entitled to detain the
same and to sell or auction such property at any time without reference to the
guest. The net sale proceeds will be appropriate towards the amount due by the
guest without prejudice to the management's rights to adopt such further
recovery proceedings as my be required.</p>
<br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">4. Check-in</h4></strong>
<p>Please present your ID card, Passport or Temporary Residence Card upon
Check-in. By Law visitors must present personal documents for hotel records.
These documents will be returned upon departure.</p>
<br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">5. Departure</h4></strong>
<p>Check out time is ( mention your checkout time here ) please inform the
reception if you wish to retain your room beyond this time. Extension will be
given depending on the availability . If the room is available, normal tariff will be
charged. On failure of the guest to vacate the room on expiry or period the
management shall have the right to remove the guest and his/her belongings
from the room occupied by the Guest.</p><br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">6. Luggage Storage</h4></strong>
<p>Subject to availability of the storage space, the guest can store luggage in
the luggage room, at the guest's sole risk as to loss or damage from any cause,
Luggage may not be stored for period of over 30 days.</p><br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">7. Pets</h4></strong>
<p>Mention your policy for Pets ( allowed or not- allowed ) (Allow us to make
separate arrangements. )</p><br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">8. Hazardous Goods</h4></strong>
<p>Bringing goods and / or storing of raw or exposed cinema films, or any other
article of a combustible or hazardous nature and / or prohibited goods and / or
goods of objectionable nature is prohibited.</p><br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">9. Damage to Property</h4></strong>
<p>The guest will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the hotel
property caused by themselves, their guests or any person for whom they are
<br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">10. Management's Rights</h4></strong>
<p>It is agreed that the guest will conduct him/ herself in a respectable manner
and will not cause any nuisance or annoyance within the hotel premise.</p>
<br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">11. Relation between Management and
<p>Nothing herein above shall continue or be deemed to constitute, or create
any tenancy or sub-tenancy , or any other right to interact in the hotel premises
or any part of portion thereof, in favour of any Guest or resident or visitor, and
the Management shall always be deemed to be in full and absolute possession
of the whole of the hotel premises.</p><br />
<strong><h4 style = "color:#ff0000;">12. Government rules and regulations and
application of laws</h4></strong>
<p>Guest are requested to observe , abide by confirm to and be bound by all
applicable acts and laws and Government rules and regulations in force from
time to time.</p>
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SQL Server is a great platform to get your database application up and running
fast. The graphical interface of SQL Server Management Studio allows you to
create tables, insert data, develop stored procedures, etc... in no time at all.
Initially your application runs great in your production, test and development
environments, but as use of the application increases and the size of your
database increases you may start to notice some performance degradation or
worse yet, user complaints.

This is where performance monitoring and tuning come into play. Usually the
first signs of performance issues surface from user complaints. A screen that
used to load immediately now takes several seconds. Or a report that used to
take a few minutes to run now takes an hour. As I mentioned these issues
usually arise from user complaints, but with a few steps and techniques you can
monitor these issues and tune accordingly, so that your database applications are
always running at peak performance.
Static sites are built with HTML and CSS, and their content can only be updated
by the web administrator

Dynamic sites are built with other tools like PHP and MySQL as well as HTML
and CSS, and they allow visitors to contribute to the site, post messages…in
short, to let the site live a little!

Site visitors are called clients. They ask the server that hosts the site to send them
web pages.

PHP is a language executed on the server. It lets you personalise a web page
depending on the visitor, handle messages, do calculations, etc. It generates an
HTML page.

MySQL is a database management system. It’s in charge of storing information

(list of messages, members…).


1.  HTML & CSS

Specifications and APIs
1. HTML5 W3C Recommendation 28 October 2014 (@
2. CSS 2.1 Specification W3C Recommendation Revised 17 December 2014 (@
3. CSS3 Selectors module (@; CSS3 Colors
module (@
Online Tutorials and Resources
1. W3School HTML/CSS Tutorials, References and Examples @ (W3School is not related to W3C).
1. Matthew MacDonald, "Creating a Website - The Missing Manual", 4th ed,
2016, O’Reilly.
(A good introductory book on HTML/CSS. A new version is expected in July
2. David Sawyer McFarland, "CSS 3 - The Missing Manual", 3rd ed, 2013,
3.  JavaScript and jQuery
Specifications and APIs
1. "Document Object Model (DOM)" Level 1, 2, 3 Specifications @
2. jQuery mother site @
3. jQuery API @
4. QUnit JavaScript Unit Testing Framework @
Online Tutorials and Resources
1. Mozilla's (MDN) "JavaScript Guide" @
2. W3School JavaScript Tutorials, References and Examples @
3. jQuery Tutorial @
1. David Sawyer McFarland, "JavaScript and jQuery - The missing manual", 3rd
ed, 2014, O'Reilly.
2. Jonathan Chaffer and Karl Swedbery, "Learning jQuery", 4th ed, 2013, Packt
4.  PHP
Online References and Resources
1. PHP mother site @
2. PHP Manual @
3. PHP Language Reference @
5.  MySQL
MySQL Mother Site & Standards
1. MySQL Mother Site @
2. MySQL 5.5 "SQL Statement Syntax@
Books and Tutorials
1. Codd E. F., "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks",
Communications of the ACM, vol. 13, issue 6, pp. 377–387, June 1970.
2. (For Java Programmers) "JDBC Basics", Java Online Tutorial @
3. Paul DuBois, "MySQL Developer's Library", 4th ed, 2017 (9th ed is
probably available).

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