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Maven Fundamentals

ANT – was developed to be a replacement for a build tool called Make

- Built on top of Java and XML

- Very procedural – you have to define everything that you want to do

Where we store aour java code : com.yourcompanyname.division

Other languages: scr/main/groovy

About testing: src/test/java

Target directory – where everything gets compiled to, where tests get ran from

-contents get packaged into a jar, war, ear, etc

Pom.xml – divided into 4 basic parts” –src/target/pom.xml

1. Project Information - groupID, artifactId (the same name as application), version, packaging(jar,
2. Dependencies – direct dependencies used in our application (server application)
3. Build – plugins, Directory Structure
4. Repositories – (download artifacts from)

Source code goes in src/main/java

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