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12 Months Curriculum

Week 1 Introductory Session on Excel

Week 2 Introductory Session on SQL
Week 3 Introduction to Python Programming Language
Week 4 Introduction to Python for Data Science
Week 5 Introduction to Web Scraping
Week 6 Introduction to Query Analysis
Week 7 Introduction to Data Visualizations
Week 8 Case Study: Data Analysis and Visualization
Assignment on SQL Queries
Assisgnment on Web Scraping
Week 9 Introduction to Data Profiling and Data Cleaning
Week 10 Case Study: Data Cleaning
Week 11 Introduction to Feature Engineering and Data Transformations
Week 12 Introduction to Data Mining and Data Preparation
Week 13 Introduction to Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Week 14 Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
Week 15 Case Study: Statistical Analysis
Week 16 Introduction to Machine Learning
Assisgnment on Feature Engineering
Week 17 Introduction to KNN, SVM, Naive Bayes
Week 18 Introduction to Tree Based Models.
Week 19 Introduction to Boosting and Ensembling
Week 20 Case Study: Comparison of ML Models
Week 21 Introduction to Clustering Analysis
Week 22 Introduction to Dimensionality Reduction
Week 23 Introdution to Imbalanced Machine Learning
Week 24 Case Study on Imbalanced Dataset
Assignment on Predictive Modelling
Assignment on Clustering Analysis
Week 25 Introduction to Time Series Forecasting
Week 26 Case Study: Sales Forecasting
Week 27 Introduction to Recommendation Engines
Week 28 Case Study: Movie Recommendation Engine
Week 29 Introduction to NLP
Week 30 Advanced Techniques used in NLP
Week 31 Case Study: Text Classification
Week 32 Topic Modelling and Text Summarization
Assisgnment on Sentiment Analysis
Week 33 Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
Week 34 Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
Week 35 Introduction to CNN Architectures
Week 36 Case Study: Image Classification
Week 37 Introduction to RNNs and LSTMs
Week 38 Case Study: Stock Market Price Prediction
Week 39 Introduction to Unsupervised Deep Learning
Week 40 Introduction to Computer Vision
Assisgnment on CNN and RNN
Week 41 Hackathon:(Intro and Tips)
Week 42 Hackathon: (Solution)
Week 43 Introduction to Flask for Web Interface
Week 44 Introduction to Model Deployment using Heroku
Week 45 Introduction to Data Visualizations inTableau
Week 46 Introduction to Dashboarding in Tableau
Week 47 Introduction to PySpark
Week 48 Machine Learning using Spark ML
Assignment on Model Deployment
Assignment on Tableau Dashboard
Assignment on Big Data Analysis
Week 49 Capstone Project - Intro
Week 50 Capstone Project - Solution
Week 51 Demo Day Part -1
Week 52 Demo Day Part - 1
Week 53 Resume and Portfolio Building
Week 54 Final Exam
Commencement of Job Guarantee Program for 6 Months

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