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Anushka Dalvi - 015

Poorvika Khatwani- 029
Darsh Khetan - 030
Anshul Sheikh - 053
Shivangiraj Singh - 056
Yuvraj Singh- 057
GDP of Sweden
The gross domestic product (GDP) is equal to
the total expenditures for all final goods and
services produced within the country in a
stipulated period of time.

Sweden's per capita gross national product

(GNP) is among the highest in the world.

Sweden's economy has been relatively stable

over the last few decades and has, on the
whole, grown steadily since 1970.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Sweden

was worth 541.06 billion US dollars in 2020,
according to official data from the World
Bank. The GDP value of Sweden represents
0.48 percent of the world economy.
The Swedish economy has caught up with its pre-pandemic level, and is
steaming ahead, with projected GDP growth of 4.3% in 2021 and 3.4% in 2022,
fuelled by the removal of COVID-19-related restrictions and a continued rebound
of consumption and investment.
GDP per Capita based on PPP

Purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion factor is the number of units

of a country's currency required to buy the same amounts of goods and
services in the domestic market as U.S. dollar would buy in the United

GDP per capita (PPP based) is gross domestic product converted to

international dollars using purchasing power parity rates and divided
by total population.

The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Sweden was last recorded at
50683.32 US dollars in 2020, when adjusted by purchasing power parity

The GDP per Capita, in Sweden, when adjusted by Purchasing Power

Parity is equivalent to 285 percent of the world's average.
GDP per capita (PPP in Sweden averaged 43374.21 USD from 1990 until
2020, reaching an all time high of 52531.17 USD in 2019 and a record low of
32086.01 USD in 1993.

Development Indicators
Human Development Index
Assessing long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human
development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent
standard of living.
The latest value from 2020 is 0.945 points— which put the country in the
very high human development category.
Between 1990 and 2019, Sweden’s life expectancy at birth increased by 5.2
years, mean years of schooling increased by 2.0 years and expected years
of schooling increased by 6.6 years.
Development Indicators
Gender Development Index
In the 2014 Human Development Report, HDRO introduced a new
measure, the GDI, based on the sex-disaggregated Human
Development Index, defined as a ratio of the female to the male
The GDI is calculated for 167 countries.

The 2019 female HDI value for Sweden is 0.936 in contrast with 0.953
for males, resulting in a GDI value of 0.983.
Development Indicators
Gross National Income per capita
GNI per capita (formerly GNP per capita) is the gross national
income, converted to U.S. dollars using the World Bank Atlas
method, divided by the midyear population.
Sweden GNI per capita for 2020 was $53,800, a 4.08% decline from
Composition of National
Output of Sweden





Value added

$ Billions % of GDP % of GDP % of GDP % of GDP











495.8 530.9 2 1 24 22 15 13 62.8 65.2

As of December 2021,
Sweden's Repo rate stands at 0.00
and is the same since 2020

The deposit rate stands at -0.10

and the lending rate at 0.10

Sweden inflation rate for 2020 was nearly

0.50%, a 1.29% decline from 2019
Sweden Inflation rate through 2021

Sweden’s annual inflation rate accelerated for the sixth straight month to 3.9% in
December of 2021, from 3.3% in November, slightly above market expectations of 3.8%.
That was the highest inflation rate since October of 2008, mainly boosted by prices of
housing & utilities (9.4% vs 5.7% in November), on account of electricity (50.5% vs
29.1%); restaurants & hotels (4.5% vs 3.8%); clothing & footwear (4% vs 2.8%);
furnishings (1.9% vs 1.2%) and food & non-alcoholic beverages (1.7% vs 1%).


Average Unemployment Rate: 9%

Unemployment rate increased significantly from March 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
Highest: May 2020 (9.2 percent)
Lowest: November 2021 (8.5%) which is the lowest since December 2020


Despite Sweden’s generally strong economy in recent years, youth unemployment has been
significantly high - around 20% percent since 2000.

Youth unemployment in Sweden hit its highest level over the past 20 years in April due to the
widespread economic disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic


The official currency of Sweden is the Swedish Krona (SEK).

1 USD = 9.43 SEK

1 SEK = 7.96 INR

The Swedish Krona is a relatively small and insignificant player in the global market. Trading in Swedish
Krona accounts for less than 2% of the global currency trades.

Despite a relatively small economy, SEK is said to be a safe haven currency owing to its well-educated and
tech-savvy workforce and the fact that it is home to many multinational corporations.
Balance of Payments
Statement of all transactions made between entities in one
country and the rest of the world over a defined period, such as
a quarter or a year.
Balance of payments is divided into the current account, the
capital account and the financial account. The international
investment position shows a country's total net debt.

A Solidarity Based Security Policy
This cooperation is important for ensuring the supply of Swedish
technology and defence equipment, and is both bilateral and multilateral.
Sweden has memorandums of understanding (MoUs) that regulate
bilateral defence equipment cooperation with around 30 countries.

An EU based Foreign Policy

The Swedish carbon tax was instituted in 1991, alongside an already
existing energy tax, and it remains a cornerstone of Swedish climate
policy. Over time, the carbon tax has increased in importance,
contributing to a broad range of environmental and climate objectives.
A sound pension system
The fact that the pension system is outside the government budget and
pays out exactly as much in pensions as money is available for makes the
pension system financially sustainable, which means that there is no risk
of rolling over debt to future generations.

An energy-efficient climate Policy

The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement lays the foundations for
an important future partnership. The Government intends to deepen
Sweden’s and the EU’s relations with the UK, including in the area of
foreign and security policy.

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