Mining Strategy For Excavating Steep Coal Seams in Indonesia, Sanjaya Singh ENTMS2008

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Mining Strategy for Excavating Steep Coal Seams

Sanjay Singh*

Coal reserves are available worldwide with recoverable reserves in 70 countries around the world. With the
current rate of consumption of coal in the world, the proven recoverable reserves of coal may only last for
another 147 Years. In contrast, proven oil reserves stand to last for 41 years and gas reserves stand to last for
63 year at the current usage rate respectively. Around 90% of the proven coal reserves are available in six
countries i.e. USA, Russia, China, India, Australia and South Africa. As per World Energy Council (WEC),
total world reserves of coal at the end of 2002 were around 909 billion metric tons (By rank world coal
reserves on tonnage basis are as - 53% Anthracite & Bituminous Coal, 30% Sub bituminous Coal and 17%
Lignite). If that is true then high grade Coal is only available for 78 years if the data published is correct.
The data on coal reserves is not accurately analyzed as the reserves were calculated on the basis that the
mining will be done with feasible mining areas, as per what is currently being mined. What has not been
taken into consideration is that cost of production of coal that is increasing all over the world because of the
development of new mining areas, difficult geological and local conditions, and additional infrastructure
costs and high fuel costs. Therefore the availability of recoverable reserves of coal is in fact decreasing.
Because of all this data, coal reserves that have been calculated by all the world bodies and organizations
concerned with such figures are looked at being overestimated amounts and the same is supported by the
fact that the world ‘in situ reserve’ has decreased from 10 trillion metric tons of hard coal in 1980 to 4.2 trillion
metric tons in 2005 (60% revision in 25 years as per Energy Watch Group, even though many new mining
fields have been explored during that period.).Looking at these facts on reserves of coal around the world,
this maybe depleted in less then 78 years because of the increase in consumption of coal as well as the
increasing costs of production.
The savior to this crisis in the future may well be the coal from Indonesia, as long as changes are made into
the thinking of how coal mines should work and new mining methods are adapted.
In this paper the author will focus exactly on that, describing to the reader the development of new mining
methods for steep and high grade coal seams in Indonesia and all around the world and for the recommendation
towards some change in mining strategy for the recovery of high grade coal, so as to maintain if not increase
the world’s proven coal reserves in a time of increasing mining costs and increased coal consumption.

INTRODUCTION coal and also provides better efficiency. Therefore 77% of

Indonesian coal is exported all around the world, to countries
Indonesia has 6.97 billion metric tons of proven coal reserves like Japan, Korea, India, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan and
(Around 0.5% of the world’s total proven reserves of coal). China, to meet their energy requirements every year.
Around 83% of reserves are in the category of Lignite and
Sub bituminous coal and the remaining 17 % are in the 53% of the world’s total reserves of coal is high grade coal
categories of Bituminous and Anthracite i.e. high grade and is mainly located in countries (China, USA, Australia)
Coal. Indonesia is the second largest exporter of Coal and that are themselves thinking of reducing the export of their
7 th largest producer in the world. With the current coal, so that they can meet their own domestic requirement.
consumption rate of Indonesian coal, proven reserves of (China has already stopped their export). In fact the total
coal in the country may deplete in 37 years, if new mining reserve of high grade coal is predominantly located in 2 or
fields are not developed. 3 countries and its fast depletion may threaten future energy
generation in a manner that is both economic and eco
Indonesian coal generally has a low ash and Sulphar friendly.
percentage with a high Gross Calorific Value (GCV) and is
best used as steam coal in power generation due to the In today’s context, developed countries (USA, Japan,
fact that it causes less pollution than using other types of Korea, etc) are trying to maintain the best environmental
norms when trying to produce energy for their domestic
* Production Manager, Luwe Coal Mines, PT. use, pressured mainly by the Kyoto Protocol that was setup
Victor Dua Tiga Mega, Central Kalimantan, to reduce the pollution produced by the developed countries,
Indonesia as they were the biggest environment polluters based on

The Indian Mineral Industry Journal i ENTMS 2008

their advanced stages of their industrialization. Due to the survey, thickness of coal seam, dip of coal seam as
external pressures to industrialize in environmental friendly well as the cost to mine such seams and the potential
ways and having the strong financial position, the developed revenue from the sales of such coal.
countries are able to utilize high grade coal, while the
developing countries are left to use low grade coal.
· Depth of Coal seam: Luwe mines has a number of
outcrops at different locations with different thicknesses
As reserves of high grade coal is limited, it has therefore of 0.2m to 1.2m, note that almost all the deposits of
led to new innovations for power generation, so as to reduce coal start from a very shallow depth. Thus the
the pollution as well as the use of high grade coal with maximum depth of the recoverable coal is 35 - 45m
methods such as, optimum blending of low and high grade from the surface level but that also depends on the
coal, cleaning of low grade coal, etc. What has been missed topography and dip of the coal seam.
out, which can make a big impact on this future problem is
the planned mining method & utilization of high grade coal.
· Thickness of Coal Seam: The actual thickness of
Most of the coal deposits of Indonesia are having steep the coal seam varies from 0.3 m to 2.7 m. The same is
seam structures with having high quality but with difficult required for the calculation of the cut-off stripping ratio
topographical, geological and environmental conditions. before starting the mining operation. Generally four
Therefore long term mine plans are very much necessary, seams has been found in the concession area and
with emphasis on how to mine such steep seam structures. they are usually having the thickness of 0.8m, 0.9m,
0.3m and 2.7m as the 1st, 2 nd, 3rd and 4th seam
Mining Planning: Luwe Coal Mines, PT. Victor Dua Tiga respectively.
Mega, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
In order to participate in the development of non-oil gas · Cut-off Stripping Ratio: Stripping ratio is generally
energy sources, particularly coal, PT.VICTOR DUA TIGA expressed as a ratio in the proportion of overburden to
MEGA – an Indonesian private company has been allotted coal (Cum/MT). As the depth of overburden increases,
an area of 3,464 HA for exploration and exploitation the more amount of money is spent for removal of the
purposes in the Central Kalimantan region of Indonesia. overburden to expose and extract the coal. As this
The following factors were broadly considered during the ratio increases there comes a point beyond which the
planning and designing of the opencast coal mines: coal can not be economically extracted out and this is
· Dip of Coal seam called the break even stripping ratio or cut-off stripping
· Depth of Coal seam ratio. Cut-off stripping ratio is decided on the basis of
the total cost of production versus the expected sale
· Quality of Coal
price of that coal. This cut-off stripping ratio can be
· Selection of Mining Method increased if the price of coal increases based on the
· Selection of Mining Equipments & others market conditions or the costs of production decrease
· Pit limits for mining operation. due to improvements in the mining method and wastage
· Cut-off stripping ratios based on the cost of
production & the expected sale price based on
the market conditions for high grade coal. · Pit limits for mining operation: Based on the contour
· Availability of the land from land owners for mining. survey, dip of seam, thickness of coal, depth of
overburden, length of block in strike direction, & the
cut-off stripping ratio, the limit of pit/mine is calculated
The mining operation was planned for full recovery of in dip direction so that operation can be well planned,
coal up to the optimum depth, which is the point (pit limit) maintained within the economical mining point (cut-off
where the cost of production equals the revenue from sales) point) and the smallest virgin area is disturbed for the
so that natural resources may be utilized fully and hence mining operation.
the reserves of coal as well as the life of the mine will be
increased for long term planning.
· Nature of Overburden: Overburden above the coal
· Dip of Coal seam: Dip of the seam varies from 24°
seam mainly included top soil, hard silica sand & grey
degree to 47° in the Luwe coal deposit as per current
clay stone. Generally the top soil is soft in nature and
detailed report of exploration and mining operation. Dip
may be excavated directly by excavators but the silica
in between 24 - 45° are termed as steeply dipping
sand and grey clay stone are hard in nature as such
deposits and that restricts the operation of mining in
rippers along with dozers are used for loosening of the
dip direction because of the cut off limit of stripping
hard strata instead of using other methods such as
ratios decided on the basis of topography contour
blasting because of the local constraints. These local

The Indian Mineral Industry Journal ii ENTMS 2008

constraints usually relate to the local community in § Bench slope - 70°
these areas, hence making blasting a non usable § Ultimate pit slope - 85°
method, due to the dangers it may bring about in terms
§ Number of benches
of injury, noise and destruction.
- Depends on depth of working.
· Quality of Coal: Sample of the outcrop coal has been
· Normally the mines are developed in a strike
analyzed for proximate analysis as received /dry basis
direction and then progress is made in the dip
before starting the mining operation. The same is
direction for optimum production and productivity.
required to predict the limit of stripping ratio as well as
the future selling price. The quality of coal in this area
varies from 5300Kcal /Kg to 6300 Kcal/Kg (Prime High Ø Haul road Design: As the deposit is of a steep
Grade Coal). gradient and as such the development in each mine
· Land availability for mining: Before starting the becomes deeper and deeper, therefore the gradient of
exploration and drilling activity as well as mining the haul road and its location also becomes critical,
operation, the management has to get permission from hence the following precautions are taken during the
the respective land owners as well as negotiate a design of the haul road:
compensation rate for using their land to extract the
coal. Note it is not compulsory for any land owner to · Design of permanent haul road at end of pit i.e. pit
give his land to the concession owner to mine in limit.
Indonesia and it is up to the management’s negotiating
· Gradient of haul road kept to a maximum of 1:10
ability. Also due to the unmarked lands, it results in
at some places to recover the coal at greater
disputes between two land owners, thus involving the
village head as well as the local land department. This
may at times delay the operation as it takes time to · Initial road gradient is maintained up to a ratio of
find the right papers and records in the department’s 1:16 to 1:20.
data base, as well as come to a conclusion as to whose · Proper drainage system has to be made so that
land it may actually be. This may at times, even lead the roads are not under water when it rains, based
to change in planning of the mines, as certain lands on the topographical data which is taken during
may not be used due to conflicts or the reluctance of the exploration stage.
the land owner to provide the land for mining.
Ø Mines Working: Ø Overburden Disposal area: Overburden is dumped
· As coal deposits are outcropped and the gradient in the disposal area outside the excavation area of the
is steep, therefore the opencast mining method is mine. All the overburden material is dumped in the
the best and most economic method that should designated area with the help of Dozers and Loaders.
be used. · Disposal area is selected near the mine pit and
· As 90% of the strata is hard clay stone, the height not having any coal deposits.
of the overburden bench may be kept up to 8m · The angle of inclination of disposal area is
without problems of any slope failure. maintained at a maximum of up to 37 ° or up to the
· Height of benches is restricted by a maximum 8m natural slope to avoid slope failure.
and if the height of the overburden is greater then · Height of the bench is restricted by a maximum of
its negotiated by making a number of benches, 8m and the heightening of the disposal area is done
each time leaving a bench width of 1.5 - 2m to by leaving a 4 - 5m width, for the proper stability of
maintain an optimum ultimate pit slope of 85°. the disposal area.
· The ultimate pit slope as well as the bench slope, · Height of the disposal area may be maintained up
considered up to 85° as at the end of the limit, to 30 - 35m, based on the size of the disposal
allows the reclamation process to start early. area and by making 4 benches by spiral dump
· Steep ultimate pit slopes are considered because process, with the gradient of the haul road at a
of the hard clay stone in overburden, the hardness ratio of 1: 10.
of the strata facilitates the full recovery of coal · In the case of there being a shortage of external
reserves from the benches. disposal area, the mining method maybe changed,
· Height of benches, slope angle and width of so that the mine is developed in the dip direction
benches are kept as follows: and then progress is made in the strike direction.
§ Bench Height - 8 m Max Thus the reclamation of the mined out area is done
sequentially using the most optimum area for
§ Bench Width - 1 . 5 – 2 m
Min.(For Ultimate Slope)- 4 m
(During working)
The Indian Mineral Industry Journal iii ENTMS 2008
· The top soil is preserved at a specified location for problem of inrushing water in to the pit may be
its spreading on the top of the mined out area for avoided.
rehabilitation of the area. · In the case of a river existing at the centre of
Ø Mine Drainage & Pumping: The area of the Luwe the coal deposit and there being no chances
mines has a number of small rivers that disturb the of diverting the river due to topographical
overall mine working and layout. In most of the cases reasons, then the mine operation needs to
it is very difficult to divert the rivers because of the become quick and concentrated so as to
topography as well as getting the permission of the excavate the maximum reserve in the dryer
local land owners (who may use the river for various period, before the start of the monsoon period.
things). Therefore suitable precaution has to be taken · Submersible pumps as well as centrifugal
to protect the mine from such rivers. Normally the water pumps of higher capacity may also been
accumulates only in the monsoon period, because of planned for fast dewatering of the pits in the
the continuation and intensity of the constant rain. This future as the size of mine area increases.
monsoon period, in the central Kalimantan region
Ø Method of working:
ranges from September to April (8 months). Average
rain fall in this area is 446 mm per month and average · Removal of all trees or bushes that are present
rainfall per month is around 9 days (estimates).Therefore over the site of the planned mining pit, either
the following controlling measures are adopted to control with the help of a dozer or by excavators.
the surface and rain water during this period: · A box cut is made over the top soil or hard
· Most of the rain water should be diverted to clay stone present over the coal outcrop. This
other places by following the natural drainage box cut is made along the strike direction from
contours. In any case the pit floor of the mines the outcrop of Coal deposits and to be touched
and other areas are well sloped (2°) and graded up to the ends of the boundary of the mine.
to divert the rain water from the mine pit. · Box cut is made directly by Back hoe
· In the case of an area having hillock Excavators in case of loose strata or with the
topography, the mine is developed in a strike help of Dozer cum Ripper in case of Hard
direction to divert the rain water by making a strata.
suitable drain that is lower down the elevation, · Permanent haul road is made along the pit
hence draining the rain water away with the limit location.
help of gravity and without using any pumps. · Selection of site for disposal area as well as
· As the size of the mine working area increases, Top soil storage and its leveling, dozing and
the catchments area will also increase and Carpeting by Clay stone before starting of
thus making it difficult to avoid to a certain mining operation.
amount of rain water based on the high rainfall · Deployment of Backhoe excavators and
in the monsoon period. Therefore suitable Suitable DT at planned location on the basis
sumps are made at the lowest point of the of pit limits area, production plan and mine
pits, to collect all the water in one area rather working plan.
than have it spread all over the pit area.
· Normally around 25-30m area allotted for one
· Pump of suitable capacity is selected and excavator with suitable deployment of DT
installed in the sump for dewatering of the pit. based on lead from pit to disposal area, and
· Normally centrifugal diesel pumps are installed capacity of excavators in Overburden strata.
in the pits, because of the ease in operating · Dozer cum Ripper is mainly used for ripping in
procedure and frequent shifting. hard clay stone to improve the loading efficiency
· Mine areas that are near active rivers are of excavators as well as disposal area.
planned to be excavated out in the dry period, · Selection of disposal area is mainly done
so as to not take a risk in terms of having the nearby mine pit with maximum lead of 1 km..
river break the banks and flood the mine area,
· Mines are developed in strike and then
affecting the equipment and personnel.
progress in Dip direction.
· Mine areas are planned, so that they are
· Sequence of mining and reclamation are
protected from the river by making a suitable
followed one by one, after recovery of all Coal
embankment. Though sometimes it maybe
from one mine pit, that area used as disposal
restricted because of the flow of water, therefore
area of next pit adjacent to the same pit.
it is planned that a minimum 5m area along
the river will be left without mining so that the Ø Land Reclamation and Rehabilitation:
After total winning the Coal the mined out area is
The Indian Mineral Industry Journal iv ENTMS 2008
planned to be backfilled with the Overburden and totality and complain of NGO, locals etc should
area is well leveled with help of Dozer, Loader, be review by technical person as most of the
Grader and Vibro as required and top soil is spread complains all around the world is for personal gain
on the same for normal vegetation. by making pressure on mine management.
The mined out area is leveled and dozed, as required 5. Schedule Inspection of Mining authority should be
by particular land owner and the same land is for done solving the field mining problem as
returned to particular land owner after completion technocrats and not like police –Theft relationships.
of mining. Mining authorities should promote and motivate
Some times the mined out area is converted into economic and eco friendly mining operation
water pond, fish firming or water reservoir as technically in long term with field Mining Engineer.
required by particular land owner. Conversion of 6. More strict rules should be framed and
mined out area in to water reservoir facilitate the implemented for Illegal Miners.
charging of water level in nearby area, generate 7. Land owner in mining lease area are making
earning to owner by making fish firming, facilitate difficulties for Exploration and Exploitation
the water requirement for greenery of nearby plants operation and in some cases systematic operation
and tree in dry periods. The conversion of mined is not possible because of non availability of the
out area into Water reservoir may also be planned land, necessary support should be provided to mine
as per land owner requirements. management for systematic mining operation.
Following Points may be considered by Mining Indonesia has lot of mineral resources and their economy
Authority for making their strategy of Mines operations: is also growing because of improvement in production of
minerals but they are in preliminary stage of making &
1. Feasibility of underground mine/Coal gasification implementation in their mining policy,& legislation for
for winning of high grade after certain depth Coal effective and economic mining operation.
may be review after completion of mining operation They have to increase their exploration activities, Investment
by opencast mine. in power plant run on low grade Coal, opening of low grade
2. Reclamation process of Opencast mine may be Coal mine for domestic use, faming & implementation Mines
review whether it will affect the operation of draft, Motivate foreign investors by considering the all aspect
Underground mine/Gasification plant in future or of market as well as their domestic requirement may lead
not. Indonesia to new era in this world.
3. Disposal of Overburden in front of deposit after pit
limit should not be encouraged, as the same Coal ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
is available at greater depth may be mines depends The view given in this paper is solely of author and not the
on the sale price of Coal. view of company in which he works. Author is thankful to
4. Employment of competent person in Mining Mr. Mohit Maheshwari and Mr. David - Directors of the Mines
Department to review mining operation and plan in for their approval to publish this paper.

With Best Compliments From:

Luwe Coal Mines, PT. Victor Dua Tiga Mega,

Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The Indian Mineral Industry Journal v ENTMS 2008

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