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Stop and appreciate the now. "Sometimes you don't see that the best thing that's ever
happened to you is right under your nose," Rosie says. Rosie and Alex have been best
friends since they were kids, and the familiarity has caused them to take each other for
granted, even when the truth is that they "always, truly, completely" love each other.
It also shows the true meaning of friendship, staying by each other’s side even at your
weirdest times and of course, also through thick and thin.
“Love, Rosie” can make you cry mainly because it shows us that there’s hope all throughout life even
if you missed opportunities.

1) When you have someone whom you can share your weird dreams with, keep them close.
In the movie, Rosie (Lily Collins) is best friends with Alex (Sam Claflin). Back when they were still in
their grade school days, Alex would usually have weird dreams about himself being someone else
like he's a superhero, an animal and the like. He would usually share these dreams with Rosie, and
being the best friend that she could be, she listens and understands him well. They have this
connection no one else has. They perfectly get each other. When they grew older, Alex shared one
of his weird dreams with his current partner, and she couldn't get it, so he had to share it with Rosie
who is in the other side of the world and they were able to laugh it all out. See? Sometimes you just
need that one person and you're all good.

The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character
traits that are believed—by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers, and others
—to be critically important to success in today’s world, particularly in collegiate programs and
contemporary careers and workplaces. Generally speaking, 21st century skills can be applied in all
academic subject areas, and in all educational, career, and civic settings throughout a student’s life.

While the specific skills deemed to be “21st century skills” may be defined, categorized, and
determined differently from person to person, place to place, or school to school, the term
does reflect a general—if somewhat loose and shifting—consensus. The following list
provides a brief illustrative overview of the knowledge, skills, work habits, and character
traits commonly associated with 21st century skills:

 Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing

 Research skills and practices, interrogative questioning
 Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression
 Perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative
 Oral and written communication, public speaking and presenting, listening
 Leadership, teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, facility in using virtual
 Information and communication technology (ICT) literacy, media and internet
literacy, data interpretation and analysis, computer programming
 Civic, ethical, and social-justice literacy
 Economic and financial literacy, entrepreneurialism
 Global awareness, multicultural literacy, humanitarianism
 Scientific literacy and reasoning, the scientific method
 Environmental and conservation literacy, ecosystems understanding
 Health and wellness literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise, and public health and

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics workers play a key role in the
sustained growth and stability of the U.S. economy, and are a critical component to helping
the U.S. win the future. STEM education creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy,
and enables the next generation of innovators.
STEM-based education teaches children more than science and mathematics
concepts. The focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications helps develop a
variety of skill sets, including creativity and 21st-century skills.
21st-century skills include media and technology literacy, productivity, social skills,
communication, flexibility and initiative. Other skills attained through STEM education
include problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, decision making, leadership,
entrepreneurship, acceptance of failure and more. Regardless of the future career path
considered by these children, these skill sets go a long way to preparing them to be


In my opinion, it’s not money that makes the world go round but it’s Love makes the
world go round. This is because in the first place all of us are created with love. God created
us with his own image and likeness. In our world where we face a lot of difficulties,
challenges, and problems in life, it’s not money that would make us feel better rather it’s
the love and support you feel and have from your loved ones. And the only way to be truly
happy is to surround yourself with friends and family. With love, all of us will be united and
have a better place to live in. Just think of the lives of the unfortunate people wherein even
though they don’t have enough money, as long as they are together with their loved ones,
then they can live happily. Love is endless, showing love to others is what makes life worth
There’s no greater love than the love that you receive from your family and friends.

If I were an animal, I would be a butterfly. Butterflies are not just beautiful

because of its bright and colourful color but it also symbolizes hope and life. A
butterfly develops through a process called metamorphosis. Just like the butterfly I
transform and change as I grow older. I become more knowledgeable about the
things that’s happening around me and my personality as well changes and is shaped
by people around me. In my life, I experience difficulties and challenges that tries to
bring me down, but I learned to stay strong and to not give up easily. I have learned
to discover new things just like the butterfly which explores different things. Also, I
do not lose hope to achieve my goal, and I embrace all changes that’s happening and
that’s about to come in my life.

My biggest pet peeve is when boys’ disrespects women. I just thought it’s a big
turn off for me. Especially when some boys don’t know how to respect the family of
a women when you’re in a relationship. Because nowadays some boys (not all), tend
to hurt woman verbally and physically and I thought it’s very immature of them.
Well, some women are like that as well but it happens more to women especially
one of the issues that’s well-known in our country which is cat-calling. A lot of
women experience this than men do. If only they have respect then this wouldn’t be
a big issue.

- Or when someone complain about something and then actually do it again.

- People touches my hair or face.

Would you rather be wise or intelligent?

- I’d rather be wise. This is because being Intelligent means you think you know
everything. While being wise means you know how much you don’t know. You
know your strengths and weaknesses in life. I experience difficulties and
challenges in my life wherein sometimes I don’t know what could be the
answer or solution to that problem. The thing here is that I am an
understanding person and being wise are people who try to understand they
way things are. This is because all of us have different perspectives, and I am
that type of person who apply my knowledge and consider the different views
and try to know the different sides or situations first before I say or do
something for me to distinguish positive from negative. In that way I will have
the ability to choose on what I will do and that is to do the right thing. 😊

To be a grown-up is a state of mind.

Growing up is a part of life. We grow all the time. As we grow our bodies grow
physically and our minds grow mentally.

Every day, we learn new things and benefit from the various experiences we go
through. All these learning experiences we undergo improve our level of
maturity and this leads to what we call 'growing up.' But the process of
‘growing up’ is different for every individual. The sense of maturity that we
gain results from the environment that we live in and the challenges we have
to undergo, and since we are all different human beings, our lives our
completely different from one another’s.

Real wealth is never measured in money.

Love, family, happiness, and experiences.

Is a glass half-full or half-empty?

Optimists will usually say the glass is half-full, whereas pessimists will usually
point out that it's half-empty. Optimists tend to focus on the good: there is still
water available to drink. ... Pessimists, on the other hand, tend to be more
I would say the glass is half-full. This is because I am an optimistic person. I
tend to look more at the bright side of life. I have experiences difficulties and
challenges in life just like everybody do but I don’t let those difficulties and
challenges bring me down and affect my mental health as well as my way of
living. I tend to see obstacles as opportunities rather than problems this is
because I take actions that will help me get a positive result. Also, life is short
to live a life full of negativity and being positive doesn’t mean I am always
happy it’s just that I choose to be happy as long as I could and there’s nothing
wrong to be optimistic especially when you are having a bad day. People who
see a glass is half-full tend to be happier and healthier and for me that is how I
see it. 😊
To err is human to forgive is divine
All of us are not perfect. We make mistakes. And making mistakes is
normal to every human being the thing is that we have to learn from it for us
to prevent doing it again in the future. To forgive is divine this is because God
forgave us first, and we humans should learn to give everyone a chance to
change into a better person and forgive them for the wrong things they have
done. Same thing with ourselves, we should learn how to forgive ourselves.
Take each mistake as a learning process. Mistakes are inevitable, sometimes
no matter how careful we are there are just certain moments where we make
one and this is why everyone deserves to be forgiven because to err is human
to forgive is divine.

My Biggest Concern for the future

Future is something very unpredictable. Because anything could happen
immediately that could change a person’s way of living just like this pandemic,
no one expected it to be this worse. As a student and a child who wants to be
successful and be able to help my family in the future, there are times when I
think of what could possibly happen in the future. My concern in the future is
not just about myself but also about my family and our country. This is because
a lot of terrifying things are already happening at present so I thought what
more in the future. I am concern that a lot of people will be blinded by the
truth that’s happening in our country. Human values are slowly fading, that is
why there are implementations of anti-discrimination, equality and such. Also,
a lot of environmental concerns are rising. I am concerned that the rising issues
won’t be addressed immediately and could worsen the way of living of every
individual. But I am hoping that everyone will be responsible and will work
together as one and I am also hoping that everything will be better in the
future. 😊

Tell us about your future plans

Future is something very unpredictable. Things could happen the way
you wanted it to be or maybe not. For me to make things possible in achieving
my goal, I would focus on finishing school and graduate college after that I will
be focusing on getting a job to help my family. No matter how hard it will be, I
will stay optimistic and determined in order to achieve my goal which is to be
successful in the future. I may not be sure of what I certainly want to be in the
future yet, though I have choices, I would exert effort in everything that I will
do to have a great outcome. I would focus on my priorities and do what’s best
for me and my family.

If you were the next president, what would be your executive order?
Right to Equality. To have access in basic rights especially when it comes
to education. A lot of family can’t afford to let their children go to school due
to lack of resources. As we all know, education is the key to success and with
education, it could change a person’s life. Children will be more knowledgeable
about the things that he or she should do. And as we all know, to get a nice
job, it is important that you have finished your school. So, If I were to be the
nest president my executive order would simply be the right to equality. In this
way no one will be left behind and we will rise up as one.

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