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A. Background of the Study

The Department of Education has made work immersion a requirement for graduation.

DepEd specified that for a Senior High School student to graduate, he/she must undergo work

immersion in an industry that directly relates to his/her postsecondary goal. The said activity is

an opportunity for the students to experience a work-related environment that is based on their

field of specialization.1 In essence, work immersion is a preparatory step for graduating Senior

High School students for when they finally meet employment.

This research is able to provide ideas and suggestions for recommendations that the

school may consider in order to improve the efficacy and accuracy of the work immersion, as

well as prove that the said activity really is an essential and necessary step in preparing

students for higher levels of education or for employment. In addition, it is advantageous to

conduct this research since it can effectively benefit the upcoming grade twelve students of

Cherished Moments School in terms of easing their expectations in undergoing the work

immersion. Having prior knowledge about what they may expect on the said activity can

possibly help them in achieving a stable mindset prepared to undergo work immersion.

B. Statement of the Problem

Some Junior High School students worry that becoming grade twelve students and

undergoing the work immersion will become a difficult challenge that will cause them more

stress to add up with their school works. It is also the opinion of other Junior High School

students that the work done during the said activity is not entirely related to their chosen field of

specialization. With this in mind, the idea of having to go through it in the future leaves burden to
the students. However, before finding a solution, an important question has to be answered:

how does the work immersion in the K to 12 program affect the grade twelve students of CMS?

This research also aims to answer the following specific questions:

1. What are the realizations of the students after undergoing work immersion?

2. How did the students feel after the work immersion?

3. What experiences affected the student’s mental, emotional, and physical ability?

C. Hypothesis

Cherished Moments School conducts work immersion for grade twelve students to

prepare them for higher education or employment. It develops the students’ working capacities

and skills and teaches them proper work habits. Thus, the work immersion conducted in CMS

can be considered as an essential step that can accurately and effectively develop the students’

skills relating to their chosen field of specialization. However, alongside its efficacy comes stress

that the grade twelve students may suffer from.

D. Scope and Limitation

The research targets the grade twelve students of Cherished Moments School in

gathering data and opinions. The research is limited to the work immersion conducted by

Cherished Moments School in specific sites in Manaoag, Mangaldan, Bonuan, San Jacinto, and

Dagupan – thus, it does not cover other students or schools who conduct work immersion on

the same sites.

E. Significance of the Study

The study aims to understand if the work immersion conducted in Cherished Moments

School accurately hones the skills of the grade twelve students with regards to their chosen
fields of specialization or not, or if it causes stress to the grade twelve students or not. The

findings from this research may be beneficial to the following:

All upcoming grade twelve students. Through this research, all upcoming grade twelve

students can gain an idea about what they might expect from the work immersion conducted by

the school. Furthermore, the results of the research could help the upcoming grade twelve

students in preparing themselves for when they undergo the said activity.

Cherished Moments School administrators. The results from this research can provide

the school’s administrators with recommendations that they may take into account or consider

to improve the work immersion’s efficacy and accuracy and to alleviate the possible stress that

the students may experience.

F. Review of Related Literature

a. Definition and Purpose of Work Immersion

Work Immersions prepare students for the real-world challenges they may experience or

encounter by training them how to work in a company to strengthen their knowledge, skills and

work experience and eventually excel in a specific career. This is why on-the-job trainings and

immersions are provided by educational institutions to help prepare students explore their

chosen careers and acquire 21st-century skills. The school needs to ensure that its students

gain various competencies that would have these future professionals ready for employment. In

this way they will not have much difficulties in planning for and choosing the right course in

college. 2

Victory Christian International School (2015) “Immersion: Preparing High School Students for Employment”.
In the Senior High School Work Immersion Forum, REX Book Store encouraged

everyone to participate in its Isang Nayon initiative and become Whole Partners for Whole

Education who dedicate themselves to nurturing the Filipino Whole Child. It called everyone to

help nurture a Joyful Young Person who is ready to contribute to the community and build the

nation. Through this, the participants of the forum hope to intensify the work immersion program

and prepare graduates for the future.3

According to Department of Education, this program is an 80-hour hands-on encounter,

which Senior High students must experience to open them to the genuine working environment

setting and improve their abilities learned in school.4 In addition, Jan Ryan V. Malang stated that

the 80-hour Work Immersion integrated in the K-12 Curriculum serves as a training ground for

Senior High School students as they choose to head on to either one of the three (3) exits which

are college, employment, or entrepreneurship. Also, it helps in shaping their work ethics and

values as they are expected to act as professionals in their respective host training

establishments. Students were assigned to different public and private institutions depending on

their strand for them to have a glimpse of actual professional work environment. They also had

the opportunity to apply their learning experiences inside the academe and in return will help

them gather meaningful experiences that will be of great help in the near future.5

b. Good effects of work Immersion

Dual immersion students are scoring higher than their mono language peers in every

subject. State Sen. Howard Stephenson, who championed the legislation that started dual

immersion in Utah, says “brain researchers are looking into that wondering what is going on.”

Rex Book Store (2017) “Senior High School Work Immersion Forum Kicks off New Partnerships for Whole Education”.
Cagayan State University – Carig Campus “12 objective of the work immersion the kto 12 basic”
Malang, Jan Ryan V. (2018) “Relevance of Work Immersion”.
The student’s brains are more activated.” Young dual-immersion students create a more elastic

brain, making even math and science easier to learn.6 “There is research that children who learn

or acquire two languages simultaneously, that their brains are stretched in the process and they

are actually better equipped in other cognitive areas because of acquiring two languages,” says

Johanna Watzinger-Tharp, Associate Dean for International and Interdisciplinary Programs at

the University of Utah.7

Work immersion is advantageous to students who want to experience and learn more

about the life of being employed. It prepares them to the bigger world after graduation and

makes them equipped with relevant skills. 8 Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed

to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to

enhance their competence. Specifically, the students are able to: gain relevant and practical

industrial skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers; appreciate the importance

and application of the principles and theories taught in school; enhance their technical

knowledge and skills; enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and develop

good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet the

needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation. 9 In addition, students

become good team players; a person who works well with others can go places. Students who

know this early on are better able to improve their communication skills and can be an asset to

the team in building projects. Also, students become financially aware at an early age; by being

exposed to the daily operations of a real work environment, students learn how to think like an

Hatch, Heidi (2015) “Dual Immersion students leave sixth grade fluent in two languages”.
Wimmer, Nadine (2011) “Utah leading the nation in dual immersion programs”.
Pressreader (2018) “The advantages and disadvantages of senior school work immersion program”.
Work-Immersion (2017) “K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Senior High School”.
adult, manage their finances effectively, and be exposed to acquiring other related skills such as

budgeting and marketing.

Lastly, students become goal-driven; students have goals. Immersion trains them how to

achieve these goals by giving them an opportunity to work with and be supervised by

professionals and highly creative people. These people can inspire students to discover their


If you’re a student and are still not yet convinced how this whole immersion thing will be

of help to you, here are five good reasons why this sort of on-the-job training stint works well for

you: first, you apply classroom lessons to real-life situations; by undergoing the work immersion,

you’ll have the opportunity to apply and appreciate concepts taught inside the classroom when

you do things first-hand in the field. Second, you learn from the experts in the field; under their

guidance, you can expect in-depth insights on how things work that no textbook can fully explain

in detail. Third, you may see yourself in the future; If you want to be a future engineer, scientist

or doctor, then this work immersion will give you a quick preview of your life years from now.

You’ll be familiarized to the working environment and tasks that will be expected of you

someday. Fourth, you prepare yourself for the work life ahead. Lastly, you get to explore

different places and have fun.11

c. Problems encountered in Work Immersion

In line with the benefits that some students experience or undergo, there are also some

concerns and difficulties that they may encounter as they go on with their work immersion. One

of its downsides is safety. Since work immersion is done outside the campus, supervision from

Victory Christian International School (2015) “Immersion: Preparing High School Students for Employment”.
Cruz, Angel (2018) “Why the STEM Work Immersion Works”.
teachers is necessary. Less or no supervision at all is risky on the student’s side and there are

cases that the school is not liable to anything that will happen to the student. This is not just a

burden to the parents but to the school as well. Another one is the variety of results. Though

one of the purposes of having immersions is for the student to develop its abilities and

capabilities related to the subject matter, we cannot deny the fact the development varies from

person to person. To some it might be a very productive immersion but to others, it might be

stressful. So constant evaluation and monitoring is needed.12 The three encountered problems

by the trainees are the time conflicts between classes and OJT schedule, lack of self-confidence

and the distance of the cooperating firm is too far from school.13

Moreover, another setback during work immersion are that there are problems on

professor’s instruction, problems with school adjustment and in adjusting to classmates and

board mates, and problems arising from over-extended schedule or workloads for practice in

different competitions. Most of the respondents encountered personal problems relating to

money, lack of interest, negative attitude, poor study habits, and homesickness. Only few have

problems on involvement in school activities, not creative, having poor grammar and not being

resourceful. In general, the emotional problems encountered are stress, low self-esteem, and

poor relationship with family, classmates and board mates.14

G. Definition of Terms

Employment.15 It is a person’s state of being employed or having a job.

Kristine (2018) “Issue and Problems Encountered of Work Immersion Students”. Retrieved from
St. Mary’s College of Tagum “3 Problems Encountered by the Trainees During Their Work Immersion”. Retrieved from
Ganal, Nicette N. & Guiab. Marissa R. (2014) “Problems and Difficulties Encountered By Students Towards Mastering
Learning Competencies In Mathematics”.

15 Retrieved from
Higher Education.16 It is the education provided by a college or university.

Postsecondary.17 It is anything relating to education taking place following graduation from high


Specialization.18 In Academia, specialization may be a course of study or major at an academic

institution or may refer to the field in which a specialist practices. (Kytle, Jackson (2012))

Problems on Professor’s Instruction. 19 The professors have overlooked the implementation of

the principles of teaching and learning.

Learning competencies.20 These are combinations of attitudes, skills and knowledge that

students develop and apply for successful learning, living and working.

Problems with School adjustments.21 The problems and difficulties with school adjustment relate

to adjustment to college life such as inability to do tasks well and poor relationship with school

personnel and board mates.

Problems arising from over-extended schedule/workloads for practice in different competitions. 22

The problems relate to many academic and non-academic tasks, projects, and home/family


16 Retrieved from
YourDictionary. Retrieved from
18 Retrieved from
Problems on Professor’s Instruction. (2004) In Problems and Difficulties Encountered by Students Towards Mastering
Learning Competences in Mathematics. Ganal, Nicette N. & Guiab, Marissa R.
Learning competencies. (2016) Competencies Overview. The Alberta Education.
Problems with School adjustments. (2004) In Problems and Difficulties Encountered by Students Towards Mastering
Learning Competences in Mathematics. Ganal, Nicette N. & Guiab, Marissa R.
Problems arising from over-extended schedule/workloads for practice in different competitions. (2004) In Problems and
Difficulties Encountered by Students Towards Mastering Learning Competences in Mathematics. Ganal, Nicette N. & Guiab,
Marissa R.
Problems with regard to adjusting to classmates and board mates.23 This refers to acceptance,

winning the esteem, confidence and respect, and insecurity with other classmates or board


H. Methods and Procedures

In this research, data is gathered through interviews and questionnaires or surveys. The

questions on these surveys involve the grade twelve students’ experiences during the work

immersion. The data gathered would inform the researchers of how the work immersion affects

the grade twelve students of Cherished Moments School.


1. Did the work immersion give you stress or burden? Was it challenging or difficult to cope

with the work immersion?

2. Were the activities you did on the work immersion related to your chosen field of

specialization? Please specify the activities you did, and your chosen field of


3. What is your opinion on the importance of conducting work immersion?

4. Describe your work immersion site (both). Please consider the accessibility of the venue,

availability of resources, environment, etc.

Problems with regard to adjusting to classmates and board mates. (2004) In Problems and Difficulties Encountered by
Students Towards Mastering Learning Competences in Mathematics. Ganal, Nicette N. & Guiab, Marissa R.


This chapter of the research presents the interpretation of findings and results of careful

statistical analysis, which aims to determine the effects of conducting work immersion on the

grade twelve students of Cherished Moments School. It aims to present the data regarding the

opinions of selected grade twelve students under the following points for basis.

CHART 1: The Venues in Which The Work Immersion Was Conducted


Very Safe
Somewhat Safe
Not Safe

Chart 1 summarizes the opinions of the students about safety, accessibility in terms of

transportation, and cleanliness of the work immersion venues. Based on the data gathered from

the questionnaires and surveys, there is an equally distributed consensus regarding the safety

of the students in the different venues.

CHART 2: Cleanliness of Work Immersion Venue

In Chart 2, in terms of the cleanliness of the work immersion venue, many of the respondents who

have answered whether it is very clean or somewhat clean is almost equal, while the remaining,

not clean.

CHART 3: Difficulty of Work Immersion Assigned



As shown in Chart 3, the results varied because of the different answers of the

respondents. Most of them answered average, while a few answered that the given task or

activities were easy and for those who had a difficult experience had the least answers.

CHART 4: Relevance of the Activities to the Chosen Field of Specialization or Strand

Very clean
Somewhat clean
Not clean
In Chart 4, most of them answered that the activities or tasks they experienced were somewhat

relevant to their chosen field of specialization or strand. The respondents who have answered

whether the activities are very relevant or not are equal.

*grade 12 experiences during work immersion

Although some experience stress or burden in undergoing work immersion, most of

them see work immersion beneficial to upcoming grade twelve students for they are able to

experience real world challenges and strengthen their knowledge and skills and eventually excel in

a specific career. Most of them believe that undergoing work immersion will help prepare students

in various ways. For instance, when finding for an occupation, socializing with others,

understanding life beyond a classroom, and in planning for and choosing the right course in

college. It will not just shape or strengthen the capabilities of a student but also their values and

work ethics since they are taught to act as professionals in their respective host training


1. Effects of Undergoing Work Immersion to Grade Twelve Students of Cherished Moments


2. We chose that topic to know if the work immersion conducted in Cherished Moments School
accurately hones the skills of the grade twelve students with regards to their chosen fields of
specialization or not, or if it causes stress to the grade twelve students or not, as well as prove
that the said activity is an essential and necessary step in preparing students for higher levels of
education or for employment. Also, we chose this topic since it could benefit the upcoming
grade twelve students of CMS in terms of being knowledgeable with their expectations in
undergoing work immersion.

3. Although some experience stress or burden in undergoing work immersion, most of them see
work immersion beneficial to upcoming grade twelve students for they are able to experience
real-world challenges and strengthen their knowledge and skills, and eventually excel in a
specific career. Most of them believe that undergoing work immersion will help prepare students
in various ways. For instance, when finding an occupation, socializing with others,
understanding life beyond a classroom, and planning for and choosing the right course in
college. It will not just shape or strengthen the capabilities of a student but also their values and
work ethics since they are taught to act as professionals in their respective host training

4. I had difficulty in making the RRL since I didn't have much background as to how it should be
done. So, I searched on how RRL is done in order to reduce the complexity of completing it.

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