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Additional Mathematics

School Based Assessment


Group 2


1.Kady Marie-Jackson
2.Rianna O' Connel
3.Syan Maitland
A study to determine students’ preference for online classes or physical classes.

You need to write approximately 200 words clearly stating the purpose or
reason why the topic is important and how it relates to the real world.

Learning inclinations allude to how much a student learns towards specific

teaching methods over others, In this research, it is specified towards the
differences of online learning and traditional learning. For different persons, the
modalities most effective for learning retention can differ varying from issues of
both methods.
Online school has a list of advantages such as cost-effectiveness, where it enables students to
save money in situations like transportation, flexibility in time, and improvisation of students
attendance. Comparatively though, online school is harder for students that are unable to
focus for long periods of time thereby making it necessary for certain students in need of
supervision in traditional classes, as well as some teachers, aren’t adequate enough to know
the basics of a computer. This is a big setback of online schooling making it necessary for
teacher training. During the Covid-19 pandemic, schools were forced to physically shut down
making E-learning a necessary tool for both students and teachers to compromise different
methods of learning integration.

Likewise with most teaching techniques each has serious pros and cons but
deciphering and understanding these upsides and negatives will help
establishments a more productive conveyance of learning thereby guaranteeing
a continuous learning venture for the understudies students especially during
this pandemic time.

[Write here]

Do a questionnaire to collect the data need to support the topic/ project title.

Email by Friday midday to

Use this same word document template

[Questionnaire here]

1. Do you prefer online school or traditional school

2. Why do u prefer online school

3.Why do you prefer traditional school

Method Of Data Collection

Providence Catholic Girls has a population of N students. With a sampling frame of N
students where a random selection of 30 students from the 5th form year group was chosen
for data of this survey. Data was collected via the use of an online question online allows for
social distancing, as we are going through a pandemic as well as it allows for firsthand
information administrated to my group, Online questionnaire is also very time efficient

Since the method of data collection was not carried out in a physical bases the questionnaire
was structured to gather only precise and relevant information because of this there was was a
probability of N for the flaws. To prevent bias the questionnaire was given to random chosen
respondents. The thirty students were divided into 3 groups where each student in our group
distributed the questionnaire to students in Providence girls catholic school.

A possible limitation to this method of data collection is the choices of only CSEC students in
this school which can be a possible source of lack validity of the information as a pose to a
broader scale of students in other different schools besides Providence girls

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