Jayden Dodge - Hammurabi's Code Mini DBQ - 8159240

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Name(s):Jayden Dodge

Class Period:5th hr.
“Hammurabi’s Code: Was it Just?” Mini DBQ
Students will work in pairs to complete the following questions. Write answers in complete

Background Essay Questions:

1. How many centuries ago did Hammurabi live? How long did he rule?
Approximately 38 centuries ago. He ruled for 42 years.

2. From Larsa to Mari, what was the approximate length of Babylonia from north to south?
The approximate length of Babylonia is 350 miles of length.

3. What was the estimated population of Babylonia?

The estimated population of Babylonia is about 200,000.

4. Into what three social classes was the population divided?

There were three social classes: the amelu , the mushkenu, and ardu.
5. In general terms, what is Hammrabi’s Code?
6. Define these terms:
● city-state:a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.
● Babylonia:Babylonia was a state in ancient Mesopotamia
● Mesopotamia:The word “mesopotamia” is formed from the ancient words “meso,”
meaning between or in the middle of, and “potamos,” meaning river.
● cuneiform:denoting or relating to the wedge-shaped characters used in the ancient
writing systems of Mesopotamia, Persia, and Ugarit, surviving mainly on clay tablets.
● stele:the central core of the stem and root of a vascular plant, consisting of the vascular
tissue (xylem and phloem) and associated supporting tissue.

Document A- Analysis Answers:

1. What kind of writing was used to inscribe the code on the stele?
This is the upper part of the stele that is approximately 7' 4" tall. The laws, written in
cuneiform, are inscribed on the lower part of the monument.

2. The code is divided into what three parts?

The three parts are sections 1 – 5 procedural law, sections 6 – 126 property law and sections
127 – 282 the law of persons. I have divided the laws into more specific categories, but all of
these divisions are arbitrary and no such divisions are indicated in the original.

3. From where or who does Hammurabi get the laws?

The Code of Hammurabi, which he claimed to have received from Shamash, the Babylonian
god of justice.

4. Is there any evidence in this document that can be used to argue that Hammurbi’s code
was just?

Yes because in both physical laws he is protecting the wife that was being cheated on and then
protecting the father in the other law. He can justify it as a harsh punishment because he wants
to enfore the laws about stealing.

Document B- Analysis Answers:

1. According to Hammurabi, what was his purpose for having written these laws?
Established standards for commercial interactions and set fines and punishments to meet the requirements
of justice.
2. Who commanded Hammurabi to create this monument?
Whos commands Hammurabi to create the monument would have to be shamash.
3. What does Hammurabi threaten will happen to any future Babylonian king who does not
follow these laws?
The gods will put a curse on his family, his land, his people, and his troops.
4. How can you use this document to argue that Hammurabi’s Code was just?
To blindfold them, and then drown them.

Document C- Analysis Answers:

1. In Law 129, what does it mean to “bind them and cast them into the water?”
To get rid of/ not tend to him anymore.
2. In Law 168, what does it mean to “disinherit” a son?
To disinherit a son means to disown him, and no longer refer to him as family. When you disinherit a
son, you cut him out of your life.
3. Two crimes in the document result in physical punishment. What are those crimes? How
might Hammurabi argue that the punishments were just?
Yes because in both physical laws he is protecting the wife that was being cheated on and then protecting
the father in the other law.
4. Hammurabi said that his code was meant to protect the weak. Is there evidence in this
document that the code did so?
Yes they are but, there is only one harsh law which is if you hit your father your hands will be cut off. He
can justify it as a harsh punishment because he wants to enfore the laws about stealing.
5. Overall, are these laws regarding family law just?

Yes they are, there is only one harsh law which is if you hit your father your hands will be cut
Document D- Analysis Answers:
1. In Law 21, what is the penalty for breaking into a home?
If any one breaks a hole into a house, he shall be put to death before that hole and buried.
2. How might Hammurabi justify the harsh punishment?
He can justify it as a harsh punishment because he wants to enfore the laws about stealing.
3. In Law 23, if the robber is not caught, who reimburses the victim for his or her loss?
If the robber is not caught, the community has to pay for the goods that were stolen.
4. How might Hammurabi have justified reimbursing the victim?
He gives them their money back. He takes them to a creditor. If the community does not catch the robber,
the community pays for the loss/damage.
5.In Law 48, what is a creditor? Is Law 48 fair to creditors?
A creditor is a tax collector. The law is not fair to the creditor.
6.Overall, are these laws regarding property just?
Yes there are because the creditor took a risk.
Document E- Analysis Answers:
1. Examine laws 196 and 199. How do you think Hammurabi would justify the different
punishments for the same crime?
I think law 196 is fair because no bad deed will go unpunished. 199 is not fair because people need to be
treated equally. If he has knocked out the eye of a slave he shall pay half his value.
2. What is the meaning of “fruit of her womb”?
"Fruit of her Womb" means child.
3. How might Hammurabi argue that laws 215 and 218 were just?
You could argue that it was not just because just if they lost one life they shouldn't deserve to get their
hands cut off.
4. How could you use these laws about personal injury to argue that Hammurabi’s Code
was not just?
To blindfold them, and then drown them.
5. Is justice absolute? Is a just punishment in 1800 B.C.E. also a just punishment today?
Explain your thinking.
Justice is not absolute. A punishment in 1800 BCE is very unfair because if someone knocks a person's
eye out, the person who did it might go to court and jail for about a year.

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