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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III Central Luzon
School Division of Bulacan

Bulacan State University

Bajet – Castillo Compound, Paltao, Pulilan, Bulacan

I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
A. Differentiate thick from thin objects.
B. Classify sets according to thickness.
C. Arrange objects according to thickness.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Thick And Thin
B. Reference: Developing My Math Power 1, page 19-21
C. Materials: Visual aids ( pictures, objects ) laptop, projector.
III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Preliminary Activities
A. Greetings
“Good Morning Pupils!” “Good Morning Teacher”

“How are you this morning?” “We’re okay Teacher”

“That’s good to hear”

B. Prayer
(The pupils will bow their heads, close
“Before we start our day, let us all
their eyes, and put their hands together)
stand up and thank our Heavenly
Father for a new day that he gave us,
let us now put ourselves in praying

“Angel of God,
“Angel of God”
my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me
Ever this day be at my side
to light and guard to rule and
“You may now take your seat” (The pupils will sit down)

C. Checking of Attendance

“Okay class, Just say present as I call (The Pupils, will say present as they hear

your name” their names”

“It’s good to know that there is no

absentee/s for today”

D. Review
“Yes, Teacher”
“Do you still remember our topic

“Teacher, our topic yesterday was all

“What have we discussed yesterday”
about sizes”

“Very Good! Our topic yesterday was

“Teacher, The example of sizes are small,
all about sizes. Can you give me some
smaller, and smallest”

E. Motivation
“ Very Good, You really understand
( The pupils will sing and dance as thy
and remember our topic yesterday.
follow the “One little finger”)
Before we start our new topic, let us
all stand up and follow our energizer
for today”

F. Presentation of the Lesson

“ You may now take you seat, And
our lesson for today was about Thick (The pupils will sit down)
and Thin”

“Thick and Thin, are like our topic

yesterday. It is used to compare two

“I will show you some examples for

you to understand more about our
“The yellow pencil is Thick and the
green pencil is thin”

The book A is Thick and the book B

is thin.

The brush A is thick and the brush B

is thin.
“ Yes Teacher”

“Yes Teacher”
“Do you understand?”

“Okay, I’ll show you again some

examples and identify which is the “The black bottle is the Thick and the blue
thick and thin between the two, Do bottle is the Thin”
you understand?”
“In these two bottles, which is the
thick and the thin?
IV. Evaluation
Cross out the Thin objects, and color the Thick objects.
V. Assignment:
Circle the Thin object and Box the Thick object.

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