Examen de Inglés 3º de Educación Primaria

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Color the correct choice (Pinta la respuesta correcta).

1. Clara am/is/are my best friend.

2. I am/is/are an honest boy.

3. My toy cars am/is/are in the box.

4. We am/is/ are from Hong Kong.

5. Our dog am/is/are 5 years old.

6. You am/is/are tall and strong.

7. My father am/is/are a doctor.

8. They am/is/are my birthday presents.

9. Joe and I am/is/are good students.

Complete the phrases with the verb in present simple (completes las

frases con el verbo en presente simple).

1. Yolanda ____________ to work by bus. (go)

2. Leonard ____________ his brother. (help)

3. Marina _____________ nice songs. (sing)

4. They kids ___________ in the sea. (swim)

5. We ________________ our homework. (do)

6. Alexander ____________ lunch. (have)

7. Alice ________________ to be a dentist. (want)

8. Daniel _______________ his toys. (love)

9. Carina _______________ postcards to John. (send)

Write the sentences negative (Escribe las frases en negativo).

1. Rahul cycles to work every day. (-)

2. The shop closes at 7 o’clock. (-)


3. Ayaan eats vegetables. (-)


4. Anika watches Punjabi films (-)


5. You help your parents. (-)


6. Amar works at the pub. (-)


7. Tom makes his bed. (-)


8. My sister plays the drums. (-)


9. The clock strikes ten. (-)


Fill in don’t or doesn’t (Llena con don’t o doesn’t).

1. Bill _______________ play tennis every Sunday.

2. We _______________ go to the park.

3. Kirti _______________ like to eat fish.

4. Sham ______________ wear long dresses.

5. I _________________ like to get up early.

6. My brothers __________ like to drink milk.

7. My cousin ____________ know Italian well.

8. I _______________ like to walk with my dog.

9. Ram ____________ go to the gym.

10. They ____________ understand this rule.

11. We _____________ often go to the movies.

12. Lily _____________ wear shorts at all.

13. Timmy ____________ grow flowers in the garden.

Write the questions (escribe las preguntas).

1. Tomatoes/like/ do/ you/?


2. Do/ dinner/ with/ you/ your/ have/ family/?


3. Taste/ cucumber/ sandwiches/ good/ do/?


4. Bad/ taste/ does/ chocolate/?


5. Have/for/breakfast/do/you/biscuits/?


6. Messy/your/room/does/look/?

Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs. (Completa las

frases con la forma correcta de los verbos).

1. Chocolate _______________ (be) Brown and sweet.

2. We ____________________ (love) ham sandwiches.

3. I ____________________ (not like) this soup. It __________

(taste) salty.

4. Your bedroom _____________ (look) money.

5. They __________________ (not agree) with me.

6. My new snack ______________ (have got) bananas and cheese.

Write the words below the pictures (escribe las palabras relacionadas

con las imágenes).

Classify the food with salty, sweed or sour (Clasifica la comida con

salado, dulce o amargo).

Write the type of package for a snack (Escribe el tipo de paquete para

la merienda).


How do you say? (¿Cómo se dice esto?)



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